• The best gloves for touch screens of iPhone and Android smartphones. How to use a touch phone with gloves? How to make touch gloves with your own hands? How to buy gloves in which you can use a touchscreen phone on Aliexpress: links

    In cold weather, especially in Russian frost, using a smartphone is very inconvenient because my fingers freeze. Although there is a way out - these are amazing gloves for touch screens, which allow you to use your smartphone and warm your hands at the same time.

    But not all gloves of this kind work well, so I have collected the best of the best, with their help you can write messages even when Santa Claus is angry.

    These are ultra-warm gloves - latest model from the popular manufacturer Vbiger. They are made of very dense, elastic knitwear and micro velvet, perfectly retain heat and protect the wind. There is a model with special silicone bumps to prevent the phone from slipping out of your hands. The tips of two fingers - the index and thumb - are adapted for using touch screens. Price 340 rubles, you can buy it on Aliexpress.


    Excellent touch gloves for touch screens, made of very high quality, warm, can withstand frost down to -10.

    They have a double layer of material that will keep you warm. Gloves have large number colors, so everyone can choose a color to suit their own style.

    Although these are two-layer gloves, they do not reduce tactile sensations and work even when you type very quickly.

    Classic and pleasant wool gloves, ideal for winter walks. There is a little fluff on the inside of the gloves, but they will not withstand extreme cold, up to about -10. But the great price/quality ratio, as well as a large selection of colors and low price, make them one of the best. Price 300 rubles, link to Aliexpress below.

    Well, how could you ignore a company that is called the Chinese Apple. Luxury Leather Touch Screen Gloves For lovers of leather accessories, these are the gloves for you. Made of real leather, thanks to the fleece lining, your hands are truly warm. There are different sizes, as well as models for men and women. Price 1000-1400 depending on the model.

    Another touch screen gloves from a popular gadget manufacturer. The gloves are made from 50% acrylic fibers and 50% sheep wool. They are made in a winter style and are available in three colors. There is tactile material on the index finger and middle thumb; judging by the reviews, they perform their functions of contacting the phone perfectly. Price 800 rubles.

    These women's sensory gloves have a fur cuff and come in a huge range of colors. From the reviews of our women, I will note the main thing: the execution is excellent, the seams are neat (no threads, etc.), they look neat on the hand. Of the minuses, the tactile finger is only on the right hand and there is only one - the index finger. Designed for approximately -15°C. Price 320 rubles.

    Another genuine leather gloves for touch screens, this time purely for men. Made of genuine leather (100% natural sheepskin), and fleece lining. The leather is soft and they look great. It will be an ideal New Year's gift for any man and for yourself. The price is reasonable - 1000 rubles, and what you wanted was leather.

    The gloves are made from a mixture of wool and acrylic, the ratio is unfortunately unknown. But there is a large selection of colors and sizes, you can choose not only for men and women, but also for children. Gloves excellent quality and very soft, tactile two fingers, and judging by the reviews, the response is excellent. Price 160 rubles.


    If you don't plan to use your smartphone in the cold, then you don't need touch gloves. But, if you still decide to buy them for yourself, I recommend choosing a pair from Xiaomi. I would be glad if you share your experience of buying touch gloves, write in the comments! Good luck!

    Gone are those carefree times when phones could not photograph the reflections of stupid women in the elevator mirror and their order in a restaurant, and the SMS “I’m in a traffic jam, I’ll be 2 hours late” could be written under the blanket by touch, without opening your eyes, remembering the location of all the buttons on a cell phone. Now, all gadgets are certainly controlled exclusively using a touch screen, and only some of them react to the touch of a gloved hand, which in low temperatures causes certain inconvenience. Let's make friends between our gloves and touchscreens!

    The most common solution, when it’s bitterly cold outside and someone is calling you, is not to take off your glove to answer, but to elegantly peck the green button with your nose and start talking. Is this a familiar situation? A nose stylus is, of course, great, but typing a message with your snob or scrolling through a website page is already problematic, and during widespread colds you can also smear the entire screen with snot.

    You can also buy yourself mitten gloves with cut off fingers. Photographers, hunters, fishermen, conductors and market traders love to wear these. But for some they won’t suit the style, or they’ll simply seem outlandish.

    Enterprising accessory manufacturers have long since identified this problem and have produced a variety of gloves that work well with touch screens: from 150 rubles per pair in the TVOE store to 1,500 or more in other stores. But it's all the same new purchase, what if you have your favorite gloves that your grandma knitted for you, and their only drawback is that grandma doesn’t know what an iPhone is?

    Here, poke or poke, but the screen will not respond to fur touches. In the majority modern smartphones A so-called capacitive touch screen is used. To work with it, you need some capacity that receives and conducts low-voltage electric current, the human body is best suited for this role, and thick woolen fabric in this case acts as an insulating layer. People who are no strangers to physics themselves understand how it works, and the rest can simply believe in a miracle and understand that we need Satan as a guide from our fingers to the phone screen.

    Our test subjects will be 100% acrylic gloves with Olympic symbols. says that wearing these is wildly kitsch and bad taste, eh! The Bosco company, in pursuit of millions of profits on the wave of Sochi courage, could take its head out of its ass for a second and make gloves for 500 rubles suitable for working with touch screens, but it seems they are not interested in the convenience of customers. You'll have to tune it yourself.

    First of all, we need a conductive thread. I ordered a skein for myself, although then I read that you can also use regular Lurex from the nearest craft store. Choose the color that best suits the gloves.

    You can check the suitability of the threads in advance, just touch the screen of your phone with a skein, if it reacts normally to the touch, then everything is ok.

    Well, don't forget the needle.

    First, check which part of your finger you use to touch the screen, type messages, and open applications. It is in this part that you will sew the conductive thread.

    Once you have decided on the location, take a thread about 40 centimeters long and make a few stitches on it. It is necessary to leave a certain amount of threads inside the glove so that your finger from the inside touches them as tightly as possible to ensure better conductivity.

    Try to keep the stitches on the outside close together, this will make the touch of your fingers more precise. However, at the same time, do not make the seams too small, otherwise the phone simply will not perceive the touch. The stitches can be placed in any shape, for example, you can make a cross, a circle, a snowflake, or the letter Z out of them. If you choose the right thread color, they will be almost invisible.It will be enough to sew the thread under the thumbs and forefingers. If you are used to using other fingers when working with a phone or tablet, then do the same operation with them.

    Owners of smartphones with touch screens feel discomfort in winter, because their favorite gadget does not allow them to wear warm woolen gloves. Fortunately, there are already special gloves on sale that are designed for owners of smartphones with touch displays, however, such gloves cost a lot of money. Fortunately there is budget solution problem, which we will look at right now.

    First of all, we suggest watching the video, and then repeating the process yourself

    What do we need:
    - wool gloves;
    - fiber stylus;
    - needle;
    - paper napkins.

    The second component may seem like something unprecedented, but it is a very common fiber that can be purchased in almost any foreign online store. By purchasing one pack of such fiber, you can make several dozen pairs of sensory gloves at home. When all the materials are ready, you can start working. We will attach the fiber to the glove using the dry felting method, so the needle must be selected specifically for this type of felting.

    We take a piece of fiber and place it on a soft stand. The author of the video uses a piece of sponge. Then we take a needle and spread the fiber with the needle, giving it a flat oval appearance.

    There are two ways to attach fiber to wool gloves. Let's look at the first one. To do this, take a paper napkin, wrap it in a tube and put it in the glove instead of your fingers.

    We put the glove on the stand, take the fiber and simply place it on the inside of the finger on the glove.

    Next, take a needle and simply insert the fiber between the threads of the glove. This is not at all difficult to do, since needles for dry felting have a special design, so we just have to poke with the needle. The napkin will become an obstacle and the fiber will not come out the other side.

    Now let's look at the second method, which is relatively easier, but only works with dark-colored gloves.

    Take a glove and a small piece of fiber.

    Many of you have encountered such an unpleasant phenomenon as the inconvenience of using smartphones during periods of frost and cold. Remember how inconvenient this is - after all, every time you have to take off your gloves to write SMS messages, find necessary information or answer the call.

    This is because the “smart” gadget simply does not respond to touches with ordinary gloves. As a result, using the device often turns into real torture.

    But there is a way out! Smartphone gloves specially designed for this purpose will be a worthy response to bad weather. Now you will learn everything about them and understand the principle of operation of touch gloves.

    The description of the latest innovative development will convince you of how cool and necessary it really is! You will understand how touch gloves work and be amazed!

    What is this?

    The gloves are made from natural 100% sheep wool, so they are very warm - your hands will always be warm. But this is not the main thing - they are equipped with special metallized threads with touch fingers, ensuring uninterrupted operation of the touch screen of any model of mobile device.

    There are also gloves made from acrylic, but they are considered to be of lower quality, although they are cheaper. In addition, an accessory made of sheep wool protects hands more reliably and has a longer service life.

    The principle of their operation is similar to that of touch screens mobile phones. Capacitive screens displays respond to electrical signals and impulses on our skin, due to which electrons are transferred between devices and us.

    If you work with gloves made of ordinary material, they will not conduct electrical signals, since the smartphone simply will not respond to such a touch.

    Another thing - touch gloves! You can carry out any actions simply and easily with them.

    But that's not all! You can also purchase a sensational new product – touch gloves with Bluetooth. They are equipped with a speaker on the thumb and a microphone on the little finger. Everything is done so miniaturely that it is not felt and does not interfere.

    You don’t even need to take out the device, just touch your face with such a glove and start communicating.

    If the described accessories are too expensive for you, then buy a good one alternative option– a special polyamide liquid that allows you to work with touch screens. You just lubricate any of your gloves with it and that’s it!

    Regarding color, black accessories are considered the most practical and in demand.

    Let's summarize:

    1. You can control your smartphone without taking off your gloves.
    2. The accessories offer excellent precision when pressing the display.
    3. Your hands are reliably protected from bad weather.
    4. Choice different models in a wide range of colors, with ornaments, patterns and designs.
    5. The product does not differ from ordinary gloves in appearance.
    6. Stylish design, thought out to the smallest detail.
    7. Additional gadget security.
    8. High quality.
    9. Long lasting use.

    This amazing invention from the developers will make your life easier! Your hands are protected from the cold, and using your smartphone is easier than ever. In addition, each of you will choose gloves to suit your style, a sports jacket, a chic fur coat, and so on.

    Order original touch gloves right now, appreciate all their advantages and just enjoy your device in any weather conditions without any problems!

    There is wind, rain, snow outside, and the phone is ringing in your pocket, how is the call received? Write an SMS message? You won’t be able to manipulate your smartphone with gloves; the sensor won’t respond to the touch of the fabric. Every time you have to pull the accessory from your hand in order to perform actions with the phone. The limbs are cold, the skin becomes chapped. A solution to the problem has been found. People who follow new technologies know that touch gloves can make life easier. The invention will be appreciated by those who use gadgets on the street.

    What is it

    Many people wonder whether touch screen gloves are a fashion statement or a functional item? No one is going to force an accessory. But it is worth considering it from different angles.

    Displays on modern gadgets“smart”, respond exclusively to the touch of a finger. Using a pencil, a wooden stick, a special stylus, or hands wearing regular gloves will not make the smartphone work. In order to correct the situation, you need to “uncover” the limbs, but you don’t always want to do this manipulation in severe frost.

    To avoid exposing your hands to unnecessary cold, unique gloves have been developed that have special conductive threads that conduct electricity. This feature allows you to use your smartphone outdoors without exposing your hands. The development was appreciated by people of all ages. There are many designs of the accessory, consumers can find the most suitable option in color and style.

    How do they work

    What are the operating features of touch-sensitive gloves? There are no tricks. For production, metallized threads are used, for example, Lurex, which are capable of conducting current efficiently. Conductive threads are most often embedded on certain fingers.

    This saddens many people; they look for an option to correct the defect and find a solution - they purchase special compounds in stores that impregnate the fabric. With the help of the product, gloves made of any material become touch sensitive. The substance is easy to use. They need to process the product, the product will penetrate the structure of the fabric, due to which the matter turns into an excellent conductor of electricity.

    Gloves can be made on our own. To do this, metallized threads are placed using a needle on the fingers of the product.
    Bluetooth gloves have become a real sensation for technology lovers. They have a speaker on their thumb and a microphone on their little finger. Everything is built in masterfully and does not interfere with the owner. When making a call, your fingers do not touch the sensor, you don’t have to take the phone out of your pocket, you can conduct a dialogue by holding the glove to your face. This kind of know-how is very convenient in severe frost.


    The variety of styles of gloves for touch screens is pleasing. Knitted models are in high demand. They allow you to control your smartphone with maximum precision. Products are produced in different sizes, you can buy men's, women's, and children's gloves. Perhaps a knitted item is not a very warm option, but it is quite suitable for the autumn-winter period.

    In winter, it is recommended to choose products that have a double layer; the limbs will not freeze in them, and pressing a smartphone or tablet will be convenient, because the gloves are touch sensitive.
    Sports-style touch gloves need to be placed in a separate category. They differ from other models in design and are suitable for a sports wardrobe. The thing fits snugly on the hand and is made of nylon. It has no lining or other elements that can hinder movement. The gloves do not get wet during use, reliably protect from bad weather, and are ideal for jogging in the cold season. Any smartphone phone responds to the touch of hands in a sports product.


    Women's leather gloves are in high demand among beautiful ladies. The products harmoniously complement an elegant look, protect from bad weather, allowing the owner to take beautiful pictures while walking, answer an important call without exposing her limbs. In order for the product to please you, you need to approach the choice with all seriousness.
    Ladies are advised to inspect touch screen gloves carefully before purchasing. If the item looks like the picture, then it is most likely made of artificial leather.
    The product should not have many seams. Their presence may cause poor contact with the display.

    It is recommended to try on the product you like before purchasing. It is important that the gloves fit correctly and fit tightly, otherwise the accessory will not perform its function well.
    The first touch screen gloves were made from sheep's wool. The models are still in demand today. They retain heat well, but have a simple design. There are no bright inserts, drawings or other decorations on the products, everything is laconic. Guys like these options, but women want something creative, decorated with various elements. Ladies are unlikely to like simple woolen models.

    Leather gloves will fit most naturally into a business look, models made of wool and nylon are suitable for sports activities, and for long walks with friends it is recommended to choose fleece products. The latter are usually beautifully decorated and sold in various colors. Fleece models should be used in conditions of high humidity; they are not afraid of this and warm perfectly.

    Colors and prints

    People who value the stylish design of the items they purchase should look for interesting options touch gloves in online stores. The choice on online platforms is truly huge. For winter, snowflakes and deer will be trendy prints. This accessory will be a stylish and functional addition to your everyday look. And if you manage to purchase a scarf with the same pattern, the look will turn out to be unusual and attractive. The attention of others is guaranteed.

    A thing with a similar print will not be suitable for a business style. It is wiser to add leather gloves to a formal suit and coat of a classic silhouette. They will be able to make the look complete without destroying the stylistic concept. Any color scheme of the product is allowed. A universal option is gloves in black or gray.
    For walks with friends, it is recommended to choose woolen models. Let them be monochromatic and bright. Ideal option- the color of the gloves, repeating the tone of the boots, hat, scarf.

    Caring for Touch Gloves

    Modern technologies are, of course, excellent, but over time the use of touch-sensitive gloves raises quite logical questions. What should you pay attention to when washing? How to care for a functional item without ruining it?
    Wash gloves with metal thread in washing machine you shouldn’t, but if you don’t want to work with your hands, you need to choose the right mode: the water for washing should be at a minimum temperature, spinning is prohibited.

    When washing by hand, use water at room temperature and household chemicals suitable for this manipulation.
    Do not wring out gloves before drying. The product must not be hung on heating devices. You are allowed to iron the accessory using damp gauze. During the off-season, the item should be stored in a plastic bag.