• Let's get acquainted with the unified information system. EIS: Information about updating the EIS software version contains

    Since November 20, 2017, the following functionality of the unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) is available.
    1. Ensuring the possibility of archiving procurement plans that have not passed control
    A new function for archiving draft procurement plans that are in the “In preparation” status, including those that have not passed control, is available to all customers. This function will allow customers, based on a previously saved archived version of the procurement plan, to generate a new draft procurement plan to send it for control.
    Also, customers who generate procurement information in external order placement systems (hereinafter referred to as EPS) now have the opportunity to archive draft procurement plans that have not passed control, which allows users of EPS to send a new procurement plan to the UIS, and not just changes to an already generated one. and an untested procurement plan.
    2. Ensuring the possibility of indicating in the register of EIS contracts in a structured form information about contracts with subcontractors, co-executors from among small businesses (hereinafter - SMB), socially oriented non-profit organizations (hereinafter - SONCO) in information about the contract (its amendment).
    On November 1, 2017, subparagraph “and (1)” of paragraph 2 of the Rules for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by customers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084, came into force, according to which information must be included in the register of contracts of the UIS on agreements between suppliers (contractors, performers) with co-executors and subcontractors who are SMP and SONCO.
    Such information is included by customers in the register of contracts in the event of a contract being concluded on the terms of mandatory involvement by suppliers (contractors, performers) of subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP and SONCO in the execution of such a contract.
    In this case, the register of contracts should contain the following information about contracts between suppliers (contractors, performers) with co-executors, subcontractors from among the SMP and SONCO:
    - name, trade name (if any) of the subcontractor, co-executor;
    - location of the subcontractor, co-executor;
    - TIN of the subcontractor, co-executor;
    - subject and price of the contract;
    - date of conclusion and contract number (if available).
    Since November 20, it has been possible to place the above information in the EIS contract register in a structured form.
    3. Providing detail by budget classification codes (hereinafter referred to as BCC) of the volume of financial support for the positions of procurement plans, procurement plans and schedules, special procurements as part of planning documents.
    In accordance with the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2017 No. 73, in procurement plans, procurement schedules, special procurements as part of planning documents, the volume of financial support for the procurement must be detailed for each BCC.
    From November 20, when creating procurement plans, procurement schedules, and special procurements in the Unified Information System, it is possible to detail the volume of financial support for procurement for each BCC as part of planning documents.
    Information on other changes in the functioning of the UIS is provided in the version log.

    Journal of versions of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement 44-FZ (version 7.3)

    Composition of changes in version 7.3

    Unified information system in the field of procurement


    ChangesUnitedinformationalsystemsin the field of procurement (EIS)



    Registryschedulesand purchasing plans

    "User's Guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause



    Improved advanced search in terms of:

    Adding search parameters for long-term contracts “Volume of payment for long-term contracts and currency” and “Volume of attraction of small and medium-sized businesses and currency”

    "User's Guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause



    Improved advanced search in terms of:

    Adding a search parameter “Subcontractor, co-executor, who is a small business entity, socially oriented non-profit organization”

    "User's Guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause

    Changing the display of the contract card in part:

    The “Information about subcontractors, co-contractors from among SMP, SONO” block has been added to the “Contract Information” tab.

    "User's Guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause

    Changing the printed form of the contract in accordance with the above changes

    "User's Guide. Official website of the EIS" (clause




    Development of a function for sending an error message in the user’s personal account

    Improvement of the page displayed when an error occurs in the system, in terms of adding a link “Generate a support request”

    “UIS User Guide” (clause 4.22)


    Procurement plans (44-FZ)

    Providing a breakdown by codes of the budget classification of financial support for positions and special purchases in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73

    "User's Guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules" (clause,

    Ensuring automatic translation of procurement plans posted by federal government customers for 2018-2020, which were not generated in the GIIS “Budget Planning” system

    "User's Guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules" (clause,



    Providing a breakdown by budget classification codes (BCC) of financial support for positions and special purchases in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, as well as filling out information on the BCC based on the final indicators of the procurement plan,

    Ensuring automatic translation of schedules posted by federal government customers for 2018-2020, generated on the basis of procurement plans and which were not generated in the “Budget Planning” system of GIIS

    “Electronic budget”, to the archive, as well as the ability to manually transfer such schedules to the archive in the “In preparation” status

    "User's Guide. Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement plans-schedules” (clause.,


    Integration and Routing

    Changes to schemes are contained in the files “EIS Integration. Description of version 7.3",

    “TFF Album 7.3”, “Schemes of version 7.3”, “Advantages and requirements of changes 7.3”, “Description of improvements to the integration of the UIS with EP, VSRZ, RMIS for

    implementation of Part 5 of Article 99", "Controls of RPG 7.3", "Controls of RPG 7.3",

    "Controls of RK 7.3".


    Controlin accordance with Part 5 of Art. 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ

    Displaying the name of the control object from the information of the OPPI protocol (the “Protocol” field) on the “APPI Protocols” tab

    "User's Guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause 4.2.6)

    Ensuring the display of several winner prices and unit prices when monitoring protocols for determining the supplier (contractor, performer)

    "User's Guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause

    Improvement of control over procurement plans and procurement schedules in terms of adding a field


    "User's Guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause 4.2.1, 4.2.4)

    Ensuring a ban on the generation and signing of control results based on an outdated version of the control object

    "User's Guide. The body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ" (clause,


    Registrycontracts concludedcustomers

    Ensuring the possibility of indicating information about contracts with subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP, SONO in information about the contract (its amendment), provided that the scope of involvement of subcontractors, co-contractors from among the SMP, SONO in the execution of the contract was indicated

    User's Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

    Ensuring the inheritance of information about the procurement object - a medicinal product from items of the procurement schedule or notification related to information about the contract

    User's Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

    Ensuring that information about the termination of supplier obligations secured by a bank guarantee is displayed in the section

    “Fulfillment of obligations to guarantee the quality of goods, works, services” on the “Information on the execution (termination) of the contract” tab of the contract card

    User's Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause 4.7.3)

    Providing the ability to fill in information about registered maximum selling prices in information on the execution (termination) of a contract from the directory

    “Maximum selling prices of medicines”

    User's Guide. Procurement management subsystem in terms of RK and RBG (clause

    Bug fixes


    Procurement plans (44-FZ)

    An error has been fixed as a result of which, when viewing the details of a procurement plan item on the “General position information” tab, in the “Expense type code” field the value “Purchase at the expense of several CWR” could be displayed if the “Purchase at the expense of several CWR” attribute was not set when creating the position. KVR".

    Schedules and procurement plans

    Fixed an issue where, when viewing schedule details on the Schedule Items tab in the Item List table, the Contract Details column could display an incorrect contract status.


    An error has been corrected as a result of which, when performing an advanced search across several subjects of the Customer's Russian Federation, search results could be displayed only for the first specified subject.

    Register of bank guarantees

    An error has been fixed that could result in some users receiving the message “The requested page is temporarily unavailable” when unloading advanced search results. Please try again later."

    Closed part Procurement register

    An error has been fixed that resulted in some users receiving an error when sending a protocol for reviewing and evaluating applications for a notice with two lots, one of which had all applications rejected.

    "org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformationException: org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException."

    An error has been fixed as a result of which, when adding a new item to the procurement plan of an organization whose IKU has changed, a control could be triggered that requires you to indicate the old data of the organization if the current IKU was specified in the IKP.

    An error has been fixed that caused some users to have "<>"according to the position of the IKZ schedule"<>", on the "Procurement Object" tab, which is filled in automatically based on the information entered in the schedule, when you click on the "Save and check for violations" button, the message "For technical reasons, the subsystem "Register of Schedules" is not currently available is available. Information generated on the basis of the schedule cannot be updated."

    Register of procurement plans

    An error has been corrected as a result of which a new position could be added to the procurement plan published in the UIS, identical to a previously added position, with the same IKZ number, purchase number and amount, as a result of which this position could also be duplicated in the schedule.

    Register of procurement plans and schedules

    An error has been fixed whereby when trying to make changes to a procurement plan position by clicking the “change” button, the IKZ procurement plan position "<>", the focus could be moved to the top of the page without changing the data.

    Register of schedules

    Fixed an error that resulted in IKZ numbers in the text of the automatic control of the schedule “Item numbers in the schedule were filled in incorrectly: “<>", Check that schedule positions with the specified IKZ are assigned numbers from the range 001 - 999, unique within the corresponding procurement plan position" could be displayed without spaces.

    A bug has been fixed that could result in the system displaying the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable” when placing and sending a schedule for control. Please try again later."

    A bug has been fixed that resulted in the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable...” when making changes to a posted schedule by adding a new schedule item, when clicking “Finish.”

    Request for prices

    An error has been fixed as a result of which, when uploading a price request package for an alternative integration, after successful processing and placement of the price request in the Personal Account, the upload might not be available in FTP.


    An error has been fixed as a result of which, when sending changes to the procurement plan to the UIS, the control on the BSC for the positions of the procurement plan “IDE” could be triggered. The following budget classification codes are not unique to procurement plan totals: "<>"».

    An error has been fixed that resulted in some users, when loading changes to the schedule with a schedule item, the object of purchase of which was a medicinal product presented in text form, which had the attribute “Included in Vital and Essential Drugs (VED)” set. , the specified sign “Included in Vital and Essential Drugs” may not have been indicated.

    An error has been fixed that could result in the error “UE. The required “Telephone” field in the block “Information about the state (municipal) customer, budgetary, autonomous institution or state (municipal) unitary enterprise” has not been filled in.

    A bug has been fixed that could result in a modification block being missing in the electronic auction summing up protocols when uploading to ftp.


    An error has been fixed that could result in some users receiving the error “Access to the UIS is prohibited” when logging into their Personal Account through the unified identification and authentication system. The presented certificate is not assigned to the account of the organization’s authorized person in the UIS.”

    Register of scheduled inspections

    An error has been fixed that resulted in the error “Error 500: javax.el.ELException: Error reading "signatureValid" on type ru.lanit.pgz.checks.web.pagecode.beans. CheckPlanCryptoSignBean".

    Register of control results

    An error has been fixed that resulted in posted information about the order, as well as draft information about the order, not being displayed in the closed part for control results with identified violations.

    Register of contracts

    The error has been corrected, as a result of which, after receiving a positive control result under Part 5 of Art. 99 44-FZ in the Personal Account of the control body, contract information may not have been posted.

    An error has been fixed that resulted in the unique number of the schedule item not being displayed after placing primary information about the contract in the printed form of the contract.

    A bug has been fixed that could result in the error “Page is temporarily unavailable” when making changes to contract execution information. Try reloading the page."


    A bug has been fixed that could result in an unexpected error occurring in the RGK integration adapter when processing contract executions. java.lang.NullPointerException."

    A bug has been fixed that resulted in two identical contracts being loaded for a placed purchase. (letter from FC)

    Fixed an issue where, when uploading a contract change with an out-of-date international nonproprietary drug name, the following error could occur: “An unexpected error occurred during processing. Unexpected error in the RGK integration adapter. A medicinal product with a unique external code"<>" must be up to date in the singular in the directory "Medicines" (field positionsTradeName\positionTradeName\positionTradeNameExternalCode of the nsiFarmDrugDictionary document) and this medicinal product must correspond to the international nonproprietary chemical or group name (INN), the unique external code of which "<>" is transmitted in the MNNInfo block."

    Customers are required to post notices, documentation, protocols - all tenders on the official procurement website gov ru.

    The official government procurement website is located at zakupki.gov.ru.

    All tenders and government procurements are posted on the portal. The official website allows you to search for government procurement under Federal Law 44 and Federal Law 223 for free and download documentation. Previous version of the government procurement website: old.zakupki.gov.ru. Gov.ru is the name of the domain of the Government of the Russian Federation (from the first letters of the English word government- government).

    A convenient alternative to the government procurement website is the Tenderplan tender search system. Try FREE for 2 weeks

    The official website Zakupki.gov.ru contains

    1. Procurement plans, schedules, information on their implementation
    2. Information about procurement and execution of contracts
    3. Lists of purchases from small businesses
    4. Register of contracts concluded by customers
    5. Library of standard contracts, standard contract terms
    6. Register of bank guarantees
    7. Register of complaints (to the Federal Antimonopoly Service), scheduled and unscheduled inspections
    8. Results of monitoring, audit and control

    There is also a forum on the official website.

    The main procurement portal for 44-FZ contains general sections of government procurement for 44 and 223-FZ, and separate sections for procurement plans, lists and registers for each federal law.Advanced search allows you to filter government procurement. You can select the federal law, procurement registration number, procurement method (type of tender).

    The initial purchase price can be selected in rubles and other currencies. The official procurement website of gov ru supports searching by the customer’s tax identification number, subject of the Russian Federation, as well as the place of delivery of goods, work or services. In addition to keywords, exclusions from the search are possible. The checkbox “taking into account all forms of words” displays all parts of speech of the search query in the results.

    Registration on the government procurement website

    The government procurement portal zakupki.gov.ru contains a section for Customers and a section for Suppliers, where registers, explanations, questions and answers are posted.

    Since customers are required to post a lot of information on the official government procurement website, they need to obtain an electronic digital signature for bidding, register and gain access to their personal account. The registration procedure for customers is determined by order of the Federal Treasury.

    Customers place tenders through the Unified Information System for public procurement. The official website is a public part of a unified information system in the field of procurement. The official procurement website of gov ru connects customers, procurement participants and electronic platforms.

    Let's figure out what a unified information system in the field of procurement is. Roughly speaking, this is a single base from which government procurement in Russia is formed.

    To get a good result and find the right contracts, you need to use it correctly and know what exactly and how to use it while working. Let's move on to basic information about the UIS: why is it needed and how to use it?

    2. What is EIS

    UIS stands for unified information system. Its official website was created for full-fledged work between the contract procurement system and procurement of individual specializations, such as goods, services or work. In addition, it is used to create and store a collected database of past, current and future purchases.

    Regarding the law, the procedure for posting information on one information system is regulated by the law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs” and a similar law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by specific types of legal entities" and many by-laws.

    According to the law, an information system in the field of procurement is a set of information contained in documents, technological developments and other technological devices that simplify the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of a unified information system on the Internet.

    3. Official website zakupki.gov

    Since January 1, 2016, instead of the old website for placing orders for the supply of goods and processing documentation for work performed and services provided in Russia, a new structure has appeared - a unified information system in the field of procurement.

    She set herself a global goal. Namely, the design of an information system to increase transparency in the implementation of government supplies. The result is a ready-made contract system that works from the beginning of the creation of an order to the end of its full implementation and public disclosure.

    The data that is used for processing by the information system is fully accessible to anyone, except for information that is subject to a state ban on disclosure in advance. Moreover, the information is provided completely free of charge. And each representative undertakes to issue it in full and in accordance with reliable data.

    The concept and functional requirements for the information system are developed and controlled by a state body - the Ministry of Economic Development. The Federal Treasury, in turn, develops and operates the system, thereby monitoring its correct operation and eliminating failures.

    At first, the formation of the UIS in the procurement sector was considered between several options:

      create it based on the old version;

      create a system from scratch.

    To save money from the budget, it was decided to build a system based on an existing one, but make a number of changes to it. Another bonus of this option is that the address remains the same, and people and customers do not need to look for or explore a new place. The link to the site remains - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

    Regarding Part 7 of Article 4 of 44-FZ, the subject and municipal organizations can change and have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a unified information system.

    However, if there are various options for posting information on the subject’s website and the Unified Information System, the first place is given to the information posted in the unified information system. Those. this suggests to suppliers that the UIS functionality will be sufficient to search for information about ongoing public procurement, both within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ. However, in addition to this system, there are also paid sources, which are not in vain used by almost all professionals in the field of tenders - specialized search programs and procurement databases have more convenient and informative search functionality, as well as additional opportunities for automating processes and sending out new notifications.

    4. What information is available in the unified information system

    Taking into account Part 3 of Article 4 of 44-FZ, the UIS should include:

      documents on planned purchases (from 02/01/2017);

      procurement plans with temporary production indicators (from 02/01/2017);

      data on the implementation of the assigned procurement tasks (from 02/01/2017);

      information both on contracts and restrictions, and on the reduction of low-quality goods that can already be delivered from foreign countries or are carried out by these companies that have already entered into agreements regarding the mutual compliance of requirements when forming procurement, as well as the conditions for their use among the national regime;

      information on procurement and data processing;

      information bank of contracts concluded with customers;

      register of suppliers (contractors, performers) who are dishonest in fulfilling the order;

      library of standard contracts;

      a list of international financial organizations created in accordance with international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties;

      results of procurement monitoring, procurement audit, and procurement control;

      catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

      register of bank guarantees;

      information on the prices of goods, works, and services purchased to meet state and municipal needs in commodity markets, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, and services placed by customers;

      other information and documents, the placement of which in a unified information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with with them by other regulatory legal acts.

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    5. What does the EIS provide?

    Zakupki.gov has the following functionality:

      registration and placement of information through the interaction of the UIS with various search engines, with the help of which there is no longer a need to enter the account created on the UIS;

      monitoring information, as well as any information blocks that are subject to distribution in the UIS, through interaction with other information systems;

      the ability to use OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 for search, however, the search filter by statistics codes is very difficult to implement;

      implementation of all the possibilities of the presented functionality for the Federal Company for the Improvement of Small and Medium Businesses;

      implementation of extensive functionality for the control group and audit bodies;

      use of improved, as yet unqualified, electronic signature capabilities for issuing electronic documents;

      Submitting an application for consideration on site by the supplier (performer, contractor) using the electronic version.

    6. Advantages of the EIS

    The unified information system has a fundamental difference from its predecessor - the government procurement website; it is the best possible automation of the procurement process from posting notices to executing contracts and summing up results. Absolutely all data recorded in the system is automatically processed, and the necessary reporting is built on their foundation. The entire documentary system is posted on the website in public access.

    The EIS is in close contact with other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which leads to a single information space.

    A weighty argument is the fact that procurement plans and schedules will be placed in the Unified Information System (from January 1) only in a structured (machine) form. This innovation greatly expands the possibilities using standard search queries, such as in the Yandex or Google search engines.

    On the previous government procurement website, these documents were scanned, which did not allow suppliers and other interested citizens to search for the information they needed. This innovation allows suppliers to predict in advance the demand among customers for existing goods, works or services and draw up a long-term plan for participation in procurement.

    The creators also performed analytical work, thereby increasing the performance and fault tolerance of the EIS, improved search capabilities, added a constructor with various search schemes, and optimized the user page. The system interface has received a newer and more colorful look. The entire set of features became available to users on January 1, 2017.

    Legislative regulation of the work of the UIS

    In Russian legislative document No. 44-FZ and in resolutions issued by the government dated September 30, 2014 No. 996 “On the redistribution of company management between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Treasury during the formation of the Unified Information System” and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36 “On the procedure and time to implement all the capabilities of the UIS,” the requirements for the management and implementation of the UIS idea are described in sufficient detail.

    7. EIS and government orders

    New legislative framework, including ed. 44-FZ stipulates the possibility of creating a unified information system, which must have a detailed information base, including all stages of contract execution for all documents that were assigned after their receipt.

    The developers of this government document, namely the Unified Information System, stipulate that it will be a tool for collecting data in the field of public procurement. In addition, he will control the mutually accessible data regarding procurement in various documents (for example, the correspondence of information in the schedule and in the procurement plan).

    In addition, it is planned to add other quite important information about each purchase to the UIS, such as data on the conduct and result of the procurement audit, a register of contracts, a unified register of bank guarantees, a register of “unscrupulous suppliers”, a register of complaints to regulatory authorities, as well as a database of standard contracts. In addition, according to the developers, the UIS will include catalogs of goods and services for state and municipal needs, as well as a “module for determining the average market price for goods and services.” It has become possible to select “public discussions”, thereby it is intended to implement the principle of state control over procurement.

    Regional and municipal authorities have the right to create their own separate information systems for public procurement, while data from other information systems, in order to receive “legal permission,” must be automatically reformed into one federal UIS. Integrators need to pay attention to this, because it is possible that in difficult times for the IT business there will be an opportunity to get a client in this area.

    As a regulator, the Ministry of Economic Development should formulate requirements for the UIS.

    8. Video instructions for working with EIS

    For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

    As a result of studying the chapter, the student should:


    • basic concepts and main functions of the UIS;
    • the procedure for organizing document flow in the contract system;
    • main registers of the official website of the EIS;

    be able to

    • find information about procurement on the official website of the EIS www.zakupki.gov.ru and the websites of operators of electronic platforms;
    • carry out data sampling in the register of the official website of the EIS;


    • skills in working with the official EIS website (the procedure for posting data, making changes, data management);
    • skill in managing electronic document flow in a contract system;
    • skills in working with the main registers of the official EIS website (monitoring, analysis and evaluation of data, information search).

    Unified information system and information systems in the field of procurement

    The effective functioning of the contract system is determined by the principles of openness and transparency. For their full implementation in the field of procurement, an unified information system has been created and is functioning, which interacts with other information systems, for example, with the state automated information system “Management”, the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget”. The procedure for the functioning of the UIS, the requirements for technological and linguistic means of the UIS, including the requirements for ensuring the automation of the processes of collecting and processing information in the UIS, the procedure for information interaction of the UIS with other information systems, including in the field of state and municipal finance management, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation . (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2015 No. 1414 “On the procedure for functioning of the unified information system in the field of procurement.”)

    In order to organize the execution of the state contract dated October 3, 2013 No. GK-142-OF/D01 for the execution of work on the preparation of the concept and technical specifications for the creation of an unified information system in the field of procurement, Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 31, 2013 No. 645 “On the creation of an Interdepartmental Working groups to support the state contract for the execution of work on the preparation of the concept and technical specifications for the creation of a unified information system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Work on the creation of the Unified Information System was carried out in coordinated interaction of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University Higher School of Economics" (executor of the state contract) with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, and the Treasury of Russia.

    The unified information system in the field of procurement is a set of information provided for by the Law on the Contract System and contained in databases, information technologies and technical means that ensure the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of the unified information system in the information and telecommunications Internet network (clause 9 of article 3 of the Law on the contract system).

    The structure of the UIS includes subsystems (components, modules) created and (or) modified as part of the work on maintaining and maintaining the official website (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2015 No. 36 “On the procedure and timing for commissioning a unified information system in the field of procurement "). The list of subsystems (components, modules) of the UIS was defined in the technical documentation based on the functional requirements that were established by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

    On January 1, 2016, the UIS was put into operation (Order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 22, 2015 No. 354) based on the results of acceptance of work (their results based on acceptance tests) by an interdepartmental commission formed by the Federal Treasury (Order of the Treasury of Russia dated April 29, 2015 No. 11n ). Work on the creation of the Unified Information System must be fully completed no later than January 1, 2017, when it will be possible to submit applications through the Unified Information System for participation in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and final proposals.

    The functioning of the UIS ensures:

    • 1) formation, processing, storage and provision of data (including automated) to participants of the contract system in the field of procurement within the framework of relations aimed at meeting state and municipal needs;
    • 2) compliance control (effective from January 1, 2017):
      • a) information on the volume of financial support included in the procurement plans, information on the volume of financial support for procurement, approved and communicated to the customer;
      • b) information included in procurement plans (hereinafter also referred to as “schedules”), information contained in procurement plans;
      • c) information contained in notices of procurement, in procurement documentation, information contained in schedules;
      • d) information contained in the protocols for identifying suppliers (contractors, performers), information contained in procurement documentation;
      • e) the terms of the draft contract sent in the form of an electronic document to the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded, information contained in the protocol for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);
      • f) information about the contract included in the register of contracts concluded by customers, the terms of the contract;
    • 3) use of an enhanced non-qualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents provided for by the Law on the Contract System;
    • 4) filing applications for participation in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document, as well as opening access to such applications on the day and time specified in the notice of procurement. At the same time, procurement participants must be provided with the opportunity to receive information in real time about the opening of the specified access.

    New in legislation

    By Order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 22, 2015 No. 354 “On the commissioning of a unified information system in the field of procurement”, the UIS in the field of procurement was put into operation on January 1, 2016, created on the basis of the Official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services. The commissioning of the UIS entailed the transition of the domain name www.zakupki.gov.ru to the official UIS website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

    The list of information that is subject to placement in the UIS contains:

    • procurement plans;
    • schedules;
    • information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules;
    • information on the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively, performed and provided by foreign persons, a list of foreign states, groups of foreign states with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties on mutual application national treatment in procurement, as well as the conditions for applying such national treatment;
    • information on procurement provided for by the Law on the Contract System, on the execution of contracts;
    • register of contracts concluded by customers;
    • register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers);
    • library of standard contracts, standard contract terms;
    • register of bank guarantees;
    • register of complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, their results and issued orders;
    • a list of international financial organizations created in accordance with international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties;
    • results of procurement monitoring, procurement audit, and procurement control;
    • customer reports required by the Contract System Act;
    • catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;
    • Legal acts regulating the relevant relations;
    • information on prices prevailing in commodity markets for products purchased to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for product prices placed by customers;
    • other information and documents, the placement of which in the Unified Information System is provided for by the Law on the Contract System, the Law on Procurement and other regulations adopted in accordance with them.

    Important to remember

    Points 1-3, part 3, art. 4 of the Law on the contract system (indication of such components of the UIS as procurement plans, procurement schedules, information on the implementation of procurement plans and procurement schedules) come into force on January 1, 2017. From March 31, 2015, the formation of a closed register of bank guarantees. Such a register includes bank guarantees provided as security for applications and contracts that contain information constituting a state secret.

    The unified information system ensures that all information contained in it is posted on the official website, which is publicly available and provided free of charge. The exception is information constituting a state secret; such information is not posted in the Unified Information System.

    The powers to create and ensure the functioning of the Unified Information System are divided between the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2014 No. 996 “On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury when creating a unified information system in the field of procurement.” The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has been given the authority to develop functional requirements for the UIS in the field of procurement and to maintain the UIS in the field of procurement in terms of supporting its users.

    The Federal Treasury is authorized to perform the functions of:

    • 1) on the creation and development of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement in accordance with the functional requirements developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia;
    • 2) for servicing the Unified Information System in the field of procurement;
    • 3) for maintaining the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (except for supporting its users);
    • 4) to establish the procedure for registration in the UIS in the field of procurement and the procedure for using the UIS in the field of procurement.

    The UIS is intended both to provide information support for the activities of participants in the contract system, and to ensure procurement control and the ability for customers and procurement participants to implement additional functionality. Additional functionality should be understood as the function of submitting and recording participants’ applications in the form of an electronic document using an enhanced unqualified electronic signature.

    Procurement control is ensured through the integration of the Unified Information System with the Electronic Budget information system, aimed at the interaction of the budget process and the processes of planning and procurement. This integration allows the Federal Treasury (financial bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds) to exercise control.

    The interaction of the UIS and the Electronic Budget IS is aimed at strengthening the relationship between the budget process and procurement planning procedures, placing orders for their supply and implementing state (municipal) contracts concluded as a result of placing orders. The UIS is one of the centralized service subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” system (clause 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2015 No. 658 “On the state integrated information system for managing public finances “Electronic Budget””).

    As a centralized subsystem of the UIS, it performs the following functions:

    • generation of information and documents of federal state customers, state customers acting on behalf of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and municipal customers as part of the provision of information and documents for the formation and maintenance of a register of contracts concluded by customers in accordance with the Law on the Contract System;
    • information interaction with other information systems in order to provide information contained in the “Electronic Budget” system, as well as obtain information necessary for the implementation of the functions and powers of the subjects of the “Electronic Budget” system.

    Important to remember

    Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 24, 2014 No. 167n “On the procedure for assigning, applying and changing customer identification codes for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers as a result of procurement” established the structure and procedure for using the customer identification code assigned for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of the purchase. The customer code is a twenty-digit digital code that is assigned by the Federal Treasury following the registration procedure on the official website www.zakupki.gov.ru. Requirements for the content of the customer’s account card, which will be created by the Federal Treasury for each customer, have also been determined. Information for the account card will be changed based on information received from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and (or) from the customer to the extent that does not contradict the information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    The Law on the Contract System contains an indication that constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to create their own information systems integrated with the Unified Information System.

    Uniform requirements for regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1091 “On uniform requirements for regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” In accordance with established requirements, the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local administrations determine the procedure for the functioning and use of regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement.

    Important to know

    From January 1, 2016, the specified Unified Requirements came into full force; from January 1, 2014, the requirements came into force with the exception of points regulating control over the compliance of information and ensuring the transfer to the UIS, as well as the reception from the UIS of information and documents included in composition of procurement plans, procurement plans and schedules, information on the implementation of procurement plans and procurement plans and schedules; information on contract execution; requests from users of regional and municipal systems.

    Tools for integrating the UIS with regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement are:

    • - information interaction of these systems with the UIS, ensuring guaranteed transfer to the UIS and placement in it of electronic documents and information provided for by the Law on the Contract System. If the formation of such electronic documents and information is carried out in regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, the calculation of the terms of placement of such electronic documents and information in the UIS provided for by the Law on the Contract System begins from the moment of recording the time of receipt of such electronic documents and information in the UIS;
    • - use of the specified information systems and EIS databases;
    • - establishment of uniform technological and linguistic requirements for information processed in these systems;
    • - posting information about procurement on the official website of the EIS.

    If the information posted in the UIS does not correspond to the information posted in other information systems in the field of procurement, the information posted in the UIS takes priority. The exception is information about the prices of products purchased to meet state and municipal needs in commodity markets, about requests for product prices placed by customers, as well as information and documents, the placement of which in the Unified Information System is provided for by the Procurement Law.

    Important to remember

    The letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated June 30, 2014 No. ATs/26237/14 “Explanation of the legislation on the contract system” indicates that the placement by the customer of procurement documentation containing restrictions for review on the official website is an administrative offense. Information in the form of text is posted on the official website in a format that makes it possible to search and copy text fragments using a web browser (“hypertext format”). Regulatory legal and other acts, draft acts, judicial acts, reports, reports, agreements, reviews, forecasts, protocols, conclusions, statistical information, samples of forms and other documents, in addition to the hypertext format, are posted on the official website in the form of files in a format that allows saving them on users’ technical means and allowing, after saving, the ability to search and copy an arbitrary fragment of text using the appropriate viewing program (“document in electronic form”). Thus, according to the FAS Russia, if the procurement documentation posted by the customer on the official website contains restrictions for review (the text is placed in a format that does not allow fragments to be copied), then this action violates the provisions of the Law on the Contract System and contains signs of an administrative offense , provided for in Part 1.4 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    A different position is taken by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated December 15, 2015 No. D28i-3613), which believes that if there is no opportunity to search and copy fragments of text, then this does not contradict the Law on the contract system, since there is only a ban on charging for access to documentation and other requirements are not provided.

    The Unified Information System in the field of procurement has implemented new functionality provided for by the amendments to federal laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ that have entered into force. From October 1, 2018, new functionality became available to users of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. Experts from the Credit and Insurance Agency tell us what new the EIS offers.

    Conclusion of contracts in the EIS

    From October 1, 2018, the conclusion of contracts based on the results of electronic procedures (except for an electronic auction) will be carried out in the manner prescribed by Art. 83.2 of Law No. 44-FZ, in the interaction of the UIS and the electronic platform:

    1) The customer sends from his personal account in the UIS to the electronic platform, and also places in the open part of the UIS a draft contract for signing by the winner of the electronic procedure;

    2) The winner of the electronic procedure sends from his personal account on the electronic platform to the UIS, and also places in his personal account on the electronic platform a signed draft contract and documents provided for by the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ, or a protocol of disagreements (if there are disagreements);

    3) The customer sends a signed contract from his personal account in the UIS to the electronic platform and the concluded electronic contract is placed in the open part of the UIS.

    For electronic auctions, notices of which are posted in the Unified Information System before January 1, 2019, the current procedure for concluding contracts (on the electronic platform) is maintained.

    Conducting procurement under Law No. 223-FZ from SMEs

    In accordance with the requirements of Art. 3.4 of Law No. 223-FZ in the Unified Information System since October 1, 2018, the possibility of using competitive procurement methods has been implemented, the participants of which can only be small and medium-sized businesses. Such purchases will now be carried out on electronic platforms selected by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    At the same time, procurement customers in accordance with Art. 4. From Law No. 223-FZ, by January 1, 2019, the procurement provisions must be brought into compliance with the new standards.

    Customers whose procurement regulations have already been brought into line with the norms of Law 223-FZ must use four standard competitive procurement methods for SMEs:

    1). Competition in electronic form;

    2). Auction in electronic form;

    The specified procurement methods are implemented in the Unified Information System. Procurements are carried out on electronic platforms that are allowed to conduct procurement procedures within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ.

    Customers who have not yet adjusted the procurement provisions, before bringing the procurement provisions into compliance with the requirements of Art. 3.4 of Law 223-FZ (but no later than January 1, 2019) have the opportunity in the UIS to make purchases from SMEs in accordance with the previously existing procedure.

    Other improvements to the EIS functionality

    The functionality for generating information about mandatory public discussion of procurement has been improved;

    In the UIS personal account, a functionality has been implemented that allows you to create items in the procurement plan and procurement schedule by copying previously created items;

    An automatic control has been implemented that warns the customer about the incorrectness of the size of the application security he sets, in case of a discrepancy between this size and the values ​​​​established by Law No. 44-FZ;

    The possibility of adding application evaluation criteria not provided for in Art. 32 of Law No. 44-FZ, when forming a structured part of the documentation on conducting a request for proposals in electronic form;

    Automatic control has been implemented to verify the fact that the procurement participant is in the register of unscrupulous suppliers;

    Improvements have been made to the implementation of control provided for in Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ, regarding the draft contract;

    It is possible to indicate in the contract information information about the period for which a guarantee of the quality of goods, work, services is provided, in text form;

    A restriction has been established on the choice of units of measurement in contract information to be included in the register of contracts if the object of purchase is a medicinal product;

    The ability to enter information about the supply of a medicinal product in the contract execution information has been implemented;

    The ability to specify the basis for entering information about a medicinal product in manual mode has been implemented;

    The possibility of automatic exclusion from the Register of qualified contractors when making purchases for the provision of services or carrying out work on major repairs of common property in an apartment building has been implemented.

    More information about changes in the functionality of the EIS can be found on the official website of the system.

    An explanation of the position of the Ministry of Finance regarding the procedure for working under Law No. 44-FZ can be found in a new article on our website. You can find out about the most important changes to the procedure for conducting government procurement, which will come into force on January 1, 2019, in the next article.

    Credit and Insurance Agency - bank guarantees and loans
    for procurement participants!