• Group chat on Skype. Skype how to find the right group - How to create a group on Skype, ways to find and leave the group

    Do you want to chat with several friends at the same time, but don’t know how to do it? — A great opportunity from Skype - group video chat!

    All you need to create a group video call is a WEB camera with a microphone or just a microphone and . We'll talk about how to create a group, how to start calling everyone at the same time, how to write messages in a group chat, and how to delete a created group.

    Creating a group video call

    First, you must have users in your friends who need to be added to the group. If there are any, log in using your account details and do everything as written below:

    1. Click on the “Contacts” tab;
    2. IN context menu select the item “Create new group..." or simply press Ctrl+N;
    3. From your contacts list, drag the person to top part window, where the name is and release the mouse (see Fig.: 1);

    If everything was done correctly, the added user will be displayed at the top, under the toolbar.

    You, as the creator, can exclude any participant. To do this, open the list of participants and right-click on the person’s name and select “ Remove a user from this group».

    How to call an entire group on Skype

    You don't have to be the creator of the group to do this. After entering it, you need to click on the “Call group” button.

    All participants will see a notification about incoming call and will be able to accept or reject it. The quality of communication depends not only on the data processing speed of your provider, but also on system characteristics computer. We have collected information regarding the characteristics of the participants in the Skype conference and obtained some data that we will share with you.

    If the Internet connection is fast, then for high-quality communication you also need the following computer indicators:

    1). For group call three participants.

    2). For a group call with five participants.

    3). For a group call in which 7 people will participate.

    Change group name on Skype

    Once a group has been created, its name is set to “Empty Group” by default. To rename it, click on the standard name and enter the text you want to see in the field:

    It is also worth noting that the group name will be displayed in the list recent actions. Therefore, we do not recommend putting a title that is too long - 2-3 words will be enough.

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    How to create a group on Skype?

    IN Skype program® there is a possibility create groups of subscribers. Groups are needed if you want to communicate with several subscribers at the same time: arrange voice or video conferences, chats.

    For creating a group It is necessary that all future group members be on your contact list. Select the main menu item " Contacts", paragraph " Create a new group" A window will appear in the dependent window blue color with the inscription " Drag the contact you want to add here».

    The accounts of the subscribers you want to add to the group must be moved from the contact list to the blue window. If you accidentally added a contact to Skype group and want to delete it, select it with the mouse and select the item “ Remove a user from this group».

    If you plan to frequently communicate with this group of subscribers, then in order not to create it again each time, you can save the group in your contact list. To do this, click the button " ", the dialog box " Save group to contacts list", in which you must enter the name of the group under which it will be saved in your contact list.

    You can also create groups while communicating with one subscriber. In the dependent program window, click the " Add people"The dialog box " Add participants" In the window " Selecting Contacts» contains a list of all your contacts. All subscribers you want to add to the group must be added to the “ Members of this group", to do this, select the required subscriber with the mouse and press the button " Choose».

    When all your future interlocutors are in the window " Members of this group", press the button " Add" The people you select will join your existing Skype conversation.

    You can also invite owners to participate in a group call regular phones, and such a call will not cost you a penny if you have a subscription to the plan, and if you do not, you can always pay for such a group call from your Skype® account. To add landline and mobile phones into a group connection, it is necessary in the dialog box " Add participants", to the window " or enter desired number phone» enter the subscriber’s phone number and press the button « Choose».

    The subscriber will become a member of the conference call.

    1. How to download and install Skype® 2:26 1 20597
    2. Launching Skype® for the first time: registration and authorization 5:25 0 49098
    3. How to call a Skype® number 4:25 1 14113
    4. Find and add contacts in Skype® 3:58 2 51841
    5. Skype® Settings 8:11 0 26984
    6. Skype® Personal Settings 4:04 0 24370
    7. Video call via Skype® 3:53 1 25245

    more details in the article

    Skype today is becoming an increasingly popular means of communication; it is not surprising that it has become a very important tool in business, especially when considering business on the Internet. Previously, I already wrote about how you can, thanks to which you will be much less distracted from important matters. So, at some point a person will need to create his own chat group on Skype, so the information in this article will help you master some of the intricacies of organizing a personal chat.

    All commands are entered in the message field and without parentheses. Here is a list of all possible commands and their descriptions:

    Team Description
    /add [Skype login] Add a person from your contact list to the chat. Example: if you enter /add ivan_voronkov1, the user with this login will be added to the chat.
    /alertson [text] Specify the text about which you should be notified when it appears in the chat. For example, if you specify /alertson London, you will only receive a notification if the word "London" appears in the chat.
    /alertsoff Turn off message notifications.
    /clearpassword Remove password protection.
    /find [text] Find the specified text in the chat. For example, if you enter /find Anya, the search results will show the first use of the word "Anya" in the chat.
    /get allowlist Show information about users who have access to the chat.
    /get banlist Show information about users who have been revoked from chat.
    /get creator Show information about the user who created the chat.
    /get guidelines View current chat rules.
    /get options Show information about the active options of the current chat (for a list of available options, see the “/set options” command below).
    /get password_hint Show password prompt.
    /get role Show information about your role in chat.
    /get uri Create a URL link that allows other users to join the group chat.
    /golive Start a group call with other users in this chat.
    /info Show data on the number of chat participants and their maximum possible number.
    /kick [Skype login] Remove a participant from the chat. For example, if you enter /kick ivan_voronkov1, this user will be excluded from the chat.
    /kickban [Skype login] Kick a participant from the chat and prevent them from re-entering it. For example, if you enter /kickban ivan_voronkov1, that user will be kicked out of the chat and will not be able to re-enter the chat.
    /leave Leave the current group chat.
    /me [text] The chat will display your name, followed by the text you wrote. For example, if you enter /me works from home, the phrase “working from home” will appear after your name. This command can be used to let everyone know what you are doing.
    /remotelogout Quit all instances except the current one. This will stop all other instances from receiving push notifications.
    /set allowlist [[+|-]mask] Specify which users can participate in the chat. For example, if you enter /set allowlist +ivan_voronkov1, this user will be able to join the chat.
    /set banlist [[+|-]mask] Specify which users are not allowed to participate in the chat. For example, if you enter /set banlist +ivan_voronkov1, this user will be excluded from the chat. Enter /set banlist -ivan_voronkov1 to allow that user to re-enter the chat.
    /set guidelines [text] Set chat rules. For example, enter /set guidelines No spoilers! To display the rules in the chat, enter the command /get guidelines.
    /set options [[+|-]parameter] Set chat parameters. For example: if you enter /set options -JOINING_ENABLED, the -JOINING_ENABLED parameter will be disabled, and if you enter /set options +JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS, the JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS option will be enabled.
    Possible options are listed below:
    HISTORY_DISCLOSED - New members can see messages that appeared in the chat before they joined. There is a limit on either the number of messages shown (maximum 400) or the length of the period during which the messages shown were published (two weeks), whichever is reached first.
    JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS - New users can join the chat, but cannot post or receive messages until they receive permission from a user with the CREATOR or MASTER role (see the table below for information about the different roles).
    JOINERS_BECOME_LISTENERS - New members can receive messages from other users, but cannot publish their own messages until they are assigned the USER role.
    JOINING_ENABLED - new users can participate in the chat.
    TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS- only a user with the CREATOR role can change the chat theme or logo.
    USERS_ARE_LISTENERS - Members with the USER role will not be able to publish their messages.
    /set password [text] Create a password (no spaces).
    /set password_hint [text] Create a password hint to enter the chat.
    /setpassword [password] [password hint] Create a password and a hint for entering the password when entering the chat.
    /setrole [Skype login] MASTER | HELPER | USER | LISTENER Set roles for chat participants. For role descriptions, see the table below.
    /showplaces List other instances that currently use the Skype login.
    /topic [text] Change chat topic.
    /undoedit Cancel last change your message.
    /whois [Skype login] Show information about a chat participant, such as their current role.

    The role a user plays in a chat is determined by whether they are the creator of the chat, or whether the role was assigned to them by the creator or host of the chat:

    Role Description
    Creator(creator) The user who created the chat. Only one chat participant can have this role. Only a user with the Creator role can assign participants the Master role.
    Master(leading) The Master role gives you the rights to host the chat. Users with this role cannot assign the Master role to other members.
    Helper(assistant) A chat participant with some additional rights. Members with the Helper role are not affected by the USERS_ARE_LISTENERS setting. Such participants cannot assign rights to other participants or deprive them of rights.
    User(user) A participant in a chat who can post messages in it.
    Listener(observer) A chat participant who can read messages from other users, but cannot post their own messages.
    Applicant(candidate) A user waiting to be allowed to participate in a chat. Note. Users who have already been granted permission to participate in chat cannot be reassigned to the Applicant role.

    WITH open chats everything is clear, creating them is not difficult. Business leaders running their own chats often need to create private chats, which can be entered only after the approval of a particular candidate. In this case, the question arises - “ how to create a chat that can only be joined after the approval of the creator or moderator?”.

    After creating a chat, to do this you need to write the codes one by one:

    1. /set options +JOINING_ENABLED- this command will enable the ability to join new people in the chat
    2. /set options +ADDING_LOCKED_FOR_USERS— this command will prohibit active chat members from independently adding unverified people
    3. /set options +JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS— and with this command we actually enable moderation, from now on you can be added to your chat only after approval
    4. After these manipulations, we check the result, enter /get options - if all previously entered commands appear in one line, then they are activated and everything is in order.
    5. Enter /get uri- this command will display a link in the chat that you can save and give to everyone who wants to submit a request to be added to your chat; to do this, they just need to click on it.
    6. Approval of the candidate from whom the request came is done by the team /add [Skype login]

    If there is a need to introduce rules in the chat, display message history for newly arrived people, etc. you can configure using the codes from the table.

    Such opportunities are hidden in Skype, which is familiar to us all. In the following materials I will talk about additional features that will also help you work with your chat.

    Currently, Skype is one of the most popular programs for communication between users of different categories. If you just installed this application, then the list of people with whom you keep in touch may not be very large, but the longer you use the client, the wider your circle of friends will become. Since a long list of contacts is not particularly convenient to use, the developers have provided the ability to combine several people into one general chat And we’ll talk about how to create a group on Skype further.

    The user determines the circle of subscribers who need to be added to the conversation independently: you can create a chat to discuss a project with colleagues or weekend plans with friends. Thanks to this function, everyone will be able to express their thoughts, and the group founder does not waste time on individual correspondence with individual participants.

    How to create a conversation on Skype: step-by-step instructions

    1. Enter the “Contacts” section and select “Create a new group”.
    2. An empty dialogue window will appear in front of you, which should be given a suitable name, otherwise it will be labeled as “Conversation without a name.”
    3. By clicking on the “Add People” command, you will open a list of Skype contacts.
    4. Contacts of the required users can be dragged or copied.
    5. If you mistakenly entered a subscriber, you can delete it immediately, or after clarifying the issue of interest. This is done using the “Delete user” function.
    6. Use the “Save group in contacts” option to add the chat to your address book.

    How to delete a group conversation on Skype?

    It is impossible to completely delete a chat, but if you are its creator, you have the right to invite or remove from the conversation certain people. If the group initially does not belong to you, then you can only leave it, this way the contact list will be cleared of unnecessary dialogue. How to do this?

    1. Right-click on the group.
    2. In the list of commands that appears, select “Exit conversation.”
    3. That's all, you have left the chat, so that it no longer appears in the list, select the “Hide” option.

    How to disable advertising in Skype?

    We are considering Windows OS. The easiest way is to add *.skype.com to the list of untrusted sites:

    1. In the “Control Panel” (right-click on “Start” → select “Control Panel”), select “Internet Options”.
    2. In the window that appears, go to the “Security” tab.
    3. In the tab that opens, select “Dangerous sites”.
    4. Click the “Sites” button.
    5. Add *.skype.com to the "Websites" list (if your account Skype recording linked to the account Microsoft entry, then add rad.msn.com).
    6. After this, it is better to reload Skype so that the advertising disappears immediately, otherwise the already loaded advertising will still be shown for some time.

    How to write text in bold?

    To do this, put “*” to the left and right of the text.

    For example, if you write: “Why didn’t you complete the work *yesterday* as promised?”, then in the chat window it will be displayed as “Why didn’t you complete the work yesterday as promised?

    But be careful: next to some symbols, “*” can be interpreted by Skype in the most unexpected way. For example, an incorrectly placed space in the phrase “Viktor Ivanovich, it is important to remember: * transportation * is not included in the price!” will most likely greatly confuse Viktor Ivanovich with the “kissing” emoticon.

    How to write text in italics?

    Place the symbol “_” to the left and right of the text.

    If you write “Cappuccino is when _milk is added to coffee_, and not vice versa.”, then we get “Cappuccino is when milk added to coffee, and not vice versa." The characters “*” and “_” can be combined, “for example, _*like this*_” or “for example, *_like this_*”.

    How to display strikethrough text?

    Place a “~” symbol to the left and right of the text.

    How to show message history in a group chat for new participants?

    Only the group administrator has the ability to enable history for new members. Right-click on the group name → select “View personal data” → in the window that appears, check “Make chat history available to everyone.”

    How to transfer Skype message history to another computer?

    How to communicate with those who are not registered in Skype?

    In Skype, you can communicate with someone you are talking to who is not registered in Skype. To do this, you need to create a new group: menu “Contacts” → “Create a new group”. After this, a link will be available to you. Send it to your interlocutor. He will open it in the browser and you can start a dialogue.

    Also, if you are a group administrator, you can invite interlocutors who are not registered in Skype to a group conversation. To do this, right-click on the group name → “View personal data” → set “Create a link so that everyone can join.” Copy the link and send it to your interlocutor.

    Skype from browser

    You can communicate in Skype without installing it on your computer. This is convenient when you need to use Skype from someone else's computer. So:

    1. Go to skype.com.
    2. Click "Open Skype in Browser."
    3. Enter your login (account name) and password. Ready.

    How to quickly insert a screenshot into a message?

    To do this, use the standard “Scissors” tool. operating system Windows. After the required area of ​​the screen is “cut out” using “Scissors,” just press Ctrl+V in the Skype dialog. In other words, if you have a picture in the buffer, you can insert it into the dialog using the “Insert” operation via the context menu or Ctrl+V.

    How to create a group chat?

    Method 1

    1. In the main menu, select “Contacts” → “Create a new group”.
    2. You'll be asked to select people from your contact list that you want to add to the group chat.

    Method 2

    1. Select a person from your contact list who will be a participant in the group chat.
    2. Click the “Create a new group” button and select the rest of the group chat participants from the list that appears. This way you can add interlocutors to an existing group.

    Method 3

    1. Start as in the previous method - select an interlocutor from the contact list who will be a participant in the group chat.
    2. Drag the second and subsequent participants to the header of the open dialogue (see image below). In this way, you can add interlocutors to an existing chat or even during a group call without interrupting it.

    Screen sharing is the main feature of Skype

    During a call, you can show your interlocutor your screen or some part of it. To do this:

    1. Select the person you are talking to from your contacts list.
    2. From the main menu, select “Calls” → “Screen sharing”.

    How to edit a message?

    Right-click on the message (you can only edit your own messages) → select “Edit message”.

    How to clear message history for ALL contacts?

    IMPORTANT: Skype clears history only on current device. Those. If you delete history on a laptop, this will not lead to deleting history on your smartphone.

    To delete message history for all contacts:

    1. Almost at the very top of the list there will be a “Delete history” button.

    How to clear message history for ONE contact?

    On desktop versions of Skype (for desktop computers) it is forbidden regular means clear message history with a specific interlocutor. You can either clear the history for all contacts at once, or delete one message at a time in a specific dialogue.

    IN mobile version You can clear the message history for the desired contact.

    For Android: enter the dialogue → click on the “three dots” on the right top corner screen → select “Delete chat”.

    For iOS: enter the conversation → click on the contact’s name at the top of the screen → select “Delete chat”.

    How not to save message history?

    By default, Skype stores the entire message history for each contact. You can change this and either not save the history at all, or store it for 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months. To do this:

    1. From the main menu, select Tools → Settings.
    2. In the window that appears, go to the “Chats and SMS” group.
    3. In the right pane, click "Open advanced settings."
    4. Almost at the very top of the list there will be a drop-down list “Save history...”. After changing the settings, be sure to click “Save” at the bottom of the window.

    All current hidden Skype emoticons

    Let's not reinvent the wheel. There is a good website where all the hidden Skype emoticons are collected and regularly updated. Here it is - click.

    How to delete a Skype account?

    Delete your Skype account it is forbidden.

    The maximum that is possible:

    1. Change your avatar. You cannot delete an avatar, you can only replace it with something else.
    2. Clear profile - your account will be difficult to find in Skype search.
    3. Delete all contacts from your contact list - your current interlocutors will “understand” that you have left Skype.
    1. In the Skype window at the top left, left-click on your name.
    2. In the window that appears on the right, select “Change avatar”. Select an arbitrary picture or, if you have a webcam, close it and take a photo of the “black square”.

    Clear profile

    1. In the main menu, select “Skype” → “My account and the score." Your profile will open in the browser.
    2. Almost at the very bottom of the page that opens, select “Edit personal data”, then the “Edit profile” button. Clear all fields in your profile and click “Save.”
    3. Now it will be difficult to find you through Skype search, except perhaps by your login. Login, unfortunately, cannot be deleted or changed.

    Remove all contacts from your contact list

    Right-click on the contact's name → in the menu that appears, select “Remove from contact list.” Same for all contacts.

    How to understand that the interlocutor is texting you from his phone?

    Hover your mouse over the user status icon in your contacts list:

    How to avoid showing that you are typing?

    When you type text, Skype shows your interlocutor that “Ivan Ivanov is typing...”. To prevent your interlocutor from seeing such an inscription, you need to:

    1. In the main menu, select “Tools” → “Settings”.
    2. Go to the “Chats and SMS” section.
    3. On the right side of the window, click the “Open advanced settings” button.
    4. Uncheck the "Show me as I type" checkbox.

    Nuances when installing Skype

    The instructions will be brief, but with emphasis on the nuances

    1. Go to skype.com and click “Download Skype” → it will download to your computer installation file Skype. Launch it.
    2. During installation, do not forget to select a language (English is selected by default).
    3. IMPORTANT: Disable installation of the Skype Click To Call plugin. The plugin slows down the browser and you are unlikely to need it unless you use Skype for paid calls to phones.
    4. IMPORTANT: Uncheck the box next to "Make Bing search engine system by default" and the checkbox "Make MSN home page" Microsoft is trying to push its technology at the expense of inattentive users.
    5. All other settings can be left as default. After installation, register a new one or log in with an existing account. If you use Skype for work, then fill out the profile fields to the maximum (full name, avatar, contact information) - this will greatly simplify the task for your interlocutors when they look for you on Skype.
    6. ADVICE: Be conscious when choosing a name (login) for your account. Do not create logins like “kino_vino_domino” or “angry_wolf”. The first impression of you is created by your account name.

    “Hide conversation” - how does it work and what is it useful for?

    If you right-click on a contact in the list of recent conversations, the last item in the context menu will be “Hide conversation”:

    Hide a conversation - removes a conversation from the list of recent conversations.

    Some people confuse “Hide conversation” with blocking a contact, with deleting message history, with a “black list”, etc. “Hide conversation” - does not block or delete a contact or group chat, does not clear message history, but simply hides the conversation from the “recent” ones. If the interlocutor writes to you after some time, the conversation will again appear at the top of this list.

    Using “Hide Conversation” it is convenient to remove one-time conversations from the list of recent conversations group chats or rare dialogues so as not to become an eyesore.

    If you hastily hidden a conversation, then through “View” → “Show hidden conversations” you can again display it in the list of recent conversations.

    How to recover message history in Skype?

    Let's say you deleted your Skype message history on your iPhone. What to do?

    Skype Features:

    1. Skype stores message history locally, i.e. NOT on remote servers, but on users' computers and other devices.
    2. Skype synchronizes message history for a certain time interval between devices participating in a dialogue or group chat.

    Hence the conclusion: if the history is deleted from one device, then on other devices connected to this account she stays. If these devices are periodically synchronized, then the message history can be viewed on them.

    How to change your Skype password?

    1. In the main menu, select “Skype” → “Change password...”
    2. You will be redirected to skype.com. To change your password you will need to enter Old Password, and then come up with and introduce a new one. If you have forgotten your old password, then on the website using the link “Forgot your password?” you can recover your password (in fact, do New Password, but using a more complex procedure).

    How to update Skype?

    Skype regularly checks for updates and updates automatically. However, you can manually check for a more recent version of Skype:

    1. From the main menu, select “Help” → “Check for updates.”
    2. If updates are found, Skype will prompt you to download them.
    3. If you have installed latest version Skype, then you will see:

    Be careful: sending files via Skype

    When you send files and pictures, Skype sends them directly to your interlocutor. Because of this feature of Skype, the following situation is possible:

    1. You sent a file to your interlocutor who is not online.
    2. After sending, they left the network themselves.
    3. Your interlocutor will not receive the file when logging into the network. He will be able to receive it only after you log on to the network, and from the very computer from which the file was sent.

    Be careful not to send files to your contacts when they are offline, use by email or by other means.