• How to decorate a group page on VK. Personal messages from the community. Develop a custom post style

    If so, then you have come to the right article. Here we will discuss how to create a group [um, I’ll correct you, community] on the VK social network and users will have a good impression of you. Times change, and people become smarter and can immediately solve

    As you probably already know, VK provides 3 options for creating groups [communities]:

    • Group
    • Public page
    • Event

    Based on your goals and objectives, determine for yourself which option suits you best. Naturally, events are created for certain events. Let's figure it out - what to choose - a group or a public?

    In fact, the capabilities of a VKontakte group and public are not too different.

    Create a public page, not a group.

    There are a number of advantages to a public instead of a group. The public is easier to design and use, it is also included in the block interesting pages users. Based on this, you can find out the user's interests. IN in this case– this is photography and everything connected with it.

    As for the group, potential clients can ask questions on its wall. At first, this looks like an advantage, but only if you don’t have a content plan and your goal is only that people will start asking. But in such groups, engagement is very weak.

    Also in groups there is an opportunity to invite friends. In the public this function has been reduced. But it’s unlikely that your friends are your target audience to whom you are going to sell services or goods. Therefore, focusing on inviting doesn’t make much sense either.

    Another advantage of the group is the ability to add an online store application on a secure https protocol through an iframe application, which will allow the user to place an order without leaving the social network.

    Community Header

    Now let's touch on the topic of the title of our community. How to make a headline correctly so that it works for our business and starts generating traffic. For example, your type of activity is selling women's clothing in Nizhny Novgorod.

    By logging into Yandex you can see that...

    The group got to the top of the search results for this request and is somehow ranked for this request. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to name your group this way in order to get into the search results of both Yandex and VKontakte search.

    Type of activity – keyword, by which users could potentially search for you - if your occupation is tied to a city, then in the group itself you can also indicate the city where you are located, search engines will identify your group by geolocation.

    Ideally, the title format looks like this:

    Online women's clothing store | Lovandzzoo

    where, “Online women’s clothing store” is the key query

    Lovandzzoo is the name of your brand

    Avatar and cover

    Design is not an important cog in the mechanism of an online business, but a nicely designed group without suspicious or cheap design inspires more trust. And the design of the community begins with a well-designed avatar and community cover.

    A community avatar is the face of your company and it should reflect both the company’s positioning and contact information. You must indicate:

    • type of activity
    • logo and brand name
    • telephone
    • call to action - for example, “Subscribe to take care of your health and appearance.”
    • arrow indicating subscribe.
    • also indicate the address and external resource - website.

    An example of a good ava:

    Now let's talk about the cover design, which has now gained popularity after the innovations on VKontakte. In principle, the approach is the same as for designing an avatar, only now we translate everything into horizontal position. Here are some examples good covers with different design styles. One thing they have in common is that it is clear where a person has ended up and what he sees. The cover should answer questions "What is this?".

    Please note the back cover and the arrows pointing to:

    • logo
    • brand
    • what is the public about
    • how content is useful for subscribers
    • and what the user will receive if he subscribes

    You can do the same - this is a standard working structure for competently designing the cover of communities.

    Wiki menu

    You can implement popular wiki menus into your community design. The main thing is to think about the menu structure, because in a sense, by creating a menu using wiki markup, you are creating a mini-site on a social network and the user should not get lost in it. Look at this wiki menu and understand what a competent wiki menu structure means.

    An example of a good and attractive menu.

    Depending on the niche, the wiki menu may contain the following sections

    • if this is a sale of individuals. goods and services - delivery conditions, product categories, price lists, how to order, description, etc.
    • if the sale of information products
      is a structured content base, such as

    Another example of a good menu:


    In the links, indicate all your external resources - lead magnets, main sites, channels on other social networks where the audience will go. This will help increase traffic to your resource from social networks.

    Read also>>>>

    Content is King

    Content is King

    Bill Gates once said and he was right. Social networks exist and are popularized due to the presence of constantly generated content on them. Without him, the group is burned out and forgotten about. Therefore, you need to post regularly to remind yourself.

    But how to properly format posts so that they are liked and shared?

    Everything is very simple here - you don’t need to use pictures with cheap design and dull copywriting in posts - not only do users not like them, the social network itself ignores this content format. This is roughly what the picture should look like.

    Nobody demands design work from you, but only a design that is pleasant and not irritating to the eye. If the content is visually perceived well, then the likelihood of it being shared is high.

    CHPS (Humanly Understandable Links) in posts

    Try not to indicate original links or links with UTM tags, but shorten them using the service vk.com/cc in the title, under the post title. VK users ignore posts with long links (especially at the beginning). They are interested in content. Compress links in posts using vk. com/ cc

    Here on specific example you can see how this link looks in the post:

    Also try not to use obvious and trivial headings. The purpose of headlines is to attract the attention of community subscribers in news feed. For example, title "16+1 Effective and Medicinal Properties Pumpkin Seed Oil That 95% of People on the Planet Don't Know About" will work better to attract the attention of the audience than the nondescript “Properties of Pumpkin Seed Oil.” Try to add numbers and specifics to the title. Then the post will attract attention.

    Are you ready to challenge your dream and realize your ideas and ideas on the Internet, and start earning serious money online?

    Diversify your content

    Identify at least 30 topics (needs) that may be closely related to your direction and use a timer to start posting.

    Create interesting content about your niche. For example, in the topic of sports, you can write motivational content, educational and expert content. The list of needs can be made endless and the problem is choosing a format so that posting by itself will disappear. In each post, use different calls to action with justification for the reason - “Like it if it was useful”, “Repost if you think all your friends should know about it.”

    Add emoji to your posts to make them more colorful and attractive. But don't overspam.

    Find out


    In all videos uploaded to YouTube, insert a cover so that there is packaging and wrapping that will catch the user’s attention. Videos without a wrapper look very crude, in which it is already clear that there will be no interest in downloading them.

    Here's an example of what a video cover should look like:

    The click-through rate of a video with a cover is many times higher, because there is packaging - a wrapper that attracts the audience. The picture should play its role – arousing interest in what’s inside.



    Products section - prices are indicated in ascending order - the lowest prices should be on the display.

    Detailed description in the product card itself. And if there is a website, add a link to the product card. The “Write to the seller” button is linked to personal messages from the person who leads the group, or the manager who monitors the group

    We're reaching out to the community

    We fill out the discussion section and create subsections in it - “Your questions”, “How to order”, “Vacancies”. You can also create a questionnaire for variety.

    Don’t forget to fill out your contact details too. So that a person understands who to contact - regarding ordering goods, advertising or your services.

    To understand who to ask a question, write down the position - manager and the person’s responsibilities. This way you will quickly let the user know who he should contact with his question.

    The most important thing, I almost forgot :) - we fill the group description with the necessary information with all outgoing links. Be sure to separate the description into blocks of text of 3-4 lines so that the text is readable - no one has yet canceled the copywriting rules for text readability.

    Here is an example of how well a description in a community should be:


    Well, what do you say? Was the content helpful?

    Do you understand how to create a group on VKontakte?

    If yes, then I'm waiting feedback in the comments - I answer instantly. You won't have time to blink. I like to discuss the topic of promotion on social networks. If I don’t have time, then write

    As you probably know, there are very, very many communities on the Vk social network. But not all of them are popular. What does a community need, besides unique and interesting content, for it to be popular? Of course, knowledge of how to beautifully decorate a group will not be superfluous. It’s not that difficult to do this on VKontakte. After reading our article, you will be able to do everything yourself.

    Instructions for creating a community

    You yourself must understand that it will not be possible to do all this in one stage. But don’t be alarmed, because the administration of the social network VK specifically made it possible to register communities ordinary users. Even for those who have very mediocre knowledge of computers.

    Create a banner

    In this case, we will call the banner the community avatar, as well as graphic menu that fit perfectly together. Often this is one image that is divided into two blocks. You will need Photoshop. You can download this program from the Internet for free. And here are the instructions themselves:

    1. Open Photoshop and create in this program new document, the size of which is 630x725 pixels. Fill everything with white.
    2. Cut out two windows in the layer (200x710 and 382x442 px). It is through these windows that the graphic design communities. We combine two windows along the bottom.
    3. On the picture we write the text and menu items that you have planned. In principle, this is the answer to the question of how to design the menu of a VKontakte group.
    4. The rectangle we created with a size of 200x710 pixels is saved separately. This is the avatar of your group or public.
    5. Left side We need to cut the images (382x442) into a couple of parts. How many there will be depends on the number of items in your community’s menu.
    6. Open VKontakte in the Orbitum browser or any other. We save the resulting images and upload them to your group’s album.
    7. Go to "News" - "Edit" - tab " Source code". Paste the code that you will see in the lower window into the "Source...". Change photo to the file name, and also indicate the height of the file. Insert manually URLs of links menu.
    8. In order for your images to fit harmoniously and correctly, the name of the community should be in one line, the description in 10 lines, and the site url also in one line.

    Wiki markup to help

    If you are seriously interested in how to set up a VKontakte group, you should definitely know that such a thing as Wiki markup plays a very important role in this issue. What is this anyway? This is, let's say, an alternative to HTML. As you might have guessed, this markup is also used when editing Wikipedia articles. But that’s not about that now. We will need Wiki markup to properly design the community in VKontakte:
    Both the first and the second - without quotes! Well, now you definitely know everything about how to correctly, competently and beautifully design public pages and groups on VKontakte. We wish you good luck!

    The same question arises before starting work - how to properly set up a VKontakte group for sales and how to formalize it correctly? There is no clear answer to this question. There are many factors that influence the success of the transaction between you and the buyer through social network. Let's look at setting up a VK group in order.

    How to register a group in VK? This is the first thing you should pay attention to! Imagine that you are a person who wants to purchase a product or order a service. So you see an advertising post, go to the community to learn more about the proposed offer and... you find yourself in an unknown place.

    The description is incomprehensible, there are no contacts, photo albums are chaotically filled with hackneyed photos from the Internet. The desire to buy immediately disappears.

    This can be avoided. If you follow simple rules.

    • Band cover VK introduces you to clients and should bear only the minimum, useful information! This contact phone number, website name, brand name. The cover size is 1590x400 for the desktop and 200 pixels smaller for the mobile version.
    • Group avatar. It is purely visual in nature and should be remembered by subscribers. There is no need to write mountains of text there, or insert low-quality pictures that are impossible to see. An excellent option for a group avatar would be a brand logo, an icon characterizing the type of activity. The group avatar size is 500x500.
    • Album cover. For the cover, sizes 1000x700 are suitable. Place a bright, catchy picture and, most importantly, readable text that will reflect the content of the album. The main thing when creating a cover is not to go beyond the band's style. If the group is made in dark colors, do not create a bright color cover.
    • Goods. Complete the block of products in the same style and prepare a high-quality description and photographs of the offered product.

    How to name a group on VK? The name of the community reflects the meaning of the project. In my projects I use the following formula: Brand + service, product. Ask why this was done? The answer is simple. To attract free traffic to the group.

    More than 97,000,000 people use VKontakte every month. Some of these people use a search engine to find a service or product.

    For example, Ivan sells apartments in St. Petersburg. Having analyzed the statistics of requests in wordstat.yandex.ru, Ivan revealed that the most frequent request this is to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg. (172,688 impressions per month).

    Based on this, Ivan creates a group: Company name | Buy an apartment in St. Petersburg. Thus, when a person searches to buy an apartment in St. Petersburg, he will see the group in the results.

    Status. Here you need to briefly indicate important, relevant information. This could be a feedback number, promotions, website, special offer.

    Description of the group. Here describe your advantages over competitors, tell us about the company, type of activity, contacts, delivery information. Show how the business solves a customer problem.

    Content. No matter how much you enjoy writing, you can’t live without it now. Share with subscribers useful materials, organize competitions, congratulate you on holidays, write with concern for who reads you.

    The mistake of most communities is to sell directly. It’s unlikely that you would be interested in seeing a community that says everywhere: “Buy from us, well, buy!”

    The best way sell without selling - show the client his own problem, increase its significance and offer a solution. Tell a story, share a problem with readers and make it clear how the product will help solve the problem.

    Discussions. Publish reviews and question-answer sections for feedback from the audience. Reviews are the face of a business, they increase trust and encourage you to make a purchase or sign up for a service.

    Bots and applications VKontakte. Assistants for processing applications and supporting audience feedback. Spend enough time setting up applications and sending newsletters. Install the widget in the group, greet the client and encourage a call to action.

    Result: A group is a picture assembled from small parts that need to be put together. By following these tips, you can correctly set up a VK group, set up a community and offer services and goods to receive orders through VKontakte.

    Prepared the article

    Today we are returning again to the topic of designing VKontakte groups. We have already learned before. Today we will learn how to make graphic pinned menu top banner and a link to inside page with extended menu items. In general, any information can be on the internal page. It is especially convenient to place there, for example, catalogs with a range of products. Both drop-down menus and sticky menus have their pros and cons. The main disadvantage of a drop-down menu is that it is in the closed state by default. But you can place several links on it at once.

    Pinned menu it looks more impressive due to the overall impression, but it can only have one link leading either to the internal VKontakte page or to an external site (and the link to the external site will not come from the picture, but from the text link under the picture). Also, one of the obvious disadvantages is that on mobile devices The graphic menu is presented as a regular entry in the feed, standing at the top, and not as pinned next to the avatar. In general, when choosing a design you should take these nuances into account. So let's see how to create a sticky top menu with a link to an internal page.

    I create VKontakte groups
    High-quality design of VK groups and publics, pinned menu, drop-down menu, internal graphic menu, catalogs, internal navigation - prices And portfolio.

    Step 1
    Create a new document in Photoshop approximately 900x700 pixels in size and fill it with white. Now we need to cut out two windows in the layer, through which the actual graphic design itself will be visible. First, select a rectangle measuring 200x500 pixels (avatar) and press Del. Then select a rectangle measuring 510x352 (align it to the bottom line of the avatar and make the distance between the shapes 50 pixels) and also press Del.
    After the next design update by VKontakte (October 31, 2016), the banner dimensions became 510x307 (not 510x352).

    Step 2
    Now, below the white layer, we place some single picture, which will form the basis of the design.

    Step 3
    After that, we supplement the picture with various elements - a logo, text inscriptions and a button inviting you to click on the menu. Then we save two separate pictures on the computer - one is an avatar (on the right), the second is a menu with a click button (on the left).

    Step 4
    We also create a graphic menu in Photoshop consisting of several items. The width of this menu should be 600 pixels, the height is optional, depending on the number of items. To help, use the lesson ““.

    Step 5
    We cut our menu into several horizontal strips in accordance with the number of menu items. Save as separate files.

    Step 6
    We go to our VKontakte group, click “Community Management” (clicking on the three dots under the author opens a drop-down menu) and check that the settings are correct. The group should be open and the materials should also be open.

    Step 7
    Now we upload a new avatar. Move your mouse to the location of the avatar and select “Update photo” from the pop-up menu. Load the right photo from Step 3, stretch the selection area up and down to the edges of the picture, click “Save” and then select the area for the round thumbnail.

    Step 8
    Now you need to create an internal page. How to do this is described in detail in the lesson. Another alternative way creating an internal page is described in the lesson “” in Steps 5 and 6.

    Step 9
    Once we have created the internal page, we can go to it. To do this, you need to click on the drop-down menu of the group (by default this item is called “Latest News” - I renamed it to “Menu”) and there click on the “Menu” link. After this we will go to the newly created blank page.

    Step 10
    Now we need to create a graphical menu of five items. To do this, we upload our five pictures from Step 5 to the group album. We click on the camera icon and upload the cut pictures from the computer. The pictures will be stored somewhere on VKontakte servers with reference to the group, so it is not necessary to create a separate album for cut-out pictures. You need to upload pictures in Wiki markup mode.

    Step 11
    Now in wiki markup mode we will create a graphical menu. It is very important to create in wiki markup mode (icon in the right top corner from two triangular brackets), and not in visual editing mode. More information about creating code in wiki markup is described in Step 4 and Step 5 of the lesson ““. There is also a code template for insertion. If everything is done correctly, you should get a ready-made graphical menu, as in the figure below.

    Step 12
    Now we return to the main page of the group, take the URL of our internal page (it should be like this https://vk.com/page-78320145_49821289) and paste it into the window where news is created. A window with a link to this very internal page should automatically be attached. After this, we move the cursor to the inscription “Attach” and attach a photo to the entry, namely our picture on the left from Step 3. After this, we erase the line from the URL of the internal page, leaving empty space. Important! On this step you need to check the box (if you have such rights, this mainly applies to groups with an open wall) in the “On behalf of the group” checkbox. If you do not check this box, the entry will not be pinned. Finally, click “Submit”.

    Step 13
    Move the cursor to the three dots next to the post title and select “Pin” in the drop-down window. Accordingly, the news is also detached, if necessary.

    Step 14
    There is one caveat. Sometimes, after you unpin a news story, it goes far down the feed, according to the date of creation, and it can be quite difficult to find it again. Therefore, it is better to immediately write down the URL of the pinned news somewhere. To do this, move the cursor to the time the news was created and click on the link.

    Step 15
    Now we update the main page of the group. Our graphic menu will be located at the top next to the avatar. And when we click on the picture, we are taken to an internal page with a menu of five items.

    Hello again. I will never get tired of saying this) In our studio, we love free communication with our users, well, that is. when you are not puzzled by the framework in which you were put in order to write the necessary article. On this site we communicate only on topics that are interesting to us and tell you about them. And so, in the previous article in the series of training materials about VKontakte, we created a VK group and talked a little about its promotion. But still, to be honest, that’s not all, the social group functionality provided to us. The network allows you to design a group or public page in a very interesting and even professional way. So in this article we will tell you how to beautifully design a VK group and make a beautiful menu for it.

    WIKI markup is used to create groups. In this article we will not delve too deeply into it, because... If we mix everything in one article, then we will completely confuse you, friends, but our task is different. About wiki markup We'll tell you more in the next article, okay? Then let's continue.

    In this article, we also can’t do without Wiki, but we use it to a minimum here, so don’t delve into it too much)). First we need to create interactive menu your group, for this you need to carry out preparatory actions. First, let's change some settings in the group. We go to “Community Management”, then to “Discussions”, and here we need to connect “Materials” and make the discussions open, as shown in the picture

    Ready! Next, let's start preparing the images. At this stage, it is advisable to be able to work with graphic editors, otherwise you will need to turn to freelancers, and this is a waste of your money. It’s better, of course, to learn this; it’s not difficult at all, and even more so, you’ll need it more than once. We will show you how to perform this step in Photoshop, although you can do the same in any other editor.

    We make a template for the VK group as in the picture below.

    The menu will be located in window A and its dimensions may differ from those shown in the image. It all depends on the size of your menu buttons. In our version, we suggested making one button per line. If you need to make 2 buttons per line, then the width of window A must be reduced to a maximum of 377px. Usually, we select the height empirically. In this option, a height of 377px is selected when placing on home page groups each element into one line.

    The marking stage is over, now we make a suitable image, cut our drawing into zones and write down the inscriptions we need, and do not forget that each separate zone of the picture, with the inscription that you write, will be your menu button. I don’t think it’s worth writing how to do all this, because... this will turn into a separate lesson on Photoshop, perhaps we will write about it, although I can’t promise - the site has the wrong profile. But if there are many requests, I think we’ll add an article))

    When you save the project in Photoshop, removing all unnecessary elements (Photoshop cuts and saves all the pictures and white fields along with them), you need to change the name of the pictures, preferably, for convenience, numbering them in order, according to how they will be placed in the menu .

    Fuuuhhhh, we're done with this stage too)) There's not much left! Next, we move on to the group itself. After we changed some settings (at the beginning of this article), we will see new tabs on the wall: “Discussions” and “Latest News”. Click on the inscription “ New topic» in the discussions tab and create a menu page.

    It must be named the same as on the graphic menu, and then fill in the description field. When you have paid all necessary information, confidently click “Create topic”.

    You will see the created message on the wall. Then, in the same way, you create the number of pages you need (depending on how many menu sections you have).

    Is everything ready? if yes, then we begin to edit our menu. For this we use the “Latest News” tab. Again, feel free to click “Edit”.

    Again we see the editor window, which we are no longer afraid of)), we have already met with it. Having switched to the visual editing mode (to do this, use the camera icon in the VK editor), we load all our pictures (menu fragments) in the order in which they will be found in the whole image. We change the name to something understandable to visitors. Then we switch to wiki markup mode and edit the code (we will tell you in detail about wiki markup in the next article, I’ll tell you an interesting thing.

    Sample code for the proposed menu:

    One point is very important here - for fragments that do not serve as a button, you need to write the “nolink” tag instead of a link to the page. Otherwise, the fragment will become clickable, and when your user clicks on it, the fragment itself will open, like independent image, do you need it?

    If something is wrong, then most likely you made an error in the code, check everything carefully, and more than once. And if you did everything correctly, then after clicking on the name of the tab of the group’s main menu, you will see a ready-made graphic menu that looks like one whole together with the VK group’s avatar.

    If your menu at the lower level does not coincide with the avatar of the VKontakte group, then achieve alignment in the code in the lower fragment by changing the height in px. With large changes, this may affect the quality of the picture. In this case, in the original template graphic editor(in our case, this is Photoshop) make changes in the size of the desired fragment and, if necessary, redraw the entire layout. That's all, friends, the VK group registration is finished! You are now the owner of a professionally designed group.

    In another article from the training series about VKontakte, we told you how to make an interactive menu and design VKontakte group professionally. In our next article, we will take a closer look at wiki markup and try to design a group by going deeper into this markup.

    As always, we are very happy to receive any comments you may have, write more often, friends))