• Quantum break is not a win32 application. What is Win32: basic concepts and simple methods for eliminating errors that occur


    This message means that either the application is not a Windows application (it is intended for another operating system- for example, OS/2 or Linux), or the file is corrupted (damaged, incompletely downloaded...). In the first case, it must be launched under the OS for which it is intended; in the second, the original file must be restored.

    Yu.A. Peysakhovich:
    No way. It's just a DOS program or a program file that doesn't run at all.

    "Not a Win32 application." Possibly a PDP-11, ZX-Spectrum, BSD, DOS application or just garbage. If it writes about an EXE file, it is most likely damaged during copying, corrupted by a virus, or incorrectly “cured” by an antivirus.

    Kuznetsov Yura:
    Apparently, this exe file is simply damaged or under-downloaded.

    This may well be an executable file from Windows for another platform (CE, Pocket etc.).

    Darth Emil:
    This program is a DOS application, i.e. NOT 32 bit. You need an emulator.

    This means that you are trying to slip Windows a corrupted (or even completely crazy) file and are trying to execute it as a program.

    The fact is that it could be a virus - also called Win32. But basically everything is correct, the file is damaged.

    Smart guy:
    Guys, not quite like that. THERE ARE 16-bit Windows applications who behave in such a strange way. A typical example is the game Lines98. I don’t play it myself, but the secretaries sometimes had to take notes. So this game, which works normally in Windows98, refuses to run in WindowsXP, giving exactly the message “Not a Win32 application” described above in the question, and compatibility mode does not help. Unfortunately, I won’t tell you how to win with little bloodshed - I don’t know. Well, the big one is to install two operating systems, or Virtual PC. Although this is, of course, shooting sparrows from a cannon.

    The same problem with NFS 3.4 games when running under Win2k/XP

    The problem is this. If after “treatment” with an antivirus (in my case Kaspersky) the message “#$%.exe is not a Win32 application” is displayed, try to look at what is written in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\open\command If there is something different from the line "%1" %* try making a file with the extension *.reg with the following content =============== BEGINNING ============ REGEDIT4 @="\"%1\" %*" ============== END============ and run it. When asked to add a parameter to the registry, the answer is [Yes]. I hope this will save you from reinstalling the system.

    After Kaspersky installations Anti-Hacker Firewall v1.7.130.0 The same situation occurred as you describe!!! Previously running programs refuse to start!!! It says: “Not a Win32 application.” Right-click on the file and uncheck the box: “Protect your computer from unauthorized actions of these programs.”

    Lojka Varenya:
    In this case, there are 2 options to get rid of the error. Or Windows has damaged the files, in which case you need to reinstall it. The second option is a virus. We need to get rid of the virus. I personally reinstalled the PC and everything worked.

    Changing the registry branch helped me. Thanks for the idea.

    In fact, this is the W32.Jeefo virus. Information here: http://www.kaspersky.ru/find?words=w32.Jeefo&search=1

    Changing the registry branch also helped me. Thanks for the idea.

    And if there are two computers on the same table, one of them is a laptop and there is a disk on it and everything that is on it opens and swings, then in the hospital it just writes that it is not a win32 application. What can you say about this?

    It often happened like this: a blue window with a greeting appeared and the computer froze completely. After checking drive C: from under protected Win mode started. I downloaded the so-called SP3 rus posted somewhere on the website. The problem basically remained. But once again, after checking, a message appeared: some file is damaged, insert a disk with Win SP2. I inserted it and clicked OK. Windows stopped loading and wrote on a black background that it could not find a file. I reinstalled Win SP2 and formatted the C: drive. But now all the files that are in the *exe folders do not start, the message appears: *.exe is not a Win32 application. It is impossible to view most ordinary files - either they do not open or they give an error.

    Hi all! I think every user has seen this error at least once: “the program is not a Win32 application” (the application is not Win32).

    We fix the error: “the program is not a Win32 application” (the application is not win32).

    It often happens that when you launch a program, the system gives you a message stating that “the program is not a Win32 application.” As a result, the program does not work. Question: why does such a message appear? And the second question: how to solve the problem? We answer in order. So!
    The Win32 crashes error may occur because a virus has messed with your registry, or you have a low-quality OS build (“pirate”) installed, or a system failure, or a conflict between programs and applications. In general, there are many options.

    But the solution to this problem is very simple: for this you just need download special file Win32.reg. You can download it from our website: http://yadi.sk/d/E6-yfOgeQUbf2 (the file is on the Yandex disk and downloads in a second). And then all that’s left is to just launch it. You will see a message box telling you that “Adding information may change or delete blah blah blah…” - just click on “Yes”. After the change process is completed, you will need to restart the computer. After this, the Win32 error problem will disappear. By the way, if you often wondering: check my IP at work, then with this service you can do it quickly and for free, I use IP check often.

    Tip: before running the Win32.reg file, scan your system for viruses! One of the most best scanners is Doctor Web CureIT (CureIT), you can download Cureit, which itself is updated from our website: .

    And lastly: if the Win32 error caused problems with logging into the Internet (the browser also does not start, referring to Win32), then do this: launch the browser with Administrator rights and everything will work!

    Fixing the error: “the program is not a Win32 application” (the application is not win32) - for developers

    It happened to me that my program (C#, C++) does not run on another computer, there can be several reasons and they can be solved very simply:

    • The program was created with MS Framework 4.5, but the computer does not have this version, solution: install this version;
    • The program was created with MS Framework 4.5, but the computer does not have this version and cannot have it ( windows server 2003) - rebuilding the program with framework 4;
    • Everything is ok with the Framework, but the program does not start, go to the project parameters and select the “build application” option not for “Any CPU” (any processor), but for x86

    Sometimes win32.exe and other errors system errors EXE may be related to issues in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the win32.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) EXE registry entries are left behind.

    Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your PC), win32.exe errors can occur. Additionally, a malware infection may have corrupted registry entries associated with Third-Party Application. Thus, these corrupted EXE registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

    Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid win32.exe keys is not recommended unless you are PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

    Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any win32.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as the one causing the win32.exe error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

    Warning: If you are not experienced user PC, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

    Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with win32.exe (for example, Third-Party Application):

    1. Click on the button Begin.
    2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
    3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
    4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
    5. Click Yes.
    6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
    7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
    8. In the Registry Editor, select the win32.exe-related key (eg. Third-Party Application) you want to back up.
    9. On the menu File select Export.
    10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the Third-Party Application key backup.
    11. In the field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Third-Party Application backup".
    12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
    13. Click Save.
    14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
    15. You now have a backup of your win32.exe-related registry entry.

    Next steps when manual editing registry errors will not be described in this article, as they are highly likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

    Any computer is not immune from sudden errors. Yesterday you were without special problems launched your favorite application on the Windows operating system, and today it displays the error “The application is not a Win32 application.” What to do in such a situation? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. Looking ahead, we can immediately say that there can be a lot of reasons for this problem, but we will look at the most popular and frequently encountered ones.

    More about Win32

    Before jumping into the question of how to fix "Not a Win32 application", it would be wise to understand what a Win32 application is.

    To put it unequivocally, this is the architecture of the operating system. In many ways, the average user will not be able to figure it out, so there is no point in delving into the definition. In simple words, this can be interpreted as follows: initially computers supported Win8 architecture, it was installed on old computers. After that, the whole world switched to Win16, so to speak, a generation changed. WITH Windows release NT introduced the Win32 architecture, which is still very popular today. There is also Win64, which replaced Win32.

    Reasons for the error: "exe is not a Win32 application"

    Well, now let's look at the reasons for this error, and they can be as follows:

    • file corruption;
    • the program was developed for a different architecture;
    • the application is a virus;
    • there is no software installed on the computer to work with this program;
    • The antivirus is blocking the application from launching.

    It is difficult to immediately name the cause of an individual case, so it would be reasonable to act by elimination, testing each method step by step.

    Installer damage

    If the system writes “Not a Win32 application,” it is quite possible that malware is running on the computer. It infected some program files, and the antivirus, accordingly, deleted them. In this case, you need to do the following:

    1. Completely remove the problematic program.
    2. Scan your system for viruses.
    3. Disable your antivirus.
    4. Install the program from the same installer as before.
    5. Launch the program.

    If it works, then turn on the antivirus and look at its reaction. If it deletes the program files again, it means you downloaded the initially infected software. Download it from another source.

    File not for Windows

    In addition to the Windows operating system, there are others in the world, at least MacOS and Linux. Each of them uses its own file system, accordingly, applications of one cannot be launched on the other. Keep this in mind when downloading a program from the Internet. So, on Windows the EXE and MSI format is used.

    We fight viruses

    Have you followed the instructions in the previous methods, but you still get the "Application is not a Win32 application" error? What to do in this situation? It would be wise to check the system for viruses, because they can modify programs so that they then do not start.

    The virus works as follows: it makes changes to the registry, accordingly, it is necessary to return the registry to its previous form. To do this, you can use three methods:

    1. Download the exefix.reg file and run it. It will automatically make the necessary changes to the registry.
    2. Install the CleanAutoRun utility on your computer and it will also automatically fix everything.
    3. Make edits yourself.

    As for the first two methods, everything is clear with them, but the third one is worth considering in more detail.

    Correcting registry keys

    If the system displays the message: “The application is not a Win32 application,” and you don’t know what to do, then try to fix it system registry manually. Now we will tell you how to do this:

    1. Open the system registry.
    2. Open a search by pressing Ctrl + F and search for "IsolatedCommand" (without quotes).
    3. There should be two files with the values ​​""%1" %*". If they don't match it, then change them.
    4. Click on the file twice with LMB.
    5. In the window that appears, enter the desired value.
    6. Apply the changes.

    All that remains is to restart the computer for them to take effect. If the reason was a registry change, then this method should help you.


    Here we have dealt with all the common reasons for the error “The application is not a Win32 application”. You already know what to do; finally, I would like to recommend periodically checking the system for viruses and installing modern anti-virus software to prevent malicious software from entering the system.

    On computers with operating system Windows system There is one problem that is quite common. The error occurs when you try to install an application that is not intended for software"Microsoft". In this case, the system notifies you that it is not a Windows application, and therefore cannot be installed. This problem can be fixed, but not in all cases.

    What is Win32?

    Windows API is a package of basic functions for Microsoft operating systems. And Win32 is one of the API versions, the most popular today. If you encounter this error, do not rush to remove the program to the trash. You can try to find a way out of this situation. If it's all about architecture, there are two possibilities. If the program is created on 64-bit Windows versions, it should run on 32-bit APIs.

    And if it is created for another operating system, for example, OS/2, then the program will not be installed on Windows systems. But here you need to make sure that the application really has a different architecture than Windows. Perhaps the issue is not an API mismatch, but that the program files are damaged, have errors, or are not loaded completely. There's another one possible option What creates this problem is the presence of viruses on the computer.

    How to fix the "Not a win32 application" error?

    Let's start looking for options to fix the error with the simplest one. If the program is unzipped, but the EXE file does not run, download it from an alternative link. If the installation is successful, but the program does not start, uninstall it using system tools and reinstall it.

    If the application is created for another OS, there may also be a version for Windows. Write the name of the program in search bar, go to the developer's resource and see which OSes are supported.

    Compatibility mode may help. The tab is located in " properties» programs. Select the appropriate item and click another version of the system.

    If all the previous options are unsuccessful, let's try editing the registry. Download win32.reg to your PC and run it.
    After restarting your computer, check the installation and startup the desired program.

    And finally, the last solution that can help solve this problem. Must be installed on the computer. IN " Searching and removing programs» Make sure the package version is up to date. If software platform no, download it from PC updates or Microsoft website. At the same time, update the JRE (Java Runtime) and the MSVC package (Visual C++).