• Statistics of queries in search engines. How to identify future demand and analyze demand for the previous period. How statistics and search query history in Google Trends can help

    Reason for writing new article about the most popular tool for selecting words was its recent global update, which led to a number of innovations and improvements. In addition to a short story on this topic, I will dwell in detail on correct use Wordstat operators and other features of the service.

    How to find out the number of requests in Yandex?

    First, a little information: Yandex Wordstat(wordstat.yandex.ru) is a tool for selecting keywords based on user requests, which displays statistics on the frequency of use of the specified word (first column), as well as on words from similar topics (second column). With the help of Wordstat, both advertisers and SEO specialists can find out the number of queries in Yandex.

    The principle of operation is that you indicate the word or phrase for which statistics are of interest. Next, the system shows everything key phrases, in which the word you specified is used, and its frequency is located next to it. Each of the following phrases aggregates information. The minimum frequency is 3.

    Information is updated once a month. The update date is indicated in the upper right corner.

    New Yandex Wordstat. Update from 08/07/13

    If you previously used Wordstat to check queries in Yandex, you probably encountered wild problems with the speed of the interface. I think there have been a lot of complaints written to support about this. IN new version This is not the only thing that has changed:

    1. The speed of the service has been increased - according to my feelings, the service has become several times faster.
    2. The architecture of the service has been changed - previously, when using the service, the URL changed and you could go to page 20 in one click by replacing one of the parameters. Currently there is no such possibility.
    3. Certain parts of the interface have been revised - the summary table by region has been combined with data on the map, and Yandex query statistics by month and week have been grouped on one tab.

    About automatic Wordstat parser programs

    As they say, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. And this time the fly in the ointment was a complete ban on access to the key phrase checking interface third party programs, which are very popular among context and SEO specialists. We all sincerely hope that our favorite services will resume operation as soon as possible. Here I give pivot table, which reflects data for popular Wordstat parsers as of the moment. Information will be updated as services are restored.

    Service nameStatus
    Word fuckerWorks
    SiteAuditorDoesn't work

    How to use Wordstat?

    Most people make mistakes when using the service, as a result of which incorrect data appears in statistics, and further actions on or promotion in search engines completely meaningless. In addition, there is often an artificial increase in the number of requests for keywords. Below I have collected basic recommendations for working with Wordstat with detailed comments that will be useful for both beginners and professionals:

    Refine phrases using operators

    The operators for Yandex Wordstat are the same as in Yandex Direct. I talked about them in more detail in the article ““. Main operators:

    < — >Minus signRequest frequency excludingBuy a moped – used – Moscow
    < «» >Double quotesPhrase match statistics for a word or phrase"modem cost"
    < ! >Exclamation markFrequency for a given word form!vase price
    < + >Plus signForced accounting of prepositions+ how Yandex Direct works
    <(|)>Parentheses and forward slashGroups statistics by queriesAir conditioning (car | car)

    While the first four operators are popular because they are very often used in Direct, almost no one uses the fifth. Although in skillful hands it is more useful than others, and the speed of selecting words with it increases significantly. Let me give you an example: in order to collect statistics for advertising a bow tie store, you can use the following query:

    As a result, we will receive information simultaneously about such requests as:

    • order a men's bow tie;
    • bow tie price;
    • how much does a woman's bow tie cost, etc.

    Thus, using the grouping operator, statistics are collected in one click. The range of applications is quite wide; for example, in the example above, you can check the frequency of transactional key phrases.

    Choose the right keywords

    Don't forget to indicate region to check request frequency and do not focus on the frequency of words by broad match, i.e. without using operators. Look at the huge difference:

    • Buy online store - 811 430
    • “Buy!online!shop” – 1,362

    When you select keywords for a site, each word must be further clarified to check the frequency by exact match, since dummy phrases are very common.

    Analyze request statistics by month

    Using the “Request History” tab, you can evaluate the seasonality of demand, as well as see its dynamics depending on the time of year. Also statistics by month helps to determine with a high degree of probability the natural frequency of a word. The naked eye will notice a sharp jump in the graph of words with artificial boost, while the number of low-frequency speakers will remain at the same level.

    Use automatic word selection (parser programs)

    Automatic services for keyword selection I listed above. Their use allows you to significantly reduce the amount of monotonous work and time spent checking frequencies with and without operators. In the near future I will publish an article about my favorite program for Wordstat - Slovoeb. In order not to miss the release of the article, I recommend subscribing to my updates!

    Best regards, Alexander Golfstream!

    Search query analysis is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people most often search for on the Internet using search engines.

    Its main purpose is to compile. If you don’t have one (most often we are talking about blogs), search query statistics are used when writing articles, “tailoring” them to a specific keyword.

    Most webmasters consider the main tool for selecting keywords Yandex query statistics.

    Wordstat.yandex.ru (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

    Yandex Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru) combines all kinds of word forms, most often without taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you simply write in Yandex Wordstat what interests you, the service will show you the total number of impressions of this word, word forms and phrases in which it occurred.
    For example, let's write:

    request statistics
    (Views: 31535. Words included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

    In order to achieve specification for a specific word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

    The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks (“”). In this case, a specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

    "query statistics"
    (Already 4764 impressions. Included: request statistics, request statistics etc.).

    Operator exclamation mark! allows you to take into account only the exact meanings of keywords.

    "!statistics!of requests"
    (There are already 4,707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions of the query we are interested in. Please note that the operator ! appears in front of each word).

    Using the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from display.

    Using the plus operator + you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these parts of speech.

    The bracket () operators are grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compose a group of keys under one request.

    It is worth noting that operators can be combined with each other. in various ways to significantly reduce statistical analysis data collection time.

    Yandex search query statistics lists not only derivatives of entered words, but also associative queries that users used together with your queries. This opportunity contributes to a significant expansion semantic core(tab on the right - “What else were people looking for when looking for...”).

    The first tab wordstat.yandex.ru “By words” contains the total number of impressions of specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the frequency of the same keyword in a particular search region.

    The “On the Map” tab displays the frequency of queries used on the world map. To track the frequency of this request for a certain period, you can use the tabs “by month”, “by week”. This is especially true for seasonal requests.

    • Firstly, Yandex statistics does not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries, it only gives the number of results shown search results containing this request.
    • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat by default shows data for the last month. It should be taken into account that some requests may be seasonal, and there are also requests that are so-called “surges of interest.”
    • Thirdly, the number that appears on top of the query includes all keywords containing the query itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

    Taking into account all the possibilities that wordstat.yandex.ru provides and the proper use of all tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

    Google search statistics

    Google has two services that can be used as statistics key queries. Google statistics for selecting keywords are often used as an additional tool for expanding the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for search; the optimizer’s task is to compile a starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar queries, indicating the frequency of their displays and competitiveness.

    Google search statistics are more about comparing the popularity of multiple search queries. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of query popularity in the form of graphs is offered.

    Rambler request statistics

    Rambler query statistics are not so popular, since the Rambler search engine is not so actively “used” by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of the request in the right number and case without the use of additional operators.

    Rambler's search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine were more authoritative on the RuNet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allow you to determine the number of views of both the first and any other pages regarding a specific set of words.

    Search queries - frequency and competition

    What else should a novice optimizer know about targeted queries? It is usually customary to divide all search queries into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). And also into highly competitive (HC), moderately competitive (SC) and low competitive (LC).

    Of course the best option there will be a high-frequency and at the same time low- or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that low frequency request is highly competitive. Usually high frequencies are highly competitive requests, mid-frequency are mid-competitive, etc.

    It must be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any specific quantitative meanings, since these figures will vary for each topic. It is worth understanding that the promotion of a particular site will be determined not only by its subject matter, but also by the specific situation on the market.

    It is necessary to take into account that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who come for certain search queries should receive the information they expected, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

    So, today we will talk to you about what users search for on the Internet most often. The thing is that the traffic to certain sites depends on search queries. And this, in turn, affects the income and popularity of the page owner. That's why it's so important to know what people are searching for most on the Internet. Let's try to understand this difficult matter.


    Well, the first thing that can be included in our statistics is a variety of manuals and guides for computer games. It is difficult to judge which ones exactly. True, there is one category that can somehow bring certainty to this question. We are talking about “online”.

    Guides, guides and precise instructions for leveling up heroes in online games are what many users are looking for on the Internet. Especially the younger generation, who literally grew up around computers and the World Wide Web. There is even a search option special program. You can search for anything on the Internet, and it helps you find almost any information. What is it called this application? "Personal Search Center". But let's see what else users are trying to discover in World Wide Web.

    Answers to questions

    What are they looking for on the Internet? Statistics show that quite often many users ask search engines absurd questions to which they want to find an answer. Something like: "How to protect yourself from ghouls? Why do cows moo? How to become a mermaid?" and so on.

    All this can be defined in one word - nonsense. This category usually makes up the majority of search queries. Fortunately, not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. Quite often, users also look for answers to normal questions. In other words, they are waiting for advice and guidance from knowledgeable people.

    A variety of blogs where you can ask a topical question is quite popular services. Especially if they relate to children's themes. Thus, you can ask for advice or read other people's instructions. But what do they search on the Internet besides this? Let's look further into this matter.


    Now it’s worth thinking about what else we might have forgotten. On the World Wide Web, as already mentioned, you can find anything. Including a variety of food recipes. It is this category that attracts the majority of users. In particular, the female half of the population.

    There are a lot of housewives in Russia. What should they do at home when the children are put to bed, the house is tidy, everything is washed, but there is nothing to cook for dinner? There are just no ideas. Of course, go on the Internet and see what you can cook up that’s so delicious. Preference is given to photo recipes, which are accompanied by step by step instructions with a description of all possible pitfalls.

    Not everything that users are looking for on the Internet. There is one more search category that occupies a huge share among all the others. Let's get to know her quickly.


    What have we completely forgotten? Of course, about entertainment! This is what many users want to find. To be a little more specific, we will now talk about multimedia.

    The modern Internet is a sea of ​​possibilities. Here people try to download everything they can: games, movies, music, videos, and so on. Everything they don't want to pay for real life. This is exactly the kind of free “profit” that everyone wants.

    Can you imagine an Internet where you have to pay money for any video? Hardly. Now imagine a situation in which we have to pay for downloading absolutely all files. Probably, then the meaning of the Internet will be lost. So, we can say that people are looking for something on the World Wide Web that is not available to them in reality.

    If you decide to create a website on a specific topic and that is why you are interested in search engine statistics, then it is better to give preference to computer games, films, recipes or guides. They are the ones who can bring you quick popularity.

    Video reviews

    But there is another, relatively new category of search queries that is developing at an active pace. We are talking about various video reviews. In them, as a rule, people talk about different games and objects.

    The most popular in such “guides” are computer toys. Probably all this is because there are so many of them. How to choose the right game for a fun evening? Just look what she is! If you look at the statistics, you will see that users give preference to indie games, quests and cooperative applications. Thus, now you know the real leaders in search queries.

    Before you do anything on the Internet: create a website, set up an advertising campaign, write an article or a book, you need to see what people are generally looking for, what they are interested in, what they enter in the search bar.

    Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often collected in two cases:

    • Before creating the site. In this case, you need to collect as many keywords as possible to cover your entire area. After collection, search queries are analyzed and based on this a decision is made on the structure of the site.
    • To set up contextual advertising. Not everyone chooses for advertising, but only words by which one can determine interest in a product or service, preferably active interest expressed in the words “buy”, “price”, “order”, etc.

    If you are going to set up contextual advertising, That .

    And below we will look at how to collect statistics on search queries in popular search engines, as well as little secrets on how to do it better.

    How to view Yandex request statistics

    The Yandex search engine has special service“Word Selection”, located at http://wordstat.yandex.ru/. It is very simple to use: we enter any words and usually, in addition to statistics on these words, we also see what we searched for along with these words.

    It is very important to understand that statistics for shorter queries include statistics for all detailed queries with these words. For example, in the screenshot the request “query statistics” includes the request “Yandex request statistics” and all other requests below.

    The right column displays queries searched by people who searched for the query you entered. Where does this information come from? These are queries that were entered before or immediately after your query.

    To see the exact number of requests for a phrase, you need to enter it in quotation marks “phrase”. Thus, the specific query “query statistics” was searched 5047 times.

    How to view Google search query statistics

    Recently, the Google Trends tool has become available for Russia; it is located at http://www.google.com/trends/. It displays popular ones in lately search queries. You can enter any of your queries to evaluate its popularity.

    In addition to the frequency of queries, Google will show popularity by region and similar queries.

    Second way to see the frequency of Google search queries is to use the service for advertisers adwords.google.ru. To do this you need to register as an advertiser. In the “tools” menu, you need to select “Keyword Planner” and then “Get query statistics”.

    In the planner, in addition to statistics, you will find out the level of advertiser competition for this request and even approximate cost click if you decide to advertise too. By the way, the cost is usually too high.

    Mail.ru search query statistics

    Mail.ru has updated a tool showing statistics of search queries http://webmaster.mail.ru/querystat. The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by gender and age.

    It can be assumed that the Yandex word selection service also takes into account requests from Mail, because V at the moment the Mail.ru search engine displays Yandex advertising, and the service is mainly aimed at advertisers. Previously, by the way, Google ads were shown in Mail.ru.

    In addition, you can use this trick. The approximate distribution of the audience between search engines is as follows: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may change. (For example, programmers may prefer Google.)

    Then you can look at the statistics in Yandex and divide by 6. We get the approximate number of search queries in Mail.ru

    By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between search engines as of February 2014 can be seen in the screenshot below:

    Rambler request statistics

    From the graph above you can already see that the Rambler search engine covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at: http://adstat.rambler.ru/wrds/

    The principle is the same as in other services.

    Even fewer of our compatriots use the Bing search engine. And to see keyword statistics, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

    This can be done at bingads.microsoft.com, and request statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising campaign:

    Yahoo Query Statistics

    In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. You can view search query statistics here http://advertising.yahoo.com/

    How to view YouTube search queries

    Youtube also has its own search query statistics, which is called the “Keyword Tool”. It is mainly intended for advertisers, but you can use it to add suitable keywords to your video.

    And it looks something like this:

    Bottom line.

    We've covered everything popular systems selection of search queries. I hope you find this review useful for writing articles, creating websites, or setting up advertising. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    Every day, search engines collect all user queries and analyze this data. Use information about user preferences in your work: popular queries, distribution of search queries by time, device type and location. Every year Yandex also publishes the most popular topics year.

    What queries were popular among users in 2017

    Popular topics. At the end of each year, Yandex collects statistics on queries that aroused the greatest interest among users. Top topics are different from top queries. In the topics, Yandex analyzes events and people of the past year and compiles a rating:

    • events in Russia and in the world;
    • things and phenomena;
    • popular men and women;
    • sporting events;
    • music;
    • movies;
    • memes.

    Information is taken for January-November.

    Additionally, popularity is shown by month separately. The popularity of certain topics grew throughout the year, while others lasted only a couple of months.

    Dynamics of popularity of the topic “Cryptocurrency” in 2017

    Dynamics of the popularity of the “Spinner” theme in 2017

    Mobile interests on the map. Internet searches vary from area to area. In the spring of 2017, Yandex collected statistics on requests sent from mobile devices, and compiled interactive map interests of users in different areas of Moscow. Explore popular categories with its help.

    Search in the metro. Yandex separately conducts research on the interests of users in the subway. According to the search engine, in 2017, 150 thousand metro passengers accessed Yandex search every day.

    Internet activity in the metro also has peak hours. This is 7.40 - 9.40 in the morning and 17.20 - 19.50 in the evening. Largest quantity requests occur between 8 and 9 am and from 6:20 pm to 6:50 pm in the evening.

    The overwhelming majority of requests are informational. They are related to the topics IT, Transport and Leisure. Requests change throughout the day. In the morning the most popular words and the phrases “how to get there” and “how to get there.” Courts, museums and shops top the list of destinations. In the evening, users search for recipes and food delivery services. Before the metro closed, most requests related to the night bus schedule.

    The most popular queries in the Moscow metro every hour

    Search by time of day. In Yandex, search starts at 6 am. From 9 am to 5 pm the main search queries are related to work, from 5 pm to 10 pm - with study, after midnight - movies, games, sex.

    Distribution of user interests by time of day

    How to select popular queries

    Select queries in Yandex using the Wordstat.Yandex service. If the topic of the queries being analyzed is wide, use a parser to reduce the time for collecting information.

    Frequency. Drive into search bar Yandex analyzed words, the word can be single or as part of a phrase. The frequency shown by the service includes words and phrases in any cases and word forms. Sorting in progress from maximum to minimum.

    Working with operators. To find out the number of queries in the exact word form, use operators. Main operators:

    • "" - statistics only for specified words without taking into account additional ones;
    • ! - for precise entry, fix the endings;
    • + - to add prepositions to the query: trip + to London.

    We talked about operators in detail in the article “”.

    Regions. In Wordstat, select a region before searching for a query, or analyze a query across all regions. Filter separately by region: countries, federal districts, regions and cities, - or by large cities and their subordinate regions. Pay attention to the regionality index. It is calculated based on the popularity of the request on average in Russia. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg there is increased interest in the query “blockchain”, and in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk the interest is lower than in Russia as a whole.

    Request history. See the growth of the request's popularity over time. The service shows changes over the past two years. The operators in the request are not valid, the total number is indicated in all word forms and phrases.

    Example of request dynamics

    Seasonality. If the query history clearly shows peaks of user interest throughout the year, then such goods or services are considered seasonal. When planning advertising or promotion, keep this in mind.

    Example of a seasonal request

    Mobile search. The service displays statistics separately for desktop and mobile requests. There is a separate division for phones and tablets.