• Upload files to the cloud for sharing. How to copy a file from Mail-ru Cloud to your cloud (cm)

    The book was made from wonderful photos. The girl’s mother sent me the entire photo archive using the Mail.Ru Cloud service. It's very convenient! And there is no need to waste time on preliminary meetings. And, living in another city, making an order this way becomes easier than ever.

    Perhaps you also have photos from the photo shoot. They need to be put into a photo book!

    1. Send me a photo by email
    2. It doesn’t matter what city in Russia you live in
    3. The finished layout will be agreed with you step by step
    4. The printed book is sent to you directly from the printing house
    5. Payment is made by transferring the agreed amount to my individual entrepreneur account
    6. I will definitely send all documents (invoice and certificate of work completed) upon completion of the work

    As you can see, everything is simple!

    And now a little instruction for those who don’t know how to send photos via file sharing. After all, it won’t be possible to load them into a letter, or even several (the “weight” of the photo is quite large, because to create a book you have to work with the originals). Only then will your photos remain sharp in the book.

    How to send photos via Cloud Mail.Ru cloud service

    • Moving to cloud storage https://cloud.mail.ru/home/
    • Click the “Create” button in the upper left corner, then “Folder”
    • Give our folder a name (I'll leave it as "New Folder")

    • Our new folder appears in the left column. It doesn't have content yet.

    • Click "Upload" and "Select files". We select the necessary photos on the computer.

    The cloud is a service where you can store data and easily manage it. That is, you can upload your files to it, work with them directly on the Internet, download them at any time, and also transfer them to another person.

    Any user can get such a service at their disposal completely free of charge. It's essentially your own hard drive on the Internet.

    You could say it's something like a Local Disk on a computer, but only with the ability to use it on any device with Internet access. Plus, you can transfer files to other users by simply sending them a download link.

    So, the cloud is needed to:

    • Store files and folders with files
    • Work with them on any computer or smartphone that has the Internet
    • Easily and quickly transfer files to other people

    Thus, it replaces flash drives, disks and other devices for transferring information.

    That is, I can upload the files I need to such a service and work with them on any other computer where there is Internet. These can be documents, books, music, videos - in general, any files.

    Initially, they are available only to me, but if I wish, I can make some of them public. Then they can be downloaded.

    That is, a special Internet address (link) will be generated where the file can be saved to your computer. I can send this address to any person (for example, on Skype or via mail), and the person will be able to download my file.

    Where and how to get the cloud

    There are sites that provide clouds to users. It's like with mail: there are sites where you can get it. We go to such a site, register and get a cloud service for storing data.

    We are allocated a certain free volume. On some services it is a very decent 50-100 GB. If you want more, it's for money.

    Or you can register several times and, accordingly, receive several free volumes. Everything is free, everything is legal!

    The easiest way to get a cloud is to do it where you have your mail. The fact is that the largest email sites (Yandex, Mail, Gmail) distribute such services for free. You just need to want it.

    That is, you don’t even need to register. Just open your email and indicate that you want to receive the cloud. They give it to you right away.

    Sites that give away clouds for free

    Yandex.Disk is a cloud service from Yandex. If you have mail there, then you also have such a disk. 10 GB is given free of charge and forever.

    To receive Yandex.Disk, you need to open the website yandex.ru and go to your mail. Then open the "Disk" tab (at the top).

    They will greet you and offer to download a special program to your computer for convenient work with Yandex.Disk.

    It’s better not to do this right away - you can always install it later. I recommend closing this window and first learning how to use Yandex.Disk without the program.

    That's it! Upload files, sort them, share, delete. In general, you already have a cloud. It even already has some files and folders with example files already loaded on it.

    To further access Yandex.Disk, you need to follow all the same steps: open the yandex.ru website, open your email, go to the “Disk” tab.

    Or you can install and configure a special program “Disk for Windows” and use the cloud directly from your computer - without going to the website yandex.ru

    Cloud Mail.ru is a service from the mail site mail.ru. 25 GB is given free of charge.

    To receive this goodness you just need to have a mail.ru mailbox. If you have it, then you also have a cloud.

    To enter it, you need to open the mail.ru website and open your mail. Then click on the “Cloud” button at the top.

    Your personal cloud service will open. Some example files are already loaded into it. You can remove them, or you can leave them. In general, your cloud is already ready to go.

    You can use it directly, via email, or you can download and install a special application (program). Then the cloud will be accessible directly from the computer - a shortcut will appear on the Desktop to instantly open it.

    Google Drive is a service that is “attached” to gmail.com. 15 GB is allocated for free.

    To get into it, you need to go to your email account on the website gmail.com. Then click on the picture with small squares next to your name (top right) and click on the “Disk” item.

    Perhaps after this Google will ask you a couple of questions. Below, in the pictures, it is shown what he should answer in this case.

    After this, your personal cloud will load. It will already have a folder with several files. You can delete this folder with all its contents, or you can leave it - as you wish.

    So, the disk is ready for use. You can start downloading!

    It opens in exactly the same way - through mail. Or you can install a special program. Then it will be accessible from your computer.

    It seemed to me that this cloud is much more difficult to use than all the others. Not everyone will understand. But there are certain advantages that other services do not have. For example, you can create a document, presentation, table, form or drawing right in it.

    That is, a program will open directly on the Internet to create a file of the desired type. It is quite simple and allows you to both create a file and save it to Google Drive, as well as download it to your computer in the desired format.

    Such programs can be used instead of Word, Excel, Power Point. It is very convenient when you have to work on a computer on which they are not installed.

    Which service is better

    As various tests have shown, the “mail” clouds that I just talked about are superior in quality, convenience and free features to all other similar services.

    I won’t go into details, but the places were distributed as follows:

    Therefore, I recommend that you still use one of these services. If you do not have an email account on any of them, then you just need to register. You will have new mail (which, by the way, you don’t have to use at all) and a cloud.

    Of course, there are other sites where you can get a cloud service for free. But most of them have various unpleasant limitations in their free versions.

    But there is one that compares favorably with all the others (including the “postal” ones). It is best suited for transferring files to other people. His address: mega.co.nz

    Mega - this service makes sense for those who host files for downloading. The fact is that through special downloader programs such as MiPony, they can be saved to your computer very quickly and easily. Much easier and faster than with other cloud services. 50 GB is allocated for free.

    Initially, the site opens in English. To switch to the Russian version, click on the Menu button (top right), select Language from the list, then click on Russian and the Save button.

    Just in case, I’ll give you two more good cloud services:

    Dropbox - 2 GB free.

    One Drive - 7 GB free.

    How to manage the cloud

    You can manage it on the very site where you received it. Log in there with your username and password, go to a certain section and get access to the cloud.

    And you can do this even easier, more conveniently and, most importantly, much faster: with the help of a small application (program).

    Each service has its own, that is, you need to download it from the site where you have the cloud.

    This application allows you to quickly and easily upload, watch, download files and folders with files from your cloud service. It takes up very little space, and you can install such a program on any computer or smartphone (not just yours).

    How to install the application. Open your cloud and there will be a download link or button in a prominent place. The pictures below show where such a button is in “mail” cloud services.

    Download the program file and open it. The installation will begin. Below are illustrated instructions for each “mail” service. Do everything as in the pictures and the application will install.


    Cloud Mail.ru:

    How to use the application

    After installing the application, a program shortcut appears on the Desktop. With the help of it we will work with the cloud.

    When you first launch the program, you will be asked to enter data from the cloud. Type your email address and password. Then agree to the terms of service and click “Login”.

    Now, when you open the program icon, your cloud will open directly on your computer - in a regular folder.

    Also, when an application is opened, its icon appears in the tray.

    This is where the computer clock is - in the lower right corner of the screen (on the taskbar, where the other icons are).

    This icon may be hidden under a small arrow next to the alphabet.

    Using it you can control the application. To do this, you need to click on it with the left or right mouse button.

    File/folder synchronization. This is the most difficult part to understand, but it is absolutely necessary to understand it in order to successfully work with the application.

    The point of synchronization is that the computer or smartphone on which the application is installed must connect to your cloud and download files from or to it.

    This process must be completed, otherwise we will not be able to use the downloaded data. Synchronization occurs via the Internet. That is, without the Internet it is simply impossible.

    Consider the following situation. My cloud already has downloaded files and folders with files.

    By the way, initially, when you receive the cloud, it already has some information. So if you didn’t specifically delete it, then there are several files there.

    I installed the application on my computer, opened it, entered my username and password. A folder with a cloud has opened. So, all the data that was on it initially should be uploaded to this folder. That is, my cloud and computer must be synchronized.

    It turns out that all the files that are on the cloud are downloaded to my computer in this very folder. And if there are few of them and they are small in size, then this process will happen quickly - I may not even notice it.

    But if the files are large and my Internet is not very fast, then synchronization will take some time.

    In practice, it looks like this: I open an application shortcut and see an empty folder, although I know for sure that there are files on my cloud.

    Usually in this case, users begin to get nervous - they worry that their files have been deleted. In fact, they are all there. But we don’t see them because the synchronization procedure has not yet been completed.

    And this can be verified. When synchronization is in progress, the application icon (the one in the tray) seems to move.

    And if we click on it, then in the menu that opens there will be an item indicating the progress of the process.

    In fact, at this moment, files are downloaded from the Internet. That is, the Internet itself may work slower because of this.

    If necessary, synchronization can be turned off. To do this, click on the application icon in the tray and select the appropriate item from the menu. By the way, you can completely exit the program there.

    In general, while synchronization is in progress, the files will not be accessible. The same thing happens when transferring information from a computer to the cloud.

    How to upload a file (folder with files) to the cloud. To do this, you just need to copy the necessary files and then paste them into the application folder.

    Copying/pasting occurs as usual, but after this all transferred files should be synchronized. Otherwise, they will not be uploaded to the Internet on your cloud.

    In the Cloud Mail.ru application, this process occurs instantly. Moreover, even for large files (from 1 GB).

    In the Yandex.Disk program, synchronization takes some time, but it still happens quickly.

    For me, on a fairly slow Internet, a 1 GB file downloaded in just a few minutes. If uploaded directly to the cloud (without an application), this process would take more than an hour.

    But Google Drive lags behind in this regard. Apparently, this application works using a different technology, and synchronization takes the same amount of time as a regular file download.

    My results may differ from yours. Perhaps your synchronization process will be faster or, on the contrary, slower than mine.

    How to download a file (folder with files) from the cloud. All files that you want to download to your computer or phone from the application must be fully synchronized.

    You can transfer them to your computer by simply copying them. That is, open the application, copy the necessary files and paste them into the computer folder of your choice. That's it! A couple of seconds - and the files are downloaded.

    Cons of cloud services

    Everything has both pros and cons. And cloud services also have them. I will list the main ones:

    1. Memory consumption. In other words, the work of cloud services “strains” the computer. In the case of Yandex.Disk and Cloud.Mail.ru, the load is insignificant, but Google Drive is quite voracious. Modern computers may not notice this, but old ones will have to puff.

    2. Security. Since the cloud is an Internet service, there is always a certain chance that your files could fall into the wrong hands. Of course, modern data protection technologies minimize this probability, but there is always a risk. Moreover, the service is public.

    3. Internet required. Without the Internet, you will not be able to use any cloud service.

    Additional information

    In case the information provided in this lesson is not enough for you.

    Each cloud service has detailed instructions for use. Users don’t particularly like it, but it does contain a lot of useful and interesting information.

    Clouds, clouds - gigabyte platforms!

    If you are tired of running between work and home with a flash drive, constantly carrying a laptop with the necessary files, and you want your important files to be available to you or your team on any computer or mobile device, then they can help you .

    Cloud data storage- an online storage model in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over the network, provided for use by clients, mainly third parties. In contrast to the model of storing data on your own dedicated servers, purchased or rented specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure of servers is generally not visible to the client. The data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud , which is, from the client’s point of view, one large, virtual server. Cloud data storage.

    Offers to your attention review of 10+ free and paid cloud storage services.

    Cloud data storage:

    1. Google Drive

    Google Drive- cloud data storage from Google, which speaks for itself. Google Drive allows users to store their data on servers and share it with other users on the Internet. Cloud storage divides space between Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos. The service can store not only documents, but also photos, music, videos and many other files - 30 types in total. Everything is very convenient and familiar for users of Google services.

    Google Drive pricing plans

    The maximum file size is 5 TB.

    Available in web browsers, Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, etc.

    2. Microsoft OneDrive

    OneDrive- Microsoft SkyDrive, renamed in February 2014, is a cloud-based Internet file storage service with file sharing functions. By the way, SkyDrive was created in August 2007 by Microsoft. Now OneDrive one of the flagships of cloud data storage.

    Service advantage OneDrive is that it is immediately integrated with Office 365, so directly from the application you can create, edit, save Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint and Word files to Windows Live OneDrive.

    Service OneDrive allows you to store it for now for free 5 GB (although previously 15 GB were offered) information organized using standard folders. Images are previewed in the form of thumbnails, as well as the ability to view them in the form of slides.

    Today, cloud storage with large amounts of data occupy an important niche in storing the necessary information, and many of them are completely free.

    Hello my dear readers and blog guests. Today, many Internet users practice cloud data storage. All important information can be saved in the cloud, which avoids file loss, for example, if the hard drive is damaged. And if you need to use data far from your computer, then you just need to find a device with Internet access and use the cloud web interface, which eliminates the need to carry a flash drive with you.

    Most modern smartphones support automatic uploading of captured photos and videos directly to the cloud as soon as a connection to a Wi-Fi network is established. This eliminates the need to establish a connection between each gadget and the computer using USB, because there is disk space that is the same for all your devices. If necessary, you can configure synchronization of other files other than the media format.

    At the moment, about a dozen cloud data storages with large volumes are available to any Internet user for free 2018. Thanks to such diversity, everyone can find a cloud that suits their needs. Let's consider free cloud data storage services.

    The best cloud data storage with large capacity for free

    1. Yunpan 360 - 36 TB

    The undoubted leader in the list of cloud data storage is the Chinese project Yunpan 360. The cloud provides as much as 36 TB (yes, yes, terabytes) of free space for storing personal data. The only drawback of the portal is the only interface language, of course, Chinese. Fortunately, Russian craftsmen have already developed step-by-step instructions and a method of Russification; you can find them on the website yunpan.ru.

    The mechanism for obtaining 36 TB is as follows:

    1. Register on the site and receive 10 TB after installing the client for Windows.
    2. Adding 26 TB to your account after installing the client on Android.

    If you cope with the difficulties of the Chinese language and make friends with the project's interface, you can get disk space that will last almost a lifetime. Well, if 36 TB is not enough for you, then there are two ways to expand this volume:

    2. Mega - 50 GB

    The name “Mega” is an acronym that stands for MEGA Encrypted Global Access. Developers pay great attention to security and the process of protecting information. This file storage service rightfully takes second place on our list. The company offers 50 GB of free space, which competing cloud storage services in our market segment cannot boast of. In addition, all files are encrypted using the AES algorithm right in the browser window. Those. Even the project administration cannot open the files you uploaded, because they are reliably protected by cryptographic transformation. Information access keys are not available in clear text and are transferred on a Friend-to-Friend basis, i.e. between users who trust each other.

    3. [email protected]

    This is the development of the domestic holding Mail.ru Group. Provides 25 GB of free disk space to store any files, but this requires register Mail.ru mail. The cloud for storing data and the mail service are mutually integrated, for example, a file from an incoming letter can be sent to cloud storage with one click. For mobile device users, the developers have provided automatic synchronization of files captured on the gadget’s camera. Once connected to a fast Internet connection, the smartphone automatically starts sending new files from the camera to the cloud. [email protected] is a fairly young project that appeared in 2013. It is possible that over time the functionality will increase significantly. Unfortunately, it is impossible to expand the amount of disk space for free, although there used to be promotions where they first gave 1 TB of space for registration, and then even 100 GB.

    4. Hubic Data Warehouse

    An online data storage service with a fairly generous affiliate program. The company provides 25 GB of free disk space after registration. Does it seem like this is not enough? The developers give 2.5 TB of additional space for 5 invited friends, and the friends themselves also receive 30 GB of consolation prizes each.

    5. Google Drive

    Probably the most famous cloud data storage, because... is one of the services of such a search giant as Google. The project is integrated with most Google services, such as Google Sheets (spreadsheet), Google Slides (presentations), Google Docs (text documents), Gmail (email). When you create, for example, a text document in the Google cloud, it is automatically saved to Google Drive. After activation, the company is ready to provide 15 GB of free space. Experience shows that this volume is quite sufficient for work purposes.

    Excellent balance between quantity and quality, one of the best cloud storages with a large volume for free 2018. There is an application for both computers and mobile devices that synchronizes files automatically. To increase space, you can take advantage of the promotion that Google holds every year. The algorithm is simple: you pass the Google account security check and receive additional gigabytes for free.

    6. 4shared

    The file storage service, which is ranked 82nd in the list of the most popular Internet resources by Alexa, processes more than 300 TB of traffic every day. After registration, 10 GB of disk space becomes available, you can add another 5 GB if you confirm your email address. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to expand the volume of cloud data storage. For free accounts, there is a limitation on the storage period of files - 180 days from the time of the last interaction with the account. The user interface resembles that of Windows Explorer.

    7. Yandex.Disk

    Another domestic project, which is a cloud data storage with a large volume for free 2018. As in Google Drive and [email protected], here mail and storage are mutually connected. Yandex makes it possible to use a cloud disk of 10 GB in size. It is possible to expand it by 10 GB if you bring 20 friends, for each of them they give 512 MB. And if you took part in a partner’s promotion, you will be rewarded with another 50 GB. The conditions for these events change regularly, so you need to constantly monitor the project news.

    8. MediaFire

    Cloud service for storing files, functionality similar to 4shared or dropbox. First of all, it was created for storing and sharing media files (videos, images or music). 10 GB of free space is available for free, and also with advertising. The Windows client has certain problems in use, for example, you cannot share a file on your computer. Therefore, it is recommended to use the application on a mobile device, and on a computer to use the interface on the project website.

    9. Cubby

    Cloud data storage, which allows you to use 5 GB of free space upon completion of registration. Cubby is a development from LogMeIn, which creates and supports networking products for businesses, so there is no doubt about the reliability and stability of this solution. Previously, registration was impossible without an invitation, but now every Internet user can access the service. If desired, disk space can be increased to 25 GB if you take part in the referral program.


    Choose cloud storage with a large volume, which is provided free of charge in 2018, depending on the type of tasks solved using the cloud and specific requirements for the service. There is no point in learning the intricacies of the Chinese language for the sake of 36 TB of free space if you only have 7 GB of important information. And using cryptography to protect the privacy of a photo of your favorite cat makes very little sense.

    Do you do video shooting or do you do it all the time? make backups? Then be sure to pay attention to Yunpan 360. Are you a busy person and you need to have all the documents at hand, and each of your devices needs to have up-to-date information?

    Google Drive along with integrated office services will do the job perfectly. Are you afraid for the safety and confidentiality of your data? Take a look at Mega, which uses the AES cryptographic algorithm. Well, if you are an ordinary Internet user who sometimes takes photos on your phone and is looking for a place to store files in the cloud, then [email protected] will more than cover your needs.

    Meanwhile, I am still not a very confident user. You may experience difficulties when working on this cloud. Let's try to figure out some of them.

    Sending a file

    How to send files to the mail.ru cloud:

    In the video below you can see “How to upload a document to the mail.ru cloud.”

    Transferring a file

    How to transfer a file via mail.ru cloud?

    Transfer of archives, videos and photographs

    How to transfer videos and photos via mail.ru cloud? You use an account on mail.ru, you have uploaded video material to the cloud that you intend to transfer to your friends. Let it be the film “The Illusionist”. Further actions are similar to what we had to perform when transferring any other file. Transferring photos and archives via a cloud service is carried out in the same way as presented in the case of transferring files and video material.

    You can see in detail how to place and transfer photographs with the services of the mail.ru cloud resource in the video below.

    Now you know how to transfer documents, videos, photographs and archives using the mail.ru cloud resource. You can read about other features of using the [email protected] service. I hope that everything was clear to you, and you will be able to implement all these activities on your own without much stress. Happy dispatches!