• Wi fi and health. Wi-Fi. A few important points

    Modern technologies have dramatically changed our lives - they have made us more mobile and, oddly enough, more dependent. Dependent on these four letters: Wi-Fi. How dangerous is the radiation from a Wi-Fi router, is it possible for children to use wireless Internet, and why are mobile phones dangerous? We’ll look into this below.

    Wi-Fi is a wireless communication standard. It provides data transmission using radio frequency signals in the ranges from 2.4 to 5 GHz. Today, Wi-Fi is used in almost all public places - parks, restaurants, shopping and entertainment complexes, and a Wi-Fi router that “distributes” the Internet at home or in the office makes working and communicating online comfortable and convenient. However, despite all the obvious advantages, wireless Internet is shrouded in hundreds of myths and speculations. Some argue that the radio waves emitted by the router provoke dangerous diseases, while others believe that this achievement of civilization is absolutely harmless. To figure out whose side the truth is on, we asked Kirill Petrov, a radiologist , Candidate of Medical Sciences,chief radiologist of the network of diagnostic centers"Medscan", comment on the most popular myths associated with Wi-Fi.

    Kirill Petrov

    Myth #1: Wi-Fi is a radio signal, and the radio waves that the router emits are dangerous.

    In fact: Most of the wireless devices we are already familiar with operate in approximately the same microwave range. For example, 4G LTE mobile phones, like microwave ovens, operate in the 2.5-2.7 GHz frequency range. Thus, there is no reason to classify radio waves emitted by a Wi-Fi router into a separate class of electromagnetic radiation. By the way, the wavelength of the Wi-Fi signal practically corresponds to cosmic microwave background radiation, so if you are afraid of your router, then under no circumstances go outside without a foil raincoat.

    Radio waves can affect the body only if you are in close proximity to a powerful industrial source for a long time (for example, you somehow miraculously ended up next to an aircraft radar and spent the night near it). The radiation power of household routers is incomparably lower, and they simply cannot have a destructive effect on the cells of the body. In addition, Wi-Fi radio waves are not directional in nature and are scattered in space evenly, weakening exponentially with distance (the distance has doubled - the intensity of radio frequency radiation has decreased fourfold).

    Myth No. 2: any electronic device (Wi-Fi router included) can create an electromagnetic field, but it is harmful

    In fact: At different times, scientists have conducted hundreds of studies to prove the harm of electromagnetic radiation from household devices (including mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers). However, all the results indicate the opposite - there is no proven harm to health. And mobile radio devices have become so firmly established in our lives that even if an increased risk of developing certain diseases were established (and let me remind you, it has not been established), modern society is no longer able to abandon them. We breathe the air of megacities, saturated with exhaust fumes, drink water that has undergone chemical treatment, and eat vegetables treated with pesticides and fertilizers. But despite this, life expectancy in developed countries has increased significantly over the past hundred years, which, in turn, indirectly proves: civilization with its inventions is not so dangerous to health.

    The electromagnetic field is harmful to humans only at extremely high powers - during prolonged stay near a powerful industrial source, such as a power line or radar station. Thus, if prolonged irradiation occurs (eight hours a day for several years) with an intensity of more than 0.2 microtesla, then the risk of hematological and oncological diseases increases (at home, to achieve a similar “result” you need every night for several years of falling asleep and waking up hugging a router).

    Myth No. 3: A Wi-Fi router emits dangerous radiation

    In fact: The intensity of the radio emission from the router is a hundred thousand times less than that of the same microwave oven in your kitchen (and let me remind you, they operate in the same range), and it cannot in any way be considered dangerous to humans. If we talk about background radiation associated with the operation of device microcircuits, then it is no more dangerous than the background from charging or the power supply of a home radiotelephone.

    A mobile phone, by the way, in principle, has no background radiation (unless, of course, we dropped it into a tank of radioactive waste). It has electromagnetic radiation, the harmful effects of which on the human body have not been proven. Some studies have noted changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain when exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone, but these changes are reversible and their negative cumulative (accumulating) effect has not been proven. In general, when talking on the phone, a person is more likely to harm himself due to loss of concentration during a conversation, for example, he can get hit by a car while crossing the street, or, if he is a driver, get into an accident.

    Myth #4: Pregnant women should not use wireless Internet as it poses a risk to fetal development.

    In fact: since rapidly and frequently dividing cells are most susceptible to external influences (this is due to the fact that the DNA molecule is most vulnerable precisely at the moment of cell division), pregnant women should minimize exposure to medications, ionizing radiation and other harmful factors. The shorter the gestation period, the more susceptible the fetus. However, it must be remembered that wireless communication devices do not produce ionizing radiation and their harmful effects on the fetus have not been confirmed by scientific research. It should also be noted that the fetus is quite well protected from external influences - it is surrounded by a layer of amniotic fluid, the walls of the uterus, pelvic bones, organs and walls of the abdominal cavity. All these structures contain a lot of water, which effectively attenuates radio waves.

    Is a Wi-Fi router dangerous and its impact on human health? Many people are concerned. Wi-Fi modems and Wi-Fi routers operate at approximately the same frequency as microwave ovens. Should this mean that Wi-Fi radiation may pose a risk to human health? Many people around the world would like to know the correct answer to this question.

    Definitely, Wi-Fi should still have some effect on the human body. After all, it’s all radiation. The only question is how significant this impact is and whether it should be taken seriously at all.

    So, at the moment there is absolutely no evidence that could confirm that Wi-Fi networks have a bad effect on human health. Not a single serious organization (national or international) has yet published anything that could cast serious doubt on the safety of Wi-Fi technology. All publications that appear in print from time to time and say that wireless networks can be dangerous to health have one thing in common - they are completely unproven.

    Point of view - Wi-Fi is harmful to health

    Here are some arguments given at various times in defense of the theory of the potential threat of Wi-Fi:

    Some negative effects of radio waves from Wi-Fi devices on the testes of young rats have been observed;

    Also, experiments with rats seemed to show other results indicating the negative impact of Wi-Fi on these animals. This influence affected the brain (brain and spinal column), heart rate, autonomic nervous system and kidneys;

    Danish schoolgirls conducted an experiment during which they planted 2 groups of watercress seeds. The first group was exposed to Wi-Fi, while the second was not. As a result, the first group of seeds did not germinate;

    In some European countries, Wi-Fi is banned for use in schools due to concerns that it may be harmful to children's health. Wi-Fi is not prohibited in Israeli schools, but some parents are demanding this be done in court;

    The World Health Organization has called electromagnetic fields emanating from mobile phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens and Wi-Fi devices “possibly carcinogenic.” Many other things also fall under this definition, even coffee. That is, according to WHO, if something is “possibly carcinogenic,” then for now this is only a hypothesis that does not have any evidence.

    Point of view - Wi-Fi is not harmful to health

    Now some arguments in favor of Wi-Fi security:

    The Wi-Fi signal intensity is approximately 100,000 times less than that of a microwave oven. With such low intensity, it is quite possible to say that Wi-Fi is another component of what is called “electric smog”. Electrical smog is electromagnetic radiation generated by electrical appliances, cables, and various television and radio transmitting devices around us;

    Wi-Fi radiation from two routers and two dozen laptops is approximately equal to radiation from one mobile phone;

    The World Health Organization, which we have already mentioned, conducted an in-depth analysis of the available scientific literature on the topic we are considering and came to the conclusion that all currently available data in no way confirms that low-level electromagnetic fields can cause harm to human health.

    Let's see what else the professionals think about this. In the UK there is such a government official organization called the Health Protection Agency, abbreviated as HPA. This organization deals with various health issues. Based on the research conducted by HPA, the following conclusions were drawn:

    No medical evidence has been found that the radio signal emitted by wireless equipment can cause any harm to humans;

    The frequencies used in Wi-Fi equipment are similar (in terms of impact on health) to those used in mobile communications, television and FM radio.


    Scientific research on the safety of electromagnetic radiation has not been conducted over such a long period of time. The results of these studies are constantly being reviewed by various scientific committees. On this basis, safety norms and standards are adopted. If a manufacturer produces equipment that meets these standards, then it fully guarantees its safety. Therefore, talk about the fact that there is some harm to a wifi router for human health is just talk of the average person and, moreover, not really supported by anything.

    Those who are still afraid of wi-fi should install a router, for example, at the entrance to the apartment. This way you will increase the distance to it from the place where you work on the computer and at the same time fence yourself off with some barriers in the form of walls and doors, which will also somewhat reduce the intensity of the radio waves.

    A router, also known as a router, is a network device that allows you to choose the optimal direction for transmitting data from the provider to computers, laptops and smartphones of users wirelessly.

    The absence of wired communication means the transmission of information through electromagnetic radiation. Since routers operate at ultra-high frequencies, the question is completely legitimate: is the radiation from a wifi router harmful? The results of some studies refute these fears, while others confirm them. Let's look at the arguments on both sides.

    Why radiation from a wifi router can be dangerous

    Descriptive argumentation is not as powerful as the exact technical specifications of the device in question. So let's look at the numbers. The Wifi router operates in the frequency range of 2.4 GHz, and the power of ordinary routers is ~100 μW. When this frequency influences the cells of the human body, the molecules of water, fat and glucose come together and rub together, accompanied by an increase in temperature.

    Such frequencies are provided by nature for the exchange of intracellular information between organs and systems of the body. Long-term, external exposure to this range from wireless local networks can cause dysfunction in the process of cell growth and division.

    The harm of wifi radiation is aggravated by the radius and speed of data transmission. An excellent illustration of this fact is the enormous speed of transfer of a large amount of information when downloading videos, photographs and other data. The transmitting medium is air, and the carrier frequency is the mid-wave frequency range. And, since our cells are capable of transmitting and receiving energy at different frequencies, the negative impact of the router’s frequency range is quite acceptable.

    Residents of apartment buildings may be affected by multiple routers installed in neighboring apartments. Brick walls and metal structures only partially reduce the range of the router, but do not completely delay its radiation. Add to this wireless Internet access points in offices, shopping centers, and cafes. It becomes clear that a person is exposed to radiation from a wifi router almost around the clock.

    Moreover, many users do not turn off their wifi router even at night. Summarizing this information, we can conclude that our body is in a constant fight against this aggressive factor. Perhaps this is why even a night's sleep does not bring complete restoration of strength to many, and the immune system does not protect us well from many infections and viruses.

    Is a wifi router really that harmful?

    Of course, you have to pay for the convenience of wireless Internet use. But health is too high a price. Is radiation from a Wi-Fi router really dangerous?

    To assess the effect of this radiation on the human body, a special parameter was introduced, called the absolute optical radiation power. Its unit of measurement is 1 decibel milliwatt (dBm). The average power of a mobile phone is 27 dBm, while the same value for a router is 20 dBm.

    Further, the router is never located at such a close distance as a mobile phone. Usually it is 1–2 meters. Do not forget that the radiation power decreases in direct proportion to the increase in the square of the distance to the “culprit” of the radiation.

    How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

    If somewhere in the subconscious there is still a simmering anxiety about this radiation, you can try to reduce the radiation from the router. Each of the devices for this purpose provides signal power adjustment. Few people pay attention to this function, and almost all users’ routers, while maintaining the factory settings, are turned on at full power. By setting the transmitter power to 50, 25% or even 10%, you can significantly reduce the radiation dose and coverage area.

    And by following this operation with your neighbors, you can reduce the level of radiation by tens and hundreds of times. Moreover, manufacturers often unreasonably inflate the power of these devices to increase sales.

    Is it possible to protect yourself from router radiation? Of course, router radiation has an impact on humans. But there is no clear answer yet as to how harmful Wi-Fi radiation is.

    But there are these numbers:

    • the signal intensity of a Wi-Fi router is 100,000 times weaker than that of a microwave oven;
    • The radiation from two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to the radiation from one mobile phone.

    If these impressive comparisons do not reassure the most inveterate skeptic, the following simple rules will tell you how to protect yourself from wifi radiation:

    • install routers at a distance of at least 40 cm from your workplace, and certainly not sleep next to a switched-on router;
    • turn off your access point if you do not intend to use the Internet;
    • Do not keep the laptop on your lap.

    Technologies for protection against electromagnetic smog

    The background created by various sources of electromagnetic radiation is called electromagnetic smog. Naturally, attempts are being made to protect ourselves from all these pathological influences at once.

    1. Enterprising manufacturers have launched the production of wallpaper that can shield Wi-Fi radiation emanating from neighboring apartments. You can purchase them through foreign online stores. However, this particular product will interfere with internet transmission to other rooms within the apartment.
    2. A new product has appeared on the health market - a corrector of the functional state of the body (FSC). Among the wide range of products for this purpose, a fabric blanket with carbon thread is offered. The material used to create such bedspreads is a special bipolar fabric that can reflect electromagnetic radiation from computers, wifi routers, phones and other household appliances.

    To summarize, the above information is based on 4 parameters that allow us to give an objective assessment of whether a Wi-Fi router is harmful to health:

    • frequency;
    • power;
    • distance;
    • time.

    Each of them works in favor of the theory of its negative influence.

    And, although today there are no real facts that can confirm that it was wifi networks that caused this or that disease, compliance with safety measures will not be superfluous. In addition, humanity does not yet have data on the impact of microwave radiation on future generations.

    Wi-Fi equipment surrounds us everywhere - at home, at work, in shops and cafes.. Everyone has managed to get used to it, since this technology is an extremely convenient way to wirelessly access the Internet. For this reason, people turn a blind eye and prefer not to know what harm Wi-Fi radiation causes to the environment and the human body. However, we need to know this at least in order to have an idea of ​​what is invisible, but surrounds us tightly and is an integral part of life.

    What is Wi-Fi radiation

    In addition to wireless Internet access, Wi-Fi technology allows you to transfer other data to home and laptop computers, digital players and game consoles. It is the second most common form of wireless technology, second only to cellular communications. Just like all other wireless transmitters of radio frequency waves, such as Bluetooth device, remote controls for doors, household appliances, garage, Wi-Fi equipment emits Wi-Fi radio frequency waves.

    Non-atomic radiation, the type of which is a radio wave, does not cause the destruction of chemical bonds in the human body. The same cannot be said about atomic radiation, of which, for example, an X-ray machine is a representative. So in this respect, equipment with the Wi-Fi radiation standard has an undoubted advantage over an x-ray, although at the layman level it is generally accepted that these rays are identical.

    The human body partially absorbs radio waves emitted by Wi-Fi devices– depending on the degree of distance of the body from its source and the strength of the signal, this indicator will vary. In this regard, cell phones are much more harmful, since during a conversation the radiation source is at a minimum distance from the brain. Devices in the Wi-Fi range most often do not act so closely to the human body. Therefore, the harm of Wi-Fi, when compared with the level of other radio signals - such as FM waves - does not exceed the general indicators of the influence of waves on the human body, which, of course, occur.

    Wireless Internet or twisted pair

    Wi-Fi technologies have rapidly entered our lives and literally within a decade have placed their networks everywhere so that there is a need to have at least somewhere “Wi-Fi-free zones.”

    However, this was not always the case, and the usual wired Internet on twisted pair cables just recently had no competition, which has literally completely supplanted it from everywhere. But what is better and justified such rapid changes?

    Wired Internet is indeed quite clumsy and is tied to localization by wire, which in the modern realities of extreme mobility with conferences “for an hour” and other constant movements makes it cumbersome, inconvenient and outdated. However, this endangered species will be extremely useful for those who have children at home, because even low-power radio waves affect the human body - the only intrigue is whether this influence causes harm. One thing is certain: it definitely does not add any benefits, and any radioactive radiation should be avoided for a growing organism with an unformed nervous system, thin walls of the skull and a still weak immune system.

    The World Health Organization classifies radiation emitted by mobile phones as hazardous to health, although there is no official opinion on Wi-Fi equipment yet.

    The effect of Wi-Fi on the human body

    According to scientific research radio waves are recognized as potentially dangerous to people, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that children be protected from direct exposure. During the studies, disturbances in the blood vessels of the brain were noticed, although there is still no evidence base for these studies. Thus, the negative impact of Wi-Fi on the human body is due solely to the presence of the same radio waves that Wi-Fi equipment emits.

    In addition to Wi-Fi equipment, radio waves of non-nuclear radiation are emitted by such familiar devices as, for example, a microwave oven, television, and radio.

    The hypothetical health risk from radio wave radiation should not be ignored - although the scientific community has not yet found evidence, the presence of limited evidence, albeit not controversial, becomes a factor that inspires certain concerns, including for reproductive function, the impact on future generation and cancer risk.

    To ensure that the influence of Wi-Fi on a person does not exceed the permissible level, safety precautions should be followed. The level above which radiation should not rise in public places should be controlled by official medical instructions. The “harmfulness threshold” of Wi-Fi waves must be higher than the maximum limit allowed in regulatory documents. But so far there are no such instructions in our country, and the process of propagation of radio waves, including Wi-Fi, is not controlled by anyone, you need to independently configure the equipment to 50 percent or less of the routers’ capabilities.

    However, the capabilities of routers have limited power and their use is not as harmful as a radar or other specialized radio equipment.

    Wi-Fi and health

    International Wi-Fi signal safety limits meet citizen safety
    , and this gives hope that our routers are made according to international standards. In this regard, preventive measures to prevent increased Wi-Fi radiation are not provided. In addition, each router and other device that supports the transmission of Wi-Fi waves has instructions that you should study and independently adjust the signal to the minimum. After all, the less exposure to radio waves on the body, the less risk to health and direct impact on the behavior of cells in the human body.

    When trying to find out whether Wi-Fi is harmful to health, Danish scientists conducted an experiment. Human cells, according to their research during an experiment on children who had to sleep through the night with a phone under their pillow, in which Wi-Fi was active, tend to change under the influence of these rays. Scientists identified vascular spasms and decreased concentration in the subjects. However, in children, unlike adults, the cranium is thinner and has greater capacity.

    Just like television, radio or mobile communications, a Wi-Fi wireless network uses radio waves in the 3-30 GHz range. According to the WHO, rays emanating from this range do not cause adverse medical effects.. But, despite this, it is strongly recommended to protect children from exposure to any radio waves, including the Wi-Fi spectrum.

    The dangers of Wi-Fi radiation

    The unnatural origin of the fields of electromagnetic waves, which are artificially created by people, causes unnaturalness for the human body
    . The fact is that humans, and other living organisms, do not have an indicator that would familiarize them with them and create adaptation. The danger of such fields is imperceptible and invisible, and, as has already been said, it has not been thoroughly proven. However, the period of mass use of Wi-Fi technologies lasts too short a period to objectively judge its impact on generations and the long-term effect of its impact.

    Electromagnetic smog today affects people 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Many people are accustomed to the presence of invisible rays and do not attach much importance to this. But why is this smog dangerous? Coming into direct contact with natural electromagnetic fields, a person distorts it. According to research by scientists, it has been found that such an influence can worsen immunity, since the body’s cells are heated and damaged under the influence of foreign fields. Their information and cellular exchange is disrupted, functional health deteriorates, and various diseases arise. Research centers around the world dealing with this problem suspect the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the development of cancerous tumors, memory problems, which clearly worsened in the subjects during the experiment. There has also been a connection between long-term exposure to fields and the development of impotence, eye diseases, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and a decrease in red blood cells in the blood.

    The impact on health can be especially noticeable in children and pregnant women, since the growing and developing body cannot yet resist the aggressive effects of the fields. The proliferation of Wi-Fi networks in universities, schools and kindergartens can cause irreparable harm to children and adolescents.

    In addition to cancer, Wi-Fi radiation can negatively affect heart function and cause dementia. In Europe and the United States, they are increasingly refusing to use Wi-Fi in children's institutions.

    Some experiments with Wi-Fi waves

    Many different experiments were carried out by both professional laboratory assistants and ordinary concerned citizens of different countries. But There is still no official confirmation of the harm of Wi-Fi radiation.

    Experiment with plants

    To find out whether Wi-Fi affects human health, Danish schoolgirls conducted an experiment on how Wi-Fi waves affect plants. Schoolgirls planted 12 lettuce seeds in 12 trays. Six trays were placed in a room where Wi-Fi rays did not pass through, and the other six stood in the same room with the router. At the same time, the schoolgirls diligently looked after the seedlings, watering them on time and providing them with enough light and fresh air. After 2 weeks, seed germination began, but among those plants that were not exposed to electromagnetic waves. The remaining seeds either did not germinate, or sprouted late and quickly withered.

    The scientific minds of Sweden became interested in the schoolgirls’ experiment and promised to conduct a similar experiment in laboratory conditions.

    Water experiment

    According to the researchers, if changes appear when Wi-Fi comes into contact with natural water, then these changes will also occur in the human body, since it also consists of water. For this purpose, several types of water were selected and exposed to electromagnetic radiation for 12 hours. During the experiments, changes in the pH level were actually recorded, the ability of electrical conductivity decreased, its composition among impurities changed, as well as the properties of water. Thus, the researchers came to the conclusion that the chemical composition and properties of water that enters the human body and other living beings also undergoes changes.

    Experiment within the walls of the university

    Student volunteers were asked to sit in a shielded chamber where no external radiation penetrated, while another group of students were asked to sit in a regular room with a Wi-Fi network, gadgets and the Internet. During the experiment, it was found that with free access to several dozen wireless networks, the need for water among students increased sharply. At that time, in a chamber free of electromagnetic smog, students’ thirst was several times less.

    This experiment confirmed WHO research that the presence of electromagnetic waves causes body cells to move faster, which leads to dehydration and other processes.

    How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation

    Different obstacles absorb the Wi-Fi signal differently. Concrete and brick walls of a house can significantly reduce it, but you can additionally protect yourself from radio radiation with the help of special devices: there are, for example, special aprons with a shielding effect that do not let any rays through. They are in demand among pregnant women, who rightly fear the impact of Wi-Fi radiation on the development of the child. There are also wallpapers with a metallic coating on sale, which are also claimed to significantly reduce the rays of this spectrum.

    If you have an irresistible desire to protect yourself from radiation at home, then it would be useful to know that dense metal material or a fine metal mesh will help for this. For example, ordinary foil has reflective abilities - the degree of its protection is unknown to science, but is widespread among people - it can be used as partial or complete insulation from radio waves.

    In an apartment building, the problem is more multifaceted: even if you protect yourself from radiation by applying all the necessary preventive measures:

    • reduce the signal level on the router;
    • make a partition using foil between the body and the gadget;
    • buy a radio-reflective apron for pregnant women;
    • turn off Wi-Fi at night, keep equipment away from the nursery.

    All the same, the signal will penetrate from neighbors, since even very dense walls can transmit electromagnetic radiation.

    To install reflective panels on the walls or special wallpaper in an apartment, you need a lot of capital, since in the turbulent atmosphere on this topic among the target audience, enterprising businessmen have found a gold mine and such devices are very expensive. Therefore, in this situation and Russian reality in general, it will be easier to talk with your neighbors, familiarize them with the topic and ask them to make the signal smaller if they do not have additional connections on other floors.

    Whether Wi-Fi is harmful to human health is of interest to many. Indeed, in the modern world, people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet.

    In order to be able to use the World Wide Web anywhere, a wireless method of data transmission called Wi-Fi was invented.

    Now you can connect to the Internet wherever it is more convenient. But is it really that useful?

    About the Wi-Fi router

    In order to distribute a communication signal, a special network device was created. It is called a router or router.

    Wireless data transfer and computer connection occurs using radio waves. The principle of operation is similar to the operation of cell phones and radio stations.

    The difference is that the Wi-Fi router operates at a higher frequency, which allows you to transmit and receive a large amount of information.

    To use wireless communication, you need a router that has a built-in signal reception and transmission module. The same device must be present in the computer.

    The router is connected to the Internet via a wire. When receiving information, the device converts it into radio waves, which it transmits to the receiving device (computer or laptop). The PC module receives the signal and makes it digital. The same thing happens in reverse. It is worth noting that the router can distribute a signal to several devices.

    However, when transmitting a signal wirelessly, a certain magnetic field is generated, which means that there is a certain radiation to a person. Therefore, sooner or later, any person has a question about whether Wi-Fi is harmful?

    Why wifi radiation is harmful to health

    Any radiation in large quantities is harmful to human health. As for Wi-Fi, the opinions of many scientists are divided. Some argue that constant exposure to such a signal disrupts the functionality of the body. And others say that it is quite weak, so there is very little harm from it. And who is right in this dispute, and what harm does wi-fi actually cause?

    The operating frequency of the router is 2.4 GHz. During its effect on the human body, molecules of water, fat and glucose begin to interact more closely, which leads to an increase in temperature. If such exposure lasts for a long time, then irreversible processes are triggered in the body.

    In addition, it is worth noting that electromagnetic radiation is stronger, the larger the area of ​​its influence and the speed of information transmission. This, for example, happens when downloading a “heavy” file. In this case, the harm from the spread of the electromagnetic field is much greater.

    Urban residents are affected by Wi-Fi waves almost constantly. After all, routers are currently installed in almost every home, in various establishments, and shopping centers. Many users do not turn off the device even at night, so the radiation continues around the clock.

    Based on the results of some studies, doctors concluded that the wireless signal affects some body systems.

    Organ systems:

    • Brain vessels. After conducting the study, it was found that with prolonged exposure to such a signal, vasospasm occurs, problems with memory and concentration appear. However, it should be noted that the experiment was conducted with school-age children, and their skull bones are thinner than those of an adult.
    • Many doctors talk about the dangers of Wi-Fi for a child. However, there are no scientifically proven facts. But parents should pay attention to their child if he spends a long time near the computer, replacing live communication with him. In this case, we can talk more about the dangers of radiation not so much from the router as from the PC.
    • Another study was conducted using male sperm. It was noted that in a test tube that stood near the computer for some time while downloading files, twenty-five percent of the sperm were dead. However, when we repeated the experiment, when the Internet was connected via a wire, the result was the same. Therefore, it is wrong to say that wi-fi is to blame. Rather, the culprit is general electromagnetic radiation.

    As you can see, there is no exact data that Wi-Fi harms the body. However, it should be remembered that the radiation, although small, is still there. Therefore, certain precautions must be taken.

    How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

    What can be done to ensure that wireless Internet rays are safe for health? To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.


    • For home use, it is better to use wired Internet.
    • The Wi-Fi router must be located at least forty centimeters from the workplace. By the way, if the device is located with neighbors, then the radiation from it is minimal.
    • When working, do not place the laptop on your lap, and turn off the wireless Internet function on your phone if it is not in use.
    • At home, the router should be turned off at night and at times when the Internet is not in use.
    • It is better to install the router in a non-residential area, this way you can reduce the harm from radiation.

    The most important thing is not to panic. After all, “smart guys” make great money from this by creating foil wallpaper and bedspreads with carbon threads that minimize the harm of wi-fi. If you use wireless Internet correctly, there will be no negative consequences.

    Wi-Fi is harmful: is it dangerous?

    Currently, a person is surrounded by radio waves from all sides. At the same time, people don’t even think about it. The apartments have a TV, or even more than one, a computer and a microwave oven.

    And that's the minimum. But there are also radios and cell phones. But no one refuses these devices.

    You should know that the power of a Wi-Fi router is 63 mlW, and that of a cell phone is one Watt.

    In addition, a mobile phone is located much closer to the human body than a router.

    Wi-Fi radiation, of course, causes some harm, despite the lack of precise evidence. However, you just need to be careful. This is especially true for parents of small children; you should not allow them to stay indoors with a router for a long time. Yes, and an adult needs to monitor the time of use of such devices.

    Video: how harm is caused by WiFi