• Kefir for the stomach. Kefir: beneficial and harmful properties for the body

    It's not that simple with kefir. In the mass consciousness, naturally, there is a certain “obligatory benefit” from this dairy product. Everyone supposedly “knows” that it is “healthy” to drink in the morning and at night, and in general, all the time. They say that lactic acid bacteria do their very useful work, which indescribably helps our well-being.
    Alas, these admonitions persistently remain ignored by a considerable number of people who turn away from the very type of kefir, or, having tried it, cannot appreciate its use - either in the morning, or before bed, or at any other time of the day.

    Is there any harm in kefir? Or do “non-drinkers” simply not understand their happiness? Or maybe happiness is not in kefir?

    So, what is kefir?

    We get kefir when milk sours. Souring of milk occurs under the influence of kefir grains - various microorganisms, bifidobacteria, lactic acid streptococci, acetic acid bacteria, rods, yeast. On the first day, when the milk has soured, we will have one type of kefir with certain properties, on the next day - another, and on the third day - a completely different kefir with new properties. The acidity, amount of carbon dioxide, alcohol and other indicators will change in it. Of course, our kefir stays in the refrigerator for as long as we allow it, although its composition becomes more complex every day and its acidity increases, but in industrial production kefir is produced only according to the recipe for the first, second or third day of souring. The milk is pasteurized, then it is fermented by alcoholic and fermented milk fermentation using kefir grains. Milk protein acquires new properties with the help of microorganisms. Which ones? Why was kefir so highly valued by scientists?

    I. Mechnikov at the end of the 19th century, having conducted extensive research, declared kefir the most valuable product for human health. Of course, kefir, like porridge, like milk in general and with porridge in particular, were picked up in propaganda during Soviet times as a simple method of “feeding the people.” Cheap and profitable. But – harm or benefit? We sorted out the porridges: semolina is harmful, porridges with milk are nothing useful. What about kefir? Is there any harm in kefir?

    Isn't its positive role exaggerated?

    1. Kefir normalizes metabolism in the body.

    Is it true? Of course, if your metabolism is disrupted on a certain day, under unfavorable circumstances. In addition, you must have certain indications for taking kefir and not be allergic to lactose. What if you don’t drink milk at all – not because it’s “harmful”, but just don’t like it? How can something that may cause reluctance and rejection help you? With an unexpected infusion of a dose of bifidobacteria, this can begin and forced cleaning cannot be avoided. In addition, this can be a shock to the internal intestinal microflora.

    2. Kefir diet – health and weight loss!

    Controversial issue. Firstly, it should last no more than seven days, secondly, you need to combine kefir with the right products, and thirdly, if you have high acidity, you don’t need to injure your body. Losing weight, as well as bringing the acid-base balance to a certain “norm”, has nothing to do with the kefir diet.

    3. What is the percentage of alcohol in kefir?

    In the old days it reached 1-3%, now it is much less (from 0.01 to 0.6%). This is ethyl alcohol. For this reason, kefir is not given to young children (up to a year, or better yet, later). There is also no point in deceiving yourself that yogurt is healthier. By the way, after drinking a liter of kefir, it is better not to get behind the wheel; experienced drivers know this.

    4. Less fat content of kefir – more benefits?

    Low-fat kefir should be drunk as a last resort. That is, when you just want to drink. There is no “kefir” benefit there. At the same time, if kefir is packaged in plastic, its beneficial properties are lost. Kefir should contain only milk and starter culture. All other drinks healthy kefir are not.

    5. People with exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, in the presence of pancreatitis, stop drinking kefir, even if it is your favorite drink, which, of course, is doubtful.

    It is actually found where it is simply not needed, but harmful properties kefir become such only because a particular organism simply does not require it!

    Among absolutely all fermented milk products that are produced in the world today, kefir takes first place for a reason, because its share of production is 65% of total production. If we talk about the origin of this product, then all scientists, as one, say that its homeland is the Caucasus. This is logical, since the longevity of the Caucasian people is explained precisely by the appearance of such healthy food products. But still, the origin of the word itself, denoting the healthiest fermented milk product, is attributed to the Turks, in whose language it is also associated with well-being and health.

    A little history

    Previously, in the Caucasus, kefir was considered a real gift from heaven, the secret of which Caucasians did not trust to anyone. Today we already know that this wonderful product is made from special fungi, which give it truly healing properties. It was kefir starter that had the highest value for the highlanders, so many specific rituals and ceremonies were associated with it. The most bizarre thing is that it was impossible to sell the starter to someone, otherwise the fungi would lose their magical properties. Therefore, “kidnappings” were quite common - when people who needed fungi, the owners themselves offered to steal them unnoticed, and only after that the kidnapper brought the appointed amount to the owner of the “miracle grains.” They could also be given as a dowry to a girl, but the bride, on the eve of the wedding, also had to steal them in order to bring them to her new family.

    Composition and beneficial properties of kefir

    The body absorbs kefir three times faster than milk, and this fermented milk product also perfectly stimulates digestion, thanks to which other foods are absorbed much faster. It is known that the absorption of proteins is not always easy, but the proteins contained in kefir do not cause any difficulties.

    The product also contains a high content of carbohydrates and fats, fatty and organic acids. In addition, the benefit of kefir lies in the fact that it is a source of natural sugars and cholesterol, beta-carotene, vitamins PP, C, A, H and group B. Kefir contains a huge amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, selenium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum and a host of other minerals.

    Kefir is a dietary product. The low-fat version contains only 32 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of the fattest type is 58 kcal/100 g.

    Consumption of kefir

    According to reviews, kefir is indispensable for gastritis, which is characterized by low acidity, so it is recommended to use it regularly. Nutritionists advise people with this disease to drink half a glass of it three times a day.

    If you have digestive problems, the benefits of kefir will be significant if you consume it without sugar. If desired, you can add 1 tsp. honey You should not drink kefir that has just come out of the refrigerator; it is also not recommended to consume it overheated or warm; it is better that it be at room temperature.

    The properties of kefir help to cope perfectly with heaviness in the stomach and dysbacteriosis, because the lactic acid bacteria that live in it activate the intestines, while not allowing various pathogenic organisms to multiply, break down casein, which is difficult to digest, promote the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamins, and also suppress various processes of decay and fermentation.

    Kefir bacteria are also indispensable in the treatment of disorders of the endocrine system, especially in cases of pancreatic disease or diabetes mellitus. The benefits of kefir also include normalizing blood glucose levels.

    The properties of kefir are amazing, as reviews confirm, in the fight against obesity - it significantly improves intestinal function, and also helps the body get rid of toxins and mucus much faster. This is what explains the popularity of kefir diets. If kefir becomes a component of fasting days, it will help you quickly say goodbye to a few extra pounds.

    With regular consumption of fermented milk products, you can say goodbye to osteoporosis, which is a very serious problem. A good kefir product contains a lot of calcium, which is almost completely absorbed.

    For various allergic diseases and bronchial asthma, it is worth drinking a glass of this miraculous drink every morning, and during the season of exacerbations it will help get rid of attacks.

    The properties of kefir help in the fight against various problems skin, such as rashes, peeling, itching, they prevent the appearance of ulcers and cracks. In this case, it is not necessary to use it internally; you can simply make lotions.

    It is good to drink a glass of the product for hypertension, especially when doctors have prescribed fractional meals.

    Scientists say that kefir, reviews confirm this, relaxes and calms, it can reduce irritability and significantly reduce the severity that is a consequence of stress. In general, if you are depressed, it is better to start every day with a glass of kefir.


    In addition to the benefits, kefir can also bring negative consequences if you do not know the contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use the product for people who have an allergic reaction to any dairy or fermented milk products.

    The use of kefir is not recommended for people prone to dyspepsia, that is, functional intestinal disorders. Negative consequences may also occur in those suffering from stomach ulcers or increased secretion of gastric juice.

    It consists of fermenting milk by introducing special microorganisms - yeast with lactic acid bacteria. Milk proteins are broken down by bacteria into lactic acid, which is more easily absorbed by the body and serves as a nutrient for yeast. And yeast fermentation helps the formation of alcohol, the release of carbon dioxide, which slightly irritates the walls of the stomach, this in turn entails increased formation of gastric juice and increases the intensity of the secretion of digestive enzymes. Compared to whole milk, kefir is absorbed several times faster.

    Let us add that during ripening, lactose is broken down, making it suitable for use by people who are lactose intolerant.

    Also, during the production of kefir, free amino acids, enzymes, antibacterial substances and vitamins accumulate. This all improves the body’s absorption of microelements such as phosphorus, calcium and zinc, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This is the benefit for the cardiovascular system.

    The substances that make up kefir prevent the appearance of toxins and stop the formation of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Taking kefir is also beneficial for the immune system; it helps cope with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, indirectly having a positive effect on nervous system. With all responsibility, kefir can be considered a wonderful tool for the prevention and sometimes even treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and digestion.

    The beneficial properties of kefir are well known to nutritionists. For them, this is an indispensable product that is part of medical or dietary nutrition. The benefits of kefir for weight correction have been proven over the years. The kefir diet is effective and safe, easily tolerated, does not require grueling fasting, and most importantly, it is accessible to everyone financially. Kefir not only promotes weight loss, it helps to gain lightness throughout the body. Just one fasting day a week on kefir will help both maintain an ideal figure and provide the body with calcium and phosphorus. Kefir has different fat content. But the benefits are approximately the same. Low-fat kefir in dietary nutrition helps achieve the desired result much faster. The calorie content of full-fat kefir is 59 kcal, low-fat kefir is 30.

    Many people prefer to drink kefir at night. It turns out that it has a relaxing effect on the body, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and guarantees restful and sound sleep. It has also been experimentally proven that the benefits of kefir at night lie in the maximum saturation of the body with calcium, because it is at night that calcium, which kefir is rich in, is best absorbed. Overnight, the product is completely digested and stimulates appetite. For those who are losing weight, this is very important, because a hearty breakfast helps limit what you eat during the day.

    Great popularity in lately purchased biokefir, some consider it the most useful look kefir In its production, special preparations of direct application for sourdough are used, which determines its usefulness. Acidophilus bacilli, as well as bifidobacteria included in the starter, significantly reduce the activity of harmful bacteria. Biokefir does not cause discomfort or bloating and has a positive effect on the body, because bifidobacteria are a natural component of the intestinal microflora.

    Perhaps not all mothers know the benefits of kefir for their children. This is one of the first complementary foods. It is necessary for their growth and development. But yogurt for children is not only a healthy and nutritious product, but also a tasty treat, which is why most people prefer fruit or chocolate yogurts to kefir.

    Kefir should not be consumed by people who have diseases with high acidity. If your intestines are weak and constipation does not bother you, it is better to avoid this drink, because kefir has a laxative effect. It is also undesirable to consume kefir before you get behind the wheel of a car: when you test for alcohol in your body, the result will be positive, you will lose time and, quite possibly, money.

    Today we got acquainted with beneficial properties kefir, and also found out who is better off not consuming it at all. If you want to help your body without much effort, consume kefir at least once a day.

    Despite the fact that throughout the world kefir is considered a Russian drink, its homeland is the North Caucasus. Here, the production of this fermented milk product has been carried out since time immemorial, using special kefir grains. It was impossible for a stranger to get such leaven - the mountaineers carefully kept the secret of its preparation, believing in the magical power of the drink. Kefir grains were passed down from generation to generation as a priceless gift, often acting as a generous dowry. It was believed that if such leaven was simply sold or given as a gift, it would immediately lose its healing power.

    Therefore, there were entire ritual ceremonies of theft of unique leaven. Kefir rarely came to the central part of Russia - it was imported from the Caucasus and sold at a very high price. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to chance, kefir starter and the technology for preparing this drink came to our country. For some time, kefir was used exclusively as a medicinal product, and only then did it become a product available to ordinary consumers. For a long time this health drink was produced only in the USSR, and only later came to other countries, where in most cases it is still produced in a form that is not quite familiar to us - flavored or sweetened.

    The benefits of kefir

    There is no point in arguing whether kefir is healthy. It is included in the list of the healthiest foods compiled by American doctors and nutritionists. But in the USA it is almost impossible to find it - industrial production of kefir is not established here. It’s nice to know that in this case we are incredibly lucky - you can buy a unique drink in any store.

    The beneficial properties of kefir are due to the content of special lactobacilli, fungi and yeasts that improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system. And the protein contained in kefir is an indispensable building material for all cells of the body. Children and adults drink it with pleasure, thinking little about the usefulness of this product. But the benefits of kefir are obvious:

    1. Kefir suppresses the growth of pathogens in the intestines, restores its microflora and promotes better absorption of lactose.
    2. The calcium contained in kefir is absorbed by the body faster and better than calcium from regular milk. That is why kefir is recommended to be consumed by children during the period of growth and skeletal formation, as well as by elderly people as a preventive measure for the development of osteoporosis of bone tissue.
    3. Lactic acid bacteria, which are part of kefir starter, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines and promote its gentle cleansing. Doctors often prescribe kefir to patients suffering from colitis, constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines.
    4. Low-fat kefir is a lifesaver for people who are overweight. Having a low calorie content, it gives a feeling of satiety, speeds up metabolism, and at the same time fills the body with a sufficient amount of fluid and beneficial microelements. It is no coincidence that kefir is so loved by all nutritionists, and is considered the number one product for maintaining a normal figure.
    5. Kefir, being a powerful natural antioxidant, has the ability to block free radicals in the body, and therefore reduces the likelihood of pathological changes in cells.

    Types of kefir

    Depending on the milk, kefir is:

    • Fatty - the fat content can be 1%, 2.%, 3.2%, and the calorie content of kefir is, respectively, 40 kcal, 50 kcal and 56 kcal per 100 g of product.
    • Low-fat – made from skim milk. Kefir is considered low-fat if its calorie content per 100 g is less than 40 kcal. This product is ideal for fasting days and all kinds of diets. However, kefir, which has minimal calories, also has less nutritional value.
    • The required fat content of kefir is achieved through the use of whole, skim or powdered milk, as well as their mixtures. The quality of the drink - the consistency of kefir, its density, acidity and strength - also depends on the milk and the aging time.

    Modern manufacturers produce both types of kefir, both in pure form and with the addition of various additives - vitamin C, fruit fillers and all kinds of syrups. Varieties of kefir include ayran and bifidok. So, the popular drinking yogurt today differs in the composition of the starter and has nothing to do with classic kefir.

    Contraindications to the use of kefir

    Despite the fact that nutritionists encourage daily consumption of fermented milk products, there are categories of people for whom kefir is contraindicated. These include:

    1. Children under 1 year of age - their intestinal microflora is not yet developed enough to absorb kefir.
    2. People suffering from heartburn or high stomach acidity.
    3. People who, for some reason, are lactose intolerant. In this case, an alternative to the traditional drink can be homemade kefir from lactose-free milk and starter culture.

    Healthy people can feel the harm of kefir only if the product has expired or is made from low-quality milk.

    Is kefir good for nursing mothers?

    Most breastfeeding mothers look for the reasons for their babies' anxiety in the foods that make up their daily diet. The question “can a nursing mother have kefir” worries many women. For some reason, this particular product always raises concerns. Pediatricians assure that if the baby is not allergic to cow's milk, the mother can safely consume fresh kefir, naturally, observing the measure.