• High ping - what to do? What is ping in games? Program to lower ping. The concept of ping on the Internet, what it depends on

    Interactions between computers on a network are based on network connections. For the user, the connection between his computer and the server (game, mail) means that the server and the user's computer can exchange data.

    Data Forwarding Basics

    Playing online, checking and sending mail, searching for information through an Internet search engine is an exchange of data between the client (user’s computer) and the server.

    Since the client is usually remote from the server - the World of Warcraft game server in London, and the client is a Russian schoolboy in Penza - sending data from the client to the server and the server's response to the client takes time.

    The time it takes data to travel from client to server is called request latency. The time that data spends on its way from the server to the client is the response delay.

    Since any connection is a “dialogue” between the client and the server via the TCP/IP protocol stack, the main thing is the total response delay time and request delay time - the bidirectional forwarding time. This time is called ping (Ping)

    Ping is the time spent on the path of a data packet from the client to the server and back.

    How to measure ping

    Initially, the word ping came from the name of the utility, which is part of the system programs of the Windows operating system. It is stored in C:\Windows\System32 among other system files.

    Ping utility location

    The purpose of the program is to assess the quality of network connections by assessing the request/response delay.

    It is launched from the command line. To do this, press the key combination WIN+R. A run window will open:

    Command Prompt Window

    To do this, you need to launch the Windows console (command line) and call the ping command from it. You can launch the command line in different ways.

    1 way

    1. click on the Start button
    2. select All programs from the menu that opens
    3. select Standard
    4. From the list of standard programs, select Command Prompt

    Method 2

    1. click on the Start button
    2. select the Run menu item
    3. in the window that opens, in the Open line, write cmd
    4. click on the OK button
    5. command prompt will open

    Whichever method you choose, you should end up with a command prompt opening. Now you need to enter the ping command on the command line and, separated by a space, the server address (you can enter the IP address or site URL).

    Note! If you need to check the ping to the game server, enter the address of this server. If you need to check the Internet ping (the quality of the Internet connection), enter the address of a known working server - for example, yandex.ru or google.com.

    The address can be entered without http:// and/or www. For example, like this:

    How to interpret the results of a ping request?

    After entering the address, press the Enter key and monitor the results. When pinging a server, the results indicate:

    • size of the sent packet in bytes (default - 32 bytes)
    • response time in milliseconds
    • TTL (packet lifetime) - the time that the computer will wait for a response from the server

    By default, four packets are sent to the server, after which the results of the ping check are displayed: the total number of packets sent, the number of received packets, the number of lost packets, the percentage of losses, the maximum, minimum and average packet round-trip time.

    If not all packets have arrived, or if the spread between the maximum and minimum round trip times is too large, then this may be a sign of network problems. Sometimes problems with the passage of packets (especially large ones) are caused by an enabled antivirus or firewall, so it is better to disable it before checking the ping.

    Is it possible to check ping more accurately?

    To check ping more accurately, you can independently set ping parameters (number of packets sent, packet size, packet lifetime, etc.). Special keys are used for this:

    • -n sets the number of packets to be sent, for example ping google.com -n 10 means that 10 packets will be sent to the server; between n and the number of packages you need to put a space
    • -t sets an infinite number of packets to be sent: they will be sent until you stop ping manually
    • -l sets the packet size, for example ping google.com -l 64 means that packets of 64 bytes in size will be sent to the server; You need to put a space between l and the packet size

    You can use multiple keys at the same time. If you want to interrupt the ping, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

    You can also check your ping using services for: many of them check not only speed, but also ping.

    The connection between your computer and some site located on the server that you are viewing does not occur in a straight line!

    Therefore, when testing on a site, find a server from which testing gives the best results.

    If there are problems with communication, first check the contacts (power sockets, connectors, wires, routers, circuit boards, etc.).
    Windows network settings affect the speed of your Internet connection, but if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it!

    Pingtest test.

    Before testing the service to determine the quality of the network, the servers closest to you will be checked and the server with the minimum delay time in relation to your computer will be selected.

    Rice. Screenshot of the test page to determine network characteristics.

    This test measures three indicators characterizing network quality:

    1. Packet Loss- loss of packets when receiving/transmitting from a server on the Internet and your computer. A good network is characterized by packet losses within 0% -1%.
    2. Ping- the time spent receiving packets from your computer to the Server on the Internet and back. Acceptable broadband connection quality should be less than 100 ms.
    3. Jitter- The result of calculating the difference when measuring successive pings. An ideal network is characterized by - 0 ms. In a real network, the ping difference is greater than zero.


    Internet network quality classification:
    • A - Great. MOS is greater than 4.37. Ping below 50ms and 0% packet loss
    • B - Okay. MOS from 4.28 to 4.37. Ping below 90ms and 0% packet loss. Network quality is not suitable for all online games.
    • C - Satisfactory. MOS from 4.00 to 4.37. Ping below 150ms and 1% packet loss. Poor for online games and Internet telephony; for streaming video, the quality of the Internet is acceptable.
    • D - Unsatisfactory. MOS from 2.50 to 3.99. Ping below 300ms and 3% packet loss. In such a network, all Internet applications will work poorly.
    • F - Very bad. MOS is less than 2.50. Ping below 500ms and 20% packet loss. You should contact your provider to resolve the problem.

    Note: M.O.S.- Mean Opinion Score - an indicator of the quality of voice message transmission. In this case, it is determined by software methods and assessed on a five-point scale. Best score - 5 points

    As we all know, the quality of the Internet is determined by the speed of the connection. In addition to speed, there is also such a thing as “ping”. What is it and why is it so important.

    Ping is the time spent transmitting data from the client to the server and back. The shorter this time, the better, the better your Internet connection. A good ping is very important for fans of online games, because if it is very high, then it will be almost impossible to play.

    This value is measured in milliseconds. A ping within 50ms is considered optimal, up to 100ms is still within acceptable limits. If it is higher, then your Internet leaves much to be desired. It is impossible to resolve this problem yourself; you need to contact your provider.

    How can you check what your ping is to a specific server?

    To do this, if you have Windows 7, then click “Start” and write cmd in the search bar and click on the found program. For Windows XP click "Start - Run" and write cmd in the window that opens.

    It was we who found the command line, which could also be found by clicking "Start - All Programs - Accessories"

    In order to determine ping, the corresponding ping command is used. If you type it and press enter, you can get help regarding this command.

    Let's now check the ping against the Google search engine. To do this, enter the following command: ping google.com (separated by a space).

    As you can see in the screenshot, the average value is 42ms, which is not bad at all. Instead of the site address, you can write the IP address of the server against which you are measuring the ping.

    To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping is used, which sends an ICMP protocol request to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result received in response from this device.

    That is, the ping command helps to identify the period of time required to transfer certain data from one device to another.

    The lower the latency, the faster the connection between two nodes.

    What is ping

    Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one network device will be delivered to another device on the network and returned back.

    The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open an Internet page.

    There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first one. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the access speed of certain network devices. It can be used as the main means of determining the return period of packets along the route of interest.

    Ping should be used with any Internet node, including to monitor the quality of the connection to terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the connection at the physical (break, cable damage, network card failure, etc.) and software (for example, blocking of all network traffic) levels.

    Pinging is when you send a certain number of data packets from one device to another device, both on a local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packets, it is possible to obtain information on the quality of the connection.

    If there are no responses received from the device being tested, it means there are connection problems. Packets that do not come back are called “losses”. The greater the number of lost packets, the worse it is. If all sent packets are lost, this means either a lack of network connection or the inaccessibility of the pinged device.

    The ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable the connection between nodes.

    Video: checking ping

    Verification methods

    To check the connection using ping, you can either run the ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

    Via command line

    To check ping via cmd you need to do the following sequence of actions:

    • Open the command line in one of three ways:


    An alternative option for checking ping to the server online is to use online services. These Internet services allow you to check the availability of an information resource and the waiting time of users.

    Let's look at the most common of them:

    How to check ping to a router

    The fastest and easiest way on Windows to check ping to your router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its IP address. It is usually applied to the back of the router body. Most often the router has the following IP address

    In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

    If the router has an IP address of (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

    The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “C”, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

    This result indicates that the IP address is accessible and responses to ICMP requests are being received. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its accessibility from the workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the router settings through its web interface.

    If the router's IP address is unavailable and there is no response from the device, then the result of executing the ping command is as follows:

    In such a situation, you need to check what IP address is set in the network card settings, try changing the port in the router and, as a last resort, reset the router settings to factory settings.

    Usually we talk about ping when the time between operations on a local network or the Internet increases, or when there is no response from the recipient. For example, quite often you need to check your ping in relation to search engines. Comfort during online games often depends on ping.

    It is wise to check the ping to the game server before playing. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable the network experience.

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you actively use the Internet, and especially if you play online games, then you have undoubtedly heard about such a thing as ping.

    Sometimes problems arise with it when it is too high, and the question arises of how to lower the ping. Sometimes for this they even change the Internet provider, reinstall the system and perform other difficult actions.

    However, many have heard this word only occasionally and have no idea what it is. So I'll start at the beginning with what ping is, why it's so important, and how you can test it. Well, in conclusion I will mention something that can affect its reduction. I hope it will be interesting.

    In general, the word “ping” has two similar interpretations. In everyday life ping is called checking the quality of the Internet channel to see how fast signals travel through it. If it’s fast, it means the channel is good, which is especially critical for those who play online games in which events unfold a little faster than in chess.

    You've probably heard about a game like Counter Strike - an online shooter (first-person shooter), when you play via the network with a group of players like you and each of you controls the actions of your character via the Internet. What does ping have to do with it, you ask? But at the same time.

    Let's say that you have spotted your enemy and pressed the shoot button. What happens? The signal from the gaming program installed on your computer goes via the Internet to the server (a special computer that can be located anywhere on the network) where the game is running. But the Internet is not an abstract thing, but physical devices through which the signal you send will go. AND signal speed along this path can be completely different.

    Very often in everyday life it is the response speed that is meant when talking about ping. Those. how quickly a signal from your computer travels through the network to another computer (or server) and then returns back to you. If the ping is very large (it is usually measured in milliseconds), then your game will ungodly lag, slow down and become dull. And you will be ready to smash your mouse and keyboard on the monitor screen.

    How could it be otherwise if you don’t have time to do anything with such monstrous delays in transmitting your actions and receiving a response to them. While your shot signal goes to the server and comes back, you may already be shot (and more than once).

    Low ping can drive an avid gamer into a frenzy, and a simple Internet user will not be very pleased to wait a long time for pages to open in the browser. But still, the issues of checking and reducing ping (increasing response speed) are primarily of concern to online players.

    How to check ping?

    Just above I said that the word “ping” has two interpretations. I explained one of them (everyday) a little higher. But the second is based on the fact that there is such a ping program (on all operating systems that can work with the Internet), which allows you to send a test package to any Internet node that has an IP address (a computer on the network, a server, a router, etc. ) and measure the time it takes for it to return back.

    Exactly this time is called ping(delay or lag). The test package is light in weight and is sent using a special service protocol. Due to the latter circumstance, not in all cases a high ping (long delay time between sending and receiving) will indicate a bad Internet channel, because problems with signal transmission can only arise through this service channel, and on the main channel everything will fly with a bang .

    But in most cases, you can equate high ping with a bad channel (not suitable for online games). It is impossible to play an online shooter (or any other non-turn-based strategy game) if the ping is 300 milliseconds (a third of a second). But if it is 15-20 ms, then everything is just fine and you won’t even need to know what it is, much less how it is measured. Interest in pinging arises mainly when problems and serious lags appear.

    So, to check ping, you don’t need to download or install anything additional. If you are, then the current average (or maximum) ping value (and often fps - rendering speed in frames per second) will most likely be displayed somewhere in the interface of your game.

    If you haven’t found it or you are interested in the response speed without application to gaming fun, then there are no special problems here either. As I already mentioned, all operating systems have built-in ping programs. Due to the fact that I am not familiar with Linux, I will explain using the example of Windows.

    What needs to be done in Windows to check ping? It's not enough to be banal:

    There is also online services for, which will often also check ping (the time it takes for the test signal to travel from your computer to their server). But still, the method described above is the most reliable in terms of measurement accuracy.

    In addition to measuring the travel time of a test signal, this program (ping) is often used to ping server or router. In this case, the fact of receiving a response will be important in itself, and not the time it took to send and receive it. By pinging different network devices you can often localize a breakdown in a chain of devices (this is exactly what I do at work). In general, it’s a useful thing :)

    How to reduce (lower) ping?

    If your ping value is very critical, and it is unfortunately very high (such that it creates problems with online games or even when working in a browser), then you naturally begin to wonder if it is possible to lower it somehow. In principle, it is possible, but it is not always possible to reduce ping with simple manipulations.

    What can determine response time?:

    1. From your Internet Service Provider.
      1. What is important here is not even the width of the channel, but its quality. You can get a ping of 300 ms on a 100 megabit channel (), or you can get 4 ms on a 10 megabit channel. If carried out, then a six-lane gravel road will be a priori slower than a two-lane, but asphalt road.
      2. However, channel width still matters. A narrow channel may cause poor response time because... lags can occur due to banal congestion of the channel (packets simply cannot get through). This can be compared to traffic jams on a road that is well paved but too narrow to handle the existing traffic.
    2. From the game server. It may not have a high-quality or too narrow Internet connection, which is why many people experience slowdowns and lags in their games.
    3. From the location of the game server. It may simply be too far from you, and the signal passing through many dozens of intermediate nodes slows down and may even be partially lost.
    4. From the signal passing from your computer’s network card to the file of the game you are running. There can be a lot of reasons affecting ping - from viruses to broken operating system settings.

    Actually, from all of the above comes advice that can help you lower your ping to an acceptable value, when it will no longer affect the comfortable use of your computer on the network.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    The global network has become firmly established in our lives. Purchases are made via the Internet, payments for various types of services are made, chats and negotiations are conducted. However, it is quite common for a site or server to drop connections. In this case, you will need to determine the availability of the access endpoint. You can check the response from the server in the following ways:

    • through the command interpreter (command processor, command line) with the “ping” key;
    • through the command interpreter using the “tracert” key;
    • using an Internet browser.

    Conducting tests is useful when choosing a game server, a site with video recordings, or when posting your own files for public access. It should be remembered that even when sending from the same city, to the same site, the “ping” time can be different - this is due to network congestion, connection speed, and even the route of sending the packet.

    Note! We will talk about routing network traffic in the chapter dedicated to the command “tracert."

    Step 1. The interpreter is launched through the Run dialog box. To call it, use the combination “Win ​​+ R”. In the window, enter the launch key “cmd” and click “OK” in the window, or the “Enter” key on the keyboard.

    Step 2. In the interpreter, enter the key “ping [address or name of site/server]” and press “Enter”.

    By default, four packets are sent. If a response is received, a line is displayed indicating the number of bytes transferred, the time the response was received (in milliseconds), and the packet lifetime (from English TTL - Time To Live, in milliseconds).

    Important! A response time of up to 150 milliseconds is considered normal, and a good response time of up to 100 milliseconds. Despite the fact that the measurements were made on a wired network (namely, twisted pair), these values ​​are relevant for any data transmission medium (you are unlikely to have the desire to watch video through a browser in “16K” resolution).

    The number of bytes in the packet is, in principle, not very important. The response time is the very parameter by which the speed of the Internet connection is judged. Lifetime refers to the time period in which a data packet is active. If the packet does not reach its destination within its TTL, it is deleted.

    In the event that the ping does not work, it makes sense to use additional keys that are indicated in the table.

    Key with additional parameterResult of use
    ping [address or name of site/server] –tSending packages until canceled by the user (cancel by pressing “Ctrl+C”)
    ping [address or name of site/server] –n [number]Sending packets, the number is equal to the specified number (the parameter is written without square brackets)
    ping [address or name of site/server] –i [number]Changing the lifetime of a package
    ping [address or name of site/server] -4Work exclusively with IPv4 protocols
    ping [address or name of site/server] -6Work exclusively with IPv6 protocols

    Important! A complete list of parameters and examples of their use can be found by searching “ping/?” in the interpreter.

    If, after increasing the lifetime, the response is still not received, then you should try to “ping” another site or address - perhaps the problems are not the fault of your provider, but the fault of the site/server owner.

    Working with the key "tracert"

    The previous key is a simple check of the physical connection to the server. “Ping” protocols (IP and TCP) do not have delivery confirmation; roughly speaking, they are a letter “To Grandfather in the Village.” The “tracert” key (from the English “trace route” - tracing route) allows you to track not only the response from the server, but also provides data about the node stations. For systems of the Windows family, the key uses ICMP protocols (from the English "Internet Control Message Protocol" - Internet control message protocol), for Linux and Cisco - UDP protocols (from the English "User Datagram Protocol" - user data block protocol).

    Note! As an analogy, we use a comparison with railway transport. "ping" is a ticket, for example, from Novosibirsk to Moscow, indicating the time of departure and arrival. "tracert" is a train schedule, indicating all stations, stopping times and possible branch routes. That is, the passenger will arrive in Moscow in any case, but he can go through Omsk, maybe through Achinsk, or maybe through Vladivostok - depending on the availability of each route.

    Step 1. Launch the interpreter as described above.

    Step 2. In the interpreter, enter the key “tracert [address or name of site/server]” and press “Enter”.

    As a result of execution, the route table will be presented:

    • the first column contains the sequence number of the jump;
    • the next three columns are the delivery time of three sequentially sent packets;
    • the last column is the name and address of the server-router.

    Each computer stores special files that record the last successful route to access the server. In the event that passage along the recorded route is impossible, then a workaround is searched for using the “tracert” key, and the symbol “*” is displayed in columns 2-4. After moving to the next router (hub station), the key is sent from it. If the normal route is not available, the hub seeks a workaround. Thus, the final list of node stations between your computer and the site is displayed in the interpreter window.

    Important! This command should be used to find out whether there is a connection with the global network in general, and with the servers of the Internet service provider in particular. It is possible that the final site is unavailable due to blocks introduced into the equipment by your provider.

    Working with an Internet Browser

    If in general, but there are problems with a certain site, it is advisable to use online “ping”. There are quite a large number of services for sending requests, here are some of them:

    1. Ping-admin.
    2. Wservice.


    Step 1. Open the service website and follow the “Free checks” link.

    Step 2. Indicate the name of the site whose availability you want to check. Mark the settlements from which the “ping” key will be sent to the specified location. At the bottom of the page (after the full list of settlements), use the “Start checking” button.

    Important! You can check accessibility from different places in Russia and the world in general. This feature is very useful when checking access to your personal website from different parts of the world.

    Step 3. Review the test results. If there is access to the site from other points, but not from your computer, it means that access is blocked by your provider.

    Important! On November 1, 2017, a law prohibiting the use of any anonymizer orVPN gateway. If a site is blocked in Russia, do not try to access it bypassing it - they may impose an administrative fine (5,000 for an individual, 50,000 for an official, 500,000-700,000 for a legal entity).

    Please note that using this service you can save the test results in an Excel document or as a link.


    The servers of this site are located in Moscow, and perform checks from one (own) IP address.

    Step 1. Expand the service website and check the “Ping Host” option, then enter the address or name of the site and use the “Run” button.

    Step 2. Review the test results.

    Important! Using this service you will be able to perform not only “ping", but also "tracert" It is enough to mark the appropriate item in the first step.

    2 IP

    Step 1. Open the service website and follow the link “Internet connection speed”.

    Step 2. The site for testing is selected automatically, but you can change it if you wish. After selecting a test point, click the “Test” button.

    Step 3. Testing takes place in real time, with a “speedometer” displayed on the screen. Wait for the process to complete.


    We looked at five ways to determine. Two of them are available directly in the operating system, three are online services. Remember that problems with accessing the site may be due to its ban in a certain area (for example, by a city provider). Try to check the availability and speed of the connection in every way - this will help to avoid incorrect conclusions about the state of the network.

    Video - How to check ping

    When connecting to the Internet, the user is faced with moments when the site page loading speed is not fully satisfactory. The same problem occurs for gamers who play online games. The quality of the Internet connection is very important here, as is the concept of “ping”. This article will inform you about what it is and why it is needed.

    Often people who play games online come across the phrase “Internet ping”. In simple words, when any program is launched, data, or packets, are sent to some servers that also have access to the Internet.

    The time it takes for the information to be transmitted to the server and the response received is called ping.

    The lower the Internet speed ping value, the better. Online games or services show this parameter on the screen, and it constantly changes.

    Ping is measured in milliseconds. When performing any action in the game, for example, shooting, the signal is quickly transmitted to the game server. If there are problems, the signal will arrive to the user with a delay, which means the picture on the screen will slow down. The problem is also present on Internet sites.

    How to use the command"ping"

    There are users who are interested in the ping value and static data; for this, it is possible to manually check the Internet ping value. This is done when the following situations occur:

    1. Low connection speed when loading sites.
    2. Frequent disappearance of the Internet.
    3. The picture freezes when watching a movie or video.

    When collecting information about the network, we are guided by these data:

    1. When choosing a server in a game, the ping value is important, because you want to enjoy the process. And if the user - the server administrator - has income from this, ping is more important for him.
    2. To place a website on the Internet, they use hosting services. The service provides the necessary space on the server. Sometimes it is interesting to know how data is transferred to the server and back.
    3. If a user has a website, the resource is sometimes visited by people from different countries. The owner may be interested in what ping to the site the residents of a particular country will have.

    There is only one conclusion here: if the value is large, then everything will work slowly.

    To ping an Internet site or simply check the quality of the connection based on the received data, various methods are used in Windows.

    Command line

    An easy way to check your internet ping is to use the Windows Command Prompt by following these steps in order:

    Special programs

    There are special services on the Internet, connections. By the way, sometimes the value depends on the Internet speed.

    • A popular service available on the desktop version, as well as on mobile –

    After going to it, you need to click the “Start scanning” button and wait. The screen shows the receiving and transmitting speeds, as well as ping. When checking, servers located in different countries are used, that is, it is possible to compare results depending on the location of the end client.

    • Similar service - ping-admin.ru. The design is a little worse than the previous one, but it displays information well. Here's more information about your internet connection.

    All you need to do is enter the address of the site where the packages will be sent, and check the servers used for verification. As a result, the following information will appear:

    1. Monitoring point – access servers.
    2. IP address.
    3. Total sending and receiving times.
    4. Connection and download speed.
    5. Page size.

    What does the indicator depend on?

    The following factors affect ping:

    1. The problem with poor connections is the physical location of the servers to which the packets are sent. The further away they are, the higher the ping will be.
    2. The Internet connection channel is sometimes very busy, since many applications are running on it, and a large number of users are connected.
    3. Components also affect the quality of the connection. The indicator also depends on the cable used, settings of wired and wireless networks.
    4. It is worth paying attention to the choice of provider. Signal delay can occur when choosing a cheap tariff plan. Even with an expensive tariff, problems often arise on the provider's side. For example, there is not enough channel width. It’s worth contacting the company’s employees, perhaps they will help solve the problem.
    5. Another case is physical and software problems in the computer. You need to check the network card, cables, and what settings are installed. Viruses will also play a role if they are on the PC.

    Optimal ping

    It was said above that a high value is bad. You can't go far with a high ping, which means you need to figure out the optimal value.

    • 45 ms or less is an option for multiplayer, video broadcasts on YouTube or Twitch.
    • 45-120 ms – when visiting Internet sites or watching videos, it does not cause discomfort.
    • More than 120 ms – when this indicator is reached, problems arise when using network applications.

    If, when checking, it is clear that a large number of packets are lost on different Internet resources, you should contact your provider.

    Why can ping change its value?

    For Ping, it makes no difference what tariff is connected, it doesn’t care: 10 or 100 Mb/sec. Different users with the same tariff and Internet connection speed will have different pings.

    The value will change all the time because the channel is used by a large number of visitors at the same time. Even programs running in the background on the computer affect this. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about stability.

    Which ping is better: high or low

    Naturally low.

    It was already said above that ping is the time it takes for packets to be sent to the server and the response to be returned. The shorter this time, the better.

    It is possible to lower ping, but the probability of success is low. There are several effective ways:

    1. The following measures are carried out on the computer: complete cleaning of dust, replacement of outdated equipment, optimizing the registry, defragmenting the HDD, disabling other programs running in the background that use the Internet.
    2. Use a different tariff.
    3. If it is impossible to change provider, contact technical support, explaining the situation.
    4. Scan your computer for viruses.
    5. If there is a wireless network, check who is connected and disconnect it using the router settings.

    An effective way is to change your Internet provider. One such action sometimes solves all problems.

    Utilities to reduce ping

    By using the following necessary programs, it is possible to “improve” your life on the Internet:


    When using the Internet and applications, there are factors that affect its optimal performance. Ping is an important indicator that determines how high-quality the Internet channel is used.

    If a user plays online games, owns a server and a website, knowledge about this will not hurt at all.

    Hello, dear gamers! Yes, yes, today’s article is specifically for fans of online games. Now I will tell you why you may have a high ping. For those who are not in the know, ping is the speed of information exchange between a computer and a server. Most often, it is in online games that interferes with its increase.

    Let's imagine: when we, for example, press a key in the now very popular tanks, we give a command to the computer, then it, in turn, transmits it via the Internet to the server, which then sends a signal to the game, and then it makes the return journey so that we see a response to our action. There are many steps and stages of the path; in fact, there are many factors that can affect ping.

    Main reasons

    The first reason may be a weak computer. If you have low hardware specifications, then it is obvious that you simply will not be able to squeeze out more.

    The second reason is the outdated version of the game. If you do not update the game, then the transfer will be worse and the ping between your old and new server versions will be obviously high.

    Third, your Internet is weak. If you have activated a minimum package of services, then the speed may not be sufficient for the volume of data flow.

    The fourth is a connection failure. It's worth checking your router or modem. In this case, not only during the game, but generally all the time while online, you will experience connection failures.

    Fifth - processes on your computer. Some programs, such as antivirus and browser, can slow down the game and increase ping.

    The sixth is an overloaded server. You constantly transmit a huge number of commands, but imagine that besides you, several thousand other players are constantly doing this - the server, no matter how large it is, simply may not cope.

    And the seventh is viruses. Many of them are also inhibitory processes.

    Ping check

    If you don't know what to do, don't worry - Windows itself provides a way to determine ping. In order to use it, you need to enter the query “cmd” in the search bar of the start menu.

    We launch the command window that the search found and see the following:

    Here we enter the command “ping ...”, where instead of dots we insert the server’s IP address or its name and press enter. The window will give us ping statistics. Up to 40 ms the ping is excellent, everything should work fine for you and if you encounter a problem, the reason lies in something else.

    From 40 to 110 m/s is an average value at which everything should also work quite well. But in the range of 110-210 m/s, problems may well arise; this level is considered too high.

    You can also use online services such as Speedtest.net . They are less accurate, but provide information more or less close to the truth.

    Fixing problems

    Everything is pretty obvious here. With a weak computer, there is nothing you can do except improve it or replace it. The game needs to be constantly updated, monitor for new versions and install them. If your Internet is generally slow or there are problems with the connection, then you should think about a more serious tariff.

    Rostelecom, for example, offers a fairly good selection at reasonable prices. If the Internet is good, then you should check your router or modem. It is best to disable unnecessary programs and not open a bunch of unnecessary applications and processes while playing.

    Try to choose a server that is not the busiest in order to fully enjoy the game. Well, there’s nothing to say - you shouldn’t let them spoil your computer and prevent you from working or playing on it.

    Another possible solution to the problem could be lowering the settings in the game. Check all the points, maybe you have set the settings too high.

    That's all the information you need to get the most out of your gaming experience, and possibly also. Yes, yes, you can promote and sell accounts, as well as record reviews of games.

    By the way, there is a great course on creating your own blog . I recommend! There are a huge number of options, both on websites and.

    Try to benefit from everything, monetize your hobby and achieve success! Subscribe to my blog, join VKontakte group – there will be a lot more interesting things to come!