• Xiaomi who is the manufacturer. What does Xiaomi produce?

    Every company that introduces its products to the market has an undulating history. That is, if you build a schedule, you can see its ups and downs, it may be on the verge of failure or not leave the top of the pedestal for years. The brand, which will be discussed, was able to reach unprecedented heights in a matter of years. In 2010, the world learned about Xiaomi company!

    About Xiaomi CEO

    The company's key figure, CEO Lei Zun, previously worked for Kingston for eight years. Here the man reached professional heights - he went from an ordinary engineer to the president of an enterprise. Thanks to his activities at Kingston, the future director of Xiaomi has gained experience. Zun has always been interested in new technologies and actively invested in start-ups that he considered interesting. Thanks to this, he got into the list of millionaires much earlier than the “Grain of Rice” appeared (this is how Xiaomi translates into Russian). In April 2010, Lei Zun and seven other technology innovation enthusiasts registered a company called Xiaomi Tech.

    The era of Xiaomi technology

    In the year the company was founded, a new shell of the MIUI operating system was released, which turned out to be quite understandable and attractive to the consumer. Its main advantage is stability and trouble-free functionality.
    The originality of Xiaomi lies in the fact that its first creation was not a mobile device, but operating system for him. First Xiaomi phone Mi One will be in the hands of users a year after the creation of the OS. In August, an affordable and productive device based on the Android OS with the MIUI shell from the Xiaomi brand was presented to the general public. Moreover, the powerful Snapdragon S4 processor, Adreno 320 graphics and a decent amount of 2 GB of memory used in the next smartphone overshadowed many others. mobile devices presented on the market.

    Xiaomi has been able to achieve resounding success in a short time. Today, users have the opportunity to enjoy high-performance yet affordable devices. Thanks to Xiaomi products the myth that goods made in China have low quality, was dispelled!

    The company's first smartphones became the hallmark of a young enterprise that was able to become a competitive player in the global market, causing such giant corporations as Apple and Samsung to worry.

    Smartphone Xiaomi Mi3 - the owner of a 5-inch display with Full HD resolution, great camera at 13MP, powerful processor, worthy of design at a price of $300, made the end buyer leave the usual brands and look at Xiaomi products as an excellent replacement for expensive gadgets.

    Feeling successful, Lei Jiong and a team of specialists continue to work on new devices. After the next Mi4 smartphone was released, in 2014 the world saw the first tablet from a Chinese manufacturer.

    While critics blame the brand for plagiarism and using Apple's design ideas, a little less than 40 seconds after the start of sales, mobile Xiaomi devices Mi4 is over, because high performance, attractive design, excellent quality screen were offered for very little money.

    The secret of the success of Xiaomi products

    It is not easy to understand how a young Chinese company over several years of vigorous activity managed to bypass the Korean company Samsung and become a worthy competitor to the manufacturer of "apple" products. But in reality, the "Grain of Rice" did not come up with ingenious plans to "shove competitors in the bosom."

    The company's successful development strategy is as follows:

      Affordable cost. The manufacturer does not rely only on the sale of equipment. As sources of profit, they use their own application store, sale of accessories, etc.;

      Availability. The manufacturer always works for its consumers, and the most devoted fans have the opportunity to become owners of new products in the first place;

      Competent PR management. Xiaomi products today do not need special PR, this function is performed by the user by posting information on numerous social networks and blogs;

      High quality. For the production of equipment, the best materials and components are used, which makes smartphones, tablets and other products durable;

      Control. The technique is subject to careful control at the production stage. Therefore, defective devices practically do not enter the market;

      Regular technical support. Each of the company's devices receives timely updates firmware, which is a mandatory requirement of the modern buyer.

    Xiaomi Global Community is a place where Xiaomi fans can ask and answer questions, discuss Xiaomi ecosystem products, and get the latest news about the company and partners. The Xiaomi Community is your daily source for information on all things Xiaomi (Mi, MIUI and the ecosystem) make. Follow the various topics for updates, press releases or launch announcements. And most importantly, interact with fans like you, share your experience Xiaomi use and learn the stories of others.

    Although the community is called Xiaomi, it is completely curated by Mi fans. The aim of the Xiaomi Global Community was to create a space where Mi fans can feel comfortable at home, meet new friends, post reviews and reviews, and just have fun!

    Some of you are also spending time on Global MIUI and we are very happy about it! And to many a site dedicated to MIUI, which contains latest firmware, programs and guides, still come in handy in the future.

    The Xiaomi community website is a lively and friendly place for Mi fans where you can have a good time and chat about almost anything.

    Free access to first-hand information about Xiaomi and ecosystem partners is not the only benefit of the Xiaomi community. You can also receive invitations to product launch events or Xiaomi / Mi Ecosystem store opening parties, win gifts, and more.

    Xiaomi Global Community Support Team!

    Xiaomi Tech is a rapidly growing company that manufactures portable electronic devices and "reasonable" household appliances. The company has its own research and production facilities in the industrial cluster of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

    Mi Logo

    “MI” in the logo means “Mobile Internet”, but there is also another meaning - “Mission Impossible”, “mission impossible”, because Xiaomi had so many trials that seemed insurmountable at the beginning of the journey.

    Quality technology is now available to everyone

    Xiaomi was founded in 2010 by Lei Jun, an entrepreneur who believed that high-end technology shouldn't cost a fortune. The company has created wonderful equipment, software and Internet services for Mi fans and with their direct help. It is very important for the company Feedback. The product range currently includes Mi Max, Mi 5, Mi Note, Mi TV, Mi Band and many other accessories. With over 61 million gadgets sold in 2014, successfully launched in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Brazil and other countries, Xiaomi is expanding its presence around the world to become a global brand.

    Corporate culture

    Everything for the fans is what Xiaomi believes in. Loyal fans support and guide the company throughout its development. In fact, many current Xiaomi employees used to be just fans of it.

    The team is united by relentlessness, the pursuit of excellence, the desire to create a product highest quality For maximum convenience users. Constant innovation and testing of new ideas are aimed at expanding our own boundaries. And the belief in innovation and the support of fans are the driving force behind new and unique products.

    Lei Jun is a billionaire co-founder of the company, today the current CEO, owns more than 30% of the shares of Xiaomi Tech.

    To reduce operating costs, the company advertises its products through microblogging, social media and meetings with like-minded people and stakeholders. However, in 2013, the company opened its own "offline" stores in Beijing and Zhuhai, where you can buy Xiaomi products.

    Phones made in China are so popular that manufacturers have fallen victim to fakes. Selling smartphones that the company provides on its website is a matter of minutes. Sales in the Chinese market is also impressive. Xiaomi estimates that 20 million fans download up to 5 million apps daily from the company's online store.

    The Xiaomi Tech team already has two significant ex-Google employees.

    Everything you wanted to know about the word Xiaomi: what it means, how to pronounce it...

    Recently, we found out that our brand in RuNet is called more than twenty different ways. Xiaomi, Xiaomi, Xiaomi - and these are just some of the options used! Let's figure out how to pronounce Xiaomi correctly?

    Let's start with the fact that the most obvious, it would seem, reading - Xiaomi - is incorrect. In the generally accepted transcription system Chinese In Latin, the letter X is used for sounds that have nothing to do with "X". In fact, in various regions of China, the title Xiaomi either pronounced like xiaomi, either as Shaomi(with a very soft "sh"). But generally accepted correct name brand internationally is precisely Xiaomi, with an emphasis on the last "and". However, such words with an emphasis on the last syllable are difficult for a Russian person, and in colloquial speech the variant with an emphasis on “o” in the middle has already taken root. Indeed, it is more convenient to pronounce the brand name in Russian speech in this way - so we will assume that this option can also be used.

    So, we figured out how to read Xiaomi correctly. But what does this word mean? Translated from Chinese, it means "Little Rice" or "Rice Grain". I wonder why? There is no short answer to this question. First, you need to understand the importance of rice for the Chinese. Rice is the basis of their diet, a truly significant cereal for the nation, the value of which, perhaps, can be compared with what bread means to us in Russia. Perhaps today we do not eat so much bread, but its symbolic meaning for us is enormous. “Bread is the head of everything”, “Bread and salt”, and many other popular expressions reflect the importance and respect for bread. Rice plays a similar role in Chinese culture. The rice field requires a lot of careful maintenance, painstaking work, and a huge number of people are employed in the work on rice plantations. But this work is the foundation of the foundations of the well-being of China and its people.

    So, the first explanations for the "little rice" are as follows: you need to work hard to lay a reliable foundation. In addition, it was obviously not without a hint that smartphones and other technology today are as popular and necessary for every person as rice, which is present on the Chinese table every day.

    In addition, explanations of the meaning of "little rice" often refer to the importance of rice, which it acquired during the Sino-Japanese War in the mid-20th century, when China won the victory "by rice and weapons." And finally, the head of the company Lei Jun himself said that the brand name also echoes the Buddhist concept, in which XIAO means a single huge grain of rice, which is the size of a mountain!

    And finally, we note that a special meaning is hidden in the Mi logo: it also has a multi-level meaning. On the one hand, this is an abbreviation of the phrase Mobile Internet (Mobile Internet), but there is another meaning - mission impossible(mission Impossible). This is because Xiaomi faced constant challenges that only a real winner could handle!

    IN Lately news feeds various online magazines and blogs about technology filled with news about the latest in the world of smartphones. In particular, we are talking about gadgets originally from China - for devices such as Meizu, Vivo and Xiaomi country there will be only one manufacturer. The owners of such companies staged a serious race in the global smartphone market, releasing more and more new models over and over again, the main advantage of which is a lower price compared to such world-famous mastodons as Samsung or Apple. However, many are still deterred from buying by the fact that these cheaper products belong to Chinese brands. We will try to refute or confirm such conjectures in this article.

    We noticed that even many regular users of Xiaomi products still do not know how to pronounce this name correctly. Three vowels in a row are especially unusual - it is very difficult to decide how to read and pronounce it, especially for a Russian person.

    There are many variations - and Xiaomi, and Xiaomi, and Tsaomi, and even Haomi. Translated from Chinese into Russian, the brand name is read as "Xiaomi". The word consists of two parts - "Xiao" ("Xiao"), which means "small", and "Mi" ("Mi") - "rice". In a literary translation, the word sounds like "a grain of rice." As for writing, it is easiest for a Russian person to use the principle “as it is heard, so it is written”.

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    Xiaomi: history

    Xiaomi is a brand of a large company Xiaomi Keji, which was founded not so long ago - in 2010. Its founder and current owner is an IT specialist from China named Lei Jun, who opened a business together with his partners.

    From the very beginning, the company began to develop an OS for smartphones called MIUI - a variation popular Android. Already after 1.5 years, Xiaomi released the first smartphone called Mi1, which was rather warmly received by the Chinese. A year later - Mi2, whose sales jumped right up to 11 million people, which is ten times more than the iPhone 1 and almost the same as the iPhone 3G of all time. In addition, Xiaomi is also assembled at Foxconn factories, like Apple.

    In 2013, the Mi3 smartphone was announced, and in addition, several models of TVs and other devices were presented - production expanded. Around the same time, the founders of the brand announced its development strategy. The main point in it is savings on retail stores (there are not as many of them as other brands), as well as the minimum price due to the sale of smartphones almost at their cost and the sale of seats in cloud storage, which is income from additional services. Thanks to this, the company easily provided high level sales and their rapid growth in the shortest possible time.

    Redmi line and other brand products

    Already in 2014, the company released the famous line Redmi smartphones, thereby significantly increasing the number of regular customers of the company. And if initially smartphones did not stand out in any way, except for the price, then with Redmi you could already get much more at the same price as the rest. Thanks to the fact that in 15-16 Xiaomi released devices of the 2nd and 3rd generations, the company's sales skyrocketed - over 100 million units were officially sold. For comparison, HTC and LG had less total sales over the same period.

    In addition to smartphones, over time, the company began to produce many other products - power banks, fitness bracelets, laptops, TVs, cameras, quadrocopters, action cameras, lamps, tablets and even bicycles. And the cool thing is that the manufactured devices are becoming no less popular in the market than smartphones. The owner of Xiaomi has repeatedly stated his intention to become a top manufacturer of electronic products in the world. So, perhaps soon no one will have questions about what Xiaomi is and what it is.

    Xiaomi user reviews

    Xiaomi, like any other brand whose product contains both positive and negative sides, boasts a huge amount of feedback that has accumulated over the past years of its popularity. It's no secret that many people are suspicious of products Chinese brands and hardly decide to purchase such equipment, fearing that it will be unreliable or short-lived. We can highlight the main pros and cons of Xiaomi smartphones, and it's up to you to choose what to buy.


    1. Price. This is the first and, perhaps, the main criterion for choosing Xiaomi by many users. Even against the backdrop of a huge number of competitors in China, Xiaomi clearly wins in terms of cost. If we compare similar models from Xiaomi and other brands (the same Meizu, for example), then the first one provides a better and more powerful product, or it offers the same option, but at a lower price.

    1. Own operating system. Any OS will have its drawbacks, but only those who have never used it will criticize MIUI. It, like IOS, is initially slightly unusual, but after a while you get so used to it that you won’t be able to use anything else simply because of its maximum convenience, versatility, as well as smoothness and ease of use. Even a person who is far from the world of gadgets will be able to understand this OS, due to its simplicity and intuitive interface. Also, many features, such as a fingerprint scanner or advanced smartphone security settings in MIUI were introduced even earlier than in classic Android. In addition, the Russian language is already installed in the Xiaomi gadget out of the box, as well as some Google services(for example, mail or Play market), and the speed of OS updates and bug fixes is good news - users do not have to wait long for firmware updates to their smartphone.
    2. Characteristics. Xiaomi, as a company that produces not only state employees, but also top gadgets, always adheres to a strict rule - if the smartphone being produced is a flagship, then there is no place for saving on hardware - it must be the best and at the same time the most affordable on the market. There should be absolutely no damage to the performance of the smartphone, and the build quality, even in budget models many flagships in the world of smartphones can envy.


    1. operating system flaws. As we know, Xiaomi very often announces many phones - at least ten a year. Such a wide variety of software does not help the company to provide such high-quality technical support as it is implemented, for example, by Apple. As a result, there are many small claims against the manufacturer - something third party applications are unstable, then the caller's photo is not displayed in full screen, or something else. Fortunately, there are practically no serious drawbacks in the operation of the OS, as evidenced by the minimum number of negative reviews about MIUI.
    2. Minor flaws. Time after time, releasing new and new models in the Xiaomi gadget line, manufacturers do not always have the opportunity to make their product perfect. As a result, gadgets are good, but not perfect. For example, judging by dry numbers, the screen characteristics in the Redmi Note 3 Pro model are in no way inferior to the display in the IPhone 6S Plus, but in reality, the color reproduction, as well as brightness and contrast, are somewhat worse. The same questions arise about the camera - 16 megapixels in the Mi Max model give a result visually worse than 12 megapixels in the iPhone 6S, and in Samsung Galaxy J5 filming quality in the evening is much better compared to the camera of Redmi Note 3 Pro.

    1. User support. Since the official representative office was opened already in 2016, then, therefore, before that, smartphones were “gray”. In fact, on this moment there are also a lot of similar devices, especially when the sale goes from hand to hand. The fact that the smartphone is "gray" in itself is not terrible, however, in the context of shortcomings, it can highlight the absence of any technical support for such devices from the manufacturer, as well as the lack of warranty and certified after-sales service. It turns out that instead of having the phone repaired by an authorized SC in the event of a breakdown, the seller of the phone will have to pay for the breakdown. Of course, no one will do this with great pleasure.


    The history of the company does not last so many years, but during this time Xiaomi has tightly entered the market of gadgets and other devices and is successfully moving towards its goal. After all, some three years ago, no one knew what kind of company it was and what it produced. Xiaomi is actively working on opening official representative offices of the company in many Western countries and is very zealous in promoting its brand, while receiving a considerable return on its work. So, in just 3 years, Xiaomi has become the fourth largest brand in China, and its MIUI operating system has become the most popular in the world. Good results, right?

    Xiaomi Tech was founded by seven partners on June 6, 2010, and already on August 16, 2010, Xiaomi officially launched the first MIUI firmware based on Android.

    The company's first smartphone Mi1 was announced in August 2011. It came with Android-based MIUI built-in firmware, combining corporate identities samsung touchwiz And Apple iOS. There was also a version of the device with pure android. In August 2012, Xiaomi announced the Mi2 smartphone. In it was Qualcomm processor Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064, 1.5GHz quad-core Krait chip with 2GB RAM and GPU Adreno 320. On September 24, 2013, the company announced the sale of over 10 million Mi2 devices within 11 months. Some Xiaomi devices are manufactured at Foxconn factories, where Apple iPhone and iPad.

    On September 5, 2013, CEO Lei Jun announced plans to launch a 47-inch Android 3D TV to be assembled at Wistron Corporation's Taiwan plant. Also in September 2013, Xiaomi announced the Mi3 smartphone on Snapdragon processor 800 (MSM8974AB) and a version based on NVIDIA's Tegra 4 chipset. On September 25, 2013, Xiaomi announced plans to open its first flagship store in Beijing. In October 2013, Xiaomi became the fifth mobile brand in China.

    The symbol of Xiaomi is a hare in a hat with earflaps with a red star and a red pioneer tie around his neck. In 2014, Xiaomi first reported international expansion with the opening of its first store in Singapore. In the near future, the company plans to enter the markets of Malaysia and India. On March 17, 2014, RedMi Note (also known as HongMi Note) was announced. RedMi Note is equipped with 5.5-inch HD IPS display with OGS technology and octa-core processor from .

    In April 2014, the company announced the start of expansion into the international markets of 10 countries, including Russia. Hugo Barra, one of the former Google employees, was appointed responsible for this.

    In November 2014, the head of Xiaomi announced a plan to become the No. 1 company in the smartphone market.

    Activity of the company

    The company's activity began with the development of MIUI Android firmware.

    In 2011, his own phone was released - the first device with MIUI pre-installed, competitive technical specifications and low price.

    In 2012, a second smartphone was released, with more advanced features, and an improved version of Mi-One Plus was also released.

    Xiaomi Mi 3 was introduced in September 2013. The first TV of this company, Xiaomi MiTV, was also presented.

    According to the results of the first quarter of 2014, the company took 3rd place in terms of sales of smartphones in the Chinese market (11%), overtaking Apple (10%). In the world, the company occupies the 6th position (3.8%), however, it shows a steady growth trend.

    On May 15, 2014, Jun presented 2 products at a press conference - the long-awaited MiPad tablet and the 4K sequel to the MiTV 2 TV.

    On July 22, 2014, during the annual conference, the company announced the next generation of smartphones called Xiaomi Mi4, and also announced the release of the sixth version of firmware based on Android OS - MIUI. During the conference, the first " smart bracelet» MiBand.

    In the 3rd quarter of 2014, Xiaomi, according to IHS iSuppli, for the first time in its history, entered the third place in the world in smartphone sales. In 2015, Xiaomi launched its first Yi action camera, which is positioned as a competitor to GoPro.

    Interesting facts about Xiaomi

    • Billionaire co-founder Lei Jun, who is now CEO, is called the Chinese Jobs. He owns more than 30% of the shares of Xiaomi Tech.
    • In 2012, Xiaomi Tech had zero profitability of its mobile business, that is, smartphones were sold at cost. In the future, it was planned to make money on services that are integrated into the shell. Investors welcomed the adopted development model of the company. In 2013, the mobile unit's monthly revenue increased to 20 million yuan (or $3.27 million), less than 1% of the company's total revenue.
    • To reduce operating costs, the company advertises its products through microblogs, social networks and meetings of enthusiastic like-minded people. However, in 2013, two of its own "offline" stores opened in Beijing, where you can buy the company's products.
    • The phones produced by the company are so popular in China that they have become victims of Chinese counterfeit manufacturers. Sales of its smartphones, which the company carries out from its website, last only a few minutes. Sales volumes in the home market are also impressive. Xiaomi claims 20 million fans who download up to 5 million apps daily from the company's online store. The plans for 2015 include the sale of 100 million smartphones.
    • According to some estimates, the value of the company in 2012 was about $4 billion. By mid-2013, the company's value had increased to $10 billion.
    • The Xiaomi Tech team has a former significant Google employee. Hugo Barra is serving as Vice President and will help build out overseas markets.
    • One of the shareholders of the company is the Russian venture fund Digital Sky Technologies.
    • The company's engineers make corrections and improvements to the MIUI software shell almost weekly.