• Transmission of electricity without wires - from the beginning to the present day. New wireless power technology works like Wi-Fi

    The law of interaction of electric currents, discovered by André Marie Ampère in 1820, laid the foundation further development science of electricity and magnetism. 11 years later, Michael Faraday experimentally established that a changing magnetic field generated by an electric current can induce an electric current in another conductor. This is how it was created.

    In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell finally systematized Faraday's experimental data, giving them the form of precise mathematical equations, thanks to which the basis of classical electrodynamics was created, because these equations described the connection of the electromagnetic field with electric currents and charges, and the consequence of this should have been the existence of electromagnetic waves.

    In 1888, Heinrich Hertz experimentally confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell. His spark transmitter with a Ruhmkorff coil chopper could produce electromagnetic waves up to 0.5 gigahertz, which could be received by multiple receivers tuned in resonance with the transmitter.

    Receivers could be located at a distance of up to 3 meters, and if a spark occurred in the transmitter, sparks occurred in the receivers. This is how they were carried out first experiments in wireless transmission electrical energy using electromagnetic waves.

    In 1891, while researching alternating currents high voltage and high frequency, comes to the conclusion that it is extremely important for specific purposes to select both the wavelength and the operating voltage of the transmitter, and it is not at all necessary to make the frequency too high.

    The scientist notes that the lower limit of frequencies and voltages at which he managed to achieve best results, - from 15,000 to 20,000 vibrations per second at a potential of 20,000 volts. Tesla received a current of high frequency and high voltage using an oscillatory discharge of a capacitor (see -). He noticed that this type The electrical transmitter is suitable for both producing light and transmitting electricity to produce light.

    In the period from 1891 to 1894, the scientist repeatedly demonstrates wireless transmission and the glow of vacuum tubes in a high-frequency electrostatic field, while noting that the energy of the electrostatic field is absorbed by the lamp, converted into light, and the energy of the electromagnetic field is used for electromagnetic induction in order to obtain a similar The result is mostly reflected, and only a small fraction is converted into light.

    Even using resonance when transmitting using an electromagnetic wave, it will not be possible to transmit a significant amount of electrical energy, the scientist argued. His goal during this period of work was to transmit precisely large amounts of electrical energy wirelessly.

    Until 1897, in parallel with Tesla's work, research on electromagnetic waves was carried out by: Jagdish Bose in India, Alexander Popov in Russia, and Guglielmo Marconi in Italy.

    Following Tesla's public lectures, Jagdish Bose demonstrates the wireless transmission of electricity in November 1894 in Calcutta, where he ignites gunpowder, transmitting electrical energy over a distance.

    After Boche, namely on April 25, 1895, Alexander Popov, using Morse code, transmitted the first radio message, and this date (May 7, new style) is now celebrated annually in Russia as “Radio Day.”

    In 1896, Marconi, having arrived in Great Britain, demonstrated his apparatus, using Morse code to transmit a signal over a distance of 1.5 kilometers from the roof of the Post Office building in London to another building. After that, he improved his invention and managed to transmit a signal across the Salisbury Plain over a distance of 3 kilometers.

    Tesla in 1896 successfully transmits and receives signals at a distance between transmitter and receiver of approximately 48 kilometers. However, none of the researchers has yet succeeded in transmitting a significant amount of electrical energy over a long distance.

    Experimenting in Colorado Springs, Tesla would write in 1899: “The failure of the induction method seems enormous compared with the method of exciting the charge of the earth and air.” This will be the beginning of the scientist’s research aimed at transmitting electricity over significant distances without the use of wires. In January 1900, Tesla wrote in his diary about the successful transfer of energy to a coil “extended far into the field” from which the lamp was powered.

    And the scientist’s greatest success would be the launch of the Wardenclyffe Tower on Long Island on June 15, 1903, designed to transmit electrical energy over a considerable distance in large quantities without wires. The grounded secondary winding of the resonant transformer, topped with a copper spherical dome, was supposed to excite the earth charge and conductive layers of air to become an element of a large resonant circuit.

    So the scientist managed to power 200 50-watt lamps at a distance of about 40 kilometers from the transmitter. However, based on economic feasibility, funding for the project was stopped by Morgan, who from the very beginning invested money in the project in order to obtain wireless communications, and the transfer of free energy on an industrial scale over a distance was categorically not suitable for him as a businessman. In 1917, the tower, designed for wireless transmission of electrical energy, was destroyed.

    Much later, in the period from 1961 to 1964, an expert in the field of microwave electronics, William Brown, experimented in the USA with microwave beam energy transmission paths.

    In 1964, he was the first to test a device (a helicopter model) capable of receiving and using microwave beam energy in the form DC, thanks to an antenna array consisting of half-wave dipoles, each of which is loaded with highly efficient Schottky diodes. Already by 1976, William Brown transmitted a microwave beam of 30 kW power over a distance of 1.6 km with an efficiency exceeding 80%.

    In 2007, a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by Professor Marin Soljacic, was able to wirelessly transmit energy over a distance of 2 meters. The transmitted power was enough to power a 60-watt light bulb.

    Their technology (called ) is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance. The transmitter and receiver are two copper coils, each 60 cm in diameter, resonating at the same frequency. The transmitter is connected to a power source, and the receiver is connected to an incandescent lamp. The circuits are tuned to 10 MHz. The receiver in this case receives only 40-45% of the transmitted electricity.

    Around the same time, Intel demonstrated a similar technology for wireless power transmission.

    In 2010, Haier Group, a Chinese manufacturer of home appliances, presented its unique product- a completely wireless LCD TV based on this technology.

    Ecology of consumption. Technologies: Scientists at the American Disney Research Laboratory have developed a wireless charging method that makes wires and chargers.

    Today's smartphones, tablets, laptops and other portable devices have enormous power and performance. But, in addition to all the advantages of mobile electronics, it also has reverse side– constant need to recharge via wires. Despite all the new battery technology, this necessity reduces the convenience of devices and limits their movement.

    Scientists at the American Disney Research Laboratory have found a solution to this problem. They developed a wireless charging method that made wires and chargers unnecessary. Moreover, their method allows you to simultaneously charge not only gadgets, but also, for example, household appliances and lighting.

    "Our innovative method makes electric current as ubiquitous as Wi-Fi,” says Alanson Sample, one of the laboratory’s directors and its leading scientist. “It opens the way for further developments in robotics, previously limited by battery capacity. So far we have demonstrated the operation of the installation in a small room, but there are no obstacles to increasing its capacity to the size of a warehouse.”

    A system for wireless transmission of electricity was developed back in the 1890s by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, but the invention did not receive mass distribution. Today's wireless power transmission systems operate mainly in extremely confined spaces.

    The method, called quasistatic cavity resonance (QSCR), involves applying current to the walls, floor and ceiling of a room. They, in turn, generate magnetic fields that act on a receiver containing a coil connected to the device being charged. The electricity generated in this way is transferred to the battery, having previously passed through capacitors that exclude the influence of other fields.

    Tests have shown that in this way up to 1.9 kilowatts of power can be transmitted through a regular electrical network. This energy is enough to simultaneously charge up to 320 smartphones. Moreover, according to scientists, such technology is not expensive and its commercial production can be easily established.

    The tests took place in a room specially created from aluminum structures measuring 5 by 5 meters. Sample emphasized that metal walls may not be necessary in the future. It will be possible to use conductive panels or special paint.

    The developers claim that their method of transmitting energy through the air does not pose any threat to human health or any other living beings. Their safety is ensured by discrete capacitors that act as an insulator against potentially dangerous electric fields. published

    For many years, scientists have been struggling with the issue of minimizing electrical costs. There are different methods and proposals, but the most famous theory is the wireless transmission of electricity. We propose to consider how it is carried out, who is its inventor and why it has not yet been implemented.


    Wireless electricity is literally the transfer of electrical energy without wires. People often compare the wireless transmission of electrical energy with the transmission of information, such as radios, cell phones, or Wi-Fi access to the Internet. The main difference is that radio or microwave transmission is a technology aimed at restoring and transporting information, and not the energy that was originally expended on transmission.

    Wireless electricity is relatively new area technology, but quite dynamically developing. Methods are now being developed to efficiently and safely transmit energy over a distance without interruption.

    How does wireless electricity work?

    The main work is based specifically on magnetism and electromagnetism, as is the case with radio broadcasting. Wireless charging, also known as inductive charging, is based on a few simple operating principles, in particular the technology requires two coils. A transmitter and receiver, which together generate an alternating magnetic field of non-direct current. In turn, this field causes a voltage in the receiver coil; this can be used to power a mobile device or charge a battery.

    If you send electric current through a wire, a circular magnetic field is created around the cable. Despite the fact that the magnetic field affects both the loop and the coil, it is most pronounced on the cable. When we take a second coil of wire that is not receiving any electric current passing through it, and a place where we place a coil in the magnetic field of the first coil, the electric current from the first coil will be transmitted through the magnetic field and through the second coil, creating an inductive coupling.

    Let's take an electric toothbrush as an example. In it, the charger is connected to an outlet, which sends an electric current to a twisted wire inside the charger, which creates a magnetic field. There is a second coil inside the toothbrush, when current begins to flow and, thanks to the formed MF, the brush begins to charge without being directly connected to a 220 V power supply.


    Wireless transmission energy as an alternative to the transmission and distribution of electrical lines was first proposed and demonstrated by Nikola Tesla. In 1899, Tesla presented the wireless transmission of power to a field of fluorescent lamps located twenty-five miles from the power source without the use of wires. But at the time, it was cheaper to wire 25 miles of copper wire rather than build the special power generators that Tesla's expertise required. He was never given a patent, and the invention remained in the recesses of science.

    While Tesla was the first person to demonstrate practical possibilities wireless communications back in 1899, today there are very few devices on sale, these are wireless brushes, headphones, phone chargers, etc.

    Wireless technology

    Wireless energy transfer involves the transfer of electrical energy or power over a distance without wires. Thus, the core technology lies on the concepts of electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism.


    It is a fundamental force of nature that causes certain types of material to attract or repel each other. The only permanent magnets are the Earth's poles. The flow current in the circuit generates magnetic fields that differ from oscillating magnetic fields in the speed and time required to generate AC(AC). The forces that appear in this case are depicted in the diagram below.

    This is how magnetism appears

    Electromagnetism is the interdependence of alternating electric and magnetic fields.

    Magnetic induction

    If the conductive loop is connected to an AC power source, it will generate an oscillating magnetic field in and around the loop. If the second conductive circuit is close enough, it will capture part of this oscillating magnetic field, which in turn generates or induces an electric current in the second coil.

    Video: how wireless electricity transfer occurs

    Thus it happens electric transmission power from one cycle or coil to another, which is known as magnetic induction. Examples of this phenomenon are used in electrical transformers and generators. This concept is based on Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction. There, he states that when there is a change in the magnetic flux connecting to a coil, the emf induced in the coil is equal to the product of the number of turns of the coil and the rate of change of flux.

    Power coupling

    This part is necessary when one device cannot transmit energy to another device.

    Magnetic coupling is generated when an object's magnetic field is capable of inducing an electrical current with other devices within its range.

    Two devices are said to be mutually inductively coupled or magnetically coupled when they are arranged so that a change in current as one wire induces a voltage at the ends of the other wire by means of electromagnetic induction. This is due to mutual inductance


    Inductive coupling principle

    Two devices mutually inductively coupled or magnetically coupled are designed so that the change in current when one wire induces a voltage at the ends of the other wire is produced by electromagnetic induction. This is due to mutual inductance.
    Inductive coupling is preferred due to its ability to operate wirelessly as well as its resistance to shock.

    Resonant inductive coupling is a combination of inductive coupling and resonance. Using the concept of resonance, you can make two objects work depending on each other's signals.

    As can be seen from the diagram above, resonance is provided by the inductance of the coil. The capacitor is connected in parallel to the winding. Energy will move back and forth between the magnetic field surrounding the coil and the electric field around the capacitor. Here, radiation losses will be minimal.

    There is also the concept of wireless ionized communication.

    It can also be implemented, but it requires a little more effort. This technique already exists in nature, but it is hardly feasible to implement it, since it requires a high magnetic field, from 2.11 M/m. It was developed by the brilliant scientist Richard Walras, the developer of a vortex generator that sends and transmits heat energy over vast distances, in particular with the help of special collectors. The simplest example of such a connection is lightning.

    Pros and cons

    Of course, this invention has its advantages and disadvantages over wired methods. We invite you to consider them.

    The advantages include:

    1. Complete absence of wires;
    2. No power supplies needed;
    3. The need for a battery is eliminated;
    4. Energy is transferred more efficiently;
    5. Significantly less maintenance required.

    The disadvantages include the following:

    • Distance is limited;
    • magnetic fields are not so safe for humans;
    • wireless transmission of electricity using microwaves or other theories is practically impossible at home and with your own hands;
    • high installation cost.

    Wireless electricity has been known since 1831, when Michael Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. He experimentally established that a changing magnetic field generated by an electric current can induce an electric current in another conductor. Numerous experiments were carried out, thanks to which the first electrical transformer appeared. However, to fully implement the idea of ​​transmitting electricity over a distance in practical application Only Nikola Tesla succeeded.

    At the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, he demonstrated the wireless transmission of electricity by lighting phosphorus bulbs that were spaced apart. Tesla demonstrated many variations on the transmission of electricity without wires, dreaming that in the future this technology would allow people to transmit energy in the atmosphere to long distances. But at this time this invention of the scientist turned out to be unclaimed. Only a century later did people become interested in Nikola Tesla’s technologies Intel and Sony, and then other companies.

    How does this work

    Wireless electricity literally refers to the transmission of electrical energy without wires. This technology is often compared to the transmission of information, such as Wi-Fi, cell phones and radios. Wireless electricity– This is a relatively new and dynamically developing technology. Today, methods are being developed to safely and efficiently transmit energy over a distance without interruption.

    The technology is based on magnetism and electromagnetism and is based on a number of simple principles work. First of all, this concerns the presence of two coils in the system.

    • The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver, which together generate an alternating magnetic field of variable current.
    • This field creates voltage in the receiver coil, for example, to charge a battery or power a mobile device.
    • When directed electric current through the wire, a circular magnetic field appears around the cable.
    • On a coil of wire that is not receiving electric current directly, electric current will begin to flow from the first coil through the magnetic field, including the second coil, providing inductive coupling.

    Transfer principles

    Until recently, the magnetic resonance system CMRS, created in 2007 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was considered the most advanced technology for transmitting electricity. This technology provided current transmission over a distance of up to 2.1 meters. However, some restrictions prevented it from being put into mass production, for example, high frequency transfers, large sizes, complex coil configuration, as well as high sensitivity to external interference, including human presence.

    However, scientists from South Korea have created a new electricity transmitter that will transmit energy up to 5 meters. And all devices in the room will be powered by a single hub. The resonant system of DCRS dipole coils is capable of operating up to 5 meters. The system does not have a number of disadvantages of CMRS, including the use of fairly compact coils measuring 10x20x300 cm, which can be discreetly installed in the walls of an apartment.

    The experiment made it possible to transmit at a frequency of 20 kHz:

    1. 209 W at 5 m;
    2. 471 W at 4 m;
    3. 1403 W at 3 m.

    Wireless electricity allows you to power modern large LCD TVs, which require 40 W, at a distance of 5 meters. The only thing that will be “pumped out” from the electrical network is 400 watts, but there will be no wires. Electromagnetic induction provides high efficiency, but over a short distance.

    There are other technologies that allow you to transmit electricity wirelessly. The most promising of them are:

    • Laser radiation . Provides network security as well as greater range. However, line of sight between the receiver and transmitter is required. Working installations using power from a laser beam have already been created. Lockheed Martin, an American manufacturer of military equipment and aircraft, tested the Stalker unmanned aerial vehicle, which is powered by a laser beam and remains in the air for 48 hours.
    • Microwave radiation . Provides a long range, but has a high equipment cost. A radio antenna is used as a transmitter of electricity, which creates microwave radiation. The receiver device has a rectenna, which converts the received microwave radiation into electric current.

    This technology makes it possible to significantly distance the receiver from the transmitter, and there is no direct need for line of sight. But as the range increases, the cost and size of the equipment increases proportionally. At the same time, microwave radiation high power generated by the installation may be harmful to the environment.


    • The most realistic of the technologies is wireless electricity based on electromagnetic induction. But there are limitations. Work is underway to scale the technology, but health safety issues arise here.
    • Technologies for transmitting electricity using ultrasound, laser and microwave radiation will also develop and will also find their niches.
    • Orbiting satellites with huge solar panels need a different approach, targeted transmission of electricity will be required. Laser and microwave are appropriate here. On at the moment No perfect solution, however, there are many options with their pros and cons.
    • Currently, the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturers have united in the Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Consortium to create a worldwide standard for wireless chargers that operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Among the major manufacturers, support for the QI standard on a number of their models is provided by Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola Mobility, LG Electronics, Huawei, and HTC. Soon QI will become a single standard for any similar devices. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create wireless charging zones for gadgets in cafes, transport hubs and other public places.


    • Microwave helicopter. The helicopter model had a rectenna and rose to a height of 15 m.
    • Wireless electricity is used to power electric toothbrushes. The toothbrush has a completely sealed body and has no connectors, which avoids electric shock.
    • Powering aircraft using lasers.
    • Wireless charging systems for mobile devices that can be used every day have become available on sale. They work on the basis of electromagnetic induction.
    • Universal charging pad. They allow you to power most of the popular models smartphones that are not equipped with a wireless charging module, including regular phones. In addition to the charging pad itself, you will need to buy a receiver case for the gadget. It connects to a smartphone via a USB port and is charged through it.
    • Currently, over 150 devices up to 5 Watts that support the QI standard are sold on the world market. In the future, equipment with average power up to 120 Watt will appear.


    Today we are working on large projects, which will use wireless electricity. This is power supply for electric vehicles “over the air” and household electrical networks:

    • A dense network of car charging points will make it possible to reduce batteries and significantly reduce the cost of electric vehicles.
    • Power supplies will be installed in each room, which will transmit electricity to audio and video equipment, gadgets and household appliances equipped with appropriate adapters.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Wireless electricity has the following advantages:

    • No power supplies required.
    • Complete absence of wires.
    • Eliminate the need for batteries.
    • Less maintenance required.
    • Huge prospects.

    Disadvantages also include:

    • Insufficient technology development.
    • Limited by distance.
    • Magnetic fields are not completely safe for humans.
    • High cost of equipment.

    Discovered a law (later named Ampere's law after its discoverer), showing that electric current produces a magnetic field.

  • IN 1831 Michael Faraday discovered the law of induction, an important basic law of electromagnetism.
  • IN 1864 year, James Maxwell systematized the results of observations and experiments, studied the equations of electricity, magnetism and optics, created a theory and compiled a strict mathematical description behavior of the electromagnetic field (see Maxwell's equations).
  • IN 1888 Heinrich Hertz confirmed the existence of the electromagnetic field. " Apparatus for generating an electromagnetic field Hertz's was a spark transmitter of "radio waves" and created waves in the microwave or UHF frequency ranges.
  • IN 1891 year Nikola Tesla improved and patented (patent number 454,622; “System electric lighting"") Hertzian wave transmitter for radio frequency power supply.
  • IN 1893 Nikola Tesla demonstrated wireless lighting using fluorescent lamps at the World Exhibition held in Chicago in 1893.
  • IN 1894 Nikola Tesla wirelessly lit a phosphorus incandescent lamp in a laboratory on Fifth Avenue, and later in a laboratory on Houston Street in New York using “electrodynamic induction,” that is, through wireless resonant mutual induction.
  • IN 1894 Jagdish Chandra Bose remotely ignited gunpowder, striking a bell, using electromagnetic waves, showing that communication signals could be sent wirelessly.
  • On April 25 (May 7), Alexander Popov demonstrated the radio receiver he had invented at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physical-Chemical Society.
  • IN 1895 Bose transmitted the signal over a distance of about one mile.
  • On June 2, 1896, Guglielmo Marconi applied for the invention of radio.
  • IN 1896 Tesla transmitted a signal over a distance of about 48 kilometers.
  • IN 1897 Guglielmo Marconi gave text message in Morse code over a distance of about 6 km, using a radio transmitter.
  • IN 1897 The first of Tesla's patents on the use of wireless transmission was registered.
  • IN 1899 year in Colorado Springs, Tesla wrote: “The failure of the method of induction seems enormous compared with method of exciting the charge of earth and air» .
  • IN 1900 Guglielmo Marconi was unable to obtain a patent for the invention of radio in the United States.
  • IN 1901 Marconi transmitted a signal across the Atlantic Ocean using a Tesla apparatus.
  • IN 1902 Tesla and Reginald Fessenden were in conflict over US patent number 21,701 (“System for transmitting signals (wireless). Selective actuation of incandescent lamps, electronic logic elements in general”).
  • IN 1904 year at the World's Fair held in St. Louis, a prize was offered for the successful attempt to control the engine of an airship with the power 0.1 hp (75 W) from energy transmitted remotely over a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m).
  • IN 1917 The Wardenclyffe Tower, built by Nikola Tesla to conduct experiments on the wireless transmission of high power, was destroyed.
  • IN 1926 year, Shintaro Uda and Hidetsugu Yagi published the first article " about an adjustable directional high-gain communication channel”, well known as the “Yagi-Uda antenna” or “wave channel” antenna.
  • IN 1945 Semyon Tetelbaum published the article “On the wireless transmission of electricity over long distances using radio waves,” in which he was the first to consider the effectiveness of a microwave line for wireless transmission of electricity.
  • IN 1961 William Brown published an article exploring the possibility of transmitting energy through microwaves.
  • IN 1964 In 2009, William Brown and Walter Kronikt, on CBS News, demonstrated a model of a helicopter that received all the energy it needed from a microwave beam.
  • IN 1968 Peter Glaser proposed the use of wireless transmission of solar energy from space using Energy Beam technology. This is considered the first description of an orbital power system.
  • IN 1973 The world's first passive RFID system was demonstrated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  • IN 1975 In 2008, experiments were conducted at the Goldstone Observatory's deep space communications complex to transmit power of tens of kilowatts.
    • IN 2007 In 2009, a research team led by Professor Marin Soljačić wirelessly transmitted over a distance of 2 m energy sufficient to light a 60-watt light bulb with an efficiency of 40% using two coils with a diameter of 60 cm.
    • IN 2008 In 2009, Bombardier proposed a system for wireless power transmission, called "primove" and intended for use in trams and light-duty engines. railway.
    • IN 2008 In 2009, Intel employees reproduced the experiments of Nikola Tesla in 1894 and the experiments of John Brown's group in 1988 on wireless energy transfer to light incandescent lamps with an efficiency of 75%.
    • IN 2009 In 2009, a consortium of interested companies called the Wireless Power Consortium developed a low-current wireless power standard called "". Qi has begun to be used in portable technology.
    • IN 2009 In 2018, the Norwegian company Wireless Power & Communication presented an industrial flashlight it had developed that could operate safely and be recharged without contact in an atmosphere saturated with flammable gas.
    • IN 2009 In 2018, Haier Group introduced the world's first fully wireless LCD TV, based on Professor Marin Soljačić's research on wireless power transmission and Wireless Home Digital Interface (WHDI).
    • IN 2011 This year, the Wireless Power Consortium began expanding the specifications of the Qi standard for medium currents.
    • IN 2012 In 2009, the private St. Petersburg museum “Grand Model Russia” began operating, in which miniature car models received wireless power supply through a model of the roadway.
    • IN 2015 This year, scientists from the University of Washington discovered that electricity can be transmitted via Wi-Fi technology.


    Ultrasonic method

    An ultrasonic method of energy transfer was invented by students at the University of Pennsylvania and first presented to the general public at the exhibition “The All Things Digital” (D9) in 2011. As with other methods of transmitting something wirelessly, a receiver and a transmitter were used. The transmitter emitted ultrasound; the receiver, in turn, converted what was heard into electricity. At the time of presentation, the transmission distance reached 7-10 meters, and direct visibility of the receiver and transmitter was necessary. The transmitted voltage reached 8 volts; the resulting current is not reported. The ultrasonic frequencies used have no effect on humans. There is also no information about the negative effects of ultrasonic frequencies on animals.

    Electromagnetic induction method

    Wireless energy transfer using electromagnetic induction uses a near-field electromagnetic field at distances of about one-sixth of a wavelength. Near-field energy itself is not radiative, but some radiative losses do occur. In addition, as a rule, resistive losses also occur. Thanks to electrodynamic induction, an alternating electric current flowing through the primary winding creates an alternating magnetic field, which acts on the secondary winding, inducing an electric current in it. To achieve high efficiency, the interaction must be quite close. As the secondary winding moves away from the primary, more and more of the magnetic field does not reach the secondary winding. Even over relatively short distances, inductive coupling becomes extremely inefficient, wasting most of the transmitted energy.

    An electrical transformer is the simplest device for wireless energy transfer. The primary and secondary windings of the transformer are not directly connected. Energy transfer occurs through a process known as mutual induction. The main function of a transformer is to increase or decrease the primary voltage. Contactless chargers for mobile phones and electric toothbrushes are examples of the use of the principle of electrodynamic induction. Induction cookers also use this method. The main disadvantage of the wireless transmission method is the extreme short distance his actions. The receiver must be in close proximity to the transmitter in order to communicate with it effectively.

    The use of resonance slightly increases the transmission range. With resonant induction, the transmitter and receiver are tuned to the same frequency. Performance can be improved further by changing the control current waveform from sinusoidal to non-sinusoidal transient waveforms. Pulsed energy transfer occurs over several cycles. In this way, significant power can be transferred between two mutually tuned LC circuits with a relatively low coupling coefficient. The transmitting and receiving coils, as a rule, are single-layer solenoids or a flat spiral with a set of capacitors that allow the receiving element to be tuned to the frequency of the transmitter.

    A common application of resonant electrodynamic induction is charging batteries portable devices such as laptop computers and cell phones, medical implants and electric vehicles. The localized charging technique uses the selection of an appropriate transfer coil in a multilayer winding array structure. Resonance is used in both the wireless charging panel (transmitting circuit) and the receiver module (built into the load) to ensure maximum power transfer efficiency. This transmission technique is suitable for universal wireless charging pads for recharging portable electronics such as mobile phones. The technique has been adopted as part of the Qi wireless charging standard.

    Resonant electrodynamic induction is also used to power devices that do not have batteries, such as RFID tags and contactless smart cards, as well as to transfer electrical energy from the primary inductor to the helical resonator of the Tesla transformer, which is also a wireless transmitter of electrical energy.

    Electrostatic induction

    Laser method

    If the wavelength electromagnetic radiation approaches the visible region of the spectrum (from 10 µm to 10 nm), energy can be transferred by converting it into a laser beam, which can then be directed to a photocell of the receiver.

    Laser energy transmission has a number of advantages compared to other wireless transmission methods:

    • energy transfer over long distances (due to the small divergence angle between narrow beams of a monochromatic light wave);
    • ease of use for small products (due to the small size of the solid-state laser - photoelectric semiconductor diode);
    • absence of radio frequency interference for existing communications devices, such as Wi-Fi and cell phones (laser does not create such interference);
    • possibility of access control (only receivers illuminated by a laser beam can receive electricity).

    U this method There are also a number of disadvantages:

    • Converting low-frequency electromagnetic radiation into high-frequency radiation, which is light, is ineffective. Converting light back into electricity is also inefficient, since the efficiency of solar cells reaches 40-50%, although the efficiency of converting monochromatic light is much higher than the efficiency of solar panels;
    • losses in the atmosphere;
    • the need for line of sight between the transmitter and receiver (as with microwave transmission).

    Laser power transfer technology has previously been primarily explored in the development of new weapons systems and the aerospace industry, and is currently being developed for commercial and consumer electronics applications in low power applications. Wireless power transmission systems for consumer applications must meet the laser safety requirements of IEC 60825. To better understand laser systems, it should be taken into account that laser beam propagation is much less dependent on diffraction limitations, as spatial and spectral matching of laser characteristics allows increase operating power and distance as wavelength affects focusing.

    NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center demonstrated the flight of a light unmanned model aircraft powered by a laser beam. This proved the possibility of periodic recharging through laser system without the need to land the aircraft.

    Alternating current can be transmitted through layers of the atmosphere having an atmospheric pressure of less than 135 mmHg. Art. Current flows by electrostatic induction through the lower atmosphere approximately 2-3 miles (3.2-4.8 kilometers) above sea level and by ion flux, that is, electrical conduction, through the ionized region located above 5 km. Intense vertical beams of ultraviolet radiation can be used to ionize atmospheric gases directly above the two elevated terminals, resulting in the formation of plasma high voltage lines power transmission lines leading directly to the conductive layers of the atmosphere. As a result, a flow of electric current is formed between the two elevated terminals, passing to the troposphere, through it and back to the other terminal. Electrical conductivity through the layers of the atmosphere is made possible by a capacitive plasma discharge in an ionized atmosphere.

    Nikola Tesla discovered that electricity can be transmitted both through the earth and through the atmosphere. In the course of his research, he achieved the ignition of a lamp at moderate distances and recorded the transmission of electricity over long distances. The Wardenclyffe Tower was conceived as a commercial project for transatlantic wireless telephony and became a real demonstration of the possibility of wireless power transmission on a global scale. The installation was not completed due to insufficient funding.

    The earth is a natural conductor and forms one conductive circuit. The return loop occurs through the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere at an altitude of about 4.5 miles (7.2 km).

    A global system for transmitting electricity without wires, the so-called “Worldwide Wireless System,” based on the high electrical conductivity of plasma and the high electrical conductivity of the earth, was proposed by Nikola Tesla in early 1904 and could well have been the cause of the Tunguska meteorite that arose as a result of “ short circuit“between the charged atmosphere and the ground.

    Worldwide Wireless System

    The early experiments of the famous Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla concerned the propagation of ordinary radio waves, that is, Hertzian waves, electromagnetic waves propagating in space.

    In 1919, Nikola Tesla wrote: “It is believed that I began work on wireless transmission in 1893, but in fact I had been conducting research and constructing equipment for the previous two years. It was clear to me from the very beginning that success could be achieved through a series of radical decisions. High frequency oscillators and electrical oscillators had to be created first. Their energy had to be converted into efficient transmitters and received at a distance by suitable receivers. Such a system would be effective if it excluded any outside interference and ensured its complete exclusivity. Over time, however, I realized that for efficient work Devices of this kind must be developed taking into account the physical properties of our planet.”

    One of the conditions for creating a worldwide wireless system is the construction of resonant receivers. A Tesla coil's grounded helical resonator and elevated terminal can be used as such. Tesla personally repeatedly demonstrated the wireless transmission of electrical energy from the transmitting to the receiving Tesla coil. This became part of his wireless transmission system (U.S. Patent No. 1119732, January 18, 1902, "Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy"). Tesla proposed installing more than thirty transceiver stations around the world. In this system, the take-up coil acts as a step-down transformer with a high current output. The parameters of the transmitting coil are identical to the receiving coil.

    The goal of Tesla's worldwide wireless system was to combine energy transmission with radio broadcasting and directional wireless communication, which would eliminate numerous high-voltage power lines and promote interconnection electrical generators on a global scale.

    See also

    • WiTricity


    1. "Electricity at the Columbian Exposition", by John Patrick Barrett. 1894, pp. 168-169 (English)
    2. Experiments with Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination, AIEE, Columbia College, N.Y., May 20, 1891 (English)
    3. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency, IEE Address, London, February 1892
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