• Choose a convenient way to replenish your Bitcoin wallet. Shopping for Bitcoin: how to exchange cryptocurrency for rubles and where to spend it Where Bitcoin is accepted for payment

    But the fact remains: today it increasingly acts as a means of payment, which brings it closer to fiat money. And this, in turn, increases the prestige of the digital coin and allows it to be integrated into the global economy. Thus, BTC begins to play an increasingly significant role in everyday life. In this connection, questions naturally arise about how to pay with bitcoins and what can be bought through a cryptocurrency wallet.

    How to pay for services with bitcoins

    All over the world, many retail outlets and companies providing a variety of services accept digital money on an equal basis with regular ones. And even in Russia, this trend is gaining momentum, and we are talking not only about international online stores, but also about those that operate offline in Moscow, St. Petersburg and a number of other cities.

    • There are two ways to pay for goods and services with bitcoins in Russia: directly, without converting them into fiat, and indirectly, after first converting them into fiat and withdrawing them to Qiwi, Yandex Money, WebMoney or a bank card.
    • In the second case, you can use cryptocurrencies like ordinary money. But the purchasing process will be somewhat delayed.
    • In addition, there are other pitfalls. For example, you decide to spend some of your bitcoins on purchases at a store that does not directly accept them.
    • You need to go to the website Bestchage.ru, where a catalog of exchange services is collected. Using the filter, we generate a list of services that work with rubles. D
    • Next, select the site with the largest number of positive reviews. As a rule, he offers the most favorable rate and charges a relatively small commission.

    However, you need to prepare for the fact that it will not be low anyway - this is the biggest pitfall. Now you just need to follow the service’s recommendations, turn your cryptocurrency into fiat, and then pay with it as usual.

    Pay with Bitcoins directly

    Another option is to pay directly with bitcoins. In this case, you do not lose on commissions. However, first you need to find places that accept Bitcoin. If we are talking about Russia, then you can buy air tickets or pay for a hotel using the expedia.com service, buy food at PizzaFoCoins.com, Killfish and Burgerking, drink coffee at the Valenok and Coffe In cafes. In Tyumen, digital coins have recently been accepted by the network sports clubs NanoFitness. How to pay for BTC purchases offline - using your mobile phone. The seller must have a wallet program installed that generates a one-time address in the form of a QR code. It is transferred to the buyer, who scans it, decrypts it using the application and transfers digital coins to it.

    So sellers are risking their profits. On the other hand, if the exchange rate rises, they will be able to increase their income several times without effort.

    Pay on the website

    The easiest way to answer the question is how to pay with bitcoins on the site for the purchase of various goods. If the cryptocurrency payment system is integrated, then the transfer of digital coins occurs in the same way as electronic money from other systems - from a card, Qiwi, Yandex, etc. Today it is possible to pay with BTC on eBay and Amazon, Ulmart and AppStore. To find all the addresses, just look at the Coinmap, where all the points are marked, accepting bitcoins. Separately, it should be said about the popular Aliexpress platform. You won’t be able to spend digital coins directly on it, but you can bypass the ban using third-party payment services, such as Showpal, which is used by Internet users all over the world for purchases.

    Video: How to buy and pay for goods with bitcoins

    Payment with bitcoins is becoming an increasingly popular method of payment for purchased goods and services. Users can use this type of digital payment to pay for goods and services purchased both abroad and in the Russian Federation.

    Payment with bitcoins has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with in advance so that the process of purchasing goods does not cause you any significant difficulties.

    Payment in bitcoins. Peculiarities

    The popularity of digital money is constantly growing. Despite the fact that in the domestic market Bitcoin can be used to pay for goods in a small number of online stores, abroad the possibilities of using cryptocurrency as a means of payment are wider.

    Currently, most online stores in Europe and the USA accept Bitcoin as a means of payment for products sold. Modern possibilities for using digital money are not limited to online stores, since in Western countries it is possible to use cryptocurrency as a means of payment in real life.

    Having a certain number of coins, you can use them to pay bills in some cafes, as well as pay for ordered air tickets and taxi services. It should be noted that the possibilities of using Bitcoin as a means of payment are constantly increasing. Today, users have the opportunity to use digital money to solve the following problems:

    1. Payment of mobile communications, utility bills, etc.
    2. Purchasing exclusive items and various souvenirs via the Internet.
    3. Payment for social and transport services.
    4. Purchase of residential real estate, as well as a variety of luxury goods.
    5. Pay for hotel services, as well as purchase a variety of excursions and tours.

    Thus, we can conclude that payment with bitcoins can be made in almost all areas of life. Unfortunately, the domestic market does not keep up with modern trends, so the possibilities for using digital money for citizens of the Russian Federation are significantly limited.

    Payment with bitcoins in the Russian Federation

    As mentioned earlier, the ability to pay with bitcoins for purchased goods and services is significantly limited. Domestic users have to use the services of foreign Internet resources that accept Bitcoin as a means of payment for services and goods sold.

    It should be noted that the possibilities of using Bitcoin as a means of payment are constantly expanding. Today you have the opportunity to use digital money to solve the following problems:

    1. Pay for goods in some online stores.
    2. Pay bills in some bars, cafes, pubs and restaurants.
    3. Pay for the services of some travel and transport agencies.

    Thus, in the domestic market there is a certain number of companies that accept payment for goods and services supplied in bitcoins. In addition, there are exchangers on the domestic market that allow you to exchange your existing coins for regular money.

    It should be noted that most companies that accept Bitcoin as a means of payment charge clients a certain commission when making payments. For this reason, when comparing the price of a particular product in different online stores, you should definitely take into account the amount of commission fees charged.

    Bitcoin payments are also used in some specific areas. For example, a number of law firms, to ensure a higher level of confidentiality for their clients, accept Bitcoin as payment for services provided. Additionally, many charities accept donations in Bitcoin. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of people who want to donate anonymously, and modern digital money provides them with this opportunity.

    Currently, many companies use digital money for mutual settlements. Due to the fact that digital money transactions are almost impossible to trace, this approach allows firms to evade taxes. It is for this reason that the government of some countries has a negative attitude towards Bitcoin and other types of digital money.

    Bitcoin payment procedure

    Before you pay with bitcoins for the goods or services you like, you should make sure that your money will not fall into the hands of scammers and that you will actually receive the purchased products.

    To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, it is recommended to refuse the services of unverified online stores. When paying for goods and services from a Bitcoin wallet, you should be extremely careful. This is because, unlike transferring regular funds, Bitcoin transactions cannot be reversed. The reason for this situation is the absence of any legislative acts that recognize digital money as a full-fledged means of payment. According to the current standards of domestic legislation, Bitcoin does not have any value, so you will not be able to legally demand cancellation of the transaction and return of coins.

    The situation will change for the better only after the domestic government, based on the experience of some foreign countries, equates digital money to foreign currency.

    To get the most out of paying with Bitcoin, you should not convert your existing coins into regular money. This is due to the fact that when converting coins into currency, you will be charged a commission.

    The number of companies that accept digital money to pay for goods and services supplied is constantly increasing. If the government adopts the necessary laws regarding the circulation of digital money, then domestic users will be able to use Bitcoin as a means of payment both on the Internet and in real life.

    A digital alternative to traditional money. But so far, Bitcoin cannot compete with fiat currency.

    The site decided to find out what can be paid with bitcoins in Russia, how to pay with cryptocurrency, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using bitcoin as a means of payment, the future of cryptocurrency transactions.

    In the summer of 2017, only the lazy did not talk about cryptocurrency. If earlier Bitcoin was used on the darknet, paying for transactions for the purchase and sale of weapons and other illegal goods, then after the rate soared, people began to seriously think: can they turn the financial market upside down?

    Just a year ago, 99% of workers would have twirled their fingers at their temples when asked to receive their salaries in cryptocurrency. But today many already receive bitcoin instead of the ruble for their work. For example, Evgeny Savelyev, CEO of Huston Digital, works outsourced and receives a salary in cryptocurrency. Evgeniy works with cryptocurrencies and provides services for preparing mining farms and writing programs for collecting information.

    The CEO of the social network on the Golos.io blockchain, Sergei Simanovsky, lives similarly on cryptocurrency. There are many examples when employees receive salaries in bitcoins or many, but the work is related to cryptocurrency and outsourcing. There are no cases yet where a salesperson at Pyaterochka receives a salary in crypto. The reason for this is the attitude of the legislator towards Bitcoin, the ban on its use as a means of payment. And the seller, most likely, would be against receiving bitcoin instead of rubles.

    What is the advantage of using cryptocurrency - exchange for any currency of another country. What's the downside? Cryptocurrency has to be exchanged for fiat. Without this, it is impossible to fully use the money, since there are few services that accept Bitcoin for payment. Bitcoin is not accepted by the grocery store near your home, although the service is generally more common with individuals than with large companies.

    Payment with bitcoins in Russia, what goods and services can be purchased

    Shopping with Bitcoin in Russia is not very developed. But if you want to introduce a couple of tenths of Bitcoin into circulation, you can find many areas of application.

    Travel, hotels, air tickets

    If you have Bitcoin in your pocket, you can easily fly to the other side of the world. Use expedia.com to book flights, accommodations and even car rentals using Bitcoin. A similar service will be provided by cheapair.com and travelforcoins.com. And if you need to fly from St. Petersburg or Moscow using bitcoins, use the air carrier AirBaltic.

    Restaurants, cafes

    Inspired by the story of Laszlo Hynex, who spent 10,000 BTC on 2 pizzas in May 2010, the guys opened the website PizzaForCoins.com, where you can order pizza for Bitcoin. Enter the city, select possible pizzerias, place your order, pay - and warm pizza rushes to your home by courier. You can eat for Bitcoin at Killfish, BurgerKing, the Valenok restaurant on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, at the Headquarters coffee shop and Coffee In.

    Fitness clubs

    You can pay for a gym membership at NanoFitness in Tyumen and St. Petersburg. True, the owners of the fitness club said that they had to face the prosecutor’s office after they added Bitcoin to the payment methods. Since cryptocurrency is illegal, the legislator sees money laundering and tax evasion in transactions with Bitcoin. It is worth noting that the owners of establishments are not against paying taxes and introducing cryptocurrency into the legal field, but it is easier for the legislator to ban an unusual means of payment than to find competent regulation.

    Online stores

    eBay, Amazon, FastTech accept cryptocurrency. From Russian stores you can pay with Bitcoin at Ulmart. If you cannot find any product or store that accepts Bitcoin, contact the gyft.com service, which sells gift certificates.

    Other products and services

    You can buy VPNs, Microsoft software products and applications in the AppStore with Bitcoin. Using cpay.io you can transfer Bitcoin to your phone.

    Oddly enough, cryptocurrency is very popular among individual entrepreneurs and private legal entities. Find out if your tattoo artist or manicurist accepts Bitcoin as payment. In small towns it’s unlikely, but if you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, this situation is real. The reason for this is ease of use. There is no need to contact banks, write papers to provide a terminal, or enter into an agreement to open and maintain an account. To pay with Bitcoin you need a mobile phone and the Internet.

    How to pay with cryptocurrency: algorithm of actions

    Payment in bitcoins is made directly from wallet to wallet. The cryptocurrency payment algorithm looks like this:

    • The merchant generates the payment and creates a Bitcoin address.
    • The buyer receives a Bitcoin address and pays for the product or service from the account.

    As a rule, the address is created in the form of a QR code for convenience. The buyer scans the code and confirms payment.

    Advantages of paying BTC for purchases

    1. Unlike fiat currency, Bitcoin transactions are protected by a consensus mechanism using cryptography.
    2. Bitcoin cannot be counterfeited. Despite the high degree of security of paper money, cases of counterfeiting still occur.
    3. Bitcoin is issued by miners in the quantities necessary to carry out transactions. You can’t just print cryptocurrencies and then carry out denomination and devaluation - there are no such phenomena in cryptocurrency.
    4. Transactions with BTC are anonymous, the owner’s personal information is disclosed only in the case of withdrawal of the cryptocurrency into fiat.
    5. Bitcoin eliminates the participation of intermediaries in the transaction. There is no need to pay interest on transactions to banks and payment systems. In the world of cryptocurrency, only exchangers and exchanges keep a percentage when converting currencies. And the internal percentage for the transaction is extremely small.

    In other words, due to anonymity, Bitcoin allows you not to declare income. Transactions with cryptocurrency are more secure than with regular currency. Hackers launch attacks on, but they are rarely successful.

    Disadvantages of using Bitcoin as a means of payment

    1. Electricity required. This drawback also applies to fiat electronic money in plastic card accounts. In this regard, coins and paper banknotes will give a head start to any cryptocurrencies.
    2. Transactions using Bitcoin are illegal. Most countries recognize their national currency as legal tender. The legislator of the Russian Federation followed this path, considering that Bitcoin and other coins are not legal means of payment. That is, transactions made using cryptocurrency are outside the legal framework and are not subject to the application of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. If you pay for an item with cryptocurrency but do not receive it, it will be impossible to prove anything in court. This gives space for scammers, swindlers and dishonest people.
    3. High volatility of cryptocurrency. Volatility is price variability. A striking example of volatility is the story of American Laszlo Hynex, who in 2010 bought 2 pizzas for 10,000 BTC. At that time, the rate of 1 bitcoin was $0.5. Today, even taking into account the collapse in the exchange rate, 10,000 BTC costs $32,997,121.35. You can lose big on transactions using cryptocurrency or, conversely, win.

    Russia and the rest of the world: comparing the availability of goods for bitcoin

    To see how things are going with cryptocurrency in other countries, RusCoins.info recommends turning to the Coinmap.org service. It is a world map with geolocations of ATMs and establishments that accept Bitcoin. A similar service is provided by SpendBitcoins.com. A Bitcoin ATM will help you find the CoinATMRadar service.

    In Europe and America, Bitcoin has become as common a means of payment as Visa or MasterCard. In Russia, unfortunately, not yet. The same goes for the neighbors. In Belarus in Minsk, Bitcoin is accepted for payment in an Apple equipment store, an automotive electronics store, an electronic cigarette and mobile phone store. Some private entrepreneurs accept Bitcoin as rent for an apartment for a day. In the regional city of Brest, Bitcoin is accepted at the Altair cafe.

    However, for the payment to take place legally, the scheme is a little complicated: first, the owner of the establishment makes a card payment through the cash register, and the buyer already transfers the cryptocurrency from the wallet to the owner’s account. In small towns such as Molodechno and Baranovichi, it is possible to pay with bitcoin in cafes and online stores, but so far no one has expressed a desire to pay a check in cryptocurrency.

    A striking transaction using cryptocurrency happened in Minsk in the summer of 2017. In the wake of cryptocurrency hype, an article appeared on the Internet that teacher Gennady bought a two-room apartment in the center of Minsk for bitcoins. While his peers were mastering “tanks” and other games, Gennady quietly mined bitcoins for his apartment.

    Also in 2017, in Minsk they tried to sell a 4-room apartment for 30 BTC. We don’t know whether the owners of the apartment managed to find buyers, but the advertisement is no longer on the website.

    has not yet been recognized as an official or separate currency, but you can still pay with this virtual money in our country. According to recent studies, the easiest way to pay for goods and services with bitcoins is in Croatia, because there it has already received the status of a “private currency”. The situation with payment with virtual money both in Russia and Ukraine, Belarus is somewhat difficult; as a rule, enthusiasts of their business work with cryptocurrency. This year you can pay with bitcoins in some private shops on the Internet, cafes and even restaurants. Large companies with a classical management structure do not yet support this innovation and do not accept the currency.

    Is it possible to pay with bitcoins in Russia?

    In Russia, you can pay for goods and services with bitcoins, but you need to understand that there are few such organizations in the country. The easiest way in this regard is for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Residents of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Novgorod, and Rostov-on-Don also have the opportunity to pay with bitcoins. Payment with virtual money in small cities is difficult; there, only payment via the Internet may work.

    There are two ways to pay with bitcoins in Russia. The first is the transfer of the amount to the company’s wallet. Offline payment looks different. When implementing it the seller indicatesbarcode, containing information directly about the service or product and the required amount. The buyer, using the application installed on the phone, scans the code and transfers money to the account. The scanning procedure inherently replaces the direct transfer of funds from hand to hand to the seller.

    What can you pay with cryptocurrency?

    Paying for online purchases using cryptocurrency is the most popular method. Now many foreign stores, keeping up with the times, are ready to accept bitcoins. Most often this applies to those companies that work in the IT field. However, it is possible to pay and products of companies that supply other products.

    In general, in the world, especially where virtual money is no longer a novelty, you can use it to buy almost all types of goods and services (food, clothing, sporting goods, furniture, travel packages, healthcare services, ordering food at home). If you use foreign resources, then paying with cryptocurrency will not be difficult. The situation in Russia is still ambiguous and many companies do not risk accepting virtual currency due to the instability of the exchange rate.

    Where do they accept bitcoins for payment?

    In Russia, if we take into account only giant corporations, only Microsoft is officially working with bitcoins. Paying for a purchase with your bitcoins will not be a problem; in this company, payment in this way is no longer perceived as something supernatural. It is also possible to make purchases via the Internet. But there are a number of other companies, primarily located in the capital, that are ready to work with virtual money.

    You can pay with bitcoins in Russia at the popular youth restaurant chain Subway. They accept bitcoins at the current rate.

    Important! If the restaurant is a franchise, it may not offer payment for food and drinks in bitcoins. You need to find out initially whether the establishment has the opportunity to pay in this way.

    There are also a number of companies operating in Moscow that allow you to pay for the purchase of goods with bitcoin. Among them are:

      • Neovima (sale of bags, backpacks and other products of this type).
      • Amway (cosmetics company, home care products).
      • ProClimate (ventilation systems and related products).

    Also in Moscow, a market consisting of private entrepreneurs who are ready to accept cryptocurrency is rapidly developing. In this way you can buy portraits, photographs, rent a hotel room, order the services of a guide or translator, and the like. You can find those who provide services on thematic websites.

    The virtual money market is also widespread in St. Petersburg. The FactTech chain of stores, Zavist bars, several eateries and home delivery offer this opportunity. However, it is worth understanding that the topic of cryptocurrency is now very popular, and some companies make this payment method possible just to attract customers.

    You can find out more about which companies in Russia accept bitcoins by using the coinmap.org card. If you need to search for a specific establishment, it is better to use the search engine spendabit.co.

    How does payment work?

    There are currently two ways to pay with Bitcoin. The first, which is essentially a simple exchange of virtual funds for ordinary or electronic ones, is the transfer of the amount to the company’s wallet. The “correct” payment method is not yet so widespread, but this is what the creators of the currency propose to use. Upon payment the seller indicatesdefinite barcode, which contains the necessary set of information about the service or product itself and the required amount. The buyer using the installed on his phone or another application device scans this code. The scanning procedure is essentially identical to when the client transfers finances from hand to hand to the seller. Paying this way will not take more than a few seconds. The procedure can be carried out anonymously if desired.

    How to accept payment in bitcoins

    Accepting payments in bitcoins is a new method that Russian managers are just beginning to explore. The main advantage of paying in this way is that there is no need to contact intermediaries. But there is also an obstacle - you will have to create a unique address for the new user account. First, the seller needs to create an API key or buy one. This key is responsible for monitoring Bitcoin addresses. When receiving money, the key notifies the server using a callback. You can also use the popular services Coinbase or BitPay, which allow you to integrate receiving money in bitcoins. System maintenance costs a standard amount.

    Unfortunately, Bitcoin is taking root slower in Russia than in Western countries. In many ways, this trend can be explained by the ambiguous attitude on the part of the state, which either prohibits cryptocurrency or takes measures to legalize it. But even despite difficult conditions, BTC coins are gradually penetrating various areas of Russian life. Already in the Russian Federation there are online services, as well as physical institutions where you can pay with Bitcoins. In this review, we will find out in detail what a domestic user can spend on the most popular digital asset of our time.

    Where can I pay with Bitcoins in Russia for goods and services?

    As mentioned above, the promotion is not as smooth as many cryptocurrency users would like. But the process is still going on and it seems unstoppable. At the time of writing (08/07/2018), we were able to find dozens of institutions that accept payment in BTC coins, and Moscow and St. Petersburg are far from the only cities where this method of payment is welcomed.

    So, among the offline and online stores where you can pay with Bitcoins, we have identified the following:

    1. Sistema LLC (spbsis.ru)- an online hardware store where you can purchase computers, laptops, smartphones, office equipment (printers, scanners), monitors, technical accessories (keyboards, mice, webcams). In addition, the resource sells licensed software. You can pay for purchases in cash, by bank card, by transfer to Yandex.Wallet and, best of all, with Bitcoins.
    2. Lantern and Lamp- an interesting store, which is a group on VKontakte (vk.com/lamp66). On this resource you can buy kerosene lamps, lanterns, as well as consumables for them. The advertisements initially indicate the price in rubles, but you can also pay with Bitcoins or other cryptocurrency.
    3. LLC "NK-MARKET" GPU4YOU- web resource gpu4you.ru, where you can buy video cards for PCs. Prices are indicated in rubles, but the site has a separate page that explains how to purchase a GPU with crypto coins. In addition to Bitcoin, this online store accepts Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, LiteCoin, ZCASH and DASH.
    4. Generator MSK- online resource generator.msk.ru, which sells generators and other energy supply systems. The store is located in Moscow, but products are delivered throughout Russia. As on other resources, the cost of goods is indicated in rubles, but you can contact the manager and discuss the purchase for Bitcoins.
    5. G-SHINE (g-shine.ru)- another clothing store that accepts Bitcoin payments. It is located in St. Petersburg, but delivers its products throughout Russia and the CIS countries.
    6. Poppers- an online store selling intimate goods (poppers.su). The company delivers its products to cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. You can pay for purchases by bank transfers, through the QIWI and Yandex.Money payment systems. It is also possible to purchase the product you like using BTC coins.
    7. Yarn59- Perm yarn store, which has a physical address in Perm and an online store yarn59.ru. On the website you can select a product remotely and pay for the purchase by bank transfer, Bitcoin or through the Yandex.Money system.
    8. Kokedama.ru- an online store selling designer Christmas trees, bonsai trees and even indoor hanging gardens. You can pay for your order via PayPal, Ethereum or Bitcoin.
    Shops and catering establishments are not far behind. In particular, you can pay for your order with Bitcoins in the following places:
    • Burger King- popular fast food chain;
    • Subway- fast food restaurant in the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow region;
    • Envy- St. Petersburg network of cabaret bars for adults (official website - zavist.bar);
    • Tea club- a restaurant offering many types of tea (located in the Zyablikovo district of Moscow).
    Naturally, Bitcoins are readily accepted by companies operating in the IT field. Among them are the following:
    1. Selectel (selectel.ru)- a company developing IT infrastructure for business. You can explore the full range of services provided at.
    2. PR-Club (pr-club.org)- a team dedicated to promoting Instagram accounts.
    3. Sichkar Group (sichkargroup.com)- a company providing business promotion services. One of the key vectors of her activity is Digital marketing, which includes the creation of viral videos that will allow people to quickly learn about a new brand. All necessary information about the company can be found on its official website.
    Among other services for which you can pay with Bitcoins, we have highlighted:
    1. Business promotion through the Moscow company Brandme.Agency (brandme.agency).
    2. Services of a professional Moscow photographer Alexander Padezhov. Payment is possible in any cryptocurrency. The cost is recalculated at the exchange rate at the time of the transaction. A full list of services and prices can be found on the website padejov.ru.
    3. Car tuning in the Ton24 service (ton24.ru). The company provides services for glass tinting (several types), their repair, as well as car sound insulation. The service operates around the clock. It is located in the city of Yekaterinburg.
    4. Flower delivery in the city of Ufa through the company LAVKA (lavka-flowers.ru).
    5. Payment for subscriptions to the Nano Fitness fitness club. This club operates in St. Petersburg and Tyumen. Detailed information about this establishment can be found on the website nanofitness.ru.
    6. Payment for tow truck services in Krasnodar. Bitcoins are accepted by the company AvtoTuksir (evak123.ru).
    7. Driving lessons at driving school No. 1 in Kazan. Full information about this institution can be found on the website like-autoschool.ru.
    8. Production of shower cabins to order through the Moscow company MOSSTEKLOMONTAZH (official website - steklo1.rf).
    It is clear that on the scale of Russia, such a number of offline and online points of sale that accept Bitcoin payments seems insignificant. However, their presence is already a good sign, giving hope that soon the vast majority of institutions will switch to payments in cryptocurrency.

    Pay attention! Not all of the institutions discussed above indicate on their websites that they accept Bitcoin. However, at the time of writing (08/10/2018) they are listed in the database of the coinmap.org platform, which displays shops, bars, hotels and other establishments that accept payments in cryptocurrency. Therefore, before ordering services, it is necessary to clarify whether payment in BTC is possible.

    Where can I pay with Bitcoins for buying an apartment or a car?

    If we consider this type of transaction as the purchase of an apartment for Bitcoins in Russia, then things here are, to put it mildly, not very good. Many people still do not trust cryptocurrencies, even despite their rapid growth abroad. Skeptical sentiments are strengthened by the inertia of the government, which cannot decide on the status of digital assets. But this does not mean that you should not try to carry out these transactions.

    You can use online message boards where people list houses and apartments for sale. For example, you can visit the site domofond.ru or sbagry.com. The price of real estate on these platforms is indicated in rubles, but nothing prevents you from contacting the owner and offering payment in Bitcoins at the current rate. In such searches, it is better to focus on residents of large cities, because in this case you will have a better chance of finding a person who will agree to pay in cryptocurrency.

    The situation with purchasing cars for BTC looks much more pleasant. You can go to the website auto.drom.ru at any time and find an advertisement in which the owner is considering the option of selling for crypto coins. As a rule, such advertisements stand out from the rest. For example, in the title photo it says that it is possible to purchase for BTC. Some authors place a cryptocurrency coin on the photo of the car. Sometimes you can solve the purchase issue in a combined way: pay partly in rubles, and partly in Bitcoins. The good thing about the auto.drom.ru platform is that it shows offers from all cities of Russia. In addition, advertisements always contain the most important information about the car: year of manufacture, mileage, transmission type, and so on.

    • Read also about how it is in Russia.
    Since the purchase of an apartment or car is classified as a major transaction, when making them it is necessary to exercise maximum caution and take into account some risks:
    • the court may declare the purchase/sale agreement invalid, since payments using Bitcoins are not officially permitted;
    • after payment, the owner may refuse to transfer rights to the property;
    • you can run into a scammer (this applies to both the selling and buying sides);
    • There may be problems with the tax authorities in the future.
    Thus, it is better not to start using Bitcoins when making large transactions (at least when buying apartments). The sale of cars for cryptocurrency is slowly getting better, but this area is also fraught with dangers. Even if long-term mining of crypto coins has allowed you to accumulate them in large quantities, it is better to exchange them for fiat money and only then make a purchase. This way you will minimize the risk and protect yourself from problems with the tax authorities.

    How to pay with Bitcoins for goods and services, what should you consider?

    To make a purchase, you just need to transfer Satoshi to , which will be provided to you by an online store or offline institution. If you purchase goods at home, you can use a software client (Bitcoin Core, Electrum, mSigna). If you need to pay on the spot, it is better to have an online wallet (, Cryptonator, Coin.Space) or a full-fledged mobile wallet (Airbitz, ArcBit, Bither, BRD).

    When paying for goods and services with Bitcoins, several factors must be taken into account:

    1. Money does not arrive in your account immediately, so you need to leave a certain time reserve and not do everything at the last moment.
    2. To make transfers of small amounts, it is better to use centralized services (like blockchain.com). Platforms of this kind store users’ private keys on their server. This allows the system to process payment transactions faster (it is enough to just change the information in the account of a specific person). This way, you won’t have to wait long for the transaction to be confirmed (which is especially important if the purchase takes place in an offline store).
    3. It is recommended to increase the amount of the commission fee, because the speed of the transfer directly depends on it. However, remember that not everyone is given this opportunity.
    4. Ask the recipient for confirmation that the money has arrived in his wallet. To a greater extent, this applies to paying for purchases at offline points (bars, coffee shops). This way you can avoid problems and misunderstandings.
    5. Remember that sometimes Bitcoin transactions can get stuck. Therefore, you need to track the status of a specific transfer. This can be done on the blockchain.com or chain.so service. To avoid delays and freezes, it is recommended not to save on commissions. The larger it is, the higher the priority of the transaction and the faster it will be added to the new block.

    How to find stores that accept Bitcoin payments?

    Map of points accepting Bitcoins on the Coinmap service

    It’s not hard to guess that new points where you can pay with Bitcoins appear almost every day. To make it easier for you to find suitable stores and monitor the emergence of new establishments, we recommend using the following platforms:
    1. Coinmap (coinmap.org) is an interactive world map that displays all the stores selling goods for BTC. On the global map, such establishments are shown as heat signatures, but using approximation, you can find out their exact address (just click on the icon).
    2. SpendBitcoins (spendbitcoins.com)- another search engine designed in the form of an interactive map. So far, it is inferior in content to the previous resource, but gradually its base is expanding. Unfortunately, at the moment the SpendBitcoins platform does not contain information regarding Russian institutions that accept cryptocurrency. But it can already be used to search for stores and service centers in Europe and the USA.
    We should also highlight the online platform coinatmradar.com. This service does not show points where you can buy goods with Bitcoins. However, it displays the location of Bitcoin ATMs so you can exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat money. The interactive map covers the whole world, including Russia. The site is useful if you only have BTC coins with you, but no store nearby accepts them.

    So we looked at where you can pay with Bitcoins on the territory of the Russian Federation and how to do it. As you can see, in Russia there are not yet very many establishments that welcome payments in cryptocurrency (especially if we consider this issue on the scale of the whole country). But let’s hope that this is just the beginning, and when the government finally decides to legalize Bitcoin and other digital assets, the lion’s share of stores, service centers and large companies will finally approve the acceptance of cryptocurrency payments.

    Video about what you can buy for Bitcoin in Moscow: