• Quick save button. Saving a document in Word

    There are many lists of hotkeys: for Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, for Photoshop, for Word, AutoCAD, etc.

    But not all PC users use them.

    Why do we need hotkeys if there are? Anything can happen: the mouse may break, and wireless mouse- the battery is dead.

    Sometimes there are problems with software when connecting new mouse, and the old one has already “ordered to live long.” And the touchpad can fail, and some people simply don’t know how to handle it correctly, having gotten used to clicking with the mouse.

    When you need to do something urgently, and the mouse is useless, knowledge of keyboard shortcuts can come in very handy. In addition, using them, you can significantly increase productivity when working on a computer.

    Here are the ten most used combinations that you can also successfully use:

    1 . Many people probably know these combinations. Hotkeys Copy:

    Ctrl+C or

    They are needed to copy a selected piece of text as follows:

    • First, select the text (or picture, table).
    • Then click on Ctrl key and, without releasing it, simultaneously press the key with the letter C (in short it is written like this: Ctrl + C).
    • We release the keys, now the selected fragment is copied to the clipboard (in RAM computer).

    The Copy procedure does not appear externally on the computer screen. To “get” from the computer memory what we placed there using the Copy hotkeys:

    • you need to place the cursor in the place where you want to place the copied fragment, and
    • Press the hotkeys Paste: Ctrl + V.

    What keyboard shortcut can you use to copy text or objects to the clipboard?

    For this there are hotkeys Copy: Ctrl + C and Paste: Ctrl + V. They can be called a sweet couple. They are most often used in one combination, that is, first they copy the selected fragment using Ctrl + C, then immediately paste it using the Ctrl + V keys.

    Another sweet pair you can use to Copy Paste is Ctrl + Insert and Shift + Insert. Here, as they say, it's a matter of taste.

    2. Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert – hotkeys Insert text or object copied to the clipboard.

    3. Ctrl + Z And Ctrl+Y– hot keys Cancel.

    Using these commands, you can undo any changes, for example, if you accidentally cut or deleted text.

    To cancel multiple latest changes, you need to press one of these combinations (Ctrl + Z, or Ctrl + Y) several times.

    Ctrl + X – hotkeys Cut

    This combination allows you to cut out what you need and at the same time put it on the clipboard. Then you can paste the cut into the desired place.

    4. Ctrl + F– hot keys Search.

    A very useful “couple” of keys that opens the search bar in almost any program or browser.

    Sometimes Ctrl + F is also called the Find hotkey.

    5. Alt + Tab– hot keys switch windows.

    Convenient for fast switching between the windows open source software. If this is new to you, just try it. There is a chance that you will prefer this method to your usual mouse.

    If you add Shift to these combinations (you get Shift+ Alt+ Tab), you will move in the opposite direction, that is, you can return to the program in which you were in the previous step.

    Ctrl+Tab– hotkeys for switching tabs. With their help, you can quickly navigate between tabs in

    6. Ctrl + Backspace– hot keys Delete. They will save a lot of time if you need to quickly delete a word while typing. These keyboard shortcuts do not work in Notepad, but they work fine in Word.

    We type a word and then, if the word needs to be deleted, just press Ctrl + Backspace. In this case, the entire word is immediately deleted.

    7. Ctrl + S– hot keys Save. They are used to quickly save a file in many programs. Use it if you are working on something important, for example when your laptop battery runs out.

    8. Crtl + Home or Crtl+End moves the cursor to the beginning or end of document respectively.

    Page navigation keys Page Up(up) and Page Down(down) can replace scrollbar.

    9. Crtl + P– hot keys Seal.

    Used to open a preview window of the current page in a browser or to call a document print window in text editors.

    Word is the most common text editor For personal computers. It is used by both beginners and professionals. For comfortable and fast work Word provides a keyboard shortcut for saving a document, also called “hot keys,” which allows you to perform certain actions at once, without looking up from the keyboard. This article explains how to save a document in Word using a keyboard shortcut.

    Normal save (quick)

    Save document to Word any versions can be a combination Ctrl+S. This " shortcut key" executes the "Save" command. However, there are software packages on the Internet in which this combination does not work. In this case, you need to configure it yourself.

    Keyboard shortcut Shift + F12 also saves the document in Word. This combination is guaranteed to work in all software packages and versions of all years of release. Also this method may be more convenient for left-handers.

    Saving by selecting a file path (“save as”)

    "Hot key" F12 is responsible for performing the “save as” action in Word. Unlike Shift + F12, this command opens a window asking for the save location, document name, and preferred format. This button is needed if you need to create a separate copy of the text, change the format, or save the file somewhere else.

    In addition to the specified combinations, you can set new ones, customized for yourself. In Settings, select a keyboard shortcut setting. In the “Keyboard Settings” window that pops up, in the category settings, select “File Tab”, and in it – “FileSave” and “FileSaveAs” for “save” and “save as”, respectively. Now dial the desired button or combination.

    I hope that this article was useful and helped you cope with the problem that arose or simply improve your skills in Word.

    As soon as you write the title, immediately save the document so that in case of unforeseen circumstances, you don’t lose the document you’ve been working on all day!

    Save a document in Word 2010 and newer versions

    To save a document in Word 2010, go to the File tab. Then move the cursor down and click on the line Save as

    Rice. 2

    In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, gray folder highlighted My documents, in which it is proposed to save new document default. But you can choose another place to save. Scroll the list using the slider (highlighted in red) and click the desired folder or disk (flash drive)

    Part of the first line of your text is automatically entered into the File name field. You can agree with the proposed name of the document or change it to your own. Leave the File type field unchanged.

    If necessary, you can specify below additional information to your document: author, keywords, title, theme, etc.

    Please pay attention! If you have forgotten the name of your last document and the folder where you saved it, then go to the File tab (Fig. 3) and select Recent. On the right you will see a list text documents, with which you worked, as well as the folders in which you saved them.

    Rice. 3

    Saving a document in Word 2007

    To save the document in Word 2007, press button 1 (Figure 4). Then move the cursor down to the Save as 2 button, and from there, follow the arrow to the right and click the Word Document 3 button

    Rice. 4

    The "Save Document" window will open:

    Rice. 5

    In the window that opens, on the left, we see a list of folders on your computer. In this list, the Documents folder is highlighted in gray, in which the computer offers to save the new document. You can disagree and, by clicking on the folders, open the one in which you want to save.

    The File Name window highlights the name your computer wants to give your document. You can immediately replace this name with your own.

    Please pay attention! If you did not change the name of the document and the destination folder, then at least remember where you saved the document. Because novice users often press the button Save, and then spend half a day searching for where the saved document is located.

    Saving a document in Word 2003

    So, you typed the phrase " Much needed article", now, at the top of the Word window, click the File menu button, and in the menu that opens, select Save as... .

    Rice. 6

    In the window that opens Saving a document you see the name of the folder (My Documents) in which Word offers to save the new document. Under the folder name we see a list of documents already available in that folder. Instead of the suggested folder, you are on your computer. The main thing is don’t forget where you saved it!

    The computer also suggests a file name, but you can immediately replace it with another one. File Type: Word Document should remain this way. In the future, to open a document it will be enough to click on the title of the article, and it will open immediately in Word window. There will be no need to launch Word first! Now press the button Save and the document is saved!

    Save a Word document using the keyboard

    Above I showed you how to save a new document using the menu. However, there is more quick method saving the document - you just need to remember the desired key. Key F12 is in top row keyboards. After pressing the F12 key, a window will open
    saving the document (Figure 6 - for Word 2003, Figure 4 - for Word 2007). Then proceed according to my tips under the pictures.

    If, after saving the document, you continue to type text, Word will automatic mode Periodically save the text you type. But you can save it yourself, immediately after making changes to the document, by pressing the keys Shift + F12. I am this
    I do this: I press the right thumb with my right hand Shift key, and the middle finger - the F12 key. Try it - it’s very convenient and quick.

    CombinationMenu equivalentContextAction
    F1 all windowsOpens the corresponding section of the user manual in the browser.
    Ctrl-Q File → ExitExit Gwyddion.
    Ctrl-O File → Opentool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowOpen data file.
    Ctrl-S File → Savetool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowSave the current data (a file name will be suggested if it is not already associated with the data).
    Ctrl-Shift-S File → Save Astool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowSave the current data under a different name. The file name associated with the data will be changed to something else.
    Ctrl-Shift-M File → Mergetool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowAppend data from a file to the current file.
    Ctrl-H File → Latest filesPrevious documents tool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowOpen view window previous documents(or show its window on top of the others if it is already open).
    Ctrl-Z Edit → Undotool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowUndo the last processing step applied to the current data.
    Ctrl-Y Edit → Redotool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowRepeat the last processing step applied to the current data.
    Ctrl-K Edit → Remove Masktool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowRemove the mask from the current data window.
    Ctrl-Shift-K Edit → Delete presentation tool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowRemove a presentation from the current data window (image).
    Ctrl-Shift-B View metadata(in the context menu)image, XYZ or volume data windowShow a metadata viewer for the data being displayed.
    = any type of data window (image, 3D, XYZ, volume, graph)Zoom into the image in the current data window.
    - any type of data window (image, 3D, XYZ, volume, graph)Move out the image in the current data window.
    Z any type of data window (image, 3D, XYZ, volume, graph)Scale the current data window to 1:1 scale.
    Ctrl-F Data processingRepeat last tool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowApply the last data processing function with the last used parameters to the current data. Typically the operation will be silently and invisibly reapplied to the data, but if this step processing is impossible without human intervention, a dialog box will be displayed.
    Ctrl-Shift-F Data processingRepeat with last setting tool window, data window, 3D view window, graph window, tool windowShow the parameter dialog for the last data processing function again. If the operation does not require setting parameters, it will be carried out immediately.

    You can assign your own key combinations to all functions in the menu, and it is also possible to call tools using a key combination.

    To change the key combination for a menu item, simply select it using the mouse or arrow keys, press the desired key combination, and it will be set immediately. The key combination must be or special key, i.e. F3, or a combination including modifiers, i.e. Ctrl-Shift-D. You cannot assign simple alphanumeric keys, such as Q .

    To prevent accidental changes to key combinations, they can only be changed when the Edit → option is enabled Keyboard shortcuts. Changes are turned off by default, which is recommended for normal use.

    All key combinations are stored in the file ui/accel_map in the user's directory, which is usually called ~/.gwyddion (Unix) or Documents and Settings\gwyddion (MS Windows). You can assign keyboard shortcuts to instruments only by editing this file. Each line corresponds to an action caused by that key combination. For example, the default line for the Mask Editor tool looks like this:

    ; (gtk_accel_path " /GwyToolMaskEditor" "")

    Semicolons indicate comments, i.e. lines. those starting with them will be inactive. Therefore, to assign a keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-E Mask Editor tool, remove the semicolon to make this line active and write your keyboard shortcut in empty space between quotes:

    (gtk_accel_path " /GwyToolMaskEditor" " e")