• Charge your cell phone battery. How to charge a mobile phone with regular batteries

  • People who spend a lot of time traveling, or for other reasons are forced to use communication devices a lot, without being able to charge their phone battery as often as they need, are forced to look for ways out of this situation. Many people find a solution to the problem by carrying several phone batteries with them at once (we’re not talking about smartphones with). But sooner or later they will all run out and become useless. Charging each one separately inside the gadget takes too much time; it would be much more convenient to power one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge a phone battery without a phone? You can make the device yourself, or you can buy a special device in a store for relatively little money. If you don’t really mind the battery of your smartphone or tablet, but you need the gadget urgently, there are handy ways to quickly charge the battery.

    Box with batteries

    It is possible to charge your phone battery directly by building some semblance of the now popular mobile storage charge for gadgets - (this, by the way, the best way, ).

    To do this, take a special box for installing batteries, which are connected to each other and have contact leads outward using wires - you can get it at radio flea markets or in electronics stores, perhaps you have it somewhere in the house. Several ordinary AA batteries are inserted there. You can remove the contacts and connect them directly to the phone’s battery, paying attention to the polarity, or solder a connector to the output hole and charge the mobile phone itself directly.

    Using chargers

    How to charge a phone battery at home separately from it, directly from the charger?

    Make a universal battery power device from any old device for powering gadgets:

    1. Find something lying around the house charger.
    2. Cut off the connector that fits into the socket and carefully expose the wires. They usually come in blue and red colors. Blue carries a charge with a minus sign, and red, respectively, a plus.
    3. Connect the metal ends of the wires to the phone battery, making sure that the polarity of the contacts matches - they must be labeled on the battery, secure the connection with tape or tape.
    4. Wait about an hour until the battery charges, then you can insert it into the gadget and use it.

    How else can I check the polarity of the wires?

    Some chargers may have wires that are not these standard colors, but some others. In such a situation, you also need to somehow determine which sign is which. It's very easy to do. All you need is a glass of water in which you need to dissolve a little regular table salt.

    1. The exposed ends of the wires must be lowered into this glass.
    2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water or the wires themselves, otherwise you may get an electric shock).
    3. Observe which wire the water began to seethe and bubble. He is negative.

    Charging from pieces of metal

    It happens that you need at least a slightly charged phone battery somewhere in nature, where there are no old chargers or other similar devices. Is it possible to charge the battery in such a situation? Quite if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and the like.

    1. Take the found objects and stick them vertically into the ground.
    2. Wrap it with wire, preferably copper.
    3. Take out the ends of this wire like wires and connect them to the battery.
    4. Pour the metal part of the structure with an alkaline liquid, which is needed as an electrolyte. As alkali, you can use solutions of salts or soda, or some chemicals, if it is known that they contain alkaline compounds. The more metal there is in the structure, the stronger the current.

    To ensure that the battery lasts at least for a call, you can wrap its contacts with thin transparent tape or other adhesive tape. When you return to your place, this will give you a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


    With more high temperature the reactions that take place when the battery is charging begin to occur. Therefore, you can try to replenish a small part of the charge this way - by applying the element to something hot or just rubbing it with your hands for a few minutes.


    The most risky method, which in almost all cases leads to further battery malfunction, was seen by many in childhood. Some people bit AA batteries to make them work. The principle is the same here. If you lightly throw the battery against a stone or hit it against some other hard object, a small charge will accumulate, which will be enough for a couple of quick actions or short conversations.

    Homemade wireless charger

    To make it you will need:

    • thin, no more than half a millimeter in diameter, metal (ideally copper) wire;
    • diode;
    • some knowledge of physics.

    What then:

    1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
    2. Secure it with electrical tape or special glue to the telephone battery.
    3. Take a diode and connect the battery contacts to the coil through it.

    Use a ready-made device

    Of course, manufacturers of accessories for gadgets did not stand aside and took care of those who like to recharge batteries separately from their equipment. For such cases, there is a charger for the battery of a phone or tablet that powers it directly, which is popularly nicknamed because of its characteristic shape.

    It's quite simple to use:

    1. Disconnect the device and remove the battery.
    2. Determine where the positive charge is on the contacts and where the negative charge is.
    3. Press down on the edge of the frog lid to open it.
    4. Inside the device there are two terminals with marked polarity.
    5. Place the battery with the contacts facing the terminals so that the “pluses” and “minuses” match.
    6. Close the cover, which will automatically lock the position of the battery.
    7. Connect the device to the network and check if the red light comes on. If this does not happen, the battery was placed incorrectly and its position must be corrected.
    8. When everything is connected correctly, all you have to do is wait until the red indicator changes to green - this means that the battery is charged and the “frog” has turned off the power.

    There are many ways to charge the battery from any gadget, but it is better to be prudent and have something with you that will allow you to safely replenish the charge, and not resort to extreme methods at all or only in emergency situations.

    In this article we will tell you how to charge mobile phone from AA battery.

    It often happens that while you are on the road, you suddenly discover that the battery of your cell phone sat down, you need an outlet to charge it, and you absolutely need to make a call, and just be always in touch.

    What to do in such a situation? Thrifty people often have two batteries per phone, one in the phone and the other either in a frog charger or already charged and ready to be replaced. But they may also be disappointed when, due to a long “trip to the Alps,” the second battery also dies. What to do?

    This problem can also be overcome. Our whole life in this modern age is “filled” with AA batteries, where are they not? I propose to barbarically take away from a child his toy, which contains AA batteries, and “suck” the energy out of them, while charging the cell phone battery. Just be careful, the child has a dad!

    To charge a five-volt cell phone battery, you only need one AA or AAA battery and a special converter that produces as much as 5 volts from 1.5 volts. The first time I came across such a charger (made in China, of course) was at the Safari hunting store. An ordinary AA battery was inserted into a special cylindrical case, and a wire with a varied set of adapters for various cell phones protruded from the case. Naturally, there was no adapter for my phone, so I did not buy this miracle of technology. My friend bought it and was pleased. You insert the battery and in half an hour the phone is charged. You can safely throw the battery into the trash container, after making sure that it is non-toxic and does not contain gold.
    As you guessed, we will look at this circuit, and if desired, we can assemble it ourselves.

    The converter is implemented on integrated circuit MAX756 (MAX731). Her complete analogue is our domestic microcircuit KR1446PN1. There is only a slight difference, the MAX756 microcircuit has a higher output current - up to 200 mA, and for the KR1446PN1 it is half as much - 100 mA. Except that efficiency"Maxa" is higher than our analogue. But ours is still better - it costs less! However, it is your desire which microcircuit to use.

    The man got rich, and according to the status and etiquette of his society, he was supposed to come to banquets with his wives and mistresses at the same time.

    He brought his wife for the first time and said: That one on the sofa is my Boss, that one there is his wife, and that one by the window is his mistress. There stands the head of a friendly corporation, next to him is his mistress, and at the table is his wife. And over there by the fountain stands our mistress.

    And the wife answered with delight: And ours is the most beautiful!

    Currently, they are trying to come up with a lot of things out of this microcircuit. The power supply and charger turn out well. Everything else is like a cat who has nothing to do.

    The circuit diagram is shown below. The converter circuit takes up a space not exceeding the size of one finger element.

    The circuit operates on the principle of a pulse converter with energy storage in the charging choke. This is a typical “booster” circuit with PWM output voltage stabilization. At the output of the circuit constant voltage 5 volts. If the circuit is assembled correctly, then no settings are required.

    The printed circuit board is equal in width and length to the dimensions of a standard AA-size battery. Board dimensions 13 x 51 mm. To the edges printed circuit board Flat brass springs are soldered to clamp the battery into them. These springs can be taken from the battery compartment of a “new” children's toy. No switch is used, the battery is inserted to charge the phone and removed after charging fully charged. The converter on the KR1446PN1 chip operates stably when the input voltage drops to 0.8 V, and on the MAX756 - to 0.7 V. Therefore, instead of simple AA batteries, you can use AA batteries. When the voltage from 1.4 volts (the nominal voltage of AA batteries) drops to 0.7-0.8 volts, charging will simply turn off, and this residual voltage is acceptable for the battery, which can be used the next time after the next charge.

    The design of the charger uses standard installation elements: small-sized capacitors of the K50-35 type, I used imported ones (flattened), which I soldered from a burnt motherboard computer. The choke is a standard EC-24 with an inductance of 18-22 μH.

    The printed circuit board of the device and the arrangement of elements on the board are shown in the figure.

    You can use anything as an output connector - a connector torn from the “native” one network adapter, or a friend’s adapter, “crocodiles” from a measuring device, etc. For the sake of versatility, I soldered on the board USB connector. To my Android, when its battery is discharged to 15%, until it is fully charged mobile device It takes about 1 hour (without talking on the phone) and one Energizer alkaline battery.

    Technology does not stand still, and for seemingly simple and understandable tasks, new advanced controllers appear. Currently, I got my hands on the ncp1450, on which I made a similar converter, but in a smaller size.

    If the charge level of a mobile phone drops, and you need to make a lot of calls or other manipulations with the gadget, you need to save its energy or look for ways to extend its operation. There are a number of methods with their own advantages and disadvantages that will help you recharge your mobile without the usual charging.

    Charging your phone via USB port

    If in the house, or in the place where you are, there is a USB cable and a computer, laptop, tablet, mini PC or TV with the appropriate connector, then you can charge your phone without any problems. What to do: insert the cable into the main device (op-amp) and watch it charge. Important condition– the phone must have a working socket, and the op-amp must be fully charged or connected to the network. The charging speed under such conditions is no less than when connecting a conventional charger.

    As a rule, in standard equipment Smartphones include a USB cable (mini or micro depending on the type of gadget). The wire can also be found in the packaging of a camera, tablet, e-book and other devices. There shouldn't be any difficulties. The cable can be designed to connect several phones at once.

    Induction charger

    The developers of some iPhone models and mobile phones on operating system Android is provided with a wireless or inductive charger. The charger looks like a round or square platform. You need to put your phone on it and thanks to the variable magnetic field the cell phone will receive the energy necessary for operation.

    This charger is sold in any mobile accessory store, but you need to get used to it. The downside is the short range, which means that the gadget needs to be laid out in a special way to ensure charging. This type of charger is very popular among mobile phone owners whose corresponding connector is broken.

    PowerBank for phone

    Almost every user has an external battery, or PowerBank. This is a real salvation for those who practically never let go of their phone. The device has a corresponding charging connector and a USB cable that connects the gadget to a power source.

    In a few minutes, the mobile phone will receive a certain percentage of charge. The main working condition external battery– it pre-charges itself. This energy source has a feed rate no worse than standard device for charging.

    Solar panels for charging

    In an efficient way Solar batteries will charge your phone without charging. The method is relevant if you are in an open area, in nature, far from civilization. It is necessary that the weather be cloudless or partly cloudy. The charging principle is simple. The small unit is equipped with photocells, the cells of which absorb solar energy and transmit it to the phone through a cord.

    Similar device may be intended for one or more gadgets.

    Solar panels They retain energy for a long time, but they will charge the device more slowly than standard charging.

    This is due to the fact that the photocells themselves are very small and cannot produce more energy.

    How to charge a battery using a frog

    If you don’t have a regular charger at hand, you can charge your phone without a charger using the so-called “frog” method. To do this, you need to remove the battery and insert it into a special power supply. Such chargers, as a rule, come as universal devices.

    The phone battery connector can change sizes. To prevent the battery from dangling and touching the contacts, there is a “slider” that moves easily, thereby adjusting the unit to the size of the battery. You can often find devices on sale that are designed for only one type of battery, but today this is already a rarity.

    Direct connection to battery terminals

    If you are unable to charge your phone without a charger using one of the above methods, you can use laboratory method, for which you will need:

    • mobile phone battery;
    • old charger;
    • electrical network.

    On the old charger, strip the end of the cord so that the red (+) and blue (-) wires are exposed, and separate them slightly.

    To further ensure your safety, use rubber gloves. Work order:

    1. Remove the battery from the mobile phone, find the plus and minus there.
    2. Attach a blue wire to the positive and a red wire to the negative.
    3. Secure the device with tape or use electrical tape.
    4. Place the structure on a surface free from various objects and plug it into the network.

    At correct connection The device will immediately begin to charge. It is highly not recommended to charge the battery in this way to the maximum level. Charge enough to make a call or send a message and disconnect the device.

    Extreme ways

    There are also more extreme “folk” methods for charging, but they should be used only when absolutely necessary, as they can harm the owner of the phone and others. The described methods, if they work, provide a small charge, which is enough for a couple of minutes of a call.

    Sometimes the chargers used by gadgets fail. There are people who are interested in trying everything themselves. As a result, homemade exercises for phone.

    Reasons for making your own charger

    How to charge your phone? This question does not concern many people, but only until they are faced with problems that can lie in wait for everyone.

    So, why might we need to create a phone charger?

    • The phone battery fails until you purchase a new one.
    • The ability to recharge your phone where there is no network.
    • Possibility of creating a spare charger.

    The easiest way to resolve the question is how to make a portable phone charger using batteries.

    Making portable charging

    How to charge a phone if you have batteries, a compartment for them, for them or an old mobile phone and a USB extension cord?

    Batteries must be AA type. In addition, a soldering iron and tester should be available.

    We take 4 batteries (preferably large capacity) and insert them into the compartment for them. We measure the voltage with a tester, it should be at least 5 volts. This is due to the fact that modern phones can be charged from a USB connector with a voltage of 5 V.

    From a USB extension cable that you don’t mind using, cut off the plug that connects to the computer. We study the pinout of the contacts, call the tester. We find + and -, remove the remaining wires with wire cutters and insulate them.

    We put a thermal casing on the wires and treat it with a lighter to ensure a tight entry. We try on the place where the plug is attached.

    We will need to solder the wires to the metal rivets. For this purpose, soldering acid is used, which can be applied with a tin stick, after which we tin the rivets.

    We solder the wires according to their charge.

    The connector must be glued to the body, having first degreased or scraped off the connector and plastic with a knife.

    Apply heated glue to the body and press. Apply glue around, closing open contacts. The remaining unnecessary wires are bitten off and covered with glue. If necessary, it can be masked using a marker.

    We insert the batteries. They must be of the same capacity. Moreover, their total capacity must exceed that of a telephone battery.

    Making a charging cable

    After making the charger itself, the question “How to make a charger for a phone?” cannot be removed because the cable still needs to be made.

    We cut off the small connector of the USB cable; the length of the cable should be half a meter.

    We cut the wires in the same way. + and - have already been identified, there is no need to repeat them. We bite off the remaining wires, then place them in a thermal casing, strip them, and tin them.

    Batteries can be charged in different places intended for them. In most cases, you can also use cell phone chargers.

    You don’t have to complicate your life and charge your batteries in appropriate chargers.

    Checking the charging

    We insert the charged batteries into the booster, to which we connect the USB cable on one side, and connect it to the phone with the other side and check the charging.

    After some time, the voltage on the booster may drop, so it is better to use batteries with a larger capacity.

    Thus, we figured out how to make a phone charger with your own hands.

    Wireless charging

    Extension cords may stop charging the phone, they may become frayed, and the charging socket on the phone may become loose. All this necessitates wireless charging. Let's look at how to make wireless charging for your phone below.

    The principle of wireless charging is based on the fact that a coil is built into the charger, which creates a magnetic field; under the cover of the phone there is another coil that serves as a receiver. When the receiver is in range of the conductor, electromagnetic pulses are activated. The phone battery is affected through rectifiers and capacitors.

    But before you make your choice in favor of wireless charging, you need to consider that it has a number of negative qualities:

    • there is no reliable data on the effect on the human body;
    • energy transmission is ineffective;
    • full battery charge is restored over a longer period of time compared to wired charging;
    • The operating capacity of the battery may be reduced;
    • If the battery is not installed correctly, the battery may overheat, which will lead to premature wear.

    Let's figure out how to make wireless charging for your phone.

    This requires several meters of thin copper wire. We wind the conductor into a coil with a number of turns equal to 15. To maintain the shape, secure the spiral with double-sided tape or glue. Leave a few centimeters of wire for soldering. The connection to the charging socket is made using a capacitor and pulse diode, which are attached to opposite ends.

    The size of one turn on the conductor should be 1.5 cm. After twisting, the diameter of the resulting coil is 10 cm.

    To form the transmitter, an even thinner copper wire of 30 turns is used. The circuit is closed by a capacitor and a transistor. We place this device into the transmission ring area with the display facing up.

    In conclusion

    Thus, the question of how to charge your phone has several answers. Charging can be portable from batteries, or it can be wireless. In any case, it should be done by a person who understands electricity, otherwise you may run into problems.

    Hi all! Today I’ll tell you how to charge a mobile phone using a regular 1.5-volt AA battery. This may be necessary if he sat down completely on the street, and you urgently need to make an important call. To do this we need to collect simple diagram voltage converter 1.5 volts (from a battery) to standard 5 volts for phones and smartphones.

    As you can see, to assemble this circuit we need to wind a transformer. The basis of the transformer is a ferrite ring. You can get it from some power supply - from an old TV, from the motherboard. I took this ring from a burnt out energy saving lamp.

    The copper wire for winding can be taken from the transformer. The thicker the wire, the better. I used 0.5mm wire.

    There is no need to make a printed circuit board for this circuit. It can be assembled by surface mounting, or, as in this version, it can be assembled on a breadboard.

    WITH reverse side The board doesn't look very neat, but it works great. As a battery, we take a new AA battery of any size. I used an AA battery.

    The battery voltage should be 1.5 volts, if it is lower, then the output voltage will be lower than 5 volts. After all, the circuit is the simplest, single-transistor, and there is no stabilization depending on voltage and current.

    Charger board in action

    As you can see, the scheme works. The current strength of this circuit is about 150 mA, which is quite enough to charge a mobile phone. So this design can be used as a small Power Bank. But the phone will take a long time to charge and perhaps the battery will not be enough to fully charge the phone. Therefore, if you are going to build a portable charger, I advise you to use ready-made boards converter with a current strength of at least 1 Ampere. Such boards can be