• How to register on Facebook: step-by-step instructions. Facebook: registration, which everyone has already completed

    Hello, dear friends! Today we are starting to explore a new social network called Facebook. It is not as popular in the countries of the former CIS as, for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, but many people still use it. The first article, as always, will be devoted to registration.

    Register from a computer

    You can register on Facebook for free on the official website, which is kindly provided to us in Russian. Follow the link https://ru-ru.facebook.com/.

    Pay attention to the right side of the page that opens, that’s where the registration form is located.

    Pay attention to the fields for entering the number mobile phone. If you want to register on Facebook without a phone number, then simply enter your address in this field email.

    It would be logical to assume that if you want to register without an email, you will have to enter a phone number there. Entering nothing and leaving this line empty will not work.

    Enter all the data and click on the “Create account” button:

    On next stage offer to find friends through their accounts on other services. You can skip this step by clicking on the “Next” button.

    Skip the step:

    In principle, the main registration is over, we just have to confirm our postal address. They remind you of this at the very top of the Facebook page. Let's go to our mailbox and looking for a letter.

    In the letter we find the “Confirm your account” button and click on it. They also provide us with some kind of confirmation code, but I personally haven’t used it.

    That's it, congratulations, you have registered. So far, of course, you have nothing on your page.

    Register from a mobile phone

    You can also go from your mobile phone to the official website through any browser and do everything that we did in the first point, or you can download mobile application and register with it. Let's take a closer look at the second method.

    We go to the Play Market and look for the Facebook application there.

    Install it:

    Here you are asked to enter your phone number for registration. Not everyone likes this, so we can not enter the phone number, but pay attention to the very bottom of the screen and click on the “Register using an email address” button.

    This window may be more suitable for you. Here we register using email.

    It seems that there is nothing more to explain specifically regarding registration in this social network, so we will examine the remaining questions in the following articles.

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    For many novice Internet users, registering with a social network facebook networks, seems to be something complex and incomprehensible. I decided to write step-by-step instructions so that any beginner can understand how to register on Facebook.

    How to register on Facebook - step by step instructions

    In order to go through the registration procedure on the Facebook social network, you first need to go to https://facebook.com. Absolutely any browser is suitable for this purpose. Next, you will need to fill out the required fields for registration. This field is gender, age, last name, first name, date of birth, mobile phone number or email address, and password.

    If you do not plan to use your Facebook page regularly, you can indicate a fictitious first and last name. If, on the contrary, you plan to go there regularly, then it is strictly necessary to indicate your real name and surname. Because the administration of this social network through certain time may block your account if it suddenly turns out that you indicated your real first and last name.

    After you have filled in all the fields required for registration, you will need to click on the “registration” button. As a rule, filling out the required fields on the social network Facebook takes a minimum amount of time.

    Next, the system will prompt you to provide additional information.

    Step one. The system can offer you a search for friends using mail.ru, the VKontakte social network, or Skype. If you don’t particularly need this and want to get to your page as quickly as possible, then you can skip this step by clicking on the appropriate button.

    Step two. Providing information about educational institutions in which you have ever studied, as well as the city of your residence. This step is also not particularly important, for this reason you can again click on the “skip” button. If you wish, you can indicate this information at any convenient time.

    Step three. This stage registering on the social network Facebook is much more important compared to the previous two, because here you will be asked to upload your profile photo. For this purpose you can upload a photo from hard drive your computer or take a photo from your webcam without leaving the site.

    Now everyone you add as friends or those who add you as friends themselves will recognize you by your profile photo.

    How to register on Facebook from a computer

    In order to register on the Facebook social network from a computer, you will need to go to https://facebook.com. and fill out special form for registration. For those who decide to choose this method When registering on the social network Facebook, you should pay special attention to the second and third lines of the registration form.

    There you can indicate your email address, which distinguishes this social network from the vast majority of others, where you must provide a mobile phone number. The advantages of registering on the social network Facebook from a computer also include the speed of this procedure.

    That is, for those who register via computer, specifying an email address will be the final stage of registration. After this, you will only need to activate your account by following a special link that comes to your email address.

    How to register on facebook for free

    IN lately the number of scammers is sharply increasing, who are trying in every way to replace this address in order to make money at the expense of inexperienced users social network Facebook.

    However, despite the fact that the registration procedure itself on this social network is absolutely free, you will definitely need to create an electronic mailbox, preferably on Google mail - GMail. It is needed to activate your account.

    How to register on Facebook from your phone

    In order to register on a social network on Facebook from a mobile phone, you will need to open Google Play and download the official one from there facebook app. When you open the program for the first time, the associated Gmail account. At the bottom there will be a button for immediate registration on the social network Facebook.

    Otherwise, the registration procedure on the Facebook social network using a mobile phone is no different from the registration procedure via a computer or laptop. The registration form also contains the required fields: last name, first name, gender, date of birth. Upon completion of the registration procedure, the system will also ask you to find friends.

    I would like to note that to communicate on the Internet, registration on the social network Facebook is optional. But if you decide to make money online, create an Internet business, then for this you definitely need to create electronic wallets, create mailboxes and accounts on all social networks.

    The greater your online presence, the faster you will grow your brand. People will recognize you, there will be more trust, and therefore there will be more subscribers, clients, and customers.

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    Facebook is a social network used by more than 800 million people in the world. They see different landscapes outside the window, they write here on different languages, them different quantities years old, they have different numbers of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and, nevertheless, they have all already registered here, but you haven’t yet!

    This article is not intended to stir up a wave of complexes in readers, but if, after reading to the end, at least one righteous person decides to register on Facebook, the author’s mission will be completed and he will be given credit for it. Just in case, let's make a reservation: registering on Facebook is completely free, if that's what you're thinking.

    Registration on Facebook: quick and clear

    Registration on Facebook, as in any similar system, requires entering personal data. To begin, you need to go to Facebook website. You will immediately see login fields at the top of the screen, and immediately below it there is a registration window. You need to enter the following data:

    • Last name.
    • Phone number or email.
    • Password.
    • Date of birth.

    The last box is for a check mark that confirms your agreement with all the terms and conditions. If you wish, you can read Terms and Privacy Policy by clicking on the link.

    The registration process on a tablet, phone and computer looks completely identical. After entering all the data you need to click on the button Create an account. After this, a letter with an activation link will be sent to your email address, you need to click on it Verify your account.

    Essentially this is where it ends free registration on Facebook, but there are a few more steps to finalize the page setup:

    The first step is to find friends. You can either search for them by first and last name using search bar at the top of the screen, or import contacts from your mailbox. To do this you need to select your postal service, enter your address and password and click on Find friends. For more details, see the link.

    Moreover, you can log into your account just by clicking on your avatar and without entering login data. Facebook will ask you to remember your password, in this window you need to click on OK or Not now, if you don't want it.

    Next, you can see what information about you will be available to other users. You control this yourself by setting the appropriate post privacy settings. You can also add a photo or take one using your webcam. The last sub-item in the window is to search for acquaintances at your place of work or study. To do this, you need to enter a name or their email.

    The second step is to enter information about yourself. Under your avatar on the left there is a form for entering information about you. First, you will see an introductory window about the registration date and audience change (from the option Just me on Available to everyone). Click on the button Save.

    Next, new windows will open in which you need to answer various questions, including: where do you work, what position do you hold, what university and school did you study at, what city are you from. You just have to choose the right option and click on Save. You can see all this data in the tab Information, you can edit them there at any time.

    The third step is to describe yourself. This column is available to all users. You can describe yourself by clicking the button Describe yourself or add photos.

    Fourth step - adding a photo, if you haven't done so before. The profile image must meet the minimum size, namely 180x180 pixels.

    That's all Facebook registration completed, from now on and forever you are a full user of this social network!

    Errors during registration

    Sometimes users complain that they cannot register on Facebook. Unfortunately, sometimes you can see the following error: “ Sorry, we can't register you" There may be several reasons for this:

    • A fake email address has been entered.
    • You are registering under a fictitious name and surname, and the system knows this from somewhere.
    • Errors may occur during registration in some browsers (except GoogleChrome).
    • You register during a site update.

    In the first two cases, you must enter correct data. And if the reason is different, you just need to try registering on Facebook a little later.

    As you can see, registering on Facebook is free and not difficult, you just need to set aside a little time. After registration you get access to a huge amount of materials. In addition, you have the opportunity to communicate with friends and make new acquaintances!

    Facebook is perhaps the most famous social network in the world. It is used in most countries, and the number of its participants has long exceeded the one billion user mark. This ingenious project was created several years ago by a simple student from Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg. Today, the cost of his site is estimated at a fortune, although in fact most of the resource has long belonged not to Mark, but to the co-founders.

    In Russia, Facebook is not as popular as in the USA or, say, England - we have it. However, Russians are beginning to love Facebook more and more every day and continue to create accounts on the site. Today we will learn how to do it correctly.

    How to register on Facebook?

    Before we begin, I would like to make a small digression and tell you that in order to register you need to comply with several simple rules. Firstly, you must have an electronic mailbox, and secondly, you must be at least 13 years old. If it is not difficult to cope with the first problem, then you will not be able to increase your age. However, most users still rarely add their real year of birth.

    But let's move on to the procedure. Open the website https://www.facebook.com/. The main page of the project has opened in front of you, on the right side of which there is a form for filling out your data. This is very convenient because you don't need to make extra clicks. This is where we start filling out the fields with information. It will be:

    • Surname
    • Email address
    • Password
    • Date of birth

    IMPORTANT! Be sure to indicate only the real one e-mail address, since a confirmation link will be sent to it, which you will need to follow. As for the name, you can come up with one, but in this case it will be very difficult for your friends to find you. But as for the password, it should be as complex as possible so that an attacker cannot gain access to your account. For example, there may be several Latin letters both lower and upper case, two to three digits, and special characters in the form of a question mark, quotation marks or brackets at your discretion. In any case, the password must consist of at least 12 characters. Just don’t forget it yourself.

    After filling out the form, click on the “Registration” button. If your name is fictitious, the system will most likely suspect you of trying to create a fake account, so it will ask you to confirm your identity using your mobile phone. This may also happen because there is another account Facebook may not belong to you. However, it is impossible to continue working without a phone number, so you need to enter it in the field that appears. You can hide the number in the future using your privacy settings.

    Once you have confirmed your identity, you can proceed with further instructions. First of all, you will be asked to add possible friends that the system will show you. In the second step, you can add friends yourself.

    In the third step you will be asked to add a photo to your profile. Whether this is worth doing is up to you to decide, since you can add photos later.

    You will now be on your page.

    To edit information about yourself, click the “Update Information” button and you will be able to add various information about yourself, including place of work and study, marital status, city of residence, various places you have visited, etc.

    That's basically it. There's just one tiny detail left. If you did not confirm the verification of your account using your cell phone, then go to your mailbox and follow the link that came to you in the letter.

    I'll show you how to sign up for Facebook for free, in just a few minutes. To create an account you only need:

    1. that you are at least 13 years old,
    2. had their own electronic mailbox (e-mail).

    By the way, if you don’t have a mailbox yet, you can open it yourself using my tutorial on creating an email address on Mail.

    How to register on Facebook for free, without a phone number

    To register on Facebook, go to the official website, to the registration page: facebook.com/r.php

    The site will open in Russian. However, if, for some reason, your language is determined incorrectly, then all you need to do is click the Russian link at the bottom of the page - and the page will immediately be Russified.

    The registration form is located at home page. We begin registration right now! No one will check the correct spelling of your first and last name, however, if you register with good intentions, then there is no point in hiding your name. Most politicians, artists and others public people, register on Facebook under real names.

    In the next field you need to enter your email or mobile phone number. Please note that you must provide a valid e-mail. You will need this email to log into Facebook. You can only register one Facebook account per e-mail. By the way, Facebook is still loyal to the lack of a mobile phone. Majority social networks They don’t even want to register without this attribute of modernity.

    As soon as you enter your e-mail address, another field below will immediately open in which you need to re-enter the same e-mail address.

    The password must contain at least 6 characters, including numbers, letters and punctuation marks. To be safe, your Facebook password should be different from other passwords you use online.

    You select your date of birth from the list, gender - by toggling the button.

    After filling out the form and checking the data you entered, press the green button Create an account.

    A message appears asking you to confirm your email address, which you specified when creating your Facebook account. In this case, you need to enter the password for your mailbox. Then Facebook will be able to compile a list of all your contacts from your mailbox and offer to add them as friends.

    An email will be sent to your inbox with a confirmation code from Facebook:

    This letter contains digital code, however, you most likely will not need to enter it. Just click the blue button Confirm your account and it's done!

    A message appears: Account verified. Click the OK button

    You are in your new Facebook account! You can click the Remember password button - OK 1 and, the next time you log in, instead of entering a password, you will only have to click on your photo. Just don’t forget to add this photo now!

    By clicking the Next 2 button, start adding friends. It's not difficult. You fill out the information: what city you were born in, what school you attended, what university you graduated from, where you live, and Facebook will diligently offer you possible friends. All you have to do is choose: who is a friend and who is not a friend! I think that you can handle this issue without me. The only thing is, I’ll show you how to go to your page next time and make sure that you registered on Facebook correctly.

    How to find a Facebook login for a beginner

    In order to log into Facebook, you need to go to the official website of this social network.