• Social network “VKontakte”: how to make a newsletter. How to send messages on VK: full analysis

    There are things that people wait for years. And in the case of mailings on VKontakte, this is exactly the song.

    We already thought that we could write off direct and constant communications with clients, since email newsletters had lost much ground. But they were afraid in vain.

    As soon as the chatbots arrived, which also helped a lot, messages were sent out to VK almost immediately.



    Although this functionality appeared at the beginning of 2017, I only now got around to analyzing it. And this is no coincidence.

    Since we have gained experience in managing them, and the mailing services themselves have upgraded their capabilities quite well. Therefore, I am telling you not from theory, but from real experience of sending more than 100,000 messages.

    I draw attention to the phrase “on behalf of the group/public”, because it is only from this type of page that mailings can now be made.

    And the logic of VKontakte is clear here. Groups and publics are created for commercial purposes when personal pages tailored for personal tasks, not communication with the audience. But this is true, by the way.

    The benefits are obvious

    The key joy of any business is the high open rate of your messages, now I’ll tell you more.

    In email marketing, this figure floats around 20-25%, when in the case of VK the situation changes dramatically in big side and is about 80-90%. It can be roughly said that everyone you send messages to will see them.

    Naturally, this is only the case now. After all, personal messages are not filled with spam, and the site itself does not impose any restrictions or strict rules.

    Although I personally am sure that sooner or later there will be a separate folder for all messages sent on VK from personal messages. This thing is now implemented in G-mail and it is called “Promotions”.

    We can harp on for a long time about the difference between VKontakte newsletters and email marketing, but let’s agree right away - this is not a substitute, but an additional channel of interaction.

    And if the first ones are definitely wrong, then the second ones are lucky. True, this luck happened only a year after the official release of the mailings.

    But since we are talking about the present, rejoice, there are auto funnels in VK. But they are not as sophisticated as you think.

    Everything is just gaining momentum. But now we can identify the main branches of functionality that exist and will continue to develop:

    1. Variables. Substitution of data into the text based on information on the subscriber page.
    2. Moment of sending. Selecting a good time and date for sending.
    3. Auto series. Sending messages one after another with a selected time interval.
    4. UTM tags. Tracking the sources where subscribers come from.
    5. Statistics. Analytics of sent, received messages and link clicks.
    6. . Adding and removing a participant to “subscription topics” based on his actions.

    Moreover, the last point, which is the main point of any auto sales funnel, is now very poorly developed.

    At the time of writing, there are about 6-8 customer segmentation criteria. And I don’t specifically list them, since maybe tomorrow the list will no longer be relevant. But in the next paragraph I will give information on where to track everything.

    To everyone or not to everyone

    Since many owners think that now it is possible to spam everyone and everything on behalf of the community. But that's not true.

    You need to first get permission to subscribe, and only then send messages.

    This already brings a certain sadness, because not everything turns out so rosy. But isn't that great?!

    Otherwise, our personal messages would be bombarded with various weight loss products and Japanese diapers.

    But I don’t want this at all and fully support the chosen mechanics of receiving the newsletter.

    Moreover, according to many theorists, you can subscribe in three ways.

    I will tell you about them, but I warn you in advance, you will only need to remember two. I will also tell you the reason for this further.

    1. If a person writes to you in the community, it means he has subscribed, see the picture below.

    The man wrote a message

    2. If a person clicks “Allow sending notifications from the group,” it means he has subscribed

    Consent ha subscription

    3. If a person writes code word in the group messages, that means I subscribed

    Code word

    Why did I so brazenly say “according to theorists”?! Yes, because I have seen more than once cases where the ability to send messages to groups that took and started sending out mailings according to criterion No. 1 was permanently blocked.

    The logic is simple: if a person writes to you, this does not mean that he agreed to the newsletter.

    This means that in reality there are only two methods. Moreover, the safest is the second one.

    The third is actually an implementation of the first, the only difference is that in case of problems you will be able to confirm to the support service that the person actually wrote to you in the group, that he signed up using the code word.

    Please, gentlemen

    Before you open a 30-year-old champagne, you need to think about how you can attract an audience to your newsletter.

    From a mechanical point of view, you use everything the same if you subscribed a person to an email newsletter or. But still, I will summarize + add our know-how.

    • An invitation to subscribe to the site. On our blog you can see this option. We promise delicious benefits for your consent.

    Call to subscribe to the site
    • A call to subscribe to the group. Also in our group, for each post + in the pinned post, we invite you to subscribe for a gift.

    Call to subscribe in the group
    • Targeted advertising. You launch an advertising message calling on the desired audience to subscribe to the newsletter.

    • Retargeting. You also launch an advertising message, but only strictly for subscribers of your group or visitors to your site.


    Let's be honest. You must be mega interesting so that people simply subscribe to the newsletter from your company.

    Most often this is not the case. Therefore, it was not for nothing that I wrote the word “gift/usefulness” several times.

    It is better to offer a subscription in exchange for something valuable to the client. In common people this is called.


    Of course, I’m great, I’m telling you about mailings, but I forgot to mention that they are done through special services mailings.

    Everything is as usual, VKontakte was given access to their code, and the craftsmen from this resource made services that allow you to send messages. Within VK, they are actually called messaging applications.

    And now there are already quite a lot of such applications on the market. And there will be even more. But since we managed to work with different people and, most often, pioneers in this field, we identified our TOP.

    It contains both free and paid services. And the main thing is their difference from each other... Okay, I’ll tell you a little later, first a list of services for mailing.

    Sometimes you want to congratulate all your friends on a holiday, advertise a product, or warn about something. You can send a message to all your VKontakte friends at once using the “conversation” function, let’s figure out how to do this.

    Each user sends his messages there, which are visible to everyone present. In this way it is easy to discuss and anticipate an upcoming trip or plan a birthday.

    Previously, there was a limit on the number of participants in a chat: a maximum of 14 people, then the limit was increased, and since 2017 it is allowed to add no more than 250 friends.

    Create several chats if you want to talk or warn different circles of people. Alas, there is no function to send a message to all VKontakte friends at once in order to combat spam.

    The disadvantage of this method is that all participants will read the text. If shipping is required individual messages, then you will have to do it manually. Insert a card into the conversation to wish you a happy holiday. A group message is also created through an image. To do this:

    Until recently I worked Vkbot program, with the help of which messages were sent to each individual participant with the same text. Users loved it because it saved them time and effort. But in the summer of 2015, the official website was closed, and older versions of the program stopped functioning because they were connected to the developer’s servers.

    Since 2016, the website offers downloads of an analogue of the program under the new name Sobot. But it's paid. Standard Features identical to Vkbot; additional features worth noting include captcha entry through the antigate and rucaptcha services, an answering machine and unlimited use of simultaneously working accounts.

    When sending messages, be careful - if complaints are filed against you, and the mailing is regarded as spam, this threatens with a ban and even permanent blocking of the page.

    But there is physically not enough time to correspond individually with each user, even if you work 24 hours a day. A mass mailings, for example, in social network Vkontakte gives us the opportunity to provide information quickly and a large number people right away.

    Sending invitations to the group

    To send messages on VKontakte, you first need to promote a group and gain a sufficient number of subscribers. Advertising will make this process faster, but if the budget is limited advertising campaign no, you can send invitations to users yourself. This can be done in two ways: manually or using special programs.

    • Open the menu under the group logo.
    • Select "Invite friends to group."
    • In the window that appears, select the users to whom you want to send invitations.
    Select “invite friends” from the drop-down menu

    You can send no more than 30 invitations daily. If used for mailing special application, this limit may be exceeded. But excessive activity in the group is a direct reason for temporary or permanent blocking of the community (at the discretion of the administration).

    Select the friends you want to invite to the group.

    VK newsletter to group subscribers

    Before you look at step by step instructions, it should be noted that VKontakte mailings cannot be used to distribute spam. This means that the user must first agree to receive messages from the group, and only then become a member of the mailing list. The administration of the social network is actively fighting spam, so in order to protect your account and group from blocking, you should not distribute advertisements to users without their consent.

    If you can’t send spam on behalf of a group, then the question arises why mailing lists on VKontakte are needed at all. In fact, if you organize the process correctly, you can get a lot of benefits from mailing.

    • Purchasing an additional tool for interacting with subscribers with the possibility of a personalized approach.
    • Increased trust and loyalty to the company.
    • Unlike posts on the community wall, important message won't get lost in the news feed.

    So far, the dissemination of information through social networks cannot replace SMS and. But there is potential. After all, the percentage of messages being opened on VKontakte is much higher than on email, and cheaper than SMS messages. At the same time, there is no risk that the company’s letter will be lost among hundreds of similar letters.

    How to send a VK newsletter to subscribers of your group?

    To try out this marketing tool in practice, you need to first check your community settings. To do this, select Community Management – ​​Messages from the menu. If community messages are enabled, the settings remain unchanged. Otherwise you need to enable them.

    • In the settings menu, select Community Management – ​​Applications.

    • From the available applications, select “Messaging” and click “Add”.

    • Set application settings.

    • Click "Save".

    • Subscribe to your newsletter to see in what form messages are received to users.

    IN initial settings application, the user needs to adjust only 4 points: button name, visibility, snippet and application name. A button with which users can independently consent to the newsletter will be located on the right side of the community. The owner of the group can give it any name, for example, you can use “Subscribe to news”, “Subscribe to newsletter”, “Latest news”, etc. Visibility settings determine who can see this button. Here you need to set "All users".

    Next comes the Snippet. In simple words, this is the name of the button with which users can subscribe to the newsletter at the request of the group owner. That is, in order to draw people’s attention to the fact that they can receive fresh and relevant information in personal messages, the administrator can post a link with a button on the community wall, on the company website, or send it individually. It’s also better to choose something neutral for the snippet, such as “Open” or “Go.”

    The app name appears at the top of the subscription page after the group name. It can be left unchanged or titled in accordance with the purpose of the mailing. After this, you need to save the settings and try to use it in practice. In order for users to actively subscribe to your newsletter, it is best to use all traffic sources. Therefore, you need to place a subscription button on the company’s external website.

    Installing a widget for mailing on a website

    To send messages not only to group subscribers, but also to third-party users who visit the company’s website, it is appropriate to place a subscription button on its pages. To do this you need:

    It is worth noting that this will not only increase the list of users for the mailing list, but will also attract new subscribers to the group. In addition, you can give users a choice and make several thematic mailings. This is useful for both subscribers and the community owner. Since users will only be able to receive necessary information, and the owner - to divide the total mass of subscribers by interest into separate lists.

    How to send a VK newsletter to all friends?

    For those entrepreneurs who offer their services not through a group, but with personal account, it will be interesting how to send a VK newsletter to all friends. The good news is that there is no limit to sending messages to friends. But, as practice shows, sending the same text to several users is regarded by the administration as spam.

    There are several ways to send messages to all your friends:

    • Manually. You can create a message in advance, and then send the message to everyone on the list using copying. To make the process easier, you can use a program that allows you to record a sequence of actions on your computer and then automatically play them back without your participation.
    • Using programs.
    • By creating a conversation.

    Creating a conversation is the way to send out messages with the least risk of getting banned. But it has a significant drawback - when each person joins and leaves a conversation, all participants receive notifications. If the user is not interested in the topic of the conversation, he will quickly leave it due to the intrusiveness of notifications.

    To create a conversation, you need:

    1. Go to Messages and click “+” next to the search bar.
    2. Select members from your friends list.
    3. Enter the name of the conversation and click “Create”.

    When selecting participants, you can tag only those friends who are online. After you create a conversation, you can add new people from your contacts list. But they can leave it only of their own free will.

    Click on the “cross” and select the friends you want to invite to the conversation.

    How to send a VK newsletter to non-friends?

    There are strict restrictions regarding sending messages and friend requests to strangers. The number of messages per day is no more than 20, requests – no more than 50. Some users bypass these restrictions by creating fake accounts.

    The administration of the social network also prohibits such actions, but this is not the most depressing thing. Messages from such pages are usually not viewed by recipients or become grounds for complaints. Therefore, before sending out mailings from additional accounts, you will have to make them “live”, and this will take a lot of time.

    To manually send messages strangers, you should first add them as friends. Since the number of queries is limited, when filtering users, you should set search criteria that match the target audience. This:

    • Age.
    • City.
    • Marital status, etc.

    In this case, you can attach an accompanying message to the request, which may be of interest to the addresses. Messages should not mention the words: promotion, free, buy and the like. Letters that come in PM are also moderated, so the administration quickly recognizes intrusive advertising. And this, in turn, is another reason to block the account.

    Programs for automatically sending invitations

    Bots and special software that will independently send messages to users are considered “gray” methods of promotion. This means that no one, not even the developers of such programs, can guarantee that the group will not be banned.

    • Quickly attract new subscribers.
    • High risk of account (community) blocking.
    • Attracting a dubious audience.
    • High cost.

    Programs for automatic mailing There are two types: partially paid and paid. Partially paid ones allow you to use the software, but with disabilities. Fully paid programs allow you to try out their functionality for free during a test period, with subsequent payment for the full version.

    Not recommended for use third party applications to promote the community. If you have start-up capital, it is better to use the services of special agencies, otherwise high-quality and interesting content will attract the public no worse than other methods of promotion.
    But even after users have begun to actively join the community, it should not be left to chance. The public needs to be retained - this is exactly what VK mailings to subscribers of your group are used for.

    The decision to use automation rests entirely with the user. There are many programs on the Internet that are designed to automatically send messages. However, you cannot use several of them at the same time. Therefore, you will have to make a choice and download one of them. Of the most popular, two programs can be distinguished: LSender VK PRO and Quick Sender.

    LSender VK PRO

    LSender VK PRO – paid program to send messages to the target audience. It provides 16 automatic mailing methods. At the same time, the developer assures that the risk of account freezing is minimized.

    In addition to mailing, the software allows you to create template responses for automatic dialogue with the client. Moreover, dialogues can be conducted simultaneously from two or more user accounts. The program has a convenient and intuitive interface, but even if questions arise, the user can use the instructions for use, which are issued after purchasing the program.

    Quick Sender

    Quick Sender is a program for commercial mailing, community promotion and target audience generation. It has a separate block for the parser (searching for the target audience) based on multiple criteria. The user only needs to set the search parameters.

    Another feature of this program is the liker. This is a mechanism that automatically likes the posts of users included in target audience, to attract attention. After this, the program will independently send out messages that need to be delivered to the recipients.

    Users also have access to reposts, automatic inviting and posting. You just need to set the necessary parameters, and then the program will be able to do everything on its own.

    Usage multifunctional programs for promoting communities, VKontakte does not guarantee the success of the enterprise. Content plays a decisive role. If a community cannot offer users high-quality and interesting information, nothing will keep them as subscribers. Therefore, first of all, you need to count on own strength, and not on a set of instructions and algorithms.

    How to send a message to all friends in Odnoklassniki. Indeed, often, on major holidays, such as “ New Year" or "Christmas", we want to send a message to all friends en masse. The message can even be just in the form of a postcard, but it is the same to save time. If you are registered on the Odnoklassniki website, then you can always send one message to all your friends at once. It's very convenient. Because it reduces the time for mailing and you don’t have to write the same message over and over again and send it to everyone.

    It’s easy to send a message to all your friends in Odnoklassniki

    The second method is less labor intensive. You can write a message directly in your status. Then all your friends will see it. All status updates of your friends are displayed in the news feed. But this function can be disabled manually by your friend in his own settings. If the display of status changes in the feed is canceled for such a friend, the friend will not see your message.

    How to send a message to all friends on VKontakte

    You wanted to send one message to all your friends from the VKontakte network.
    We proceed as follows:
    On the left side of the user page there is a menu where you need to select the “My Messages” tab. At the top right side you will see the inscription “Write a message”, be sure to click on it, and then enter the text of the message. In the “Recipient” field, you need to select those friends for whom you are writing this message. You can forward one message to no more than fourteen users at a time.
    If the task is to send one message more friends, you will have to resend the letter.
    Don't forget to format your messages beautifully. Text is entered in the lower field. There you can insert a photo, song, or video.
    If you want, you can insert a city or street map. Have you finished completing your message? - we're sending!

    Send a message to all friends in the “My World” network

    I will write to those who communicate on the “My World” network. And you have the opportunity to send a message to all your friends at once. It's simple. There is a menu next to your photo. Below the menu there is a “More” tab. Click on it and select the line - “Write a message to friends.” And on the right you will see the “Interlocutor” field. By clicking on “Select from friends”, you will be able to use checkboxes to select those friends to whom you want to send a message. Want to send a message to all your friends? Check the box next to “Select all”. Then click the “Select” button. Enter the text in the “Message” field. We also decorate it with various emoticons. We can insert a drawing, as well as photos and video files. Now let's send it!
    In Odnoklassniki I recommend choosing the most incredible statuses. They attract many new users to your page. They will help you make new acquaintances. Through new friends, find interesting groups and communities. Or create your own group among classmates and share your mood with your friends. And besides communicating with classmates, you can play games, participate in competitions or tournaments, and all this together with friends.