• Laptop camera test online. Webcam: checking, recording videos and photos

    Almost everything modern models laptops are equipped with built-in web cameras. Modern world is developing by leaps and bounds, and communication via video communication channels is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, the functioning of the camera is not at all superfluous. On computers, the webcam is not built-in, so it must be purchased separately. In our article we will look at how to check a webcam on a computer or laptop and make sure that it is functioning properly and there is no need to visit service centers.

    How to check the webcam on a computer?

    In order to check the serviceability of the device that transmits the image, you must perform the following actions:

    1. First you need to connect your webcam to your computer using a USB cable.
    2. After this, a pop-up window appears on the lower right side of the computer device's screen indicating the drivers that are being installed. After completing the installation process of the necessary drivers, you can check the video device for proper functioning.
    3. Click on the “Start” button and click on the “Control Panel” insert.
    4. Next, from the selected “Scanners and Cameras” list, click on the “USB video device” button.
    5. After the procedure, if everything is installed correctly, an image appears on the monitor, which is transmitted from the camera.

    Important! Some operating systems require additional downloading of drivers, which can be found on the official websites of webcam manufacturers.

    Checking the webcam using Skype

    In order to check the video device, you can run a program with video communication capabilities and thus use this function. Today there are a huge number of software products that provide video calling functionality.

    How to check the operation of a webcam on a computer using the most common video communication program Skype:

    1. Go to the “Tools” section.
    2. Select “Video Settings”.
    3. In the window that appears, click on the “Settings” button.
    4. After completing these steps, your image should appear on the screen.

    Important! If after the verification procedure the webcam does not work, then try installing it on another computer device to make sure whether it is working or not. If the video device functions perfectly on another computer, then the cause of the problem lies in your computer. Otherwise, you need to visit service center or exchange for a new camera.

    How to check the webcam on a laptop?

    Any laptop purchased has a video device, so there is no need to make any additional settings. The webcam does not need to be activated, since the developers took care of installing all the required drivers. Launching any software using a webcam, the video device should operate automatically. This is indicated by a flashing green indicator located near the camera. There are several ways to check the camera's operation.

    Method 1 - via the Start menu

    How to check the webcam on a laptop using the main menu of the Windows operating system:

    • In the lower left corner of the monitor, click on the “Start” button.
    • Click on the “Control Panel” insert and select “Hardware and Sound”.

    Important! In operating systems Windows 8, 8.1, 10, in order to launch the control panel, you need to press on the keyboard Windows icon(a square divided into 4 sections), then click on the arrow in the lower left corner and move to the very end in the menu that appears. There in the list you should find the “Control Panel” item.

    • Next, click on the “Manager” section and find the “Image processing devices” item.
    • After that, click on the camera, right-click on the “Enable” button.
    • Now all that remains is to carry out the last operation - click on the “Properties” button, and the broadcast image will appear in front of you.

    Method 2 - through video communication programs

    The second method is the most universal and easy to use for any laptop. This method characterized by checking equipment using Skype, Mail Agent and other services with which you can communicate using video communication.

    Method 3 - through webcam programs

    How to check the webcam on a laptop if there is no Internet connection or it is not possible to use video chat? To do this, you can download the portable version of the software product, which is designed to work with a video device.

    Important! The portable version of the software allows you to run it from a flash drive without installing it on a computer or laptop. This process greatly simplifies the verification procedure and does not clutter up the RAM of the computer device.

    All the necessary software products are very easy to find and download on the Internet. Such programs include many software products, such as: WebcamMax, CyberLink YouCam, AvaCam and many others. Downloading the required files and launching the application is very simple, so this method does not require special computer knowledge.

    Method 4 - checking installed drivers

    Examination installed drivers helps determine how well the video device is functioning. How to check a webcam on a laptop using the list of installed drivers:

    1. Go to the “Start” menu, then click on the “Control Panel” section, click on the “Device Manager” item.
    2. After that in the list installed devices you need to find “Image processing devices” and expand this item by clicking on the arrow.
    3. Right-click on the camera and go to the “Properties” section.
    4. On the “General” tab that opens, in the “Device Status” section, the phrase “The device is working normally” should be written. If such a message does not open, then you need to go to the “Driver” section.
    5. In the “Driver” section you can reboot and update installed drivers.

    Important! To find, update and install drivers, you can use special programs. The most popular is software development Driver Pack Solution. The big advantage is that this application absolutely free.

    How to check the camera on a computer on the Internet?

    Currently, there are quite a lot of services that allow you to check your video device online. List of current sites with which it is possible to check the camera online:

    • testcam.ru;
    • testwebcam.com;
    • webcamtest.ru;
    • ru.webcammictest.com;
    • toolster.ru.

    When accessing these sites, you must click on the “Check camera” button, which will allow access to the video device. If there are no problems, you can immediately see the image from the webcam. If not everything is in order, then a record appears indicating the problem.

    Why is the webcam not working?

    Sometimes situations happen when everything seems to have been installed correctly, but if you check the webcam on a computer or laptop, it turns out that this device doesn't work.

    These problems arise for several reasons. Let's look at some of them and possible methods Troubleshooting when the webcam does not function:

    • When connecting a USB cable, you may not fully connect it to the required connector. Therefore, first of all, you should check the USB cable connector.

    Important! If, after checking the tightness of the connection between the USB connector and the cable, the video device still does not work, then you should try connecting another cable to this socket. The problem may be that the USB connector or the cable itself.

    • It is necessary to install additional drivers for the correct functioning of the video device. In this case, download additional programs from the official website of the manufacturer.
    • Sometimes the problem occurs due to a cord that has become frayed. In such a situation, there is only one option - purchasing a new webcam.
    • There are times when the webcam turns off in Device Manager. IN in this case You must give the video device permission to operate through the control panel.
    • The webcam operates using one resource, and if you use another service, the video device does not operate.
    • The browser may deny access to the video device. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to remove the lock and confirm your action in the window that appears.

    How does this test work?

    In this test your browser asks for permission to see the output of your computer"s webcam, or the browser on your phone asks for permission to see the output of the camera - and the output is then transferred to your screen.

    As was mentioned above, everything that happens happens in your computer and no information is being sent to our servers. We care about your privacy.

    To the more techy among us: this test is built simply with Javascript, HTML5 and CSS, and is 100% on the client-side.

    Why do you only test FPS and the camera"s video output? My webcam can also record sound...

    True, some cams have a microphone built-in as well. But since that is not the case for everyone (and also for historic reasons), we decided to separate the audio and video to two different tests. If you"re looking to check if the audio of your webcam works, please check our page.

    Speaking of which... What exactly is FPS, and why is it important?

    FPS is the number of frames, or images, that your webcam is taking and transmitting every second. This number is affected by the type of webcam that you have, and also by the speed of your computer and the number of tasks that it is engaged in at a given moment...

    FPS matters because the higher this nubmer is the more life-like and real the resulting video looks. We are used to seeing movies in the cinema and TV shows displayed at around 24-30 FPS. Generally the FPS of television is higher than that of the cinema.

    So if, let"s say, you"re using Skype and the FPS your camera is recording is lower than 24, then that means that the image is going to look a little stuttery to the other side.

    A number significantly higher than 30, meanwhile, just means that the video will be more fluid, more lifelike. This fluidity might seem a little odd to our eyes which are accustomed to 24-30 FPS, but generally a higher FPS count is a good thing. It will just look a little less "cinematic", and a little more "daily soap opera".

    What do I do if after all the trouble-shooting stages my webcam still isn't working?

    To understand whether the problem is with the webcam or with your computer, we would advise that you try your webcam on a different computer, and also, if you have access to one, try a different camera at your own computer.

    This should leave you with a better understanding on what"s working and what isn"t, and what needs to be fixed.

    If you think the camera isn't working (you tried it on two computers and it didn't work), then contact the support staff of the camera's brand.

    If the camera is working on a different computer but isn"t working on yours - then it means there"s probably a software issue with your computer. You can try contacting us and we"ll try to help, hopping on a general tech support forum on the internet, or calling a technician.

    When purchasing and installing a webcam (or simply during moments of its dysfunction), we may need to check the quality of operation of this device. What makes the implementation of such a task difficult is the lack of standard computer specialized programs to check the webcam, which forces the user to turn to the capabilities of such products as Skype, Paltalk and the like. At the same time, there are tools on the Internet that allow you to easily and quickly check your webcam online. In this material I will talk about such services and also explain how to use their functionality.

    Before checking your webcam online, you should make sure that it is correctly connected to the appropriate connector. Usually it's classic USB connector on a desktop PC, and also that the appropriate drivers are installed on the computer to operate the camera. Without correct implementation of these conditions, checking a webcam usually fails.

    The mechanism for checking a webcam using the resources described below is quite simple. You go to one of these resources, click on the button to start the verification procedure, after which the resource requests access to your webcam. You allow such access, the image broadcast by the webcam appears on the screen of your PC, after which you can form your opinion about the quality of work of the specified device.

    The best services for testing your webcam

    Let's look at a list of services that will allow us to take photos or videos from a webcam.


    The webcammictest.com service will allow you to perform a webcam and microphone test online. Working with it is absolutely free, does not require a registration procedure, and can be recommended to everyone who wants to easily and quickly check their device.

    1. To work with the service, go to it, then click on the green button “Check my webcam” (or “Check a microphone” to check the microphone).
    2. Your browser will then request access to your camera.
    3. If necessary, click on the arrow on the right, select your webcam from the list of devices, and then click on “Allow” in this window.
    4. A window will open in which the image from your webcam will be broadcast.
    5. You can take a screenshot by clicking on "Take a snapshot" or check your microphone by clicking on "Check a microphone".

    By clicking on “Check my webcam” you will be able to view the image from your webcam


    This service works according to a similar algorithm to the webcammictest.com service I have already described. You go to the website webcamtest.ru, which in automatic mode asks you for microphone access. Click on “Allow” and view the image received from the webcam.

    Click on “Allow” to grant the resource access to your webcam

    If the image does not appear, then you either incorrectly connected your webcam to the PC, or did not install (or installed incorrectly) the drivers, or you have the wrong settings for the flash player. In the latter case, it is recommended to move the cursor over the video area, right-click, and select the “Options” option. There, click on the option with a webcam image, click on the arrow, and select your webcam from the list.


    This English-language service will allow you to simultaneously check the functionality of your webcam and microphone online.

    1. Working with it is symmetrical: you go to the toolster.net resource, click on “Allow” (thus giving the resource access to your webcam and microphone).
    2. And then you watch the video from your webcam.
    3. To the right of the picture there is a sound scale, which, if there is a sound source, will show the corresponding sound level from the microphone.
    4. If video and sound are recorded correctly by this resource, you will see the inscription “Your webcam works fine!” at the bottom. (your webcam works fine).

    The inscription “Your webcam works fine!” indicates normal operation of your device


    Although the English-language service onlinemictest.com is intended primarily for testing a microphone, it will also allow you to check the operation of a webcam online. Working with it is identical to other services of this plan - you go to this resource, click on “Allow” to provide access to the webcam, and observe the visual result on the right side of the screen.

    At the same time, the feature of this service is the ability to demonstrate the number of FPS (frames per second), the number of which you can see on the screen.

    The resource “onlinemictest.com” allows you to see the number of FPS from your webcam


    And the last English-language service for online webcam testing that I want to talk about is testmycam.net. In addition to the standard procedure for such services for demonstrating images from a webcam, this site also allows you to play “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, refracting and multiplying the image from your webcam in every possible way.

    1. To work with it, go to this resource and click on “Allow”.
    2. You will see an image from your camera, below it are the “right” and “left” buttons, the current status of the image (by default it is “Normal”), and a button with a camera image (allows you to take a screenshot).
    3. By clicking left and right you can change the image from your webcam.
    4. If you like any effect, click on the camera button and save the image to your PC.


    Checking the operation of a webcam on the Internet online can be done using the services I described above. When carrying out such a check, I recommend, first of all, that you pay attention to the correct connection of the webcam to your computer, and also install the appropriate drivers for your webcam (they are often included with the device itself). The correct implementation of these two conditions in most cases guarantees correct operation your device, and you will enjoy its functionality.

    With the increase in access speeds to the Internet and against the backdrop of lower tariffs from providers, programs for video communication have recently become more in demand than ever before. Various ICQs that implement simple correspondence between users (like SMS), thanks to the low traffic consumption, are gradually moving to mobile platforms, and on personal computers Skype, Agent from the mail.ru service and other similar programs are becoming more and more firmly established. In them, in addition to the ability to correspond, full-fledged telephony is allowed, that is, if two users have a camera and a microphone, then you can not only talk with the interlocutor, but also see him on the screen. Somehow, imperceptibly, the future has already arrived, giving everyone a video phone. One step separates the widespread introduction of such technology: increasing Internet access speeds for all operators cellular communication.

    It has long been a tradition for most laptop manufacturers to build a camera into their products. Compared to the overall cost of the laptop, its price is almost unnoticeable, but the benefits are significant. The owner of a personal computer can also equip his electronic assistant with such a camera by purchasing it separate device. This is where a fair question arises - how to check the webcam on a laptop and computer. Indeed, not everyone can afford to buy a “pig in a poke”. There are usually no problems with exchanging non-working equipment, but what to do if there are many kilometers between the store and home? That's why every user should know how to check a webcam.

    If everything is clear with the laptop - the components are already connected there, then to personal computer You need to connect the camera yourself first. Their modern models are equipped with the usual USB connector, so at this stage no difficulties arise.

    Anyone who wants to know how to test a camera does not need to disassemble it, because the result should be visible on the monitor screen. First of all, you need to install the appropriate driver (firmware that controls the device). Usually the disk that comes with the laptop has everything you need. But modern cameras sold separately external device, have long learned to do without such drivers. Or rather, when you connect for the first time, the Windows operating system automatically installs the driver standard device. The convenience of such a solution is undeniable.

    The question “how to check a webcam” is often asked on forums, which indicates its importance. In fact, everything is simple here. Having connected the camera and, if necessary, installing the driver, you can do this in several ways, depending on the version you are using. We can say that Windows users XP was lucky, because when developing XP, they did not forget about the owners of webcams, unlike subsequent versions.

    Even a person unfamiliar with computers can figure out how to check a webcam in this system. Having completed the above (we repeat: physically connecting the device to USB port and installing the driver), you should open the “My Computer” folder. Next to the list of drives, “USB video device” will appear. If you click on this icon, the camera will turn on and an image will appear on the screen.

    The advent of Windows 7 and, probably, subsequent versions deprived users of this opportunity. In other words, in the Win 7 operating system, the answer to the question “how to check a webcam” most often lies in installing additional programs and checking the functionality with their help. The most famous is the famous Skype. If you have Skype and active compound With the Internet, checking the camera is very easy by running the built-in verification function.

    There is also another way, although its capabilities are limited. To use it, you should launch the MS Paint editor (command “run - mspaint”) and select “from scanner or camera” in the program menu. The camera image will be inserted into the editor as a picture.

    Today, no laptop can do without a built-in webcam. And although everything necessary drivers for the operation of this device are usually built into the system by default, but when purchasing a laptop (especially if you buy it already used), it would be a good idea to test the camera for functionality. Below you will find detailed information on how to check the camera on a laptop.

    This procedure will be extremely necessary for users who often communicate on Skype or after reinstalling the system. If your case is different, this does not mean that these instructions will not help you. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations described here and you will definitely succeed.

    Checking your webcam using Windows

    The first thing you need to do is through “Start” to find the program built into the system for working with the camera by entering search bar the word “Camera” (in Windows 8 and 10 you can do this through “Search in Windows” by entering the word “Camera” there, see the screenshot below). Click on the magnifying glass in the control panel and enter the desired object.

    As soon as the computer gives you the result, select the very first item. If all is well, the camera will automatically launch and your image will appear on the screen.

    In addition, you can also go to the control panel, find the “Scanners and Cameras” section there and double-click on the camera icon. As in the example above, the webcam will start automatically, and the image from it will be broadcast on the screen. Please note that the built-in webcam may not always appear in Control Panel. In this case, one of the methods below will suit you.

    Note: Some laptops have special utilities, which are used to operate the camera. You may have such programs on your laptop. To check this, go to the control panel and look for the presence of programs for working with the camera. Programs can also be located in “Start” - “All Programs”.

    Checking the camera through programs

    You can check the functionality of your webcam by downloading and installing one of the following programs on your laptop: Skype, CyberLink, Webmax, Webcam Surveyor, etc.

    As an example, let's look at testing the camera using Skype (by the way, I talked about downloading and installing this program):

    • Download the installer from the official website and install Skype on your laptop.
    • Launch it, if you do not have an account, then create one and indicate it in the program.
    • IN top menu Find the “Tools” item, click on it.
    • In the drop-down menu, click on “Settings”.

    • In the program settings window that opens, click on “Video Settings” (fourth line from the left).

    • Now, if everything is fine with the camera, you will see your own image on the right.

    If you use other programs for testing, then do it by analogy with Skype. Go to the program, find the video settings, go into them and perform the test there.

    Checking using online services

    There are also many web resources with which you can easily check the performance of the camera. Among them, we can highlight a specialized website where you can check not only your webcam, but also your microphone. This is done very simply, go to the site and click “Check webcam”. You may receive an additional message asking you to click Allow. This is necessary so that the site can gain access to use the camera.

    Next, a window will appear containing an image from the webcam. As you understand, this is a fairly simple method and does not require the installation of additional programs. Therefore, if you have the task of checking your camera, I recommend using this site. Of course, there are a few minutes - if there is no Internet, then the check will not be possible. But I think that users who want to understand how to check the camera on a laptop have the Internet, since it is usually needed to communicate on Skype.

    Separately, we can highlight video roulettes, popular among young people, in which the connection with the interlocutor for communication occurs randomly. Among these resources are very popular:

    • and accordingly.

    All of them will allow you to easily check your camera online.

    If the webcam is not working

    As a rule, there is either a driver problem, or the camera is disabled in Device Manager, or is completely broken. And if the last option can only be solved by going to the service center, then in the first two cases you can do the following:

    Using the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" launch " ". Type devmgmt.msc, press Enter and open the Imaging Devices section. Find the connected webcam, right-click on it and click on the “Enable” button (if it was disabled), then reboot the system.

    You can also go to the “Other devices” category (this is done if there is no webcam in the “Image processing devices” section), find there the line with exclamation point yellow, right-click on it and click on “Update driver” (note that you must have the Internet turned on for the drivers to update).

    Note: if you have several exclamation marks, this means that there are other devices on the laptop for which drivers have not been installed. You need to install them. Often computer technicians don't finish their work, and then regular users correct their inattention on their own.

    If this method does not help to turn on the camera, then you can go to the official website of your camera manufacturer and download drivers. I already talked about updating drivers and turning on the camera in the article “”.

    What else can you try?

    Removing drivers. Go to "Device Manager" (about logging into this utility I said above), find your camera and right-click on it. Select “Delete” from the drop-down menu. Then reboot the system. If this option is unsuccessful, then in the device manager again right-click on your camera and select “Properties”. Next, go to the “Driver” tab (located at the top) and click “Roll Back” (if this button is active).

    Change USB connector. If you do not have a built-in camera, you can try inserting it into another USB connector. Sometimes this method helps to “revive” the camera when you have a computer.

    Reinstalling Windows or new camera

    Unfortunately, computer technicians usually install all sorts of Windows builds for users, and therefore people have various kinds of problems, for example, the camera does not work. It's best if you have the official version installed on your computer. Windows assembly. Then you will have no reason to think that this problem is due to such an assembly. If you suspect that your Windows is buggy, then you should reinstall Windows. For example, you may also have other problems - suspicious windows pop up or if there are other errors in the laptop.

    No matter how bad it may sound, equipment tends to break down and usually this happens at the most inopportune moment. Let's say your camera is broken, what can you do in this situation: contact a service center or buy new USB webcam. Of course, before doing this, first do all the recommendations that I gave in this article.

    If this instruction was useful to you, then write in the comments what method helped you solve this issue?

    Perhaps this video will help you, which tells you how to quickly turn on and test the camera on your laptop: