• What does a call center operator do? Remote work as a call center operator - what is it?

    It is not always possible to find a job in your specialty. But you have to live somehow. That's why people go to work in call centers. The salary there is not bad, and there seem to be few responsibilities. Is this so? In this article, we will explain what responsibilities a call center agent must perform.

    Receiving incoming calls

    A call center operator has many responsibilities. One of them is to respond to phone calls. This is the easiest task. A person needs to competently advise the client. If the operator's work phone rings, he can be sure that the person on the other end of the line has a problem. So, it needs to be solved. The specifics of each call center are different. Somewhere the operator helps set up a modem, somewhere he troubleshoots problems with the TV. The operator's responsibilities also include the process of resolving any discrepancies on the order. For example, a client has submitted an application for an Internet connection. But the installation crew did not show up on time. In this case, the call center employee must react quickly, find a free team and send it to the address or find out where the installers went and why they did not show up to the client on time. In such situations, you need to not only solve the problem, but also try to reassure the client. After all, people are different, some may decide that if the company had problems at the first stage, then such troubles will continue to happen. A call center operator is the face of the company. It is on him that all complaints and accusations will fall.

    The duties of a call center operator in a taxi are to receive applications. A person must react quickly, form an order and enter it into the database. Finding the car personally is not his responsibility. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in writing the address, because often taxi operators are not located in the same city from where the order is made.

    Outgoing calls

    Also, the duties of a call center operator include personally calling clients. What to talk to people about? Well, certainly not about the weather. Each call center operator has a job description. It spells out his responsibilities. One call center can deal with different projects. Connecting to the Internet, lending, ordering a taxi - this is only a small part of what operators are working on. Most often, people offer services to clients. For example, one of the tasks of an operator who works in a bank is to call people and offer them to take out a loan. Each call center employee has a client base, that is, they call not everyone, but potential buyers. If a person has already taken out a loan from a bank at least once, it is likely that he may need another loan. The operator’s task is to instill in the client’s soul the desire to take money at interest. But a call center employee who works on an Internet connection project calls clients in a certain area in order to invite them to change their provider.

    Application processing

    After the call is completed and the client has agreed to connect the service or accepted any other offer, the operator fills out an order form. This reporting is carried out in a special computer program. The duty of the call center operator is to correctly fill out certain fields. Most often they include full name. the client, his address, the type of service he agreed to, and the date when the order will be placed. Depending on the specifics, the information that needs to be entered into the database may vary. For example, the responsibilities of a bank call center operator include filling out an application for a loan or issuing a form indicating that a call was made reminding the client to deposit money into the account on time.

    All the operator’s work is concentrated in one, maximum two computer programs. Moreover, you need to understand them very well. Each employee is required to undergo training and consultations from time to time, where they are told about updating the software product.

    Placing orders

    The job responsibilities of a call center operator include more than just answering calls. The employee must process accepted orders. For example, the operator has agreed to connect a new Internet tariff, but for this it is necessary to change the equipment. The call center employee must place an order, in which he specifies the date of arrival of the technician, all the materials that will be required for installation, as well as the amount that the client will have to pay. And he doesn’t just enter all this information into his program. He must inform the client about everything so that he is at home on the appointed day, has his passport with him and does not give the money to the employees, but puts it in a new personal account.

    Maintaining a client base

    The MTS call center and similar projects include calling customers. For what purpose are they bothering citizens? Operators are inviting people to switch to new tariffs. Some agree, others refuse. In order to somehow separate those who refuse from those who agree, call center employees have to maintain a client base. Information is entered there that the person was called, about what was offered to him. If the client refuses the service, the reason for the refusal must be recorded. Perhaps the tariff was too expensive. If the company introduces new services, the person will be called again and offered cheaper package options.

    In our example, call center operators asked people to connect new tariff, but still more often their responsibilities include luring customers away from another operator. And in this matter, again, it is impossible to do without a base. It is bought from telephone operator, and the call center employees begin calling. Here their goal is not only to lure customers to a competing operator, but also to collect information about why they use the services of a particular company.


    What other duties should a call center operator perform? Keep reports. If the operator works not only to receive incoming calls, but also independently calls clients in order to offer them some product or service, then in this case his salary directly depends on successfully completed applications. So, call center workers themselves enter their achievements into a table and calculate their average score. Of course, this data is double-checked. The data entry procedure should help a person monitor his progress and regression.

    It is also the responsibility of employees to indicate their days off. Each operator must fill out a weekend form a week in advance, so that this table can then be approved by the highest authority and a schedule drawn up.

    Make your own decisions

    It is easy to imagine an adult who cannot take responsibility for his actions. So, such people have no place among call center workers. People who give consultations and accept applications must understand that their words are not empty words. If the client remains dissatisfied, then a reprimand from the authorities is the lightest punishment for the offense. The duties of a call center operator at a bank include handling people’s personal data. And since this classified information, it cannot be disclosed outside of work. After all, every person hopes that information about his financial well-being will remain secret.

    Of course, a call center operator does not work alone, and in the case of any emergency he can turn to a superior for help. But the working day rarely goes according to routine. Clients ask questions every day that are not included in the standard brief. You have to strain your imagination so as not to let the person down and disgrace the company in his eyes.

    What qualities should an applicant have?

    Other Operator Responsibilities

    A person who works in a call center must do not only what is written in the job description, but also follow the unspoken rules of the company. For example, not only not being late for work, but also arriving 15 minutes earlier. Many call centers prohibit eating or drinking anything other than water in the workplace. Operators should not make noise so as not to disturb their neighbors' work. A call center employee does not have the right to raise his voice when talking with a client, just as he cannot hang up the phone, even if a stream of obscene language is pouring on him. The operator must keep his workplace and monitor the serviceability of work equipment.

    General provisions of the instructions

    In this section, the company prescribes to whom the call center operator must directly report, whose instructions must be followed, and also, in the absence of a specific employee, to replace him. Of course, there are times when the operator specified in this job description is not available. Then it is necessary to indicate who will replace him.

    It should be clarified that the general director of the call center must appoint a person to the position of call center operator, as well as dismiss him from it, using an order.

    Call center job description:

    • Labor legislation.
    • Methods and techniques of negotiations and business communication.
    • Rules of business etiquette, basic skills for conducting telephone business negotiations.
    • Norms and rules of labor protection, sanitary and fire protection, safety precautions.
    • Internal labor regulations.

    It is also necessary to clarify what the operator should be guided by in his activities.

    Operator responsibilities:

    It is worth clearly defining what exactly the responsibilities of a call center operator are. For example, receiving incoming calls, conducting telephone sales, consulting potential clients, processing complaints and customer requests, as well as transferring them to the relevant departments. Operators must also enter all received information into the database and quickly assimilate project information necessary for proper line maintenance. In this section, the company must include absolutely all the duties that the hired employee must perform.

    Operator rights:

    A call center operator, like any employee, must know his rights. He has the right to receive everything necessary documents and materials that directly relate to the activities of the employee and his employees. The operator has the right to get acquainted with those projects and decisions of the company management that relate to the activities of this department. Call center employees can offer managers their suggestions for improving work.

    Operator Responsibility:

    The job description of the call center operator should determine why call center operator will be held responsible. What key points directly depend on the employee. For example, failure to perform official duties, causing material damage and the like.

    I know firsthand about the profession of a call center operator. My first Internet job was in a call center. So today I’ll tell you about the nuances of this profession: what kind of work it is in a call center, what you need to do, what skills you have and how much you can earn.

    What's it like to work in a call center?

    A call center is a division of a company that makes outgoing and processes incoming calls, letters, and messages from clients. There are call centers in almost online stores, regardless of what they sell: goods or services.

    Working in a call center involves communicating with people. This is working with:

    • incoming calls;
    • outgoing calls;
    • chat.

    Incoming calls

    Working on incoming calls requires excellent knowledge of the products, website, and company operations. They can call with any question: how to place an order, activate a discount coupon, where the order is, what you sell. Your task is to help the client solve the problem, give full advice, and push him to make a sale.

    Outgoing calls

    There are 3 types of outgoing calls: cold, warm, hot.

    Cold - calling people/companies with whom you have not previously had any relationship. They may not know about you. And you have to tell them about your company/product, sell something or arrange a meeting.

    Warm calls are distinguished by the fact that the client found you himself and is ready for dialogue (he left contact information or made an order on the website). You need to call, depending on the situation, either answer the questions that have arisen (pushing you to purchase), or confirm the order, providing details about delivery and order completion.

    Hot calls are calling customers who have already made a purchase from you in order to offer them something new or tell them about an ongoing promotion.


    I'm sure many of you have encountered chat on the site. These are pop-up windows that invite you to ask a consultant a question.

    Working in a chat implies a constant online presence to promptly answer customer questions on the site.

    What you need to know

    The most important - don't be afraid telephone conversations (if you plan to be on calls)!

    Although they say that you can get used to it over time, I will say from experience:

    if you don't feel comfortable talking to strangers over the phone (even with those who don’t need to sell anything, but just need to confirm an order or coordinate delivery) - you won’t like it and you won’t be able to make money from it!

    Also usually required:

    • clear, competent speech;
    • product knowledge (they will teach you this);
    • absence extraneous sounds(they can easily refuse if there is a small child at home);
    • Experience in sales (not always required, but encouraged).

    About payment of call center operators

    Operators are usually paid by the piece, but are formed in different ways.

    1. Fixed rate for 1 call/message (mainly for warm/hot outgoing calls, processing messages in chat/mail);
    2. Fixed rate for a successful call - an appointment (cold outgoing calls);
    3. Percentage of sales of goods/services (cold outgoing calls);
    4. Hourly payment (processing incoming calls).

    Therefore, it is difficult to say how much a call center operator earns. But if you do the job well, believe me, you can make great money working as an operator! I know examples when people reached the pay level of 30 thousand rubles in the first month with a 4-5 hour working day. As for me, this is a calling :) Personally, working 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week, I earned 3-4 thousand rubles :)

    But everyone should try themselves as a call center operator to understand whether it suits you or not. I lasted 3 months, but for me every day was like torture! 🙂 Nevertheless, the experience was useful!

    Sincerely, Kazakova Ekaterina

    When choosing a position, a potential candidate is reasonably interested in what he has to do. The profession of a call center operator is one of the most common. The specificity of the work of a specialist of this kind is to advise clients, solve problems of callers, help in choosing products, as well as quick search information and relaying it to accessible form for those who applied. We talk in detail about all the main aspects of this profession.

    Basic employer requirements

    Work in help desks, customer support and information services, banks, operators mobile communications and other places involves mastering certain information. That is why an intern, like a fully qualified specialist for a position, must be competent to a certain extent. If we are talking about the banking sector, then this is informational mastery of basic services, elaboration of key problems in order to help cardholders who have applied, etc. The amount of information that needs to be sufficiently mastered differs from place to place. In general, the main requirements for a call center operator include communication skills, stress resistance, friendliness, perseverance, good computer knowledge, competent speech and good diction.

    The main responsibilities of this specialist include the following:

    • receiving and processing incoming calls and other requests (for example, messages in online chat);
    • registration of all requests in the system;
    • advising applicants regarding the company’s services and/or products;
    • processing and systematization of orders;
    • monitoring the execution of applications and orders;
    • preparation and submission of reports in the prescribed form.

    This list of responsibilities is not universal. Some employers may add certain tasks related to attracting new customers, conducting surveys and surveys, distributing information about new services and/or products, collecting necessary information. This list depends on the specific employer and structure. You should be prepared for the fact that almost all support services and customer interaction services pay close attention to the work of operators. The reason is that these employees are the “face” of the company, being on the front line and constantly representing it.

    Who is the profession suitable and not suitable for?

    Since the work of a call center operator is quite monotonous and monotonous, it is better for individuals with a creative nature to avoid it. There is a high probability that restless people who value “team life” and a constant change of environment, as well as tasks performed, will not stay in this position. Many young people (including those receiving higher education) consider it not only as a part-time job, but also as their first full-time working profession. For those with developed business communication skills, speed dial text, mastering large amounts of information, speaking a foreign language, it will be easier and faster to get a job.

    There are many specialized centers that can prepare a person for future work in a matter of months or even weeks. Such courses, as usual, are inexpensive and are held not only in Minsk, but also in other cities. Many institutions such as banks or mobile operators constantly attract potential candidates by screening and self-study. The most quick option searching for the appropriate job will be studying vacancies on the main thematic sites.

    By order for LLC "_______"

    No. __ dated __.__._____

    Job description



    1. The Call Center operator belongs to the category of specialists

    2. The Call Center operator reports directly to ______________________ or to the person replacing him, carries out instructions from __________________________

    3. During the absence of the Call Center Operator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another Call Center Operator.

    4. Appointment to the position of Call Center Operator and dismissal from it is made by order General Director Companies


    1. The Call Center operator must know and apply in his activities:

    1.1. Technologies and techniques of negotiations in accordance with the approved list of literature

    1.2. Methods of time management, as well as technologies for increasing one’s own efficiency in accordance with the approved list of literature

    1.3. Quality management system standards approved at the enterprise

    1.4. Approved instructions for performing business processes in the company

    1.5. Instructions for occupational health and safety of office employees

    1.6. Internal labor regulations

    1.7. Software tools, used by the Company to ensure the work process

    2. Follow orders from superiors

    3. Comply with the regime of maintaining trade secrets

    III. Job functions

    1. Incoming calls

    1.1. Advisory support for clients and potential clients. Searching and offering optimal solutions to the client in connection with the issue that has arisen

    1.2. Providing all necessary information to the client on services, tariffs, procedures and company promotions

    1.3. Placing orders from clients

    1.3. Dealing with customer complaints and requests

    1.4. Entering the received information into the database

    2. Outgoing calls

    2.1. Formation of databases in various areas

    2.2. Conducting calls to clients to provide information (informative calls)

    2.3. Conducting customer calls to obtain information (survey/questionnaire)

    2.4. Telephone sales

    2.5. Entering the received information into the database

    IV. Rights

    1. Get acquainted with the decisions of the Company’s Management regarding the activities of the division.

    2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description for consideration by the Manager.

    3. Interact with other services of the Company on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues of their activities, necessary to fulfill their official duties.

    5. Inform the immediate Manager about all shortcomings in the Company’s activities identified during the performance of their official duties and make proposals for their elimination

    V. Responsibility

    1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. For errors made in the work that led to failure to meet the targets set by the Management - within the limits of the variable part of the salary.

    4. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes

    5. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him

    6. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Company and its employees.

    7. For failure to comply with labor discipline

    vi. Performance evaluation criteria

    The criteria for evaluating the activities of the Call Center Operator are:

    1. Number of completed tasks
    2. Quality of completed tasks
    3. Achievement of the Company's target indicators.
    4. Absence of justified claims against the Call Center Operator from other structural divisions of the Company.
    5. Absence of justified claims from Clients.

    vii. Final provisions

    1. Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities of the Call Center Operator can be clarified in accordance with changes in the Structure, Objectives and Functions of the Company

    2. Changes and additions to this Job description are entered by order of the General Director of the Company with familiarization of the Employee against personal signature