• All photos deleted from VKontakte can be easily found via Google. How to view deleted VKontakte photos

    Deleting photos from VKontakte is not difficult - all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse. Is it possible to restore these images and if so, how to do it?

    The easiest way to restore a photo is if you did not have time to refresh the page. See: after you click on the “Delete” button, the system tells you that the image has been deleted. But! You can still restore it if you click on the button of the same name:

    It is extremely important that you do not close the tab and do not refresh the page. Then the recovery will be successful.

    If you do refresh the page, you can “dig” into the saved cache, if, of course, the browser supports cache storage. How to do this? For example, in Google Chrome you can enter the command chrome://cache/ in the browser line and press Enter - you will see a huge list of documents in front of you. Look among them for those that look something like this: vk.me/c5456454/v6542576244/114552222/VhrpdlsSjfdggE.jpg. These are pictures that were saved in the cache when you visited the VKontakte website. These may include your photographs.

    If the browser cache method does not work, you will need to try using a cached version of the page in the browser. This method only works if your page is cached in the browser and if you have photos open.

    To do this, go to Google and write the address of your page in the search bar - vk.com/your id. For example, vk.com/id1. Next, click on the arrow, as shown in the screenshot, and select “Saved copy”.

    On the cached page you will see saved photos that you deleted.

    Well, in order to avoid getting into similar situations in the future, always store photos on your computer or at least in your phone’s memory.

    Loaded in social network VK, you need to make one click. For various reasons, you may need to review earlier remote snapshot. Although standard functionality assumes only immediate recovery until the page is reloaded, there is also alternative method search for erased images. Let's figure out how to watch deleted photos VKontakte.

    • After clicking the “Delete” link located under the picture, the message “Photo has been deleted” will appear.
    • Click on the “Restore” button on the right top corner picture.
    • The photo will return to its place.

    Photo recovery through search engines

    Despite having a built-in mechanism to return pictures, many users wonder if it is possible to find old photos. In some cases this will be possible, but there are no guarantees. The procedure for searching for lost images through a search engine looks like this:

    • Open your VKontakte profile.
    • Copy link from address bar browser. They will look like “https://vk.com/id00000”, where instead of zeros serial number network user or letter combination.
    • Open home page search engine: google.com.
    • IN search bar enter the following text: “https://vk.com/id00000 site:vk.com”.
    • Press Enter.
    • If the page's privacy settings allow access to search engines, the profile you are looking for will be displayed in the results. You should click on the green triangle to the right of the page address and click on the pop-up line “Saved copy”.

    • The version of the page that was saved in Google cache. Now you can go to “Photos” and try to find a photo.

    Although this method is working, its successful use depends on several factors: installed settings privacy and cache version saved in search engine. It is quite possible that the search engine cache has been updated since then, and the photo has already disappeared.

    After reviewing the information presented, the reader will learn how to view erased photographs through a saved version of the page in the search engine. The instructions will also show how to restore a snapshot if there has been no reboot or transition to another section of the site since it was deleted.

    If in the search Google window enter the query “site: Vkontakte “photos from the DELETED page”, about 500 pages are displayed in the search results. Naturally, they do not open via a direct link. But if you simply click on a copy of the page, then users’ photos are available for viewing, reports Business Portal.

    This gap in the work of VKontakte was discovered by specialists from Security Lab, an Internet portal about information security. Experts describe several simple techniques for finding deleted photos. Using information tagged “image source” found on Google, you can calculate the page id of a VKontakte user. In them, among the existing photographs, there are no those that Google produces, although it is obvious that the same person is depicted.

    Security Lab:

    How long search engines store information is a matter of their trade secret. Information found on the Internet is stored on equipment owned by search engines; the period depends on the equipment settings. The entire volume of data produced by search engines is approximately 20% of what is stored on servers.

    According to the expert, the data security monitoring service is not in demand in Russia. This is one of the reasons for the leaks of personal information that were observed last week.

    Yandex does not find deleted photos. It is known that Facebook and Google generally do not delete data ever posted by users and report this in their privacy policies.

    No magic button, which will easily and simply restore a deleted photo or VKontakte ava. More precisely, when you delete a photo, a link appears "Restore" in case the photo was deleted by mistake. But if you have already left there, read this instruction to the end.

    Deleted photos disappear from your page, but remain on VKontakte servers. This doesn't mean that it will be easier to recover a deleted photo (or avatar) and especially does not mean that anyone can look at your deleted photos. The fact is that it is easier for VKontakte owners not to delete photos completely, but only to remove them from the pages so that no one can find them.

    Recovery methods

    Despite the fact that the deleted photo is still somewhere out there, on one of the VKontakte servers, it is almost impossible to find it. To open this file, you need to know the exact link to it (many, many letters, numbers and at the end “.jpg”). Even if we knew part of this link, selecting the remaining options would take a very long time (longer than you might imagine).

    Therefore, you need to try to take advantage of other, more realistic chances. The main thing is not to waste time.

    Is there a photo left somewhere?

    If it was a truly valuable photo or profile picture, then most likely it is somewhere else. For example, on your computer in a folder with photos, on your phone, somewhere on a disk or on a flash drive. Perhaps your boyfriend or girlfriend. If someone else made you an avatar, then that person probably still has it. Restore remote ava One of your VKontakte friends can help if he liked it and saved it somewhere with him. Don't be shy to ask people!

    A copy of the page in the Google search engine

    If your page was open to everyone (or the album with the photo you were looking for was not closed), then the deleted photo could be saved in Google. From time to time, Google makes copies of all pages on the Internet and stores them for a while. This is called "in cache". There is a chance of recovery if not much time has passed since the deletion (no more than a week). But even if the photo remains there, most often it is possible to restore only the miniature (photo in a small size).

    Check if your page is still in the Google cache - enter the address of your VKontakte page in the search bar (below) - for example, https://vk.com/id126494354. The easiest way is to open your VKontakte page and copy the address here from the address bar of your browser.

    Finding a saved copy of the VK page

    Then press "Find", will open new page with search results. If you find something, open your saved page:

    1. Click on the small green triangle next to the page address.
    2. Select an item "Saved copy."
    3. Click on it.

    An example of what it looks like:

    Now the saved copy of your page will open. If there is a photo there that you want to restore, open it and save it somewhere to yourself (usually you need to right-click on the photo and select "Save image as...").

    If there is no green triangle at all, then there is no copy of the page in Google, and this method will not work.

    Browsing history or browser cache is a chance!

    If you have recently looked at this photo in full size, then it could remain in the browsing history or in the cache (temporary files) of the browser - the program with which you view websites. This is one of the real chances. What if you opened the photo using the button "Open original" maybe you can even find a link to the VK site where this photo is still stored.

    How to find a deleted photo in your browser history

    Usually you can view your browsing history in the browser using a key combination Ctrl-H or call through the menu. It is especially useful to search there if you have recently opened a photo via a link "Open original."

    How to find a deleted photo in temporary files

    You will need a program to view the cache. For different browsers exist different programs, download and run the one that is designed specifically for yours (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Internet Explorer). If you're not very good with computers, it's time to stop touching anything and call a boy who is good at it to continue from there.

    Page with programs for viewing cache different browsers: Web Browser Tools. Download the program for the browser used on your this computer. Run it and search the cache for image files (.jpg) enough large size— among them may be that same deleted photo.

    Is it possible to recover a deleted album and how?

    Unfortunately, VKontakte albums are deleted immediately and forever. As in the case of individual photos, you can restore an accidentally deleted album only immediately after deleting it, as long as there is a link on the screen "Restore". Therefore, be especially careful when deleting an entire album. If you have closed the page, your only chance to restore the album is through support (read below).

    Is it possible to restore a photo along with likes and comments?

    This is absolutely impossible.

    How to recover photos through support?

    The last chance is to write to VKontakte technical support and ask to restore deleted photos. Do it as quickly as possible, you literally have only a few days! Give them the following information:

    • I accidentally deleted a photo, please restore it.
    • How many photos did you delete?
    • When exactly did I delete them and how exactly?

    To avoid searching, you can create a new support request about deleted photos using this link.

    In this article we will look at a method that will help you recover a deleted photo from Vkontakte. You won’t be able to simply take and quickly recover a photo; only if you clicked delete photo, the “Recover” button will appear in case you deleted the photo by mistake. If you left that page, then the chances of returning the photo will be reduced several times.

    Let's look at options for how to recover deleted photos.

    Photos that you deleted from your page do not disappear completely. They remain on VK servers, and no user has access to them. Recovering photos from VK servers is almost impossible. To open this photo you need to know the exact link, but no one will tell us it. And finding such a link is completely unrealistic.

    Recovering a deleted photo from a VKontakte page

    Therefore, we must immediately use other options. You shouldn’t put off photo restoration for long.

    How to recover a photo via Google

    We check whether the page remains in Google's cache. Copy the address of your VK page and paste it into the search. If the result shows something, do the following:

    1. Click on the small green triangle next to the page address.
    2. Select "Saved Copy".
    3. Click on it.

    Now the saved copy of your page will open. If there is a photo there that you want to restore, open it and save it to your computer or phone (usually you need to right-click on the photo and select “Save image as...”).

    Recovering photos from browser cache

    If you recently viewed this photo in full size, then it could remain in the cache of your browser - the program with which you view websites. In other words, in her temporary files. This is one of the real chances, you will need a program to view the cache.

    Search criteria - the site address must contain “vk.com”. And the link must be to a file with a jpg or png extension. We're looking for graphic file, on the Contact website.

    It is impossible to restore a deleted album. They are deleted once and for all. Think before you delete the entire album, it might just be easier to hide it. And it is also impossible to restore photos with likes. Therefore, before you take and delete any photo, think.

    Login to your page. Save your photos on your computer or any disk so that you don’t have to restore them later.