• How we read the information field. Information field of the earth

    I will not name this person. I will only say that during the fighting in Afghanistan he served in intelligence, and was involved in identifying the intentions of mujahideen detachments. Was in his arsenal interesting method obtaining information that can only be called mystical.

    Outwardly it looked banally simple. He sat down in front of a large, wall-sized map of Afghanistan and began to peer at it intently. And after some time he reported: in such and such an area, after such and such a time, the “spirits” will attempt an invasion, the size of the detachment is approximately such and such.

    In most cases, the forecasts came true, and the “spirits” ran into a well-arranged ambush... It’s this strange way of obtaining information that I would like to talk about today.

    States of consciousness in which a person suddenly begins to capture information that is inaccessible to our senses have been known for a long time. But only in lately they have become the subject of close attention of scientists. Increasingly, they are attracted to those rare moments when the surrounding suddenly becomes uninteresting and unimportant for a person. This happens when he is completely absorbed in one thing: solving a vital problem, a creative task, contemplating beauty... At these moments, consciousness often goes into a special operating mode. Usually a clear line between a person and what his attention was focused on suddenly blurs and disappears. Once you want to know something, you become that “other”: be it a molecule, a living cell, or the Universe.

    Those who have experienced such an experience say that in these “blessed moments” ideas, images, words come effortlessly, by themselves, as if pouring from some unknown source. In one of his letters, Mozart admitted that in those moments when inspiration descended on him, he simply had to write down the finished works. “How and where do they come from? I don’t know and have nothing to do with it... The composition comes to me... in its entirety, right away. So that my imagination allows me to hear it in its entirety.” Our contemporary Alfred Schnittke said the same thing, albeit in different words.

    In a similar way, many scientific ideas were obtained. The insights of Descartes, Edison, Helmholtz, Mendeleev. Psychologists note that discoveries in mathematics are made in the form of insights, where neither words nor mathematical symbols themselves are involved. Only later, when everything is already understood, does the scientist translate the new knowledge into the familiar sign system.

    The famous German mathematician Carl Gauss (1777-1855) spoke about his insight, about how, after many years of failures, the proof of the integer theorem suddenly dawned on him: “The solution flashed through my brain like a sudden flash of lightning. I cannot say what was the connecting thread that connected my past knowledge with the thought that prompted me to the right decision.”

    What remains in people’s memories is the stunning impression of immersion in some kind of abyss of meaning. And also - shock from inexplicable delight, bliss. “In comparison with this State, even the most pleasant pleasure is misfortune,” says American professor of mathematics and philosophy Franklin Merrell-Wolf, sharing his experience.

    It is precisely such states that allow people far from science to know what scientists have not yet thought of. Thus, in 1984, the famous English theoretical physicist Paul Davis came to the conclusion: “In addition to the three spatial dimensions and one time dimension that we perceive in everyday life, there are seven more dimensions that have not yet been noticed by anyone.” This statement was a sensation. However, the scientist was wrong: a quarter of a century before him, the six-dimensional space of the Earth had already been described in “The Rose of the World” by the Russian poet Daniil Andreev. And this was not the only “pre-knowledge” of the Russian seer. Perhaps he was one of the first to talk about the multidimensionality of time.


    This is how the intelligence officer with whom we began the story describes his technique. “Staring intently at the map makes you so tired that your eyes begin to water. And after a while the map suddenly begins to “come to life”: it separate areas they seem to float, shift, against the background of painted deserts and mountainous terrain, transparent energy clots appear, they pulsate, move... I know - these are clusters of armed people. I see where they're going. With some sixth sense I understand what their numbers are, how they are armed, when their invasion will occur... I reconfigure my brain a little and see if there are our units nearby, whether they will be able to resist the impending action..."

    In this case, a completely conscious reading of information occurs. But most often, such connections occur spontaneously and are not realized by the person at all: it seems to him that he is the sole author of his idea. History knows a lot of examples of how people in different parts of the world came to the same decision at the same time. The litigation between two radio inventors: Alexander Stepanovich Popov and Guglielmo Marconi is well known. And the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, was only a few hours ahead of his competitors in 1876. At the same time, a steam locomotive, a telegraph, a jet engine, a nuclear reactor were invented... Truly, “ideas are in the air.”

    But this could also be an unconscious “spying” of future events. Or insight into someone's elaborate plans. Here is what a famous clairvoyant told me, who successfully helped investigators find criminals: “There was a case when it was possible to quite clearly “see” the robbery of a savings bank, examine the appearance of the criminal and find out his whereabouts. The uniqueness of the situation was that the robbery had not yet happened: it was planned for tomorrow. The criminal thought it over for a long time and carefully, visited that savings bank several times, and repeatedly mentally replayed all the details...”
    Where do our intelligence officers and other visionaries get unique information from?

    Perhaps this is the same information field of the Earth (the noosphere, the “subtle” world), which very respectable scientists are increasingly talking about today. This information world of our planet is on modern language can quite be called virtual. And in the literal sense of the word. After all, “virtual” literally means “possible” from Latin, that is, containing various options for the development of situations, including those that will never be realized. In this sense, our physical world is that section of the unified energy-information field of the Universe where the implementation of one or another option occurs.

    Today, many scientists proceed from the fact that the virtual (subtle) world really exists and contains colossal amounts of information: about the past and present, about possible options the future, about ideas, creative plans, secret plans... They believe that it is possible to penetrate into this subtle world. And how tempting it would be to perfectly master the methods of conscious and “targeted” penetration there!


    It is premature to say that the ASC has already been dealt with, but something is gradually being revealed. For example, that ASC is not such a rare phenomenon. Research conducted by Professor V.V. Nalimov revealed that 80-85 percent of people, under certain conditions, are included in the ASC. In experiments by Dr. Charles McGreary (Institute of Psychological Research, University of Oxford), when all sensory stimuli were blocked, out of 100 people, 80 were immersed in the ASC.

    A number of patterns characteristic of such states of consciousness have already been identified and described: the so-called “leaving the body”, shifting thresholds of perception, spontaneous appearance of visual images, altered perception of time and other transpersonal (literally “crossing the boundaries of personality”) phenomena.

    The manager tells International Center studies of consciousness, Academician O. I. Koyokina: “We have identified those general signs of ASC in which there was a bright, no less obvious than in ordinary reality, perception of images of “other” worlds, “other” spatio-temporal relationships, as a rule, with telepathic communication with “other” entities.

    In some cases, “travel” to the ISS was limited, as it were, to only spatial movements of several kilometers from the research site, for example, within Moscow. And sometimes these were “flights” to other cities located thousands of kilometers away. In other variants, “time excursions” were made to historical events that took place several centuries ago, which were reproduced in memory and in subsequent reports in the same way as current reality...

    All study participants, upon returning to their normal state of consciousness, stated that they were not in a state of ordinary sleep and that they were actually observing other realities and communicating with entities of other worlds.”

    Of course, conscientious researchers still have many questions, because not all information received in the ISS can be double-checked. What if the stories of visionaries are just a figment of their imagination, and their states are subjective sensations? Now, if only ASCs were confirmed by objective data.

    O.I. Koyokina placed brain biorhythms and acupuncture meridian points under dispassionate control. Using ultra-sensitive equipment and the latest computer methods Processing of electroencephalograms revealed that at the moment a person is immersed in an ASC, unusual electrical waves appear in the deep structures of his brain. And at acupuncture points there is a rapid abrupt change in indicators, indicating “a sharp shift in the physiological processes of almost all organs and systems.” Results confirming the reality of ASC, albeit using other methods, were also obtained by other Russian scientists.
    But this is just the beginning of the journey. Researchers have a lot of questions to answer. Where is the source of information that a person gets from the AIS?

    In what form is it stored, how is it encoded? How does a person, without the participation of the usual senses, perceive and decipher it? There are no answers yet, there are already hypotheses. Most of them boil down to the fact that the mechanism of consciousness is based on field interaction with certain information structures. It is believed that these field phantoms - carriers of mental images, ideas - after their emergence are able to persist for a long time in a physical vacuum.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences A.M. Stepanov believes that the peculiarity of these structures is their extraordinary information capacity, as well as the fact that they can be extremely quickly perceived and processed by our consciousness. From these positions, our consciousness looks like a field formation that not only receives information from the outside, but also generates and transmits it to the outside world. And the neural networks of the brain are the “hardware part” of this transceiver, constantly changing its configuration, dynamic...


    Already on the agenda practical questions. Firstly, this is the development of reliable methods for connecting to the information field. After all, there are not so many people who know how to consciously do this. And these nuggets, as a rule, are not specialists in the field of knowledge from which information is required. Even if they “spot” something, they will not be able to understand the meaning of what they saw: text, diagram, formula, design. We need methods that allow not only a select few, but also ordinary specialists to penetrate into information “secrets”.

    The big problem is the accuracy of the settings. “Throwing” into the information field is often similar to a saying: “Go there, I don’t know where. Bring something, I don’t know what.” They bring it. True, the “seen” events often cannot be tied either to time or to a specific place. And therefore their information value is often close to zero.

    There are other problems too. In particular, noise immunity and assessment of the reliability of the information received. After all, it’s not at all difficult to launch “misinformation” into the information field. It is important to very correctly interpret the symbols perceived by the visionary from the “bank of meanings.”

    There's one more catch. Even when a person was able to understand the meaning of what he saw, he is not always able to translate it into a form understandable to other people. Knowledge acquired in “other worlds” is of a special kind. This is knowledge-experience. It cannot be accurately translated into verbal form even by those with literary gifts. As Viktor Shklovsky once said, “it’s difficult to explain the taste of melon to a person if he’s been chewing shoe laces all his life...”

    And one more obstacle facing ASC researchers. Despite the fact that science no longer considers transpersonal states of consciousness as something pathological and even considers them a necessary condition for creativity, a wary attitude towards “mystical” forms of cognition remains. It has historical, almost genetic roots.

    But if you can understand how a person captures inaccessible information and processes it, dramatic breakthroughs can occur in all areas of life. And of course – in computer technology. In addition, it would be possible to foresee natural and man-made disasters and penetrate the enemy’s secret plans. This is important for today's world.

    Everything we see around us was previously a thought. Thought is energy. Subject to the well-known law of conservation of energy, its invisible form transforms into a visible form.
    The Universe, from its smallest particles to huge galaxies, contains various forms of energy. All these objects of the physical world are the result of the materialization of thought. This thought of the Supreme Cosmic Mind - the Absolute not only once created the Universe, but also continues to support its existence. It is through subtle invisible energy substances that the Supreme Mind directs and harmonizes the development of our physical world, contributing to the further evolution of the biosphere of the entire Universe. Objects and items created by man are the materialization of human thought.
    Supreme Cosmic Mind or Father Absolute, in religion, God is the Great Energy Ocean of Supreme Consciousness, evolving in Eternity and constantly striving for Perfection. God fills with Himself the entire Space of the Universe. Space has the structure of a Matrix, consisting of many billions of cells of different densities and different sign. Max Planck said: “Everything exists because of the Conscious Mind, which is the Matrix of matter.”
    The basis of the Universe is the energy potential of the Universe, it is the world of Energies, which makes it possible for the world of Matter to be realized. The world of matter is a materialized manifestation of what was organized in the world of Energies.
    The eternal basis of man is not the molecules of the physical world, but the wave processes of the entire spectrum of energies of the Higher Mind. Divine Energy, passing and refracting through the consciousness of individuals in embodiment, becomes denser and creates the material world around us. This world gradually manifests from the unmanifested state, creating a gigantic stage of life for us. And we, incarnation after incarnation, come to this stage to play our roles. Therefore, we can say that the entire world around us represents karma or the solidified energy of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    Recent scientific research has shown that the sphere of Consciousness and Thinking has a single basis in the form of the Information Field, which is a physical vacuum consisting of torsion fields - torsion fields. Torsion fields are the basis of the Universe, the basis of the Unified Field of the Universe and have informational properties. It is through them that information of any kind is transmitted. The information of this field contains the “collective unconscious”, something common to all living thinking beings of all times and peoples, a kind of egregor of humanity. This is the area of ​​​​pure consciousness, the spiritual substance is super sensitive. It is considered the original (most subtle), essential structure of the Universe. This Cosmic Energy Information Field is otherwise called the “memory cliché”, or in the occult sciences the “Akashic Chronicles”.
    The Akashic Records are vibrations, positive or negative, stored in the Cosmic Library, which contains the entire history of Creation. Academician Vernadsky said that a certain “substance” is the source and regulator of life in the Universe and contains information about its past, present and future. And this is not surprising. If such information did not exist, it would be impossible to exert a directed influence on the development of the Universe. Thus, Unified Information Field is a giant energy network that connects the whole world, people and the Higher Forces of the Cosmos, weaving together the past, present and future, ensuring the connection of all our actions with their consequences. And from here it follows that with each of his thoughts, with each of his actions, a person changes the world, which means he participates in its creation. All this was described very well in his book “The Divine Matrix” by Greg Braden.
    The Information Field of the Universe is a gigantic biocomputer of the highest complexity. Here, in an order determined by the Higher Mind, contains knowledge about the evolution of the Universe, including the evolution of the Earth and its kingdoms: minerals, plants, animals, intelligent beings. This Universal Bank of Knowledge is constantly replenished due to the intellectual activity of the intelligent inhabitants of the Universe. The earth is also home to countless intelligent forces and beings, not just humans.
    The “memory cliché” is the light, sound and atomic imprint of all earthly events since the birth of the Earth on the etheric body of the Universe. This is a kind of spiritual library of the Earth. However, it cannot be compared with any historical book, since it preserves enduring events that attract semantic confirmation. The door of this “library” opens only to those who maintain contacts with the spiritual world, know and honor its laws.
    With a high degree of spiritual evolution of a person, his spirit interacts with the Information Field and can receive knowledge of the past, present and future. But only morally pure, mature people with moral firmness and clear consciousness can receive information from the Supreme Source. Such people are chosen by God himself. There are dozens of them in the world and only a few in Russia. Such people included, for example, Sergei of Radonezh, John of Kronstadt, Helena Blavatsky, Helena and Nicholas Roerich, and many of our saints. Through these messengers, God conveyed true knowledge to Russia, which has not yet been sufficiently studied and is not in demand by society.
    A large group of scientists says that the Universe is a “Supercomputer” that controls all elementary particles, atoms and molecules, as well as their interaction using torsion fields and virtual particles. According to academician A.E. Akimova: “The Universe is ultra-modern computer, and besides her there is nothing else. Everything else is one or another form of manifestation of the Absolute.”
    If science speaks of the Universe as a “giant computer,” then the energy information package (clump), which is our soul, fills a certain memory cell after death. Moreover, to what level of the Subtle World our soul will fall will depend on the quality of the “tape of a lived life”, reproduced at the moment of death. This is what everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death or who has been in extreme situations mentions, saying that “the whole life I had lived flashed before my eyes in reverse chronological order.
    The world is organized according to the holographic principle, this means that any fragment of the holographic surface contains the entire image on a very small scale. This also means that in a hologram, each part of an object reflects the entire object, and all changes that occur even in a small part are reflected on the whole object.
    Everything in the Universe is connected to each other. The Universe is one system, and it is impossible without connections. In turn, connections assume that there is a continuous exchange of information between the elements of the system. After all, for every action there must be a reaction, and for any changes in the system it must react. If the Universe were not structured according to the holographic principle, then information about changes between its most distant elements would be transmitted indefinitely. But the picture of the world is holographic, therefore, in each element of the Universe there is all the information about the entire Universe, and this information can be obtained instantly - it is always there, and where it is needed, in every particle of the Universe: a stone, a plant, a person, a cell of any organism. It is this interconnection that ensures the Unity of the Universe, the consistency of all its links. Moreover, the information field, consisting of information about each element of the Universe, is not something consisting of separate parts, but a single whole, characterized by a single indicator. One can figuratively imagine that everything living and “non-living” is immersed in a sea of ​​information, like flasks without a bottom are immersed in a pond. Moreover, in each of them it will be the same as in a reservoir, because these are communicating vessels.
    If the Universe is a sea, an ocean of information, then a person - his form of a hologram - is some localized clot of information located in a certain place, space; localized, but not fenced off from this ocean of information.
    How is communication carried out in the Information Field between the elements of the Universe? Let's take a person, for example. His subconscious and the Information Field are communicating vessels. Everything that is in the Information Field of the Universe is in the subconscious of each of us. Here it is appropriate to quote the words of the French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal: “Everything that I read in them is contained in me, and not in the writings of Montaigne.” Our subconscious and consciousness are connected by an information channel, which for most people is blocked by a “stub” (this is a scientific term). If for some reason the “stub” does not perfectly block the information channel, then information from his subconscious, and therefore from the Information Field of the Universe, can enter a person’s consciousness. In occult sciences, in this case, they talk about the opening of the “third eye,” and such a person is called clairvoyant. But what is important is that the Information Field is not just a “bank” of information about everything, to which all elements of the Universe have access, it processes this information and develops solutions. But these are functions of the mind, which we call the Supreme Mind.
    Information about everything that happens in the Universe never disappears. A person not only draws information from the Information Field, but also continuously supplies it there.. All elements of living and “inanimate” nature draw and supply information there, since everything in the Universe has a certain type of consciousness. Despite the fact that stones, plants, animals and humans are at different stages of development, the language of communication between them is carried out not only at the physiological level, but also at the level of the Information Field. Therefore V.I. Vernadsky spoke about the living environment, consisting of all living things, which ensures not only the interconnection of all links, but also its variability: “The variability of life is extreme, and yet, undoubtedly, on average, in complexes of organisms - in living matter, and even in individual In organisms, reproduction, growth, that is, the work of converting solar energy into earthly, chemical energy - everything is subject to unchanging mathematical laws. Everything is taken into account and everything is adapted with the same precision, with the same mechanicalness and with the same subordination to measure and harmony that we see in the harmonious movement of the heavenly bodies and are beginning to see in systems of atoms of matter and atoms of energy.”

    Thus, the Universe is a balanced system. There is nothing random in it, everything has its place, its task, its mission, including man - not the most important, most exceptional part of it, but simply a part. This suggests that it is impossible to change one thing (for example, the mental life of a person, or especially society) without changing everything else around a person, including nature. It seems wild and unscientific to us that changes in nature, for example, earthquakes, floods and even terrorism, can be a reaction to the mental life of people. In fact, this is easy to justify from a scientific point of view. When many people engage in activities that distort energy, tension increases. This can be compared to the rise of water held back by a dam. The water will put pressure on the dam and eventually break through its weak points. Also in human society, where a large amount of negative energy is produced. This energy will press until it is discharged in a “weakened” place, that is, where there is no balance or harmony.
    In all of nature, the principle of Naturalness operates: what is correct is what is natural, what corresponds to the laws of functioning of the system - the Universe. Anything that contradicts this cannot be correct. No one can change the laws of nature, therefore, any opposition to these laws will certainly end in failure for those who implement them. Here the only conclusion suggests itself: you cannot live a normal life if you violate the laws of Nature. If we analyze the rules of morality, which are the same for all nations (don’t kill, don’t steal...), then we will understand that these are the rules by adhering to which we approach the natural, the only true principle of human existence in the Universe. If these Laws, the Rules of Eternity are not fulfilled, then a program of self-destruction of the system, society, or individual violating the Rules is activated.
    The Information Field of the Universe has a cosmic dimension and contains information characteristic not only of the Universe as a whole, but also information of all levels of human existence. The Unified Information Field of the Universe stores holograms of each person with the world of his feelings and thoughts. This happens in such a way that all events in the life of the Universe, as well as the destinies of each person, are recorded in its field structure by the finest energy substance, the sensitivity of which is so great that even everything that appears in our consciousness even for a moment is immediately recorded on century. The Creator provides a certain mechanism right in the human soul that constantly monitors his thoughts and actions. One can imagine that each of us is constantly in the field of view of the lens of a hidden camera, and everything that happens to us, what we think about, do or plan to do, is imprinted forever in the Information Field and at the same time in our own field structure.
    Famous scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.P. Kaznacheev writes: “In the cells of living matter, a second form of life coexists with it, and this form is field! Field life form- this is such an organization of material and energy flows when information is preserved and accumulated at the level of microparticles and microfields. Such a field clot can reproduce, preserve and multiply information; it is connected with other material bodies as an active formation that can fit into other formations and influence them, the surrounding space.”
    The Unified Information Field is an endless vibration consisting of the sum of all human knowledge emanating from all points of the world, just as radiograms are continuously sent from radio broadcasting stations. Everything, exclusively everything that happens on Earth is forever preserved in vibrational form. This explains the meaning of the saying “Manuscripts do not burn.”
    Man is created in such a way that he improves himself, his soul, his spirit in accordance with his free will, the right of his choice. A person knows about this freedom of his, but he does not know that the slightest movement of his soul, thoughts, every action - good or bad, does not disappear with its completion, but remains recorded in the form of information in the energy structure of the astral or mental body of a person, the latter refers to his purest and noblest thoughts. The entire complex of such “records” constitutes the Karma of the individual, shaping the destiny of a person over many, many lives of the eternal Spirit of man.
    Information about a person, who is a complex biological structure, is formed immediately after conception and accompanies him throughout his life. It can be supplemented with new information that summarizes all events in a person’s life. This “information complex” is located in the “data bank” of the Information Field even after a person passes away. He can retain his bright individuality right down to his appearance, individual characteristics that are characteristic only of this individual. This explains the ability of psychics to see much of people's past and future lives. Here is what the scientist - biologist V.G. Fedotova writes about this: “The essence comes into this world with certain conquests of the Spirit and with mistakes, mistakes of the Past life, with specific program work to correct these errors, and the energy is distributed in adequate portions over all periods of a person’s life. “Personal file”, where everything that was and everything that will be is recorded - this is what is inherent only in the Spirit - only in the immortal part of man. As soon as the brain begins to form in a human embryo, all the information about the embodied entity - about its conquests and tasks of incarnation - begins to be “imprinted” into its cells. After the death of a person, the Spirit leaves, accompanied by all his subtle bodies, leaving a “copy of his personal file” with his physical body and taking with him the “original”. In fact, this is almost identical to the concept of the Spirit itself. “Personal matter” is the essence of the entity; the essence of the Spirit is all the spiritual accumulations over many human lives. The Soul is essentially the same as the Spirit, but the Soul is an accessory of a person who incarnates many times, and the Spirit is all the highest achievements of the Soul during these incarnations.
    Figuratively speaking, a person is the total sum of his lives, which are his past. Talents, abilities, problems, attachments, as a consequence of karmic manifestations, are the result of remote contact of a person’s biofield with the information space.
    We live in a world of cause and effect. Our freedom in this world of interactions lies in the creation of causes. The consequence, the manifestation of an objective cosmic law, does not directly depend on us. Every moment of the present, every event of the present bears the full imprint of the past. A blow of fate is an echo of everything bad and unworthy that a person has ever shown towards others. There is nothing accidental, nothing unfair; no atrocities remain without retribution, every good deed will ultimately bear good fruits. And there is no mysticism, nothing mysterious in this, the Cosmic law of attraction of identical energies simply comes into force: LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.
    In nature, everything connects with its own kind. Man with man, animal with animal, a certain species of insect with the same species. In physics, this state is called resonance - related vibrations, equally tuned, create an identical oscillatory circuit. In medicine, this effect is used in homeopathy, in society - in uniting people into certain groups, organizations, parties, united by common interests. As a result of such associations, there is a significant increase in the energy potential of the group. This gives rise to two possibilities of amplification, either positive or negative vibrations. If a person is oriented towards good, the spectrum of his thinking or individual thoughts are positive, he forms an appropriate aura around himself, a positive energy field, which is his reliable protection. In this case, all negative energy impacts are shielded by this positive aura in their path. The vibrational amplitude of negative wave oscillations is negative; their energy is not in resonance with the wave characteristics of love, goodness, and light. Superimposed on each other, positive wave vibrations extinguish the negative ones or weaken them so much that they practically cannot have an adverse effect. Thanks to positive thinking and, accordingly, colored emotions, “spiritual immunity” is formed.
    The manifestation of the law of attraction of like by like is also a trend in the world of desires. From here good attracts good, which multiplies. The law of attraction also works in relation to evil, which also contributes to its increase. Unfortunately, more and more often, evil, multiplied by the thoughts of many negatively minded people, outweighs good on the scales of life. However, there is another mechanism that regulates this ratio. This is the mechanism of a pendulum, according to which a nonequilibrium state cannot persist for any length of time and “any process, when completed, turns into its opposite.” This is exactly what is coming in the life of the Planet.
    Our thoughts have the character of certain vibrations and spread in waves in space. The frequency of vibration determines the nature of light emanations. We are constantly surrounded by a glow, and to some extent it is our unique moral characteristic. A strong evil thought attracts emanations of similar thoughts, which have a fatal effect on their bearer. Fear, greed, envy, and resentment also settle in the cells of the human body and lower its vibrations, which leads to illness. A healthy, bright aura protects a person from negative influence from the outside, as well as from many diseases, kills germs and bacteria. The brighter the aura, the more powerful its impact on people and the entire surrounding nature.
    A person in the ocean of universal psychic energy has those vibrations that correspond to the degree of development of his soul, and the degree of development of his soul, in turn, determines the quality and strength of the vibrations of his psychic energy (his thoughts, feelings), intuition, the degree and intensity of his connection with Information Field of the Earth and with the general Information Field of the Universe.
    Thus, the human body is a receiver and analyzer of various information flows from the surrounding world, and the person himself is a carrier of information, a generator of thoughts. Material carrier information in the physical world are electromagnetic waves, and in the invisible Subtle World- torsion fields.
    A person, in the process of understanding the world through the senses, accepts and deciphers information encoded electromagnetic radiation. After all, our vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch function at the atomic level with the help of an electromagnetic field. Humans and animals have an acupuncture system capable of perceiving signals from the outside, and then transforming them into appropriate forms of internal activity - their thoughts, words, actions. An exchange of words and thoughts is an exchange of a powerful charge of energy.. Our thoughts and feelings are torsion bars, since the matter of thoughts and feelings is an element of torsion fields.
    It is now known that vacuum and its “strings” - torsion fields absolutely neutral. The twist of torsion fields is associated with their special physical properties, which allow them to perform specific functions. In addition, this is due to the direction of movement of the information impulse from the information field, which is captured by a person.
    The entire human body is permeated with information and energy channels. The main energy channel is located along the spine. Lateral cone-shaped channels branch off from it into organs and tissues - chakras. There are seven main chakras in the human body, and each of them has a certain vibration frequency, which corresponds to the vibrations of specific human organs. Each chakra reacts to a specific color that dominates it and which acts on the body in accordance with the teachings of colors. The colors of the chakras are correlated with the colors of the spectrum of solar rays that we observe during the rainbow effect. Chakras have two main functions: energy exchange with the outside world and the reception and accumulation of received information. Thus, in the human body, chakras serve to exchange energy and information with the Cosmos, being a kind of antenna for receiving and transmitting back subtle energy of a certain vibration frequency. This explains how thoughts affect the state of a person’s physical body, causing certain diseases or strengthening it. Scientists have already discovered these cosmic truths. “In humans, several levels of torsion fields correspond to invisible energy bodies, known in the East as chakras. The higher the chakra is located, the higher the frequency of the field,” writes academician G.I. Shipov, and Professor I.E. Muldashev notes: “It is known that the spirit and soul work due to the functioning of the human brain, which twists torsion fields... Evil thoughts and words act on the human soul in the same way: they spin torsion fields in a negative direction, which is expressed in painful factors.”
    “The world is a colossal hologram. Each point has complete information about the world as a whole. The basis of the world is Consciousness, the carrier of which is spin-torsion fields. Words and thoughts are torsion bars that create the phenomena of the world. A thought is born and the whole world immediately knows about it. A person is projected onto the Universe in proportions that are not comparable to the size of his physical body. A monstrous responsibility falls with the understanding of this on a person” - these are the conclusions of the famous scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Moscow.
    And in conclusion, I would like to quote excerpts from the book “Physics of Faith” by the authors V. Tikhoplav and T. Tikhoplav: “Every word, every sound we utter, every thought we emit, distorts the physical vacuum around us and creates torsion fields. These fields can be of right and left rotation (depending on the thought and word), and their impact on any other person, and on ourselves, can be either positive or negative.
    Very powerful generators of negative torsion fields, real psychotronic weapons - televisions. Blood, cruelty, violence, vulgarity, eroticism flow from the screens... These types of torsion fields immediately begin to corrode the fabric of the fate of those people who are subjected to such treatment. Our life, politics and economics are a picture manifested in matter, which we first draw in torsion fields. Why are we living so gloomily? Because we paint our future with torsion bars of horror, irritation, anger... We must always remember that only good deeds, thoughts, words, and actions contribute to the twisting of torsion fields in a positive direction. These fields become especially high-frequency and information-rich when noble deeds are performed, compassion, mercy, generosity appear, when words of prayer and sincere love are spoken.”

    — What is the unified information field of the Earth?
    — How to connect to the Earth’s Information Field?
    — Technique of accessing Information fields

    There is a powerful information field around our planet that opens up free access to almost any type of information. This unusual field structure accumulates images and properties of almost all living organisms. Information in images about an ever-living object or subject of the natural world, of which a person is a part, can be stored and transmitted.

    Any type of animal and plant life is characterized by a common energy structure that performs a dual task:

    1) storage of information in the form of a linear history - from its inception to the present day;
    2) information modeling consciousness - making changes to the view depending on needs.

    Information modeling can be called a kind of development, which can also become degradation when the living conditions change for the majority of members of this species.

    A person’s biofield is his personal information field. Remembering someone, we are already in contact with his information field and, if desired, we can put any information into it or read everything we want to know down to his thoughts (the big picture) or viewing incarnations from a past life and future options. With the death of this person, his biofield does not dissipate, but remains in the form of an imprint in the general information field of the earth. History is written forever.

    The totality of all biofields of humanity, representatives of the animal and plant worlds form the properties and vibration of the biofield of our planet. Everything works according to general scheme: The information field of the Earth is part of the information field of the solar system, etc. Nothing passes without a trace. Any story consists of the smallest details that are created by all organisms.

    At the same time, the energy-information pattern - the imprint of the biofield left by a person - has vibrations and a rotation pattern unique to it. This is a kind of code or, if you like, a fingerprint, which is drawn to it at the time of the next incarnation and forms the so-called karma

    Thus, memory and knowledge are not contained in the human brain, but in the energy-informational structure to which the brain is tuned to receive information. Of course, the most accessible and closest will be the information that is generated or already processed by the person himself. That is why it is easiest for us to tune in to our own memories or to the knowledge that we once received. As for more distant information, it can be distorted by the shell of the personal biofield if emotions, grievances, complexes, fears, etc. are firmly entrenched in it.

    Limited knowledge also quite distorts the possibility of obtaining pure information. For example, if a person does not have knowledge in the field of construction, then reading the recipe for the strongest brick will go through the prism of the knowledge available to him. If he operates only with familiar words: concrete, clay, water, then a unique recipe will not be obtained because a person has simply never heard and does not know anything about building mixtures, but learning to read words without errors is already quite high level and for this you need to constantly work on refining your perception of energy-information waves. But having developed them, a person gains access to communication in different languages including very ancient ones, even if he had never heard anything about them before. To do this, it will be enough to tune in to a certain wave.

    But there is one peculiarity in tuning to the desired wave: it is easiest to tune in to something popular at a given time, i.e. something that has a significant energy charge, something that is aimed at greatest number human consciousnesses. This also interferes with reading little known facts and secrets, especially if they tried to hide them well and any evidence was destroyed. The exception is facts or secrets that have been constantly fed by a person throughout life, for example, constant memories or fear that the secret will be revealed. In this case, they became quite energetically strong and bright to read, i.e. will come first.

    Wide coverage and fame of something plays a huge role not only for a person who has clairvoyance and reads information, but also for any individual involved in social and everyday life. When choosing something, he will lean toward what is energetically brightest, i.e. popular. Here we have reverse effect– the influence of the Earth’s information field on those living on it. In esotericism, such an influence has acquired a well-established name - egregors. Those. influence on consciousness of energy bodies with a certain information content. There is only one way to combat such influence - to forget about it, although in social life this can be quite difficult. Imprinted into the consciousness, such generally accepted and long-lasting images are values, principles, and habits. As you can see, everything is not very simple.

    On the one hand, we ourselves shape the information field, and on the other, it shapes us. A person cannot exist outside the information field. On Earth, almost everything is shrouded in it and it sets the pace and development of life, the form of this life and life itself. And we create it ourselves.

    — How to connect to the Earth’s Information Field?

    Probably, many of you have at least once wondered how to enter the Earth’s information field? To understand this difficult problem at least a little, let’s turn to our subconscious. The latter represents what is beyond our control, what is hidden from us. The subconscious is the key that can help open the door of the information field.

    The most common way to connect to the information field is meditation. During it, we become above everything material and earthly. We seem to rise above this; what is invisible to the eye becomes accessible to us.

    So, what and how should you do? To begin, formulate the question you want answered. Concentrate carefully, focus on him. This should happen alone, in silence. Now comes one of the most difficult stages - stop thinking. At all. Nothing. Only after you have achieved a result, think about your question, about what worries you. Try to keep this in mind. And at one fine moment an insight will come to you - you will begin to receive energy and information that the Earth itself will supply to you.

    It is important not to try to come up with an answer yourself. If nothing comes to your mind, then you just need to wait. Be patient.

    — Technique of accessing Information fields

    1) Clearly formulate your request: you want to get an answer to some question that worries you, or generate a new idea (you must indicate exactly in what manner).

    2) Provide yourself with a calm, quiet, secluded place.

    3) Relax completely and free your mind from all thoughts.

    4) When this state has been achieved, begin to think about what you know on the matter. You must firmly hold these thoughts in your mind.

    5) At this time, you will begin to have new thoughts and ideas on this topic. Carefully record all your thoughts and continue to think about this subject in a detached manner, as if contemplating it.

    Don't force yourself and don't try to come up with anything. Don't try to personally answer your question. Information should appear in your head on its own. And it manifests itself as insight and the emergence of a new understanding.

    You need to remember all the thoughts that arise and then work with them, analyze them for uniqueness. If you have a few good ideas in your head, then it is likely that you can create a unique mix based on them.

    The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

    Is there a common information field? What do the cells of living organisms, mycelium of fungi, trees, and people have in common? Examples of the manifestation of a single information field, knowledge of ancient civilizations and scientific works in the program “SEPTONICS OF NATURE” issue 2 on ALLATRA TV.

    Today, one can increasingly observe how people from different fields of activity talk about the existence of a single information field that explains visible and invisible processes and phenomena. Information about it can be found both in archaeological and cultural monuments, and in scientific works.

    You can read more about the septonic field in the report “PRIMODIUM ALLATRA PHYSICS”:


    Hello! Today, one can increasingly observe how people from different fields of activity talk about the existence of a single information field that explains visible and invisible processes and phenomena. Information about it can be found both in archaeological and cultural monuments, and in scientific works.

    In the spring of 2015, the report “PRIMODIUM ALLATRA PHYSICS” was published, prepared by the international research group ALLATRA SCIENCE.

    According to the report, the basic component of the entire material universe is septon field. This field is everywhere. It is at the basis of any phenomenon. It can be found in any “living” and “non-living” objects and phenomena of the material world. Thanks to the septon field, all fundamental interactions in the material world occur. Knowledge about him helps to understand, “ what is time, space, gravity, electromagnetism, nature electric current, what exactly makes particles and objects move and fight for life, interact with each other... Having information about how the septon field of different objects, including humans, functions, you can understand howthe process of the generation of thoughts."

    So why is the topic of the septon field currently not being developed, and sometimes even hushed up by official science? What exactly is this information field, what functions does it perform, how does it manifest itself in our everyday life?

    My friends and I began to study the topic of the septon field more deeply and found a lot of evidence of its existence at all levels of the organization of matter - from bacteria to stars and galaxies.


    In medicine, for example, it has been observed that cancer cells behave together as an intelligent community. Even when they are exposed to drugs, they transmit signals to each other and freeze for some time, that is, they jointly block the effect of the drug. Each cell, receiving certain signals from the quorum, changes its behavior model in accordance with the general behavior (collective intelligence).

    QUORUM. The Latin word "quorum" means "of which there are sufficient," that is, a sufficient number of the community. In science, this phenomenon is called collective intelligence.

    That is, in essence, it is a rational organism within a rational organism.

    Nowadays, a lot of research in the field of biology has accumulated on the life of a community of bees, ants, mice, rats, dolphins, and large mammals, in which the dominance of the collective mind is clearly visible.

    The manifestation of the septonic field can also be observed in mushrooms. Hokkaido University professor Toshiyuki Nakagaki published the results of his experiment in the journal Nature in 2008. He examined the mycelium. When myceliums penetrate the earth, they create gigantic planetary-scale networks that cover the entire fertile layer of the earth with trillions of kilometers of their threads. But the most curious thing is that the mycelium (mycelium), like neural network brain, may exhibit what may be considered intelligence. It has already been precisely proven that mycelium can:

    • plan,
    • collect and use information,
    • understands its location in space
    • and, what is especially interesting, it can transmit this information to its descendants - parts of the mycelium that have separated from the maternal network.

    Another experiment showing the existence single field, conducted by biologists, in which they proved that trees are not just living beings, but also intelligent.

    Zoologist David Rose discovered that alder and willow trees, when caterpillars appear on their leaves, begin to secrete an alkaloid-type chemical that makes their leaves difficult to digest. Instantly, within a radius of 60 meters, other trees of the same species begin to secrete the same toxic substance, although caterpillars have not yet appeared on their leaves.

    The question arises: “How did other trees know about the danger? How is information transmitted from one tree to another? Let's figure it out together!

    By the way, the manifestation of the information field can also be traced among primates. This was shown by an experiment with wild monkeys, which was conducted on the Japanese island of Koshima. For more information about this, see the first issue of “SEPTONICS OF NATURE”.


    History has many examples of scientific research into the general information field. At all times, scientists have tried to understand the true essence of things, to reduce all physical laws to the influence of one initial (key) field. Here are some examples of relatively recent research:

    James Maxwell spoke about the existence of a general field: “This material substance, which has a finer structure than visible bodies, fills a space that seems empty to us.”

    Alfred Rupert Sheldrake - British writer, biochemist, plant physiologist and parapsychologist put forward the theory of the morphogenetic field. He argued that such fields exist not only in humans, but also in birds, insects, plants, and even crystals. It is this field, according to the scientist, that explains the processes of interaction between living and inanimate objects. According to Rupert Sheldrake's theory, the human or animal brain itself contains neither memory nor knowledge. But all this is in abundance in morphogenetic, that is, formative fields. So, if there are morphogenetic fields common to all people and animals, then it turns out that everything in the world is interconnected.

    In 1964, John Bell postulated in his theorem: “There are no isolated systems; every particle of the Universe is in “instantaneous” communication with all other particles. The entire system, even if its parts are separated by vast distances, functions as a single system.”

    At the beginning of the last century, Academician Vernadsky put forward a hypothesis about the existence of a common information field of the Earth. He called it the noosphere (from the Greek - mind, mind, sphere) and believed that it contained all the thoughts and ideas of humanity.

    Carl Jung later coined the term “collective unconscious,” believing that it consists of archetypes and ideas and is common to all people.

    Gennady Ivanovich Shipov, in his theory of torsion fields, notes that rotational (vortex) motion is inherent in everything in nature. It is torsion fields—the torsion fields of space—that determine the structure of any matter, from elementary particles to galaxies and the Universe.

    In 1952, David Bohm published his alternative vision of quantum theory. Quantum potential is the name of the hypothetical field he proposed, which, like gravity, permeates all space. The effect of this field does not weaken with distance, unlike gravitational, magnetic and other fields. At the Radiation Laboratory. Lawrence at the University of California, David Bohm studied the behavior of matter particles in a special state - plasma. And he discovered that in the plasmatic state the particles do not behave like individual elements, but as components of something larger.

    John Hagelin, a member of the renowned unified field team and an expert on supersymmetric unified quantum field theory, has published more than 40 papers on unified field theory in leading physics journals. He says: “The latest advances in quantum physics provide important evidence that the unified field and pure consciousness are not two separate fields, but one and the same. Intelligence, development, self-awareness - all these properties can also be found in the structure of the unified field, suggesting a connection between the unified field and the most fundamental state of consciousness."


    Today, thanks to modern scientists who unbiasedly study this question, collected rich cultural material from around the world. It indicates that the same inherently sacred knowledge was known to peoples on different continents in different times. Thus, today, taking into account the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of human civilization and knowing its keys - the foundations of PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS, humanity has the opportunity not only to understand its primordial past, but also to change its future.

    Hopi Indian cosmology says that the current universal cycle began a long time ago when Mother Spider appeared in the void of the world. First of all, she wove a network connecting all things, and already in this network she created the conditions for the life of her children.

    In ancient India, such a deity is mentioned as Aryaman. His image is very abstract. He fills the air space, gives wealth (even without asking). Aryaman connects all people.

    In Buddhist sutras, the kingdom of the god Indra is described as the place where a network appears that connects the entire universe: “Far away, in the heavenly abode of Indra, a skilled master hung a magic net that extends endlessly in all directions.”

    In the Huayan Buddhist tradition, the world is viewed as a universe. It is fully present in each of its constituent elements. This universe is often likened to a network of precious stones(Indra's network), reflecting each other. He was also likened to the image of Buddha, surrounded on all sides by mirrors, endlessly reflecting his image.

    In early Vedic mythology, there was the concept of “Maya” (literally “illusion” in Sanskrit), which later became part of Hinduism and other religions of India. This concept meant the idea of ​​something existing on its own, on its own, outside of God. It was believed that if God is not visible, nothing can be seen in its original form, because in this case a person is under the influence of maya. The material world - Maya, consisting of a collection of many illusions, makes a person perceive and see everything incorrectly, in false forms that are not such in the light of the real Reality (Spiritual World). Maya hides Reality. Illusion arises due to the seduction of a person by the desires of this world, his reluctance to penetrate into the real Reality. In the Vedas, the term maya indicates a force that originates in the material world.

    Another confirmation of the existence of a common septonic field is an experiment on telepathic transmission of information at a distance using the PYRAMID apparatus, which was successfully held on April 28, 2018 at the Coordination Center of the ALLATRA International Public Movement. 11,072 people from 110 countries registered in the experiment, and 3,434 people sent results. The results of the experiment showed that 15.92% accepted the sign broadcast by the operator and 13.65% accepted the control sign. The experiment involved an untrained operator who has no experience working with metaphysics. Nevertheless, the experiment was a success and demonstrated extremely high results.


    People in ancient times knew about the existence of a single field. They knew about their dual nature, lived internally, made a choice towards the Spiritual nature, and developed their Spiritual essence. This is confirmed in artifacts of household items, wall paintings, and ceramics. For example, in scientific work Maria Gimbutas "The Civilization of the Great Goddess: the World of Ancient Europe."

    Çatalhöyük, Çatalhöyük, Çatalhöyük (Turkish: Çatalhöyük) is a large settlement of the Ceramic Neolithic and Chalcolithic era in the province of Konya (southern Anatolia). It is the largest and best preserved Neolithic settlement discovered.

    Marija Gimbutas is an American archaeologist and cultural scientist of Lithuanian origin who has made significant contributions to the study of the ancient history of Indo-European peoples. He is the author of 23 monographs. In the book “The Civilization of the Great Goddess: The World of Ancient Europe”, for the first time in science, she told the multi-level differences between the peoples of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

    For thousands of years people have lived peacefully in Love, in harmony and in spiritual self-improvement. Our history is much richer and more interesting than we used to think. The people of antiquity have a lot to learn. The abilities of any civilization are determined by the level of creative and aesthetic achievements, the presence of intangible values, which makes existence more meaningful and joyful.

    An example of the existence of such a society is the archaeological find of the ancient European Neolithic era - the settlement of Çatalhöyük, whose inhabitants lived in peace for more than 1000 years.

    Çatalhöyük are two “residential hills” located near a river on the dry plateau of the Konya plain, south-central Turkey. Çatalhöyük was an orderly settlement, indicating a surprisingly large social order over many centuries. Up to 7,000 people could live in it at the same time. The houses in Çatalhöyük stood wall to wall; there was no gap between the walls of neighboring houses. The entrance to the houses was only through a hole in the roof, going down the stairs. The roofs of Çatalhöyük formed a man-made, artificial landscape in the middle of the wilderness, which is considered a unique cultural achievement. On these roofs there were vessels with supplies, hearths and workshops.

    In fact, in Çatalhöyük there was only one single house in 1,500 copies. This principle of construction was preserved in all archaeological layers, so that for more than 1,000 years only this type of house was built.

    The interior decoration, that is, the decoration of the walls and platforms, however varied. Inside each individual house, there was a sacred area, a kitchen area and a work area in the center. Thus, there was no need for the existence of professional clergy.

    Representative buildings such as temples and palaces are completely absent. This architecture itself left no room for social differences.

    There were no significant differences between men and women in food, body size, or lifestyle. Both sexes were engaged in very similar activities, behaved the same both inside and outside the house, and were equally involved in the kitchen and in the making of tools. Wall paintings show men and women hunting together.

    There was no theft in Çatalhöyük, as evidenced by the untouched burials in the archaeological site.

    What is most impressive is the complete absence of images that speak of manifestations of aggression, such as conflict or struggle, not to mention war. There are also no images of the trial or sentencing. There is absolutely no destructive treatment of people for cultic religious purposes. Animals were slaughtered for consumption, but there is no evidence of ritual offerings.

    It is mentioned by archaeologists that not a single bone found indicates violence by another person as the cause of death. People treated each other with care and peace.

    Further in the book by Marija Gimbutas, it is said: “It is quite obvious that religious practices were closely woven into the daily lives of people. Sanctuaries were located next to dwellings in buildings similar to residential buildings. Of the 300 rooms excavated, 88 had painted walls. Each fresco was from 12 to 18 meters long. The images on the eastern and northern walls, along which the platforms were located, were distinguished by amazing ingenuity and variety of design."

    James Mellart, who excavated Çatalhöyük, notes that these wall paintings had a ceremonial purpose, and after they had served their function, they were covered with a layer of white plaster. When the need arose again, a new painting was applied to this clean surface.

    As it is written in the AllatRa book: “Even in more ancient times, such a tradition existed. A group of people was engaged in spiritual practices together with its leader - a person who worked on himself better than others and, therefore, moved faster along his spiritual path. On the walls of the meditation room, he kept a record in symbols and signs about spiritual work, about the acquisition of knowledge and the learning processes of this group. But when the leader achieved spiritual liberation, the walls of the meditation room were covered with white plaster. The new leader of the group began a new “painting”, as if from a clean slate.”

    Finding examples in history, you understand that people have lived for centuries in peace, friendship, love and harmony. They built their lives on spiritual foundations, and everything served the Spiritual world, and this lasted for thousands of years. And the main thing is that this can really be done now, because there is Primordial Knowledge in the world, because there is AllatRa in the world!

    Judging by the information that has come down to our times, we can distinguish two main reasons why in ancient times knowledge about the macro- and microworld was given as an addition to spiritual Knowledge. The first reason is for a person to realize the main meaning of his fleeting life, which lies in spiritual transformation. The second reason is for a person to make his conscious, mature choice between the dominance in his life of either material values ​​or spiritual values ​​(in the concept of the dominant personal worldview and the main goal of life). And in order for a person to fully make his choice, he must know about the dangers, features, patterned actions of the invisible world of the material intelligent system in which both he as a Personality and his body temporarily exist.

    In this issue we looked at only a small part of the examples of the manifestation and action of the septon field. In future issues we will continue to consider this topic. Stay tuned!

    Write examples of the manifestation of the septon field that you know in the comments under the video or to the address: with the note “For the septonics of nature.”

    The information field theory has appeared at different times under different names in the works of different scientists. For example, C. Jung introduced the term “collective unconscious,” which was suspiciously similar to the definition of information fields given by modern mystics. The latter assume that people also have personal information space, and the Universe has an information field that contains so much knowledge that it can provide answers to any questions.

    Information field concept

    Information is understood as vibrational plexuses, a kind of matter that every living being forms in the process of its life. Each person is surrounded by an information field, and its formation begins from the moment of birth. Thus, everyone has their own “database”, which records everything that happens to a person during his life. The interesting thing is that information does not exist in isolation, it has connections with all the people with whom it has ever been in contact. Therefore, we can talk about the presence of an information field of the Universe that is common to everyone. It is precisely its existence that can explain the simultaneous insights coming to two strangers located in different parts of the world. Hence the common expression “the information field of the Universe is a source of knowledge”; it represents a kind of “knowledge bank” that is replenished by every person.

    Human connection with the information field

    Based on all of the above, we can assume that we are all omniscient, because every person has a connection to the common energy-information field from birth. But not everything is so simple here; the fact is that connections with the “knowledge bank” are of different types.

    Of course, the latter type of connection also has its limitations, which depend on the degree of human development; the higher it is, the more data a clairvoyant can receive. So not a single person on Earth can have all the information.