• Kefir with black bread: benefits and harms. What effect does kefir have on children? Which kefir is healthier?

    Numerous studies have revealed that kefir has a special list of chemical elements. This is what makes it so beneficial for the human body. But can the drink cause harm? Let's talk about everything in order.

    Composition of kefir

    Translated from Turkish, “kef” means health. Kefir is obtained from milk and a special starter; during the fermentation process, a balanced composition is obtained. It includes more than 20 different bacteria that have a healing effect on the body.

    As for the list of elements included in the composition, kefir includes retinol, B-group vitamins, vitamin H, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, beta-carotene, choline. The drink is also rich in carbohydrates, protein, ethyl alcohol in small quantities, and fatty acids.

    The product boasts a cluster of mineral compounds. The most popular are selenium, calcium, cobalt, fluorine, manganese, potassium, molybdenum and sulfur. Kefir also contains iodine, iron, copper, chlorine, and zinc.

    The amount of alcohol in the composition varies. If the product is aged daily, this figure is about 0.06%. About 0.86% accumulates in three-day kefir.

    It is known that kefir can be high-fat (up to 7.5%), low-fat (up to 1%), medium-fat (2.5-3.2%), fatty (4.5%). As for calorie content, it depends on the amount of fat in the composition. Typically, the indicators range from 30-59 Kcal. per 100 gr. product.

    Not many people know that kefir accumulates several times more calcium than the notorious milk. It also contains B vitamins, which are responsible for the functioning of peripheral and central nervous system.

    The benefits of kefir

    1. Restores metabolic processes throughout the body, promotes better digestibility of food. Responsible for sound and healthy sleep, relieves fatigue (including chronic type).
    2. Relieves heaviness in the stomach after eating too heavy food. Does not allow carbohydrates to transform into fats, converting them into energy. Prevents esophageal cancer.
    3. Eliminates food fermentation in the intestines, frees internal organs from congestion and toxic substances. Neutralizes the effect of poisons on the liver structure and restores its function.
    4. Treats and prevents dysbacteriosis. It is taken in case of food intoxication to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning. It dulls the feeling of hunger, so it is often used in various diets.
    5. Prevents liver cirrhosis and prevents premature aging of organs and body systems. Restores calcium deficiency, therefore it is used to treat osteoporosis.
    6. Kefir is indispensable for women who are breastfed. The drink replenishes missing protein, energizes the expectant mother, and forms the child’s skeleton and nervous system.
    7. The fermented milk product is recommended for use by categories of people with high blood cholesterol. Kefir prevents pathological changes in the heart muscle and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
    8. Used for hair treatment. Effectively eliminates seborrhea of ​​all types, hair loss, excessive dryness or, conversely, oiliness. Also improves the condition of the skin.
    9. You can rinse your mouth with kefir to relieve bleeding gums and prevent the development of caries. The drink is used to prevent seasonal diseases and replenish missing vitamins.
    10. Due to its antidepressant properties, it is recommended for use by people with psycho-emotional disorders. This includes insomnia, irritability, apathy, and chronic fatigue.
    11. Kefir is responsible for cellular regeneration. Thanks to this, the tissues are quickly restored. The drink is included in the diet of people with cholecystitis, diabetes, and urolithiasis. It is used for speedy recovery after prolonged illnesses and operations.
    12. The fermented milk product improves the effect of medications, but does not allow antibiotics to accumulate in large volumes. Often used for allergic reactions.

    1. Many people have heard that the male part of the population is more likely than the female part to suffer from heart pathologies and vascular diseases. Kefir prevents diseases, fights atherosclerosis, and removes harmful cholesterol from blood channels.
    2. Men often suffer from nervous system disorders. The fermented milk product normalizes the psycho-emotional environment, restores sleep, and fights the effects of stress.
    3. Kefir products are used in the dietary nutrition of people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. Men often develop a beer belly. It is easy to cope with such a scourge if you adhere to a certain diet.
    4. A low-fat fermented milk product (from 1% to 2.5%) is recommended for men who have addictions to alcohol and tobacco. The drink will quickly remove ethyl alcohol and toxins and improve liver function.

    The benefits of kefir for women

    1. Representatives of the weaker half of humanity can make kefir masks for hair and skin. The product effectively eliminates dandruff, treats microcracks on the scalp, and fights hair loss and dryness.
    2. As for hair, fermented milk drink maintains water balance and copes with flaking.
    3. The product restores the balance of valuable microorganisms for thrush. Replenishes strength, psycho-emotional environment, and the condition of the digestive system.
    4. The composition is used for weight loss because it has the ability to cleanse the body and remove accumulated waste and toxins. IN in this case It is better to take kefir at night.

    The benefits of kefir for weight loss

    1. As practice shows, kefir is considered an excellent product for people who want to lose a few extra pounds. The product has a positive effect on the digestive system, cleansing the organs of toxins.
    2. The fermented milk composition is quite low in calories, its high nutritional value can saturate the body for long time. In addition, the cells receive a sufficient amount of useful enzymes. As a result, you get a beautiful and healthy body.
    3. In most cases, it is the impaired metabolism that becomes a consequence of excess weight gain. Kefir, when consumed regularly, eliminates most problems and has a positive effect on all internal organs.
    4. When a fermented milk product enters the body, it eliminates congestion in the gallbladder. The composition normalizes blood glucose levels and restores the activity of internal organs. As a result, the body begins to function fully.

    1. Keep in mind that consumption of fermented milk for pancreatitis is allowed only after the 10th day from the attack. If you have previously been diagnosed with such an illness, ask a specialist in advance about acceptable products.
    2. To smooth out the consequences of an attack, take 60 ml. kefir with minimal fat content (1%). Next, the portion must be gradually increased. As a result, the daily norm should be about 250 ml.
    3. Kefir has a positive effect on the pancreas. It is recommended to drink the composition 1 hour before bedtime. Also, the product is quite capable of replacing a full dinner, relieving the pancreas.
    4. During the recovery period, it is allowed to consume kefir of normal fat content in the amount of 230 ml. per day. It is recommended to add a little vegetable oil to the fermented milk product during remission. You can also season fruit and vegetable salads with kefir. Abuse of the composition is prohibited.

    Kefir for constipation

    1. With prolonged constipation, serious problems begin to develop in the human body. The most common symptoms are severe headaches, lack of appetite, sweating, irritability and a constant feeling of fatigue.
    2. Research has shown that fermented milk product copes well with this problem. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to drink the drink along with garlic.
    3. In this case, a fairly high-quality product with a disinfecting effect is obtained. This drink perfectly cleanses the intestines and destroys harmful bacteria. For constipation, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of kefir up to 4 times a day. Take the last dose 1 hour before bedtime.

    Kefir for gastritis

    1. Please note that drinking fermented milk drinks during gastritis must be done with extreme caution. It is enough to follow simple rules so as not to aggravate the situation. If the disease occurs in an acute form, then kefir should have minimal fat content.
    2. If you have gastritis with normal or low acidity in the stomach, it is recommended to drink the product one day. In the case of high acidity, the drink can be consumed in limited quantities, only not sour.
    3. It is worth knowing that fermented milk drink is not always suitable for all people. In some individuals, the composition can provoke even greater acidity in the stomach. The first signs, as a rule, are heartburn, belching or an unpleasant feeling in the stomach.

    1. According to the classical scheme, it is recommended to drink kefir just before bedtime. As a result, you gain healthy digestion and normal sleep. It is important to know that it is during rest that essential microelements, in particular calcium, are better absorbed.
    2. The fermented milk product perfectly suppresses hunger, so it is recommended to consume the drink for dinner. As a result, you won't gain unwanted calories. Kefir is considered an essential product for liver disease.
    3. As for the disadvantages of a fermented milk product drunk before bed, it is the presence of proteins and a low alcohol content. In this case, do not panic; such substances are not harmful to the body. The content of substances is within normal limits.

    Harm of kefir

    In addition to its invaluable benefits, fermented milk drink has a number of contraindications, which, if not observed, can significantly harm the body.

    It is forbidden to drink kefir in any quantity if you have an individual intolerance. Use the product with caution during exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity in the stomach.

    It is forbidden to drink kefir in the first days after an acute attack of pancreatitis. It is also not recommended to drink fermented milk during an exacerbation of the ulcer.

    Kefir is a natural antioxidant, which is why many people love the drink. People use fermented milk products to cleanse the body, as well as prevent and treat most ailments.

    Video: 10 facts about kefir that you didn’t know

    The article will tell you why kefir is useful and in what cases it can be harmful, teach you how to drink kefir correctly, prepare it yourself and choose the best kefir in the store.

    It would seem that an extraordinary and familiar drink from childhood, kefir is fraught with many surprises and mysteries.

    Kefir is one of the fermented milk products made from pasteurized milk. By using kefir grain starter, the fermentation process is started. The result is a drink with a unique microflora, which contains bacteria, lactic acid, antibacterial substances, alcohol, vitamins, minerals, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    According to the time of ripening there are:

    • daily kefir (weak)
    • two-day or medium kefir
    • three-day strong kefir

    IMPORTANT: The longer kefir matures, the more ethanol it contains. For example, one-day kefir contains an average of 0.2% alcohol, and three-day kefir contains up to 0.6%.

    The health benefits and harms of kefir

    Mostly by ear positive reviews about kefir and its beneficial effects on health, which is no coincidence, a list useful qualities kefir is impressive:

    1. is a source of calcium
    2. improves intestinal and stomach function
    3. helps in the treatment and prevention of gastritis, diabetes, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, heart and gastrointestinal diseases, atherosclerosis, allergies and even cancer
    4. accelerates iron absorption (prevention of anemia)
    5. rich in B vitamins
    6. strengthens the cardiac system
    7. acts as an antidepressant
    8. easy to digest
    9. tones the nervous system
    10. restores impaired metabolism
    11. promotes weight loss
    12. improves immunity
    13. slows down skin aging, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair, bones
    14. protects against intestinal infections
    15. normalizes stool

    IMPORTANT: One-day kefir has a laxative effect, three days, on the contrary, helps with diarrhea.

    However, doctors around the world do not share the opinion about the absolute usefulness of this drink.
    The use of kefir can be harmful and is contraindicated:

    • persons suffering from chronic gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis
    • in case of individual incompatibility
    • children up to 9 months -1 year
    • For diarrhea, weak kefir is contraindicated; for constipation, strong kefir (three days).

    In addition, some scientists have expressed serious concern regarding the alcohol content in kefir. Depending on the preparation technology and the duration of ripening, the percentage of ethanol can reach 0.88.

    Can pregnant women drink kefir?

    Kefir is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. On the contrary, many doctors recommend drinking 500-600 grams per day.

    There is no conclusive evidence that kefir, due to its alcohol content, can harm an unborn child. Possibly availability large quantity The benefits of consuming kefir outweigh the minor risk associated with the presence of an insignificant dose of alcohol.

    However, a number of expectant mothers make their own decisions and refuse kefir altogether. To assume that they are doing the right thing, as well as to condemn them for being overly cautious, would be unfounded.

    Kefir for gallstone disease

    Stagnation of bile and the formation of stones in the gallbladder and (or) bile ducts is a disease that requires strict restrictions in the diet.

    Food should not irritate diseased organs. Kefir copes well with this task and promotes the flow of bile. For this reason, kefir occupies an important place in therapeutic diets for gallstone diseases.

    Kefir for stomach diseases

    Kefir has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, treats dysbiosis, removes toxins and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
    Moreover, kefir restores loss of appetite and restores stomach function.

    Kefir for liver diseases

    • Poor nutrition and inappropriate lifestyle often lead to liver diseases. Regular consumption of kefir can have a healing effect and prevent liver problems in the future.
    • Kefir also significantly reduces the likelihood of fatty liver, which often leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
    • In case of exacerbation of liver disease, a kefir diet will help restore its functionality, in which you should drink about five glasses of kefir per day

    Which kefir to choose? Harm of low-fat kefir

    On store shelves there is a wide range of fermented milk products, including different types kefir:

    • low fat 0.01-1%
    • low-fat up to 2.5%
    • fat 3.2-7%
    • fortified (with the addition of vitamins C, A, F, etc.)
    • with fruit fillings
    • biokefir (with bifidobacteria)

    When choosing kefir, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

    • Compound
      There should be nothing extra, just milk and sourdough. It is better to refrain from buying kefir from powdered milk and dry milk starter
    • Best before date
      The longer kefir is allowed to be stored, the less beneficial it is.

    IMPORTANT: Kefir with a shelf life of about 1 month will most likely contain preservatives and non-living bacteria.

    • Package
      Preference should be given to glass bottles or cardboard boxes. Kefir is stored worse in plastic. Please note that the packaging is not bulging
    • Number of lactic acid microorganisms
      The content of lactic bacteria in 1 g of product must be at least 1x10^7 CFU. This information can be found on the packaging
    • Color and consistency
      Kefir should be white with a creamy tint and uniform consistency without cloudy liquid on top, there should be no gas bubbles
    • Fat percentage
      The optimal fat content is 2.5-3.2%

    You should not get carried away with low-fat kefir for a number of reasons:

    • such a drink may contain preservatives, flavorings, waste products, sugar, starch and other thickeners
    • less easily absorbed by the body
    • contains fewer vitamins and microorganisms
    • fats perform vital role in the human body

    Is it possible to drink kefir on an empty stomach?

    To achieve maximum effect in improving intestinal microflora, it is better to drink kefir before meals, when the stomach is not yet full of food, i.e. on an empty stomach. In addition, kefir helps restore stomach function in the morning after an alcohol hangover.

    Is it possible to drink kefir before bed?

    Kefir, due to its nutritional value and low calorie content, is often the basis of dietary nutrition. A fasting day involves eating only 1.5-2 liters of kefir during the day.
    Among the advantages:

    • relatively easy to tolerate
    • Not all, but a significant part of the nutrients enter the body
    • allows you to lose up to 1 kg
    • the body is cleansed

    However, such a diet should not be abused. Have no more than one fasting day per week. In addition, such fasting days can only be practiced by healthy people. And remember that it is impossible to achieve true fat burning in such a short period of time.

    What can you drink kefir with?

    To enhance the beneficial qualities of kefir and more effectively use this drink for the purpose of losing weight and cleansing the body of toxins, you can consume kefir together with:

    • honey
    • cinnamon
    • bran
    • sunflower oil
    • buckwheat flour
    • salt, etc.

    The benefits and harms of kefir with honey

    • Honey is famous for its unique qualities and, despite the high sugar content, is a very healthy product.
    • Combining honey with kefir can be a good choice of food before bed if you want to lose weight, but the feeling of hunger is unbearable. A spoonful of honey will quickly increase blood sugar and eliminate the feeling of hunger.
    • Due to their large amount of vitamins and nutrients, honey and kefir form the basis of some weight loss diets
      You can consume honey and kefir separately, or you can make a nutritious cocktail

    RECIPE: Add 1 tsp to a glass of kefir. honey and stir.
    You can talk about the dangers of consuming these products if:

    • long-term mono-diet on honey and kefir
    • allergic reaction to honey

    Cinnamon with kefir at night for weight loss

    Cinnamon has the property of accelerating metabolism and stimulating digestion. In tandem with kefir, you will get an excellent drink for weight loss.

    RECIPE: In one glass of kefir, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little chopped ginger, and a little red pepper.
    The resulting mixture is most effective to drink at night.

    Is it possible to drink kefir with salt? The benefits and harms of kefir with salt

    If you add salt to kefir, you get a drink close in taste to what they drink in the Caucasus. You can experiment and find a taste that you like. When mixing kefir with salt, no special beneficial properties arise. Moreover, excessive salt consumption is harmful to the body. Therefore, you should not get carried away. It is better to make a strengthening hair mask from kefir and salt.

    Kefir with buckwheat flour. Benefit

    From time to time it is recommended to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxic substances. This can be done using kefir and buckwheat flour.
    RECIPE: Mix 1 cup of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon buckwheat flour, leave in the refrigerator overnight.
    Use in the morning on an empty stomach.
    A drink made from kefir with buckwheat flour promotes:

    • increasing endurance
    • reducing bad cholesterol
    • improving metabolism, etc.

    Why drink kefir with vegetable oil?

    • Bring kefir to room temperature before use
    • drink the drink in small sips
    • Make a habit of drinking a glass of kefir before bed
    • carefully approach the purchase of kefir, choose only a quality product
    • Don’t get carried away with long-term kefir diets

    Video: The benefits and harms of kefir

    Despite the fact that throughout the world kefir is considered a Russian drink, its homeland is the North Caucasus. Here, the production of this fermented milk product has been carried out since time immemorial, using special kefir grains. It was impossible for a stranger to get such leaven - the mountaineers carefully kept the secret of its preparation, believing in the magical power of the drink. Kefir grains were passed down from generation to generation as a priceless gift, often acting as a generous dowry. It was believed that if such leaven was simply sold or given as a gift, it would immediately lose its healing power.

    Therefore, there were entire ritual ceremonies of theft of unique leaven. Kefir rarely came to the central part of Russia - it was imported from the Caucasus and sold at a very high price. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to chance, kefir starter and the technology for preparing this drink came to our country. For some time, kefir was used exclusively as a medicinal product, and only then did it become a product available to ordinary consumers. For a long time This health drink was produced only in the USSR, and only later came to other countries, where in most cases it is still produced in a form that is not quite familiar to us - flavored or sweetened.

    The benefits of kefir

    There is no point in arguing whether kefir is healthy. It is included in the list of the healthiest foods compiled by American doctors and nutritionists. But in the USA it is almost impossible to find it - industrial production of kefir is not established here. It’s nice to know that in this case we are incredibly lucky - you can buy a unique drink in any store.

    The beneficial properties of kefir are due to the content of special lactobacilli, fungi and yeasts that improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system. And the protein contained in kefir is an indispensable building material for all cells of the body. Children and adults drink it with pleasure, thinking little about the usefulness of this product. But the benefits of kefir are obvious:

    1. Kefir suppresses the growth of pathogens in the intestines, restores its microflora and promotes better absorption of lactose.
    2. The calcium contained in kefir is absorbed by the body faster and better than calcium from regular milk. That is why kefir is recommended to be consumed by children during the period of growth and skeletal formation, as well as by elderly people as a preventive measure for the development of osteoporosis of bone tissue.
    3. Lactic acid bacteria, which are part of kefir starter, prevent the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines and promote its gentle cleansing. Doctors often prescribe kefir to patients suffering from colitis, constipation and increased gas formation in the intestines.
    4. Low-fat kefir is a lifesaver for people who are overweight. Having a low calorie content, it gives a feeling of satiety, speeds up metabolism, and at the same time fills the body with a sufficient amount of fluid and beneficial microelements. It is no coincidence that kefir is so loved by all nutritionists, and is considered the number one product for maintaining a normal figure.
    5. Kefir, being a powerful natural antioxidant, has the ability to block free radicals in the body, and therefore reduces the likelihood of pathological changes in cells.

    Types of kefir

    Depending on the milk, kefir is:

    • Fatty - the fat content can be 1%, 2.%, 3.2%, and the calorie content of kefir is, respectively, 40 kcal, 50 kcal and 56 kcal per 100 g of product.
    • Low-fat – made from skim milk. Kefir is considered low-fat if its calorie content per 100 g is less than 40 kcal. This product is ideal for fasting days and all kinds of diets. However, kefir, which has minimal calories, also has less nutritional value.
    • The required fat content of kefir is achieved through the use of whole, skim or powdered milk, as well as their mixtures. The quality of the drink - the consistency of kefir, its density, acidity and strength - also depends on the milk and the aging time.

    Modern manufacturers produce both types of kefir, both in pure form and with the addition of various additives - vitamin C, fruit fillers and all kinds of syrups. Varieties of kefir include ayran and bifidok. So the popular drinking yogurt today differs in the composition of the starter and has nothing to do with classic kefir.

    Contraindications to the use of kefir

    Despite the fact that nutritionists encourage daily consumption of fermented milk products, there are categories of people for whom kefir is contraindicated. These include:

    1. Children under 1 year of age - their intestinal microflora is not yet developed enough to absorb kefir.
    2. People suffering from heartburn or high stomach acidity.
    3. People who, for some reason, are lactose intolerant. In this case, an alternative to the traditional drink can be homemade kefir from lactose-free milk and starter culture.

    Healthy people can feel the harm of kefir only if the product has expired or is made from low-quality milk.

    Is kefir good for nursing mothers?

    Most breastfeeding mothers look for the reasons for their babies' anxiety in the foods that make up their daily diet. The question “can a nursing mother have kefir” worries many women. For some reason, this particular product always raises concerns. Pediatricians assure that if the baby is not allergic to cow's milk, the mother can safely consume fresh kefir, naturally, observing the measure.

    It consists of fermenting milk by introducing special microorganisms - yeast with lactic acid bacteria. Milk proteins are broken down by bacteria into lactic acid, which is more easily absorbed by the body and serves as a nutrient for yeast. And yeast fermentation helps the formation of alcohol, the release of carbon dioxide, which slightly irritates the walls of the stomach, this in turn entails increased formation of gastric juice and increases the intensity of the secretion of digestive enzymes. Compared to whole milk, kefir is absorbed several times faster.

    Let us add that during ripening, lactose is broken down, making it suitable for use by people who are lactose intolerant.

    Also, during the production of kefir, free amino acids, enzymes, antibacterial substances and vitamins accumulate. This all improves the body’s absorption of microelements such as phosphorus, calcium and zinc, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This is the benefit for the cardiovascular system.

    The substances that make up kefir prevent the appearance of toxins and stop the formation of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Taking kefir is also beneficial for the immune system; it helps cope with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, indirectly having a positive effect on the nervous system. With all responsibility, kefir can be considered a wonderful tool for the prevention and sometimes even treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and digestion.

    The beneficial properties of kefir are well known to nutritionists. For them, this is an indispensable product that is part of medical or dietary nutrition. The benefits of kefir for weight correction have been proven over the years. The kefir diet is effective and safe, easily tolerated, does not require grueling fasting, and most importantly, it is accessible to everyone financially. Kefir not only promotes weight loss, it helps to gain lightness throughout the body. Just one fasting day a week on kefir will help both maintain an ideal figure and provide the body with calcium and phosphorus. Kefir has different fat content. But the benefits are approximately the same. Low-fat kefir in dietary nutrition helps achieve the desired result much faster. The calorie content of full-fat kefir is 59 kcal, low-fat kefir is 30.

    Many people prefer to drink kefir at night. It turns out that it has a relaxing effect on the body, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and guarantees restful and sound sleep. It has also been experimentally proven that the benefits of kefir at night lie in the maximum saturation of the body with calcium, because it is at night that calcium, which kefir is rich in, is best absorbed. Overnight, the product is completely digested and stimulates appetite. For those who are losing weight, this is very important, because a hearty breakfast helps limit what you eat during the day.

    Biokefir has recently gained great popularity; some consider it the most useful look kefir In its production, special directly applied preparations are used for fermentation, which determines its usefulness. Acidophilus bacilli, as well as bifidobacteria included in the starter, significantly reduce the activity of harmful bacteria. Biokefir does not cause discomfort or bloating and has a positive effect on the body, because bifidobacteria are a natural component of the intestinal microflora.

    Perhaps not all mothers know the benefits of kefir for their children. This is one of the first complementary foods. It is necessary for their growth and development. But yogurt for children is not only a healthy and nutritious product, but also a tasty treat, which is why most people prefer fruit or chocolate yogurts to kefir.

    Kefir should not be consumed by people who have diseases with high acidity. If your intestines are weak and constipation does not bother you, it is better to avoid this drink, because kefir has a laxative effect. It is also undesirable to consume kefir before you get behind the wheel of a car: when you test for alcohol in your body, the result will be positive, you will lose time and, quite possibly, money.

    Today we got acquainted with the beneficial properties of kefir, and also found out who is better off not consuming it at all. If you want to help your body without much effort, consume kefir at least once a day.

    Kefir is a drink that can be called a “familiar stranger.” This is an unsurpassed natural antioxidant that can restore the body after serious illnesses. Academician Pavlov endowed kefir with healing properties that can slow down aging and prolong creative and physical activity. Kefir diets have been tried by many “show goddesses”, including Alla Pugacheva and Larisa Dolina. Next, we will offer interesting information that gives a comprehensive answer to the question about the reasons for the popularity of kefir, its benefits and harms.

    Composition of kefir

    In Turkish, "kef" means "health".

    In order to make kefir from milk, it is fermented with the addition of special kefir “fungi”. Kefir grains contain more than 20 different microorganisms (yeast, lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, etc.).

    The composition of kefir is represented by ethyl alcohol, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. It contains the most important vitamins (A, B, C, D, H), choline and beta-carotene.

    It's amazing how rich kefir is in microelements. It includes calcium, fluorine, potassium, copper, chlorine, selenium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, manganese, chlorine, sulfur.

    The amount of ethyl alcohol in kefir varies: three-day kefir contains up to 0.88%, and one-day kefir contains up to 0.07%. The fat content of kefir also varies, making it low-fat (up to 0.5%) or full-fat (about 8%).

    The composition of kefir explains its numerous medicinal properties. There is more calcium in kefir than in milk itself. B vitamins regulate nervous processes in the body, and microorganisms regulate digestion.

    Calorie content

    The calorie content of kefir is related to the percentage of its fat content and ranges from 30 to 59 kcal. The same calorie content is typical for cranberries, cucumbers or lemon.

    The benefits of kefir for human health

    Kefir can be called an ancient healer, but the uniqueness of this drink makes it worth exploring more and more. Today, the following healing effects of kefir on human health have been scientifically proven:

    • Normalization of disruptions in metabolic processes, restoration of healthy sleep, elimination of the feeling of fatigue.
    • Removing excessive food load when digesting “heavy” foods (meat, smoked meats, sweets).
    • “Acidification” of the body and neutralization of the alkaline environment.
    • In case of intestinal dysbiosis, removing decay products from the body and preventing self-poisoning.
    • Reduced hunger and weight loss.
    • For liver diseases (neutralization and removal of breakdown products).
    • To combat the aging process (in gerontology).
    • For osteoporosis, and restoration of the amount of calcium during breastfeeding (during breastfeeding);
    • Reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
    • Eliminates dry skin and bleeding gums.
    • It is an immunostimulant that increases resistance to disease.
    • Regulates the functioning of nerve cells, being a natural antidepressant.
    • Accelerates the regeneration of body cells, bringing muscles to normal tone.
    • Included in dietary nutrition for diabetes, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, after operations and injuries.
    • Restores the balance of bacteria in the body after taking antibiotics and for allergies.
    • Provides strong bones and tooth enamel, prevents hair loss.

    Benefits and harms for men

    Kefir improves the health of men, normalizing sleep, restoring the nervous system, and serving as a preventive measure for heart disease and atherosclerosis. This product restores sleep, improves immunity, and helps men maintain normal weight. But all this manifests itself only with its regular use.

    It is known that many men do not lead a very healthy lifestyle, indulging in alcohol or eating spicy fatty foods. It is for this category of men that kefir is a kind of lifesaver. After a “stormy night”, many experienced the sobering beneficial properties of 1 percent kefir.

    Advice: After a heavy feast, kefir restores liver function, eliminates intoxication, corrects microflora and replaces the level of calcium washed out by alcohol.

    Benefits and harms for women

    Women's consumption of kefir allows them not only to maintain their strength and health, but also to become more well-groomed. Thus, they take care of maintaining normal regulation of the nervous system, proper sleep, and healthy bones, teeth, skin and hair. Kefir is good for restoring the balance of beneficial microorganisms in cases of thrush.

    Impaired functioning of the liver and stomach leads to problems in the form of an imbalance in the body, a feeling of fatigue, lack of strength, and the need to replenish energy reserves through sweets. Kefir can solve these problems for women's health.

    It is important for women to know about the external use of kefir in cosmetology as masks for the body, face and hair. It heals skin of any type. At the same time, kefir can quickly eliminate many cosmetic defects associated with split ends, damaged or faded hair, flaky, porous or rough skin.

    Kefir is great for those people who want to have a presentable appearance and a healthy body. Having a meager calorie content, this product is able to saturate the body for a long time, providing it with the most useful components.

    Often excess weight is a consequence of metabolic disorders in the body. It is this fermented milk drink that can eliminate malabsorption in the digestive organs, congestion in the gallbladder, lower blood sugar levels and normalize the functioning of many organs, being a “fixer” for the full functioning of the body as a whole.

    The benefits and harms of kefir during pregnancy

    Kefir during pregnancy will help cope with such pressing problems of pregnant women as combating fatigue, increased irritability, constipation, and an increased need for microelements.

    Unlike other drinks, kefir during pregnancy is good for the kidneys, while helping to cope with edema.

    This product helps eliminate nausea during early toxicosis of pregnancy.

    Many pregnant women are afraid of excess weight and strictly limit the consumption of most foods. Kefir is not on this “black list”.

    Advice: Kefir can be included for pregnant women on fasting “kefir” days to combat extra pounds.

    Calcium and vitamin D allow kefir to participate in the proper formation of bones and teeth of the unborn baby.

    When talking about the dangers of kefir for pregnant women, doctors mention such properties as its ethyl alcohol content and the ability to increase stomach acidity. But the alcohol content in kefir is so negligible, and so many generations of pregnant women have consumed it without any harm, that it can be argued that kefir is beneficial for the pregnant woman and the gestating fetus.

    A pregnant woman should not drink liters of kefir. But one or two glasses of this drink a day will only benefit her and the unborn baby.

    The benefits and harms of kefir at night

    Traditionally, kefir was always consumed at night. This drink promotes healthy digestion and faster sleep. In addition, it is at night that microelements are best absorbed, in particular calcium, which this product is rich in.

    Kefir for dinner allows you to eliminate the feeling of hunger and protect yourself from unnecessary calories without unnecessary sacrifices. It is indispensable to any other product for liver diseases, as a means of recovery from errors in diet or consumption of strong drinks.

    The disadvantages of drinking kefir at night are its protein composition and alcohol content. But you shouldn’t seriously worry about the dangers of kefir alcohol if its content does not exceed 0.04-0.05%! After all, all fermentation products (kvass, yogurt, brines) contain some amount of alcohol, which does not exclude them from the list of healthy products.

    Although kefir contains a certain amount of protein, this fact is unlikely to harm the reputation of kefir as an evening drink. Instead of eating all sorts of things, wouldn’t it be better to drink a glass of kefir and go to bed lightly?

    The addition of cinnamon makes kefir aromatic, pleasant and perfectly relieves even severe hunger. This drink breaks down fats, removes cholesterol and improves digestion. It is best to drink it half an hour before meals.

    Many women not only supplement their diet with this dish, but also replace one of their meals with it. Some manage to reduce their weight by three, five or seven kilograms in a month.

    Advice: It is undesirable for people who have a stomach ulcer, an allergy to cinnamon or kefir, or very low blood pressure to consume this drink.

    There is no need to get carried away with kefir with cinnamon and drink liters of the drink. Large amounts of liquid lead to swelling, and excessive amounts of cinnamon can irritate the stomach lining.

    The benefits and harms of kefir with buckwheat

    Buckwheat with kefir is one of the popular dishes that can reduce high sugar levels in diabetes. This dish is also useful for diseases of the joints, gall bladder and liver.

    Kefir with buckwheat is also effective for losing unnecessary pounds. In two weeks of such a diet, some manage to lose from five to seven kilograms, which is not at all small.

    Thanks to the balance of healthy ingredients, this drink can be used not only for weight loss, but also to restore the entire body.

    Advice: It is most beneficial to consume buckwheat with kefir in the morning. It is precisely this consumption of these two products that allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

    Buckwheat with kefir cleanses the bronchi, relieves lower back pain, increases hemoglobin, reduces blood glucose levels, promotes muscle endurance, and strengthens blood vessels.

    This diet also has its downsides. Not everyone can use kefir with buckwheat (especially raw) for a long time, but for a good cleansing effect you need to last at least a week or two on the kefir-buckwheat diet.

    For some people, such a diet can cause loose stools. It is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of chronic gastritis or colitis. You should not eat kefir and buckwheat alone for more than a week to avoid depleting your diet.

    Kefir for pancreatitis

    Kefir can be used by patients with pancreatitis no earlier than 10 days after the attack. For these purposes, take 1% kefir in an amount of 50 ml. Gradually, its amount is increased to a glass per day. Kefir is especially beneficial for the pancreas if you drink it an hour before bedtime. In this case, the drink will replace dinner and relieve the pancreas.

    During the period of subsidence of attacks, daily kefir of normal fat content is allowed. The optimal use is 200 ml of kefir. During the period of remission, vegetable oil or sweeteners are added to kefir and seasoned with soups or salads.

    With a large amount of kefir, fermentation processes, flatulence and exacerbation of pancreatitis can develop during pancreatitis.

    Kefir for gastritis

    For the stomach with gastritis, taking kefir is useful, but subject to certain rules. Kefir in the acute period of the disease should be low-fat. For gastritis with low or normal acidity, kefir should be chosen for one day.

    Advice: With increased acidity, kefir should be taken in limited quantities, excluding sour kefir.

    Kefir may not be suitable for people in whom it provokes an even greater increase in stomach acidity. Signs of high acidity include belching, heartburn, or rumbling in the stomach.

    Kefir for constipation

    Constipation is defined as the state of not having bowel movements for more than two days. This leads to serious health problems: headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, irritability, sweating.

    For constipation, kefir especially shows its beneficial properties in combination with garlic, disinfecting the intestines and destroying putrefactive bacteria.

    Kefir for children

    Recently, doctors have warned against consuming kefir for children under one year of age. These conclusions are made based on the following qualities of kefir:

    • overloads the kidneys due to the large amount of protein and microelements;
    • contains a high percentage of alcohol;
    • casein and fatty acids cause difficulty in digestion;
    • carbohydrates cause bloating and dyspepsia;
    • increases the excretion of hemoglobin from the body.

    Based on all of the above, giving kefir to babies under one year of age is not recommended.

    • high acidity of gastric juice;
    • epilepsy;
    • frequent stomach upsets.

    In other cases, kefir is used in pediatrics with benefits for the child’s health.

    Except beneficial properties, kefir also has contraindications. These include:

    • individual intolerance to kefir;
    • exacerbation of chronic gastritis with high acidity;
    • the first days of acute or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
    • · with a stomach ulcer in the acute stage.

    What is the best way to consume the product?

    Many women, in pursuit of a thin waist, eat low-fat foods, including low-fat kefir.

    However, it must be remembered that low-fat kefir contains a minimum of vitamins and nutrients.

    Advice: The most beneficial in terms of the amount of minerals and vitamins is fatty kefir with 2.5 or 3% fat content.

    It is most beneficial to drink kefir at room temperature before bed, preserving its “live” properties.

    To improve microflora, kefir is drunk on an empty stomach.

    For edema, drink kefir no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

    For dysbiosis, kefir is drunk before meals, on an empty stomach, an hour before meals.

    Kefir is also good in quality useful basis in combination with various components: kefir with bran, kefir with garlic, kefir with herbs, kefir with celery, kefir with honey, kefir with buckwheat flour, as part of the most delicate cocktails with berries or as a dressing in salads and soups.

    Norms for eating kefir

    It is useful to consume kefir in the amount of one or two glasses per day.

    You can consume no more than half a liter of this drink.

    Let's summarize the benefits of kefir

    Kefir was given to us by nature for the sake of our health and beauty. Life forces us all (sooner or later) to think about our poor health and reconsider our lifestyle. Kefir can not only help against a dozen diseases, but also prevent their development.

    Everyone is able to determine for themselves the most pleasant and healthy recipe, which includes this most nutritious and healing natural product - kefir. Good health to you!

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