• Gives a VPN connection. Why do you need a VPN? Description of connection and correct configuration

    For today, it would be useful to consider a few questions related to VPN - what it is, what its features are and how it is configured.

    The fact is that many people today do not know anything about this technology, although now such knowledge can be very useful.

    Even if you look at it from a mercantile point of view, setting up a VPN is very expensive. good money.

    So it would be good in simple language explain what a VPN is and how you can configure this technology on Windows 7 and Windows 10, the most popular on at the moment operating systems.


    In general, VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, that is, virtual private network.

    To put it simply, this is a technology that allows, but not with the use of physical devices, such as switches and routers, and Internet resources.

    Essentially, a VPN creates one local network on top of another.

    On the Microsoft website you can find the picture shown in Figure 1. There you can clearly see what is meant in the phrase “creates one local network on top of another.”

    In practice, this is exactly what happens.

    In this picture you can see devices in the form of computers. The cloud implies a shared or public network, most often this is the most ordinary Internet.

    The two servers are connected to each other using a VPN.

    Moreover, these devices are also physically connected to each other. But in practice this is not at all necessary.

    This is precisely why the technology in question is needed - to avoid using cables and devices, but to make do with conventional technologies that transmit information.

    Yes, they also require cables, but they are not required for a specific VPN device.

    Reference: A local network is the connection of several devices into one network, which allows them to use each other’s resources.

    As mentioned above, in physical local networks, devices are connected to each other using optical cables, twisted pairs, radio channels, as well as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS, as well as various devices such as routers.

    So, in virtual networks, instead of all this, the most common Internet connection is used.

    Of course, access various devices is not provided just like that, it has its own levels of identification, which are aimed at “not letting strangers” into a particular VPN network.

    Now let's talk in more detail about how the connection occurs in a Virtual Private Network.

    A little about the structure

    There are two parts to a VPN structure: internal and external.

    Each individual computer is connected to both of these parts simultaneously. This is done using a server.

    Server in in this case acts as a kind of face control at the entrance to the club. It determines who logs into the virtual network and who goes to seek their fortune elsewhere.

    The computer that connects to the VPN must have authentication data with it, that is, some kind of one-time password, smart card or other means that will allow access this procedure.

    For us this is not particularly important, it is important that there is an authentication process at all.

    Today, specialists from various large companies developing new authentication methods.

    If we return to the same example with face control at the entrance to the club, then the person who comes to the club should know:

    1. Firstly, his name, which will allow him to go through the identification process;
    2. Secondly, he needs to know, for example, a one-time password, which is needed to pass authorization.

    In exactly the same way, a computer that comes and wants to join one of the VPN networks “carries” with it its name with an authorization tool.

    The server enters the above information into its database, in particular, the name of the connected computer.

    In the future, “face control” will no longer require the incoming “client” to provide his data.

    In principle, it should now be clear how VPNs work and what they are.

    In fact, in practical application everything is much more complicated and, if you want to become a network specialist, you will need to know quite a lot of information.

    In particular, this information concerns types of VPNs.

    VPN classification

    The full classification of this type of technology is shown in Figure 2.

    Now let's look at each type of classification in more detail.

    The classification criteria are:

    • Degree of protection. According to this criterion, there are such networks:
    1. Fully protected– based on inherently secure networks;
    2. “Trustedly” protected– lower degree of security, used when the “parent” network has a sufficient degree of reliability.
    • Method of implementation. According to this criterion, the following types of networks are distinguished:
    1. By hardware, that is, with the help real devices (this type still departs a little from the canons of a classic virtual network, which does not use all kinds of devices);
    2. By software;
    3. Combined method.
    • Purpose. Within this criterion, there are the following types of VPN:
    1. Intranet– most often used in companies where several branches are united;
    2. Extranet– used for organizing networks where there are not only internal corporate participants, but also clients;
    3. Remote Access– used to organize networks in which there are remote branches (most often these branches are staffed by one person remotely).
    • According to the protocol. Although it is possible to implement VPN using protocols such as IPX and AppleTalk, in practice only TCP/IP is used. The reason is very simple - this particular protocol is used everywhere on the Internet and developers simply do not see the point in “reinventing the wheel”.
    • By level of work. Everything fits here classic model OSI, but VPN works only at the data link (transferring information over channels), network (providing a connection) and transport (providing data transmission) levels.

    Of course, in practice, one network embodies several classification characteristics.

    Now let's move directly to how to set up a VPN network using the regular computer.

    Setting up a virtual network

    First, let's understand how this is done on Windows 7.

    On this operating system setting is carried out using the following comparative simple steps:

    • Open "Network and Sharing Center" shared access" To do this, click in the panel quick access on the network connection icon, right-click and select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.
    • It is worth saying that the network connection icon may not look the same as shown in Figure 3. It can also have the appearance that can be seen in Figure 4.
    • In the window that opens, you need to click on the item called “Setting up a new connection or network” (highlighted in Figure No. 5).

    • In the window that opens, you need to select the “Connect to a workplace” item and click the “Next” button (highlighted in Figure No. 6).

    • If any VPN connections are already on this computer, the window shown in Figure 7 will appear. In it you need to select the item “No, create a new connection” and again click the “Next” button.

    • In the window that appears, click on the “Use my Internet connection (VPN)” item. There is no Next button. There's nothing wrong with that.

    • Now you will need to enter your address and name VPN networks. As the window for creating a connection in Windows 7 suggests, you can find out about it from your network administrator.

    If you join any existing network, you need to ask the administrator for this information. Usually this is not difficult.

    They are entered into the fields highlighted in Figure 9.

    • In the same window, you need to check the box next to “Do not connect now...”, and then click the “Next” button.

    • Now all that remains is to enter the username and password for the corresponding network. The fields for this are highlighted in Figure 10.

    If you are connecting to the network for the first time, you will have to create this data, after which the server will check it and, if it matches, “allow” it to join the network, and you will be able to use it immediately.

    If the connection is not happening for the first time, the server will not check them, but will immediately “let them” into the network.

    • After entering the appropriate data, you just need to click the “Connect” button.

    • Next, a window will appear asking you to connect to the connected network right now. But it’s better to close this window by clicking on the corresponding button highlighted in Figure 11.

    Now the setup is complete and all that remains is to connect to the created network. To do this, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center” again.

    • In the window that opens, select the “Connect to network” item, highlighted in Figure 12.

    • In it, all you have to do is select the created connection and click the button highlighted in the same figure.

    So how to set up VPN connection on Windows 7 we already know.

    As for Windows 10, the algorithm of actions is almost the same. Only some interface elements and access paths to them may differ.

    For example, “Network and Sharing Center” looks almost the same as in Windows 7.

    Moreover, there is a very similar item called “Creating and setting up a new connection or network.”

    IN further action the settings are almost the same, only the interface will be slightly different.

    Inconvenience can only be for those Windows users 10, which do not use the so-called classic view, but the “Control Panel - home page", you will first need to go to the "Network and Internet" section, and then select "View network status and tasks".

    In any case, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the setup procedure and there cannot be. Interestingly, a VPN connection can be used even on Android devices.

    VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network.

    In common parlance, a VPN is a completely secure channel that connects your Internet-enabled device to any other device on the world wide web. To put it even simpler, we can imagine this more figuratively: without connecting to a VPN service, your computer (laptop, phone, TV or any other device) when accessing the network is like a private house not fenced in. At any moment, anyone can intentionally or accidentally break trees or trample the beds in your garden. WITH using a VPN your home turns into an impregnable fortress, the defense of which will simply be impossible to break.

    How does this work?

    Operating principle VPN simple and “transparent” to the end user. The moment you go online, a virtual “tunnel” is created between your device and the rest of the Internet, blocking any attempts from the outside to penetrate inside. For you, the work of the VPN remains absolutely “transparent” and invisible. Your personal business correspondence, Skype or telephone conversations will in no way be intercepted or eavesdropped. All your data is encrypted using a special encryption algorithm, which is almost impossible to crack.

    In addition to protection from external intrusion, VPN provides the opportunity to virtually visit any country in the world for a while and use network resources these countries, view television channels, which were previously unavailable. VPN will replace your IP address with any other one. To do this, you just need to select a country from the proposed list, for example the Netherlands, and all sites and services that you visit will automatically “think” that you are in this particular country.

    Why not an anonymizer or proxy?

    The question arises: why not just use some kind of anonymizer or proxy server on the network, because they also replace the IP address? Yes, everything is very simple - none of the above-mentioned services provide protection, you still remain “visible” to attackers, and therefore all the data that you exchange on the Internet. And, in addition, working with proxy servers requires you to have a certain ability to set precise settings. VPN operates on the following principle: “Connect and play”, no additional settings he doesn't demand it. The entire connection process takes a couple of minutes and is very simple.

    About free VPNs

    When choosing, you should remember that free VPNs almost always have restrictions on the amount of traffic and data transfer speed. This means that a situation may arise when you simply cannot continue to use the free VPN. Do not forget that the demon paid VPNs They are not always stable and are often overloaded. Even if your limit has not been exceeded, data transfer may take a long period of time due to the high load on the VPN server. Paid services VPN is great throughput, no restrictions on both traffic and speed, and the level of security is higher than that of free ones.

    Where to start?

    Majority VPN services provide the opportunity to test the quality for free for a short period. The testing period can be from several hours to several days. During testing, you usually get full access to all functionality VPN service. Our service makes it possible to find such VPN services using the link:

    The number of concepts and abbreviations that no one understands, relating to the emergence of new and modification of old technologies, is growing exponentially. VPN is one of them. This publication sets out to understand this confusing abbreviation and determine the reason for its frequent mention in relation to network connections.

    VPN, what is it?

    In principle, this is a regular network (“N” in the acronym stands for “Network”). But it has its own subtleties. Firstly, it is virtual, and secondly, it is private. That is, “Virtual” and “Private” (the first two letters of the abbreviation).

    VPN abbreviation

    It is called virtual because it exists at a certain level of abstraction from the hardware. This means that it does not care through what channels the communication is carried out, what devices are connected and other conditions. VPN uses all available resources for its functioning.

    But main feature The thing about a VPN is that it's private. Although it uses common communication channels and protocols, most often the Internet, the “uncle on the street” cannot enter it, but only a trusted participant who has the right to do so.

    Operating principle

    To understand how a VPN works, you need to consider the simplest case of communication between two points (computers). In the unprotected part of the path (most often the Internet), a tunnel is created connecting them. The difficulty is not in organizing such a connection, but in protecting the data that is vulnerable on an unprotected section of the network. Information passing through a public channel can be stolen or distorted by attackers.

    VPN device

    To prevent this, use various types its encryption. Therefore, the main task of a VPN connection is to ensure uniform encryption and decryption across its nodes, as well as pairing network protocols, if we are talking about different server systems.

    Why do you need a VPN?

    The main reason for creating a VPN was the desire, even the urgent need, to create secure networks that could be accessed regardless of geographic location. Remote access employees to the headquarters network from a business trip, for example. Further - more. There is no way for multinational corporations to run wires between their offices in different countries or continents. VPN technology comes to the rescue in this case too. A simpler example would be organizing a VPN based on local network enterprises to limit the powers of various groups, departments, workshops and the like.

    How to create a VPN network

    There are a number of applications for creating a VPN network, TeamViewer or Hamachi, for example. Although this can be done standard means Windows, but with less efficiency, security and convenience. To do this you need to enter " Network connections» computer through the “Control Panel”.

    Hamachi program

    In the “File” menu, select “New Connection”, where you indicate that the connection being created is a VPN. Next, you need to add or specify a user who will be allowed access. Then indicate that the connection will be carried out via the Internet and select the TCP/IP protocol as the connection protocol. In the last dialog box, you must click “Allow access” and VPN server Windows ready to work.

    Previously, the state had a rather mediocre understanding of the Internet, so it did not legally interfere with users. Today, while walking on the World Wide Web, you can increasingly come across the phrase: “This site is included in the register of prohibited sites” or “Your provider has blocked access.”

    So, if you want to regain complete freedom of action on the Internet and acquire another level of protection, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the technology of virtual private networks - VPN.

    VPN: term and principle of operation

    Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the name of a technology that allows the creation and overlay of one or more networks on top of any other user network.

    Now, how exactly does a VPN work? Your computer has a specific IP address that blocks access to certain sites. You enable VPN technology through some program or extension. VPN changes your address to an address from a server in another country (for example, Holland or Germany).

    Next, a security connection is created, which cannot be blocked by the provider. As a result, you get a secure protocol through which you can freely visit any Internet site, and completely anonymously.

    Structure and types of technology

    The whole technology works in two layers. The first is an internal network, the second is an external one. When you connect to the technology, the system identifies your network and then sends an authentication request. This technology very similar to authorization in some social network, only here everything is carried out through secure protocols and without the participation of the provider.

    Sami virtual networks are also divided into several categories. The main classification is based on the degree of protection, that is, the user can use both paid and free VPNs.

    The difference between them is the secure connection. For example, subscription systems will give you secure protocols such as PPTP, IPSec and others. While free VPNs often provide only “trusted” channels. That is, your network itself must be highly protected, and a VPN will only enhance the level of protection.

    To be honest, the biggest disadvantage of free VPN services is not even security, but stability and connection speed. Through free VPN The Internet will most likely work very slowly, and not always stable.

    A subscription to paid VPNs does not exceed $10 per month, but not every user needs it. For ordinary tasks, there is no point in purchasing Premium accounts; standard capabilities will suffice.

    Reasons to use a VPN

    Every user needs to use VPN technology, and here's why:

    • Data protection. Especially suitable for those users who like to connect to a neighbor’s “free” Wi-Fi connection, and then discover that their card data has been stolen. Such situations include gatherings in cafes and generally in any places with free Wi-Fi.
    • Complete anonymity. When you open new tab with the site - this action will be displayed on the provider’s server, so that your journey on the Internet can be tracked by any employee of the company. By turning on a VPN, you will hide your browsing history because you are using a different IP address.
    • The ability to surf the Internet without obstacles. Bookmakers, online casinos, torrents, forums, sites for adults - all the “underground” of the Internet is again available to you, everything is like in the old days.
    • Use of foreign resources. It is, of course, unlikely that you will use English-language services such as hulu.com, but still, you are provided with full access to all popular sites around the world.

    How to use a VPN on a computer?

    Let's consider a situation where we use a regular browser and want to visit blocked sites. In this situation, you can go two ways:

    1. install the VPN client (program) on your PC;
    2. add a browser extension via Webstore.

    Either the first or the second option - they are easily implemented, but for the full picture, let’s consider both.

    You can also use the free one.

    To install a VPN client, you need to download a program on the Internet, for example, “Betternet”. Let's launch installation file and install the client. We launch it, click: “Connect” and that’s it. The problem is that the program automatically gives us a random IP address, and we cannot select a country, but by pressing just one button we are already using a VPN. And one more disadvantage is the need to constantly launch the program, however, some clients have the ability to launch it simultaneously with the OS.

    The second way is to add an extension. The downside here is that, most often, registration is required to use it, plus the extensions have the ability to crash. But the extension is much easier to use - click on the icon in the browser, select the country and profit. At the moment, there are thousands of similar programs, you can choose any of them, for example, “Hotspot Shield”. Add the extension to your browser, register and no more technical points there won't be.

    For example, this is how the ZenMate VPN extension works in the browser:

    ABOUT VPN extensions For different browsers we wrote in the article: .

    How to use VPN on mobile devices?

    We will look at those devices that have popular operating systems on board, for example, iOS or Android.

    Using a VPN on smartphones or tablets is also quite simple, namely through mobile applications. The problem is that some programs require root rights, and these are additional hassles, plus the possibility of turning the phone into a “brick”. So look for programs that do not require you to have root rights. On Android, for example, it is OpenVPN, and on iOS it is Cloak. You can also use the free and proven one on iPhone and iPad. I use it myself sometimes, it works great.

    The download technology is very simple: download the application from Play Market or AppStore, install it on your device. Next, we activate the VPN, select a profile (from where we will get the IP address), then make a connection and that’s all. Now you are browsing the Internet through a VPN, which the application you are using will tell you about.

    Now you understand how VPN connection technology is implemented, and now your online experience will become more secure, anonymous, and most importantly - accessible and unlimited.