• How to connect a computer to a wireless Wi-Fi network? Selecting a Wi-Fi adapter

    Wifi USB adapter- this is a device for connecting a personal computer or other device to wireless network.

    What are Wi-Fi devices for?

    When building a radio network in an office or home, you have to use devices that do not have wireless functions. For example, computer system units, televisions, game consoles and so on. Even if the device is equipped with a wireless client, you often have to purchase and install more modern Wifi USB adapter that supports faster communication formats. After all information Technology are constantly evolving, it often turns out that a device released 2-3 years ago is now irretrievably outdated. Every day, devices are being produced smaller and smaller, while the functions and parameters are increasing. If a couple of years ago, in order to provide the Internet to two personal computers at once, it was necessary to install switches and stretch twisted pair cables around the apartment, today everything is much simpler. It is enough to install a Wifii USB adapter on your PC, which is compatible with all versions of operating systems, and that’s it - the network is ready. Several wireless devices can be connected to such an improvised access point at the same time. For example, communicators, laptops and other computers. To support such networks, specialized Virtual Wi-Fi software is used. This software is the basis of the Windows 7 operating system. This wireless network supports encryption high level WPA2 PSK.

    Communication standards for wireless networks

    When choosing a Wifi USB adapter, you must first of all pay attention to the standard that this device supports. This setting must match your router. Because if you buy a device that is incompatible with the main equipment, you will not be able to negotiate and configure a wireless network. In this case, an important parameter is the frequency of radio signal transmission. Today, two are widely used (2.4 MHz and 5 MHz). In addition, when choosing an adapter, you need to pay attention to the number of transmitting and receiving devices that the device can support.

    Interfaces that support Wi-Fi receivers

    Just a few years ago you could find them with various types of connectors: PCMCI, PCI, and others. However, today USB standard supplanted all other types of interfaces. This is very convenient because, having purchased the mentioned device, the user can use it with any personal computer. And even when replacing your PC with a new one or upgrading an old one, you can always use this adapter.


    The wireless USB Wifi adapter transmits data at a speed of 300 Mbit/s, and some models are capable of transmitting information at a speed of 450 Mbit/s. There are Wi-Fi devices with three antennas, which significantly increases the performance of the wireless connection and signal stability. On Russian market The top sellers are adapters produced by Asus, D-Link and TP-Link.

    Turning a Wi-Fi USB adapter into an access point

    Thanks to Wi-Fi technology Virtual, any adapter that has driver support for this technology can be used as a Wi-Fi signal distributor for client devices. To debug the system, installing drivers is not necessary; it is enough to use a personal computer with the Windows 7 operating system. This software contains built-in installation utilities. And when installing the equipment, it will offer to download latest version software A list of adapter models that are compatible with the Virtual system can be found on the official website of the software developers. Essentially, this is graphical shell, which works with the netsh snap-in via the console. This program makes the process visual and user-friendly; moreover, it is completely free and has all the necessary functionality. In addition to its main purpose, it is capable of switching the adapter to Ad-hoc mode, which allows you to create peer-to-peer networks. Almost all laptops and personal computers are capable of supporting this standard.

    How to connect and set up a Wifi USB adapter with the Virtual Router system?

    The first step is to install the necessary software on your PC (for example, Connectify), it will convert the Wi-Fi receiver into an access point. After this, we connect the adapter to the USB port of the personal computer. operating room Windows system 7 installs drivers on its own; for this, the PC must be connected to the Internet. After this, we launch the program. The first step is to set the name of the wireless network, which is indicated in the HotspotName field. Next, in the Password section, you need to set an access password to the created system. For reliable protection It is recommended to specify a password of eight characters or more, which uses uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. In the future, it must be entered on each wireless client when connecting for the first time. In the "Internet" field, you must select the connection through which the personal computer gains access to the World Wide Web. For example, this could be a network card. Then you should select “Local Area Connection”.

    Next, in the Advanced field you should specify the Wi-Fi adapter. If only one device is connected to the computer, then select the default, and if there are several, then you need to specify exactly the device that will be used as an access point. This completes the setup; all that remains is to turn on the device. Essentially, we created a Wi-Fi router from a regular adapter and a PC. After clicking the Start Hotspot button, another NAT server appears on the network. After this, you can connect your first clients: laptop, tablet or smartphone. To do this, we search for wireless networks and “connect” to ours using given password. After this, the device is ready for use.

    How much can a USB Wifi adapter cost?

    The price of such a device will depend primarily on the manufacturer and the parameters of the device. In any case the cost USB Wi-Fi adapter will be affordable for almost everyone, it is 10-20 US dollars, depending on the chosen model.

    Connect and tune WiFi router Most likely everyone will be able to access the Internet. The next step is to make sure that our personal computer, which does not have a Wi-Fi router, begins to catch the Wi-Fi network. To do this we will need to purchase wifi adapter and install it on your computer. By using this usb adapter your computer will truly be able to receive Wi-Fi over the air without being tied to wires, thereby you can move your PC at any time to any convenient place. Moreover, we installed the router for the purpose of getting rid of wires in the house.

    After we installed the router, we configured the Wi-Fi network in the house, if this means an office at work, respectively, all our mobile gadgets such as portable laptop, mobile phone, the tablet will instantly be found and connected to the Wi-Fi network, without wires “over the air”. If for some reason you still don’t know how to set up a wi-fi router, I recommend reading this topic. Because in these devices the manufacturer took care of the built-in Wi-Fi receiver, and we are talking about a computer that was not initially equipped with this Wi-Fi adapter and most likely would also like to connect to global network no red tape with wires. For these purposes, there are a couple of options:

    The first method most likely will not work for us, since it involves connecting our computer to the Internet by laying a network cable to it. And since our topic is about Wi-Fi adapters, this option will not suit us.

    But here is the second method, which we will consider just for us. This option V in this case suits us. Now we will look at two types of adapters, internal and external, simply put, a Wi-Fi adapter that looks like additional fee inserted into a special PCI slot which is located in the middle of the computer will be called internal. Installing it requires a little knowledge. And it looks like the pictures below.

    The most convenient and easiest to set up and use is the external Wi-Fi adapter that we will connect to a desktop computer today. After you read this topic, the computer will finally become independent of network cables, turn into a portable one and be able to catch a Wi-Fi network over the air. Exactly one of these usb wifi I installed the receivers on my PC, appearance which you will find in the pictures below, such Wi-Fi adapters are also called flash drives.

    Now that we have already become a little familiar with what wi-fi devices and devices there are, it’s time to start connecting it to the computer.

    Let's start installing the wifi adapter on a TP-LINK computer

    Let's start by taking the Wi-Fi adapter and connecting it to the computer. Despite its small size, I recommend connecting it to the USB connectors located on the back of your computer. Let's assume that all your sockets are occupied, then to connect the TL-WN725N adapter you can use various extension cords or the one included in the kit.

    After you insert the device into usb socket yours operating system will begin to automatically search for drivers, as a rule it finds them itself, it is possible that Windows will not find them and will throw an error. Don’t worry, ignore it, then insert the disk that comes with the kit and install the drivers and utilities from the disk. If installation disk for some reason it is missing, I recommend searching in search engines for the Wi-Fi adapter model; in my case it is TL-WN725N. Well, if you haven’t already found it, I recommend reading this topic.

    I see no point in describing the process of installing drivers. Now we just have to wait for the installation to finish. After the installation is complete, in the notification panel where the clock is located, you will be able to see the status of your Internet connection in the form of sticks with a yellow snowflake, this will indicate that our Wi-Fi adapter has found networks available for connection.

    Now click this status for Wi-Fi connections if there is available network To connect, select it and click on the “Connection” button.

    After clicking, a window appears, here we need to enter the password for the Wi-Fi network and below, as shown in the photo, click “OK”.

    Congratulations, if you see white sticks in the network status - this will indicate that your computer has connected to the Wi-Fi network. Congratulations!

    As I say this procedure takes very little time to connect and configure our network WiFi adapter TP-LINK TL-WN725N, and most importantly thanks to this device connected to the Wi-Fi network over the air independently.

    Using such adapters, whether from TP-LINK or any other company, installing them and putting them into operation is not particularly difficult, for which many thanks to them. Such adapters on the market are usually not expensive, but they have a lot of benefits.

    Now a few words about what kind of adapter to buy to connect a personal computer to Wi-Fi networks? I think there is absolutely no difference, just external USB adapters are more universal and easier to install and configure, especially since you can take it and install it on another PC at any time.

    Now you understand how convenient and practical it is to use usb wifi adapter for connection home computer To world wide web Internet and most importantly, very quickly and easily without dragging a bunch of network cables around the house. Good luck to everyone, don’t forget to share the topic and ask questions in the comments.

    In order to connect the computer to the required wireless network and the World Wide Web, we will need 2 devices that will:

    1. Distribute the Internet, thereby creating this network at the place of its installation
    2. P use the internet on your home computer

    Connecting and installing the router

    The main center that distributes the Internet is the router. First of all, it must be configured correctly; without this step, sites will not open. So what we do:

    • We place the router in the apartment so that our network is accessible from anywhere in the apartment. In an ordinary apartment, almost any convenient place will do (so that it doesn’t interfere), but if later the signal is weak, you will have to rearrange the device.
    • We plug it into a regular 220 volt outlet and turn it on by pressing the special button. (Look at the instructions for a specific model if necessary)
    • We connect to a special socket network cable from your internet service provider. Also make sure that you have a login and password from your operator, because without this our router will not be able to access the Internet and distribute it to everyone. It is usually given when concluding a contract for Internet services.

    The first stage has been completed, upon completion we have the router turned on, which automatically creates a network and you can connect to it, but in order for access to the Internet to become possible, in its settings you at least need to specify the same login and password from the provider (for example, Beeline, Dom.ru, etc.) about which was written above.

    Connecting a Wi-Fi adapter to a PC

    Although there are now motherboards on sale with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter to which an antenna is connected, nevertheless, a desktop computer usually does not have any built-in wireless network signal receiver. Therefore, we need a special gadget - a Wi-Fi adapter with a USB connector. Typically, it can operate on IEEE 802.11 b/g/n networks with a speed limit of up to 300 Mbps. New adapter models are designed for speeds up to 1300 Mbit/s (802.11ac technology).

    Like any other peripheral device, The Wi-Fi adapter requires the installation of special software and a driver, which should come with it. They must be installed and then in Windows in special program- Device Manager, our receiver should appear in the “Network adapters” section.

    When it becomes possible to access the Internet through your computer, it would be a good idea to check on the manufacturer’s website for driver updates. And if it is, then download it and install it. It may also be necessary to right-click on the corresponding adapter in the list and update manually.

    Entering settings for the router

    In the next step, we need to set special settings for our router. For different models, this procedure is somewhat different, and in order to do everything correctly, you need to find the instructions from your router, which will tell you how to log into it for configuration. The following option is possible:

    • Open the browser
    • In the field for entering the site address, enter something like " "without quotes, there may be other options" tplinklogin.net", " " and press Enter
    • A page will open asking you to enter your username and password. This is the username and password to log into the router. They are usually indicated either in the same instructions or on the box from the router. Attention! Do not confuse them with the password and login for Internet access. For example, this could be login: admin,passwod: admin or 1234 . Enter ours and click Enter.
    • Following the instructions, indicate in in the right place settings login and password for Internet access
    • Specify settings for the wireless network. At this stage, you need to come up with your own password, which will be used to connect your PC and other devices to Wi-Fi

    For example, for Zyxel models, go to the “Internet” tab, find the parameter “ PPPoE/VPN” and click on the “ Add connection”.

    In the window Connection setup“we make sure that this connection activated and used to access the Internet. You must specify PPPoE as the protocol type. In the fields Username" And " Password” indicates the data provided by the provider in the contract for connecting to the Internet. Typically, the IP address from the provider is issued automatically.

    If everything is done correctly, then in the “ Connections” the corresponding access profile will be added to the web space. After this, the network web can be used by any device connected to the network access point.

    After setting up the adapter in Windows, the corresponding wireless network icon will appear at the bottom right. By clicking on it, you can find our network and connect to it by entering the password created in the previous step.

    It should also be noted that the setup can also be done wired by connecting the router to a PC network cable, included in the kit. The process itself, described above, will not differ.

    Most routers support WPS - quick setup wireless connection. There is a special button on the adapter itself for this.

    Using proprietary software for the Wi-Fi adapter, you can easily connect to the Internet center by activating the WPS function. To do this, you just need to press a button on the adapter, and then immediately press a similar WPS button on the access point.

    Some problems connecting your computer to Wi-Fi

    Sometimes there are problems connecting the computer to the router. We find the list of connected devices in the corresponding parameters of the router, for example, in “ System Monitor" Here we pay attention to the current connection speed.

    If the connection speed differs significantly from that stated in the instructions, then it is advisable to increase it. This is done in the submenu, which is responsible for the Wi-Fi network.

    Other devices may interfere with WiFi operation, such as a keyboard or wireless headphones. Therefore, you can try to change the channel number over which data is transmitted. If the computer is located far from the access point, then it is necessary to increase the signal strength to 75 - 100%.

    You can also bring the WiFi adapter as close as possible to the router using USB extender, which usually comes included.

    To increase the speed of your Wi-Fi network, you need to constantly monitor software updates for the Internet center itself; fortunately, it is now available directly through the dashboard, without going to the manufacturer’s website.

    Mobile technologies have completely changed our lives. With their introduction, the need for wireless networks arose. By strictly following the instructions for the Internet center and adapter, you can achieve comfortable operation from any phone, tablet or computer. Personal computer– a stationary device, therefore, for maximum connection speed, it is necessary that the Wi-Fi receiver connected to it has a sufficient level of reception from the Internet center.

    Today, full-fledged work on a computer is only possible if you have access to the Internet. Outdated wired connections have lost their ground - just connect to the nearest access point. And if adapters on laptops, as a rule, are already installed by the manufacturer, then for a desktop PC you will need to install a Wi-Fi adapter. Let's figure out how to choose optimal model for various requirements.

    Types of adapters

    First of all, you need to decide wifi type adapter for computer. According to the installation features, there are two large groups. The first includes external models that are connected from outside the computer. The second group includes internal options, which are mounted in the device housing. Standing apart are adapters on the CardBus bus that are going out of fashion, but are still found, and are installed in a special connector.

    External Wi-Fi adapters

    External models are the most popular and easiest to install, since they do not require special knowledge of computer design. They can be installed outside the PC without opening the case. It is only necessary that the corresponding port, most often USB, be free.

    Sizes may vary: compact models practically do not protrude beyond the port, larger ones look like flash drives. For ease of placement or improved reception (for example, to physically bring the adapter closer to the access point), it is possible to connect via an extension cable.

    Since USB is universal port, then external models can be connected to almost any computer – even a desktop computer, even a laptop. Modern operating systems can recognize most of these models. Such USB adapter for your computer is automatically activated after installation.

    Please note that the transfer speed is the most modern models may exceed the capabilities of older connectors. For example, USB 2.0 will not be enough to use the entire channel of 802.11ac adapters - they must be connected to high-speed USB 3.0 ports.

    Occasionally you come across models with an Ethernet connector. In this case, communication is established between the adapter and the computer via a regular network cable.

    Internal wifi adapters

    Internal options provide for installation in the system unit. From the outside they may not be visible at all - of course, if the model does not have a special outdoor antenna to improve reception quality. But even in this case, it is located on the rear end of the PC and is practically not noticeable. So if the appearance of the computer is critical, it is also undesirable to occupy USB ports, then it’s better to stick with this option.

    Please note that if installed completely internally, the signal may not be transmitted as the metal parts of the housing will block the signal. Models with an external antenna almost never have such difficulties. Some adapters also provide for replacing the external part with a more powerful antenna.

    A typical installation option is inside the system unit in a connector like PCI Express, as for a regular network card. The PCI standard is less common because it is already becoming obsolete. At the same time, portability suffers, since you cannot quickly move the adapter to another PC, nor can you easily move it to improve the quality of reception.

    Wi Fi Card Bus adapters

    The rarest type of adapter, which has practically ceased to be produced. To install it you need a special connector. The advantages include compact dimensions and very easy setup, the disadvantages (along with low prevalence) are low power. Most often, such models are used in laptops - for example, when the main adapter fails.

    Wi-Fi adapter D-Link DWA 525

    An available internal model for connecting a PC to a network is DWA 525 from the company. To connect with Wi-Fi router can use 802.11 b/g/n protocols, which gives maximum speed at 150 Mbit/s. In most cases, this is enough for reliable operation in an apartment. The model supports WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption. For installation, you need a free PCI Express or PCI slot - both modifications are available, so you need to check which model you are purchasing.

    The antenna on the adapter is removed. The manufacturer guarantees that the device will work in OS from Windows XP to version 8 inclusive.

    WiFi adapter ASUS PCI N10

    Another internal adapter. The characteristics are similar to the previous model: installation in a PCI port, transmission speeds up to the same 150 Mbit/s thanks to an external antenna and the ability to work within 802.11n. For quick setup connection, you can use WPS, and communication will be automatically carried out over an encrypted channel. An additional plus is that the adapter can work as an access point.

    Wi-Fi adapter for desktop computer PC

    If the signal is weak, then the laptop can be moved closer to the access point. Co desktop computer such a trick will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately select a model taking into account the conditions at the site of its installation. So, in an apartment with a complex layout or thick walls, a more powerful option may be required. But you don’t have to limit yourself to an assortment of only external models or modify an existing one if the antenna cannot cope with reception.

    How to choose a Wi-Fi adapter

    If you have already chosen between internal and external option installation, it’s time to take a closer look at the technical characteristics of the devices. Pay attention to the following key points when choosing a Wi-Fi adapter for your PC:

    • compatibility with existing devices (primarily access point - router);
    • standards support as it determines the transfer speed;
    • frequency used;
    • transmitter power in the adapter;
    • the ability to encrypt the connection;
    • receiver range.

    Don't limit yourself to the speed written on the package. This is the theoretical maximum limit for this model. On real speed The above factors also influence.

    Also pay attention to your future place of work. If system unit hidden in the depths of a massive table, then it would be logical to try to move the antenna higher using an extension cord.

    Sometimes it is recommended to use an adapter from the same company that manufactured your router. There is a bit of common sense in this: the manufacturer can test the equipment for stability collaboration, and the software interface will most likely be similar. In practice popular models They connect quite successfully to routers from other manufacturers. Difficulties due to different manufacturers are extremely rare, usually with older equipment.


    First of all, check whether your computer has an appropriate free port. The PCI Express adapter cannot be installed in a USB connector, as well as in a regular PCI, and the model with Ethernet connection– into the Card Bus slot. As for the operating system, everything is simpler: popular models support the Windows and Mac OS lines at a decent level. Full list indicated on the packaging or in accompanying documentation.

    If you need to connect a specific device (for example, on an old Windows versions or a rare OS), first make sure that suitable drivers are available on the manufacturer’s website or on the CD supplied with the kit.


    Support for a particular communication standard determines the possible speed modes of communication between the adapter and the router. To work on high speed support for modern 802.11n or 802.11ac is required. If you use a device that supports only g or even b standards, then the connection speed will be very, very limited - it only makes sense to do this if the router does not support faster options.

    If you connect using a slow adapter, the router will automatically go into reduced performance mode. At the same time, all other connected devices will also be forced to work at a lower speed.

    The minimum reasonable requirement is to support version n of the standard. It provides speeds of 150 or 300 Mbps depending on the model. This will be enough for comfortable surfing the Internet and for watching video content without long waits.

    The 802.11ac standard features support for the 5 GHz frequency and is gradually gaining popularity. It provides data transfer at speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s. True, such speed may not be useful in home equipment. Unless you want to choose an adapter with an eye to the future or for professional purposes such as participating in online gaming tournaments or regularly working with large amounts of data.


    For work wireless equipment two different frequencies are used. Older or cheaper models usually use only the 2.4 band, newer and more expensive ones can operate in both bands or exclusively on 5 GHz. Therefore, you need to make sure that the adapter and router can “make friends” and use the same frequency for communication.

    The advantages of increased frequency are increased data transfer speed between devices. In addition, more channels can be placed in this range without overlapping each other. That is, individual access points, even if located closely, will not interfere with each other’s data transmission. And since such devices are more expensive, the radio air in this range is less busy, which has a positive effect on the stability and speed of the connection.

    However, this approach also has a drawback: the high-frequency signal penetrates less well through walls and other obstacles. Because of this, the radius confident reception all other things being equal, he may have less. If possible, it is recommended to test both connection options and choose the best one for your specific computer.

    Transmitting module power

    The transmitter power of a Wi-Fi adapter for a computer determines the range over which the radio signal will propagate. The higher it is, the more confidently the connection with the router will be maintained. This means that the data speed will be higher. On the other hand, legislation limits the maximum power.

    If there are obstacles between the computer and the router, it is better to focus on values ​​of about 20 dBm. In line-of-sight conditions (for example, if the access point is in the same room), less powerful models can be used.

    Access encryption

    Compound wirelessly due to the use of radio waves, it has a significant drawback: if you have the equipment and are close to the transmitter, the signal can be received by anyone. That is, the data is actually transmitted in an unprotected environment. So it is necessary to take care of encrypting access so that no one else can connect to the channel and view what is being transmitted on the radio.

    The modern WPA2 standard is a whole set of technologies aimed at protecting data. A strengthened version of the WPA3 standard has just been announced. But it is better to immediately abandon the outdated WEP, since hacking technologies have already been developed for it.


    An important parameter is the signal reception range. After all, Wi-Fi is of little use if you have to spend all your time near the access point. The more powerful the transmitter than better antenna, so on longer distance You can confidently maintain radio communication. However, it is worth keeping in mind that the manufacturer indicates this parameter for ideal conditions with numerous reservations. The fact is that the range is affected by the presence and material of the walls between the router and the adapter, the degree of radio noise (the number of routers or other radio equipment nearby), the frequency range used, etc.

    Other parameters

    Please note support MIMO technologies. Despite the ridiculous abbreviation, it allows you to improve the signal: instead of using one, you can use several antennas, both on the router side and on the adapter. In the standard version n, 4 pieces are allowed, and ac - 8 at once. Since in this case they all work in parallel, the speed increases several times. This also has a positive effect on the stability of the connection. True, such adapters are somewhat more expensive.

    If you also need to distribute Wi-Fi to devices nearby, check SoftAP support - this mode allows you to use the adapter as an additional signal transmitter. Then you can install one powerful module in your PC, and connect your smartphone or tablet to it.

    If an adapter is purchased to connect devices directly, make sure it supports the appropriate technology. For example it could be Wi-Fi Direct or Miracast. Otherwise, the adapter will be of no use.

    Setting up and connecting a Wi-Fi adapter

    Next, we’ll look at how to configure the purchased adapter. First you need to connect it to the appropriate connector. To connect via PCI or PCI Express, you will need to open the system unit. Then you need to carefully, without excessive pressure, place the adapter in the slot and make sure that it is fixed there. If the module has external antenna, you need to remove the plug from the rear wall and replace it with the strip that comes with the adapter. WITH external models everything is much simpler: you just need to connect it to a free USB.

    Popular models are well recognized by modern operating systems. The OS can install everything on its own necessary drivers and activate the new device. In that case additional customization may not be required - the computer will simply be able to connect to wireless networks using standard methods.

    If the system fails to install in automatic mode, we need to help her. Drivers can be found on the disk (if it was included with the device) or the manufacturer's website. To activate additional functions, such as Wi-Fi distribution from a computer or fine settings transfer parameters, a special proprietary utility may be required.

    First actions

    After installing the software, check for connectivity. If the drivers are installed correctly, the computer will be able to connect to your router. Specify correct name for access point and password. If necessary, configure interaction with the router - select the desired frequency range and the required standard, optimize communication using proprietary utilities.

    Network problems

    Sometimes after installation the network is unstable. The reasons may be different: incorrect configuration of the router or the computer itself, problems with software or even a faulty adapter. This manifests itself in the fact that the connection is interrupted some time after connection or the computer does not see Wi-Fi.

    The reason why this happens may be trivial: activated mode power saving for adapter. This is often found on laptops; the OS optimizes energy consumption by turning off everything “unnecessary”. To check, you need to open the settings in the properties of the wireless connection. Then on the power management tab you need to uncheck the box that allows you to turn off the device.

    Problems with the router

    You also need to check whether other devices can connect to the router. For example, using a smartphone or tablet. If another device successfully establishes a connection and maintains it stably, it means that the router itself is working correctly. Also try rebooting your router.

    Otherwise, you need to check the configuration of the access point: is it used? compatible standard, whether the same radio channel is selected (if disabled automatic setting), whether the correct password is specified. As a last resort, you can reset the router to factory settings and then configure it again, checking each step.

    It is also possible that the router firmware needs to be updated. In this case, you will need to download it from the manufacturer’s website and then update it through the router control panel. Detailed instructions for a specific model are usually indicated in the user manual.

    If all of the above measures do not help, make sure normal operation devices. For example, contact the manufacturer's service center to check.


    The problem may also lie in an outdated wireless connection profile - if the router settings have changed, but the operating system “does not know” about it. Then you need to delete the profile, after which it will be created again. First, launch the command line (CMD), then run the following command, specifying the profile name instead:

    netsh wlan delete profile name=

    After this, you will need to re-enter the password when connecting to the router.

    If you see a message that your connection is restricted, you can reset your TCP/IP settings to their default values. For this purpose in command line the following technique is used:

    netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

    After reboot, check the connection.

    If this does not help, check that the driver is installed correctly. In the OS control panel, select Device Manager, then in the list network adapters check yours. Open its settings and try to reinstall the driver (uninstall and reinstall). Use drivers from the official website. You can also try installing more old version drivers (with a lower index).

    Adapter failure

    When the above measures do not help or the adapter is not even detected by the system, perhaps the problem is in the device itself. To be on the safe side, you can try installing it on another computer. If it works there, you need to check your computer settings. If the adapter refuses to function on another machine, you need to replace it (if the warranty is still valid) or repair it.

    Happy Internet to you!