• Quick installation and configuration of a satellite dish with your own hands. Selecting a location to install the antenna. How to set up a satellite dish - choosing a cable

    In this article we will learn how to “target” a satellite dish with three converters without help additional equipment, connect, and also configure the receiver. The example uses three standard satellites Amos, Sirius, Hotbird, broadcasting a total of 24 Russian-language channels. But in principle, thanks to the material prepared for MirSovetov, you will be able to install and connect satellite dish, and also set it up for any satellites you choose.

    Advantages of satellite television

    The most important advantage satellite television- this is its price. Set price satellite equipment on average $160. Considering the absence of a monthly fee for TV channels, it beats cable in price. Another important plus is the picture and sound quality, which is not inferior to a good DVD.
    On a set of satellite equipment with three converters (heads), you can configure 25-40 (depending on the selected satellites) free Russian-language channels. A bunch of satellites from Amos 4.0W, Sirius 5.0E, Hotbird 13.0E are considered standard, since these satellites have channels for every taste. But technology does not stand still and new satellites are being discovered more and more often with a large number offered channels. So the choice is yours.

    The principle of operation of a satellite dish

    The signal hitting the surface of the satellite dish mirror is reflected and enters the converter, which in turn sends the signal to the receiver, from the receiver the signal goes to the TV.
    Plates are divided into two types. The offset dish does not “look” exactly at the satellite, below it, since the signal reflected from the surface of the dish enters the converter at an angle. Offset antennas are mounted almost vertically, which prevents precipitation from collecting in it, which can greatly affect the quality of reception.
    In direct focus dishes, the converter covers part of the mirror surface; as the diagonal increases, this becomes invisible.

    Where is it possible to install a satellite dish?

    The satellite dish is picky about the terrain. Tree on the way satellite signal may partially or even completely “clog” the reception. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what is in your signal path. If there is interference in the signal path, then try to eliminate it and increase the diagonal of the dish (mirror). You can find out the direction of the dish for certain satellites from sellers of satellite equipment, as well as in specialized magazines and on the Internet. In the MirSovetov example, the satellite dish will initially be directed to the south. That is, the south side should be free from buildings and other dense obstacles.

    Satellite TV set

    The satellite TV kit includes 6 items, these are:
    1. Plate(mirror) is used to receive (reflect) a signal from the satellite. The dish should be from 60 cm to 1.2 meters diagonal - depending on the terrain and obstacles that stand in the way of the satellite signal (trees, houses, etc.).
    2. Converter(head) is used to convert the signal reflected from the plate and send it to the receiver. Converters have been available since different quantities outputs for connecting one, two or more receivers.
    3. DiSEq(disek) is used to connect several converters.
    4. Cable. The choice of cable is very huge. Here it’s up to you to decide the price, length, etc.
    5. bracket used to attach the plate to the wall. The choice depends on the diagonal of the plate. You can get more detailed advice from the satellite equipment seller.
    6. DVB receiver– the most expensive part of the entire set. For demon paid channels, the most ordinary receiver of the Globo plan is enough. Receivers with card readers are used to receive paid channels.
    F-ki (F-connectors) are used to connect the cable to converters, DiSEq, receiver, etc. We will need 8 of them, taking into account the reserve we will take 10. I advise you to buy heat shrink to insulate the F-ok connections with the cable. You will also need anchors to attach the bracket to the wall.

    Preparing equipment for installation

    We will not go into details on assembling the satellite dish, since it usually comes with instructions. But even without instructions, everything is clear and understandable. We will assume that we have already assembled the antenna, screwed the bracket to the wall and hooked the dish onto it. The antenna is ready for tuning. Let's leave her. And we'll prepare the cable. For this we need a knife and pliers.

    We carefully clean it (the core) from the top enamel with a knife, and put on the F-piece. The core should stick out from the edge of the F by 2-3mm. Let's cut off the extra screen sticking out from under the F-ki.

    Now connection. First we need to connect three converters to the disk drive; for this we will need, respectively, three cables. It is better to hide the disek from direct moisture. MirSovetov does not recommend wrapping connections with electrical tape, as this may result in a “bathhouse” effect. It is better to put it on heat shrink; it fits better to the cable and F-ke due to compression. The next step is to connect the disk drive to the receiver, this is not a complicated process, all you need is to screw the F-piece placed on the cable to the receiver itself.

    “Targeting” (tuning) a satellite dish

    So, our dish “looks” to the south, all the wires are connected, let’s proceed to the most difficult part - setting up, or so-called targeting, the antenna. The shooting starts from the central head, which should be set to Sirius. In the receiver we set the frequencies to 11766, speed to 27500, polarization “H”. On the receiver you have two bars: one indicating the connection of the dish and the signal from the satellite (mostly the red bar), the second shows the level of this signal (mostly yellow). When the satellite dish is connected correctly, you should see a signal strength of approximately 40%. All that remains is to adjust the signal quality, which is at zero. Let's move on to the plate.
    Let's begin. We turn the antenna to the left and up until it stops and in search of the best level signal slowly turn from left to right until it stops. If the signal is not found, lower the plate 2-3 mm along the fasteners (on the fasteners of the dish up to the bracket there are marks with numbers for more convenient “targeting”), and turn from right to left until it stops, then lower it even lower, and so on until a signal appears.
    When you receive a signal, you will see a yellow bar appear. If you approximately hit the satellite, then the signal quality band will be about 21% - let’s fix the antenna in this position. Now let’s lower it a little and carefully turn it to the left, watch for changes in quality; if it decreases, then return the antenna to its original position. Next, turn a little to the right, monitor the signal level, and also lower and raise the antenna down and up.
    Great! You caught the signal at 40%, but this is still not enough, with this percentage the slightest wind or rain can interrupt your TV viewing. To increase the signal quality, turn the converter first clockwise and then counterclockwise and see at what position the signal quality increases. If the mounting allows, then MirSovetov advises trying to bring the converter closer to the mirror, and then move it away. This also affects the signal quality, but usually the length of the bracket for the central converter is always adjusted to the correct length. Normal signal quality is 65-70%.

    It is much easier to target the side converters, since the main dish is already configured, and all the satellites are next to each other.

    The setup principle is the same: set up the receiver on Amos (frequency 10722, speed 27500, polarization “H”) and Hotbird (frequency 11034, speed 27500, polarization “V”).

    And we begin to bend the side bracket to which the converter is attached. Don’t be afraid to bend it, as in some cases and with some unsuccessful bracket models it won’t work any other way. Starting from the upper left corner, we slowly turn the converter to the right, then lower it a little lower (2-3 mm) and turn it to the left. And so on until the signal appears. To improve the signal quality, do the same as with the central converter: turn the side converters first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
    Attention! The lack of signal may be due to an incorrectly connected and configured disk drive. When setting up converters, MirSovetov recommends paying attention to which of the disk drive contacts you connected it to A, B, C or D - you will set exactly the same disk drive in your receiver.
    Thus, knowing the approximate location of the satellite and its frequency, you can configure any satellite dish without outside help. Self-installation satellite television set will reduce your costs by 50-70% of the total cost of the equipment.

    So, the satellite dish is configured, the wires are assembled and wound up, you can start scanning channels. To do this, select the SCAN function in your receiver. The receiver will scan all possible options for viewing. After creating a list of channels, you can start searching for good TV shows.
    Happy viewing!

    Cable TV is limited to only a certain list of channels. Therefore, satellites are increasingly being used for leisure activities. We propose to consider how to set up a satellite dish yourself, what TV equipment is needed for this, and also step by step installation channels for dummies.

    Antenna operating principle

    A satellite dish is a dish-shaped type of parabolic antenna (multifield, Opticum AX 1000+, Maximum, Opticum X80 Premium, Orton X80, BIG BISAT), designed to receive microwaves from communication sources that transmit signals to television, radio, and sometimes Internet satellites (Intelsat 15, Intel, Eutelsat 36A/36B (36°E), TT-budget S-1401 SkyStar 3, Sky tv digital).

    Photo – Satellite dish

    The parabolic shape of the offset dish reflects the signal to the antenna at the focal point. A device called a horn feed (Satfinder) is attached to the dish coordinator; its adjustment is fully automatic. This part is essentially an amplifier, the front converter heads (LNB) collect the signals from the focal point and “drive” them to the down-converter block. The horn converts electromagnetic or radio wave signals into electrical waves and tunes their spectrum.

    Now another amplification technology is actively used - winding a metal mesh or additional turns of wire on a plate (see photo). This setting helps increase the antenna's absorption capacity and sensitivity even to weak signals.

    Photo - Amplifier on the antenna

    Modern cymbals designed for use in home television, as a rule, have a size from 43 cm to 80 cm in diameter, they are configured in one position, to receive Ku-band from one orbital position. Before the existence of live broadcast satellite services, home users typically used a motorized C-band dish up to 3 meters in diameter to receive channels from different satellites. Overly small plates can cause network problems, but they have a longer shelf life, are easier to set up, and are durable.

    Video: choosing a satellite dish installation location

    How to set up a TV antenna

    You can use a special device to adjust a direct focus satellite antenna (Amos-Amos, ASTRA, Rainbow, Sirius-Sirius, SkyStar USB 2 HD CI TechniSat, Supermax, Golden Interstar, Eurosky, General Lumax DV-728 FTA, STV), for example, this is a tuner satellite dish, they are very easy to install yourself. Let's consider the simplest and safe way installation, step-by-step instructions:

    1. Prepare the antenna mount. For this purpose, you can use double suspension, construction mounting brackets (for areas with strong winds);

    The double suspension of the motorcycle suspension is equipped with two telescopic rods that can be moved. They are optimized for receiving VHF signals. At that time, they are not the best solution For good reception TVs or on a computer, because are known for their ability to interrupt the signal.

    Photo – Satellite dish on the roof

    Sometimes it is possible to mount the antenna on a rotating beam. In this case, reconfiguration will be carried out quickly and easily - it will be possible to connect from one satellite to another.

    Note: if you live far from a city or village center, then you need to purchase the largest possible antenna, with a diameter of 80 centimeters or more, otherwise the signals will be interrupted.

    1. Use a rotor for polarization. If the type of signal reception in your area is such that one channel is broadcast from the north and another broadcasts to the west, then you may need an antenna rotor to achieve double connection, thereby expanding the range. If there is no rotor, then you can take a compass;
    2. It is also recommended to use a receiver (HD Continent-CHD-04, changhong dvb-s9000n, C-band, DRE, DRS, Globo 7010C-1CI, SVEC) to amplify signals;

    If the angles are slightly different, or the platform is located quite close, then you can do without a rotor. If the angle of the satellites ABC (ABS, АВС) is more than 30 degrees, then you need to use a catcher. In addition, using such a device, you can switch between satellites without leaving your home.

    Photo – Offset antenna
    1. Determine where the antenna is connected and configured to your TV, laptop, computer or other receivers. For a laptop, phone and TV, this will most likely be a USB compartment, while for TVs it will be the so-called “tulip”. This will probably be what is called the F (DVB) connector. There are older styles of connectors such as the Belling Lee or flat cut connector.

    Please note A: If you have an old type of connector, you need to visit a radio market or local TV store to get the correct adapter. Digital TVs have a special entrance for digital reception(EUSTON 0.75 m), usually marked "DTV" or "DTT". They will not be able to connect directly to legacy connectors.

    1. Connect the antenna to your TV using RF coaxial cables (also known as the "F" wire). There are two installation options: screw it in using a threaded connection and plug it in like a regular adapter. It is worth noting that the threaded method is more reliable and practical.
    2. Set up your TV, you can do it yourself. You will need to use the remote control, the TV setup menu (how to access it in certain models described in the products of any company). The entry point is most likely labeled "Antenna", "Air" or "Air" on most Chinese TV devices.

    Some TVs have multiple inputs: make sure you select correct entry during the procedure. If you have a cable and multiple inputs, you can set one input for the projector (optional) and the other as an antenna input.

    Photo – Tricolor Antenna
    1. Adjust the antenna. For signal purity and transmission quality, you need not only to adjust the polarity, but also to select the correct coordinates. You will need to scan through the channels from your TV tuner to see which channels are within range. If you see blurry image, Reinstall the antenna until the signal clears. Some antennas are motorized, saving you the hassle of climbing onto the roof to set up. Remember, some channels require special codes; we recommend that you obtain them from your service provider, or by directly contacting the press center of a particular channel (you can do this by mail or online chat).

    Depending on which continent is needed, you can set the “manual” setting, the antenna will automatically given parameters will find the signal, depending on the range and power, you can change filters. But before you start watching movies in this case, be sure to save the channels, check their operation and secure the antenna.

    1. Find local online streaming venues. The broadcast location diagram for each channel (parameters of latitude, longitude, angle) can be easily found in Yandex or Google Map. If all channels are in the same direction (azimuth within 20 degrees +/- 1 degree), then it is easier to adjust the directional antenna.
    2. The sun can do a bad job, especially in Crimea, Kazakhstan, Israel and other sunny territories. You need to do special shading.

    In case you need different settings to get various channels, That:

    • Write down not only how many channels were selected based on the test results, but which of them are called, as well as their parameters.
    • Carry out a manual scan with the appropriate settings, add all channels in your TV menu, install an antenna for each channel.
    • Some TVs can remember channels. You can install this feature and automatically find broadcasters. To check the list, use a special tester that comes with the antenna.

    In case you happy owner SMART-TV or want to connect a computer to an antenna, you will need an express program for setting up a satellite antenna (Fastsatfinder), it can be easily installed from a disk with your own hands, after which the device creates a telecard. The main advantage of this method: simplicity and speed, disadvantage: it can only be used on “smart” devices. Some extensions are even installed on Android and Linux.

    Photo – Satellite dish design

    Prices and companies

    In any case, a specialist will be able to install the antenna faster and better than an amateur.

    Also, many antenna owners do not want to “play” with its installation, and therefore we suggest considering how much it costs to set up and install a satellite dish in different cities of Russia and Ukraine. Price table, cost of installing an azimuth satellite dish 43 cm, 0.55-0.6:

    City Price, rubles
    Almaty 2400
    Barnaul 2500
    Vladivostok 2500
    Volgograd 2400
    Donetsk 2500
    Rostov-on-Don 2400
    Yekaterinburg 2400
    Zaporozhye 2500
    Irkutsk 2400
    Karaganda 2300
    Kyiv 2500
    Minsk 2500
    Moscow 2500
    Odessa 2400
    Permian 2400
    Samara 2300
    Saint Petersburg 2500
    Saratov 2400
    Kharkov 2400
    Ulan Ude 2400
    Novosibirsk 2500

    Independent and professional setup of the satellite antenna Yamal (Yamal 201 90E), Tricolor TV Siberia (Tricolor), HotBird (HotBird), GAL, Orion, Samsung DSB-S300V is carried out within several hours, under normal weather conditions. The most popular models now are: SatelliteAntennaAlignment (Germany), ABS-1, LMI 75, ExpressAM2 80, Turksat 1C/2A 42E, Satgate, StrongSRT90 Multisat, HDHumaxVAHD-3100S, PBIDVR-1000S, Openbox®SF-20.

    Information technology currently amazes with its rapid pace of development, providing more and more opportunities to modern man. Despite the gradual development of Internet television, satellite broadcasting remains in first place in terms of popularity and broadcast quality, since it can provide a clear picture digital image at any time of the day or night. This is why many people think about how to set up a satellite dish and whether it is possible to do it themselves. The answer here will be in the affirmative, since it is quite accessible to every person, subject to careful study of the technology for setting up satellite equipment.

    So, first of all, you should remember that the most popular satellites that currently broadcast 73 Russian-language channels are Sirius, Amos and Hotbird. The main advantage of installing a dish is its price, since sooner or later you will fully recoup the cost of the satellite equipment. After all, the majority television channels broadcast without encoding and therefore completely free.

    How to set it up and what is needed for this? To shed some light on this issue, let's start with a standard satellite dish kit:

    1. Mirror (dish) - used to receive a signal from a satellite, and can have dimensions from 60 to 129 cm in diameter.
    2. Converter is a device for transcoding a signal to the frequency with which the next device, the receiver, operates.
    3. DVC - Receiver - directly receives the decrypted signal from the converter and transmits it to your digital device(TV, plasma and so on). In addition, the standard package also includes DiSEq (disek), a device for connecting several converters into single block, as well as cables and brackets. And, of course, you should not forget about high-quality mounting devices, with the help of which you will need to point the dish at the satellite in the south-west direction.

    There are many manuals where you can find the answer to the question of how to set up a satellite dish yourself, but if you analyze many of them, then all the work can be reduced to several stages:

    1. Preparing equipment for installation. At this stage, according to the instructions, you assemble the plate itself, attaching brackets and all other technical parts to it. The important thing to note here is that you must carefully connect the “F” cable to the connector located at the bottom of the dish on the receiver. Having opened the lid, we will find there a screen in which there will be several connectors, into one of which we install a cable. After this, the converters are connected to the disk drive, which, in turn, is attached through a special connector to the receiver.

    1. How to set up a satellite dish to receive a good and high-quality signal? Now we proceed to the most important part of the entire operation - setting up the satellite dish. So, we set up the reception frequency for the Sirius satellite, for which we set the speed in the receiver to 27500, frequency 11766 with polarization “H”. The receiver has two signal reception bars - red and yellow. The first shows the connection of the dish and the signal level. The yellow stripe determines the quality of the supplied signal. Usually, immediately after connection, the last red bar shows the signal somewhere around 35-40%, and the yellow one approaches zero. After this, it remains to adjust the signal quality by rotating the plate to find the most acceptable position for the signal. You should turn the receiver adjustment plate until the signal quality increases to 65-70%, which will guarantee you a high-quality image in any weather. Thus, we now know how to set up a tricolor satellite dish. To further enhance the signal, you should adjust the side convectors by setting the appropriate frequencies (Amos - frequency 10722, polarization “H”, S speed 27500; for Hotbird frequency 11034, polarization “V”, speed 27500). After this, press the SCAN key on the receiver, and the system will automatically find and save all possible channels for you.

    Now the question of how to set up a satellite dish is not difficult for us, since, knowing the features of installing the equipment of the entire system, correct setting You can also make it yourself.

    Happy viewing!

    The article covers the issues of assembling, setting up and adjusting the Tricolor antenna with your own hands.

    Having purchased a Tricolor antenna, everyone can configure it independently, subject to certain rules.

    Kit for installing Tricolor satellite TV.

    To work you will need:

    To secure the base, you need to select fasteners. It should be fixed to a wooden surface using plumbing caps. In other situations, 10x100 anchor bolts are suitable.

    The cable used to connect the antenna and the TV must contain a thick copper core and double braid. The cable length is no more than 100 m. If it is necessary to lay more than this length, then signal amplifiers are additionally located.

    Choosing a location to install the antenna

    Since the dish receives a signal from the satellite, the main criteria when choosing a location are:

    Following the criteria will ensure that errors are avoided when working independently.

    Antenna assembly

    The equipment comes with assembly instructions, following which you can complete everything quickly. The structure for receiving the signal is formed by the elements:

    Assembly diagram:

    Assembly work has been completed.

    Antenna adjustment

    The adjustment should be carried out in good weather (no snowfall, rain, dense clouds). This stage involves creating a certain position of the equipment for broadcast clarity. They depend on the elevation angle and azimuth angle. To calculate the elevation angle, you should carry out horizontal line from installed plate in the direction of the satellite and measure the angle formed by this line and the signal reception line (the vertical angle formed by turning the mirror up and down).

    Azimuth is the angle of the horizontal plane between the direction line to the north and the direction line from the dish to the satellite (the horizontal angle corresponding to the left-right rotation of the dish).

    There is a table showing the elevation and azimuth angle for different cities. If the dish is not installed in a city, then you need to focus on a nearby city.

    The azimuth angle is set using a compass. To determine the elevation angle, you can use a protractor and a plumb line. The plumb line is located at the zero point of the protractor and serves as a conventional horizon line. The required angle size is indicated on the protractor scale.

    Different manufacturers design the antenna at different angles. Supral's products are characterized by a precise vertical position of the antenna at an angle of 26.5°. When placing equipment with such an angle in Moscow or Kaliningrad, there is no need to change the elevation angle. For other cities, it will be necessary to tilt the structure forward or backward so that the angle corresponds to the required value.

    Installation of a television connector

    The television connector is connected to the converter in accordance with the diagram:

    In relation to the used antenna wire There are two ways to install the receiver to the TV:

    • High frequency antenna cable(HF) - plugs into the antenna socket on the TV and into the “RF Out” input hole of the receiver. After turning on, the combination “BOOT” and the channel number appears on the television screen. When you turn on the channel search function, a “No Signal” notification appears, which means normal functioning receiver
    • Low frequency cable with connector (LF) - similar to HF. When connected, “BOOT” appears on the television screen. Afterwards, you need to press the “A/B” button on the remote control surface of the receiver. As a result, the “No Signal” notification should light up. The appearance of other information indicates that the equipment was assembled incorrectly.

    After these steps, you can start setting up channels.

    Setting the TV signal level

    Tuning must be done by changing the position of the antenna and monitoring the signal level on the television screen. First open the “Antenna Installation” menu:

    After displaying the two scales “Signal” and “Quality”, the equipment location should be adjusted:

    Look at the TV, analyzing the content of the scales:

    Preliminary tuning ends with fine tuning when, when changing the position of the plate left-right and up-down, both scales are filled at 80%. Such values ​​will help transmit an accurate signal in bad weather (rain, snowfall, cloudiness).

    After fine-tuning the TV display, you should firmly fix the equipment on the street and exit the installation menu by pressing “Exit” twice on the remote control.

    Receiver registration

    Receiving a television picture occurs after registering the equipment. Registration is carried out in one of the following ways:

    • On the Tricolor website;
    • At a sales office or an authorized center (usually after purchase at specialized points of sale, the receiver is registered);
    • Through the department technical support, when you have a subscription agreement in hand.

    When registering, the user must indicate the receiver model, unique identification number (ID), and personal data. You can see the model name on the front panel of the equipment.

    The identification number is a sequence of 10-12 digits. The number can be found on the packaging sticker or on the receiver body sticker. There is no inscription on some packages and cases, so you need to go to the receiver menu. When clicking on the “Status” submenu, the user will see the ID.

    To conclude an agreement, it is required to provide the user’s personal data (full name, passport, date of birth, place of installation, contact information).

    Registration actions end with confirmation of equipment by telephone conversation with the Tricolor service. You must indicate the purpose of the appeal, full name, identification number.

    Questions from subscribers

    “Do I need a special device to tune satellite dishes?”

    A DIY tool is not required, but it can make finding a satellite signal easier.

    “What parameters should I use to set up a satellite dish?”

    Azimuth and elevation.

    Satellite television does not lose its relevance even with the widespread spread of terrestrial digital broadcasting, offering largely similar capabilities. Receiving images from a satellite is interesting, first of all, because of the huge variety of TV channels broadcast with sound in almost all languages ​​of the world. In addition, many channels are completely free to access.

    Finally, there are regions where, due to the huge distances between populated areas, it is simply technically impossible to organize continuous coverage. Many residents of cities are also switching to satellite, where, either due to difficult terrain or dense and high-rise buildings, it is not possible to receive a signal of acceptable quality. And installing and configuring a satellite dish, as well as the receiver itself, is not so difficult and with my own hands, saving a lot of money on this.

    First you will need to find out the exact coordinates of the place, where will you install the antenna. This can be done either from any geographical directory, or by using an Internet search.

    You will then need information regarding data transmission parameters from the selected satellite. The following will be interesting:

    • Satellite position on the horizon;
    • Transponder (satellite transmitter) frequency;
    • Symbol rate, expressed in KB/s and meaning maximum speed transfer of information;
    • Signal polarization;
    • FEC, in other words, error correction. This parameter for some receiver models it is not mandatory, since it can be set automatically.

    Information about the transponder It's also easiest to find out through search engines, simply by entering the name of the satellite there.

    1. Ask people who are already receiving a signal from the satellite you are interested in and have done the setup themselves.
    2. Calculate manually. However this method requires quite serious knowledge and is therefore not always possible.
    3. Take advantage of special programs.

    You can also find and download them online. Regardless of the developer, they will all require input geographical coordinates antenna locations and satellite positions or names. An additional advantage in this case will be that such programs also present the result of calculations in graphical form. And this greatly simplifies the understanding of exactly where the antenna should be positioned in space in order to gain access to the satellite of interest.

    How to set up a satellite dish tuner yourself

    All settings are done through the menu. After pressing the corresponding key, you will need to sequentially go to the “Reception Options” section. It is quite possible that the title of this section will be different, but the meaning should remain approximately the same. You will have to work with the following positions.

    The section may contain several more items. For example, it may be possible to change the way the transponder searches for new channels, or separate the search for radio and TV channels separately, or display them all together. Of fundamental importance for initial setup These items do not have.

    The most important thing is that after entering the polarization type, indicators of signal quality and strength will become meaningful. In most receiver models, they are present in the same window where the transponder was configured.

    The indicators are presented in the form of two bars, next to which there are numbers. The color of the indicator strips can be any, even changing depending on the displayed values. Therefore, it is better to focus on the degree of their completion, as well as on the percentage figures.

    The upper bar, which can be labeled “Signal Strength”, “Level”, “L”, or the like, symbolizes the quality of the signal coming from the converter. If it is less than 10% or even zero, this may mean that the settings described above were made incorrectly.

    The lower band is the quality of the signal (“Signal”, “Quality”, “Quality” or “Q”). The readings of this indicator will be most important when fine-tuning the satellite dish, since it displays the accuracy of pointing to the satellite. Its normal values ​​are from 70% and above.

    Do-it-yourself antenna setup

    All the work that needs to be done to fine-tune the satellite dish and obtain a picture of the highest possible quality can be divided into three components.


    Since it is assumed that the antenna hanger is already installed in the optimal location, care should be taken to prepare carefully for the setup. Without this, there is an extremely high risk of ending up in a situation where the equipment has already been put out on the street, and it turns out that there is a shortage of some critically important detail. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that you have the following:

    • Keys and screwdrivers of all sizes that were used when installing the suspension and will be necessary for fastening the mirror itself;
    • Compact TV, tuner and a full set of connecting cables;
    • An extension cord of sufficient length and with at least a couple of sockets for power supply;
    • Compass;
    • Protractor.

    In some cases, it may not be physically possible to place the tuner with the TV in such a way that you can still look at the screen while working. Then you will also need an assistant who could monitor the readings of the tuner indicators and promptly report their changes.

    First of all, you should install the antenna in its place and secure it not too tightly so that you can still change the position of the mirror with little effort. Since data on the required tilt and rotation angles have already been obtained, you can begin to orient the antenna:

    1. Using a compass, you look for a landmark on the horizon located at the desired azimuth. To do this, the azimuth is set on the compass and the direction is searched using the viewfinder. An object that falls into the visor slot will become a reference point;
    2. The angle of vertical inclination is first taken very roughly. You can clarify it if you look at the cut of the antenna mirror from the side through a protractor. It is advisable that the antenna be tilted a little more than required.

    Now you need to turn on the TV and receiver. The signal quality indicator bar on the screen is of particular interest.

    Next, the antenna must be deflected in left side by a few degrees. Now slowly, constantly monitoring the indicator readings, the antenna must be turned to the left. If during this action there was no increase in the quality signal indicator, then the antenna mirror should be lowered quite a bit and repeat the procedure in the opposite direction.

    Such a snake movement will ultimately allow you to find that point in space when the level of signal quality exceeds the required 70-75%. At this level, it will be possible to ensure reliable signal reception.

    When searching for the exact direction to a satellite, it is important to remember:

    • You can rotate the antenna either from the side or from behind, because the human body is an insurmountable barrier to such a weak radio signal;
    • The movement of the antenna mirror must be extremely slow. This is due to the peculiarities of transmitting streaming digital data: the receiver must have a reserve of time to recognize the moment a high-quality signal appears;
    • Having achieved a high-quality signal, you can improve it a little further by slightly rotating the converter.

    After the direction to the satellite has been found, you should perform automatic search channels. IN different models receivers, the sequence of actions may differ, but in general terms they do not differ from searching for channels on a regular TV.

    After completing the adjustment, you need to tighten all fastening and adjusting screws as tightly as possible. Because Since the antenna has a huge windage, the wind can quickly throw off the tuning if the screws are loosely tightened.

    The last step is to securely fasten the cable. It is best to fix it on the converter stand and suspension elements using disposable plastic clamps.

    Setting up a satellite dish yourself is not so much a difficult undertaking as it requires attentiveness, accuracy and leisure. Thorough preparation will help simplify the work, during which you need to understand in advance the entire sequence of your actions, as well as the required position of the antenna in space. The result will be many years of satellite dish service without any repairs or maintenance.

    Configuring and installing a satellite dish and tuner yourself in the video

    The video describes the whole process in simple words and is shown immediately using the example of installation in a village house. Take a look and then installation will become even easier.