• Create an application for VK. How to make the VKontakte application yourself: free designer

    VK.com is the most popular social network created in Europe by Pavel Durov. Creating applications for VKontakte is programming. Without programming skills and knowledge, it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately start creating applications for VKontakte.

    Start of development

    But in order for VKontakte application development to be successful, you first need to know what exactly you want to get. It is necessary to understand what they are variable functions, condition, loops, basics of working with iframe and flash, and so on. The basics of programming must be obtained even before the process of starting to develop applications for VK.

    Creating applications for VKontakte is divided into three main types:

    • using iframe.
    • flash based.
    • independent on various applications
    • At the first and most important stage, you will need to carefully read the documents that the administration of the VK site has compiled for all developers.
    • Proceed directly to creating the application.

    Types of applications for VK

    Before you start wondering how to order various applications in VK, you definitely need to know that there are two main types of them on this particular resource. This, by the way, is also reflected in the official documentation.

    1) Application Iframe. This type can be done using a variety of technologies provided by browsers and available on at the moment. Then, on the pages of the social network VKontakte, a certain window will immediately appear in which everyone will be able to use this application. The program itself will transmit and receive data using JavaScript.

    2) Flash applications. This type They are a variety of files and have a .swf extension. They can be done in a special environment Adobe Flash:

    Then compilation into a file is also carried out.

    After which they are uploaded directly to the servers of this resource or to your own server.

    It is worth mentioning separately about some very important programming languages, as well as technologies that you must know when developing.

    • Action Script
    • Adobe Flash
    • 3D engines
    • JavaScript

    In addition, on the Yudu website, you can order any services for creating applications on the VKontakte social network. The prices for such services here are extremely affordable. It is worth ordering the creation of applications for VKontakte right here because this procedure is carried out by highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience.

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    How to make an application on VKontakte

    This article will help you try to create an application or game on VKontakte yourself, tell you about the types of applications, their sources and much more.

    VKontakte is a currently extremely popular social network. It is not surprising that program developers became interested in it. Applications make communication more interesting, bring originality and novelty to it.

    Creating an application yourself

    Creating a VKontakte application is not an easy task. This requires certain knowledge and skills. A desire to learn and a desire for self-improvement is also absolutely necessary. If you are interested in creating applications in VK, you should be prepared to encounter certain difficulties along the way.

    Let's talk about how to create a VKontakte application yourself. At the first stage, you will need to read the documents that the VKontakte administration has compiled for developers.

    If you are interested in how to create a VKontakte application for free, you will need to follow the following link:. The documents say that all developed applications will use API. This abbreviation translates from English as application programming interface. In other words, this is a list of commands that can be used various programs VKontakte.

    Application Types

    Before you start thinking about how to create an application in VK, you need to know that there are two types of them on this resource. This, by the way, is reflected in the documentation.

    • Flash applications. They are files for which the extension is provided .swf. They are made in the environment Adobe Flash, then it is compiled into a file, after which it is downloaded to the server of this resource or to its own server.
    • Application Iframe. They can be done using various technologies provided by browsers available today. Then a certain window will appear on the VKontakte page in which people can use this application. The program will transmit and receive data using JavaScript.

    Training video

    Anyone who wants to understand how to create a VKontakte application should see this process with their own eyes. After all, this way the information is perceived much better. The video can open your eyes to many questions.

    We hope that now it has become more clear to you how to make a VKontakte application.

    What you need to know

    I would especially like to say about some programming languages And technologies that you will need to know. How to make applications in VK without knowing them? This is unrealistic. Here is the list:

    • Adobe Flash
    • Action Script
    • 3D engines
    • JavaScript

    Learning all this will take certain time. Your success will depend solely on how many hours a day you are willing to devote to studying. A person who thinks day and night about how to make a VKontakte application will, of course, figure it out in the shortest possible time.

    Application sources

    Today you can find the source codes of VKontakte applications on the Internet. Many can be downloaded for free on file hosting services.

    However, if you want to get the source code of some specific application, follow these instructions:

    So we got offline version of the source code. In order to receive the application codes themselves, you will need decompilers . You will need to work on this file with their help.

    If all this seems complicated to you, it will be easier to download the source code of the application. However, it should be taken into account that the source codes of not all programs can be easily downloaded on the Internet.

    Paid application development

    Separately, it should be noted that the development of VKontakte applications in some cases is carried out for money by experienced people. This option is suitable for those who do not have the time or energy to obtain all the necessary knowledge for self-creation. Application development is the main activity for some people. The cost of the work is not too high, and if you can afford to pay for it, then contact a good specialist, you can get really good results.

    But if you want to know how to develop an application yourself, then next instruction for you.

    Application creation sequence

    • Summary. You need to write down on a piece of paper all your wishes regarding the future program.
    • Work on design. Need to draw buttons, backgrounds, and also inscriptions.
    • Programming. Should be written functions And classes, thanks to which actions will be implemented.
    • Work on mistakes. It is recommended to look for errors and fix them.
    • Placement of VKontakte code.

    Free programs

    Programs for VKontakte applications can be downloaded on the Internet for free. First of all, of course, you need to download Adobe Flash. This is the main and main program that will allow you to start working on your project. This program very convenient for creating an application. However, it is not easy for a beginner to work with it. But over time, skills appear and it becomes easier to use. The rest of the application programs are also easy to use. 3D engines, for example, significantly speed up and simplify the process of creating applications.

    The easiest way

    If you want to create your own program in the shortest possible time, use the VKontakte application designer. Free Apps , for example, allows you to create an application in 5 minutes.

    Now you know, in general terms, how to write an application for VKontakte.

    Anyone interested in creating applications for VKontakte, join the VKontakte group vk.com/club17157755. In it you will learn about new lessons and sources that will help you learn how to create your own applications in VKontakte.

    In order to create your own application in VKontakte, you need programming knowledge. The process of obtaining this knowledge is very long and difficult. You will have to read a lot of books and practice a lot. If you don’t have a personal tutor, you’ll have to figure out a lot of things yourself.

    Are you ready to devote several years to learning programming? Then on this site you will find useful materials, which will help you start understanding programming. You will gain other knowledge in the process of independent practice, when you already know which book to read on a specific programming language.

    How to learn to program

    Creating applications in contact is programming. Without the ability to program, you won’t be able to immediately start creating good applications.

    To learn how to create contact apps, you first need to learn how to code. You need to understand what variables, functions, conditions, loops, etc. are. You need to get the basics of programming before you start trying to create an application specifically for a contact.

    For those who have little experience in programming or have not encountered programming at all, in the topic “To all beginners in programming! "describes how much effort you have to put in just to understand the basics of programming.

    Flash application development for VKontakte

    VKontakte application development

    Only after learning the basics of programming can you move on to learning how to create an application for the VKontakte social network.

    Depending on what type of application you chose - Flash or IFrame, you can read lessons that will help you figure out how to work with the VKontakte API.

    If you don't want to learn programming

    If you don’t want to learn programming, you can try to create your own VKontakte IFrame application using the 3apps.ru service - IFrame Application Designer.

    Problems when creating applications

    When you have little programming experience or the task at hand is difficult even for professionals, you can ask for help on

    For a more perfect and comfortable work With social network VKontakte can and should create various applications. For those who have set themselves the goal of learning the basics of developing such applications, a small but effective video course “How to create VKontakte applications” has been created. Having studied it, virtually any user will be able to realize their ideas for creating new applications for Vkontakte. If you want to offer something new or develop applications that work better previous versions, then the presented video material will help you gain basic knowledge in this area.

    After you create an application, you will need to start promoting it. Application promotion technology is fundamentally different from website promotion technology. If you need to promote websites, then you need to contact here - SeoProfy Ukraine. This is a proven studio that has been promoting websites for several years.

    The course consists of 9 lessons, each of which is devoted to specific actions for developing new programs. The video course was created by a professional programmer with more than four years of experience in this field. Download the presented video course “VKapi - developing flash applications for Vkontakte.”

    1. “How does the VKontakte API work?”: the work of the VKontakte API, the interaction of created applications with vkontakte.ru servers with the direct participation of the VKontakte API.
    2. “Preparation”: preparing the working environment for developing applications for the VKontakte network, which will use the VKontakte API, the development interface and configuration of the flash application, as well as the method for obtaining the data that is needed for the interaction of the API and the application.
    3. “First application”: development of a simple flash application that implements the ability to access the VKontakte API and further implement one selected method.
    4. “JS API calls”: the lesson is devoted to the functions of the JS API, the most simple and necessary functions in each of the VKontakte applications are considered: replenishing a user account, inviting friends, opening tabs and windows to configure this flash application and others.
    5. “Event Handling”: carefully examines the handling of each of the events that occur when executing JS API methods.
    6. “Working with VKontakte API methods”: during the lesson you will learn API work VKontakte in normal time, interaction of applications with the API, receiving responses from the API, executing methods.
    7. “Creating a base”: creating a base that is needed for each application and that works in OOP.
    8. “Creating a list of friends”: a clear example of creating an application. During the lesson, as an example, a flash application is created that reflects the entire list of the user's friends, as well as their photos and names. When creating an application, the database created as an example during lesson 7 is used.
    9. “Final lesson”: consolidation and brief repetition of course material.

    All nine lessons contain information that will help in creating applications that work with the VKontakte network. After carefully studying the course material, you will have the opportunity to put your ideas into practice and develop high-quality applications for greater convenience of communication and other actions on VKontakte.

    If you don’t want to create applications but use them, then I recommend learning about . Because among the applications there are many stupid ones, so you need to use only proven and reliable ones.

    I recommend watching an entertaining video on how to create an application for VKontakte yourself.

    Looking at how popular applications are on the VKontakte social network, many also want to repeat their success and are starting to look for ways to realize their desires. But what you can see at first glance is just the tip of the iceberg. And in this article you will be able to get acquainted with everything that is hidden from you, but, nevertheless, is important for further successful activities. So, how to make the VKontakte application yourself? What is needed for this? And what are the options?

    VKontakte applications

    First of all, what is the goal? The VKontakte application is software, the development of which requires knowledge of at least 4 programming languages. It is also necessary to understand the API that is provided by the social network itself. The end result must be (for successful existence) represented not only by the program itself, but also by the database, as well as files and scripts that will exchange information between them.

    Possible types

    Before you start, it’s a good idea to know that VK offers two types of applications. More detailed information can be found in the accompanying documentation, and only brief overviews will be posted in the article:

    1. Flash applications. This includes final product, which has the extension .swf. It is developed in the environment, then it is compiled into a finished program, and only after that it is uploaded to the server. To write a program, you must know ActionScript 3.0.
    2. Iframe applications. These programs can be developed using various technologies that are supported modern browsers. At the moment of use, a window will be created in front of users through which it will be possible to transmit all necessary information. Data is transmitted and received in such cases using the JavaScript programming language.

    Is it possible to use a constructor?

    Perhaps your desire to engage in such activities has already dropped a little after a brief introduction to what needs to be done? And do you rely on designers who will turn creating programs into a fun ride? But, alas, not everything is so easy. The fact is that programs that perform such a wide functionality cannot be created using such constructors. The maximum they are capable of is creating stand-alone applications that will have the simplest functionality. How then can you make your own? own application? There are four main options:

    1. Using the constructor.
    2. On your own.
    3. Create and lead a development team.
    4. Order paid creation.

    We use the constructor

    It should be understood that most best option V in this case- create a VKontakte application for Android. In such cases, various online designers will be able to help you. But keep in mind that they don't work like normal application"VKontakte" for "Android", but require installation through PlayMarket, and they can be launched by interacting on the network itself. Some of them offer free mode, but to get full functionality you will have to pay well. But if you are still thinking about an application where you can make it, here is a little tip for you:

    3. Mobile Roadie.

    9. Appsmakerstore.

    10. TheAppBuilder.

    Any of the above services positions itself as free constructor, but for full-scale work in most cases a paid subscription will be very useful.

    Creating a program on your own

    How to make the VKontakte application yourself, relying only on yourself or a team of like-minded people? Let's consider the second and third options. It should be understood that creating applications for VKontakte is not an easy task, which will require certain skills and knowledge. Also on hand will be the desire to constantly learn and the desire to improve, both personally and as a developer. Therefore, the VKontakte application for a computer will not be a walk in the park. You need to be prepared that you will have to face a number of difficulties along the way.

    Study in detail the documentation provided by the VKontakte administration specifically for developers. There you can also familiarize yourself with the application programming interface, which will be used to configure a message between the application and the social network. Then you will need to create the application itself and send it to VKontakte officials for verification. They will evaluate the functionality and design of the program and decide whether it is worth listing it. special catalog and provide access to payment in local currency. Therefore, both of these components should be given due attention.

    What you need to know

    What do you need to understand before starting work? First of all, you need to understand programming languages ​​and be able to write programs in them. It will not be possible to make applications without this knowledge. Here are the main programming languages ​​that are used to create your own software:

    1. ActionScript. The most popular language in which the bulk of programs are written.
    2. 3D engines. As a rule, they are used to write applications in which there are a lot of active actions from the 1st person.
    3. PHP. The language used to transfer data between the application and the database.
    4. MySQL. The language in which data will be entered into the database.
    5. HTML. Can be used to write simple applications.
    6. Java. Can be used to create game modes where many different users are active at the same time.
    7. JavaScript. A language designed to transmit data.
    8. JSON. Useful for decrypting received data if you choose ActionScript as your program writing language.

    As already written, you will need to learn 4-5 of them + application programming interface. But this will take a lot of time. The VKontakte application for the computer will be developed faster if you find like-minded people.


    The success and speed of progress will directly depend on the number of hours per day that you will spend on studying. If days and nights are devoted to the application, then it will be a matter of one month. As an introduction, a video will be suitable, where everything will be explained in general terms. Then you will need to read a couple of books that will explain the nuances of programming - and you can start practicing. Feel free to search the world wide web: most of what you want to implement has already been done before, why reinvent the wheel if you can just copy it? And why figure out from scratch how to make the VKontakte application yourself, if there is already some level of developments?

    Source documents

    Source documents offer great potential for use different programs. They can provide you not only with the implementation of some aspects in the form of code, but also with a graphical component. Therefore, stock up on a couple of decompilers, download several ready-made programs that have what you need - and that’s it. Perhaps someone will post the source code of their applications - this is good, because the code may be incorrectly decrypted, and there will be no need to waste time understanding what and how it works. Don't look special application for downloading "VKontakte". Everything you need will have to be removed manually.

    Paid development

    And the simplest, although costly, option is to order development from a team of specialists. Depending on the complexity of the functionality, you will need to wait weeks or even months and pay a large amount, but everything will be done more or less, and relatively quickly. Since it is not a fact that you will be able to spend a day and night at the computer developing the desired program, this is the simplest and at the same time difficult to implement answer to the question “How to make the VKontakte application yourself so that it is of high quality?”