• Which connection is more profitable? Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet?

    MegaFon became the best operator in terms of quality voice communication in Moscow, in second place with a slight lag is Tele2, according to a study conducted by the Telecom Daily agency

    Two leaders

    On December 14, the information and analytical agency Telecom Daily summed up the results of a study on the quality of voice communications and data transfer speeds in Moscow. The study lasted three weeks in November–December 2015. Analysts at Telecom Daily analyzed the quality of voice communications from operators according to several parameters - the number of established calls, the number of their blocks and interruptions, as well as the time it took to establish a connection between subscribers. In total, about 550 calls were made for each operator.

    The operator MegaFon demonstrated a minimum of blocking and dropped calls; in second place was T2 RTK Holding, a new company for the capital market (Tele2 brand). The gap from the leader is “minimal and close to the magnitude of the error,” the study notes ( specific figure not specified). The third place in terms of communication quality was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), the last place was taken by the MTS operator, Telecom Daily analysts summed up the results.

    During the study, MTS had the highest larger number call blocking - 8 out of 538, for Beeline this figure was 2 out of 552, for MegaFon - 1 out of 540, and for Tele2 there were none at all. At the same time, Tele2 had 2 call drops, MegaFon and Beeline had one call each, and MTS calls were never interrupted, it follows from the research data.

    The “average connection establishment time” indicator is the sum of calculations for all GSM, 3G, LTE technologies. The minimum average time was shown by Tele2 (about 3.8 thousand ms), however, the operator does not work using GSM technology. For MegaFon and Beeline this figure was about 5 thousand ms, for MTS - 6 thousand ms.

    Separately, the researchers took measurements of the speed of mobile Internet in 3G networks. Tele2 became the leader in this indicator: the operator showed the highest average data transfer speed both from the subscriber (2.5 Mb/s) and, conversely, to the subscriber (7.2 Mb/s). The worst performer in terms of data transfer in 3G networks from a subscriber was MegaFon (0.8 Mb/s), to the subscriber was Beeline (3.6 Mb/s).​

    In terms of average data transfer speed to a subscriber in LTE networks, MTS was in first place, followed by other operators with “almost the same characteristics,” notes Telecom Daily. Thus, the average LTE speed (to subscriber) for MTS decreased from 13.3 to 12.8 Mb/s, for MegaFon - from 13.9 to 11.7 Mb/s, for Beeline, on the contrary, increased from 10.6 to 11.4 Mb/s. The average data transfer speed of Tele2 was 11.5 Mb/s.

    Leader in speed in LTE networks from the subscriber became “Beeline” with an indicator of 13.3 Mb/s. Next come MTS (9.5 Mb/s), MegaFon (9.3 Mb/s) and Tele2 (8.5 Mb/s).

    Moscow surpasses other Russian cities in terms of data transfer speed in 3G and 4G networks, although a year ago the leader in this parameter was St. Petersburg, noted general manager Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov. Over the year, the average data transfer speed to a subscriber in LTE has generally decreased due to an increase in the number of subscribers and the load on networks (for all except Beeline), according to a study by Telecom Daily.

    Operators' reaction

    MTS representative Dmitry Solodovnikov did not agree with the research methodology and stated that “analysis of speeds and quality cellular communications based on road detours is not applicable to the real consumption profile of subscribers, because more than 70% of traffic is generated by users on premises.” MTS is guided by research from the Speedtest service, which gives “a real picture of the availability and speed of an Internet connection, and not a basis for manipulating public opinion,” Solodovnikov said. According to Speedtest, according to the results of the third quarter of 2015, MTS is the leader in data download speed in mobile networks in the Moscow region, reports Solodovnikov. Downloading Speedtest data for the Moscow region looks like this: MTS - 7.5 Mb/s, Tele2 - 6.7 Mb/s, Beeline - 5.4 Mb/s, MegaFon - 4.7 Mb/s, clarified He.

    “According to our measurements, MTS is the leader in connection establishment success with an indicator of 99.08%, and we also have the minimum probability of call drops - 1.33%,” Solodovnikov said. Over the nine months of 2015, MTS invested 66 billion rubles in the development of networks in Russia. which is more than the other operators " big three", network operation in the Moscow region is provided by several tens of thousands base stations all standards - during this year alone, the company built about 4,500 new base stations, more than half of which were LTE stations, he specified.

    The results of the study also raised doubts at Beeline, said the operator’s representative Anna Aibasheva. VimpelCom constantly conducts its own measurements of network quality - both its own and other operators, and these data differ from the results of the Telecom Daily study, she noted, without specifying the figures. “It is important to compare not only speed indicators. Speed ​​alone without connection stability will not allow you to use communication services normally,” says Aibasheva. In addition, it is more correct to compare the network characteristics of operators with approximately equal customer bases, and the study “participated in an operator whose base is several times smaller than the majority of Moscow operators,” Aibasheva noted. The last time Tele2 disclosed data on the number of subscribers in Moscow was as of November 11 - the operator had 380 thousand subscribers, while the Big Three companies in the capital had more than 10 million clients.

    Beeline pays attention to all market research, but the most important thing for the company is the opinion and user experience of its own customers, says Aibasheva. “According to internal research, when voting for the best 4G in Moscow, respondents gave twice as many votes for Beeline Internet than for their closest competitors,” she says.

    MegaFon representative Yulia Dorokhina explained the operator’s leadership by saying that the company is “constantly developing and building new base stations.” Currently, MegaFon’s Moscow network has more than 23 thousand base stations, including about 6 thousand with 4G support. “Thanks to significant infrastructure growth, we are successfully coping with the growing loads on the network,” added Dorokhina. At the same time, MegaFon focuses primarily on the opinion of customers: “what is more important for the user is not just general figures for the capital, but the places where he visits more often, works, lives, and rests,” she noted.

    Regarding the development of the network, there is important parameter, which is not mentioned in the study, Alexey Semenov, director of the capital branch of MegaFon, noted at the presentation of the study results: this is the amount of data that the operator’s network is capable of transmitting. “This parameter indicates how much service the company is able to provide to its subscribers,” he said. In the third quarter of 2015, the volume of data traffic in MegaFon networks grew by more than 40%, that is, the network is capable of transmitting 40% more traffic, “while maintaining speed and quality indicators,” Semenov noted. "This means that you can take advantage of high-speed Internet Maybe more people, and each person can download more data,” he said.

    Tele2 agrees with the results of the Telecom Daily study, said operator representative Konstantin Prokshin. “We consider the most important result to be first places in average and maximum speed data transmission using 3G technology. This technology will remain a popular and most popular mobile Internet technology for several more years,” he said, noting that mobile internet will be the driver of revenue growth for mobile operators.

    Tele2 has built 7 thousand base stations in the Moscow region since the beginning of the year, of which 5 thousand are 3G stations, 2 thousand are LTE, Igor Zhizhikin, CEO of the Moscow Tele2 macro-region, said at the presentation. “In just a year, we managed to provide Muscovites with communications, the quality of which is higher than that of competitors who have been developing networks for decades. This is evidenced by both the complete absence of voice call blocking and minimal possible time dialing the subscriber,” says Prokshin.

    For ease of selection from new tariff plans we tried to compare tariffs from MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2, Yota, Tinkoff Mobile and Rostelecom without subscription fee.

    Do you need tariffs without a subscription fee?

    Yes, sure!No, they are not needed!

    Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee from MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2, Yota, Tinkoff Mobile and Rostelecom

    Current version. Information updated on March 12, 2019. Added MegaFon TP “Turn on! Open”, MegaFon TP “Go to zero” is closed
    MTS Megaphone Beeline Tele2 Rostelecom Yota**** Tinkoff Mobile****
    Clicking on the tariff name will open a page with detailed description
    "Super MTS" * “Turn on! Open" *** "Second-by-second" "Zero doubts" "Second-by-second" "Classical" "Base" "0/0" "0/0"
    Subscription fee 0.00 RUR
    Cost of a minute within the network in home region connections 1.50 RUR 6.00 ₽ - first minute, then free 3.00 RUR 1.80 RUR 0.05 ₽ per second 2.00 RUR 0.03 ₽ per second 2.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost per minute for other operators in your home region 2.50 RUR 2.00 RUR 3.00 RUR 2.50 RUR 0.05 ₽ per second 2.00 RUR 0.03 ₽ per second 2.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost of a minute within the network when calling to other regions of the Russian Federation 5.00 RUR 5.10 RUR 5.10 RUR 3.90 RUR 3.00 RUR 2.50 RUR 2.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost per minute for calls to other regions of the Russian Federation 14.00 RUR 13.00 RUR 13.00 RUR 12.00 RUR 3.90 RUR 9.00 RUR 10.00 RUR 3.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost of 1 SMS within the network 2.00 RUR 1.95 RUR 1.95 RUR 2.50 RUR 1.50 RUR 1.80 RUR 2.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost of 1 SMS to numbers of other operators 3.90 RUR 4.00 RUR 5.00 RUR 2.50 RUR 1.80 RUR 2.50 RUR 2.90 RUR
    Cost 1 MB. internet traffic 9.90 RUR 25.00 ₽/100 MB. 9.90 RUR 9.95 RUR 1.50 RUR ** 1.80 RUR no access

    Notes on the table

    • * — For the tariff " Super MTS» the cost of calls, SMS and Internet access are indicated without activating the “All Super” option, which allows you to further reduce communication costs.
    • ** — Payment for Internet traffic on the “Classic” tariff is debited in 10 MB increments, the first 10 MB. per day costs 15.00 ₽.
    • *** — For TP “Turn on! Open" from MegaFon, all data is indicated without connecting the "Open Plus" option
    • **** - Yota and Tinkoff Mobile have added packages without minutes and Internet access for comparison.
    • Be careful, all prices and tariff conditions are indicated for the Moscow region. Check the cost and conditions for your regions on the operator’s website.

    Approximate calculation of the cost of services

    Considering that tariffs without a monthly fee are signed up by people who do not use communications very often, let’s try to calculate the monthly expenses for each of the TPs from the table above.

    We take as a basis for calculations:

    • The volume of conversations is 5 minutes per day within the network;
    • 2 SMS messages per day;
    • To save more money, we don’t make long-distance calls and don’t use mobile Internet at all.

    In total we get expenses per month (30 calendar days):

    1. MegaFon “Go to zero”: 180 + 120 = 300 ₽. - Winner! (The tariff is archived and is closed for connecting new subscribers).
    1. MegaFon "Turn on! Open”: 180 + 120 = 300 ₽. Despite the fact that the winning tariff “Go to Zero” was closed MegaFon, its replacement in the form of a TP “Turn on! Open” is absolutely adequate.
    2. “Super MTS”: 225 + 120 = 345 ₽.
    3. Beeline “Zero doubts”: 270 + 90 = 360 ₽.
    4. Rostelecom “Basic”: 270 + 108 = 378 ₽.
    5. Tele2 “Classic”: 300 + 90 = 390 ₽.
    6. Yota: 375 + 150 = 525 ₽.
    7. MegaFon “Per Second”: 450 + 117 = 567 ₽.
    8. Beeline “Per Second”: 450 + 150 = 600 ₽.
    9. Tinkoff Mobile: 435 + 174 = 609 ₽.
    As a result: Even with such minimal parameters as 5 minutes of calls and 2 SMS per day, most TPs will be easier to replace with tariffs with subscription fee, of which operators offer a great variety. Except that “Super MTS” shows very “pleasant” numbers (it was 120 rubles before the changes of May 3, 2018). Now, “Get involved!” is emerging as a conditional “leader.” Open" from MegaFon.

    Video: Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee with unexpected conclusions

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    Look, analyze, choose which services you use most often, how many minutes, SMS and Internet you spend per day and select the most suitable and most advantageous tariff without a subscription fee.

    Mobile networks surround us everywhere. Without cellular communication it is impossible to make calls, use mobile Internet and other services. This connection is not personally owned by any one person or one provider. In each country, there are several major players who set the pace. Which mobile operator is better is determined by the users themselves. Next, let's talk about leaders domestic market.

    How to spot a good operator

    In the Russian Federation, only a few operators can be considered leaders. According to various sources, these are from 4 to 6 companies. Short list will look like this:

    • Beeline;
    • Megaphone;
    • Tele2;
    • Yota.

    It is their services that the majority of the population considers the most acceptable in terms of price and quality. However, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to immediately determine which operator is better. Because different users will have their own individual requirements for the supplier mobile services, and operators, in turn, will have their own ideas about the needs target audience. There is simply no single universal criterion.

    What to look for when choosing an operator

    And since there is no universal criterion, you can simply carefully familiarize yourself with the advantages of each of these six leaders. This will greatly simplify the user’s task of choosing the optimal cellular provider. We will determine the advantages of operators based on several key parameters:

    1. Coverage area. A stable expression implies nothing more than the territory or area in which communication services are provided. However, this is not the only determining factor in this factor. The number of cell towers, which is calculated per unit of a given area, will also be important. Since the quality of signal reception will directly depend on this indicator. Moreover, their interaction with each other may be no less important, which the operator certainly indicates on its coverage maps.
    2. Communication quality. This criterion logically follows the previous one. As a rule, GSM operators The quality of communication is at the same level. And for everyone, it steadily worsens on holidays, when there is serious network congestion.
    3. Tariffs. Perhaps the main parameter that you should focus on when choosing. Since the tariffs different operators may vary greatly. Many users choose the tariff plan that can provide them with the most economical communication with loved ones. That is, by default it is assumed that the subscriber’s friends also use the services of this cellular operator. At the same time, you should not take for granted the praise of friends regarding a particular tariff plan, since everyone’s needs and the number of calls they make are different. Some people need unlimited, while others can easily get by with bonuses alone. We all choose individually.
    4. Availability of a service center. It makes sense to use the services of a company with an office in your city. Because in this case, you can always come in and ask about any question of interest. Some regions are deprived of representation of certain operators.
    5. Services provided. For active users mobile phone this parameter may be of key importance. Without roaming, mobile Internet, GSM banking and other services, many users simply cannot imagine the existence of a telephone.
    6. For example, roaming. This option allows you to use your phone even outside the coverage area of ​​your own operator. This is possible thanks to a special agreement that different providers sign among themselves.
    7. Possibility of transferring funds. It is assumed that the participants in the transaction are owners of the same tariff plan. Since only in this case is it possible to implement remittance from one account to another.
    8. Cell Broadcast. Provides an opportunity to find out the name of the locality where the tower is located. Particularly relevant this service for motorists.
    9. Service. It is a collective term to denote the quality of work of an operator’s call centers, since each of us sometimes needs to seek advice.

    After comparing these indicators for each operator, you will be able to make your choice with greater confidence. Obviously, any one of the service providers presented cannot be considered the best for everyone. But it is also obvious that in the struggle for new clients, operators are striving to expand the range of services provided and become more valuable in the market. This is why new tariffs, options, and commercials arise. Let's try to quickly get acquainted with the opinions of users about the already announced market leaders.

    Operator characteristics


    Beeline is one of the old-timers of the market, holding its position for more than 20 years. During this time, its network has grown many times and, according to some estimates, is close to 60 million subscribers. The advantages of the company include the following:

    • a wide range of tariffs and various services. Thanks to the diversification of the target audience, the provider can satisfy any client;
    • the policy of regular promotions, popular among the population, is the strong point of this particular operator;
    • Client consultations by telephone are carried out by competent specialists, but the problem remains the same: it is extremely difficult to reach them by phone. You can wait indefinitely for an answer.

    The disadvantages include:

    • periodic problems. Quite a lot of customer complaints are observed online about various failures. Technical errors sometimes associated with banal functions, up to the inability to check the balance;
    • roaming This function Beeline's is extremely unprofitable for users, calls will cost too much;
    • coating with an urban accent. There are very few areas far from cities where you can find Beeline towers. The company openly ignores the outback, establishing its bases exclusively in densely populated areas.


    Megafon can also boast of a long time on the market. According to some reports, the company’s clients now include about 73 million people, which is even more than Beeline’s. This is due to the advantages of the operator, which include the following:

    • The coverage area is the largest in the Russian Federation. This is one of the fundamental principles of the operator - installing towers where monetization will obviously be unprofitable, in order to attract as many more clients. Thus, the provider wants to proudly carry the banner of the “people's” operator;
    • technological innovation. The company does not stand still and, whenever possible, tries to surprise its subscribers with new features. mobile service. The same video communication function was first introduced in Megafon;
    • Internet. Compared to its competitors, the operator provides its subscribers with fairly fast Internet.

    Disadvantages of service include:

    • disgusting support service. And the point is not only that it is difficult to get through to her (since everyone is guilty of this, no matter what operator you choose), but also that the company’s specialists sometimes make ridiculous mistakes. It is difficult to wait for help from them;
    • pitfalls in tariff plans. To understand the tariffs, sometimes you have to spend quite a lot of time, they are so confusing.


    The birth of the company was registered in the same year as the previous two players in the market, but the fruits of their activities differ significantly. Over the same period of time, the MTS operator was able to gain a much larger number of loyal customers: the company has about 107 million users in its database. This may be due to the following advantages of the provider:

    • quality of communication. Regardless of the subscriber’s location, the quality of mobile communications remains high;
    • Internet. For subscribers who actively use mobile Internet, the operator has provided many interesting tariffs;
    • roaming The company's employees have worked fruitfully in the international market to provide their customers with good communications anywhere in the world.

    But the company, of course, also has disadvantages:

    • coverage area. Here MTS is inferior to its predecessors, providing much smaller coverage of territories;
    • cost of services. Not all operator tariffs are beneficial for a particular client. Similar offers from other players may be better;
    • technical support problem. There is nothing new here - the picture is the same as that of other operators. The presence helps the situation a little personal account MTS, where the user can try to find the answer to his question on his own.


    A company of foreign origin was acquired by the domestic VTB group. So far, the operator’s customer base lags significantly behind the top three and numbers 23 million people. The advantages of its services include low pricing, which is due to the desire to lure users of other operators. However, the quality of services still leaves much to be desired, which is not least due to the insufficient coverage area. As a result, some kind of malfunction regularly occurs, which prevents users from confidently choosing this service provider as their main one.

    The company actively advertises its services, trying to become one of the the best operators countries. Positions itself as a multifunctional provider, providing users with all types of communications (landline communications, mobile, television). The operator has reasonable prices for services, as well as good connection in urban areas. Failures do occur, but not as often as with everyone else. Urban telephone connection- and one of the best.


    A relatively new cellular operator on the market, which has already managed to declare its sky-high ambitions. Allegedly, everything the user needs can be found from this operator. However, despite the extensive range of services, the company is not yet able to boast of their quality. Mobile communications function more or less acceptable, but the Internet is frankly weak. There are regularly interruptions in communication, and the speed of information processing is no good for the Internet. Eloquent evidence of the groundlessness of Yota's claims to leadership positions is that some regions still do not have the opportunity to use the World Wide Web, its reception is so poor.


    It is almost impossible to determine which mobile operator is better. Choosing the right operator is entirely an individual matter, since the variety of services provided, as well as their quality, will differ depending on the user’s location. In addition, the subscriber has the opportunity to use the services of several operators at once, which many enjoy using.

    Which is better to choose: MegaFon or MTS, or maybe Beeline or Tele2? This question is asked by many cellular subscribers, interested in ratings. mobile operators. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since it is necessary to take into account not only the statistical ratings of mobile operators, but also to compare tariffs, coverage of cellular operators in the region of interest (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan), as well as real reviews users.

    Today we will try to give the most complete answer to these questions by looking at the ratings of the TOP mobile operators in order to compare and find out which operator offers best quality communications, and who is more honest - Beeline, MTS, MegaFon, or Tele2.

    Operator ratings

    There is no single rating of Russian mobile operators according to any of the parameters that can be considered official. However, there are various data from both regulatory authorities, public organizations, and ordinary users. Based on these assessments, you can make a rating of mobile operators based on the quality of communication, Internet, or coverage in Russia.

    The most authoritative sources for obtaining information that allows you to make comparisons and determine the leader in the ranking of the main cellular companies communications of MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, or Tele2, are data from Roskomnadzor and the “Public Consumer Initiative”. Their estimates cover different aspects activities of cellular operators - the quality of communication and how honest the companies are with their customers.

    However, these are the most “complex” comparisons, which the user will not be able to determine on their own. If you can choose the most favorable tariff yourself based on your preferences and needs, then assessing, for example, their honesty and transparency is not easy.

    Last fall, even a small scandal broke out after another RKN report on the quality of communications in Moscow. According to the department, the quality of Beeline services was recognized as the worst in the region. The operator did not agree with this assessment, accusing the market regulator of incorrect calculations, and even promised to provide his measurements. However, after this statement, the story was not continued by the operator.

    The agency regularly conducts research on the quality of communications in different regions of the country, and the data can be found on its website. Note that the check is carried out based on three main indicators: the number of successful connections at voice calls, success of SMS delivery, and mobile Internet speed.

    Almost every phone owner uses the mobile Internet these days. Most people want to determine which operator is best for mobile Internet. This is becoming increasingly difficult to do as each mobile operator tries to attract large number new clients by improving their services specifically in terms of the quality and cost of the Internet.

    Criteria for choosing mobile Internet

    Before you settle on any of the operators, there are several parameters to consider that can help you make right choice. These include the following criteria:

    • speed;
    • traffic volume;
    • price.

    Cost in lately plays a very insignificant role, since the price of mobile Internet for each operator is approximately the same, and even the most cheap tariff Quite a bit less expensive than the most expensive.

    Particular attention must be paid to the speed and number of gigabytes provided. When choosing the Internet for a mobile device, you need to take into account how the owner of the smartphone will use the traffic. If you plan to watch movies on your phone, then minimum speed connection must be at least 1 Mbit/sec. For video calls on Skype you need from 512 Kbps, and for online games – 128–256 Kbps. The volume of traffic also depends on the purposes for which the Internet will be used for the phone.

    MTS is one of the most popular operators throughout Russia and in neighboring countries. The provider's tariffs are distinguished by great variety, flexibility and differentiated offers for owners of different mobile devices. In the competition, all mobile operators are trying to improve their services, and MTS is no exception.

    The company offers its customers a choice of the following tariff plans for smartphones:

    1. "Internet Maxi".
    2. "Internet Mini".
    3. "Internet VIP".

    The difference between the three tariffs is the cost and the number of megabytes provided per month. So, in Internet Mini the client receives 3 GB of traffic for daily use and pays 350 rubles. Thus, the cost of 1 GB is 116 rubles 67 kopecks. “Internet Mini” provides 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day for 700 rubles. This means that for 1 MB you will have to pay less than 6 kopecks, and for 1 GB – 58 rubles. “Internet VIP” allows unlimited use, and daily traffic is 30 GB at a price of 1,200 rubles – 40 rubles/GB. If a subscriber has the opportunity to pay 1,200 rubles per month, then the “Internet-VIP” package will be the most optimal solution.

    The company also provides the opportunity to use it on smartphones and tablets. To do this you need, the cost of which is 12.90 rubles per day in almost all regions except Moscow and the Moscow region, where from the second month MTS subscribers will have to pay 19 rubles per day.

    This cellular operator has four service packages:

    1. 600 minutes + 300 SMS.
    2. 1,100 minutes + 500 SMS.
    3. 2,200 minutes + 1,000 SMS.
    4. 3,300 minutes + 3,000 SMS.

    The cost of each package is respectively 500, 800, 1,200 and 1,800 rubles per month. Each of them provides connectivity unlimited internet. Thus, the subscriber has a chance to use unlimited mobile Internet for 500 rubles per month. In addition, the user must have 500 rubles in his account. This amount will initially be frozen and will eventually be returned to the owner.


    When choosing mobile Internet, it is very difficult to say which operator is better. In any case, Megafon is on the list of the best. The company offers its customers fast, but relatively expensive Internet for smartphones in its “All Inclusive” line:

    1. VIP – 2,700 rubles.
    2. L, XL – 950-1,350 rubles.
    3. M – 810 rubles.
    4. S – 570 rubles.

    The price is indicated taking into account the subscription fee and payment for unlimited connection. This is not to say that it is the cheapest, but unlike Beeline, the process of paying for the service on Megafon is much simpler. The first connection is free, and each subsequent connection will cost 100 rubles. Based on how the subscriber uses other options, the most favorable tariff may be any of the above.

    Internet from Tele2

    This is another operator that needs to be mentioned. Tele2 offers its subscribers three tariffs:

    1. 7 GB for 299 rub.
    2. 15 GB for 599 rub.
    3. 30 GB for 899 rub.

    Thus, the price of 1 GB in these tariffs is 42.71 rubles, 40 rubles. and 30 rub. This too good offer. Of course, mobile Internet from Tele2 is not the most profitable, but the cost of 1 GB is cheaper than in tariffs from MTS.


    The latest provider that provides its subscribers with unlimited mobile Internet is an operator called Yota. In addition to traffic, Yota offers unlimited messages and calls within the network, as well as 100, 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 minutes to numbers of other operators.

    The not best thing is that a phone with a Yota card cannot be fully used as a modem. If you do this, 3G will not function fully. The speed will be limited to 128 Kbps, but for tasks that do not require a high-speed connection, it will be enough to ensure good performance.

    Many believe that the quality of communication on Yota is not the best among all others, however, the services of this operator are available in all regions where Megafon has a connection.

    A large number of subscribers are wondering which operator to choose to connect to the Internet via a modem. First on the list is . This is one of the most favorable tariffs for the modem. To connect it, you need to purchase a modem from MTS. Any other company's device will not work. Data transfer speed is approximately 21 Mb/s. The activation cost is 699 rubles. After this, the subscriber must pay 600 rubles for each month.

    Good internet for the modem is provided by Beeline and Megafon. The cost can be up to 1,000 rubles. depending on the region. Also, these two operators give their customers access to entertainment content(exchangers, game servers) without traffic tariffs.

    We need to look where better communication. Depending on the region of residence, the quality of communication from the same operator may differ. It is also necessary to take into account additional features provided by the tariff plan. For example, if you need a package free minutes or test messages, you can pay attention to the package of services from Beeline for 1,800 rubles. In the case when you only need the Internet, the same Beeline offers unlimited inexpensively - for only 500 rubles. per month. For about the same amount you can connect to the most unlimited service from Megafon, having overpaid some 70 rubles.

    In cases where unlimited is not an urgent need, you can connect a Mini from MTS for 350 rubles. and get the ability to download and upload 3 GB of data.

    Based on the above material, we can conclude that the cheapest package is from Beeline for 500 rubles, which, when connected, allows you to use unlimited traffic. The downside of the tariff is postpayment. For 570 rub. You can activate “All Inclusive” from Megafon, but you must take into account that there may be additional costs associated with calls and sending text messages.

    Each operator offers a wide variety of tariff plans, so any user will find one that suits them. When choosing, you should not be guided by which tariff is the cheapest, but you should take into account the entire model of using the smartphone. Some people only need traffic, while others need minutes and SMS.