• Why does it knock the attachment onto the satellite dish? Tricolor: no signal on all channels, reasons and solutions

    So, we will begin our extensive narrative from the very beginning - the basics. Understanding what satellite Internet and television actually are.

    Well, an ordinary TV - the principle of its operation is no secret to anyone. A television center was installed in the very center of the city. There is also a colossal antenna located here, which can be seen from various parts of the city. Almost every apartment has a TV with a connected antenna - it doesn’t matter which one.

    They may be:
    1. Small and indoor
    2. External
    3. Collective.

    The TV tower gives a signal, and indoor antenna catches him. The TV processes the signal that comes to it from the antenna, decrypts it and displays it on the screen.

    How do satellite communications work? The principle is quite similar. Let's look at it step by step, starting from the very beginning. So, initially satellites are launched into earth orbit. This is how they will look like geostationary orbit, look at the diagram:

    It's no secret that globe rotates... However, judging from the point of view of an observer on the surface of the planet, the satellite does not move, hanging at one point.

    First of all, a special transmitting antenna comes into play, looking like this:

    The colossal structure transmits a signal (be it the Internet or TV broadcasts) to a satellite - which, in turn, screens and sends them back to earth. That earth's surface where you can catch satellite signal and will be called the usual phrase “coverage area”. Each of us knows where the signal is weak and where it is stronger.

    If we take more specific examples, then sending a signal to the ground will be more reminiscent of the work of a conventional flashlight in the dark. The circle of light in the center, directed at some surface, is characterized by increased brightness - but at the edges it noticeably dissipates. Most often, transmitters (satellites) are directed at a certain part of the land and everyday people call this direction nothing more than rays (maybe a Russian ray, European or Asian).

    IN At the beginning of the article, we mentioned a few words about the operating principle of ordinary television programs– the only difference is that the signal from the satellite is very weak, it cannot be caught so easily. Actually, this is precisely why the notorious satellite dishes were invented. Another name is satellite dishes, based on their analogy with an ordinary porcelain dish.

    I hope I was able to convince you of the similarity. Let's continue to expand on the topic.

    So, level satellite signal very weak, it cannot be lifted using ordinary devices. The essence of the action is this: the signal, after it hits the plate, is reflected from it and, in the end, converges at a single point. This point is the apogee of the signal, and the name of the point is nothing other than focus. To receive such a signal, you need to place a specialized device at the mentioned focus - this is a convector. It will not only receive signals, but will also additionally irradiate the antenna to collect all useful material without exception.

    In the picture attached below you can clearly see exactly how the signal passes from above from the satellite, and after that it is picked up by the converter:

    How does it go? satellite signal? To a converter that looks like this:

    Connect special cable(we'll talk about its purpose a little later). The cable leads to a satellite receiver, which at first glance looks more like a VCR or DVD player:

    By the way, there are also receivers for personal computers, which convert signals into computer formats. We will also talk about them a little later.

    So, the time has come to sum up the first results. Satellite signal sent from a satellite - it is perceived by a conventional satellite antenna on which the converter is fixed. The latter transmits the received signal via the cable mentioned above to a special satellite receiver– he, in turn, is sent to our television screens. Operating principle satellite internet approximately similar, only the signal is transmitted to a personal computer.

    It is also necessary to add some kind of clarification. Logical reflections lead to the question - how exactly in a conventional TV (operating in the UHF and HF format a satellite signal is transmitted in the Kg or C range (main satellite formats). And, most importantly, how linear or circular polarization can be present here. If we don’t We will go into the basics of science, and we will reduce all the explanations to a minimum, and we will get that in order to receive one or another directional signal, a converter is needed, designed specifically for this range. Their name is a C-band converter, as well as a Ku converter. Do you need converters? This is a reason for further narration, but for now we invite you to look at the operation diagram of a complex chain called “satellite - our TV”:

    The principle of satellite broadcasting. Frequency range C and Ku

    So, since we started talking about television broadcasting, then we will continue to talk about it. Satellite television broadcasting systems today differ in seven ways: frequency ranges– however, for specific satellite broadcasting the previously mentioned intervals Ku and C are allocated. By the way, the level of the satellite signal does not depend on the typology.

    Range C – used here frequency band from 3.5 to 4.2 GHz. These converters generally accept all signals that are included in their frequency spectrum, however, they cannot be used in the Ku band.

    Ku bands – here the band is 10.7-12.75 GHz. It is precisely because of the difference in formats that satellite converters with different ranges of action are used. But radio frequencies are a limited resource, therefore, with the development high technology there was a need to use the same frequencies, but at different earth stations. How to do this:

    1. The first method is called spatial separation. Here, each of the satellite antennas will receive a signal coming from a specific area. Different areas, however, may well use the same frequencies.
    2. The name of the second method is polarization separation. The operating principle is such that different antennas will receive or transmit signals in perpendicular polarization planes. It is important to note that the same frequencies can often be used not once, but twice (for, in fact, each of the planes).

    What is polarization, which we have repeatedly written about above? One of the properties of a radio signal is that it allows you to distinguish between signals with similar frequencies and transmit significantly more signals within those bands that are generally available here. There are two types of polarization. This:

    1. Linear (can successfully be called the same as horizontal or vertical.
    2. And circular (in other words, right and left) polarization.

    It is this property of the satellite signal that will allow the most efficient use of those frequencies that are allocated for transmitting satellite signals.

    The uniqueness of television (we are not yet concerned with satellite Internet) television broadcasting lies in the fact that using such technology it is possible to provide a television signal large number districts. First of all, we are talking about those parts of the earth's surface where ordinary TV antenna unable to receive a truly high-quality signal.

    It is also necessary to note that when receiving with an ordinary antenna, you can often see “snow”, a terrible distortion of the picture. The key difference with a satellite signal is that the picture on your TV screen will not be inferior to the quality of a DVD. In some cases, the quality will even significantly exceed it (remember the notorious format).

    Yes, by the way, in most cases the number of channels broadcast by a local television center rarely exceeds 15. The satellite signal will allow you to watch a couple of thousand TV channels that are broadcast in all world languages. It’s the same with radio waves - taking advantage of satellite television, you can listen to any radio station in the world.

    “Correct the antenna!” or “the signal from the satellites has disappeared”

    If the signal from the satellite does not pass through and the picture does not appear on your TV, do not rush to scold the near-Earth satellite and rent a spaceship in order to send your electrician neighbor into orbit so that he can “adjust the antenna.” What to do in this case and what could be the reason that signal lost from satellites?

    Remember that such actions must be taken if the signal is lost from several satellites at once, or just from one satellite. The symptoms, as a rule, are the same for everyone - literally a day ago everything was working, but today everything is gone.

    The problem occurs after the receiver is exposed to self-flashing user. Remember that in the long chain “satellite - TV” the most important link is your receiver, therefore, in the absence of experience working with it operating system It’s better not to approach him at all.

    Since you've started updating software receiver, after the update is complete, you need to return to the menu called “Antenna Installation” and enter your own working positions of the ports called DiSEQC here. You can obtain this information from your equipment supplier.

    Causes of the problem

    "No Signal" sign from satellite dish"Tricolor" can appear for various reasons. The reasons for its occurrence are divided into two types:
    not related to receiving equipment;
    appeared as a result of equipment failures.

    What if the problem of no signal is in your equipment?

    The plate has changed position
    Over time, under the influence of wind, the satellite dish may change its position or even become deformed. You need to loosen the antenna fasteners and turn it slightly different sides, while monitoring the signal level. When the signal appears, you need to tighten the fastenings.
    Presence of foreign objects on the plate
    Signal reception may be impaired by a layer of snow or icing areas on the dish. You should carefully clean the antenna and remove anything that may interfere with signal reception.
    Converter failure
    Cases of converter failure are not uncommon; in such a situation, the part needs to be replaced. We recommend changing the converter approximately every 3-5 years.
    Mechanical damage to the cable or connections
    It is necessary to tighten the F-connectors; if the cable is damaged, replace it.
    The receiver has failed
    You can check its serviceability by connecting it to another plate (if possible). The presence of a signal indicates that the receiver is working properly. If the problem is this element, you will have to purchase a new one or send it in for repair.
    Your TV displays the “No Signal” sign
    You can check this using the receiver’s remote control: you need to press the “Ok” button. The absence of a channel list on the screen after this action indicates incorrect connection TV to the receiver. Then, using the TV remote control, you need to select the same video input to which the satellite receiver is connected.

    Problem with the Tricolor TV antenna

    Planned prevention
    Before you think about breakdowns and software failures, you should make sure that no maintenance work is being carried out due to which the broadcast has been suspended.
    You will have to think about why the Tricolor TV dish does not work if trees or a recently erected tall building interfere with the signal.

    Natural reasons for the lack of signals

    Weather conditions
    Heavy snowfall and heavy rain can cause the signal from the satellite to not reach the dish.

    How to determine the reason why there is no signal from the Tricolor satellite dish?

    You can find out why there is no signal from the Tricolor satellite dish very simply by checking:
    cable integrity and presence of breaks;
    antenna position and adjustment;

    Checking the Tricolor antenna settings.

    Slowly changing the position of the antenna in the vertical and horizontal plane near the intended location of the satellite, you need to find a stable signal. Control of the signal level allows you to carry out an information banner, which can be called up by successively pressing the red “F1” button (on some remote controls or “i”) and then the blue “F4” button (on some remote controls or “FAV”).
    A decrease in the signal level to 70% or below indicates the need to check the quality of the cable and configure the satellite dish. Change the position of the plate and observe the signal.
    Don't forget that weather conditions affect signal quality.
    It is important to fix the antenna in the position where the signal is best received.

    Checking for updates for Tricolor

    Tricolor subscribers are faced with a problematic situation when there is no connection to the satellite on the channels. If the Tricolor does not have a signal from the satellite dish, the reason may be different, but users immediately see the “no signal” screen message. The problem does not occur often, but you need to know what to do.

    The reason for the complete lack of signal on TV is the inability of the antenna to catch the required waves. If a problem is discovered, you need to fix it yourself.

    You need to make sure that there is no preventative work carried out by the company.

    You can find out on the website by calling the hotline.

    In the absence of prevention, the reason for the complete absence of an incoming signal is due to other breakdowns. It will be necessary to check the equipment installed in the residential premises. If a company has a breakdown or is carrying out maintenance work, you need to wait about 7-10 hours, and the broadcasting process will not be fully restored.

    Tricolor TV there is no signal on all channels - what to do

    If there is a complete absence of signal, you will need to try to identify the cause of the failure yourself, find out why Tricolor does not have a signal on all channels, what to do. Equipment items need to be checked:

    • Receiver operation;
    • General integrity of wires, presence or absence of cracks;
    • Converter operation;
    • Antenna installation and basic settings are correct.

    After completing the manipulations, you can quickly fix the breakdown and continue to enjoy your favorite channels on TV. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, you can get advice at any time through contact center, always at the service of clients, service work. They will tell you what to do if the TV does not work.

    Actions to fix the problem

    In the process of studying the condition of the equipment, when searching for a problem, it is worth carefully checking the overall integrity of the wires and cables and the tightness of their connections. If breaks are found, these areas will need to be replaced.

    The condition of the cables should be monitored very carefully; they should not be twisted.

    This has an impact on overall quality images, and if there is no repair, the channels will stop receiving signals.

    If, when examining the condition of the equipment, problems with numerous wires are not detected, you need to carefully check the operation of the receiver. It is important to study the connection density of the antenna. It needs to be connected to the antenna.

    If it works and at the same time there is no signal, the cause of the failure is a problem with the operation of the antenna.

    When performing these manipulations in reverse, problems with the operation of the receiver are discovered.

    If a problem is detected with the receiver, the tuner directly responsible for receiving the signal has failed. In this situation, it is better to invite service center employees to carry out repair work. If the specialists realize that the repair will not help, a replacement will be arranged. If, in the process of studying the condition of the equipment, it becomes clear that the problem lies in the antenna, you will have to fix it yourself. The Tricolor antenna goes astray for several reasons:

    1. Unfavorable weather – snow, rain and wind.
    2. The device is not secured firmly enough.

    You can check all this yourself and correct the position of the antenna yourself. To significantly speed up the process of eliminating the problem, you can use the help of loved ones. They should be in touch and tell you whether the image is improving or not while the antenna is moving.

    After finding the correct position of the device, you will need to secure it firmly by tightly tightening the bolts and numerous nuts.

    If during the process of self-diagnosis no problems appear, we can suggest that the lack of a TV signal is due to a breakdown of the converter. This happens in more than 50% of crashes. A qualified technician can fix it.

    The company's specialists advise having a spare converter on hand.

    If it breaks down, if not a single channel works, you can replace it yourself.


    In any case, the problem with the lack of signal is solved quite quickly. The most important thing is to take appropriate measures and carry out timely repair work. In addition, Tricolor employees are always ready to provide qualified assistance. Today, in 2019 service is on high level.

    So, dear friends. This material is dedicated to those who do not have satellite TV. Satellite TV is a very common thing in the CIS countries and therefore, for some, something may happen with this method of receiving information from the outside. If you suddenly lost channels on your satellite TV and you don’t know how to get satellite TV to work, then this is the place for you.

    Satellite TV is a very fragile thing in its own way, and even a properly configured receiver with an antenna can easily be damaged “in the wrong direction” by pressing or doing some non-standard actions.

    Well, in this article we will help you launch your satellite TV and try to get your channels back where they belong.

    Satellite TV doesn't work

    If you don't have any channels on your satellite TV and it's generally acting strange, you've come to the right place. Read below and follow the instructions in the article.

    Didn't work before - first launch

    If you just bought yourself a dish, a receiver and don’t know how to start Satellite TV, we will try to guide you on the right path.

    1. Screw the antenna on the street in a place where objects will not obstruct it from freely “looking” into the sky. Connect the wires correctly, also leading it to the receiver and inserting it into the socket where the English preposition “IN” appears.

    2. Insert the card that should be included. Sometimes the card needs to be activated by calling the provider’s phone number, which is not difficult to find on the packaging.

    3. The most important thing now is to configure it correctly. Remember, the satellite dish must be accurately directed in a certain direction with millimeter accuracy to ensure a high-quality signal. This is the most important task and you need to approach it closely.

    In order to see what signal level is in at the moment, turn on the TV and switch it to AV mode or the one to which the receiver was connected to your TV. Then, having selected a region, watch the “Signal Level” scale; the higher it is, the better.

    Adjusting the direction of the antenna yourself is a very difficult task, for which you need to have an understanding of how the system works, as well as 2 people (one turns the antenna, and the other watches the signal level on TV).

    If you don’t succeed, call a specialist, he specializes in this and will be able to quickly and efficiently adjust the direction of the satellite dish for your satellite TV.

    4. Now we are looking for channels on your receiver. Remember, for any manipulations with the TV (changing channels, searching for them, etc.) you only need the remote control from the receiver. The TV remote control will only be needed to turn the TV on or off and that’s it.

    5. If you have paid a subscription fee for television, then the channels in a motley list will alternate in your menu, but if you have not paid and have not subscribed to the extended package of channels, then there will only be a few standard channels and that’s all.

    You can pay both on the website of your TV provider and through the terminal. Moreover, on the website you can easily select a package with the necessary channels and pay for it. In order for the channels to appear, you may need to search for channels again.

    It used to work, but it stopped

    If you had satellite TV before, there were channels, everything was fine, but now Satellite TV stopped working, then this section is especially for you. Now we will try to consider everything possible reasons because of which your satellite TV stopped working and actually ways to improve the situation.

    Problems that can cause satellite TV to stop working can be divided into 2 categories: problems with the program and problems with the equipment. Problems with equipment will be discussed a little lower, but for now we will consider various situations in which working with the program content of the TV and receiver can lead to the loss of channels.

    1. Make sure you change channels on the receiver's remote control. The TV remote CANNOT change satellite TV channels. In order to get into the so-called software shell of the receiver, where there are menus, channels, satellite TV settings, you need to switch the TV remote control to the AV mode of the receiver, which is the socket to which your receiver is connected to the TV.

    2. Channels could be lost due to various reasons. Try searching for channels again. To do this, you can reset the settings both through the remote control and through the receiver itself by removing and inserting the card back. Of course, it is worth sticking out the card in the most extreme cases, since it is impossible to say what negative consequences this action may lead to in different situations. satellite providers. The best way is to hold down the power button on the receiver, turn it off and then turn it on.

    Choose your region correctly and make sure you don’t add too much.

    3. If it says “Scrambled channel” or something like that, but this was not the case before, this means that this channel is not included in the current channel package. To enable it, you need to purchase it through the control panel on the website of your satellite TV provider. Usually packages are paid for for a year, so it is possible that the paid package has expired. A newly paid channel is activated within 24 hours from the date of payment. Mostly 1-8 hours.

    Is the indicator light on the receiver on?

    If the light on your receiver came on when you turned it on, check if it is now on. If the light does not light, then most likely it is either a faulty receiver or problems with the 220 (no current in the extension cord, the wire is faulty, etc.).

    Card inserted?

    The card must be securely and correctly inserted into the special hole. Children, having accidentally taken it out, could have put it in a different way. Look in the instructions exactly where it should be if you have any concerns that it has been removed.

    Are the wires connected?

    Check that the wires from the receiver go to the satellite dish and to the TV. The wires must be in good condition and securely connected.

    Is the plate OK?

    Often, after thunderstorms and bad weather conditions, problems with satellite dish up to fatal. If there was a thunderstorm or hail the day before, there may be mechanical damage that caused the failure. If it is winter, then icing of the metal plate of the plate can lead to a worsening of the display of TV channels.

    Today we decided to talk about the actions that need to be taken to determine the reason for the lack of signal from the satellite for Tricolor subscribers. The fact is that many of the subscribers see the message “No signal” at least once. Some of those who come here see this inscription for the first time, while others receive this answer by choice desired channel This is not the first time.

    Reasons for the lack of Tricolor TV signal

    The main reason that there is no Tricolor signal is really its absence. Let's consider a situation where a person turns off his receiver in the evening and sees that there is a signal, and turns it on during the day and discovers that there is no signal on any of the channels.

    The first action that needs to be performed in this situation is to check that there are no natural reasons for removing the transponder broadcast; this could be planned preventive maintenance, which the operator reports about a few days before the event. Many satellite TV subscribers simply do not follow such information and are perplexed when they see the message “no signal”. To check that there are no planned reasons for the lack of signal, you can use the Internet - by visiting your operator’s website and reading the news for the last 10 days from your operator. If there is no information on the operator’s website about the planned cancellation of broadcasting, there is probably another reason.

    If you notice a lack of signal, this does not mean that there is a problem with the equipment or your antenna is faulty; perhaps the operator or owner of the satellite is carrying out preventive work on the broadcasting equipment that delivers the signal to the device itself, or some scheduled work is being carried out on the satellite itself.

    If you have not found any information about the cancellation of broadcasting on the date when you have no signal, you can proceed to the next step to determine the reason.

    • If you have relatives or friends who use Tricolor, call or contact them by other means of communication and check if they have a signal. If they have no signal, just like you, you can simply forget about this fact for 10-20 hours, the signal will be restored or information about the cause and timing of the issue will appear. If the signal is present, the reason is probably in your receiving equipment and it’s worth starting to look for the cause locally.

    Finding the reason for the lack of signal in your equipment

    The first step is to test the cable from the receiver to the converter. It is necessary to make sure that there are no breaks, and the F-connectors must be tightly screwed along the thread, and the core coaxial cable has a protrusion on the F-connector of 0.5 cm. If all connections are good and the cable has no breaks - which is checked using a tester, you can safely move on to the next step. If a break is found, the cable must be completely replaced from the receiver to the antenna (you should not resort to “twists” - this can lower the signal level, and if the cable from the converter to the receiver is long, it can completely interfere with stable viewing of channels). If it is not possible to replace the entire cable, you can get by with a connector - for this you will need one connector and two additional F-connectors that are screwed onto the connector.

    • When using a connector - Cut the cable at the break point, peel it from the braid and screw the F-connector in exactly the same way as at the ends of the connection between the receiver and the converter, then tightly screw the F-connectors onto the connector and wrap the connector and connectors tightly with electrical tape to protect against moisture (if the break occurred in an open section of the cable - outside the window, on a street wall.
    • It is worth noting that a precaution against the possibility of a break would be to leave a supply of cable, which is collected in a skein near the antenna and secured with a tie to the mount; this will make it possible to cut off the required section in the event of a break and compensate for it with a supply, or run the cable again.

    If the cable is intact and there are no problems with it, the next thing you should check is the receiver. The most reliable way to check is to test the receiver from another tuned antenna. Here again, relatives or friends can help. Connect the receiver to a 100% working antenna (one that works with another receiver and has a signal on the other receiver). If there is a signal on your receiver from another antenna, then the tuner and the receiver itself are working normally and the reason lies in your antenna (converter, antenna setting). If suddenly there is no signal even when connecting to another antenna, we can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that the problem has been found and the receiver is not working.

    • If the problem is in the receiver, the tuner, which is responsible for receiving the signal, has probably failed. In this case, your receiver must be taken to service center to identify the malfunction and repair, if possible.

    Antenna problems

    Often, after carrying out the above steps, it turns out that the receiver and cable are normal and work without problems, which means that the problem with the signal arose due to the lack of it from the antenna. There are not many options here, the most popular of which are:

    • The antenna is out of alignment - Under the influence of wind, snow from the roof, possibly poorly tightened bolts and other reasons, the antenna may move by one or two, sometimes more degrees in the horizontal or vertical plane, which means the signal from the satellite will not be in the focus of the antenna and, accordingly, will be reflected to the converter and go to the receiver. To adjust the antenna in in this case necessary: ​​Check the tightness of the fixing nuts; if they are tight, move on to the second part; if one of them is not tightened too much or is completely loose, you should try to adjust the antenna.

    Antenna adjustment

    It is not difficult to adjust the antenna, because it is already almost pointed at the satellite and a slight deviation in the desired direction will have an effect. Ask someone at home to watch the signal on the TV (to do this, you can find the signal strength and quality levels in the receiver settings), and then apply gentle pressure on each of the four sides of the antenna to bend the mirror and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds. At one point, when the mirror is bent in the desired direction, a signal will appear and the scales will reflect its strength and quality, this will be a signal for the need to adjust the antenna in the desired direction. Then it is necessary to loosen the fixing nuts responsible for fixing the desired (horizontal and vertical) position of the antenna and make a slight adjustment in the desired direction until maximum level signal on the scale.

    If the antenna is moved away from the desired direction quite strongly, resort to a full adjustment of the satellite antenna by scanning the horizon or contact an installer.

    Other problems

    There are still possible reasons for the disruption of signal reception from the satellite. In 50% of cases, the cause of the lack of signal is the converter, or rather its failure. It is often impossible to determine if a converter is broken with the naked eye; this is precisely the problem. But for safety, it is better to have a spare converter that can always be installed in place of yours.

    It is better to check the functionality of the converter before attempting to adjust or full customization antennas, because if the converter turns out to be inoperative, all attempts to tune the antenna will be unsuccessful. If you have a spare converter, simply remove the converter installed in the holder and install a new one, without the need to loosen the fixing nuts and knock down the antenna. If it is not possible to replace the converter without rotating the antenna, loosen the antenna and rotate it to replace the converter, and after replacing, expose it by eye, and then resort to smooth scanning of the horizontal and vertical planes.

    Scheme of action to determine the cause

    1. Check the cable.
    2. Check the receiver.
    3. Check the converter.
    4. Check antenna settings.
    5. Fix the found problem.

    All these manipulations, if there are problems with the signal, will solve them and the signal will reappear and you will be able to watch your favorite channels. If you have gone through all the necessary steps in the instructions and still cannot find the reason for the lack of Tricolor TV signal, contact our support service and describe your situation in the " " section, we will promptly help you with advice.