• How to update iTunes on your computer to the latest version. Installing, updating, and removing iTunes from your computer

    About what without special program It is impossible to transfer files from iPad and iPhone to and from a computer, as every user of these gadgets knows. But not everyone knows how to update iTunes. And, by the way, there is nothing complicated about this.

    Why is it necessary?

    Unfortunately, this one is so required program takes up quite a lot of hard drive space personal computer, and also spends a lot RAM at work. This is why many users think about why they need iTunes update to latest version. Firstly, the updated interface is usually much simpler than in outdated versions. Secondly, using the program usually becomes more convenient, and the functionality expands. Moreover, at a certain point old version it simply stops recognizing the connected gadget. That’s why you need to update iTunes in a timely manner so that it is ready for use at any time.

    Mac and updates

    First you need to run the program. On a Mac system it is usually located in work area at the bottom or side of the screen. The icon looks like a note. Depending on the version, this is either a red, blue, or multi-color icon. Usually, after launch, an installation prompt appears immediately new version programs. Simply agree to update iTunes in seconds. The Mac system is notable for the fact that it usually does not ask the user’s opinion at all, installing new versions in a timely manner and independently. Apple programs. Provided that the owner of the personal computer has not disabled this useful option.

    Windows and Apple programs

    There are no particular difficulties here either. You must enable the program on your computer. If it is not pinned to the taskbar and there is no icon on the desktop, then you need to go to “Start”, “Programs”, “All Programs”. You need to select iTunes from the list. Updating it won't be difficult. If the window " Apple Software Update", then you need to go to the "Help" section in the upper left corner working panel. This concerns version, which is already quite outdated. In the section you need to find the "Update" button. The program will automatically start searching for available new versions. If they are available, the user will be prompted to install them. Of course, a person has the right to decide whether he needs it or not. However, it is worth remembering that timely update allows the program to run without interruption. But ignoring these simple rules may lead to the problems described above.

    Gadgets and updates

    To update iTunes to the latest version on mobile device"Apple" company, not so many manipulations are required. Although there are a number of features. Firstly, the application is not quite ordinary. It works smoothly, clearly and without failures. Because it is controlled by the company, not the user. You cannot delete, move, change, or update it yourself. Secondly, it is the company that decides when the application needs to be updated. And released new product usually simultaneously with the release of a new version operating system- iOS. Therefore, the attitude is inextricably linked with it.

    To update the system and the “tuna” at the same time, you need to go to the settings of the “Apple” gadget. In the "Basic" section there is a sub-item "Software update". You must check for new versions, read the terms of agreement and agree to them if an update is available. After downloading, the device will automatically restart and the new update will take effect. Most often in mobile version iTunes is updating its functionality and some interface elements. At the same time, everything remains the same efficient, stable and convenient. Major updates are not visible to the user (this is the compatibility of the program with the new version of the operating system). Therefore, gadgets also need to be updated in a timely manner.

    iTunes is required for owners Apple devices to connect the gadget to a computer or laptop. This multifunctional program, with which you can transfer music, movies, images to a smartphone or tablet and back. It also offers other functions, including shopping.

    The developer constantly releases new versions of iTunes. They fix old bugs, add new features and improve performance. Accordingly, to get full capabilities program, you need to update it regularly.

    Getting the latest version of iTunes

    Usually no action is required from the user, everything happens automatically. But sometimes you need to manually update iTunes on your computer to the latest version. And here there are three options: you can use special function inside the program, run Apple Software Update or perform a complete reinstallation.

    Method 1: Update within the program

    You can update iTunes inside the program. Typically, a window prompting you to install the latest version appears when you launch it. If it does not arise, then you can call it yourself. To do this, find the inscription on the toolbar "Reference". From there select the option "Updates".

    Method 2: Apple Software Update

    Along with iTunes, when installing the program, another element appears - Apple Software Update. With its help you can perform the update. Launch this application will come out of Start. In the list of programs, find the desired item and click on it.

    After some time, the window will display a list of items for which new versions are available. Select the ones you need and click "Install".

    Method 3: Reinstall iTunes

    Sometimes it is not possible to update iTunes to the latest version on your computer within the program. In this case, you should completely reinstall it. Proceed as follows.

    Most often, users update iTunes without any problems. Since the program installs updates in automatic mode, while asking for permission to install. But since you have a problem with the fact that you cannot update iTunes, you urgently need to find out the cause of this glitch.

    iTunes Update

    To avoid errors, you need to be able to update iTunes correctly. It's not difficult at all:

    First of all, in order to avoid various kinds of errors, it is important to be able to update iTunes correctly. There is nothing complicated about this:

    Step 1. Launch iTunes.

    Step 2. Open menu "Reference", and go to the section "Updates"

    Step 3. Wait a little while the program finishes searching for available updates.

    Step 4. If the program finds an available update, click "Download iTunes"

    Updating iTunes on Mac is done in exactly the same way. The only difference is that in the iTunes version for Mac, the button "Updates" is located in the main window. So you will see it immediately after starting the program.


    If you are unable to install or update iTunes, follow these steps:

    Step 1. If you are using Windows, make sure you are logged in. account with administrator rights. If your account does not have administrator rights, you will not be able to install or update programs.

    Step 2. Install all available Windows updates. To do this, go to the Update Center, run a search for updates and install all the updates found.

    Step 3. Download installation file iTunes from the official Apple website

    Step 4. Run the downloaded file as an administrator and agree to the offer to fix the software.

    Step 5. Remove from everything iTunes components and then reinstall the program

    Step 6. Make sure iTunes is not conflicting with any other programs on your computer. Conflicts with an antivirus or firewall often arise. If there is a conflict, disable them while installing the iTunes update, and then restart them.

    Often, to solve the problem, restarting the computer is enough, after which iTunes starts updating. But if the method described above did not help you, and iTunes still does not update, then you should try a more radical method. To do this, you must completely remove all program components and reinstall iTunes.

    Complete removal and reinstallation

    If iTunes is not updated on your computer, remove it along with all components and install it again. It is extremely important to remove components in a certain order, otherwise new problems will arise in the operation of the program.

    Step 1. Open Control Panel

    Step 2. In the section "Programs" select subsection "Uninstall a program"

    Step 3. To avoid missing any components, sort the list by developer name. To do this, click on the line "Publisher"

    Step 4. Uninstall iTunes and all its components in the following order

    1. iTunes;
    2. Apple Software Update;
    3. Apple Mobile Device Support;
    4. Bonjour;
    5. Apple Application Support (32-bit);
    6. Apple Application Support (64-bit).

    After removing each component, the system will prompt you to reboot. Refuse until you remove all components from the list. After this, you can reboot the system.

    Even after components are removed, supporting files and system folders. Find and remove the following directories:

    • C:\Program Files\Common FilesApple\
    • C:\Program Files\iTunes\
    • C:\Program Files\iPod\
    • C:\Program Files\QuickTime\
    • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTime\
    • C:\Windows\System32\QuickTimeVR\
    • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple\
    • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\
    • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apple Inc\
    • C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\

    Also, check system registry. Run it with the command “regedit” typed in the window "Run"(Win+R). Open the search by pressing Ctrl+F. Enter "iTunes" and delete the found folders and settings.

    After you have deleted all iTunes-related files from the system, you can begin reinstalling the program. To do this, download from the official website Apple latest version of the program and start the installation following the wizard's prompts.

    Fixing Windows Installer Package Error

    If a message pops up when updating iTunes "Error Windows package installer", instead of completely uninstalling iTunes, you can reinstall the AppleSoftwareUpdate component.

    Step 1. Download the iTunes installation file from Apple's website.

    Step 2. Change the extension of the downloaded file from .EXE on .ZIP

    Step 3. Go to Control Panel and open the section "Uninstall a program"

    Step 4. Find the AppleSoftwareUpdate program, right-click on it and select "Restore"

    Step 5. After recovery, uninstall AppleSoftwareUpdate. This cannot be done without restoration. .

    Step 6. Return to ZIP archive, which you turned the iTunes installation file into. Open it using any archiver.

    Step 7

    Step 8 After the installation of the components is completed, you will need to reboot the system

    Step 9 Open the archive again and install iTunes

    Step 10 Reboot the system again.

    After reinstalling the components, the error should disappear. The app was already updated when you installed the latest version from iTunes, so additional update no need until the next update.

    Today we will find out how to update iTunes and get the top version of this essential for iPhone and iPad programs. The iTunes update process can be performed in two ways - the first method requires an Internet connection to the computer, the second method may be useful for a user whose computer does not yet have access to the World Wide Web.

    If your PC has an Internet connection, the update process is very simple:

    1. Launch iTunes and context menu“Help” select “Updates”

    2. It will start checking for updates

    3. If on Apple server If there is a newer version available, the installer will inform you: New version available iTunes programs. Download it now?" Click the “Download iTunes” button

    4. After which the Apple program update window will appear, here you can find out the size of the new iTunes versions, below you will find out which program components have been updated and what’s new in updated version iTunes. After reviewing the information, place a marker against iTunes and click the “Install item” button
    5. The new version of iTunes will begin downloading and installing while you pour yourself a cup of tea.
    6. Once completed, the iTunes installer will prompt you to restart your computer. After you restart your PC, iTunes will be updated.

    Greetings! Apple is constantly developing new things and also improving existing ones. software. New versions of programs are regularly released, bringing with them not only increased security and improved stability, but also various new functions, capabilities, and tricks. In particular, let's consider iTunes as the main means of managing the content of your iPhone or iPad. It is highly desirable that your computer always has current version of this program. And this is easy to do by using the instructions on how to update iTunes.

    There are several ways to complete the task, but there are perhaps only two main ones. It's time to get to know them better! Are you ready?

    Let's go! :)

    Installing an iTunes update on your computer using Apple Software Update

    In my opinion, everything is very simple. After opening the program, when a new version appears, a sign like this will appear, in which you just need to press one button. Easy, isn't it?

    If there is no such sign, but you are firmly convinced that you are being deceived, and latest version iTunes software is definitely on the server - we check it manually. To do this in the left top corner We find the “help” item (don’t see it? Press ctrl+b). Click. In the drop-down menu, click on update. Then everything will happen automatically.

    Update iTunes manually

    It happens that when the built-in Software Update service fails, it is useful to update iTunes in manual mode. For this purpose the program from the site Apple and we produce. The good thing about this method is that previous version you don't have to touch it.

    Note: sometimes, due to errors that arise, it still makes sense to first .

    There is another positive aspect to using this option. It can be used to update on a computer where there is no Internet connection. Just download to another PC, and then transfer using a USB drive.

    Now let's look at why iTunes may not update. Here are the main reasons:

    1. Oddly enough, if you use the first method from these instructions, check your Internet connection. Everything happens :)
    2. Apple servers can also be overloaded - all you have to do is wait. And this is especially noticeable on the day of appearance new iOS or iPad with iPhone. We check the calendar, read the news - maybe something important is happening.
    3. Sometimes an antivirus or firewall can interfere with your intentions to update iTunes - try disabling them.

    And finally. For important operations such as