• Starts intitle all user publications previous. Privacy settings for posts on Facebook: how to hide a Facebook post from prying eyes

    It would seem that Facebook has already made it much easier to manage your privacy settings, but numerous questions and complaints still continue to come. On and in the comments we receive questions of the same content almost every day: “ How to hide a post from everyone?«, « I don't want to be found in searches«, « How to close your page?"and others.

    We will not consider all the possibilities of privacy and write an online manual. You can easily find all this in help center Facebook. We’ll just try to highlight the most popular questions and give the most concise and understandable answers.

    Post Visibility

    The most popular question. But in fact, everything is elementary. We can make posts visible for the following options:

    • Visible to everyone
    • Visible to friends
    • Visible to friends except acquaintances
    • Visible only to me
    • Visible for people list
    • Visible to everyone except the People list

    Settings: go to SettingsConfidentialityWho can see my content?

    And choose the marker you need. If you want to set visibility for a separate list of users, then select User Settings.

    Please note that these settings will only apply to new posts, but to apply them to old posts, click the button Limit access to previous publications. You can also set the visibility scope for each publication separately (directly in the timeline).

    Chronicle visibility

    The second most popular question is: “ How to make a chronicle invisible?". Unfortunately (or rather, to the article), you cannot be invisible on Facebook. You can hide/unhide posts, photos, personal information, but not hide the entire profile. The only option is to remove the chronicle from search results.

    Settings: Confidentiality

    Annoying users

    Facebook is not VKontakte, there is much less spam and a higher culture of communication, but sooner or later you will still meet characters who will try to sell you some product, invite you to another business training, or simply bother you with stupid questions. Spam can be combated by strengthening filtering or even by a personal ban.

    As you know, Facebook has two private message folders. First - Inbox, second - Other. It’s clear with inboxes, but others are something like a “spam” folder in postal services. Switching the filter to mode Enhanced filtration, you will receive messages in the folder Inbox only from your friends. Everything else will fall into Other without any notification.

    One more useful feature- this is a complete blocking of the user. Add his name to the input field (as in the screenshot below) and forget about his presence.


    You cannot contact the Facebook administration directly (via email, phone, etc.). There is a feedback form for this.

    Imagine being able to collect and analyze competitors' marketing ideas without conducting a full audit of their websites. Isn't it great? Just think of the possibilities this will open up for your online marketing and promotion. By knowing what your competitors have up their sleeves, you can create more relevant content, get more organic traffic and increase conversions.

    Sounds good, doesn't it? Then pay attention - we offer a secret weapon that allows you to spy on your competitors' ideas in a matter of seconds. This weapon is 100% free - any player on the market can use it. You probably know what we're talking about. And you probably use this platform every day. Because the secret weapon we're talking about is the operators.

    What are search operators?

    Operators Google search are commands and symbols that limit or expand your search space. They can be used for almost any purpose, including competitor research. If your competitors are not well-known enough to immediately appear at the top of the search results, then traditional search will not be very useful - it will take a lot of time to scroll through the results.

    When you need to limit your search space, search operators can help you. They are useful for SEO, content marketing and many other areas. And, unlike specialized programs and utilities, search operators are available to everyone right in the search bar.

    Let's imagine that you are a small web studio that helps marketers and plans to provide services for working with cheap or free DIY services like Canva. How to quickly study their content, marketing strategies and audience?

    Analyzing an entire site is an overwhelming task. Of course, you can simply search for “Canva competitors.” But the volume of output for such a request cannot be analyzed carefully:

    You'll get too many results - 221,000 links to be exact. You'll spend hours scrolling through their rows to find the information you need. How to immediately get a summary of the most relevant sites for a request? This is where search operators will help you.

    When in doubt, use chains of command

    Search operators can be difficult to use. Sometimes it is easier to add one or two additional statements to achieve the goal.

    Command chains allow you to use multiple search operators to improve search results. No matter how you use them, search chains can help you get to the data you need faster.

    Now let's go.

    Command 1: site:

    site: is a basic command that will launch a search on a competitor's site. The team limits search results to one site, which will make the results more relevant. Let's say we're exploring a Canva website and want to analyze its pages. We can go directly to the resource and study it manually, but this will take time.

    Another option is to enter Google team"site:canva.com/ru_ru". This is what you get as a result:

    Please note that all results are only from the site we need. You don’t have to scroll through advertisements, articles, forum threads and other information on third-party resources. You have received a short list of pages of one site. By quickly scanning this list, you can get ideas for your own projects.

    But there is one drawback in the example above: we have narrowed the search to one site, but the results are still quite large. We need to add a few more conditions to the request. Let's imagine that your company places a special emphasis on creating infographics. In this case, simply add the request “create infographic” after the site: operator and the site address. Here's what it looks like: "site:canva.com create infographic."

    As a result, you will receive far fewer links. In our example, search engine produced only 21 pages. Now you can explore materials relevant to your business interests.

    Strictly speaking, by asking search query Canva and infographics, you'd get the same results. But you would have to wade through dozens and dozens of irrelevant pages. This is why the site: operator is so useful. It significantly narrows the search and helps you get faster necessary information.

    Command 2: intitle: or allintitle:

    Let's consider two commands that perform approximately the same function. The intitle: and allintitle: search operators search for pages that have the search terms you select in their “title” field. These operators are great for finding exact phrases in the titles of pages, articles, or landing pages.

    Let's say you run a search for "infographic templates":

    That's better - only 52,700 pages. But the problem is that even this issuance is not narrow enough. And, if you noticed, now the command only accepts the first word of the request - “patterns”. Let's reformulate it slightly and include the entire query in the search.

    Now we have 3300 pages - great progress! We would get the same result if we used the command “allintitle:infographic templates” instead of the cumbersome “intitle:intitle:infographic templates”. Allintitle operator: searches the entire phrase using page titles.

    So, we have eliminated 99% of irrelevant sites and can now calmly study the results that are most interesting to us. But the results can be narrowed down even further by adding the site: operator. For example: “allintitle:infographic templates site:canva.com/ru_ru”. Combining two operators will allow you to narrow the search volume to just a few links.

    This will allow you to receive extremely specific and relevant materials on the topic that interests you.

    Command 3: intext: or allintext:

    The intext: or allintext: operators also allow you to find a word or phrase, but only in the body of the page, not in the title. The allintext: operator, like the allintitle: operator, searches for entire phrases, eliminating the need to preface each word with an intext: command.

    These teams provide even deeper insight into competitors' content. This is especially useful in researching their sites' SEO strategy and learning how search engines categorize their pages.

    Now search results are completely based on specific words and phrases. But we continue to narrow the search field and return to the site: operator, since we are interested in the content of a specific site:

    We again received a small output - only 34 results. Now all you have to do is select the best articles, read them and borrow the most profitable ideas from your competitor.

    Command 4: Exact Search with Quotes

    Another method for finding exact matches of a word or phrase. This command is especially useful for researching key phrases on a competitor's site.

    By enclosing your query in quotation marks, you will find exact matches - unlike regular search results. Let’s see how this works using the phrase “infographics for marketers” as an example.

    So, the service is not promoted directly for this keyword. On the one hand, this is bad - we will not be able to find out how Canva works with this audience. On the other hand, we have a chance to offer our own solution to audiences not reached by Canva's marketing. Do you think you would have come up with such a business idea without knowing smart search techniques?

    Command 5: exclude words (-) or add words (+)

    Sometimes during the competitive analysis process you will need to exclude or add certain expressions in order to obtain desired results. In such cases, use the (-) or (+) symbols to add or remove specific words from the search.

    For example, you need to find information about infographics, but you don't want to see too many examples. Then we exclude the word “examples” from the output and this is what we get:

    We received lots of links to resources about infographics, with specific tips and tutorials, but without annoying examples.

    As you may have guessed, the (+) sign, on the contrary, includes the word in the search. We use it to find infographics about content marketing. Here's the basic search:

    Team 6: Related:

    The last search operator in this collection returns sites similar to the domain of a given resource. Once you've examined your main competitor's website, you can check who else is active in your market. This will make it easier to avoid overlaps and stand out among similar offers. Let's go back to the Canva tool and see if Google can find sites with a similar model?

    Only 9 results! This gives you an additional list of resources to explore in the future.


    If you're stumped when developing a digital marketing strategy, just take a look at what your competitors are doing. But traditional search methods may not provide quick results. Therefore, learn to “Google” like a pro - using search operators. These commands will allow you to filter results by site, title, text, and even find sites similar to a competitor’s resource. This way you will reduce the search area from millions of links to a few dozen of the most important pages.

    What to do when you have analyzed your competitors and compiled a “ semantic core» of the most promising keywords and are you ready to launch a campaign? Don't forget to accept the targeted incoming traffic flow on it.

    Has a terrible habit of reminding you of everything you've ever posted. Most likely, in the dark corners of your Chronicle there are many entries that you no longer remember. It's time to remove them once and for all.

    Checking the Chronicle

    First and foremost, make sure you know how your Timeline is being seen. regular users(those who are not your Facebook friends). To do this, go to your Timeline, click on the lock icon, in the “Who can see my materials?” select "View As" and you will see the following:

    Look through everything well, and if you don’t like something, click on the date under your name, then on the globe icon, and change the “Shared to everyone” item to “Friends”, “Only me” or “User settings”. In addition, you can completely delete an entry by selecting the appropriate item after clicking on the arrow in the right top corner.

    Hide old public posts

    If you want to hide many public posts at once, you will be surprised that Facebook has a special tool for this.

    Click the privacy settings lock in the top right corner of the page, select "See other settings" and click "Limit access to past posts." Read the message that appears and click “Apply these restrictions to past posts” if you want only your friends to see all your old posts.

    Change Timeline settings

    Next, let's make sure your Timeline settings match your preferences. Click the privacy settings lock in the top right corner again, select See other settings, and click the Timeline & Tags tab in the left panel.

    Make sure that the first, fourth, fifth and seventh items are set to “Friends” or whatever you choose:

    A more thorough Facebook cleanup

    If these tips are not enough for you, you can use one of the extensions for Chrome browser eg Facebook Post Manager. However, such programs can be overly aggressive, so be careful when using them.

    Ready! You have cleared your Timeline of old, forgotten publications. Now you can live in peace and not worry about someone coming across a compromising image or status you posted in 2009.

    Greetings, friends! Today I have sensational news for you! Tonight, Instagram officially announced that they are preparing to launch a special algorithm that will first show users only the most interesting things.

    Simply put, Posts in the feed will very soon stop being shown in chronological order , i.e. according to the time of publication, as, for example, this happens on VKontakte.

    What then will influence the distribution of publications in the news feed?

    And now he will do this special algorithm, that is computer program, which will determine, based on specified criteria, where your publication will appear in the news feed.

    According to Instagram itself, users do not see about 70% of publications , which are in their news feeds. Agree that this is quite an impressive amount!

    Thus, you, as a brand, company, popular user or public, receive significantly less deserved attention, even if your content is really interesting!

    By the way, according to the latest research from the Locowise agency, which has been counting monthly since April 2015 organic growth of followers on Instagram accounts, it (this very organic growth) decreased during this period by - ATTENTION92.86% !!! This suggests that users simply can’t keep up with the rapid growth of social media. networks and are less willing to subscribe to new accounts.

    Also, despite the fact that on average users spend about 21 minutes a day on Instagram, they no longer have time to scroll even half of the news feed. Therefore, the news about the launch of the algorithm is taken for granted. You understand that the main goal of Instagram is to increase the time the user spends on social media. networks. And this can only be done by improving the quality of the content that Instagrammers see in their feed. After all, you must admit that even though Facebook is constantly being slandered for its algorithms and the like, the number of active users on social media. The network is not decreasing at all! Why? Yes, simply because there is less junk and spam on Facebook than on VK, which still uses a chronological order for issuing posts.

    I think that you understand the meaning of the introduction of the Instagram algorithm. Let's now deal with the most important thing.

    How will the Instagram algorithm work?

    In principle, there will be nothing supernatural here yet. I emphasize the word for now, since Facebook’s complex algorithm was also “not built right away.”

    Since Instagram belongs to Facebook, the algorithm here promises to be quite similar. So, guys, who took my course “How to beat the Facebook algorithm”, you will also crack the Instagram algorithm like nuts :)

    The main idea is that Instagram will now show publications that, according to the algorithm, will be most interesting to the user. The algorithm will also take into account the user’s connection to the account being shown to him, as well as the “age” of the post.

    Thus, the winners are those profiles that boast high engagement (likes on photos and comments), as well as those Instagram accounts with which the user interacts most often, for example, friends, stars, favorite profiles, etc.

    Please note that Instagram won't be doing anything super radical for now! Don't be alarmed by this news!

    All publications that would have appeared in the user’s feed anyway if the algorithm did not exist will still remain there! For now, the algorithm will only be responsible for the order in which posts will appear in the feed!

    How will this affect you?

    I am sure that, starting today, a lot of angry articles and comments about the introduction of the algorithm will appear on the Internet. People will panic that now no one will see the publications, and Instagram radishes only want to push you to advertise.

    Friends, don't give in to negativity! The devil is not as scary as he is painted :)

    In fact, you will only benefit if, of course, you take promotion on Instagram seriously, and don’t just send there photos from a product catalog with 30 hashtags, without bringing any benefit to the Instagrammer. Such accounts, of course, will suffer from the algorithm, since no one is interested in them.

    But if you really manage to engage your audience through interesting, inspiring publications, then engagement, thanks to the algorithm, should increase!

    Why? Well, at least because the algorithm will erase time frames, giving priority to interesting content and those who missed your post because it went deep into the feed when the user connected will get an additional chance to see your news. Thus, your users from Vladivostok will not miss posts that were sent during the peak of activity in Moscow. Do you know what I mean?

    Interesting posts will now be at the very top of the Instagram feed, regardless of the time of publication!

    Once again in popular language :) If your favorite music group publishes a cool video from a night concert that you weren’t at, then you won’t miss it, but will see it as soon as you go to Instagram. In the same spirit, you will no longer miss interesting news from your close friends, because the algorithm knows very well who is most interesting to you 😉

    Well, that's all for today! Instagram says that they will begin a phased launch of the algorithm gradually over the next couple of months, but I, as always, will keep you updated on all the news!

    I wish you successful promotion!

    Social Facebook network becomes more and more popular, the number of its users and the average number of Facebook friends these users have increases accordingly. Sometimes we add strangers or people we don’t know as friends on Facebook. strangers, which we have never even seen in real life.
    And I am sure that in connection with this, many people from time to time have the need to publish posts on Facebook “not for everyone.” That is, when you want your Facebook post to be seen only by certain people from your circle of friends, but not everyone. Or, on the contrary, you want to hide the publication from certain people on Facebook. I would even say that everyone has such a need, but most simply do not realize it, not caring at all about the privacy of their data. And unfortunately, not everyone knows what Facebook has fine settings displaying publications that help maintain privacy on the network and avoid problems caused by certain publications.
    When you post on Facebook, below the input form you will see the option to customize the display of the post, thanks to which you can choose who can see your publication. By default, two options are available there - “Shared to everyone” (i.e., your publication will be available throughout the Internet), and “Friends” (i.e., only your Facebook friends will see your publication).

    However, sometimes these settings may not be enough, so you can select the “Advanced settings” option.

    IN additional settings You can choose the following options for displaying your Facebook post:

    Also, the settings allow you to share your post only for your colleagues or for people from your region, or for your own list of friends.

    If all these options specially created by Facebook developers are not enough for you, you can create your own settings. This is very convenient for special cases - for example, you want to share photos from a past corporate event with your colleagues, but without the boss seeing it.
    To create your own post display rule, select “User Settings” in the post publishing settings.

    You will see a window in which you can select both individual people for whom you want to publish a post (just start typing the person’s name and he will appear in the drop-down list), and vice versa, people for whom your post will not be available.