• Graphic file formats, parameters and applications. Basic graphic file formats used by Photoshop

    In this lesson you will learn how to save a document in photoshop. After the photo has been edited, you most likely wondered how to save it? To do this, Photoshop provides three commands: Save, Save As and Save for Web & Devices:


    All three commands can be executed through the File menu:

    The Save command allows you to save the document in the format in which it was originally opened. It is recommended to use it when you are editing an image, so that if the program freezes you do not lose the results. The next command, Save As, will be the most useful for you, it allows you to select the save format, quality and name. The Save for Web & Devices command is useful for saving images of web resources or any devices, allowing you to greatly compress and resize the image. To learn the settings of this command you will need a separate lesson.

    Saving a file in JPEG format

    One of the most common formats of our time. It gained great popularity for the fact that even with a small size it retains colors well. JPEG is supported by almost all multimedia devices and all web browsers.

    To save an image in this format, you need to select File - Save As, after which a window with saving settings will open, which will be described in detail below:

    1. At the top there is a window for selecting a save location on your hard drive.
    2. Changing the file name
    3. In the Format field you can select the format for the file. Select JPEG format and click save.

    A window with file settings will open in front of you:

    In the Image Options section, you can select the quality and compression level: Low, Medium, High and Maximum. The easiest way to do this is with the slider. Remember that the greater the compression, the worse quality. On the left is the file size. In the Format Options section you can choose one of three compression methods:

    • Baseline Standard - this compression method is the most widespread, ideally understood format for devices and web browsers.
    • Baseline Optimizes is a method that allows you to compress an image while still maintaining clarity and color.
    • Progressive (Advanced) with the help of saving this method, the image will not be loaded line by line, but in several passes as it is loaded. Each of them will display a complete image, improving from pass to pass. Some browsers and devices do not work well with it.

    Leave Baseline Standard and click OK

    Saving a file in PSD format

    When saving a file to PSD format All editing processes are saved, including layers, masks, filters, etc. So if you open this format in Photoshop, you can easily make changes.

    How to prepare a photograph for large format printing

    Big photo - an amazing thing.

    I love photographs that are bright, contrasty, and have clear lines. Sometimes you even just walk past such a photo, glance with peripheral vision, and your mood improves, some pleasant memory flashes by, and your soul just becomes lighter... That’s all - the photo works, the photo makes life better...

    First, let's define: large photo- these are all formats that exceed A4, roughly speaking 20 x 30 cm.

    In my opinion, there are three for our apartments optimal size large photos - 30x40 cm, 40x60 and 60x80 cm, as well as everything nearby - pole minus 10 cm. However, besides them, panoramas look very cool (this is when one of the photo sizes is much larger than the other, for example 40 cm x 150 cm), photo wallpapers, photo ceilings, etc.

    So let's do it big photo. DFor this you need a camera, a little Photoshop and a computer with a monitor that is calibrated, at least using Adobe Gamma (see in the control panel).


    To process a photograph into a large format, we need to receive the image in electronic form, i.e. file in a format that Photoshop can understand. Typically, files in RAW, TIFF (TIF) and JPG (JPEG) formats are used.

    FormatRAW- this is practically the original electronic photograph read from the camera matrix. Those. In this format there is almost no image compression, either in frame resolution or color. This format is usually used in very expensive digital cameras (one might say in professional cameras) and, rarely, in ordinary travel cameras.

    format TIFF (TIF)- a very good and informative electronic image format. The overwhelming number of works professional photographers produced and stored in this format. This format is usually present on expensive cameras. But! There are also travel digital cameras that can save photos in TIFF format. The volume of such a file for a camera with a resolution of 10-15 Megapixels can be up to 30 MB. This is a very good result for making a large and very good quality photograph. The main disadvantage of such files is their size, which means that you will have to buy large flash memory or somehow resolve the issue of freeing up the device’s memory. For example, on an 8 GB flash drive you can save only about 300 such photos. This is one day of productive shooting.

    FormatJPG) - standard, consumer goods, satisfactory-optimal compression format digital images. Present in all digital point-and-shoot cameras and top-level tourist-class devices. This format allows you to perform miracles with image compression, turning a full-fledged 30 MB image into an image for the Internet with 30 KB of weight, i.e. You can achieve compression of 1000 times! And at the same time you will fully understand that this is exactly the photo! The JPEG format allows you to take and store thousands of electronic photographs of 300-500 kb in size on your camera, which, when you arrive home, you can easily print on 10x15 cm paper in any chemical photo printing press for three rubles apiece!

    This is a masterpiece of mathematical technologies for “twisting” colors, color transitions, gradients, shadows, in general, everything that is good for big professional photography...But don't despair! Your camera probably has a shooting mode with “maximum quality”. This is what you should include if you think that this view or portrait needs to be made in a large size. You will receive an electronic file on the camera card with a size of 5-10 MB, which may well be enough to take a large photo, if you do not find fault with the details...

    To the owners film devices- a deep bow for your dedication to film and the mysteries of photochemical reactions! The best files we received for printing, and still unsurpassed in quality, were made from 9x12 cm slides. Film technology still produces the best electronic images. True, slides need to be scanned correctly... We do this on powerful drum scanners that produce 24,000 dpi optical resolution! Truly, if the quality of the slide is great, the possibilities for enlarging such a file are enormous! For example, “Music” and “Dance” by Matisse can be printed in full size... But that’s another song...

    So we took the photo with maximum quality, which your camera is capable of or have scanned the film (slide), and now you need to find out to what size we can “stretch” it. To do this, you need to download the file to your computer and launch the Photoshop program.


    Open the file in Photoshop: FILE - OPEN

    Attention! If the file has an extension (i.e. compressed in one of the ways, see above) RAW then Photoshop will open it through the built-in processing module for this format. Therefore, after the file is opened, immediately resave it using the FILE - SAVE AS command in TIFF format.

    First, adjust the levels, color, sharpness and contrast of your photo in Photoshop using the IMAGE - ADJUSMENTS menu.

    Then everything is simple: optimal resolution electronic file (This is not a print resolution!) 200-300 points inch(!). In our experience, 200 is quite enough to print a photo. Enter the tab IMAGE, click on IMAGE SIZE, the following window appears:

    Uncheck "Resample image" and substitute the value 200 pixels/inch. Metric dimensions will appear in the “Width” and “Height” boxes. In the example, 69 cm by 45 cm. These are the dimensions that your file produces for good, high-quality printing on a plotter (digital photo machine). Will it not be enough? Need more?

    Set the size you need. Let's say we need a width of 100 cm, put 100 cm in the "width" box. Since we have a checkmark on the "Constrain Proportions" line (maintaining proportions), the program will automatically set the height of the photo and, accordingly, reduce the resolution (Resolution) file:

    In our example, the resolution became 138... pixels. I recommend increasing the file resolution using an interpolation algorithmBicubic (bicubic), in several stages, adding approximately 20 points. For our example, 160, 180, 200. Researchers of the interpolation process say that with a gradual increase, the result will be better, and the computer will tolerate it more easily, without freezing.


    Photoshop usually offers the following interpolation algorithms:

    Nearest Neighbor (by nearest points).

    This is the least accurate interpolation method, but at the same time it does not create smoothing around the lines. The algorithm can be recommended in cases where it is necessary to preserve the original set of colors and the sharpness of the edges.


    This algorithm is a method of average quality and is selected if the previous algorithm is not satisfactory with its results.

    Bicubic (bicubic).

    The most popular interpolation algorithm produces smooth edges and a smooth tonal range of colors. The Bicubic Resize algorithm is used to arbitrarily change the size of a raster image. This algorithm is two-pass. Two-pass Bicubic Resize is an algorithm of remarkable quality. But it has a drawback: it is quite slow.

    Bicubic Smoother (bicubic with blur)

    Similar to the bicubic algorithm, but includes additional image smoothing.

    Bicubic Sharper (bicubic with sharpness)

    Similar to the bicubic algorithm, but additionally improves image sharpness.

    After interpolation, you must evaluate the quality of the resulting file by enlarging it to its actual size (to do this, you need to turn on the View - Rules or Contrl + R rulers and enlarge the photo until the rulers become life-size, which can be measured with a simple ruler). The image you see will definitely have flaws - blurry boundaries of color transitions, slightly enlarged lines, etc. And rest assured that the plotter, with its print resolution of 1200 - 2400 pixels, will print all this accurately. Move about 1 meter away from the screen. Now evaluate the photo on the screen. Your task is to make a decision that satisfies you this processing or not.If not, then you need to either increase the size of the original photo or reduce the print size.


    I must say that there are specialized programs designed specifically for increasing image sizes (for example Photo Zoom Professional). These programs, along with the already mentioned algorithms, use many others that, to one degree or another, improve the quality of the enlarged photograph. Some algorithms actually give best result, which is even visible to the eye.

    I’ll tell you one very important thing right away! Be sure to do all saving and resaving of an image file while working in Photoshop in TIFF or PSD formats (see note), but under no circumstances in JPEG! Our beloved JPEG will compress your image every time you save it, degrading its quality each time.


    Photoshop Document (PSD) - raster storage format graphic information, created specifically for the program Adobe Photoshop and supports all its capabilities - saves layers and layer folders, transparency and translucency, vector graphic elements and program layer styles, the image is compressed without loss of quality (RLE compression).

    Save the file on your computer in the format TIFF.

    Then you can burn it to a flash drive, CD or DVD. If you really need to transfer a file over the Internet, then you can use some server (such as webfie.ru or mail.ru mail - convenient and fast server guys did it, I recommend it).

    However, remember that any transfer of a file into the wrong hands leads to its inevitable reproduction and, if it is very dear to you, then do not forget to enter into an agreement with the printing organization on the exclusivity of your rights to this file. It is better to make it at home (in two copies) and when transferring the file, ask for a signature and, of course, a seal on your copy.

    (Copying materials from this site is permitted

    All programs in the collection are free. Of course, they cannot compare with the functionality of Photoshop, but they will cope with simple tasks. At a minimum, you can simply open the PSD file as an image, and some of these programs even open layers.

    1. GIMP

    • Operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux.
    • Russian language: supported.

    This is one of the most interesting free analogues Photoshop. GIMP reads PSD files without installing additional plugins, so you can open the file in the same way as regular images: File → Open.

    GIMP opens the layers of the PSD document for editing. But there are our own pitfalls: the program does not read all layers; some need to be rasterized. GIMP may also not save changes to PSD correctly. After this, the file may not open in Photoshop. The latter should not bother you if you opened the file for minor edits and saved the image as a JPEG.

    • Operating system: starting from Windows 7.
    • Russian language: supported.

    Paint.NET is better than standard Microsoft Paint, but just as clear and easy to use. If you don't know what to do with a file in GIMP, open Paint.NET.

    The program reads PSD, but only after installing the appropriate plugin. To do this:

    • Download the plugin.
    • Extract the files from the downloaded archive.
    • Copy the PhotoShop.dll file.
    • Go to your Paint.NET installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\paint.net).
    • Paste the PhotoShop.dll file into the FileTypes folder.
    • Launch Paint.NET.

    • Operating system: any, since the application opens in the browser.
    • Russian language: supported.

    Photopea is an online service whose interface resembles Photoshop or GIMP. Its advantage is that you don't need to install anything. The program will open in a browser on any device. But online applications are often not as practical as installed programs. Photopea is no exception, but it allows you to work with layers in a PSD document.

    • Operating system: Windows (there is a version for Linux and macOS).
    • Russian language: supported only in Standard and Extended versions.

    XnView is a kind of graphic organizer in which you can open and organize collections of images on your PC. XnView has primitive editing functions: you can change the color palette, add a filter or effect.

    The program is unpopular, but for good reason: it can open images in more than 500 formats and save them in another 70. So install it as a primitive PSD editor or converter.

    The basic version only supports English, French and German.

    • Operating system: Windows.
    • Russian language: supported.

    The IrfanView program, like XnView, is designed for viewing and converting graphic files. But IrfanView supports fewer formats. The program opens the PSD as an image. You can't edit layers, but you can edit a regular image. To get more processing options, the PSD file must first be converted to another format.

    IrfanView works quickly and is lightweight ( installation files take up a little more than 3 MB).

    If none of the options suits you, you can convert PSD to JPG using Go2Convert or any other converter. You can also open the PSD as an image in Google Drive.

    In order to store images, transfer them between computers and different applications, some standardization of the recording method is required - file format. Due to the variety of image types and uses, there is a huge variety of graphics file formats available.

    In the early days of digital image processing (before about 1985), most software developers came up with a new custom file format for every new software they developed. As a result of the chaotic emergence of incompatible file formats, communication difficulties between research groups arose.

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 supports a variety of file formats to suit a wide range of user needs.

    In order for programs to understand files various formats, there are converters. They translate information from their own file format into a format that the program can understand. How more converters is in the program, the more different file formats it can recognize. The file format changes from version to version of the same program, so to read the file previous version the program also needs a converter.

    When choosing a format for bitmap images, the following aspects are important:

    ± image type. Considered are black-and-white images, grayscale images obtained from document scanning, color inventions, color graphics, and special images, such as those

    use floating point data. Formats that support exclusively indexed colors are not applicable when creating layouts for replication;

    ± size preservation and compression. Recording a file is always problematic and a good choice of compression, especially when compression with minimal losses is meant, is especially important;

    ± prevalence of the format. Many applications have their own bitmap file formats, and other programs may not be able to work with them. Choose the most widely used file formats that are recognized by all the applications you work with;

    ± supported color models full color images. Many Greek formats do not allow storing, for example, images in the CMYK color model, which makes them unsuitable for printing;

    ± ability to store additional mask channels. Many illustration programs can use them to create the outline of an image;

    ± possibility of information compression. As we have already noted, the amount of memory (on-disk or disk) required to store bitmaps is quite large. In order to reduce the space occupied by a graphic file, special compression algorithms are used to reduce the size of the files. Using compressed formats is preferable to save disk space. IN RAM images are always in uncompressed form;

    ± compression method. Available large number compression algorithms for graphic files. Some formats can have up to a dozen options, distinguished by this feature. In general, compression algorithms can be divided into two main groups: compression without loss of information And compression with loss of information(lossive compression). Algorithms of the second group make it possible to achieve huge compression ratios (up to 50 times), but at the same time part of the information is removed from the image. With slight compression (the degree of compression can be adjusted, as usual), these losses can be quite unnoticeable. Lossy compression is used to transmit images over global networks and for layouts that do not require high quality. In printing, formats with such compression are, as a rule, not used;

    ± ability to store object (vector) graphics;

    ± scope of application. It is necessary to consider in what areas the image data is mainly used: for printing, web pages, films, computer graphics, medicine or astronomy;

    ± ability to store calibration information and grinding parameters. Makes sense only if the image is intended for typographic printing.

    Below is a list of the most common file formats for live images. All these formats can be imported into any graphics-oriented program.

    About file formats and compression

    Graphics file formats differ in the way they represent image data (both pixels and vectors), compression methods, and the features they support. With a few exceptions (Large Document Format (PSB), Photoshop Raw, and TIFF), most file formats cannot support documents larger than 2 GB.

    If a supported file format does not appear in the corresponding dialog box or submenu, you must install a format plug-in.

    Rasterization of vector data

    Since Adobe Photoshop CS5 is a program for working with bitmap images, we are primarily interested in file formats for recording raster images, that is, images that consist of pixels, the values ​​of which are ranked in a regular matrix using discrete coordinates. Vector graphics - represented by geometric objects using continuous coordinates that can only be rasterized when required to be displayed on physical devices such as a monitor or printer.

    A number of standardized file formats exist for vector graphics, such as the ANSI/ISO standard format CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile), SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), as well as application formats DXF (Drawing Exchange Format from AutoDesk), AI (Adobe Illustrator) and WMF/EMF (Windows Metafile and Enhanced Metafile from Microsoft). Many of these formats can contain both vector and raster images in one file. PS (PostScript) and EPS (Encapsulate PostScript) formats developed by Adobe, as well as PDF format(Portable Document Format) are also popular, they are usually used for printing and when recording color separation files for printing houses.

    About file compression

    Many file formats use compression to reduce the file size of an image. Lossless methods compress the file without removing image detail

    or color information; lossy methods remove details. The most well-known compression technologies are:

    ± RLE (Run Length Encoding) - lossless compression; supported by many common formats Windows files;

    ± LZW (Lemple-Zif-Welch) - lossless compression; Supports TIFF, PDF, GIF and PostScript file language formats. The most successful method for images with large areas of uniform color;

    ± JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - lossy compression; JPEG, TIFF, PDF and PostScript file language formats are supported. Recommended for continuous tone images such as photographs. To set the image quality, select a menu option Quality(Quality) and pull the engine Quality(Quality) to the desired value, or enter values ​​between 0 and 12 in the field Quality(Quality). For best quality When printing, select the highest quality compression. JPEG files can only be printed on PostScript 2 printers and may contain color separation options;

    ± ZIP - lossless compression; Supports PDF and TIFF file formats. Like LZW, ZIP compression is most effective for images that contain large areas of uniform color.

    Adobe Photoshop CS5 PSD Format

    The PSD (Adobe PhotoShop Document) format is internal to Adobe Photoshop. It supports all image types, from black and white line art to full color CMYK. This is the only format that stores all document information, including layers and channels.

    The PSD format is the default file saving format and the only format other than the Large Document Save Format (PSB) that supports most Photoshop features.

    Other Adobe applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe GoLive can import PSD files. Keeping PSD file, you can choose to set the file to maximize compatibility.

    Raw format

    Raw format (translated from English. raw, unprocessed) - a modern format for saving images obtained using digital photo cameras of medium and upper class. The image in this format is saved without any conversion, compression or color correction. Raw files or Camera Raw can be compared to traditional photographic film.

    The disadvantages of Raw files are that they need to be processed, take up more disk space compared to JPEG files, and are far from

    All image viewing systems are compatible with them. You can process these files using the software that came with the camera, Photoshop CS5's built-in Raw processor, or other graphics programs.

    File in Raw format contains raw image data as captured by the camera sensor.

    TIFF format

    The TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) format was created as a universal format for storing scanned images with color channels (tif file extension). It was originally developed by Aldus, and later began to be used by Microsoft and Adobe. An important advantage of this format is its portability across platforms (when saved, you can create a document that can be read on IBM or Macintosh-compatible computers). All desktop publishing programs import it, and you can open and work with it in almost any bitmap program.

    The format supports a range of grayscale, indexed and full-color images, as well as special high-bit-depth and floating-point images. A TIFF file can contain several images with different properties. TIFF specifications support a number of various methods compression (LZW, ZIP, CCITT and JPEG) and possible color spaces. A TIFF file records a number of variations of an image at different sizes and collects them together in a single file. The flexibility of the file format makes it a nearly universal interoperability format, widely used in archival documents, scientific applications, digital photography and digital video production.

    A TIFF file consists of a header and linked list expression objects (in this case three), each image list object (file directory) in turn has a list of tags that have an entry and exit point that define the essence of the image (Fig. 4.17).

    The power of this file format lies in its architecture, which is capable of creating new image types and information blocks by defining new tags. This flexibility also masks a weakness of the format, which is that some tags are not always supported and there is an "unsupported" tags error that still occurs when loading TIFF files.

    TIFF is a flexible bitmap image format, supported in fact by all image editors and layout programs. In addition, virtually all desktop scanners can produce TIFF images. The maximum file size for TIFF documents is 4 GB.

    The TIFF format supports images in the CMYK, RGB, Lab, Indexed Color and Grayscale color models; with alpha channels and Bitmap model images without alpha channels.

    Rice. 4.17. TIFF file structure

    Photoshop can save layers as a TIFF file; however, if the file is opened in another application, only the flattened image is available. In Photoshop, TIFF image files have a bit depth of 8, 16, or 32 bits per channel. You can save high dynamic range images as 32-bit per channel TIFF files.

    This format allows you to store images with any color depth and color model. It may also include compression schemes to reduce file size (the option is available when saving LZW Compression(LZW compression)). Numerous compression algorithms without loss of information are also supported. The ability to compress is important for working with full-color images large size. A TIFF file can also contain multiple images with different properties.

    The sixth specification of the TIFF format allows even simple paths, such as clipping paths, to be stored in the file. This allows you to sort non-rectangular images using the TIFF format. This format is preferable for the production of layouts aimed at printing and other methods of replication.

    DNG format

    Digital Negative is a file format that takes raw image data from digital camera and metadata, which literally means “data about data.”

    DNG is Adobe's well-known archival format for Camera Raw files, designed to provide compatibility and reduce the current proliferation of Camera Raw file formats. Plug-in(plug-in) Camera Raw can save Camera Raw image data in DNG format.

    BMP format

    Windows Bitmap Format - BMP is a standard form Windows images. The BMP format supports RGB, Indexed Color, Grayscale and Bitmap models. For 8-bit images, using the Windows format, you can also define RLE compression. BMP images are usually formatted from bottom to top, however you can select the option Flip Row Order(Line order) to write them from top to bottom.

    The BMP format also supports binary images, but not very efficiently, since each pixel is written using one byte. BMP supports recording similar areas of an image in the same way as TIFF, but it is less flexible.

    GIF format

    Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a file format commonly used to display graphics in indexed colors in HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents in the World Wide Web and other products online; works with no more than 256 colors. GIF is an LZW-compressed file designed to minimize file size and electronic transmission time. The GIF format preserves transparency in indexed-color images, but does not support alpha channels.

    The GIF format was originally created by CompuServe in 1986 to efficiently encode rich line graphics using Bulletin Board System (BBS) remote access. It then grew into a widely used web presentation foat. The popularity of this format is explained by: the ability to support indexed colors with multiple bit depths; LZW compression; interlaced loading of images; the ability to encode simple animation by writing a series of images into a simple file for display on a display.

    GIF is an indexed image file format designed for color and grayscale images with a maximum grain size of 8 bits, and is therefore not capable of supporting full color images. This format provides efficient support for encoding pitra containing from 2 to 256 colors, one of which can be reserved for transparency.

    GIF-enabled color palettes ranging from 2 to 256 colors are capable of encoding pixels using multiple bits. For example, pixels

    images using 16 colors require only 4 bits to record the 16 possible color values.

    This means that instead of using one bit to record each pixel, as is done in other bit formats, GIF can encode two 4-bit pixels in every 8-bit byte. Format GIF file is recorded in efficient coding flat images or icon images containing large areas of the same color. Despite the popularity of the GIF format, new software has been developed - the PNG format.

    JPEG format

    The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format is designed to save bitmap files with 1:16 data compression and was adopted in 1990 as the ISO standard IS10918. Compression using this method reduces the file size from tenths of a percent to a hundred times (the practical range is from 5 to 15 times), but compression in this format comes with quality losses (in most cases these losses are within acceptable limits). The JPEG file is unpacked automatically when it is opened. The JPEG standard defines a compression method for full-color and grayscale images (derived from regular photography).

    Today it is the most widely used format. JPEG compression depends on the application used: it can be compression on the order of 1 bits per pixel (i.e. a compression ratio of about 1:25) or compression of 24-bit color images, which ensures viewing quality. The JPEG standard supports 256-component images, and most importantly, supports CMYK images.

    In the case of RGB images, the core of the algorithm consists of 3 steps:

    1. Color compression and swatch. Color conversion from RGB to YCbCr space uses separate color components from the luminance component

    Y. Since the human eye is less sensitive to color, it is possible to compress the color components of images by applying data reduction without losing image quality.

    2. Selection of transformation and quantization of frequency space. The image is divided by a regular grid into 8 blocks and for each independent drone the spectral frequency is calculated using a discrete cosine transform. The next 64 spectral coefficients of each block are quantized into a quantization table. The size of this table is to a greater extent determines the compression ratio, and therefore the visibility quality of the image. In general, the high frequency coefficients that are significant for the edges are reduced in this step.

    3. Loss of compression. Finally, the quantum spectral components of the data stream are decompressed again using a compression loss technique such as arithmetic or Huffman coding to extract the post-remaining reduction in the data stream.

    In addition, some other variations are included with the baseline algorithm, including an uncompressed version. Method JPEG compression combines a number of different methods and is complex in nature.

    A very effective compression algorithm has led to the widest distribution of JPEG on the World Wide Web. It is not recommended to use this format in printing. The JPEG format supports CMYK, RGB, Grayscale models and does not support alpha channels.

    Unlike the GIF format, JPEG preserves all color information in RGB expression, but compresses the file size, selectively losing some data.

    JPEG 2000 format

    JPEG 2000 is a file format that provides more options and greater flexibility than the standard JPEG (JPG) format. Using the JPEG 2000 format, you can achieve better compression and quality images for both the web and print shop. To save files in JPEG 2000 format, you need to find additional software JPEG 2000 and install it in the folder: Adobe Photoshop CS5/Plug-Ins/File Formats. This software can be found on the installation Photoshop disk CS5 in Goodies/Optional Plug-Ins/File Formats.

    To view images JPEG files 2000 on the web, your browser must have plug-in software that allows you to view JPEG 2000 files.

    Unlike traditional JPEG files, which are lossy compressed, JPEG 2000 supports additional lossless compression. JPEG 2000 also supports 16-bit color or grayscale files and opacity, which allows alpha and luma channels to be preserved. This format supports Grayscale, RGB, CMYK and Lab models.

    JPEG 2000 also supports the use of a region of interest (ROI) to minimize file size and preserve quality in critical areas of the image. By using the alpha channel, you can determine the region (ROI) where the most detail should be preserved. However, in other areas there will be greater compression and a decrease in detail.

    JPEG 2000, which is defined by the ISO-ITU (Encoding Guide) standard, has been well described for JPEG encoding. New for JPEG 2000 is the use of large 64x64 blocks of pixels and the replacement of the discrete kinus transform with a wavelet transform. These and other improvements enable archiving with a significantly higher compression ratio for RGB color images than the JPEG algorithm (0.25 pixels per bit). Despite these improvements, JPEG 2000 is supported by only a few image processing applications and web browsers.

    PSB format

    The large document format (PSB) supports documents up to 300,000 pixels in any dimension. All Photoshop features are supported, such as layers, effects and filters. 32-bit per channel high dynamic range images can be saved as PSB files.

    Most other applications and more earlier versions Photoshop cannot support documents with file sizes larger than 2 GB.

    PDF format

    Portable Document Format (PDF) is a flexible, cross-platform format various applications. Based on the PostScript display model, PDF files Accurately display and save designs, page layouts, vector and raster graphics. In addition, PDF files may not be supported electronic search in the document and navigational features, such as electronic communications. PDF supports 16 bits per channel images.

    Photoshop recognizes two types of PDF files: Photoshop files PDF and basic PDF files. In Photoshop, you can open both of these types. When you save PDF files, Photoshop saves them by default as Photoshop PDF files.

    PNG format

    Portable Network Graphics (PNG, pronounced "ping") was originally developed to replace the GIF file format when licensing issues arose due to the format's use of LZW compression. The PNG format has been described as a universal image file format for use on the Internet, and as such the format supports three various types images:

    ± full-color images (with a depth of 3×16 bits/pixel);

    ± grayscale images (with a depth of 16 bits/pixel);

    ± indexed images (with 256 colors).

    In addition, PNG includes an alpha channel for transparency with a maximum depth of 16 bits (for comparison, a GIF image's transparency channel has only a simple bit depth). While the PNG format only supports a single image per file, it can save images as large as 230x230 pixels. The format supports loss of compression via PKZIP (Phil Katz's ZIP). Due to the loss of compression, PNG cannot be considered as a full-fledged replacement for the JPEG format. Unlike GIF, PNG supports 24-bit images and background transparency without jagged edges;

    however, some web browsers do not support PNG images. The PNG format supports RGB, Indexed Color, Grayscale and Bitmap color models without alpha channels. PNG preserves transparency in RGB and grayscale images. It is possible to use a single additional channel to store a clipping mask. The described format uses an effective compression algorithm without loss of information.

    In this publication, we have collected useful extensions for Photoshop for you. They will definitely be useful to web designers who develop their projects in Photoshop, but not only to them.

    Almost all examples are free!

    Layers Control

    Layers Control is free plugin, which contains scripts that will help you save time when working with layers. You will be able to delete unused effects or empty layers with one click, merge layer styles, etc.


    A lot of guidelines while working in Photoshop can drive anyone crazy. The GuideGuide extension makes working with guides easier and more organized. You have the ability to create guides based on a document or selection, and you can set a specific distance. You can save guide templates and use them in other documents.


    The Web Font plugin gives you the ability to access a huge library of web fonts using Photoshop. The extension only works with Suitcase Fusion 5 and WebINK. But its benefits are great. You can try out any web font without downloading or installing.


    Skeuomorphism is a simple Photoshop extension that flattens your design in minutes by replacing gradients with solid color.


    CSS3PS makes it easier to convert Photoshop layouts to CSS3.

    Perfect Effects 8

    Lots of useful effects for your images, completely free.


    ContrastMaster is a Lightroom plugin and editor for creating spectacular contrasts, photorealistic images, HDR effect, etc. (Free trial)

    Cut and Slice Me

    Cut and Slice Me allows you to export objects to any device in a matter of seconds.

    Divine Elemente

    Helps convert Photoshop layouts into WordPress themes.


    The extension helps in working with PNG files that are so necessary on the web. The plugin supports alpha channel control, variable compression, ICC profile and metadata saving.


    Flaticon is a free project created by the initiative of designers and developers. It's also one of the largest databases of free vector icons available for download in SVG, PSD or PNG formats. You can also convert icons to web fonts, fully resize and edit them.