• Viber: account activation problems. What to do if you don’t receive your Viber activation code? Viber activation code does not arrive on my phone

    I think there's a lot to talk about Viber application makes no sense; if not all, then the vast majority of users of mobile devices, as well as computers, have already heard about it. In short, this program allows you to exchange text messages, call each other using your phone’s webcam, send files to your interlocutor, etc. To work with her and others, you only need an Internet connection, and nothing more.

    Viber is different simple interface and excellent functionality, which is why it is very popular among users. However, from time to time users encounter one or another problem that they cannot resolve on their own. For example, a frequently occurring problem is that the Viber activation code does not arrive on the phone. What to do in this case? Let's talk about this.

    Viber activation code does not arrive

    So, if you sent a request during , but there is no response in the form of an activation code, try this:

    1. Check if it is installed on your device latest version Viber. If not, reinstall it immediately.
    2. Make sure that the country you entered when installing the program is selected correctly, and also check the correct spelling own number phone.
    3. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the activation code does not come in messages on the phone, but specifically in the application itself.
    4. Double-check the connection quality; the Internet connection should be uninterrupted.

    It is noteworthy that Viber will not receive an activation code if the user sends three or more requests to receive it, and does so in a row. By the way, don’t be surprised if it turns out that the system also blocked your account for a day. However, you can get around this unpleasant situation: simply uninstall and reinstall Viber, and try again after 24 hours.

    Voice activation

    If the previous points did not help you, you can only resort to automatic dialing. To do this, select “Voice activation” in the settings, after which a robot will call you back and dictate a four-digit code. Remember it and enter it in the specially provided field.

    As you can see, there is no reason to worry, much less panic. Most often, the activation code is not received due to the user’s inattentiveness when he enters incorrect data. But, of course, problems on the part of the developer cannot be ruled out.

    Viber (“Viber”) is a unique application for smartphones on Android, iOS, BlackberryOS, Symbian, as well as for computers running Windows control and Linux, which enables communication with other application users around the world using the Internet (Wi-Fi or 3G). When registering the application, an account is created linked to the number mobile phone. To confirm the use of the specified number, the system sends an SMS message containing the code Viber activation. Some operating systems are able to intercept the code and activate themselves. Sometimes a call comes from the system, which is recognized as confirmation of activation. But it also happens that when you activate Viber, you do not receive a code.

    Checking the Internet

    Because Viber program works using the Internet, then messages with an activation code are sent to the phone via Internet traffic. If you do not receive the Viber activation code, you need to check whether data transfer is turned on on your smartphone and whether the Wi-Fi module is turned on. If data transfer is enabled, you need to figure out whether the network settings are correct, check the access points, and the correctness of the entered data. When connecting with using Wi-Fi you need to make sure that the network has access to the Internet. It often happens that a smartphone sees several networks, but when connected to them, the Internet does not work - the router does not have access to global network. Launch your browser (Opera, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari...) and try to go to any page. If this transition does not occur, then there is no Internet connection.

    Checking the entered phone number

    The Viber program uses a mobile phone number as a “login” to enter and activate the system. Naturally, this should be your number that you regularly use. at the moment, since a special code will be sent to this number. When you do not receive a Viber activation code, this means that you may have entered your mobile phone number incorrectly in the appropriate field when registering your account or incorrectly indicated the country in which the number is registered. Carefully check the correctness of the entered data. The specified number should not begin with “+” and the country code, which is set automatically after selecting the country in a special tab. Do not use spaces when entering a number. If all operations have been completed as required by the instructions, then expect a message with a code. If the message still does not arrive, move on to the next point.

    Checking roaming settings

    There is a special function in the phone settings that is designed to help save money on the subscriber’s account. This feature enables or disables the ability to receive messages if the subscriber is roaming. Since in roaming for incoming message will be charged a huge fee, this feature is in the default active mode. Are you abroad and want to use this program, but you haven’t received your Viber activation code? There is a high probability that it is the function described above that is preventing the message from reaching your smartphone.

    Find in the network settings or in the message settings the option to block incoming messages when roaming and disable it. After this, request the code again. No reaction again? Let's try to get the desired code in a different way.

    Voice activation

    So, after checking all three of the above items, you still cannot activate the program due to the lack of code? Let's try to register an account in the system using voice activation. The Viber activation code doesn't come - well, don't! Feel free to go into the program settings and look for the “voice activation” item there. After that, enter yours correctly and wait for a while. A robot should call us back and give us four digits of the registration code. Next, enter these four digits into the required field - and that’s it. Viber is registered. It should be clarified that some operating systems recognize a robot call and activate the account and program independently, without the participation of the subscriber.

    Error when entering code

    It happens like this: Viber is being activated, an SMS with a code does not arrive, and it is not possible to register an account. But it also happens differently: the SMS has arrived, the code is there, but when you enter the numbers, the program reports an error. What to do in this case? Well, firstly, traditionally, you need to carefully check that the numbers are entered correctly. Make sure that the numbers from the SMS are entered into the Viber field. Using voice activation, you need to listen carefully to what the robot is dictating. Most often, errors when entering a code occur during voice activation of the program. In addition, when making more than three requests in day, the system may temporarily block the subscriber. This is a form of protection against spam and attacks. We tried all the above options, but nothing helped in solving the problem? Let's reinstall the program - is this the last resort? We uninstall the application and restart the smartphone. There is a high probability that the situation that has arisen is non-standard and requires the intervention of a specialist.

    I'm not receiving the Viber activation code on my phone? Don't despair, getting the program working is very easy. Right now, while writing this article, I found myself in exactly the same situation, installing this software on my iPhone. You will find out what the reason was in my case below, but for now let’s look at where anyone who encounters a similar problem should start, regardless of the device used.

    5 main ways to solve the problem with the activation code for Viber

    Logically speaking, there is no need for much thought about what to do if the Viber activation code does not arrive on your phone. To start, here is a list of reasonably possible “diagnoses”:

    • The phone number was entered incorrectly - unfortunately, the first thing you should pay attention to;
    • The phone does not work, the GSM network is something that is worth looking at before moving on to other reasons;
    • more than three attempts to register a phone number were used;
    • problems with the software itself;
    • I have a problem mobile operator.

    So, exactly 5 cases, let's start in order - from the very first.

    Invalid phone number entry

    Don't think that entering the number incorrectly is too stupid. Each software has its own characteristics for indicating digital values, Viber is no exception. Now you will see this. How not to enter a number:

    1. Using spaces.
    2. Using parentheses.
    3. Using the number 7 or 8 first.

    How you can and should enter your phone number in the program is shown in the image below.

    If everything is done correctly, taking into account the comments mentioned above, and the SMS with the code still does not arrive within 2 minutes, then you need to try to get the activation code using a call from the autoinformer. This is easy to do, just click on the “receive call” button.

    Check GSM network

    Do you think this is unlikely? Unfortunately, the second common reason is too bad signal GSM networks. What to do? Check the status of the antenna indicated at the top of your screen. mobile device, request your balance using the USSD command.

    If everything is in order, also check the phone’s memory; perhaps it is no longer enough to even receive an SMS message.

    One, two, three, and that's it

    This rule applies to particularly stubborn people. You should not try to receive the message more than 3 times, and if this has already happened, you will need to wait 24 hours for it to unblock.

    I wrote above that I also did not receive the code while writing this instruction. This was precisely the reason, apparently I pressed the button several times and restarted the application, as a result it took more than 3 attempts. I had to get the code by calling the autoinformer.

    Extreme measures

    If all of the above did not help you in any way in solving this problem during installation, then the only reasonable solution would be to contact technical support. First of all, you need to contact specialists in this area. software, how to do this? Write a letter using the form feedback on support.viber.com (form at the bottom of the page, you can select Russian at the top).

    Another option is to contact the support of your mobile operator to clarify whether you are receiving SMS messages. This can be done by calling hotline, or by analogy on the operator’s website by writing a letter using the feedback form.

    Registration in the application requires confirmation of data. If you do not receive a Viber activation code upon request, do not be upset. Downloading and installation are very simple, the only snag is when installing the encoding. In order for the activator to arrive accurately, it is necessary to perform the correct installation.

    What reasons may interfere with the arrival of the confirmation code:

    • poor Internet speed or complete absence. Check Wi-fi work or mobile connection;
    • Make sure you enter the correct phone number and country you are in. Often this point is the problem when robots send activation codes;
    • Also important role Roaming is playing, if you leave the coverage area, you need to activate it.

    In cases where all the above points are correct, but the activation code does not arrive Viber to phone, you need to select a mode in the settings about voice confirmation. A call will be made to the number you specified by the company's robot, and it should dictate a four-digit code to you. After you receive the code, enter it in the appropriate field and, in principle, Viber will be set up in literally a matter of minutes.

    Unforeseen encoding situations

    There may be cases when the code arrives incorrectly, in which case the application displays an error stating that the “incorrect activation code” was entered. You need to immediately check whether you have typed the code correctly, because inattention and absent-mindedness occur in the practice of data entry. If everything is correct, you should look for other reasons for the system’s refusal to accept the activation code. The request to repeat the input can be made only 3 times, then the application blocks your account for the whole day. The reason may be hidden in the gadget, clean it or reboot, or better yet, delete the downloaded version of Viber and install a new one.

    The extreme is that after all the proposed procedures, the application still does not load. The only way in this case is to contact the support service, which will always help solve the problem.

    Either PC, each user is faced with the need to enter a code when registering. And here there is a possible problem related to the fact that in Viber does not receive activation code. To solve it, it is important to find out the cause and eliminate it. But before that, you need to check whether your device meets the requirements for installing this application.

    Actions if you do not receive a Viber code

    If you are wondering why the activation code on Viber does not arrive, you should know what reasons may contribute to this. They may be:

    • lack of internet connection;
    • insufficient GSM signal;
    • incorrect telephone number;
    • incorrectly selected country;
    • being in roaming.

    And if you don't receive viber activation code, A possible reasons Now you know, then follow these steps:

    • Check how well the Internet works.
    • Check whether the country from the list is selected correctly, and whether you entered the correct phone number. It should not contain spaces, and also does not indicate the country code (eight).
    • When leaving for another region, do not forget to activate roaming.

    Having done everything possible actions, but without receiving the coveted four-digit message, you can use voice activation using a call back. To do this, select “Voice activation” in the application settings. In a few minutes, a robot will call back to the designated number and dictate a four-digit number, which should then be entered correctly in the appropriate field.

    If none of the above helps, you can reinstall a later version of Viber. There are times when a simple restart of your PC or mobile device helps. And remember that reinstalling the program will become mandatory if you request the code more than 3 times, since the system will automatic blocking(access to account will be available in 24 hours).