• Unlink iPhone from operator. Official iPhone unlock. List of operators that can be unblocked

    If you are reading this article, you must have a reason for both joy and sadness. The good news is that you bought new iPhone, the second is that in front of you is a locked smartphone, and now you look at it in bewilderment and think, how can I unlock my iPhone. Perhaps, when purchasing it, you knew about this feature, but there is a possibility that this fact turned out to be for you an unpleasant surprise. However, be that as it may, in this article we will try to help you.

    Before we tell you how to unlock an iPhone 5S or any other model, we will explain to you a little the essence of the problem you are facing.

    What is a locked iPhone?

    A locked iPhone is an iPhone that can work on the network of one specific operator.

    Why does Apple release such devices?

    No, not to annoy you. An iPhone that can only work on one carrier's network in the US and Europe is a very common practice. A locked iPhone is sold together with a communication contract, and it costs the user much less than a similar i-gadget that can work with any operator. That is, the user promises to be serviced for the nth amount of time in the network of the operator on which the iPhone works, and in return receives a new “apple” with an impressive discount.

    Where is iPhone blocked?

    A locked iPhone receives the “stamp” directly from the manufacturer, and therefore when the gadget is activated, the user immediately receives an answer whether he can work with one operator or all.

    What is iPhone activation?

    Activation is a procedure that consists of reading the IMSI (IMSI - unique code, which has any SIM card) user SIM card and send it to Apple servers for checking. It is with the activation procedure that the use of the device begins.

    Imagine you ordered a brand new, for example, iPhone 6 from an online store. It came to you by mail, you insert the SIM, turn it on and see the welcome window.

    If your SIM card is connected to mobile internet, an activation request will be sent automatically (otherwise you will need to find Wi-Fi network or connect the iPhone to a PC that has iTunes and the Internet), and there can be two answers to the request - the iPhone is not locked, and you have the right to use it, or the iPhone is locked and activation is impossible. And in the second situation, the question arises - how to make it unlocked?

    Well, let's figure it out.

    Unlocking an iPhone: real methods

    Locked Apple iPhone I have always sold through operators, and therefore the question of how to unlock it is, one might say, eternal. How is unlocking done? iPhone smartphone 3G? How to unlock iPhone 5? Is there a method to unlock iPhone 6? In short, only the alphanumeric index of the model changes, but the essence of the issue has remained unchanged for many years.

    However, for more earlier versions For i-smartphones, this very index had some meaning. Because before, the Apple iOS platform was not as perfect as it is now, and advanced users continually looked for various kinds of vulnerabilities in it and invented the most ingenious mechanisms that allowed them to unlock it themselves. But these methods were not relevant for all models at once, and, for example, they only answered the question of how to unlock an iPhone 4, or they worked for a group of models.

    Unfortunately, today it is very, very difficult to find a vulnerability in iOS, and in addition, methods based on the vulnerability are quite risky. However, we will still talk about them in the “dancing with a tambourine” section.

    In the meantime, let’s talk about reliable and really working methods to unlock an iPhone. There are only two of them. The first method is TurboSIM (also called R-Sim), the second is the official unlock. Note that these methods answer both the question of how to unlock an iPhone 4S and how to unlock an iPhone 6; in short, they are relevant for any version of the i-gadget.


    What is TurboSIM? This is a special microcircuit attached to the SIM card that is installed in the iPhone. IMSI series are sewn into it mobile operators, which are sent to Apple servers upon activation instead of the IMSI of your SIM card. In short, it turns out to be a substitution. The method is very cunning, but it has a number of disadvantages.

    Firstly, there may be problems with FaceTime work and iMessage. Secondly, it is possible that the quality of communication will deteriorate, and according to all standards - 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE). Thirdly, activation will have to be carried out again after each network loss, as well as when the smartphone is rebooted. And finally, it will be updated iPhone owner It won’t be able to with TurboSIM, or rather it will, but most likely you will have to buy a new chip.

    TurboSIM is a delicate thing, it adapts to a certain version of the platform and a certain version of the i-device, so the chip that worked as an unlock for the iPhone 5S will not work to unlock the iPhone 4. However, today there are TurboSIMs that work for a group of models and a number of versions of iOS, however, the wider the capabilities of the chip, the higher its price. On average, TurboSIM will cost 1000-1500 rubles.

    As for installation and work with it, we will please you; you can easily do it yourself and not contact service for help. Each chip is supplied detailed instructions installation, and it is usually very simple - insert, select a number of options on the screen and you are ready to use it!

    Official unlock

    Official unlocking can be done either for a fee or for free. The last option works if the contract has expired. This situation, of course, is relevant for not the latest models. The contract period is usually 2 years, that is, if you have a 5S that was released and activated more than 2 years ago, then you can unlock the iPhone 5S officially and for free. However, this is not such an easy way, because you will have to contact the operator to which the device is locked, which means you will need, at a minimum, to write an official appeal in a foreign language, and perhaps even communicate live with a representative of the operator.

    If the contract has not yet expired, you can officially unlock your smartphone only for a fee. This is done using special platforms - for example, one of them, which has a mass positive feedback. There are many performers on this site, and you need to carefully select them, and be sure to require confirmation of payment. As for the timing of unlocking, it ranges from 3 to 30 days, it all depends on the degree of complexity. The price of the service varies, for example, you can unlock an iPhone 5 from the American operator AT&T for $15, and iPhone unlock 5S from the Finnish operator DNA will cost $200!

    Dancing with a tambourine

    And finally, the promised section - dancing with a tambourine. These same “dances” are iPhone unlocking methods based on iOS vulnerabilities. Why are they risky?

    The fact is that they are all based mainly on the UltraSnow application, which is installed only on jailbroken (hacked) devices. That is, first the iPhone will need to be hacked.

    In addition, all unlocking methods in in this case are developed by amateurs, so no one can guarantee success. And instructions that are relevant and workable today may be useless tomorrow, because Apple quickly patches vulnerabilities.

    That is, of course, you can “play” with UltraSnow, but to do this you need to be a mega advanced user. Firstly, jailbreak the iPhone yourself and not turn it into a brick. Secondly, find a worker in at the moment time instructions. And thirdly, have time to complete it before Apple closes the hole. And this, by the way, is not so simple; instructions based on vulnerabilities are usually very complicated.

    And one more thing - be prepared for the fact that unlocking an iPhone 6 using dancing with a tambourine and other most latest versions iPhone is almost impossible. And if you have a question - how can you unlock an iPhone 3GS, then you have more chances.

    Let's summarize

    In general, as you can see, unlocking an iPhone is quite difficult and almost always a costly process, so if you are reading this article not because you bought a locked iPhone, but because you are thinking about this saving option, we recommend that you give it up. You will still have to spend money on unlocking, and it is also unknown what the consequences will be.

    If before you have not encountered SIM-Lock blocking on iPhone, imei-server will explain to you what it is and how to make your iPhone accept SIM cards from any operators in the world. If the iPhone is locked (hereinafter we will use the word “locked”), then a notification will be displayed on the screen - “ SIM- card is invalid ».

    Lock iPhone may appear suddenly (after updating via iTunes), even if the phone previously worked successfully with other SIM cards. This means that the phone you were using was initially locked, then it was unlocked, but the unlock failed and iPhone re-locked to the same operator. In any case, whatever the reason for the blocking, the sequence of your actions to unlock will not change. Here's what to do:

    1. Determining the type of blocking .

    Simply put, we need to find out which operator/country or region your iPhone is locked to. The only way to get an accurate answer to this question (if the iPhone was purchased second-hand) is to order a GSX report on IMEI:

    Any of these checks will clearly show who locked your phone. Required information will be displayed in the line “Next Tether Policy Details”. If the result you received does not seem clear to you, please contact us via Online chat or mail support@site and we will quickly answer all your questions and select the right service.


      If you know that this phone used to work in the USA, for example, and the former owner used it with SIM cards from Verizon (or any other operator - AT&T, T-mobile, Sprint, Cricket...), then this is completely doesn't mean (!) that your phone is locked to this particular operator. There is the concept of REGIONAL blocking, in which the phone can accept a SIM card from any operator in a certain region (country or number of countries). Just because the former owner used AT&T exclusively doesn't mean he couldn't use Sprint. As a result, your false confidence that you “know” the operator even without verification may result in you making the wrong choice of service.

      For unlocking from an operator, checking by IMEI is recommended, not mandatory. You can order a check anywhere, the main thing is that you must be confident in the information received. When ordering an unlock without prior consultation and without preliminary checks (or if the checks were ordered on another site), the user assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of this data.

    2. Select the desired service .

    At this stage, you have already determined the type of blocking and know your operator and country. All you have to do is choose the service you need . In our list of services, unlocks are divided into categories - countries. When choosing a service, you may find that there is a concept of unlocking iPhone Clean And iPhone Blacklist. How are these services different?

    • iPhone Clean - in most services it involves unlocking devices without an active contract or debts.
    • iPhone Blacklist- are designed to unlock any phone, including debts, an active contract, and in some cases, lost phones. You can read more about the concept of a “black list” in the article - It describes in more detail what types of black lists there are and how serious it is.

    To check your phone for presence on the blacklist, you can order a preliminary check in the section - . The result of such a check will show whether there will be any difficulties with unlocking the device and will help you clearly choose the right service.


    • If you order clean phone through the blacklist - it will be unlocked. But if you register your phone as clean on the blacklist, then (depending on the service) you will either receive a cancellation or lose money for an incorrect order.

    3. Place an order .

    Having the results of two checks in hand (GSX by IMEI and check on Blacklist), you can place your order. Before placing an order, carefully read the description of the service:

    By ordering the service, you can track the status of your order via on the website. After completing your order, you will receive a notification by email that youriPhoneunlocked As long as the order is "in process", it does not matter whether the phone is turned on or not. You will not be required to take any action other than wait for an email notification about successful unlocking.

    4. What happens after ordering a service?

    While you are waiting for the result, the order is “in process”. What is hidden behind this term?

    Let us remind you that iPhone unlocking is carried out remotely using IMEI through Apple servers or an operator. There is no need to enter any “codes” into your phone. The iPhone does not request codes, because all the data about its “binding” to a specific network is registered not in the device itself, but on the company’s servers.

    In simple words The unlocking process can be explained as follows.

      At the moment of turning on, the iPhone “knocks” on the server and sends a packet of data “about itself” - this simple information about “who he is” - what time zone he is in, what network he can connect to, and so on. When iPhone“knocks”, the server recognizes it, compares the available data and responds - “ oh, sorry friend, you can’t work on this network. You're locked». iPhone answers - “ Understood. I will answer that the SIM card is invalid».

      At the time of unlocking, the information on the server for a specific IMEI is updated. New data about the blocking status is registered. Now the same phone is knocking on the server. The data is compared and the server responds - “ everything is in order, here is your access to the network."Thus, when you turn on the phone again after unlocking, the server already sees new status and your iPhone will work correctly with any SIM cards. In rare cases, an update via iTunes may be required.

    Just like that, simply and without extra effort, can be unlockediPhone. Be careful, read the descriptions, consult with us on any questions and the results obtained will always please you.

    Many people, before buying a gadget from America, wonder whether it will work with domestic operators cellular communications? Probably everyone knows that the modern Russian smartphone market is at a primitive level of development, and therefore the American Apple company does not risk investing its funds and keeps companies that have received permission to sell their equipment within the framework of strict trade. Because of this, the cost of equipment from of this manufacturer is at a very high level.

    “Gray” iPhones are an affordable option for everyone

    It is for this reason that the market for “gray” iPhones - unofficial iPhones that are locked to their native (American) cellular dealer - began to develop so actively. Similar phones have a lot undeniable advantages, the main of which is its low cost. For example, an iPhone 4, which was purchased from Russian suppliers, costs about 20,000 rubles, but a similar product brought from the states costs about 12,000 rubles, which, as you yourself understand, is a significant difference for the average Russian.

    One big “But!” American device is that they are blocked to a specific operator and will not work with Russian ones without a special unlock.

    What needs to be done for the device to work with domestic networks?

    First of all, it is necessary to carry out unlock iPhone, that is, to untie him from the American representative. In 90% of cases, phones are linked to the largest American cellular operator AT&T. The only reasonable and reliable way to unlock such a gadget is the official AT&T unlock.

    Is it worth buying iPhones from America?

    The answer is clear – of course it’s worth it! When purchasing such a device, you save a significant amount, because... don't overpay Russian customs. In addition, do not forget that the quality of products abroad is an order of magnitude higher than phones assembled for Russian market. All you have to do after purchasing is simply unlock it and enjoy how it works.

    How does the procedure for unbinding a smartphone take place and who is the best person to contact?

    So, how to unlock an iPhone brought from America? The unlocking process itself is simple: a service center specialist submits a request to AT&T, after which employees of the American company check using IMEI whether the item is stolen mobile phone, is not on the wanted list, after which, if the result is positive, the phone is unlinked and you can use the services Russian operator. Do not forget that it is better to contact a trusted service center St. Petersburg, which provides 100% results and technical support the entire unlocking process. According to statistics, in 97% of cases, users receive a positive result from their contact, but only on the condition that you contact genuine professionals - us.

    Greetings to all readers of the computer blog site! The other day, a friend of mine approached me with a request to unlock his iPhone 5s. According to him, while he was drunk, he set a password on his phone (from his girlfriend), but in the morning he could not remember it. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter the password, the iPhone was automatically locked.

    When turned on, the message “ iPhone disabled! Connect to iTunes." When connecting to a computer, the problem was not solved - a password was still required.

    In this article I will tell you how to unlock any Apple device— iPhone 4, 4s, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad, etc. We will remove the lock by flashing the firmware, i.e. Completely reset the phone to its factory state. Flashing an iPhone is a seemingly complicated procedure, but in reality it’s quite simple, so don’t rush to take your phone to a service center, but first try to do everything yourself.

    The firmware will help solve any software problems with your phone. Essentially we will do full reset iPhone to factory condition as if we had just bought it. Let me warn you right away, we will need Internet access.

    I unlocked iPhone 5, model a1429, but way firmware is universal, and will work for all Apple devices − iPhone 4,5,6,7, and also iPad.

    Most often, this article is read by people who forgot your phone password. In such cases, the iPhone/iPad displays messages like: “ iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes" or “Repeat in 24,000,000 minutes«.

    However, you can try to flash the phone if there are any problems with your iPhone. For example, if your iPhone glitches, reboots, or does not boot and does not turn on at allflashing iPhone can help you!

    Alarm! When using this method all information on your Apple device will be erased. Be careful, and if you still hope to remember the password, look for other unlocking methods.

    You do all the actions described below at your own peril and risk, and I do not bear responsibility for a damaged phone. Fortunately, the procedure is standard, invented by Apple itself, so go ahead! 😉

    I will immediately upset those whose iPhone is linked to iCloud.

    If you don’t have access to this iCloud, this method still won’t help you. After the firmware is installed, the phone will start asking for a password from iCloud. In this case, you can restore access to the phone only if you have original box from this phone, as well as a cash receipt for it. All this will need to be sent to Apple, they will check the information and restore your access.

    If you have neither a password nor a receipt, alas, you have a brick. Well, you can change it motherboard, or sell the phone for parts, which is basically the same thing.

    How to flash any Apple device - iPhone 4, 5s, 5, 6, 6s, 7, iPad? Step by step instructions.

    To begin with, you need download and install iTunes from the official apple website: apple.com/ru/itunes/download/

    Installing iTunes should not be difficult for you, but just in case, it is described in detail in video at the end of the article.

    So, we have the program installed.

    First we need to switch the iPhone into recovery mode. It's very easy to do this:

    Congratulations! You are logged in Recovery Mode!

    Now let's turn our attention to the laptop screen. iTunes should launch automatically. If this does not happen, start it manually. You will see a window asking you to restore or update your iPhone:

    Click the button " Restore«.

    Next, most likely, a window will pop up asking you to install the latest iOS version. After clicking the "Restore and Update" button all data on your iPhone will be erased, then downloaded and installed the new iPhone software. We think, then press this button.

    A window like this may pop up:

    The firmware download for the iPhone will begin from the Apple website. The download time depends on the speed of your Internet connection. The download progress can be monitored by clicking the icon in the upper right corner:

    After completing all the steps, you will see a welcome screen on your iPhone:

    Hurray, our iPhone 5 is unlocked! All you have to do is insert the SIM card and set it up as if you just bought it in the store!

    iPhone is disabled. Connect to iTunes - how to unblock? [VIDEO]

    I recommend watching the short video below. In it I talk about the process iPhone unlocking 5 in as much detail as possible:

    Don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel!

    Error 4013 when restoring iPhone.

    If you read further and are not happy about your “resurrected” phone, it means something didn’t work out for you. To be honest, it didn’t go smoothly for me the first time either. When you first try to restore an iPhone using firmware, at the “ Waiting for iPhone» Happened unknown error (4013):

    “B.., what the f..?!” … "Great!" - I thought. “If I encounter a problem, I can warn my subscribers about it!” I started looking for a solution. The forums were full of advice of various kinds. The option " Put the iPhone in the freezer and then flash it«:

    I did not resort to such radical solutions as freezing someone else’s device, and decided to first follow the recommendations from the official Apple website.

    When these errors appear, Apple technical support recommended 3 options: install latest updates Windows or Mac, change the USB cable (I also recommend trying to plug the device into a different USB port), or try restoring the iPhone on another computer:

    Since I have many different laptops at hand (), I decided to go the third way, especially since on the first laptop due to the small volume hard drive there was a “stripped down” Windows 7. Of course, without any updates.

    What do you think - After running the recovery procedure on another laptop, everything was successful!

    If you encounter any other errors when restoring your iPhone, take a look.

    If you have any questions or just liked the article, leave a comment below.

    And also join

    Unlock iPhone - Bought an iPhone abroad

    In case iPhone does not work with your SIM card, does not activate or reports an error when activating the network - in 99% of cases you are the owner of an iPhone that is blocked or locked to a cellular operator.

    When you try to activate or use such a device via iTunes or Wi-Fi, the following messages may appear:
    1. “The SIM card installed in the Internet phone apparently does not have support. To activate an Internet phone, only compatible SIM cards can be used..."
    2. "Inserted into this iPhone SIM card belongs to a cellular operator that is not supported according to the current policy on the activation server. The problem you are experiencing is not related to your iPhone hardware. Insert another SIM card from a supported carrier or request that your carrier unlock this iPhone..."