• The most popular requests for toys. Statistics of search queries from Yandex, Google and Rambler, how and why to work with Wordstat

    Greetings, dear reader. In this article we will look at the topic of what products are sold on the Internet, what people are interested in at the moment time, and learn how to do express analysis of various goods and services.

    Why might this be useful to us, you may ask? Good question, let's look at all this with live examples.

    A certain Artem, an aspiring entrepreneur who had previously worked as a sales manager in a small company, wondered about his own business. Artem decided to sell new technology, starting his business by selling Google Glass ( smart glasses, recognizing voice commands).

    First of all, he concluded an agreement with the supplier, purchased the first batch, launched a website and an advertising campaign. Artem was sure that such a cool new product would definitely be popular and would bring good money from sales.

    As some have already guessed, Artem forgot to analyze the market. The demand for these glasses began to dry up, at least in Russia. The majority already bought these glasses immediately after the release + due to the sharp rise in the dollar at the moment (02/23/15), the glasses began to cost more than 100 thousand rubles, which further reduced the likelihood of their purchase.

    What tool can you use to learn how to analyze demand?

    How to find out the current demand for a product or service

    The Keyword Statistics service on Yandex will help us with this; we will focus on this service, because search engine Yandex in 2014 occupied and now occupies approximately the same amount in 2015 - 58.4% of all search queries on the Russian Internet, which means it contains the maximum information.

    Let's take the same example with Artem and the new Google Glass.

    To determine the current demand for glasses, enter the phrase “ google glass" (without quotes) into the service search window.

    8910 impressions per month were recorded by Yandex for queries containing the words google glass; in the screenshot you can see the most frequently clogged phrases. The data is for the previous month.

    Please pay attention to this indicator: SHOWINGS. Many people mistakenly believe that impressions are based on the number of people, but this is not true.

    P impressions are not the number of people, since 1 person can score 2, and 3, and more once google glass +[additional word], the search engine eventually sums up all impressions.

    I will give an example for easier understanding:

    When searching for a supplier of his goods, Artem entered the following phrases:

    • Google Glass;
    • Google glass price;
    • google glass buy in Russia.

    As a result, Wordstat will display 3 positions:

    1. Google glass - 3 impressions;

    2. google glass price - 1 display;

    3. google glass buy in Russia -1 show.

    The essence, I think, is clear, if it is not clear, ask in the comments.

    Earlier I said that in 2014, 58.4% of users used Yandex, respectively, to calculate a more accurate number of impressions in all search engines, the number follows 8910 impressions / 58.4% * 100% = approximately 15257 impressions were registered in all search engines.

    This calculation is very rough, but it allows us to estimate the current demand for a product in the shortest possible time.

    For more accurate calculation you can use statistics keywords other major search engines.

    As a result, we can conclude that people are interested in this product. For more accurate conclusions, you should pay attention to commercial words, such as: buy, price, cost etc.

    To consolidate the material, indicate in the comments which topics you checked.

    How to find out what people buy online in winter, summer or holidays.

    Still, the Yandex Keyword Statistics Service can help us in this matter.

    To analyze seasonal goods, I propose to consider the situation using the example of a tire store.

    In order to see when people are looking for tires, just enter the request “buy tires” into the search bar and switch the checkbox to the “Request History” tab (see screenshot, indicated by an arrow).

    Looking at the above graph, we can conclude that people actively start looking for tires during certain periods. March-April (summer tires = when the snow melts) and October-November (winter tires = when the snow starts to fall).

    By analogy, you can analyze queries and understand what they buy in winter, what they buy in summer, as well as what goods they buy on New Year, with the exception of the Christmas tree and New Year's toys.

    We use this method to determine seasonality.

    How to identify future demand and analyze demand for the previous period

    To analyze this issue, 2 tools will help us:

    From Yandex. We are already familiar with Wordstat, I’ll show you with an example how best to carry out the analysis.

    Suppose we want to find out the demand for the service “breast enlargement” and take the second request “breast plastic surgery” for a better understanding of the situation. We type both phrases one by one into the Wordstat search bar, check the “Query history” checkbox, and finally look at the statistics for the previous 2 years.

    We see that the demand for the service “breast plastic surgery” is falling. My guess is that artificial breasts are no longer in fashion. Let's check the request for breast augmentation to more accurately confirm our guess.

    The same thing, demand is falling, although the graph shows that there is a certain seasonality at the end of the year, due to New Year holidays. Apparently someone wants to give themselves a gift. =)

    Let’s go to the Google Trends service, the interface is not complicated, enter the request “breast enlargement”, select a comparison by Countries and Regions - I select Russia.

    The output is a graph with results for the previous few years. The graph clearly shows a gradual decline in interest in this service. One can make a superficial conclusion that this direction is not very interesting in the future.

    But for example, the request “fitness”, on the contrary, is only becoming more popular every year.

    The graph clearly shows how its popularity is growing. Also in Google Trend, there is a “Forecast” checkbox; when activated, Google completes the chart for the year ahead; this happens on the basis of previous data if there is enough of it for analysis.

    A quick question: do you think the demand for the service is growing? plastic windows» based on the data in the graph below? Give reasons for your answer.

    Write your answers and arguments in the comments, after 10 answers, I will give my comment.

    To help, additional information and a hint for you - pay attention to the growth of the Internet audience over previous years and correlate the data with the history of requests.

    What do they buy in the online store in my region?

    In order to find out, we will need to open our favorite Wordstat service.

    We can look this information 2 ways:

    1. by turning on the checkbox - “by region”

    2. specifying the search region

    Let's consider both options using the example of our hero Artem. Artem realized that it was most likely not profitable to sell glasses from Google, because... The market is very limited by high price and low demand. So he decided to start working on smart watches.

    Let's analyze this request.

    Method 1

    Step 1 - Turn on 1 checkbox “By region”;

    Step 2-Select the “Cities” tab.

    Now we see that the greatest demand is for this product occur in Moscow, then St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.

    Method 2

    Step 1 - Click on the choice of region, the default is Russia;

    Step 2 - Select the desired region, in my case it is Moscow and the region;

    Step 3 - Click the Select button.

    As a result, we see all the statistics on the number of requests and key phrases. We can also look at statistics on request history, etc.


    While reading this article and completing the tasks, we know and can give answers to the following questions:

    1. What they look for on the Internet. How, based on this, using commercial words you can understand what people want to buy.

    2. What phrases do people use to search for our services?

    3. How to find out the seasonality of a product.

    4. We know how to identify future demand on the product and how to analyze the future period.

    5. How to find out the exact situation for each region.

    Bonus for pinning

    Based on statistics, write down which brand of car people are most interested in at the moment in Russia, give your answer in the comments:

    1. Lada (Vaz);

    2. Toyota;

    3. Nissan;

    6. Mercedes.

    In which region is this brand most often searched for?

    Analyze the future demand for Lada (VAZ) for the coming year.

    So, today we will talk to you about what users search for on the Internet most often. The thing is that the traffic to certain sites depends on search queries. And this, in turn, affects the income and popularity of the page owner. That's why it's so important to know what people are searching for on the Internet. Let's try to understand this difficult matter.


    Well, the first thing that can be included in our statistics is a variety of manuals and guides for computer games. It is difficult to judge which ones exactly. True, there is one category that can somehow bring certainty to this question. We are talking about “online”.

    Guides, guides and precise instructions for leveling up heroes in online games are what many users are looking for on the Internet. Especially the younger generation, who literally grew up around computers and the World Wide Web. There is even a search option special program. You can search for anything on the Internet, and it helps you find almost any information. What is it called this application? "Personal Search Center". But let's see what else users are trying to discover in World Wide Web.

    Answers to questions

    What are they looking for on the Internet? Statistics show that quite often many users ask search engines absurd questions to which they want to find an answer. Something like: "How to protect yourself from ghouls? Why do cows moo? How to become a mermaid?" and so on.

    All this can be defined in one word - nonsense. This category usually makes up the majority of search queries. Fortunately, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. Quite often, users also look for answers to normal questions. In other words, they are waiting for advice and guidance from knowledgeable people.

    A variety of blogs where you can ask a topical question is quite popular services. Especially if they relate to children's themes. Thus, you can ask for advice or read other people's instructions. But what do they search on the Internet besides this? Let's look further into this matter.


    Now it’s worth thinking about what else we might have forgotten. On the World Wide Web, as already mentioned, you can find anything. Including a variety of food recipes. It is this category that attracts the majority of users. In particular, the female half of the population.

    There are a lot of housewives in Russia. What should they do at home when the children are put to bed, the house is tidy, everything is washed, but there is nothing to cook for dinner? There are just no ideas. Of course, go on the Internet and see what you can cook up that’s so delicious. Preference is given to photo recipes, which are accompanied by step by step instructions with a description of all possible pitfalls.

    Not everything that users are looking for on the Internet. There is one more search category that occupies a huge share among all the others. Let's get to know her quickly.


    What have we completely forgotten? Of course, about entertainment! This is what many users want to find. To be a little more specific, we will now talk about multimedia.

    The modern Internet is a sea of ​​possibilities. Here people try to download everything they can: games, movies, music, videos, and so on. Everything they don't want to pay for real life. This is exactly the kind of free “profit” that everyone wants.

    Can you imagine an Internet where you have to pay money for any video? Hardly. Now imagine a situation in which we have to pay for downloading absolutely all files. Probably, then the meaning of the Internet will be lost. So, we can say that people are looking for something on the World Wide Web that is not available to them in reality.

    If you decide to create a website on a specific topic and that is why you are interested in search engine statistics, then it is better to give preference to computer games, films, recipes or guides. They are the ones who can bring you quick popularity.

    Video reviews

    But there is another, relatively new category of search queries that is developing at an active pace. We are talking about various video reviews. In them, as a rule, people talk about different games and objects.

    Computer toys are becoming the most popular in such “guides”. Probably all this is because there are so many of them. How to choose the right game for a fun evening? Just look what she is! If you look at the statistics, you will see that users give preference to indie games, quests and cooperative applications. Thus, now you know the real leaders in search queries.


    Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link http://wordstat.yandex.ru/?cmd=words and enter the query you are interested in in the “Key words and phrases” field. After clicking on the “Select” button, a table will appear in front of you, on the left side of which the most popular queries, and related queries will be shown on the right side.

    Do not forget that the display of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional information, use the “By” tab. There you should specify your choice - region or city.

    Rambler (Rambler) is no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, completely using the search technologies of the above-mentioned company. To go to the service for checking request statistics, you must click on the link http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/. In the empty rectangular window, enter the words or phrases of interest, and then click the “Calculate” button.

    This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the “Geography of requests” item or click the “Geography statistics” link and click the corresponding button.

    U Google There are two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of entered queries: using a service for selecting keywords, you can select the most relevant query, and a comparative statistics service Google search gives an idea of ​​the query being promoted.

    The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal. Search query statistics can be viewed on this page http://www.google.ru/insights/search/.

    Video on the topic

    Before you start creating a website, you need to know exactly who will be looking for it and why. And all the more necessary information about statistics requests, if it is planned to be promoted.

    You will need

    • computer, internet


    Specify the list of parameters that interest you in your requests. In addition to the words typed, the period of data analysis - a week, a month - may also be important. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, focus on its indicators. If real location site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to conduct an analysis on Google and Rambler.

    Go to http://wordstat.yandex.ru/ and enter the right word. Specify the region, if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select “Russia”. Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the “select” button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, the right one - with data about what else these people were interested in.

    Go to the "regions" tab to find out how popular this request is in different parts Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal variations are important to you, open by month and week.

    Yesterday, an adme.ru article about what people are looking for in Internet search engines spread around the Runet. The topic is not new for a long time, but for some reason no one had thought of screenshotting all the interesting queries and showing them to a wide audience before. It turned out pretty funny. People are really looking for all sorts of nonsense. Today I also took a little screenshot and decided to write about it.

    So, for example, if you believe Yandex, we have about 17 thousand fools. But, mind you, fools who have realized their situation and are trying to understand why they are like this.

    By the way, the search query “why am I such a fool” is typed in Yandex by only a little more than 200 people.

    Although “why am I such a fool” only takes third place in the top “why”. The undisputed leader of ridiculous tips on Yandex is “why you can’t take pictures in a cemetery.” Really, why? I saw photos from relatives at the cemetery from Easter. But have you ever wondered why your cat's breath smells? Although, no, this is important, suddenly she, poor thing, fell ill with something.

    When I asked “how to do it” I already thought that I wouldn’t find anything interesting. But no, the last suggested ending to my sentence surprised me. Apparently, many girls are interested in how to do this.

    On mail.ru married ladies are interested in the question of their stupid husband. Maybe not get married at all? What if the same question comes to me too?

    Well, for starters, let’s talk about our future. Do you know how to properly make children? I also thought that I was sort of in the know, but now I don’t even know.

    In conclusion, I want to say that the Google search engine turned out to be the most adequate: I was almost unable to find very funny tips in it. Maybe I didn't search well?

    Before you do anything on the Internet: create a website, set up an advertising campaign, write an article or a book, you need to see what people are generally looking for, what they are interested in, what they enter in the search bar.

    Search queries ( key phrases and words) are most often collected in two cases:

    • Before creating the site. In this case, you need to collect as many keywords as possible to cover your entire area. After collection, search queries are analyzed and based on this a decision is made on the structure of the site.
    • To set up contextual advertising. Not everyone chooses for advertising, but only words by which one can determine interest in a product or service, preferably active interest expressed in the words “buy”, “price”, “order”, etc.

    If you are going to set up contextual advertising, That .

    And below we will look at how to collect statistics on search queries in popular search engines, as well as little secrets on how to do it better.

    How to view Yandex request statistics

    The Yandex search engine has special service“Word Selection”, located at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is very simple to use: we enter any words and usually, in addition to statistics on these words, we also see what we searched for along with these words.

    It is very important to understand that statistics for shorter queries include statistics for all detailed queries with these words. For example, in the screenshot the request “query statistics” includes the request “Yandex request statistics” and all other requests below.

    The right column displays queries searched by people who searched for the query you entered. Where does this information come from? These are queries that were entered before or immediately after your query.

    To see the exact number of requests for a phrase, you need to enter it in quotation marks “phrase”. Thus, the specific query “query statistics” was searched 5047 times.

    How to view Google search query statistics

    Recently, the Google Trends tool has become available for Russia, it is located at http://www.google.com/trends/. It displays popular ones in lately search queries. You can enter any of your queries to evaluate its popularity.

    In addition to the frequency of queries, Google will show popularity by region and similar queries.

    Second way to see the frequency of Google search queries is to use the service for advertisers adwords.google.ru. To do this you need to register as an advertiser. In the “tools” menu, you need to select “Keyword Planner” and then “Get query statistics”.

    In the planner, in addition to statistics, you will find out the level of advertiser competition for this request and even approximate cost click if you decide to advertise too. By the way, the cost is usually too high.

    Mail.ru search query statistics

    Mail.ru has updated a tool showing statistics of search queries http://webmaster.mail.ru/querystat. The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by gender and age.

    It can be assumed that the Yandex word selection service also takes into account requests from Mail, because At the moment, the Mail.ru search engine displays Yandex advertising, and the service is mainly designed for advertisers. Previously, by the way, Google ads were shown in Mail.ru.

    In addition, you can use this trick. The approximate distribution of the audience between search engines is as follows: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may change. (For example, programmers may prefer Google.)

    Then you can look at the statistics in Yandex and divide by 6. We get the approximate number of search queries in Mail.ru

    By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between search engines for February 2014 can be seen in the screenshot below:

    Rambler request statistics

    From the graph above you can already see that the Rambler search engine covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at: http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/

    The principle is the same as in other services.

    Even fewer of our compatriots use the Bing search engine. And to see keyword statistics, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

    This can be done at bingads.microsoft.com, and request statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising campaign:

    Yahoo Query Statistics

    In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. You can view search query statistics here http://advertising.yahoo.com/

    How to view YouTube search queries

    Youtube also has its own search query statistics, which is called the “Keyword Tool”. It is mainly intended for advertisers, but you can use it to add suitable keywords to your video.

    And it looks something like this:

    Bottom line.

    We've covered everything popular systems selection of search queries. I hope you find this review useful for writing articles, creating websites, or setting up advertising. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    I offer budget website promotion for 15,000 rubles/month... No miracle, if the competition is high, I will not undertake to promote such a site.