• Incandescent lamps: characteristics, operating principle, disadvantages and advantages. Incandescent lamps: types, technical characteristics, how to choose correctly

    One of the very first electrical sources light became the legendary incandescent lamp. Her patent was accepted in 1879. Since then for a long time This device has been used by mankind in many fields of activity. However, today the incandescent lamp is gradually becoming a thing of the past. It has been replaced by more economical lighting sources.

    There are certain advantages and disadvantages that characterize these devices, as well as their methods of application and varieties that deserve detailed consideration. Also, their comparative characteristics with other lighting devices used today will allow us to draw conclusions about the advisability of using incandescent lamps.

    Lamp device

    Lamps with characteristics which will be discussed in detail below, used to be found in almost every home. The use of these devices was very simple and convenient. The design of an incandescent lamp is easy to understand. It consists of a glass bulb, inside of which there is a tungsten filament. This container can be filled with gas or vacuum.

    The tungsten filament is located on special electrodes through which electricity is supplied to it. These conductors are hidden by the base. It has a thread, making it easy to screw the lamp into the socket. When electricity is supplied through the network through the base, current is supplied to the tungsten filament. It's heating up. In this case, light is sent into the environment. All incandescent lamps work on this principle. There are a huge number of their varieties.

    Main Features

    Certain properties have incandescent lamps. Characteristics These devices are measured using different indicators. The power range of these appliances intended for domestic purposes is from For street lighting and industrial purposes, lamps up to 1000 W can be used.

    During operation, the tungsten filament heats up to 3000 °C. Recoil luminous flux it can vary from 9 to 19 Lm/W. In this case, the device can operate at a rated voltage of 220-230 V. Some devices are designed for 127 V network. The frequency is 50 Hz.

    The size of the base for such devices can be of 3 types. This is indicated on the labeling. If it is 14 mm, it is. Accordingly, 27 mm is E27, and 40 mm is E40. The larger the base, the greater the power characteristic of the lighting device. It can be threaded, pin, single- or double-pin.

    Under normal conditions, incandescent lamps operate for about 1 thousand hours.


    incandescent lamps, technical specifications which were discussed above, come in several types. There are several principles by which the presented devices are classified.

    First of all, incandescent lamps are distinguished by: They can be spherical (the most common), tubular, cylindrical, or spherical. There are other, rarer varieties. They are used to create a certain decorative effect (for example, in Christmas tree garlands).

    The flask coating can be transparent or matte. There are also mirror varieties. The purpose of the lamp is also quite varied. It can be used for general or local lighting, as well as for special needs (for example, quartz-halogen types).

    Current-voltage characteristic

    Is nonlinear. This is because the resistance of the filament depends on temperature and current. In this case, nonlinearity is of an ascending nature. The greater the current, the greater the resistance of the tungsten conductor.

    The curve is upward sloping because the dynamic value of the resistance is positive. At any point, the higher the current increase, the more the voltage drops. This contributes to the automatic formation of a stable regime. At a constant voltage, the current cannot be changed due to internal reasons.

    Volt-ampere characteristics show that thanks to all the listed laws, an incandescent lamp can be switched on directly to the mains voltage.

    Constant power supply

    Which allow them to be used for domestic purposes, most often powered by a constant source of electricity. It is also considered to be a resource of unlimited power. Therefore, the mains voltage is often considered the rated voltage of an incandescent lamp.

    But it is worth noting that quite often the voltage in the network and its nominal value are slightly different. Therefore, in order to improve the performance characteristics of illuminators, GOST 2239-79 was developed. It enters 5 supply voltage intervals. It must correspond to incandescent lamps used for domestic purposes.

    Limited power supplies

    Incandescent lamps, characteristics which are designed for use in special devices, can be powered from limited sources (battery, accumulator, generator, etc.).

    Their average actual voltage does not correspond to the nominal value. Therefore, for incandescent lamps powered by limited current sources, an indicator such as the design voltage is used. It is equal to the average value at which an incandescent lamp can be used.


    To understand what type of lamp is on sale, special markings for these products have been developed. To correctly select the appropriate type of device, you should familiarize yourself with the generally accepted symbols.

    For example, argon spiral incandescent lamp 60 W, characteristics which allows it to be used for domestic purposes will be labeled as B235-245-60. The first letter indicates the physical qualities or design features of the product. If there is a second letter in the marking, this is the purpose of the lamp. It can be railway (R), aircraft (SM), switch (KM), automobile (A), searchlight (PZ).

    The first digit in the marking indicates voltage and power. The second numerical value is revision. This allows you to choose the right lamp for a particular lighting fixture.


    Incandescent and LED lamps, comparative characteristics which are compared when purchasing a particular device are quite different. The advantage of devices with tungsten filament is their low cost. There are a number of other features in which incandescent lamps compare favorably with LED and fluorescent light sources.

    The presented devices, used previously, operate stably at low temperatures. They are also not afraid of small power surges in the network. This allows them to be used for quite a long time.

    If the voltage drops for some reason, the incandescent lamp will still work, albeit with less intensity. Also, such devices are not afraid of high humidity. They are easy to connect to the network and do not require any additional equipment.

    If an incandescent lamp breaks, hazardous substances will not be released into the air (as happens with energy-saving types of lighting fixtures). Therefore they are considered safer.


    However, it also contains quite significant drawbacks. characteristics of incandescent lamps. Fluorescent lamps, as well as diode varieties of lighting devices, are used much more today for several reasons.

    First of all, a significant disadvantage of devices with tungsten filament is low level light output. The emission spectrum is dominated by yellow and red shades. This makes the lighting unnatural.

    Compared to new lamps, the incandescent principle is characterized by a low operating life. With deviations in the nominal network voltage, it is reduced even more.

    The bulb of an incandescent lamp is quite fragile. For this reason, it is most often used with a lampshade. And this further reduces the intensity of lighting indoors.

    Incandescent lamps also consume significantly more electricity. Compared to fluorescent LED varieties, this deviation is truly impressive. Therefore, in order to save energy resources, new types of devices should be chosen. This contributes to the gradual cessation of production of incandescent lamps.

    Nowadays, when energy efficiency problems come to the fore, it is not superfluous to be able to understand the range of electric lamps.

    Conventional incandescent lamps

    The efficiency of such lamps does not exceed 30%. For reference: Lamp efficiency– the percentage of power consumed that is converted into light. The rest of the power is converted into thermal energy. If the efficiency is low, then the lamp will mainly heat rather than light.

    Power consumption is usually up to 100 W at a supply voltage of 220 V. The service life of incandescent lamps on average does not exceed 6000 hours. The lamp emits a warm yellowish light with parameters color temperature from 2200 to 2800 K. Although these lamps are cheap, they are significantly inferior in terms of efficiency. The main wear occurs when the filament becomes very hot when turned on and also cools sharply when the lamp is turned off. Therefore, the lamp will last longer the less you turn the lamp on and off.

    Halogen lamps incandescent

    Efficiency is not more than 20%, power consumption is from 5 to 500 W with a supply voltage of single-ended lamps 12 V and 220 V and double-ended lamps 220 V. With a supply voltage of 12 V, a voltage converter is required for connection. The service life is comparable to that of conventional incandescent lamps. The lamp emits bright neutral light with a color temperature of 3000 K.

    Such lamps are even less economical than conventional incandescent lamps. Due to the fact that the flask heats up to 500 degrees, it becomes hypersensitive to contamination, and can burst when turned on even from fingerprints on it. A halogen lamp must be screwed in using a napkin, and protective film remove after screwing in. For halogen lamps, power surges in the network are very dangerous - this is one of the main reasons for their burnout. Spotlights for multi-level ceilings often use 12 V single-ended halogen lamps with a reflector.

    Fluorescent lamps

    Their efficiency is 60% and above. These lamps are 4-5 times more economical than conventional incandescent lamps. It is worth noting that a 12 W compact fluorescent lamp is equivalent to a 60 W incandescent lamp. Their supply voltage is 220 V, and lamps are produced starting with a power of 5 W. Service life reaches 20,000 hours. The color temperature is indicated on the lamp body or on the packaging: 2700 K – white warm light, 4200 K – neutral white bright light, 6400 K – white cool light (daylight).

    These lamps are relatively expensive, but at the same time very economical with a high luminous efficiency and built-in electronic control gear. The tubes are quite fragile, so when screwing in the lamp you need to hold it by the plastic part.

    LED lamps

    The efficiency is close to 100%, and energy savings, compared to incandescent lamps, reach 90%. Lamps are available with a supply voltage of 220 V and 12 V. The latter, like halogen ones, are used for spotlights, but they are much more economical and safe. The power of LED lamps varies from 0.7 to 12 W, while a 12 W lamp corresponds in its light output to a 100-watt incandescent lamp. The operating life of LED lamps is amazing - from 25,000 hours and almost indefinitely. Color temperature parameters are similar to those of fluorescent lamps. Color shades may change over time.

    LED bulbs are certainly expensive, but they are also extremely efficient. When purchasing several lamps, it is advisable to choose them from one batch of one manufacturer - then they are guaranteed to match in color. Since the lamps practically do not heat up during their operation, they are absolutely safe.

    Ilyich’s legendary light bulbs can be called classics of the genre, “dinosaurs” of lighting sources, because the patent for their creation was accepted back in 1879. Next, we will look at the main technical characteristics of incandescent lamps, types, as well as the pros and cons of using them in everyday life.

    The incandescent lamp device includes a glass bulb containing a tungsten filament and an inert gas (xenon, krypton or argon). The thread is installed on special supports and electrodes through which it passes electric current(you can clearly see the design in the picture above). When the base is screwed into the socket, electricity passes to the tungsten filament, which heats up and emits light. This is the principle of operation of a light bulb.


    Main technical characteristics of an incandescent lamp:

    • power range - from 25 to 150 W (for domestic use) to 1000 W;
    • tungsten filament temperature within 3000 degrees;
    • luminous efficiency – from 9 to 19 Lm/1 W (for example, the luminous flux of a 40 W incandescent lamp can vary from 415 to 460 Lm);
    • rated voltage - 220-230 V and 127 V;
    • frequency – 50 Hz;
    • base size – 14 mm (E14), 27 mm (E27) and 40 mm (E40);
    • service life or simple service life - when normal voltage about 1000 hours (220V) and 2500 hours (127V);
    • base – threaded, pin, single- and two-pin.

    Specifications household lamps incandescent:

    We've sorted out the parameters, now let's talk about the varieties.


    Today there is a wide range of light bulbs, which are divided according to the following criteria:

    • shape of the flask (spherical, cylindrical, tubular, spherical, etc.);
    • flask coating (transparent, mirror, matte);
    • purpose (general, local, quartz halide);
    • flask filler (vacuum, argon, xenon, krypton, halogen, etc.).

    Let's look at the photos and characteristics of the most popular types of incandescent lamps.

    Transparent is the most common option. Such products are the cheapest and least effective, because... the light flux is scattered unevenly. The disadvantage of transparent bulbs is that the light “hits” the eyes. Mirror flasks are more efficient because... the coating creates a directional luminous flux. Such products are popular when lighting shop windows and sales areas. Matte ones make the lighting softer and more diffused, thereby creating favorable conditions for work and relaxation when the light is on. Local lighting products operate at a voltage of 12-24-38 Volts, which is necessary to create safe working conditions. Such light sources can be used to illuminate the inspection pit at .


    The marking of incandescent lamps is as follows: The first letter part is a design feature and physical properties of the product (B - argon double-spiral, B - vacuum, G - gas-filled argon monospiral, BK - double-spiral krypton, ML - in a milky flask, MT - matte flask, O - opal flask). The second letter part is the purpose of the product (Zh - railway, SM - aircraft, KM - switchboard, A - automobile, PZh - searchlight). The first digital part is the rated voltage and power. The second digital part is the revision number. For example, the marking B235 - 245-60 means that the product is double-spiral, operates at a voltage of 245 V and has a power of 60 W.


    The main advantage of incandescent lamps is the lowest cost of products compared to competitors (LEDs, etc.). In addition to this, there are a number of other advantages that are the reason for choosing these light sources:

    • They can work normally at low temperatures, which is why they are used at.
    • With minor voltage surges, the product does not fail.
    • They work even at very low voltage (only the light intensity will decrease).
    • The variety and power of products has a wide range, so you can choose a product suitable for certain operating conditions.
    • They can function normally at high humidity.
    • Connect to the network without additional equipment.
    • They are superior to gas-charged light sources in terms of safety.

    The parameters of incandescent lamps or characteristics of incandescent lamps are usually divided into three groups - electrical, light and operational. Electrical parameters characterize the lamp as a consumer electrical energy and determine the possibility of connecting it to power sources (electrical network). Electrical parameters include the rated voltage and rated power of the lamp, the current is a derivative value and is determined by calculation.

    Light parameters are more varied. The rationing of one or another determines. For incandescent lamps intended for general lighting, the main technical characteristics are luminous flux and luminous efficiency. For signal lamps, an important parameter is brightness, for luminaire lamps - luminous intensity curves and the like.

    Operational parameters determine the feasibility and technical and economic feasibility of this type in one or another lighting installation. In this sense, operational parameters should include both electrical and light parameters. Therefore, when talking about the operating parameters of lamps, they usually mean the service life of the lamps, the stability of the luminous flux, environmental parameters and a number of additional requirements.

    Main electrical parameter incandescent lamp is the rated voltage of the lamp U l.no. For most incandescent lamps, this voltage corresponds to the voltage of the power source.

    The bulk of incandescent lamps for general use are powered by electrical networks power systems, which for lighting installations can be considered sources of unlimited power. Therefore, for a long time for incandescent lamps general purpose The supply voltage was also the rated voltage of incandescent lamps. All other electrical parameters of incandescent lamps were referred to precisely this rated voltage. At the same time, the voltage in lighting networks often differs from the nominal voltage. Therefore, in order to improve the performance characteristics of lamps, according to GOST 2239-79, five supply voltage ranges have been introduced: 125 - 135, 215 - 225, 220 - 230, 230 - 240 and 235 - 245 V, and the rated voltage of the lamps in accordance with the international classification is taken voltages 130, 220, 225, 235 and 240 V.

    Limited power supplies ( batteries, automobile generators, dry cells, and so on) differ in that the average values ​​of their actual voltage do not correspond to the nominal one. Therefore, for incandescent lamps intended to operate from such power sources, in addition to the rated voltage, the so-called rated voltage is used U l.r, that is, the average voltage at which the incandescent lamp will operate. Accordingly, all its other parameters are related to the design voltage.

    The second important electrical parameter of incandescent lamps is power. Under the rated power of an incandescent lamp of this type P l.nom understand the calculated electrical power, which is released in an incandescent lamp of this type when it is turned on at the rated (or rated) voltage. In practice, for a batch of lamps, this is the average power value for a fairly large group of lamps of this type. The possible spread of power values ​​of individual lamps is limited by the upper limit of permissible power for lamps of this type.

    For certain types of lamps, in particular those intended to operate from chemical current sources, instead of the rated power, the rated current is sometimes standardized I l.nom, for which a limitation of its upper value is set.

    The main lighting characteristics of incandescent lamps are determined by the purpose of the lamp. For lighting lamps this is the luminous flux F l. Almost the nominal luminous flux of a lamp is the average value of the luminous flux of a large batch of lamps of this type. In relation to each incandescent lamp, we can talk about the lower permissible limit of luminous flux. Limiting the upper limit does not make sense, since an increase in the luminous flux can be achieved by increasing the power of the lamp, the upper limit of which is limited, as well as by increasing the temperature of the filament, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the service life of the lamp and rejection of the batch according to this parameter.

    By changing the design and configuration of the filament body or using flasks special form, it is possible to obtain incandescent lamps with a given luminous intensity curve. For such lamps, in addition to normalizing the luminous flux, one or more luminous intensity values ​​are normalized I v in given directions. The number of luminous intensity normalization points is determined by the ability to control the curve with a given accuracy.

    Incandescent lamps have different brightness levels L, which is due to the variety of areas of their application. For example, lamps for signal devices and film projection equipment have high brightness, the value of which is standardized in some cases. And, conversely, to illuminate residential premises, a reduced brightness is required, so such incandescent lamps are often produced in frosted bulbs.

    For lamps used in optical instruments, the effectiveness of which is determined by the brightness of the filament, it is desirable to normalize the overall brightness of the filament. The difficulty of determining such brightness by measuring the luminous intensity and dividing the result by the area of ​​projection of the filament body onto a plane perpendicular to the direction of the luminous intensity led to the fact that this standardization was abandoned, reducing the control of lamps to measuring the luminous intensity in given directions and the main geometric dimensions of the filament body .

    Luminous efficiency η, which is an important light-technical characteristic of the quality of lamps and their main operational indicator, is currently excluded from the number of standardized values, since it is determined by calculation as the ratio of the luminous flux to the power of the lamp, measured at the rated voltage of the lamp. Luminous output is at the same time the most important parameter incandescent lamps, which determine the efficiency of generating luminous flux. The luminous efficiency of incandescent lamps increases with increasing their power; for lamps of the same power, it is greater for lamps designed for a lower rated voltage. For incandescent lamps of a given power and design, the luminous flux, which determines the luminous efficiency, depends on the temperature of the filament and its emissive properties. An obstacle to increasing the temperature of tungsten is an increase in the rate of its evaporation, which was largely overcome when using halogen cycles.

    Operating Parameters

    The main geometric parameters of incandescent lamps include those dimensions that affect the possibility of their use in certain lamps or installations. The main of these parameters for all incandescent lamps without exception are their overall dimensions(Figure 1): largest diameter of the flask d k, measured in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the lamp, the total length of the lamp l, usually measured in the direction of the lamp axis, and the type of base. An important geometric dimension of an incandescent lamp is the height of the light center h, relative to which the lamp's luminous intensity curve is given. This point coincides with the center of gravity of the filament body, obtained by geometric construction. The height of the light center is measured parallel to the axis of the lamp and counted from that part of the base that determines its position in the socket. This part is called the base fixing element.

    Figure 1. Basic dimensions of an incandescent lamp

    For lamps with a focusing base, additional geometric parameters are dimensions and tolerances that determine the position of the light center relative to the base and its focusing elements.

    For lamps used in optical devices in which great value has the overall brightness of the filament body, the dimensions of the filament body are additionally specified, including the length of the luminous filament, the diameter of the monospiral (or bispiral), the area filled with the luminous part of the filament body, and the like.

    Important operational parameters of incandescent lamps, as well as other light sources, are their average service life τ, total service life τ total, determined by the lamp burning time until it fails, and useful life τ n, determined by the burning time until the luminous flux decreases in a given limit. The practical equality τ full = τ p = τ means the optimal design of individual parts of the lamp, eliminating excess reliability margins for individual parts and components, mainly the filament body, and stable production technology. Checking the coincidence of the values ​​of τ p and τ total is achieved by measuring the final luminous flux of the lamps that remain intact by the time they reach a period equal to the normalized average burning time when testing lamps for average service life.

    The operating parameters of lamps also include the minimum permissible luminous flux, below which the operation of incandescent lamps becomes uneconomical. For modern incandescent lamps, the final luminous flux is 85 - 90% of the initial one.

    As an example of standardization of parameters of incandescent lamps, Table 1 shows the parameters of general purpose incandescent lamps with krypton filling regulated by GOST 2239-79.

    Table 1

    Parameters of some general purpose incandescent lighting lamps with krypton filling according to GOST 2239-79.

    For incandescent lamps used for vehicle lighting, the dynamic service life is also a standardized operational parameter.

    The operational parameters of any incandescent lamps include the characteristics of the climatic conditions within which all of the listed parameters are provided. Climatic operating conditions are characterized by: the range of ambient temperatures within which the lamp must remain operational; humidity range, more precisely, the upper limit of environmental humidity; interval of changes in ambient pressure.

    For standard-design products intended for operation throughout the country, the following values ​​of the parameters listed above are usually accepted: temperature range from - 60 to + 50 ° C; relative humidity not higher than 98% at 20 ° C and pressure not lower than 0.75 × 10 5 Pa (the upper limit is not specified, taking into account the fact that the pressure cannot be higher than the maximum possible atmospheric pressure).

    In your house, if it is of decent size and has many rooms, the lion's share of electricity is spent on lighting. If in corridors and auxiliary rooms it is possible to install motion sensors and other automation to turn off the lights in the absence of people, then in living rooms the lights are usually on constantly and no one pays attention to this.
    Therefore, in order to save energy and own funds, it is worth paying attention to economical light bulbs.
    It will not be superfluous to be able to understand the range of electric lamps.

    Regular incandescent lamps
    The efficiency of such lamps does not exceed 30%. For reference: Lamp efficiency is the percentage of power consumed that is converted into light.

    The rest of the power is converted into thermal energy. If the efficiency is low, then the lamp will mainly heat rather than light.
    Power consumption is usually up to 100 W at a supply voltage of 220 V. The service life of incandescent lamps on average does not exceed 6000 hours. The lamp emits warm yellowish light with color temperature parameters from 2200 to 2800 K. These lamps, although cheap, are significantly inferior in terms of efficiency.
    The main wear occurs when the filament becomes very hot when turned on and also cools sharply when the lamp is turned off. Therefore, the lamp will last longer the less you turn the lamp on and off.

    Halogen incandescent lamps

    Efficiency is not more than 20%, power consumption is from 5 to 500 W with a supply voltage of single-ended lamps 12 V and 220 V and double-ended lamps 220 V. With a supply voltage of 12 V, a voltage converter is required for connection. The service life is comparable to that of conventional incandescent lamps. The lamp emits bright neutral light with a color temperature of 3000 K.
    Such lamps are even less economical than conventional incandescent lamps.
    Due to the fact that the flask heats up to 500 degrees, it becomes hypersensitive to contamination, and can burst when turned on even from fingerprints on it.
    The halogen lamp must be screwed in using a napkin, and the protective film must be removed after screwing in. For halogen lamps, power surges in the network are very dangerous - this is one of the main reasons for their burnout. Spotlights for multi-level ceilings often use 12 V single-ended halogen lamps with a reflector.
    Halogen lamps, unlike their fluorescent counterparts, are best suited for rooms where the light is constantly turned on and off (kitchen, corridor, etc.). Even though their efficiency is lower, halogen lamps work much longer in this mode.
    Fluorescent lamps

    Their efficiency is 60% and above. These lamps are 4-5 times more economical than conventional incandescent lamps. It is worth noting that a 12 W compact fluorescent lamp is equivalent to a 60 W incandescent lamp. Their supply voltage is 220 V, and lamps are produced starting with a power of 5 W. Service life reaches 20,000 hours.
    The color temperature is indicated on the lamp body or on the packaging: 2700 K – white warm light, 4200 K – neutral white bright light, 6400 K – white cool light (daylight).
    These lamps are relatively expensive, but at the same time very economical with a high luminous efficiency and built-in electronic control gear. The tubes are quite fragile, so when screwing in the lamp you need to hold it by the plastic part.
    The peculiarity of such lamps is that their service life depends on the number of on-off cycles - each time you turn on the lamp, its service life is reduced. It is not advisable to use such lamps in “passage” areas of the house - corridor, bathroom, toilet, etc.
    LED lamps

    The efficiency is close to 100%, and energy savings, compared to incandescent lamps, reach 90%. Lamps are available with a supply voltage of 220 V and 12 V. The latter, like halogen ones, are used for spotlights, but they are much more economical and safe.

    The power of LED lamps varies from 0.7 to 12 W, while a 12 W lamp corresponds in its light output to a 100-watt incandescent lamp. The operating life of LED lamps is amazing - from 25,000 hours and almost indefinitely. Color temperature parameters are similar to those of fluorescent lamps. Color shades may change over time.

    LED bulbs are certainly expensive, but they are also extremely efficient. When purchasing several lamps, it is advisable to choose them from one batch of one manufacturer - then they are guaranteed to match in color.
    Since the lamps practically do not heat up during their operation, they are absolutely safe.

    LED lamps are “long-lived” - their service life can reach 10 years. Lamps of this type are also safe: they do not require high power and they do not contain toxic components.
    Term "energy saving lamps" in everyday life firmly adheres to small-sized fluorescent lamps with an electronic ballast, although ordinary fluorescent tubes and LED lamps In principle, they are also energy saving.

    Now some disadvantages of energy-saving lighting.
    Research results have shown that, unlike conventional incandescent lamps, energy-saving lamps of any power are a source of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation. Extremely acceptable standards are violated within a radius of about 15 cm from the lamp base.
    This means that, including energy saving lamp somewhere under the ceiling, we do not risk getting into the zone of its high electromagnetic radiation. But for night lights, table and bedside lighting, in the immediate vicinity of which a person spends a lot of time, such energy saving creates another health risk factor.
    Fluorescent lamps are not designed to be switched on and off frequently. That is why they were used historically in public places, where they burned almost constantly: their predecessor, in fact, are the so-called “fluorescent lamps”.
    When turned on, fluorescent lamps introduce significant high-frequency interference into the power supply network. And this “pollutes” even more from the point of view of electromagnetic ecology our already crammed homes with technology.
    It should be remembered that energy-saving small-sized fluorescent lamps will constantly flicker when using switches with indicator lights. This phenomenon can be observed even with a conventional switch if it is connected to the neutral wire, and the phase is constantly present on the lamp.
    Also fluorescent and led lamps cannot be turned on via dimmer ( thyristor regulator), it greatly distorts the shape of the current and the lamps burn out.
    Another danger of fluorescent lamps is the mercury content.
    In a single light bulb it is not large enough to poison anyone. But you can’t just throw it in the trash can, which is what the corresponding icon on the packaging warns the consumer about. Special services must accept used lamps. However, in practice this does not work in all regions of the country.
    Alternative energy-saving lighting is just entering our everyday reality, so the real influence of all factors of any type of lighting on a person will still be studied.
    That's why the best criterion lighting assessments will still be “like-dislike” and “comfortable-not comfortable”.
    Apparently some positive qualities No cunning electronics can provide an ordinary “Ilyich light bulb,” although we always have a choice.