• Document title tags. Required tags. HTML Document Structure

    These tags include elements that are located in the container . All these tags are not directly displayed in the browser window, except for the tag , which specifies the title of the web page.</p> <h3><title></h3> <p>Used to display a line of text on the left <a href="https://periscopes.ru/en/v-pravom-verhnem-uglu-stranicy-ocherednoi-blog-frilansera-poslednii.html">top corner</a> browser window, as well as on the tab. This line tells the user the name of the site and other information that the developer adds.</p> <h3><meta></h3> <p>Meta tags are used to store information intended for browsers and search engines. For example, search engine engines access meta tags to obtain a description of a site, <a href="https://periscopes.ru/en/statistika-zaprosov-po-dnyam-poisk-klyuchevyh-slov-v-yandekse-statistika.html">keywords</a> and other data. Although the tag <meta>There is only one, it has several attributes, which is why the plural is applied to it.</p> <p>Yes, for <a href="https://periscopes.ru/en/100-luchshih-programm-dlya-vindovs-kakie-byvayut-kompyuternye-programmy-spisok.html">brief description</a> the content of the web page uses the description value <a href="https://periscopes.ru/en/target-blank--naibolee-nedoocenennaya-uyazvimost-sovremennosti-osnovy-html.html">name attribute</a>, as shown in example 5.2.</p> <p>Example 5.2. Using description</p><p> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>HTML

    Site description specified using a tag and description values, usually displayed in search engines or directories when displaying search results. The keywords value is also intended primarily to increase the site's ranking in search engines; it lists the keywords found on the web page (example 5.3).

    Example 5.3. Using keywords


    Keywords can be listed separated by spaces or commas. Search engines themselves will convert the entry into the form they use.

    Tags are important elements displaying the structure of an HTML document. To help the browser distinguish them from plain text, they are enclosed in angle brackets. A tag indicates the start of some mapping instruction. If this statement applies to the entire document, then this tag does not have its closing twin. But most tags still have a pair that terminates the effect of the first tag. For example, every Web page should begin with the tag , and end with its closing twin . Note that the closing tag differs from the opening tag only by the presence of a forward slash after the first angle bracket.

    Also, some tags have parameters that specify the rule for displaying content. A little later we will see an example of how these parameters are used, but for now we will just note that these parameters can only be specified in the opening tag.

    The names of tags and their parameters can be written in any case, both in large characters and in lowercase. The HTML analyzers built into every browser do not pay attention to the case of characters, which are used to write all the service constructs of HTML documents.

    Naturally, as in any computer language, you cannot do without comments, the contents of which are not processed by the browser and are not displayed. They serve only for the convenience of the developer, for internal documentation of the structure of the document. Comments are included between fragments<-- и-->. Here is an example of creating comments: <--Это комментарий -->

    Any Web page is structurally divided into two parts: header and body. The header indicates service information about the entire Web page, and in the body of the Web page we already describe its contents along with the rules for its display. In this case, the title of the Web page is limited by tags And , and the body of the document is indicated by tags And . But according to the rules of good programming style, the identifier of the HTML standard used is also placed before the header. Thus, the structure of any Web page looks like this:


    Document title

    Document body

    First tag with all its parameters and is the same identifier that tells the browser which version of HTML was used to create this Web page. This rather cumbersome and incomprehensible construction is actually an alien from the language of more high level XML. It is understood that in the future browsers will be able to work simultaneously with both regular Web pages written in XML and HTML documents. Therefore, with this bright future in mind, this identifier tag is used. The exact date of this bright future, as usual, is unknown, so very often this identifier is neglected without any consequences. But forethought, as we know, is better than hindsight, so it’s better to still use the identifier.

    Now let's look at the title. It may include: a tag that displays the name of this Web page, a tag that defines the style of the Web page, a tag for the script being executed, and so-called metadata. The styling of Web pages will be discussed in the second chapter, and the scripts to be executed in the third. We'll talk about metadata a little later, but now we'll learn how to use the name of a Web page.

    You probably noticed that when loading a Web page, the short name of the downloaded document appeared in the very top line of the browser. To create such a header, use the tag with the corresponding closing pair. The initial block of a Web page with such a heading might look like this:

    Web page title

    The title of a Web page should never be neglected, as it is the very first thing a Web site visitor sees. The header is displayed before the page content is even loaded. Therefore, you should choose it carefully.

    We have dealt with the first part of the structure of the Web page; now we can move on to the body of the HTML document, its main part. As we already know, the content of a Web page is located between tags And . In the simplest case, it can be ordinary text. The browser will interpret it correctly and display it. Let's try to see this with an example.

    To create our first Web page, we will need a regular text editor. Standard Notepad will do just fine. It will be enough for us to create text file, the contents of which are shown in Listing 1.1.


    My first web page

    Good day to everyone who has visited my humble site.

    Don't forget that when saving a file, you should set it to htm extension or html. If you then launch it for execution, simply click on its name in Windows Explorer, then the default browser installed in operating system, and the HTML document will already be loaded into it. What our first Web page looks like in a browser Internet Explorer visible in Fig. 1.1.

    Rice. 1.1. The result of viewing the file shown in Listing 1.1 in a browser

    But it should be noted that the tag may contain additional options. We already said a little earlier that parameters are included in the start tag of the design. Now it's time to see how it actually happens.

    Most often, a parameter is a name-value pair.

    Let's look at simple example. The bgcolor parameter allows you to set the background color on which the content of the Web page will be displayed. For example, if we want to use a green background, then we should use the following construction:

    It should be noted that all text values parameters are usually enclosed in quotation marks. We will learn about how colors are set in the following sections of this chapter, but now let’s return to the tag parameters .

    About the parameter bgcolor, which allows you to set the background color of a Web page, we already know. Let's consider the remaining parameters.

    • Parameter background allows you to use any background as a background graphic image. The value of the parameter is the address of this image, i.e. its URL.
    • Parameter text specifies the font color that will be used to display the text content of the Web page.
    • Parameter link allows you to set the color with which text hyperlinks embedded in the content of a Web page will be displayed in the browser viewing window.
    • Parameter vlink sets the color of hyperlinks that the user has already visited in the current session.
    • Parameter alink specifies what color will be used to display hyperlinks selected by the user.
    • Parameter lang indicates in what language the text content of the Web page is written. The value is the two-letter language codes given in RFC 1766. In fact, we don't need to know all of these codes. In the vast majority of cases we will use Russian or English language. Their codes are "gu" and "en" respectively.

    In addition to the above parameters, the tag may have two identifying parameters id And class, but in practice they are almost never applied to this tag.

    As you can see, everything is simple and unpretentious. Now is the time to learn what metadata is. Metadata can most likely be defined as non-displayable information about a document. It is used to identify a document and indicate the display mode of a Web page. To embed metadata into a Web page, use the tag . Most often it looks like this:

    However, setting your own variables is only necessary if Web pages are processed using a specialized Internet application. But such a need arises quite rarely. So, it turns out that this metadata does not provide any real benefit? This is wrong.

    As we all know, it is not enough to simply put a website on the World Wide Web. We still need to make sure that it gets included in the search engine lists. We will not now consider the entire procedure for registering a site on search engines, especially since each such machine has its own registration procedure. We are interested in something else.

    Where do search engines get information about the content of a particular Web page? Just from metavariables. The most commonly used metavariables are keywords and description. The keywords variable contains as its value a list of keywords for the Web page. And the description variable is intended to store a brief annotation of the Web page. Let's give an example of using such metadata. Let's assume that our Web page is devoted to the complex and sensitive issue of proper feeding of hamsters. Then its structure should look something like this:


    All about feeding hamsters

    description" contferit="Web page about feeding small animals
    rodents, in particular hamsters, in home conditions">

    Oh, these little cute animals are hamsters. ,

    Naturally, bearing in mind that the identification of the content of Web pages by search engines is carried out using keywords specified by the developer, there may be a temptation to enter into their composition words that do not reflect the essence of the document, but are often requested by search engine visitors. I should note that this trick may not work. The fact is that search engines often also scan the text of the Web page itself, and if a keyword does not appear in it, then it is simply not taken into account.

    You should also pay attention to the fact that when specifying keywords, we added to the tag additional parameter lang. We have already said that this parameter is intended to indicate the language in which this or that text is written. In our example, we indicated that the listed keywords are written in Russian, i.e.: we can define sets of keywords in several languages, using several tags for this .

    Metadata also allows you to transmit so-called HTTP headers. Here it is necessary to make a small technical digression. All HTML documents are transmitted using specialized programs called Web servers using a specific set of rules. This set of rules for receiving and transmitting information is called a protocol in the computer industry. A set of rules for transferring Web pages and data from remote users called the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol). This protocol has a set of directives and variables that are often called HTTP protocol headers.

    We are not faced with the task of studying all the variables HTTP protocol, it will be enough for us to know about its most frequently used headings. First of all, it is worth mentioning the Expires variable, which allows you to set the so-called expiration date of a Web page. The fact is that browsers and some other communication programs store the Web pages visited by the user in a cache, and then, when the user requests them again, they slip these copies to him, thus saving the time of retrieval. But Web pages are still updated quite often. Therefore, the user may receive an outdated copy.

    Of course, there are ways to configure cache rules, but not everyone uses them. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and indicate the “expiration date” of the Web page. If it passes, then the browser, instead of using a copy from the cache, will still request the document from the Internet.

    Tag , adapted to indicate the expiration date of a Web page, looks approximately like this:

    The example shows that to indicate the name of the standard non-variable HTTP protocol, the parameter is used http-equiv, and to set the value of this variable, use the already familiar content parameter. It is also easy to notice that setting the date of last use of a document is done using the Expires variable, and its value must be specified in a certain text format with the time indicated according to the Greenwich meridian.

    However, it may also happen that the information on the page is updated so quickly that it needs to be reloaded several times during one session. Such pages with information updated in real time are quite common, for example, in chat rooms or when displaying changes in stock quotes during the trading day on the stock exchange. In this case, you must use a variable called Refresh. The value of this variable is specified in seconds. Then the tag we are considering will take the following form:

    <МЕТА http-equiv-"Refresh" cpntent=10>

    A page with a similar design in the title block will automatically reload every ten seconds.

    This concludes our discussion of the header structure of an HTML document. We move on to studying the structure of the main section of the Web page. As we remember, all information displayed in the browser viewing window is placed between tags And . About what opportunities it gives us to specify the rules for displaying the content of a Web page HTML language, we will find out in the following sections of this chapter. Here we consider only general structure HTML document.

    HTML gives us the ability to set a unique identifier for each tag we use. Let's say, if our text is divided into paragraphs, then for each paragraph we can set its own specific name, and then, using some additional funds HTML language, control the display of these paragraphs. We can make some of them invisible, change the font color, i.e. change the rules for their display. Moreover, this applies not only to paragraphs, but to all parts of the content of a Web page that are enclosed in certain tags.

    The id parameter is used to identify a tag. Let's return to the example with paragraphs of text. Looking ahead a little, we can say that paragraphs are indicated using a couple of tags <р> And . Thus, the creation of paragraphs that we can then distinguish is done using approximately the following construction:

    <р id="р1">First paragraph
    <р id="p2">Second paragraph

    Values ​​of all parameters id must be unique in an HTML document. If a couple meets identical values, then these identifiers are simply ignored. Naturally, using the parameter id is optional. It makes sense to use it only in cases where the construction with the identified tag will be subject to styling (which we will talk about in the second chapter), or this tag will be a bookmark in the document, to which some kind of hyperlink will point, or the identified construction will processed dynamically using DHTML instructions, which we will learn about in chapter three. Identifiers are also used in cases where an HTML document is processed by specialized applications, but this is for very serious programmers. We don't really need this yet.

    If the parameter id is used for unique identification, then using the parameter class we can assign a tag to one group or another. This option is used for styling purposes only. We simply divide some elements of the Web page into classes, and then it is enough to change the description of the class display rules in one place, and this change will automatically spread to all tags that are included in this class.

    We also have access to methods for combining adjacent elements of a Web page into single blocks. All design elements of HTML documents are divided into two types. Inline elements, which are most often just text elements, and block elements. Inline elements can be part of a line, and block elements always occupy a separate place on the Web page and must always begin with new line. Naturally, block elements can include other block elements and inline elements. For obvious reasons, inline elements cannot include block elements.

    Combining elements of a Web page into blocks allows you to apply a single design to them, to carry out some semblance of layout. It will be enough to change the location of the block by changing one unifying tag. Naturally, this is more convenient than changing the location of each element of the Web page individually.

    The tag is used to combine block type elements

    with its closing twin
    . And for inline elements a couple of tags are used And . Given the above, it is clear that the block with the tag
    cannot be located inside a block with a tag , since block elements cannot be part of inline elements.

    It's also worth noting that browsers frame div blocks with line breaks. The easiest way to show this is with an example:

    Listing 1.2


    Displaying div blocks

    Good afternoon
    for a day, to everyone who visited
    my humble website.

    The result of displaying such an HTML file Internet browser Explorer is shown in Fig. 1.2. Tags And

    may also have additional parameters. In addition to the already familiar identifying parameters id and class, the parameters can be used style And align. Parameter style is used to set the display style of the block contents, and the parameter align allows you to set the alignment of this block relative to other elements of the content of the Web page. We will look at the use of these parameters in more detail in the following sections of this chapter.

    Rice. 1.2. Browser window showing the result of the file shown in Listing 1.2

    Also related to the structure of an HTML document is the use of different headings in the text. Headings in HTML have their own tags. There are a total of six levels of text headings used in HTML documents. The most senior level is the first. And for each title there is its own tag and its own display rules.

    Title tags are extremely simple. The tag is used for the first level heading

    with its closing pair

    , the second level header is implemented using the pair


    , and so on, up to the sixth level header with the tag
    . Listing 1.3 below shows an example of using headers in an HTML document.

    Listing 1.3


    Heading display

    First level header

    Second level heading

    Third level heading

    Fourth level heading

    Level 5 heading

    Level six heading

    <р>0plain text

    And what it looks like can be clearly seen in Fig. 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3. Browser window showing the result of the file shown in Listing 1.3

    Heading tags have the same set of parameters as the recently discussed tags And

    , i.e. identification id And class, general design parameter style and alignment parameter align.

    This concludes our discussion of the structure of a typical HTML document. As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in this. Everything is harmonious and logical.

    HTML- stands for "language hypertext markup” (English: HyperText Markup Language), which is the most widely used language for writing web pages.

    • Hypertext refers to the way web pages (HTML documents) are linked. Thus, a link available on a web page is called hypertext.
    • As the name suggests, HTML is a markup language, which means that you use HTML to simply "mark up" a text document with tags that tell the web browser how to structure it for display.

    HTML was originally developed to define the structure of documents, such as headings, lists, paragraphs, and so on, to facilitate the exchange of scientific information among researchers.

    HTML is now widely used to format web pages using various tags available in the HTML language.

    HTML document

    The following example shows an HTML document in simplest form:

    Document title


    Here's the contents of the document...

    Let's save the code in an HTML file document.html using your favorite text editor. And open the file using a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox etc. It should show the following result:

    Tags for creating an HTML document

    As mentioned earlier, HTML is a markup language and uses various tags to format content. These tags are contained in angle brackets. Most tags have corresponding closing tags, with the exception of a few tags. For example, tag has a closing tag and tag has a closing tag and others.

    The example above uses the following tags to create an HTML document:

    This tag specifies the document type and HTML version.
    This tag covers the entire HTML document and mainly consists of the document's title, which is represented by the tags ... and the body of the document, which is represented by tags ... .
    This tag represents the title of the document, which may contain other html tags such as , <link>etc.</td> </tr><tr><td><title> </td><td>Tag <b><title> </b> used inside a tag <head>to specify the title of the document.</td> </tr><tr><td><body> </td><td>This tag represents the body of the document, which stores other html tags such as <h1>, <div>, <p>And others.</td> </tr><tr><td><h1> </td><td>This tag represents the title.</td> </tr><tr><td><p> </td><td>This tag represents a paragraph.</td> </tr></table><p>Knowledge of these tags is quite enough to create an HTML document (html page).</p> <p>To learn HTML, you need to know the different tags and understand how they behave when formatted. <a href="https://periscopes.ru/en/programma-dlya-nabora-tekstovyh-dokumentov-na-kompyutere-tekstovye-redaktory.html">text document</a>. Learning HTML is easy as users only need to learn the use of different tags to format text or images, thereby making a beautiful web page.</p> <h2>HTML Document Structure</h2> <p>The structure of a typical HTML document will look like this:</p><p>Document declaration tag <html> <head> <title>Tags associated with the document title Tags associated with the body of the document

    We will learn all the head and body tags in subsequent lessons, now let's see what a document declaration tag is.


    Tag declarationused by the web browser to understand the version of HTML used in the document. Current version HTML is 5 and it uses the following declaration:

    There are many other types of declarations that can be used in an HTML document depending on which version of HTML is used. We'll see more detailed information about this when discussing the tagalong with other HTML tags.

    Every HTML document must begin with the tag < HTML> and end with the tag HTML> . These tags indicate that the lines between them represent a single HTML document. Additionally, you can see that an HTML file as a whole is an element of the HTML language.

    Also, the HTML document must contain the HEAD (document information) and BODY (document body) elements.

    Document sectionHEAD

    The HEAD section of a document defines its title and also contains additional information about the document for the browser. This section is optional, but it is recommended that you always use it in your HTML documents, as a well-written header can be quite useful.

    The header section begins with the tag < HEAD> and immediately follows the tag . Between the opening and closing tags of the HEAD element are other header elements.

    Document title title

    To give a name to an HTML document, the tag is < TITLE> . This name will be displayed in the browser window title. The title is written between the tags And and is a line of text. The length of this line can be any, but it is recommended to make it no more than 60 characters. The TITLE element should only appear in the HEAD section.

    Document sectionBODY

    This section of the document contains the information that is displayed in the browser window. The BODY section must begin with the tag < BODY> and end with the tag BODY> , between which are located the HTML elements that make up the content of the document.

    Item SpecificationBODY

    Tag has a number of attributes that determine the appearance of the document. Below is the tag specification .

    TEXT="text color"

    BGCOLOR="background color"

    BACKGROUND="address of background image"

    The TEXT attribute specifies the font color for the entire document in RGB or character notation. By default (if this attribute is not specified), the browser settings are used.

    The BGCOLOR attribute specifies the background color of the document browser window in RGB or symbolic notation. The browser settings are used by default.

    The BACKGROUND attribute allows you to specify the address and name of the picture used as the background. This drawing will be reproduced and distributed in the background of the document.

    The LINK, VLINK, and ALINK attributes specify the colors of hyperlinks in RGB or symbolic notation. The browser settings are used by default. An unvisited hyperlink is a hyperlink that has not yet been used to navigate to another document. A visited hyperlink is a hyperlink that has already been used to navigate to another document. Active hyperlink – a hyperlink to the document that is currently being navigated to.

    Tips for Using BODY Tag Attributes

     If you specify at least one color in the BODY tag, then specify the others as well. This is due to the fact that the user can set the color settings of his browser as it is more convenient for him. Specifying only one color may result in the text blending into the background color for some users. As a result, viewing the document will be difficult.

     Choose the text color so that it “works” with the background color or the main colors of the image. For example, red on green can cause serious problems for a significant number of people.

     Both BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND can be specified in the BODY element. In this case, the browser gives preference to BACKGROUND, but if the background image cannot be loaded, BGCOLOR will be used. Therefore, try to set the background color to be similar to the color of the background image so as not to upset the color balance of the document.

    • 1. HTML documents are structural documents.
    • 2. The names of elements can be written in any case.
    • 3. Attribute names can be written in any case.
    • 4. Attribute values ​​depend on case, especially addresses (a feature of Unix operating systems is the different interpretation of characters in different registers, so files

    picture .gif and picture.GIF are different!).

    • 5. Element names cannot contain spaces.
    • 6. If attribute values ​​contain spaces, they must be in quotation marks.
    • 7. Extra spaces, tabs, and carriage returns are ignored and compressed into a single space.
    • 8. Elements can be nested within each other. In this case, the nesting rule must be observed. Inside the nested element, in addition to the opening tag, there must also be a closing tag. The intersections are incorrect:

    Structure HTML document

    9. Unfamiliar elements and attributes are ignored by browsers ("error tolerance").

    Most documents have standard elements such as a heading, paragraphs, or lists. Using HTML tags, you can label these elements by providing web browsers with minimal information to display these elements, while generally maintaining the overall structure and informational completeness of the documents. All that is needed to read an HTML document is a web browser, which interprets the HTML tags and displays the document as intended by the author.

    When a web browser receives a document, it determines how the document should be interpreted. The very first tag that appears in the document must be the tag . This tag tells the web browser that the document is written using HTML.

    Comments in HTML. Like any language, HTML allows you to insert comments into the body of a document, which are saved when the document is transferred over the network, but are not displayed by the browser. Often, certain tags or entire syntactic structures are “hidden” in comments from older versions of browsers that are not able to process them. Comments can appear anywhere in a document and in any quantity. It must be remembered that comments increase the size of the document, and therefore the loading time.

    The general header part of the document. The document head tag should be used immediately after the tag and nowhere else in the body of the document. This tag represents general description document. Start tag placed immediately before the tag and other tags that describe the document, and the ending tag</head> placed immediately after the end of the document description.</p> <p><b>Document title.</b> Most web browsers display the contents of the tag <TITLE>in the title of the window containing the document, and in the bookmarks file, if supported by the web browser. Title limited by tags <TITLE>And, placed inside tags . The document title does not appear when the document itself is displayed in the window.

    Document body tags. Document body tags identify the components of an HTML document displayed in a window. The body of the document can contain links to other documents, text, and other formatted information.

    Body of the document. The body of the document must be between the tags And. This is the part of the document that is displayed as text and graphic (semantic) information of your document.

    Heading levels<Нх>. The first level of headings (the largest) is designated by the number 1, the next by 2, and so on until the number 6. Most browsers support the interpretation of six levels of headings, defining each of them its own style. In most cases, the text of such a header will become bold, and there will be a blank line after the text. It is important that these tags determine the logical structure of the document and participate in indexing by Internet search engines. Headers above level six are not standard and may not be supported by the browser.

    Paragraph tag<Р>. IN unlike most word processors, carriage returns are ignored in the HTML document. The browser splits paragraphs only if there is a tag<Р>. If you don't separate paragraphs with a tag<Р>, then the document will look like one big paragraph.

    Preformatted text tag

    Allows text to be presented with specific formatting on the screen.  Pre-formatted text ends with an end tag
    . Within pre-formatted text, you can use: line feed, tab characters (shift by eight characters to the right), disproportionate Courier font installed by the browser.

    List tags. There are three main types of lists in an HTML document: numbered, bulleted, and description list.

    You can create nested lists by using different list tags or repeating ones within others. To do this, you simply need to place one pair of tags (start and end) inside the other. Whether nested list items will have the same markers denoting the list item depends on the browser.

    Numbered lists. IN In a numbered list, the browser automatically inserts the item numbers in order. This means that if you delete one or more items from a numbered list, the remaining numbers will be automatically recalculated.

      and ends with the tag
  • .

    Bulleted lists. For For bulleted lists, the browser typically uses bullets for the list item. The type of marker is usually configured by the browser user.

    A numbered list begins with a start tag

      and ends with the tag
    . Each list element starts with a tag<ы>.

    Font formatting. HTML allows two approaches to font selection of text fragments. On the one hand, you can directly indicate that the font in a certain section of the text should be bold or italic, i.e. change the physical style of the text. On the other hand, it is possible to mark some piece of text as having some non-normal logical style, leaving the interpretation of that style to the browser.

    Graphics inside an HTML document. One of the most attractive features of the WEB is the ability to include graphical and other types of data in an HTML document.

    There are two ways to use graphics in HTML documents. The first is the embedding of graphic images into a document, which allows the user to see images directly in the context of other elements of the document. This is done using the tag . This tag is dotted, i.e. it doesn't close. Tag syntax:

    The required parameter has the same syntax as a standard URL. This URL tells the browser where the

    drawing. The drawing should be kept in graphic format supported by the browser. Today it is GIF formats, JPG, PNG. They are supported by most browsers.


    This optional element specifies text that will be displayed in a browser that does not support graphics or with image graphics disabled. This is usually a short description of the image that the user could or will be able to see on the screen. If this parameter is absent, then most browsers display an empty frame in place of the picture. Tag recommended if users are using a non-graphical browser, such as Lynx, and for search engine indexing. The text is also visible when you hold the mouse cursor for some time without moving over the image as a system tooltip under the cursor.

    Most browsers allow you to include background picture, which will be duplicated as tiles in the bathroom and displayed in the background of the entire document. This is the second way. Some users like background graphics, some don't. An unobtrusive translucent pattern (wallpaper) usually looks good as a background for most documents.

    Hypertext links are a key component that makes the WEB attractive to users. By adding hypertext links (hereinafter referred to as links), the user makes the set of documents connected and structured, which allows him to obtain the information he needs as quickly and conveniently as possible.

    Links have a standard format that allows the browser to interpret them and perform the necessary functions (call methods) depending on the type of link. Links can point to another document, a special place of this document or perform other functions, such as requesting a file. You can use text or an image or both as a hyperlink.

    Link structure in an HTML document. In order for the browser to display a link to a URL, you must place text or an image inside the hyperlink tag. The HTML syntax is as follows:

    <А HREF="URL">text-or-image-that-will-be-highlighted-as-a-link

    Tag<А HREF="URL">opens the description of the link, and the tag– closes it. Any text located between these two tags is highlighted in a special way by the web browser. Typically this text appears underlined and highlighted. The image is framed by a rectangular frame. The text that represents the URL is not displayed by the browser, but is used only to perform its intended actions when the link is activated (usually by clicking on highlighted or underlined text).

    Links to tags within the document. You can link to different areas or sections of the same document by using special hidden labels for those sections. This allows you to quickly move from section to section within a document without scrolling the screen. As soon as the user clicks on the link, the browser will move him to the specified section of the document, and the line containing the label for this section will be placed on the first line of the browser window (if the “length” of the document in the browser window is sufficient).