• The most frequent requests to Yandex. What is most often searched for in search engines?

    Yandex studied which events, people, phenomena, films and even Internet memes aroused the greatest interest among Russians in 2017. The results of the study are presented in nine ratings. TASS talks in detail about the most interesting results of the “search year”.

    Events in Russia and the world

    In first place in the list of events that Yandex users were most interested in was the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, which occurred on April 3. The so-called death groups on VKontakte and the scandal surrounding the film Matilda have been topics of active discussion for several months, which influenced their second and third places in the ranking, respectively. Overall top 10 search queries according to events it looks like this.

    From Russian events The top 10 also included: the introduction of a fine for the absence of a “Spikes” sign; FBK activities; hurricane in Moscow, which happened in May; the opportunity to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the opening of Zaryadye Park.

    Russians were not so actively interested in foreign events this year. The top 10 at the end of 2017 included only queries about the Coxsackie virus epidemic in Turkey and the persecution of the Rohingya ethnic group in Myanmar.


    The most active attention of users was attracted to the former opera singer, ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Maria Maksakova. This is largely explained by emigration to Ukraine and the subsequent murder of her husband, entrepreneur and politician Denis Voronenkov.

    The most popular man of 2017, according to Yandex search query statistics, was singer Dima Bilan.

    The top ten women about whom information was most often sought in the past year also include: singer Yulia Samoilova, who, due to obstacles from the Ukrainian authorities, was unable to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017; Diana Shurygina, who gained fame after participating in a talk show; TV presenter Dana Borisova; ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. The top 10 is completed by the wife of the French president, Brigitte Macron.

    Among the men in whom Yandex users showed the greatest interest are TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, actor and theater director Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, director Kirill Serebrennikov, rapper Face (Ivan Dremin). The only foreigner in the top 10 was French President Emmanuel Macron.

    Things and phenomena

    The words "cryptocurrency", "spinner" and iPhone X became the most popular queries in this category. The popularity of the cryptocurrency topic was affected by rapid growth bitcoin exchange rate. Fidget spinner toys have been a hot topic all summer, and the iPhone X has been a hot topic since... Apple corporation presented its new products. In addition, the top ten things about which Yandex users most often searched for information included three more smartphones: Samsung Galaxy S8, iPhone 8 and updated Nokia 3310.


    The Ice Hockey World Championship became the most popular sports query on Yandex in 2017. It took place in May 2017 in Germany and France. The Russian team took third place, losing to Canada in the semifinals with a score of 2:4, and beating Finland 5:3 in the match for third place.

    In second place in the top 10 requests is the Confederations Cup, held in Russia in June-July. In third place is the Russian Football Championship, which this year provided serious intrigue in the battle for the championship title. After all, despite the fact that on the eve of the season the overwhelming majority of experts called Zenit the favorite, Lokomotiv Moscow confidently leads the championship with a gap of eight points.

    In addition, among the sporting events about which Yandex users most often searched for information were the boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Conon McGregor; KHL championship; the football Champions League and the upcoming FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia in the summer of 2018.


    In 2017, Yandex users most often requested information about the horror film “It” directed by Andres Muschietti, the animated comedy “Despicable Me 3” and the science-fiction film “Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2.”

    Three Russian films were in the top 10 search queries: “Viking” directed by Andrei Kravchuk, “The Last Hero” by Dmitry Dyachenko and “Attraction” by Fyodor Bondarchuk.


    Of all Russian television series, Yandex users in 2017 most often searched for information about Molodezhka. The most popular foreign series predictably became Game of Thrones.

    The remaining Russian and foreign TV series are ranked as follows.

    Internet memes

    The word "eshkere", common among rappers, became the most popular meme of 2017. For the uninitiated, it is worth explaining the long path of its origin. This word is a Russian translation of the English word esketit, and it, in turn, is the result of a peculiar pronunciation of the phrase let's get it, which can be translated as “Let's stir it up.”

    In second place is Zhdun, a common name on the RuNet for a sculpture by the Dutch artist Margriet van Brevoort. The statue represents a legless creature gray with the head of a northern elephant seal and human hands.

    In third place is the phrase “This is a fiasco, bro.” She became popular after the publication of a viral video in which a Shiba Inu dog falls into the water. The phrase has become synonymous with failure.

    The remaining seven items on this list are also well known to active Internet users. And those who see them for the first time should look for the stories of their origin - each is very interesting.

    Yandex remains one of the most popular search engines in Russia today. Its monthly page views amount to more than 3 billion times, i.e. Every day the search engine processes more than 100 million queries. It is worth noting that more than half of all search engine users come from 10 large cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk). The average number of requests per user is 6-7 times per session of using a search engine until the desired result is selected.

    The most popular queries are the same in wording and have the same spelling. Most people are looking for information related to social networks(for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki). The list of the most “Yandex” includes the phrases “download”, “watch online”, “”, “”, “download songs”, “download music”.

    Geographic queries are also popular, for example, “St. Petersburg”, “Map of Moscow”, “Moscow”. Navigation queries to search for sites with a specific address or category (for example, mail.ru or “online store”) are gaining great popularity. Sometimes users are looking for a job (“job search”), and background information(“salad recipes”).

    Similar statistics for the Russian Internet have Google search engine, which, however, is more popular abroad.

    Detailed statistics search queries can be obtained on the websites of popular search engines.

    Foreign Internet

    One of the most popular queries for 2013 in the world refers to the person of Nelson Mandela. Second place in the ranking was taken by a request for a biography of Paul Walker. People often searched for information about the iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.

    The type of search queries, despite the general trend, may vary depending on the region and current events that are happening in the world at the moment.

    The most popular movie-related Google search was "Iron Man" and "Man of Steel." Among the videos, people most often searched for Harlem Shake; there was also a large percentage of people who wanted to receive information about the tragic events in Boston. Navigation queries continue to be popular - for example, Facebook, Youtube, Outlook, Google, etc. People often enter the word free in search engines, which indicates a desire to get something for free. Google also often processes information for the queries “Channel One”, “Sochi Olympics” and “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (accident reports).

    Review information can set the vector for a more in-depth analysis of a particular topic, in order to then plan an advertising campaign (or even an entire business). We analyzed what they want to buy in the regions and talked about it specifically for VC.ru.

    To collect data we used the Wordstat.Yandex.ru service. It predicts the number of views based on statistics for the last 30 days before the update date. Therefore, the results of the study are relevant specifically for the summer season of 2017.

    Methodology for collecting statistics

    We analyzed the popularity of the ten most frequent queries with the word “buy” in different cities of Russia and compared the data according to two indicators: the number of impressions per month and regional popularity.

    Regional popularity is calculated using the following formula: share of impressions by this word in region n / share of impressions of all search results in region n. For example, the popularity of a word equal to 120% means that in the region under study there is now increased interest in this word; if it is less than 100%, it means decreased interest.

    First, let's look at the all-Russian top 10 queries with the word “buy”. We cleared the data from general queries and took only the most frequent ones for specific categories of goods/services.

    What Internet users are willing to pay money for

    The leader in the number of queries was real estate: the queries “buy an apartment” and “buy a house” are the most popular. Interestingly, the request “buy a book” made it into the top 10. According to statistics, Russia is still one of the most reading countries in the world, as recently confirmed GfK research. There were also some seasonal wishes: “bicycle” and “plane ticket” took their places in the top ten.

    In seventh place is the request “buy an iPhone”: despite the jumping exchange rate and the abundance of Android gadgets, the Apple product remains one of the main “wants” of the Russian population. Lasts the hit parade popular toy called a spinner: the trend for it has not bypassed any region of our country.

    Now let's see how the number of requests and the share of interest in each of them changes in different regions.

    The absolute leaders in terms of the number of impressions were Moscow and St. Petersburg, so we will not consider this indicator for the capitals in the comments to the graphs. However, the indicator of regional interest in Moscow and St. Petersburg for some requests turned out to be significantly lower. And it’s already interesting to compare it with other cities, which is what we did.

    The request “buy a car” is generated more in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg. At the same time, regional interest is higher in Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh and Krasnodar:

    The situation with more accessible transport is completely different: Yekaterinburg leads both in the number of requests for “buy a bicycle” and in terms of the popularity of the request.

    Interest in cycling here is 70% higher than in Moscow (the graph did not show the regional popularity of Moscow - 97%, since the number of impressions overtook this indicator). We assume that this is partly due to the weather, which this year does not allow Muscovites to fully appreciate the convenience of traveling on two wheels, and partly due to the presence of a successfully functioning city bicycle rental system in the capital.

    Interest in purchasing real estate varies curiously across regions. “Buy a dacha” is wanted most of all by users from Novosibirsk, “buy an apartment” - from Nizhny Novgorod, and “buy a house” - from Yekaterinburg. There is increased regional interest in dachas among residents of Krasnoyarsk, in apartments in Krasnoyarsk and Voronezh, and in houses in Voronezh and Krasnodar. It is noteworthy that in terms of regional interest in dachas, Krasnoyarsk was ahead of both capitals: the figure was as much as 161%.

    “Buy a plane ticket” is most wanted by users from Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar (not counting residents of both capitals). At the same time, there is increased regional interest in tickets - in Tyumen:

    Yekaterinburg was recognized as the most reading city - both the number of requests to “buy a book” and the corresponding regional interest are in the lead there. We decided to check whether people read more in the “cultural capital”. It turned out that the Moscow interest rate is still higher - 173% versus 155%.

    Yekaterinburg is eager to buy dresses: both the number of requests and the interest rate are higher than in other regions. But Muscovites are most interested in dresses: of all the topics considered, this particular request showed the highest coefficient of local regional interest - 206%.

    Also, residents of Novosibirsk really want to “buy an iPhone” - the regional popularity of this request here is in third place after the capitals. The greatest interest in Apple's smartphone is shown in St. Petersburg - there the level of regional popularity of the iPhone reached 159% versus 140% in Moscow.

    And finally, let's see which region was most influenced by fashion. Apart from users from Moscow and St. Petersburg, people in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk want to “buy a spinner” more. We couldn’t find any obvious reasons for this, so we’ll assume that it’s all about the two letters “n” in the name of the toy.


    So, we have seen that the indicator of regional interest changes unpredictably in each case under consideration. How can you use this information?

    1. Evaluate not only the number of requests, but also regional interest. If you decide to start selling a product because it seems to you that it will sell out like hotcakes in Chelyabinsk, and your budget does not yet allow you to spend money on marketing research, the Wordstat tab with statistics by region will help you compare your expectations with reality.

    On it you will find out not only the level of probable demand today, but also the expected prospects. Perhaps it is precisely where the percentage of regional interest is minimal that there is no competition. Cards in hand: Generate interest with inclusive display advertising and reap the rewards of increased demand.

    2. Work with each region, taking into account its level of interest in other topics. For example, regions with increased interest in purchasing real estate are more likely to be interested in the services of an interior designer or new flooring products entering the market.

    3. Use Regional Interest Score to Predict Performance advertising campaign. Analysis of demand in the context of individual regions will allow us to draw up a media plan that is as close to reality as possible. It is worth taking this coefficient into account both before launching an advertising campaign and at the stage of making a forecast for each subsequent period (month, quarter): the situation can vary greatly depending on the season, weather, political and other external factors.

    The article was prepared forVC.ru.

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    Before you do anything on the Internet: create a website, set up an advertising campaign, write an article or a book, you need to see what people are generally looking for, what they are interested in, what they enter in the search bar.

    Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often collected in two cases:

    • Before creating the site. In this case, you need to collect the maximum keywords to cover your entire area. After collection, search queries are analyzed and based on this a decision is made on the structure of the site.
    • To set up contextual advertising. Not everyone chooses for advertising, but only words by which one can determine interest in a product or service, preferably active interest expressed in the words “buy”, “price”, “order”, etc.

    If you are going to set up contextual advertising, That .

    And below we will look at how to collect statistics on search queries in popular search engines, as well as little secrets on how to do it better.

    How to view Yandex request statistics

    The Yandex search engine has special service“Selection of words”, located at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is very simple to use: we enter any words and usually, in addition to statistics on these words, we also see what we searched for along with these words.

    It is very important to understand that statistics for shorter queries include statistics for all detailed queries with these words. For example, in the screenshot the request “query statistics” includes the request “Yandex request statistics” and all other requests below.

    The right column displays queries searched by people who searched for the query you entered. Where does this information come from? These are queries that were entered before or immediately after your query.

    To see the exact number of requests for a phrase, you need to enter it in quotation marks “phrase”. Thus, the specific query “query statistics” was searched 5047 times.

    How to view Google search query statistics

    Recently, the Google Trends tool has become available for Russia, it is located at http://www.google.com/trends/. It displays popular ones in lately search queries. You can enter any of your queries to evaluate its popularity.

    In addition to the frequency of queries, Google will show popularity by region and similar queries.

    Second way to see the frequency of Google search queries is to use the service for advertisers adwords.google.ru. To do this you need to register as an advertiser. In the “tools” menu, you need to select “Keyword Planner” and then “Get query statistics”.

    In the planner, in addition to statistics, you will find out the level of advertiser competition for this request and even approximate cost click if you decide to advertise too. By the way, the cost is usually too high.

    Mail.ru search query statistics

    Mail.ru has updated a tool showing statistics of search queries http://webmaster.mail.ru/querystat. The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by gender and age.

    It can be assumed that the Yandex word selection service also takes into account requests from Mail, because V at the moment the Mail.ru search engine displays Yandex advertising, and the service is mainly aimed at advertisers. Previously, by the way, Google ads were shown in Mail.ru.

    In addition, you can use this trick. The approximate distribution of the audience between search engines is as follows: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may change. (For example, programmers may prefer Google.)

    Then you can look at the statistics in Yandex and divide by 6. We get the approximate number of search queries in Mail.ru

    By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between search engines as of February 2014 can be seen in the screenshot below:

    Rambler request statistics

    From the graph above you can already see that the Rambler search engine covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at: http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/

    The principle is the same as in other services.

    Even fewer of our compatriots use the Bing search engine. And to see keyword statistics, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

    This can be done at bingads.microsoft.com, and request statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising campaign:

    Yahoo Query Statistics

    In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. You can view search query statistics here http://advertising.yahoo.com/

    How to view YouTube search queries

    Youtube also has its own search query statistics, which is called the “Keyword Tool”. It is mainly intended for advertisers, but you can use it to add suitable keywords to your video.

    And it looks something like this:

    Bottom line.

    We've covered everything popular systems selection of search queries. I hope you find this review useful for writing articles, creating websites, or setting up advertising. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    Have you ever asked yourself the question: what are people looking for on the Internet? What are they interested in? I think if you are a webmaster, or you are simply interested in the topic of the Internet, then you have asked yourself this question. Let's find out which search queries are the most popular in 2017 in Yandex and Google.

    The most popular queries in Yandex 2017

    The most popular phrase in Yandex is download for free, and other phrases are also very popular: either with the word “free” or with the word “download”! Well, what can you do, people love free things: download for free, watch for free, play games for free. But besides them, there are other common requests: March 8, New Year, February 23. Yes, holidays, this is another very popular topic. True, these are so-called situational requests, the traffic for which increases immediately before the event itself. Usually this happens 2-3 days before the holiday and after its completion, requests drop to almost zero. I also want to mention seasonal requests. These are the requests that arise during a certain period of time of the year. There are a lot of such requests, for example, “answers on the Unified State Exam,” “where to relax in the summer,” etc.

    Here is a list of the most popular queries in Yandex in 2017.

    The most popular queries on Google in 2017.

    In Google, the list of the most popular queries is similar to the Yandex list. But there are also some differences. For example, here is the most popular word- download. Download for free (also a leader), download MP3, download a movie, download a game. By and large, the lists of the most popular queries for both search engines are almost the same. This is if we take, of course, the Russia region in Google.

    Well, now, look at the list of the most popular queries on Google in 2017.

    What topic for the article should the webmaster choose to receive maximum traffic to the site? First you need to check how many times a particular question has been asked. Some requests are very popular (download for free), others are extremely rare. It is clear that according to popular phrases, there is maximum traffic. But the competition for them is very strong. As a result, get into the TOP10 for such queries search results, very hard. For rare requests, and even more so for zero ones, getting to the top is usually not a problem. The problem is different, according to them, the traffic is either very small or there is none at all.

    To determine the popularity of queries, there are two popular tools - Yandex Wordstat and Google keyword planner.

    How to view keyword statistics in WordstatYandex

    Yandex Wordstat is the most popular tool in RuNet for obtaining search query statistics. It is free, it allows you to collect data on all search phrases entered by users of the Yandex PS. It's no secret that Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia.

    What I like about the WordstatYandex service is its simplicity. To use it, just create an email account in Yandex and go to wordstat.yandex.ru. Next, enter a query and get its statistics. And that's all!

    This way you can get the dynamics of statistics for any search query. Moreover, you can get data by region and month.

    Yandex Wordstat shows statistics not only for the selected phrase, but also for other search queries related to the search phrase.

    Unfortunately, this tool has some disadvantages.

    The display of statistics is not entirely clear. For example, if you need statistics on the phrase “summer dresses,” then Yandex will show that this search query was requested 73,000 times. But that's not true. In fact, 73,000 times is the total number of searches that included the words “Summer Dresses.” That is, they also searched for “summer dresses photos”, “buy summer dresses” and so on. If you look at the statistics directly for the phrase “summer dresses”, it turns out that there were significantly fewer such search queries.

    To determine exact statistics for a phrase, you need to use the “quote” operator. And then the answer will be completely different.

    But find out the exact data for each search phrase possible through the operator exclamation mark, see screenshot.

    Thanks to Yandex Wordstat, you can quickly find out statistics on the selected phrase and only then decide whether to use this phrase for promotion.

    How to view statistics in Google Planner.

    In addition to the Yandex Wordstat service, there is another service. This is a Google service and it is called Google Planner (Keyword Planner). In RuNet, the description of this service is much less common than the description of Yandex Wordstat. And in vain. Since the capabilities of the Google planner significantly exceed the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat.

    As with Yandex, here you also need to have your own account. Simply put, you need to have an email account in Google. Next, go to adwords.google.com, after which you need to go to the Tools menu,

    and select the item – Keyword Planner.

    Now you need to select the item – Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category

    Enter the desired search term. You can also put it here additional settings: landing page, category and so on. However, it is not necessary to specify these settings; you can simply enter the desired phrase and click on the button - Show options.

    A window will open with a lot of numbers. It displays how many options there are with the selected keys (as in Yandex), and separately, how many options there are for the selected query. There is also a button here - Download.

    The report shows how many impressions a particular search query had. The statistics displayed are approximate. The values, from and to, differ tenfold: a hundred to a thousand requests, a thousand to ten thousand, and so on. For example: the search query, “Summer dresses,” has a total number of one hundred to one thousand (region – Russia). And this error applies to all search queries.

    For a general assessment, such statistics will be sufficient. After all, in any case, this is only a rough assessment of whether it is necessary to work with this request. But there is one trick in AdWords. Thanks to this feature, you can get accurate statistics for all requests. True, for this you need to transfer money to an advertising company. Each country has its own minimum requirement for creating an advertising company.

    Since I have such an account, here is a screenshot with the exact readings.

    As you can see, the exact numbers are already displayed here. More precisely, exact average figures for the year. Although, when creating a report, you can check the box, and then it will indicate the values ​​​​for each month for the past year.

    Finding out the statistics of search queries in Yandex is not a problem. It's even easier to do this in Yandex. But Google outputs all related queries to a file at once Excel programs, thanks to which you can immediately select the necessary keys. You can sort the keys alphabetically, by frequency, by level of competition, by approximate cost.

    What is the cost of advertising for a search phrase? First of all, AdWords is designed for advertisers. And of course, it is simply vital for potential advertisers to know how much advertising costs for a particular request. But for webmasters who are not going to provide paid advertising, knowing the meaning of this parameter will not be superfluous.

    In Yandex you can also find out how much advertising costs for a specific request. But for this, you need to open another service. And this is not at all so convenient.

    One more thing. The fact is that Google can show phrases that may not contain the keywords you requested. However, these search queries may also be related to the search phrase.

    For example, for the phrase “summer dresses,” Google will also suggest the word “sundress.” Essentially, this is a tip for webmasters. Which will allow you to use even more search queries for search engine promotion.

    How to combine Yandex and Google tools.

    Although Yandex is ahead of Google in terms of the number of search queries, Google also has a very large share. And therefore, for me these search engines are equal. When I receive statistics in Yandex, I understand that the statistics in Google will be similar. And vice versa. Therefore, both tools are relevant to me. And here the scheme of my work is simple.

    For example, for Yandex requests
    “buy an apartment in Moscow” and
    “Buy an apartment from Moscow” will be the same

    To avoid this, you must use the + operator before the preposition
    “buy an apartment + in Moscow” and
    “Buy an apartment + from Moscow”

    This is especially important when creating semantics for Direct!


      Nice addition according to the operators, they really need to be used. By the way, I myself also often use “+”


      • Well, I think that any user who is going to work with Wordstat should memorize these operators and understand what each of them represents.
        Moreover, there are not so many of them.