• Son-in-law and mother-in-law hidden camera. Son-in-law sleeps with mother-in-law

    In general, the mother-in-law in Russia is a popular hero of jokes, and they make fun of her quite well. But they also joke for a reason; all humorous stories are written by men, making fun of their mother-in-law. And at the same time they have quite deep feelings for her. Nowadays, love between son-in-law and mother-in-law is not uncommon and manifests itself in very tender moments!

    Considering the mother-in-law from the son-in-law’s side, she is his own wife, only in the future and changed for the better. If you look at it this way, she has lost her girlish freshness, but she has gained a lot - enormous life experience and is no longer capricious. The mother-in-law becomes the absolute ideal for the son-in-law and constantly encounters her in the apartment (if they live together). But according to surveys, almost every young son-in-law feels a little bit of deep sympathy for his mother-in-law, up to real love comes between them when the mother-in-law herself completely falls in love with her daughter’s husband.

    If you look at it from the mother-in-law’s perspective, then for her a son-in-law is one of her daughter’s mistakes. Thoughts run through my head that the choice is not as bad as it could be, but it is not as ideal as I wanted. Accordingly, she adjusts it to her ideal parameters and in the process falls in love with her work. So it turns out that she created it with her own hands, like a warm scarf as a gift, but which is a pity to give.

    And then the order of fate. It happens that the mother-in-law herself begins to flirt with her son-in-law, show signs of attention, and then he has a specific desire. It happens that under the influence of alcohol this desire is embodied in the head or in him or her, and sometimes in two people at once!

    Often the very first time between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law is the last. This concept is not even subject to discussion between them; in the future, they simply pretend for the rest of their lives that nothing happened. Well, the mother simply does not want to cause pain and harm to her daughter.

    The second time does not happen to everyone’s wife’s mother. Only daredevils dare to do this, who, by the way, do not experience any resistance. Once they took her by force, another time she would go on her own. They look like a young cat who is hunting for a mouse, well, accordingly, the cat takes possession of it. According to the stories that I had to listen to, sexual relationships between these characters happen at the hottest and most inopportune times. For example, my wife went to the store for necessary products for 10 minutes, and at this time a great desire took possession of her husband.

    Accordingly, there is little time, and his mother-in-law is cooking in the kitchen, he breaks free of the chain and takes it right on the table, so as not to run for a long time and not waste time. Most interesting fact that the son-in-law himself does not particularly extend to anyone this topic and even just informs friends about the presence of a fact, and not about the process itself. And the mother-in-law experiences emotional shock and speaks about her erotic revelation with all the required moments, and not just reports about the commission of a sin.

    Such situations can be looked at in different ways. Some will condemn and, in fact, they are doing the right thing, because all these actions can be called incest! This is not a normal phenomenon. But on the other hand, no one suffers from this relationship. The son-in-law, of course, feels good, the mother-in-law herself gradually gets used to it, and all the benefits revolve around the young wife!

    Well, first of all, she doesn’t know about all this, and can’t think about it. Secondly, her husband does not have a mistress, he spends all his energy in the family and gives his best. Thirdly, the husband gains intelligence and certain sexual experience from his mother-in-law, and later passes it on to his wife. Fourthly, there is no hostile relationship between the mother and her daughter’s husband.

    There are very rare cases when mothers take their husbands away from their daughters. Basically, the two partners are satisfied with such cohabitation, and it continues until the mother leaves. And after leaving, everything falls into place.

    These actions can be condemned, but, as they say, you neither judge nor will you be judged. What should a young wife do in such a situation? A very difficult question, because she could lose two of the people closest to her and end up left alone. Therefore, you need to think a lot before jumping to any hasty conclusions. Yes, such a connection is not clear, but it may also mean that only she cares about her husband, and besides, at an older age he will not be indifferent to her!

    For dessert, I would like to offer you 3 stories about my mother-in-law. You will be surprised to know that they all took place in real life. Does this really happen? I'm shocked!

    There is no malicious intent in the stories.

    Mothers-in-law want to protect their daughter, sometimes allowing her to flirt with her son-in-law.

    At 50, they become more beautiful every year.

    A story about mother-in-law and son-in-law

    It was at the dacha.

    My wife ended up in the hospital, and I had to hammer nails while my mother-in-law sobbed.

    Matvey, here’s another 1 stud. “You’re doing something a little crooked,” the second mother bleated.

    I was silent, there’s no point in getting into conflicts.

    My mother-in-law has a poisonous dialect - a hundred pounds will tell everything about how weak her son-in-law is.

    So she decided to check it out.

    When I had sorted out the hats, I washed myself from the barrel and decided to lie down on the sofa.

    I hear: knock-knock.

    I answer lopsidedly: come in.

    I look and can’t believe my eyes.

    My mother-in-law came in wearing a translucent robe.

    Kondraty almost twisted me.

    She sat down next to her, looked, and the viper was breathing heavily.

    Is it really pre-infarction, I dreamed about it?

    Not so, friends.

    Her ass is getting closer and closer.

    And then she squeezed me, I was thin, my bones crunched and my teeth chattered.

    Well, okay, you're good. I know that. Oh, and there’s a carnation here too. Let's kill him crookedly? - the mother-in-law blurted out sternly, forcibly doing her job.

    She didn’t say anything to her wife about the carnations.

    What was left for me?

    Keep silent about her still elastic charms.

    So I live “on 2 fronts”.

    A story about a drunken mother-in-law

    I love my wife and I adore my mother-in-law, especially when she, drunk, begins to talk about her adventures.

    When I was young, oh, how men flocked to me. Like flies on shit. Don’t think, Klim, that we only butted heads with the missionary. You fool, you won’t read in any book what your mother-in-law did while drunk. One is behind, and the other is in front. And all the jocks. And you, no, how does my daughter get along with you? - the pliable mother-in-law babbled.

    At this time, my wife was chopping salads in the kitchen.

    We celebrated a holiday called “Seventh Sunday.”

    Having fallen silent for a while and taking the one hundred and fifth dose on her chest, the drunken mother-in-law continued her mind-blowing story.

    And everyone loved me, a young girl. They gave gifts. Why do you think I took off my panties for free? I chose selectively. Do you understand? And now, for a glass of chatter, incredibly decorated canaries rub themselves into the household. blocks - the mother-in-law finished her instructive speech with a savory burp.

    I wonder if she's telling the truth?

    I will never know about this.

    But I desperately believe her.

    Mother-in-law's bathhouse

    I love to steam and expel toxins.

    Then all the nasty stuff comes out.

    My mother-in-law built it all. With my son-in-law's money.

    I mean, on mine.

    Even my wife doesn’t know how she works with a broom.

    He whips for all the insults inflicted on his wife and for the speeches made against her.

    Without hesitation, he enters the bathhouse.

    And I, like a woman, scream.

    Shut up, short guy. Do you think I haven’t seen a naked man? “Let me spank you,” the mother-in-law mumbled impudently, starting to punish her.

    Hiding my shame, I received for all the hard things, occasionally spying on how her boobs danced.

    This, I think, is a real woman.

    She drove two into the grave.

    Apparently I'll be third.

    The stories about my mother-in-law were edited by Edwin Vostryakovsky.

    In the hot weather, after a bath, the mother-in-law decided to walk naked around the empty apartment, but a surprise awaited her on the sofa in the form of her sleeping, drunken son-in-law. The man's awakening was terrible. He wakes up mistaking his mother for a mermaid witch and tries to fight the impudent evil spirits. In the midst of the battle, the daughter arrives on the scene and sees her hubby squeezing her naked mom on the couch. The girl hurries to figure out what is happening, but a half-empty beer bottle tucks under her feet treacherously. The foamy drink turns the whole scene into a heap with the son-in-law at the foundation. Will the guy be able to survive under a pile of women?

    Feeling how the mermaid flattened him with inhuman weight onto the sofa, the guy pushed out the rest of his air in a final cry: “No!” That's it, there was nothing left to breathe. His lungs collapsed, something painfully crunched inside him, and he lost consciousness.

    The daughter pulled the shameless mother by the shoulders with all her might, and the ball of two women plopped right into a puddle on the carpet. The empty bottle spun joyfully around the confused ladies. For a couple of minutes, the women untangled their limbs and, having disassembled this puzzle, stared angrily at each other. There were no words. They say that looks can be scorching. Don't believe it! If this were so, then the daughter’s gaze could easily burn right through the unlucky mother’s head. Before the ladies regain their ability to speak, we want to warn readers that for some moral reasons we fundamentally do not use profanity on the site. Therefore, the subsequent women's conversation is translated from oral Russian into more or less literary Russian.

    Young people have stronger nerves and quicker minds, so my daughter was the first to interrupt the pause:
    - Oh, you are such a fool, so and so and so! What are you doing?
    - Such a fool herself! Who are you opening your mouth to? Why not at work? Did you drive away?
    - No, I came specifically to check, to see what you’re doing here without me! And on time! My dear mother, in her old age, jumps naked around the apartment and throws herself at my man...
    - Damn, she found me a man too! Your good-for-nothing fool has given in to me. No skin, no face, no salary! The only joy is that the fly is on my pants. I came home from work and immediately hit the couch with beer! I didn't even wash my hands!!!
    - Why are you clinging to the guy? Just think, I didn’t wash my hands. It was hot and I was thirsty. We're not in kindergarten, where they put you in a corner for dirty hands. He’s dressed, and you better look at yourself, the impudent naked one.

    Amid her daughter’s howls, the mother pulled the woolen cape off the chair and wrapped herself in it. Having become more or less dressed, she felt more confident and went on the offensive:
    - You were released from kindergarten too early, such a fool! I should have kept it for a few more years, in a smelly corner on a potty, then I would have remembered that you should always wash your hands under the tap! I was taking a bath, I didn’t know that he showed up home so early. If your hubby wanted to take a shower after work, he would see that the light was on in the bathroom, knock, and it would immediately become clear who was at home. I would also warm up his dinner. But no, I went in on the sly and galloped to the refrigerator. And then - a thump in dirty clothes on my sofa. I can walk around in my room as I please. It’s no wonder that she pulled the last of her veins out of herself for a two-room apartment. What, you don’t have your own TV? I also placed bottles of beer along the aisle! Look what my carpet has become. Who will pay me for dry cleaning now? Is your beggar a klutz?

    Mom’s finger angrily pressed against a sticky spot on the tacky carpet. Chips crunched like thin ice on the darkened woolen surface. The thought of having to part with money rallied women against the new enemy. They turned to the guy at once.

    During the women's altercation, the young man did not raise his voice. Now he lay motionless, stretched out on the sofa with no visible signs of life. A trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.
    - Dead, no way? – the mother asked hopefully.
    “Uuuuu,” my daughter howled loudly and collapsed on the sofa next to her husband. The guy groaned weakly.
    “Alive,” the mother-in-law said in disappointment. Then she bent over the sofa, examining her son-in-law for visible injuries, and asked Vera:
    - Shall we call an ambulance or will it go away on its own?

    And then an insidious droplet, hidden somewhere in mother’s hair, fell on the guy’s forehead. He opened his eyes. The awakening was terrible. The former naked mermaid witch with wet hair was now covered in fur and was staring right at him! The husband wheezed and convulsed.
    - No, it won’t go away on its own. Look how he's twisted. Delirium tremens, no less. “You’ve had enough of it in the heat with your beer,” the mother-in-law summed up. - I’ll go, get dressed and call. You hold him tight, otherwise he’ll fall to the floor, break something, and the doctors will think that we beat him,” she threw the woolen cape over the chair and went to the wardrobe.

    The impudent evil spirits disappeared, and the guy gradually began to calm down. My wife’s sweet voice broke through the cotton wool of oblivion. Vera wailed: “Darling, what’s wrong with you, where does it hurt?” He wanted to complain about the mermaid witch, but then an unfamiliar, cheerful voice was heard in the room:
    - Where is the patient?
    - There, on the sofa. They came after work, and he was already lying drunk and unconscious. He ruined my entire carpet with his beer. “Blood is coming out of the mouth and everyone is twitching,” the mother-in-law’s disgusting voice sounded.

    The patient tried to explain that everything was wrong. But I couldn’t tell about the mermaid witch; I couldn’t listen to my tongue. He was just twitching in vain. The movements made his chest hurt and the guy groaned. Cold fingers touched my arm, then quickly ran over my body and painfully poked my ribs.
    - Aah!
    - It’s okay, we’ll treat you. Bruises, two broken ribs, heat stroke and some other nervous reaction. Do you see the tic on the face? We'll look into it in more detail at the hospital. The guy is young, we’ll keep him for a week and discharge him for further treatment on an outpatient basis. Load it onto the stretcher! Who will go to the hospital with us? Grab his documents!

    There was a commotion in the room. Vera rushed to her room to get her husband’s documents. The mother-in-law kept watch over the orderlies, lest the men suddenly steal something from her precious room. In the car, the boy was injected with a sedative, and he woke up in the hospital. The doctor from the ambulance turned out to be experienced and made the correct diagnosis. They fixed the ribs with a bandage and said the bruises would go away on their own. The situation with teak was more complicated. After the neurologist heard about the attack by the mermaid witch, he looked at the guy strangely and brought a psychiatrist. The doctor asked about his parents and grandparents, and called his wife and mother-in-law. Then he pronounced the verdict: “Don’t drink!”
    - And wash your hands before eating! – the mother added sarcastically.
    “It’s also not harmful,” the doctor agreed. - You never know what kind of chemistry, all sorts of solutions at work. Everyone's health is different, who knows how it will affect the body.

    With this parting word and sick leave the boy left the hospital a day later. But this is not the end of the funny story of life in a residential area.

    In the evening, the young people whispered in their room. I had to move away from my mother, for sure. It was decided to look for some courses to study and get a more profitable job. Save up and then rent an apartment. A goal dawned in life, the plant life of the young family, generously watered with beer, ended.