• Keyboard does not print on the computer. USB keyboard connection. Failure of the microcontroller or liquid spilled on the laptop

    Do you press some letters on the keyboard of a laptop or computer, and completely different ones appear on the screen? Don't worry, it's easy to fix. If keyboard is typing wrong letters and symbols, there may be several reasons. I will discuss each of them and options for solving the problem below.

    Reason #1: An additional keyboard is included, which is activated by the Fn key.

    If you are using a laptop. Most likely the reason is the pressed FN key, press Fn + Ins (Insert) and try to print. In some cases Fn+ Num Lock, should help.

    As I said above, pressing the Fn key will activate additional characters attached to the buttons. Usually they are signed in a different color and drawn on the buttons in the corner.

    If you're sure your keyboard doesn't have an Fn button, just read on. There are more ways below.

    Reason #2: Sticky Keys is enabled.

    Windows has a "Sticky Keys" mechanism, it is activated if you press one button or several buttons many times in a row. Very often, this mode is turned on by cats, walking on the keyboard or lying on it.

    Disabling Sticky Keys is simple:

    1. Go to the start menu
    2. Find "Settings"
    3. Here is the "Control Panel"
    4. Further " Special abilities or Ease of Access Center
    5. Look for "Shortcut Keyboard Shortcuts" or "Sticky Keys"
    6. Find the "Turn on Sticky Keys" checkbox and uncheck it.

    Reason #3: Keyboard crumbs or other rubbish.

    Everything is simple here, look visually at the keyboard if crumbs or other debris are visible between the buttons. Turn the keyboard over and gently shake until all or most of the crumbs fall out from under the buttons, then see if it helps. Repeat until all buttons work.

    Reason #4: Problems with regional settings.

    Check in the menu:

    1. Start
    2. Setting
    3. Control Panel
    4. language and regional standards
    5. Here the tab "Languages" and click "Details"
    6. Then check which keyboards you have, they should be Russian and English (USA).

    Please note that next to the word Russian, there are no postscripts: Machine, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. If you had the wrong layout, then delete it and click on the "Add Language" or "Add Layout\Keyboard" button. Then choose the correct Russian, without postscripts.

    Choosing the right Russian layout

    If both keyboards were correct, try pressing each letter in the English layout and see if the letters and symbols are pressed correctly, if they match what you are pressing. If so, please check your computer for viruses and once again, just in case, make sure that the correct Russian layout is added. Just in case, it will not be superfluous to delete it and add it again. If, on the English layout, discrepancies between what you press and what appears on the screen continue, then you have a problem with the keyboard itself and it needs to be replaced. Often this happens due to liquid getting on the keyboard.

    Publication date: 05/10/2012

    There are many reasons why your keyboard may not work well or show no signs of life at all. First, you need to immediately determine the root cause of such a breakdown: software or hardware. talking plain language- Either the keyboard itself is faulty, or the problem lies in the Windows settings.

    So, in order...

    The keyboard works, but some keys do not work well (sticky, do not respond to pressing, etc.).

    The reason is usually simple - the keyboard is dirty.

    You need to disassemble the keyboard and clean it. It does not matter what kind of keyboard you have (usb, standard, wireless, built-in laptop). Turn the keyboard over, unscrew a few screws. Here you will see that under each button there is a rubber pad. Sometimes it happens that the lining is torn or "slips" from its place- As a result, the corresponding key does not work. Then you just put everything in its place.

    The key buttons can be wiped with anything, any cleaning agent. But it is better not to touch the translucent film and everything else. By the way, in order not to get confused later where which key should be, take a picture of your keyboard in advance. Of course, you can then find your keyboard model on the Internet and arrange the keys. But, nevertheless, it is much more convenient to take a photo of your keyboard. Some even number the keys with a pencil, so as not to get confused later. After "cleaning", put the keys in their places, place the rubber pads (they can be placed in any order - they are all the same). The work is painstaking, but the result is a perfectly working keyboard.

    Plug problem

    If you have a classic keyboard (with a round purple plug), then sometimes it happens that the small legs of the plug can bend.

    In general, this type of connector is called PS / 2. Purple is for the keyboard, green is for the mouse. If you forcibly try to insert the plug, the legs may bend. Then you need to take tweezers (or small pliers) and straighten all the legs.

    USB keyboard

    This is a regular keyboard, only it is connected not to the PS / 2 connector, but to the USB connector.

    If such a keyboard does not work when connected, then the problem is most likely hidden in the BIOS settings (SETUP). When starting the computer, press Del (or F6, everyone has different keys).

    And since in bios settings you can’t use the mouse, then a reasonable question arises: “How can I press Del at startup, and how will I configure bios if the keyboard doesn’t work for me ???!” The problem is solved simply - go to a neighbor and beg him for a keyboard for 5 minutes :)

    Wireless keyboard

    I'll ask you a stupid question: "Have you charged your keyboard?"
    Surprisingly, usually the battery just runs out and people forget to recharge it.

    And it also happens that Windows simply cannot install drivers for your wireless keyboard. Then look for drivers on the Internet manually.


    It happens that some new installed program unknowingly corrupts keyboard drivers. If you have Windows 7 installed, then driver problems should not bother you. The system itself installs and restores drivers. Usually, you just need to restart your computer.

    But there are times when the driver is corrupted, or new driver doesn't work well. In such cases, there are two ways to proceed. First, restore the system to the day when the keyboard worked fine. Secondly, you can go to the device manager and update the drivers, or view their properties by looking at the diagnostics.

    Keys do not work in certain program or game

    You should find the settings of the program or game and look at the key assignments. In general, study the settings. In games, as a rule, keys can be reassigned. And in the programs see the list of hot keys.

    Some other tips

    If, when you turn on the computer, it emits three long squeaks (beeps, sounds) - this means that you have inserted the keyboard incorrectly. Just unplug and re-insert.

    If the keyboard suddenly does not work, first of all, check it on other computers. If you have only one computer (usually everyone does), then go to a neighbor and check the keyboard on his computer.

    Sometimes it happens that the mouse (computer) starts to work poorly - jam and freeze. The mouse will constantly seem to be disconnected and connected (while the computer will publish sound signal about connecting the device). Due to the fact that the computer will constantly recheck the input devices connected to it, the keyboard will also begin to work poorly. Then just pull out the mouse, and recheck the keyboard.

    And there are times when the mouse and keyboard cannot work at the same time. This happens VERY rarely, but it can happen. In some unknown way, some mouse models are simply incompatible with some keyboard models (?!). I personally encountered this case only once. It is usually possible to trick the computer in such a case. You need to find the mouse or keyboard in the registry and give them other names. Sometimes this helps ... For the same reason, joysticks (gamepads) in games may sometimes not work. For example, the game allows you to use gamepads only from Microsoft, and the rest simply do not work. Then you need to find your gamepad in the registry and rename it to the name Microsoft.

    If the keyboard does not work, and you still need to find something on the Internet (for example: drivers for the keyboard), then you can use the on-screen keyboard.

    That's all. Ask questions - I'll be happy to answer them.
    Thank you for your attention!

    Recent tips from the Computers & Internet section:

    Council comments:

    It turned out that the keyboard and mouse were incompatible. I switched the mouse to another port, all the letters on the keyboard work. I suffered for a month

    When connecting a USB mouse to a laptop - it works, we add a USB keyboard - only the keyboard works, the mouse stops responding.

    Hello. I can't put enable in bios because it's not there. there is only disable and ani key. what to do? when rebooting, it creates 1 squeak and the button goes out on exit to the desktop. and the keyboard does not work.

    Thank you! I got an answer, but the fact of the matter is that they didn’t give me any connectors for USB, what is my way out !?

    I bought a LOGITESH mouse and keyboard a long time ago without wires, only with a battery compartment, and since then it has been a dead weight and I don’t know what to do!?

    Robert, the kit should have connectors to usb. Insert them into usb ports, and turn on the power on the keyboard and mouse (usually the switch is at the bottom). Then go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Hardware" - "Add a device".

    Can't find an answer; I bought in a store without instructions a keyboard and mouse without wires, which only have compartments for batteries from the Logitesh company without chips !? How to use I DON'T KNOW!!! What to do!?

    Another one can be with a keyboard (I know from own experience) sometimes, the bolts are omitted from the back and because of this, not all keys work) I pulled it up and everything is fine))

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    I bought here wireless keyboard for tablet Vivacase 10 "universal for 10" for Android with a case, but some keys from the first row of letters QWER YUIOP T do not work, CAPS LOCK alternately ... The keys are flat, but you can pick them up with a thin strip of cardboard ... You can "tear them off" "and look? if not to break .... what kind of nonsense can be What could be the reason, how to fix it yourself?

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    oh night, I really need help, I have Windows 7 home extended, updated it to 10, but it didn’t fit, rolled back to 7 as indicated in the settings and the keyboard does not work, when I try to enter bios, it gives out safe mode, safe with loading network drivers , secure with support command line, Introduce log boot enable low resolution video mode (640/480), last known good configuration, debug mode, disable automatic reboot in case of system failure, shutdown mandatory verification driver signatures, plain Windows boot. When you enter the first three modes, the keyboard still does not work, as I understand it, there were problems with the drivers for the keyboard during the rollback, how to fix it if the drive on the laptop (Toshiba Satellite) does not work

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    While the stationary physical keyboard does not work, you can still type on the ladonnik 5 (hybrida) online keyboard. It is similar to YZUKEN, but more convenient. On it you can print both in Western European languages, and in Slavic and Asian (CIS)

    the keyboard is working, the old computer was broken (the vidyuha broke), I recently changed the vidyukha, I turn everything on, but the keyboard does not work, all ports and the keyboard are working, to turn on the computer it says (press enter), as I understand it on the keyboard, but as if it does not show signs of life, although working?

    Sometimes it happens that by turning on the laptop, the user is faced with the fact that the keyboard does not respond to touch. Do not worry - often, this is not a problem, and everything is solved very easily. The whole point is that a failure can occur in operating system, which leads to the fact that the keyboard is no longer perceived (especially often this situation occurs when old laptop Windows 10 is installed).
    Consider a few recommendations on how to turn on a PC if the keyboard on a laptop does not print? By the way, according to the statistics of search engines, this is a very topical issue.

    So, in order for the keyboard on the laptop to start working, in the vast majority of cases, it will be enough to simply restart the computer.


    In this case, you will need to enter the BIOS (this must be done at the moment when the PC is just starting to boot). At this point, you will need to press the TAB key, and if it does not help, then press F10 or DEL. In fact, if you managed to complete at least one of these actions, then everything will indicate that the failure is not mechanical and the cause must be sought in the software.
    We exit the BIOS and reboot the system again. We evaluate the result.

    Possible driver issues

    It is possible that the problem of not perceiving the keyboard by a laptop lies in the drivers. The solution of the issue in this case presents no difficulty. It will be enough to look at the packaging of your laptop for the name of its model, visit the official website, download required driver and install it on your laptop.
    In the event that the installation of the driver did not help you with the solution of the issue, then this will definitely indicate that the breakdown is purely mechanical in nature and it will need to be fixed accordingly.

    Mechanical damage

    To be honest, all users like to drink coffee while sitting at a laptop or eat flour products, from which there are a lot of crumbs. It is they who become the reason that several keys do not work, or the entire keyboard is completely. In this case, you will have to disassemble the laptop, otherwise they cannot be pulled out of there.

    Before proceeding with this, you need to make sure that the device is not under warranty. Otherwise, you could just take it to the store and your laptop would already be repaired there, otherwise you would have to do everything yourself. Or contact the service center.
    Often the cause of a laptop malfunction (and often fatal) is the ingress of liquid on the laptop keyboard.

    In this case, it will be necessary to urgently disconnect it from the power supply, turn it off using the start button, disassemble it and wipe it thoroughly. Then the laptop should dry out for a day. By the way, it is much worse if the spilled liquid was sweet - in this case, it will be necessary to wipe it with an alcohol wipe.
    In addition, sometimes a broken cable can be the cause. In this case, it will definitely need to be carried to a service center.

    A common reason why some laptop buttons have stopped working is due to damage to the keyboard board tracks of the device or a significant amount of debris accumulating. Below we will tell you what to do in this case - how to disassemble a laptop for cleaning, restore damaged tracks and eliminate others, incl. program reasons which may cause the above error.

    If the laptop keyboard was flooded

    If, as a result of negligence, the device's keyboard was flooded, it is important to quickly turn off the power to the device, remove the battery and clean and dry, after disconnecting the input device. If you neglect cleaning, then over time, some tracks may rot, as a result of which you will have to make quite difficult repairs - one or more buttons may simply stop working.

    Consider how to disassemble a laptop for cleaning in the case described above:

    1. Unplug it and remove the battery.
    2. Remove the input device, for which:

    Dismantle the buttons and clean the keyboard

    To remove the key without damaging the device, you usually need to lightly press it from above, and pry it off from below with a thin screwdriver. It all depends on the laptop model. The buttons here are attached to the latches to the so-called. elevator.

    The number of fasteners can be from three to four. In the first case, only one connection will be movable - upper or lower, in the latter - both connections will be movable. We are primarily interested in the fixed connection of the elevator. It is from this side that you will need to pry if you want to safely snap it off. More often fixed connections are located in the lower part. Then just pull the tool up.

    After dismantling all the buttons, you can proceed directly to cleaning. You can work with simple wet wipes. You can also use various cleaning fluids, with the exception of aggressive ones - acetone, etc., which can easily damage the circuit. After removing all contaminants, assemble the device - this must be done in reverse order.

    With installation, there will also be no special difficulties:

    • on the spring-loaded element in the center, lower the pad of the key;
    • press it strictly vertically down until it clicks.

    The device will start to work normally if the accumulated debris was the cause of the malfunction. Otherwise probable cause there may be defective board tracks. You can also repair them yourself if the damage is not very extensive.

    Restoring the tracks on the keyboard board

    In the case of faulty tracks, the device will have to be completely disassembled. It will be necessary to repeat all the described steps, and then dismantle the elevators. They are shown in the photo below.

    WITH last action difficulties should not arise, since they are removed quite simply, especially from the fixed side.

    After all the elevators have been removed from the input device, it will be possible to dismantle the part of the input device from the aluminum substrate.

    The polyethylene board with tracks is also removed. On older laptops, you will also need to dismantle the plastic edging. Before this, it is desirable to heat the part with an ordinary hair dryer. Subsequently, at the assembly stage, ordinary superglue can be used to secure the plastic and restore the fasteners.

    Next, we will work with a polyethylene board on which the tracks are drawn. The problem is that the track board includes two plates, so to start the repair, these layers also need to be disconnected:

    New tracks are drawn directly on top of the rotten ones, but the entire area will need to be thoroughly cleaned of dirt before that. After the updated track dries, it will definitely need to be “ringed out”. The polyethylene part can be collected no earlier than an hour and a half after the described actions.
    Next, the repaired layer is laid on an aluminum substrate, and on top - a part with spring elements. You can check the performance right now by connecting it to a PC and opening, for example, a regular notepad. If everything works fine, continue collecting the device, remembering to turn off the laptop before that.

    Check for obvious causes that could be causing the problem

    But before you start disassembling and cleaning the keyboard, first make sure that the reason why several buttons stopped working is not caused by your inattention or other obvious things. For example, if the laptop does not respond to pressing numbers, check that you have not accidentally touched Num Lock, which is responsible for disabling this block. On some laptop models, a combination of Fn and Num Lock is supported.

    Sometimes problems with devices can be software. For example, the driver responsible for its operation may be corrupted due to a virus. The first step in this case is to scan the system regular antivirus, or it can be one of the specialized utilities, for example, free Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab. Then reinstall the required drivers.

    Temporary replacement of the physical keyboard

    To be able to download antivirus program on the Web and perform some other elementary operations on a laptop without a physical keyboard, you can use a virtual one. You can activate it through the "Start":

    • in this menu, select the accessibility section;
    • click on the line "On-Screen Keyboard".

    To enter the desired characters, simply click on them with the mouse. Starting from the eighth Windows versions instead of a regular screen, you can use a special touch gadget for a laptop or tablet. It works without touch screen- clicks are also made with the mouse.

    Activation occurs as follows:

    • call with a mouse click context menu taskbar (bottom strip of the screen);
    • select "Properties" from the menu;
    • in the properties of the taskbar, open the "Toolbar";
    • check the box " Touch keyboard and click Apply.

    Sometimes users encounter such a problem that part of the keyboard on their laptop does not work for them.

    In principle, it happens that the entire keyboard does not work at once, but then, most likely, it just needs to be replaced. But if only a part of the buttons ceases to function, everything is somewhat more complicated.

    We will consider everything that can be done in this case on our own, without the involvement of specialists.

    Simple ways to solve the problem

    Not always in order to restore performance, you need to do something complicated. Often the problem is solved quite simply.

    So from the very beginning, do this:

    1.Try pressing the Fn and Num Lock keys. It is possible that pressing one of them blocked some buttons on the keyboard.

    2. Hold Fn and press Num Lock, then release both buttons. In some cases, this simple method allows you to run full time job keyboards.

    3. Take a brush and go over all the buttons with it. It is possible that some dust has accumulated under one of the buttons. If possible, take a vacuum cleaner as well. On the Internet you can find special vacuum cleaners for small keyboards.

    Keyboard vacuum cleaner

    4. Restart your computer. In some cases, there may be some minor bug in the system that prevents certain buttons from working.

    In most cases, the problem will be minor and can be fixed with one of these steps. If nothing works, go to the next step.

    Fixing a software bug

    It is possible that the problem is wrong work some programs or services. To check this option and , you need to do the following:

    It's best to do it in a standard way:

    • open the start menu (Windows), then "Control Panel", find there "Device Manager";

    Device Manager in Control Panel

    • open the item "Keyboards";
    • usually there is only one keyboard, right-click on it and select "Update Drivers..."(if there are several keyboards, which is very unlikely, do the same with all of them);
    • select item « Automatic search…» ;
    • wait until the drivers are found on the Internet, they will be installed automatically.

    Driver update standard Windows way

    You can also download and install the program Driver Pack Solution. It allows you to scan your entire computer for the latest available drivers.

    If the keyboard has incorrect (roughly speaking "broken") or outdated drivers, you can easily update them. The use of this program is as follows:

    • download the program (here is the link);
    • install it and run it;
    • an automatic scan will occur, after which just click on the button "Update all".

    Driver Pack Solution window

    Read about other good similar utilities at.

    If updating and scanning your drivers doesn't help, try rolling back your system to a point where everything was working fine.

    To do this, you need to do this:

    • open the menu "Start", then "All Programs", "Accessories";
    • after that go to the "Service" section and click on the item "System Restore";

    System Restore item in the Start menu

    • in the window that opens, click "Next";
    • then select the desired restore point, and they are sorted here by date and time (you need to choose the one that most closely matches the time when everything was fine);

    Selecting a restore point for system rollback

    • click "Next" and then "Finish".

    In principle, it is also possible to roll back the system in those cases when, in safe mode the keyboard doesn't work properly either.

    But in this case, the likelihood that it will help is very small.

    Most likely, the problem is already mechanical, not software, and it needs to be solved by physical intervention in the computer device.

    Fixing a physical glitch

    In this case, you will have to step by step look at what could have failed there.

    To do this, follow these steps (it is very important to follow exactly this order in which all actions will be listed below):

    1. Turn off the laptop and remove the battery from it.

    2. Take a flathead screwdriver and carefully pry out all the latches on the plate that holds the keyboard. If you do not see any latches on your laptop, you should pick up the instructions and read what is written there about the keyboard device and how it is removed. In any case, some attachment mechanisms must be present.

    The process of opening the latches of the keyboard plate

    The keyboard plate is attached to the laptop itself with a cable. You will see it right away.

    3. So, if there are obvious damages on it, you just need to remove the cable and replace it with a new one. To do this, take an old cable, go to the nearest electronics store and buy the same one.

    Keyboard cable

    4. If the cable is not damaged, it still needs to be removed. At the same time, the train cannot be taken for conductors in any case! You can only take on those plastic parts with which it is attached to. For clarity, figure 10 shows those parts that can be taken and those that cannot be taken. True, keyboards usually use slightly different cables.

    5. In the same place, under the keyboard plate, you can find the microcontroller. Its necessary dry and try to draw out the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

    It is quite difficult to explain how to find this very microcontroller. To put it simply, this is exactly the device to which the cable is attached. Just in case, when removing the keyboard, go through all the controllers that you see. Nothing more can be done on your own without special knowledge. Again, if you see obvious damage on the microcontroller, it is better to replace it.

    Laptop with keyboard removed

    6. If everything is fine with the cable, you will have to disconnect the keys and clean them. Usually, the button can be removed in the standard way - pry with the same flat screwdriver. Start with problem buttons. If you see damage under them, replace the elements with which the button is attached to the laptop.

    The process of removing buttons from the keyboard

    7. Try using the keyboard again.

    If the problem persists, remove all buttons and remove the aluminum plate that is under them. Usually she also has special mounts that are removed quite easily.

    But under it is hidden a polyethylene board with drawn tracks.

    Inspect it for obvious damage - if there is, there are two options: draw new tracks or buy new fee. In any case, go over the board with a vacuum cleaner.

    To check the integrity of the tracks, use the tester.

    Part of the keyboard on a laptop does not work: what to do and how to fix it - a detailed guide

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