• Ways to make money without investment without the Internet. Instagram accounts. Performing certain tasks

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. On this page I want to touch on a rather relevant and pressing topic of making money on the Internet. There are quite a few ways to make money online, but not all of them are ideal and not all of them will be equally useful and effective.

    I’ll say right away that for the full implementation of some of the options described below, it is advisable to have your own website, and the amount of income will largely depend directly on it.

    No, of course, you can make money on the Internet without having your own website, but there are two possible nuances here. Firstly, the income in most cases will be several times - or even an order of magnitude - less than if you use your own, well-promoted Internet project ().

    Secondly, having your own Internet resource, most of the income can be attributed to the so-called passive income. That is, you can safely go on vacation, and the flow of money will practically not decrease.

    How to make money on the Internet without investment

    I probably foresee your skepticism about the fact that you can earn something on the Internet. Many people shout about this on almost every corner, and when it comes to specific amounts expressed in monetary terms, it turns out that these amounts are extremely small, and the work that will need to be done for this is extremely monotonous and tedious.

    Yes, that’s true - it’s practically impossible to have a high income online without having certain qualifications. In addition, as in real life, unskilled labor is very, very low valued and, accordingly, paid. But nevertheless, now, from the height of the years I have lived on the Internet, I can responsibly declare that there is money there, and there is it in quite large quantities.

    Moreover, I think that the best option is the one that allows receive income without preliminary investments. It often happens that there is simply nowhere to get these same investments, and all fraudulent schemes for making money online are based on taking away a certain amount from you and then scamming you.

    Therefore, in the future we will consider methods that will allow us to do it either without investments at all, or by reducing them to a minimum. Later, when your website (and I strongly recommend creating it) begins to generate stable and tangible income, you can spend part of the proceeds on investments in your web project, thereby increasing the amount of future income. But these will no longer be investments, but...

    Let's add a little more lyrics and unexpectedly flooded memories. I remembered my first penny in the “unreal world” quite clearly and in detail...

    A girl contacted me by email and offered to post a post (a link to the project she was promoting) at the beginning of a new article on my blog. She asked me about the price, but I was not interested in this and therefore suggested that she set the price herself.

    In the end, we agreed on 40 rubles, and this became my first money earned in. You know, the amount is not impressive, but, damn it, it was so unusual to receive forty rubles for nothing. It was precisely the feeling that money fell from the sky (I absolutely couldn’t believe at that moment that it was real). Somehow unusual and damn nice.

    The second time I experienced the same feeling was when I finally managed to withdraw an amount from my current account through an ATM for the first time. individual entrepreneur(it was one thing when these were numbers on a computer screen, and quite another when they nevertheless materialized into real banknotes that I held in my hands). It was very pleasant, it gave me goosebumps.

    In 2012, my earnings from contextual advertising alone (then from Yandex) were already more than a hundred thousand rubles a month:

    All in all, making money online is quite possible, and the very fact that they can materialize into crisp bills caused me a slight touch and a rather idiotic smile for a long time. Well, this passed over time (when the amounts became large and regular), because a person is designed in such a way that he quickly gets used to everything (especially good things). I haven’t gotten used to it yet and I want to write an article about making money online, fueled by purely positive emotions.

    Ways to earn extra money online for everyone

    If you don’t have your own website, and also don’t have any special skills that you could convert into hard cash (read about this below), then there is only one niche left. I'm talking about the various things you can do in free time(sitting at home at the computer). Follow the link below to find more detailed description, but here I will just focus your attention on the most popular tools:

      The most unskilled and not very highly paid work, for a person without any special training. This option is suitable for schoolchildren - as a worthy replacement for McDonald's sweatshops - or people who need money right now (even if not very much).

      As an example of exchanges that allow unqualified personnel to earn money, we can cite:

      1. VKtarget— (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter). They pay for joining groups, liking, telling friends, etc. things. Read about other services and methods of increasing income in the article “”.
      2. — watching videos, installing applications (, etc.)
      3. MyOpinion And Questionnaire— take part in surveys, accumulate money and bonuses, and then withdraw them or exchange them for prizes. Read about the rest in the article below.
      4. Workzila— remote work for people with different levels of training (even the completely unprepared). You can read the details in my brief.
      5. S.E.- quite a lot of income opportunities (some of them are passive). The service has existed for a long time, has been tested and values ​​​​its reputation very much.
      6. RuCapcha— here they offer to earn money by entering text from pictures (from the so-called ). If you have a tendency to monotonous work, this is for you. There is also a similar service 2captcha, where they pay in dollars.
      7. CourseExpert And BestChange- free, allowing you to save (think of earning) on ​​the exchange and withdrawal of virtual money in real life (where I opened Binance for 60 seconds for myself)
      8. — services where you can receive shares of Bitcoin (Satoshi) for free with their subsequent withdrawal. Not much comes out at a time, but the process can be repeated throughout the day, and no one limits the number of “coin generators” used.
      9. — the principles of operation and level of income are described in the article provided at the link. Notable examples are Kukomment and.
    1. Advego — this text exchange has an affiliate program where you can earn money by attracting customers and authors.
    2. Textsale— they also have their own referral program.
    3. My business— an affiliate program for the distribution of online accounting services. In fact, it is multi-level and allows you to earn money not only from direct sales, but also from sales of your partners. The payments are very high. Read more in the article about.
    4. WebArtex- a very young exchange of articles, which means the income from referrals may be greater in the long term (you will eventually find yourself at the top of the referral pyramid). Read about the nuances of working with it in my recent article.
    5. Quark— an affiliate of a popular freelance exchange.
    6. Binpartner- Binomo broker affiliate program. It will be necessary to attract traders to this trading platform and for this they will receive 50% of the system’s profit.
    7. Paer— an affiliate program that is gaining popularity payment system, where they pay a very decent percentage of the income you attract visitors. Read more at the link provided.
    8. InfoBox- this is the hosting where I host all my commercial and information sites. The affiliate program pays 30% of all the money that will be spent on hosting by the clients you attract (and since the service is high-quality, few will leave it in the future - you are guaranteed passive income).
    9. AliExpress ePN- official affiliate program of the world's largest AliExpress store
    10. RotaBan— in the article about that, I mentioned this exchange and a number of others.
    11. Telderi— receive interest on the amounts received by your referrals from the sale or purchase of sites on this exchange.

    Unfortunately, profitable affiliate programs sometimes close. For example, this was the case with Profit Partner, but he allowed me to earn the most money from his affiliate program:

    If you ever decide to open your own Internet service (exchange or something else), then be sure to attach an affiliate program to it. Yes, you will lose part of the income on payments for attracted referrals, but this will actually be a viral promotion of the project, capable of immediately attracting a huge number of users.

    So, let's get back to our sheep. What can I say? Actually, I already discussed most of the methods in detail in an article about . But, nevertheless, I will briefly repeat myself and add something relatively new.

    1. Contextual advertising- probably, for the majority of Internet projects created for people (the so-called SDL), it is the main and most profitable method. Contextual advertising in its name contains an explanation of the principle of its operation. In essence, these are advertisements (purely textual, supplemented with pictures, or completely graphic), the content of which will be thematically related to the content of the web page where the advertising block is placed.

      You have written an article about pink elephants, and contextual advertising will show ads about the sale of pink elephants, if, of course, such ads are provided by advertisers. Although, ads can also be shown based on the needs of the visitor who opened a page on your site, if search engines, which are the main players in the market, somehow learned about this need. contextual advertising.

      In RuNet these are two titans - Yandex and Google. Therefore, for webmasters in RuNet there are only two options for working with context - or. Both systems strictly monitor compliance with work rules and, if they are violated, they can permanently exclude you from this method of earning money. Therefore, I advise you to familiarize yourself with these rules in advance, so as not to regret it later.

      This is the most preferred type of advertising, which can bring in very decent income (see screenshot at the very beginning of this publication). In addition, this type of site monetization usually does not cause any complaints from search engines, which cannot be said, for example, about the same teasers, which will be discussed below. However, the context will not work well on all Internet projects and bring significant income to the owner. Otherwise, nothing but it would be used.

      True, here I want to express my purely personal opinion about making money by displaying banners. You should not overdo it in this matter (as, for example, Terekhov and, possibly, Mikhail Shakin do). Not only will this irritate visitors (although they may get used to it), but search engines, oddly enough, have a negative attitude towards the dominance of banners on the page.

      And not only negatively, but also for the abundance of advertising (as well as for its aggressive nature, if you decide to use popunders, clickanders and other advertising blocks that interfere with browsing the site). The fact is that (people who evaluate the quality of some resources, which are then taken as reference points when working on Matrixnet) take this indicator into account and, perhaps, that is why Mikhail Shakin’s blog has such low traffic from Yandex (an order of magnitude less than from Google) .

      In general, be more careful with banners. I understand that you always want more money, but you can raise prices and reduce the number of advertising spaces, and at the same time leave income at the same level (that’s exactly what I did).

    2. — if the context does not bring the desired result, then you can try to make money on teasers. True, they often have a “yellow” tint, but for forums, entertainment or news portals, teaser advertising can become the main source of income. However, recently Yandex punishes sites for shocking advertising, and it is teasers that most often fall under this definition. Therefore, carefully study the reviews about the teaser network and disable the display of shock advertising in the settings.

      You will find a list of the most popular teaser affiliate programs in the article at the link given just above.

    3. Selling links— we are not talking about installing link exchange scripts like Sapa, but about manually adding links, the placement of which will be ordered by the advertiser through the eternal link exchanges GoGetLinks, GetGoodLinks or RotaPost. It’s even better to work with Miralinks or WebArtex, because this is the most safe way making money by selling links from your Internet project.

      But you should still observe moderation in everything and not sell too many links, even if this will allow you to get pretty good money. There may be satiety, after which there will be some subsidence of your resource in search engines. It’s better to earn a little money from links, and when increasing traffic allows, then switch to generating income from displaying contextual advertising.

      However, I have a project that is very well monetized by selling perpetual links and posting articles, but when I try to make money on it in any other way, nothing works at all, and this despite the fact that this project has good traffic.

      Earning money from affiliate programs is the same as the method described just above, but having your own, visited resource, you can rise to a completely different level without spending money on Direct and Adwords to attract traffic.

      It will be possible to earn money in the same systems that I listed just above, for example, GoGetLinks , MegaIndex , MiraLinks , GetGoodLinks or My business, placing advertising banners of affiliate programs on your website (or simply referral links in thematic texts) or any other affiliate programs that will coincide or partially overlap in topic with your resource. The best part is that this income will be completely passive and therefore even more enjoyable.

      Advertising articles and announcements- it seems that this is a dead-end option for an Internet project, because readers will turn away and not return. However, in mine I mentioned Devaka. Look at his page on the services he provides to see how much it costs to order one advertising post or announcement from him. Now tell me, do they bother you when reading the blog? For example, I don’t care at all, because the author knows how to play it all out very well and put it into a digestible form.

      Another thing is that you first need to gain a huge reserve of authority, so that you have something to waste when deciding to publish advertising posts. It was only four years later that I switched to this practice, and you know what? I liked it. Money is money, but there is another reason.

      The process of choosing a topic for the next article is not always straightforward for me (the agony of choice sometimes lasts for days), and when the choice of topic is made for me, all I can do is delve into its study and write as detailed as possible and, as far as the desire to please the advertiser allows, , honest review. IMHO.

    Greetings, friends. Many people are interested in how to make money on the Internet and where to get sites that won’t get scammed. Today I decided to make a selection of proven sites for making money on the Internet with withdrawal of money in real life.

    Services providing different simple work there are a lot on the Internet, but I made a selection only from proven services that pay regularly and have proven themselves well in my eyes. Scams and non-payments are very common in this niche, since it is easiest to make money from inexperienced beginners, so many fall for scammers. I remember in 2007 or 2008, I myself earned my first $10 from clicks in one service, but I couldn’t withdraw it, and I wasted a lot of time.

    Another trick of scammers is to first ask you to pay for various nonsense or as a sign of seriousness of intentions, and then disappear with your donations. So you should immediately look for services for earning money without investments, everything with investments is a scam, with rare exceptions. I can imagine, you came to get a job as an engineer at a plant, and they tell you to put 30 thousand in the cash register first - well, that’s nonsense?

    And one more point that I would like to highlight is that there are sites where you can earn money, but you cannot withdraw funds. That is, there is a certain internal currency, after receiving which you can spend it on all sorts of coupons, services, or various specific goods. It’s a stretch to call it earnings, since you can’t get real money from them. So when searching, immediately choose sites for making money where you can withdraw money to Yandex Money, Webmoney, Qiwi, PayPal or other common currencies and don’t be fooled by anything else.

    Sites for making money on social networks

    This type of income is based on the purchase by advertisers of various social signals - likes, reposts, subscriptions, joining a group, video views. If you have accounts on VK, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Odnoklassniki, Google+, etc., then you can get to work.

    1. Cashbox.ru

    Convenient service for work. Automatic check simple tasks without the need to send reports for likes or subscriptions. In addition to tasks on social networks, there are more complex and higher-paying tasks in a variety of areas - registration on sites, installation of applications, etc.

    Referral program: yes

    2. Forumok.com

    The site contains tasks in several categories. Most associated with social networks, but there are others. For example, there are many orders for posting posts on various forums or blogs with a link to the desired site.

    Since tasks are not always simple, there is no automatic acceptance. But the prices for execution compare favorably with competitors. For example, for a couple of likes on Facebook you can earn a few rubles.

    Referral program: yes

    3. VKtarget.ru

    Referral program: yes

    4. Smmok14.ru

    This service for earning money is different a large number tasks and their constant replenishment, but there are two disadvantages: the prices are slightly lower than those of competitors and only the Vkontakte social network is supported (at least for now).

    Referral program: yes

    Sites for making money on texts

    The need for texts for websites is constantly growing, as new projects appear on the Internet every day. In addition, competition is growing and good copywriters earn much more than the national average salary. At the same time, copywriting and rewriting does not force you to work full time - if you have free time, you take orders, if you don’t have time, you don’t take them.

    5. Advego.ru

    One of the oldest copywriting exchanges with a huge audience of employers. There are always orders of different levels - from simple comments for the site to full-fledged articles of tens of thousands of characters. There is a rating system for performers, thanks to which, with good work, the average payment per 1000 characters will increase. You can not only take orders, but also upload finished works to the store. Payments in the system are made in dollars, payments are made in WMZ.

    Referral program: yes

    6. Etxt.ru

    To make money on this exchange, you just need to register and start submitting applications for orders. How more rating, the higher the chances of getting good expensive assignments. You can increase your skill level in the system by completing test tasks from the service. This site uses rubles for making money in calculations with withdrawal of money to Webmoney.

    Referral program: yes

    7. Textsale.ru

    Little different from previous sites. It is also possible to sell ready-made articles and take orders for writing texts on assignment. The rating is formed on the basis of completed orders and the quality of their implementation. Positive Feedback help you rise in the rankings faster, so ask customers to leave them. Payments are made to a WMR wallet.

    Referral program: yes

    Sites for automatic earnings

    This part contains sites where the work is mostly done not by you, but by your computer. Something like this: you launch the program, it performs certain actions on the Internet, and you are charged money for this.

    8. Vipip.ru

    Vipip is an active advertising service through which you can promote websites, accounts on social networks (likes, subscriptions, etc.), there are free-form tasks - in this it is similar to many other axle boxes, but there is a feature that distinguishes it favorably from competitors is a browser extension that earns money automatically by performing the simplest and most common tasks without human intervention.

    For the extension to work, you need to download it to your computer, connect your accounts on social networks and periodically withdraw money, albeit small, but truly passive.

    Referral program: yes

    9. Surfearner.com

    To make money, you install an add-on to your browser that periodically displays small advertising banners. Banners do not require any reaction (closing, transitioning, viewing, etc.), they do not interfere with working on the network (visiting websites, communicating on social networks, etc.). You use the Internet as usual, you are not distracted by banners, but you get money for them, albeit small ones.

    Additionally, in beta testing mode, Surfearner has a cryptocurrency mining script. You start mining in your personal account and part of the power of your computer’s processor will be used by the service for mining. You set the percentage of power yourself from 0 to 100 - determine it experimentally so that it does not slow down other programs.

    Withdrawing money to Yandex, WebMoney, Qiwi, etc.

    Referral program: yes

    10. Vagex.com

    This is a service for promoting video clips on Youtube. He gets views, likes, subscribers. Operates automatically. To earn money, you need to install a program or browser plugin from your personal account.

    After launching, the program itself will open pages with video clips and unscrew them for a specified duration. Moreover, when you open a tab with a video in the browser, it does not become active and does not interfere with your regular work. Mind your own business, and the program is in background earns a little money, though very little.

    The service is English-language and pays only via PayPal.

    Referral program: yes

    Sites for making money on surveys

    Many people do not trust such income, since it is not clear who is willing to pay for all this. In fact, various companies constantly conduct market research and allocate budgets for this. Part of these budgets goes to pay for volunteers who are ready to take part.

    11. Toloka.yandex.com

    Official questionnaire from the search engine Yandex. A variety of tasks appear in the system: identifying sites containing porn images, assessing the relevance (compliance) of a page with a search query - these are small tasks. There are also those where you need to check the operation of an online store from Yandex Market (place an order and return the goods) - serious money is paid for such tasks. I wrote a description of how the service works when it first appeared in the article. Since then, there have been more different tasks.

    Referral program: no

    12. ExpertnoeMnenie.ru

    Earning money follows the standard scheme - register, fill out your personal data, answer questions from the tasks. The number of available surveys depends on personal profile. Customers indicate the category of people whose opinion they are interested in, so topics about cars will come more often to men, and about raising children to women.

    For the initial data about yourself, the service charges money - you will receive a total of 80 rubles by simply indicating your marital status, availability bad habits, education, etc.

    Withdrawal of funds is available when you reach 500 rubles via Webmoney or phone.

    Referral program: 15 rubles per friend

    13. PlatnijOpros.ru

    The service is similar to the previous one, but there are financial nuances. For filling out the questionnaire you will be able to earn only 10 rubles, but withdrawal is available from a smaller amount - only 300 rubles, which are transferred to WebMoney.

    Referral program: yes

    14. InternetOpros.ru

    The minimum withdrawal of money on this site is from 500 rubles, transferred to a mobile phone account. Tasks do not appear too often; you can count on several questionnaires within a month.

    Referral program: no

    15. GlobalTestMarket.com

    Initially, the service is foreign, as evidenced by the clumsy translation in places, but surveys appear regularly in Russian. Withdrawal of earned money is possible both in the form of various bonuses and in real rubles on PayPal (from there you can withdraw to your card).

    Referral program: no

    Sites for making money by entering captcha

    Many services, applications and games are protected from bots using captcha (pictures depicting different symbols). Robots are not yet able to solve such images; accordingly, there is a considerable demand in the market for human captcha recognition - low-skilled work, but in demand.

    16. Rucaptcha.com

    Before you start working in RuCaptcha, there is a training course where you will be taught to recognize all possible options pictures. The payment for captcha recognition is not very high, but there is always work to be done at any time of the day or night. The secret to increasing earnings is working at night, when the activity of performers is minimal - during this period the average price of one input is 3 times higher.

    By the way, this type of income is an excellent tool for practicing touch typing. A couple of hours of work and you will know the computer keyboard like the back of your hand, and you will also earn money.

    Withdrawal of earned money is possible on Webmoney, Yandex, Qiwi, Bitcoin, etc.

    Referral program: yes

    17. MegaTypers.com

    English-language service for entering captchas. Registration is only possible using an invitation code, here it is – DEQ1. In my opinion, the service is significantly inferior to the manual one; there are often no tasks, so I present it only as an alternative option.

    You can withdraw money only to Webmoney.

    Referral program: yes

    Sites for making money on clicks and other little things

    18. Profittask.com

    A service with a large number of different tasks, ranging from simple ones (like subscribing to a social account) to complex multi-step ones (like opening a search, entering a phrase, finding a website, going to it). Complex tasks pay more. There are always a lot of tasks - this is a plus.

    Each newcomer will receive 50 rubles as a gift if they enter the promotional code during registration - 9948465ab38a7105853

    Referral system: yes

    19. ProfitCentr.com

    This service provides access to several types of tasks - reading letters, surfing websites, random tasks, tests and social networks. Letters are unique advertisements, which contain a link to the site. Surfing is directly going to a website and viewing it for a certain time. In arbitrary tasks, anything can occur - likes, registrations in services, etc. In the section social networks waiting for subscriptions, reposts and likes. Please read the service rules carefully.

    Withdrawal of funds from 20 kopecks to a Webmoney wallet.

    Referral program: yes

    Websites for making money from reviews

    This category contains services that pay for publishing interesting and useful reviews about something. These may be the most different texts, from your experience using an iron to your impressions of hiking to the top of the mountain.

    19. Otzovik.com

    The operating principle is described above. No pre-agreed topic is imposed on you - you choose everything yourself. Complete freedom of imagination and creativity. Just write the text and publish it on the site. Payment for a review will depend on how interesting it is (number of views) and useful (rating). Moreover, accrual occurs constantly as your publications are viewed. With high activity, you can create a source of passive income.

    Withdrawal of funds goes to Webmoney, the first time a minimum of 200 rubles, subsequent payments from 100.

    Referral program: yes

    20. Vseotzyvy.ru

    A site completely similar to the Otzovik service. Write reviews and get bonuses for it. Bonuses can be exchanged for prizes, or withdrawn via Webmoney or to a mobile account. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles.

    Referral program: yes

    Sites for making money on comments

    Writing comments is ordered for different purposes - in some places you need to dilute the SEO text in an article, in others you need to add volume, but most often commenting is bought in order to create the appearance of higher activity. Often such tasks can be found on text exchanges and other services described in this article, but there are also highly specialized sites aimed only at this type of income.

    21. Qcomment.ru

    The name Qcomment itself shows that with the help of this resource you can earn money on the Internet by commenting on the instructions of advertisers. The site specializes in commenting, but recently other areas have appeared on it, in particular working with social signals and surfing.

    You can withdraw payments through Yandex and Webmoney.

    Referral program: yes

    Freelance service sites


    At the beginning of this project, it was focused on text orders and looked more like one of the copywriting exchanges, but over time it grew into a full-fledged service, where the share of text orders is only a small percentage. There is work here for those who know how to draw banners, those who make videos, and many others. True, to participate as a performer, a deposit is required (to rid the system of low-skilled personnel who want to try).

    Referral program: yes

    23. Kwork.ru

    On this exchange you can buy or sell any service at a fixed price of 500 rubles. True, the service takes 20% from the performer for its mediation, which ultimately leaves you only 400 rubles. There are a lot of areas of work, and for what is not included in the standardized headings there is a section “Original”.

    Referral program: yes

    When writing the article, I did not have the goal of talking about all the projects for making money that exist on the Internet; I wanted to give readers only those sites that are trustworthy and relevant today. I hope now you know everything you need to create income on the Internet without a website and first initial investment.

    Useful articles:

    • How to make money on the Internet for a beginner - 23...

    04/07/2017 at 16:48

    954612 20

    Currently, the Internet is not only a means of communication and entertainment, but also good tool to make money. Many people already make money on the Internet, some have turned the Internet into their main source of income.

    But do not forget that on the Internet, as in real life, there are scammers who want to deceive you and take your money. And we decided to write an article and place in it all the proven and reliable sites for making money. After all, you need to start working on trusted sites that have proven themselves on the positive side and have not been found to be fraudulent.

    We will try to review all the popular services and hope that everyone will find something to their liking. This article contains 100 sites that should be enough for everyone to make money on the Internet without investment.

    The Internet does not change business models; it can only provide new powerful tools to existing ones. Doug Devos.

    Proven sites for making money on the Internet

    If you are new to making money online, I advise you to start with simpler ways to make money. Such as completing tasks for money. By completing simple tasks, you will receive rewards.

    Various types of tasks:

    • Participation in all possible promotions;

    • Writing comments;

    • Browsing websites;

    • Reading letters;

    This is far from full list There are a lot of tasks and they are all different. Absolutely any beginner can make money this way, and what’s great is that you don’t need any investment for this. Such sites are called “Buksy”, they always have a lot of orders and payment without delays.

    After just 30 minutes of work, you will be able to withdraw your first money. On many sites, the minimum amount for withdrawal does not exceed 1 ruble; it is very easy to reach the minimum amount; for this you need to complete a couple of tasks.

    List of sites for making money on tasks

    WMmail- I want to highlight this service separately. The oldest axlebox in RuNet, it has existed for more than 10 years. During this time he showed himself on the positive side. Pays in dollars, there are a lot of tasks, there is an opportunity to earn money by reading mail, browsing websites. Payments to Webmoney.

    Below you will see sites that allow you to earn money not only on tasks, but also on installations special applications, to view advertisements.

    I don’t see the point in describing each site, they are all almost the same. Register and start completing tasks. This way of earning money is not very profitable and in order to increase your income. You can use the affiliate program; almost every one of the above services has it.

    Your first referrals may be your acquaintances and friends. By developing your referral network, you can reach passive income and receive daily deductions. Most good way to attract referrals, this means creating your own website. You can also invite people through social networks.

    Earning money on social networks

    Social networks are a very popular means of communication and entertainment, but few people know that you can make money with them. You will receive money for certain actions, such as joining groups, liking, reposting, adding as a friend and much more. The pay for such tasks is not high, but there are a lot of tasks and considering that such tasks can be completed in a few seconds, this can become an additional source of income.

    Smmok- I would also like to highlight my favorite service. There are always a lot of tasks, a convenient and clear interface, good payment for tasks. There is an affiliate program, payments are made via Webmoney.

    In order to earn more, you can create several pages on social networks and work from all pages at once. You can also take advantage of the affiliate program and develop your referral network. There is another secret on how to earn more. The more friends you have in your accounts, the more tasks you will be given.

    Work as a copywriter

    Not a bad way to earn money without investment. On the Internet, high-quality content is highly valued and people are willing to pay money for it. You can act as a journalist (copywriter) and sell your articles, or write articles to order. For this purpose, there are special exchanges on the Internet, where you can always find work or put up ready-made articles for sale.

    The average price for 1000 characters is approximately 100 rubles. But since you are a newbie, I advise you to keep your price lower in order to attract customers and earn a reputation. After some time, you can raise the price.

    If you are well versed in any topic, you can write articles on this topic and post them on the stock exchange. People will buy articles in any case, if you don’t inflate the price, because everyone needs quality content. After some time, you will be able to acquire regular customers and achieve a stable income.

    Earn money from reviews and surveys without investment

    The manufacturer of goods needs to know the opinion of consumers and they are willing to pay money for it. You will write reviews or take surveys and get paid for it. Unfortunately, there are not as many surveys as we would like, but the average price for 1 completed survey is from 15 rubles. So I advise you to pay more attention to writing reviews.

    For each review you will receive from 2 to 10 rubles and for each view of your review from 0.06 kopecks. After writing a couple of hundred reviews, you can earn passive income.

    OTZOVIK - the most best service, In my opinion. Lots of current products and topics to write reviews on. There is no limit on reviews; you can write at least 1000 reviews per day. The main rule is that in order for you to receive money, the review must be at least 500 characters and 100% unique. Plagiarism is detected immediately and the account is blocked.

    In order to increase your earnings, I advise you to write detailed reviews, you can even attach photographs to them. Such reviews are viewed much more often. Also, the higher your rating, the more views your reviews will have. Add project users as friends and increase each other’s reputation.

    Earning money by installing applications

    You can earn money on the Internet not only from a PC, but also from a mobile phone. One way is to install applications for money. There are special sites that pay for each installation of certain applications. On average, for 1 installation, you will receive from 5 rubles.

    There are additional tasks to install and write a review or give a rating in the play market. Such tasks pay much higher.

    Making money on binary options

    A relatively new way of earning money, but very profitable. This method of earning money requires investments, but you can try to start trading on a demo account. The main task is to guess the value of a currency, stock or other securities and open a deal to increase or decrease the price. Everything is extremely simple, and the profitability is simply pleasing.

    All these brokers are verified and licensed. In order to trade profitably, it is best to take a training course. And understand the whole operating principle, why prices change, and so on.

    Affiliate programs

    If you have your own platform with an audience, you can use this method and earn money through affiliate programs. The essence of the work is very simple, you need to bring people to everything possible internet casino services, freelancing, brokers, banks and much more. For each active user who takes a certain action, for example, takes out a loan. You will receive rewards.

    It is not necessary to have your own resource to attract clients. You can buy advertising or offer services on social networks and on all possible forums.

    What schemes for making money online work in 2018? How to make money online and not fall into the clutches of scammers? On which sites can you quickly earn your first profit?

    Hello, dear reader. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am the founder of the website HeatherBober.ru, where you are now.

    Using a personal example, I will show you how you can make money online from 500$ per month on the provision of services, on your own website, on social networks and in other ways. It's not as easy as it seems, but I'm step by step in simple language I'll explain complex things. Having studied the article to the end, you will immediately be able to implement the acquired knowledge and earn your first money on the Internet.

    I started with complete zero, and in 5 years reached an income of several thousand dollars a month!

    I’ll say right away that the article turned out to be voluminous, so I recommend saving it to your browser bookmarks and reading it in several sittings.

    Are you ready? Then let's go!

    1. Is it really possible to make money online in 2018 or is this nonsense?

    If for some the World Wide Web today is just a hobby, a part-time job or a way to find the necessary information, then for me it is the main source of income.

    It allows me to support my family with two children and help relatives.

    This, of course, is good - you say, but what should I do personally, where to start? Get started from studying the experience of those who already have results, and follow their proven advice.

    You are lucky, because this article is the best in RuNet on this topic.

    And now - specifically and only personal experience .

    Here 100% tools, with which you can make money on the Internet:

    • your website (blog);
    • YouTube channel;
    • affiliate programs;
    • performing tasks and providing services (freelancing);
    • sale of information;
    • creating a service or application;
    • advertising in different formats.

    Half of these tools are what I'm making money online right now, and the rest are being used by my friends. By the way, I also described the stories of my friends and acquaintances in this article.

    Now I’ll show you clearly what our “HeatherBeaver” is making money on now:

    Below are directions and screenshots of earnings.

    1) Contextual advertising

    Screenshot of daily income from Yandex contextual advertising

    Screenshot of daily income from Google Adsense contextual advertising

    2) Affiliate programs and direct advertisers (articles, banners, links)

    Screenshot of income from our electronic wallet WebMoney

    Screenshot of income by day of Yandex.Money wallet

    Dear friend, as you can see, our homemade website really allows you to make money on the Internet, and my friend Vitaly and I created it from scratch, investing everything in it 1,500 rubles (25$ ) and your knowledge.

    So, dear reader, I can tell you with full responsibility that you can make money online. At the same time, as you can see, the amounts are quite significant: 500$ , 2 000$ , 5 000$ per month and even more.

    For this level of income you need some experience, but you can start without any investment or any knowledge. This is how I and many of my friends started, who now have a good income.

    2. How to start earning more online than at your main job (my experience)

    How to change a boring office or other job to a profitable activity on the Internet? Do you want to keep your butt warm and earn the same or even more? without leaving home?

    How do you find this idea interesting? - then let's continue.

    Typical workshop

    Five years ago I completely transferred my income to the Internet.

    Example - FIRE! :)

    My experience: from desire to first money on the Internet...

    At the age of 13 I began to master computer program for Adobe Photoshop designers. I practiced every day and already while studying at school and college I could create collages, retouch photos and make custom designs for adults and youth.

    At first, friends and acquaintances contacted me. Later, I began to work part-time as a photographer in a creative workshop in the city of Stavropol.

    This is how I acquired the skills for which I was paid. For student 300-400$ per month in a provincial town - that was good money a few years ago.

    Later, I began to practice writing articles, although I didn’t particularly like writing essays at school. A year later, I also mastered this skill.

    This is how my career as an Internet entrepreneur began in 2012. At that time, I got a job as a remote employee at municipal institution“Center for Youth Work.”

    I created a website for this organization and ran it myself. The work took 1-2 hours a day and brought in 5000 to 10,000 rub. per month ( 150-250$ ), and my current business partner Vitaly helped me.

    As time passed, I gained more experience. People who needed help in creating an Internet project, design, and writing texts began to contact Vitalik and me.

    We performed the work efficiently, and satisfied clients began to recommend us to their friends. So gradually we began to fulfill orders for entrepreneurs not only from our native Stavropol, but also from other cities and even countries.

    A year and a half after the start of such Internet work, my income increased by 3-4 times. By improving my design and writing skills, I was sometimes able to complete a project of just in ONE day and make money on it 15,000 rubles .

    People in our city earned that kind of money at that time. IN A MONTH at a regular job . From that moment on, I didn’t even have to look for clients. Orders poured in from all sides based on recommendations. Some of them were brought to me 1000-2000 rubles , I did them in a few hours, and larger ones in 10,000-20,000 rubles It took me several days.

    Here are examples of my real work as a designer and their prices:

    • one-page design for training by Alex Yanovsky ().
      Design cost: 180$
    • design of a website selling the “Speedometer” watch. ().
      Design cost: 250$
    • landing page design for Sacio G-Shock watch. ().
      Design cost: 280$

    As you can see, starting from scratch and simply developing certain skills, you will not only start making good money on the Internet, but you will also make this income your main and exceeded the average salary in your city.

    So, the surest way to make money online is as follows:

    1. Master a sought-after skill in the labor market and sell it remotely: design, writing, teaching English, programming and others.
    2. Find among your immediate circle of first customers and do quality work.
    3. Get recommendations from satisfied clients and expand your client base by developing a portfolio of finished works and demonstrating them to future customers.

    By following these 3 steps in sequence, you, like I once did, will make the Internet main source of income.

    You will find more ways to make money on the Internet on our company’s partner website - dohodoff.ru. Only effective, proven and reliable options for generating income!

    And at the end of this section, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the comparative table of the advantages of making money online over “standard” work:

    Comparison criterion Standard operation

    (office, production)

    Earn money online

    (freelance, own business)

    1 Working hours Regulated (-) Free (+)
    2 Income Limited (-) Grows quickly with proper operation (+)
    3 Potential for increased income Short (-) High (+)
    4 Official registration Yes, if an employment contract is concluded (+) Yes, in case of registration of activity as an individual entrepreneur or LLC) (+)
    5 Dependence on superiors Yes (±) No (±)
    6 Nature of income Predicted (±) Floating (±)
    7 Responsibility Average (±) Mostly high (±)
    8 Ticketing Per process (salary in most situations) (±) For the result (almost always) (±)
    9 Difficulty getting the first money Low (+) High (-)
    10 Ability to work from anywhere in the world No (-) Yes (+)

    3. Working schemes for making money on the Internet in 2018

    Let's move on to online earning schemes for beginners.

    They do not require initial investment and allow you to earn your first dollar right now.

    These are the diagrams:

    1. Freelancing. Selling your skills, talents and abilities in the form of services for clients.
    2. Your own website, blog. Creating and promoting your own information website (blog), YouTube channel and making money on it (mainly from advertising).
    3. Internet service. Creating a service on the Internet for the solution different tasks user ( method for the advanced!)
    4. Mediation. Reselling goods and services on the Internet, for example using.
    5. Infobusiness. Sale of information in the form of trainings, educational DVD courses, subscription databases.

    Let's take a closer look at these schemes.

    4. Popular ways to make money online without investment

    The methods described here are especially suitable for beginners and will prove the reality of earning their first money. For each of the presented options, I will write an approximate level of possible income, and also provide links to our articles that more fully cover the topic of earning money in a certain way.

    Can't wait to try it yet? Then let's go!

    Method 1. Yandex.Toloka - making money by completing simple tasks

    The service of simple tasks from Yandex allows you to earn money without experience.

    Among the tasks are the following:

    • updating data about organizations;
    • classification of photos about organizations;
    • assessing the correctness of the video;
    • assessing the accuracy of product recommendations;
    • checking for duplicate advertisements.

    Screenshot of real tasks from Yandex Toloka

    Cost of tasks from 0,01 to 1 dollar. Of course, you won’t earn millions on Toloka, but if you are interested in the process of getting your first money on the Internet, then this service is quite suitable.

    Register and start completing paid tasks.

    Please note that execution some tasks Maybe exclusively with mobile phones . So if you have an IPhone or other modern smartphone, then it will be much easier for you to make money using this service.

    Method 2. Earning money from clicks

    A very popular destination for beginners is. There are services that help webmasters promote their projects, and users - complete tasks and get paid for it.

    Among such sites we can note the “old-timers”:

    • Seosprint.net
    • Wmzona.com

    Earning money from clicks is available on any of these sites. We withdraw funds to electronic wallets.

    Method 3. Earning money from likes (classes)

    To promote their offers and accounts, companies and entrepreneurs use the social activity of users.

    Likes and “classes” help promote goods and services via the Internet, and this is how you will earn money.

    To get started, create accounts on popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

    Popular and proven sites for making money on likes:

    • socialtools.ru
    • vprka.com
    • adslike.ru

    Perhaps Vktarget is the most interesting service of this kind. Quick check completion of the task, withdrawal of money within 2 days, the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 25 rubles. In fact, you will receive most of the money from joining VK and OK groups or subscribing to Youtube channels.

    I personally haven’t tried to make money this way, but I know guys who got it this way and withdrew their first 50-200 rubles.

    Method 4. Earn money by watching ads and videos

    For example, the qcomment.ru service allows you to earn money by completing tasks, including watching videos.

    The pay here is relatively high.

    1 rub. 70 kopecks is charged per view for viewing an advertisement. 3 rub. 50 kopecks you will be paid along with the repost. A task such as “subscription” is paid at a price 75 kopecks .

    You will earn more if you register on Contact and Facebook. Completing tasks using your social profiles is paid much higher.

    Method 5. Earn money by writing reviews and comments

    1. Working directly with the customer. There is plenty of such work on sites like fl.ru or work-zilla.com, where people look for performers. There are many web projects that need comments.
    2. Work through special comment exchanges. On them you do not look for a customer, but immediately see tasks for commenting.

    Here are the popular exchanges:

    • qcomment.ru is perhaps the best comment exchange. A huge selection of different tasks. High prices and a large selection of suitable themes.
    • forumok.com – to work with comments, select “publish a comment” from the list. Average payment - 5 rub. for your comment, but you need to study the account requirements: there are limits on age, gender, number of friends and other parameters.

    Method 6. Earn money from surveys

    Paid surveys are a good way to earn income by answering questions from popular questionnaire sites.

    Questioning is conducted by sociological and marketing companies in order to study public opinion about goods, services or processes occurring in society. Answering questions is also work, and it should be paid.

    Below I list popular and reliable sites where you can earn up to 100 rub. for one completed application form.

    1) Platnijopros.ru

    Cost of the completed application form: 50-70 rubles

    The site belongs to Global Data Serviss, which has offices around the world. When registering, you will receive a bonus in the amount of 10 rubles .

    Also here, all clients are offered a “daily survey”, designed for 10 minutes and with payment 30 rubles. Participate in this survey daily if you meet the eligibility criteria on the day of the survey.

    2) Anketolog.ru

    Cost of the completed application form: 20-100 rubles

    The website of the company “IOM Questionnaire” has been operating since 2010. Here you also earn money by filling out surveys and answering questions. In mid-2016, it was registered on Questionnaire more than 45,000 respondents.

    Earnings - from 20 to 100 rubles in just 15-20 minutes a day. Interesting topics and questions in the questionnaires.

    3) Voprosnik.ru

    Cost of the completed application form: 15-500 rubles

    On the questionnaire you will earn from 15 rubles for small questionnaires and up to 500 rubles for complex surveys that sometimes last a third or half a day. You will receive a bonus upon registration 5 rubles .

    Withdrawal of money - to electronic wallets within 3 days from the date of application.

    Method 7.

    Online players earn up to $1000 per month

    Many people play online games, and some even manage to earn income from it.

    1. Play for money. Just play for money like in regular cards. Previously, computer clubs often held tournaments. They were team or 1 on 1 format. People throw a certain amount of money into the “bank”, at the end of the tournament the bank goes to the winning team or player. In my youth, games for money were very popular. Counter Strike, WarCraft or StarCraft.
    2. Selling artifacts, heroes or levels in games for real money. If you have some kind of virtual valuable “thing” in a certain game that makes you cool in some way: speed, agility, strength, sell such “gadgets” to other players for real money.
    3. Investment games. Surely some of you have heard about making money “on eggs”, “birds”, “farms” and so on. The essence of this earnings is that you first deposit real money into your account balance in a certain game. Then you use them to buy something, for example, birds that lay “golden eggs.” When new birds hatch from these eggs, you sell them to other players at a higher price. That is, everything is like in real life - you become a kind of farmer-businessman.
    4. Creation of video reviews and streams. Become a game commentator and make streams, receiving money for it from the audience who will watch these streams. Similar method- recording your games, reviews and then posting them on YouTube. Earnings from videos come from advertising. This is how gamers who run their popular YouTube channels dedicated to a specific game earn income.
    5. Testing games for money. There are such professions as film critic, hotel critic and further by industry. In this case, the game developers offer you to earn money by becoming a game critic. That is, play a certain game in order to receive feedback. If during testing you notice obvious shortcomings, “bugs” or “jambs” of a particular game or its separate block, the developers will be grateful to you and will pay for this work.
    6. Help in mastering the game - mentoring. Every professional in something has a coach. Computer games are no exception. If someone wants to learn how to play a game professionally, and even more so make money from it, then why not offer such a person your help. Of course, such support will not be free - agree on the amount for which you will be willing to train a future eSports star.

    Method 8. Earning money on file hosting services

    If you have files that other people need: interesting e-books, essays, music, make money on it through file hosting services.

    To do this, register on one of the popular exchange sites and upload your file there.

    For every thousand downloads you will receive your file from 5 to 15 dollars. It seems like a little, BUT! If you actively advertise a link to an uploaded file on your website or a third-party forum, you can easily get hundreds and thousands of downloads per month. Earnings will increase if you post more files.

    How then do the exchange services themselves make money? - you ask. And they earn income by providing paid or high-speed “VIP” or “Gold” access. Another income on such services comes from the abundance of advertising on the file download page.

    This is how users download your files, and you get money

    List of popular and most profitable file hosting services:

    • Depositfiles.com
    • Letitbit.net
    • Turbobit.net

    Register and make a profit!

    Method 9. Earning money from photo stocks and photo banks

    Photostock is a site that contains photographs and pictures for downloading in various areas: business, art, nature, cinema and others.

    Popular photo bank Shutterstock

    Photostock acts as an intermediary between the creator of the image and the person who needs it. Making money on photo stocks and photo banks is a great opportunity for a designer or photographer to earn additional income.

    How does this work:

    For example, I am a photographer, I travel around the world and do photo reviews of different cities.

    On the Internet, every day my photos are required by web publishers, magazines, designers, and they are all willing to pay me a certain amount for a high-quality picture or photograph.

    So, if you took 100 photographs in some city in Europe, you have the right to sell them, say, for 3 dollars /photo.

    The situation is exactly the same with drawings and “icons”. Sell ​​them online an unlimited number of times. Z and once done work, you will receive income for months and years.

    Your pictures are sold day and night to different people for different projects. At this time, you receive yours and start building it up. Each picture or photograph is a small and constant stream of money into your pocket.

    List of verified photo banks for earning money:

    • shutterstock.com;
    • istockphoto.com;
    • dreamstime.com;
    • fotolia.com.

    5. Ways to make money online with minimal investment

    Here are methods with little or no financial investment.

    All you need is your time and persistence in work.

    Method 1.

    Everyone knows the Avito bulletin board, but not everyone makes money with it. This method also applies to online earnings, since high traffic to this site will help you find those who are willing to pay money.

    Cleaning lady or not? Example of a creative ad on Avito

    Avito earning opportunities:

    1. Selling unwanted items, including other people's items, for a commission.
    2. Help in selling the services of your friends for a percentage.

    An example of selling other people's services for a percentage through Avito:

    I personally tested this method and it works!

    You find several of your friends who perform certain services efficiently, for example, creating websites, making renovations in apartments, installing built-in furniture, and so on.

    Let the average cost of apartment renovation services from your team be 100,000 rubles, and website creation - 50,000 rubles .

    Agree on a percentage of sales of the services of these performers if the client comes to them through you. Earnings from each client will be: from 10,000 rubles from one repair and from 5000 rubles from one ordered project.

    To earn income, you need to create good ads, publish them on Avito and others electronic platforms, receive calls and transfer contacts of potential clients to your performers.

    By selling only 3-5 similar services per month, you will earn from 20 000 to 100,000 rubles and more.

    I have friends, one is called Volodya, he is an apartment renovation specialist, the other is Sasha, he creates websites to order. I periodically refer clients to these guys for 10% from the cost of work, almost every month + 5-10 thousand rubles It’s just dripping from above for me in addition to various online earnings.

    I don’t specifically look for clients for these services, but simply send everyone who needs such services to Volodya and Sasha.

    As you can see, simply by using such an intermediary scheme, you will receive good additional income.

    For entrepreneurs on Avito there is the opportunity to open a full-fledged online store. Start small - these skills will definitely come in handy in the future when the scale of your business grows and standard functionality will no longer be enough.

    Possibility of opening an online store on Avito

    Method 5. Buying and selling domains (cybersquatting)

    Domain is the name of a website on the Internet.

    Earnings from reselling domains cannot be classified as fast, but its value sometimes reaches truly cosmic proportions in tens of thousands of percent per annum and more.

    You've probably heard that gold phone numbers like +7 999 707 77 77 are quite expensive. And if a SIM card with a regular number can be bought for 200-500 rubles, then for a “golden” number you will have to pay from 5000 to 1,000,000 rubles . The situation is exactly the same with “thieves” car license plates. The principle is clear.

    So one, one American domain with adult materials costs tens of millions of dollars. Domains like sport.com, job.ru and others are also very expensive, and once upon a time anyone could register them for nominal money.

    How does this work:

    You find free sonorous and beautiful domain names and register them to yourself. The number of domains is not limited, register at least a thousand. Next, you create groups on social networks or a separate website where you offer to buy these domains at a higher price.

    Another way to find a client for a domain is to create a page with contact information on that domain. Place your other domain offers on the same page.

    And if buying a domain costs you 100-700 rubles, then your clients will sometimes be willing to pay for such a domain 10 000-50 000 or even 500,000 rubles. It turns out that one successful deal Domain speculation can generate income comparable to the annual salary in an average Russian city.

    Recently we wanted to buy the domain zanachka.ru, and the owner asked for it 7000 euros .

    Response to a request to purchase the domain zanachka.ru

    Check the occupancy of domains and purchase them on the popular domain registrar website www.reg.ru.

    Method 6. Earning money from sports betting

    Sports betting has been a popular topic in recent years. Here you can really earn some serious money without leaving your home.

    There are two ways to make profitable bets:

    1. Be a sports fan and follow all the key sports games and sports stars. The method is reliable, but not everyone has the time and desire to constantly “get involved” in the world of sporting events. Then you should go a different route.
    2. Use mathematical and probabilistic approaches to the results of sports games. This approach to making money on bets is accessible to anyone.

    Here's an example:

    Usually everyone bets on the favorites of sporting events, the same football club “Chelsea”, which almost always wins. However, your earnings with such a win will be maximum 5-10% from the bet amount.

    On the contrary, if you thoughtfully bet on teams that have little chance of winning, and suddenly that team “shoots,” then you will double, triple, or even tenfold your original bet. This approach is called value betting - bets on undervalued events (teams, players).

    We described these and other strategies in the article “”. Be sure to read this article if you want for a long time receive a stable income from sports betting.

    Method 7. Traffic arbitrage

    Traffic arbitrage is making money by reselling traffic that you buy from various sources.

    Sources of attracting clients:

    • teaser advertising;
    • advertising on social networks;
    • contextual advertising;
    • banner networks.

    Example of a spacer page - Fake blog of Polina Gagarina

    If you want to dive into this topic of making money, I recommend you an article about. From the article you will learn everything about making money from traffic and where a beginner should start.

    6. TOP 7 popular sites for making money

    Here I have described some great income generating sites.

    Some of them will allow you to make a profit today from scratch, while others are suitable for freelancers with basic knowledge and skills, for example, in the field of design or copywriting.

    1) Otzovik.com - review site

    Otzovik is a popular and reliable web resource that consistently pays everyone who leaves reviews on it. Payment is made based on the number of reviews viewed by site visitors. Ideally, your review will contain personal experience of using a product, service, or company. Big plus - high quality photo and video.

    For example, I saw a review where a girl described an elephant nursery in Sri Lanka. The review consists not only of an interesting text - a description of all the places, excursions and prices, but also a detailed photo report of them. In the photo, the heroine of the excursion herself is walking with elephants and local residents.

    Otzovik pays up to 500 rub. per 1000 views your feedback. The more reviews you leave and the more good comments, views and likes there are, the more income you will earn.

    2) Irecommend.ru - online experience exchange service

    Top reviews on this site also contain large number original photographs by the author.

    After registration, your account will be credited 50 rubles, and for each review review by 5 kopecks .

    Important point!

    Choosing a topic for writing reviews directly affects your income. The most popular topics for the female audience there will be: beauty, health, diets and weight loss, and for men - cars and technology.

    3) Fl.ru - freelance exchange in the IT field

    Fl.ru is the most famous site in RuNet for remote workers and freelancers. Here you will find dozens of areas in which you can provide services. By the way, we often turn to him if we need services for modernizing the Beaver or searching for employees.

    There are experienced performers on this exchange and each of them has a rating that directly affects his chances of receiving an order. For example, when a customer chooses a contractor for an expensive and serious project, he checks the “Only with PRO account”.

    An example of our tasks on the website fl.ru

    4) Work-zilla.com - remote work exchange

    Workzilla is great for earning your first money by completing small orders for 200 , 500 or 1000 rubles .

    The advantage of this service is a large number of tasks for beginners without experience: translating audio into text, sorting goods for online stores, writing simple texts, calling a company.

    I specifically registered on this site to show it to you. The requirements for performers are quite high here.

    View of the personal account of the site work-zilla.com

    The exchange allows you to choose the specialization in which you want to provide services, for example “design”, “texts” or others.

    Pay attention!

    You will have to pay upon registration 340 rubles- registration fee , confirm your contact information and take several tests to test your knowledge of the service rules.

    This is what the list of tasks looks like on Workzilla

    Some of my friends work exclusively at Workzilla, receiving 10 000 to 40,000 rub. per month. For some, this is just a part-time job on the Internet, for others it is the main source of income.

    5) Advego.ru - content for websites

    The Advego.ru content exchange is one of the oldest and leading in RuNet. Here they make money by writing texts (copywriting, rewriting). Among the customers there are both one-time and regular clients. If they like you, they will provide you with a constant flow of orders.

    At the first stage, you can write articles here on topics that interest you and put the texts up for sale. These articles will sell on their own and you will be charged a fee to your internal balance.

    As you gain experience, you will first receive one-time orders on a specific topic, and then, having built up a portfolio, you will receive permanent remote work in the field of copywriting.

    6) Contentmonster.ru - copywriting exchange

    Contentmonster.ru is another platform for making money by writing texts. This exchange has a rating of copywriters who pass preliminary tests in the Russian language, as well as text optimization for search engines.

    This way, potential customers will see that you are working on your professionalism, and will give you more expensive and larger orders.

    It was on this exchange that we found many regular authors for our website - HeatherBober.ru

    7. Freelancing and remote work - TOP 10 in-demand professions of 2018

    Freelancing- this is the execution of tasks for various customers via the Internet for a fee.

    Allows anyone who has certain skills and knowledge in popular online areas to earn money: website creation, advertising, technical and information services. Several years ago, I myself was freelancing in the field of design and writing, and by my own calculations I earned about 500,000 rubles ($10,000 ).

    Remote work- this is almost the same as freelancing, only here you work with one permanent employer, do not go to the office or production, and all the work takes place via the Internet.

    You withdraw the money you earn through remote work to your electronic wallets or current account if you officially register yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

    Below I have described in detail the most popular and profitable areas of earning money on the Internet, presenting them in the form of 10 in-demand professions. For each profession, he indicated the level of income, the minimum level of which is typical for beginners in this business, and the maximum for professionals with several years of experience.

    Remote work - isn't it cool?!

    Let's move on to an overview of popular Internet professions.

    Profession "The Best". Internet marketer

    I’ll start with, perhaps, the most promising and highly paid profession of the 21st century on the Internet. This is an “internet marketer”.

    This specialist helps promote and sell goods, services and events (events) online

    This specialist receives on the market from 50 000 to 150,000 rubles and more as a full-time employee according to the portals hh.ru and superjob.ru. Moreover, you can work remotely from anywhere in the world.

    I wrote that 50-150 t.r.- this is the income of a STAFF employee, that is, if you work for some company, this will be your salary, possibly with a bonus part.

    But there is another way to make money in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

    For example, you know how to find clients for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet and then you can ask the organizers for your percentage of each ticket sold.

    If the volume of ticket sales through you was 1,500,000 rubles, then you can negotiate from 25% of your commission. What in this case will be 375,000 rubles from one project.

    How to learn this profession?

    Dmitry created a remote online promotion business, visited 32 countries in 2 years and is successfully developing his project with a team without reference to a location.

    Do you want too? Start by studying this course and who knows, maybe in a couple of months or a year you will open your own Internet promotion company.

    Profession 1. Skype tutor

    Income level: 200-1500 rubles per hour

    A popular profession for people who have good knowledge in any of the in-demand areas and teaching abilities.

    An example from my life

    My friend Alexey and his wife Marina have been teaching English to children and adults for several years. Their lesson prices vary from 500 to 800 rubles for one hour of face-to-face class.

    I cite them as an example, since I myself studied English from scratch with them and learned the language to a conversational level in 1 year. Here is the address of their project: baihou.ru

    Therefore, if you are a teacher at a school, college or other educational institution, feel free to install the Skype program, buy a video camera for your computer and recruit students for yourself.

    Being a specialist in any field, just consult people on Skype - this will be an excellent opportunity for you to make money on the Internet. Lawyers, accountants, business consultants - Skype will help all these people profitably sell their consultations.

    Another example from personal experience

    Recently, a guy contacted us at the Beaver support service and was interested in the topic of making money on his website. He wrote that he was ready to pay me for consultations on Skype.

    We agreed that he would pay me for 2 hours of consultations 2000 rubles, that is, according to 1000 in an hour. Then they contacted me, and I gave him comprehensive information and answered all his questions.

    And you know what’s most interesting, what exactly he offered me in a letter to consult him for a fee, I didn’t look for clients for this, he found me himself! My interlocutor was very pleased with the quality of the information provided.

    The same will happen to you when you begin to immerse yourself professionally in any topic: people will find you themselves and offer you money.

    Another popular Skype profession is psychologist. These specialists advise people not only when meeting in a psychological office, but also remotely.

    Many psychologists are now looking for part-time work online. In fact, this is not difficult, since the profession only involves communicating with a person. Look for clients using a personal business card website, describing your experience, services and prices on it.

    An even easier way to make yourself known on the Internet is to add information, reviews and portfolios to specialized directory sites. By the way, the same can be done for tutors.

    Or create a channel on YouTube and promote yourself as a specialist by saying interesting things and filming your work. Receive money for services via electronic systems or bank account, if.

    By consulting people via Skype or organizing group training webinars via the Internet, a specialist in the field of psychological counseling can easily create additional income on the Internet or make it his main one.

    An hour's consultation with a psychologist costs from 300 rubles and more, depending on his experience and “promotion” in the professional market.

    Profession 2. Copywriter

    A copywriter is a specialist in writing texts. These people write texts for web portals and advertising materials. They work via the Internet as freelancers or remote employees of various projects: media, Internet portals, advertising agencies.

    Good copywriters make money online more than 100,000 rubles. Usually they start with rewriting - rewriting other people’s texts and selling them through content exchanges, such as the above-described “Advego” and “Contentmonster”.

    Profession 3. Designer

    Income level: $100-4000 per month

    Since I know this profession firsthand, I’ll briefly tell you what it takes to master it, and how a beginning designer can increase his earnings on the Internet if he already works in a company.

    As a designer at home, you can perform several areas of work - creating 3D interiors, website design, advertising or photo retouching. Start by studying online tutorials on programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 3D-max, Adobe Flash, Corel Draw.

    Depending on your specialization, study the desired program (us), do several works for clients for free to build the necessary portfolio. After your portfolio is completed, start advertising your services en masse among your friends, using social networks and on services for remote employees. Of these sites, I recommend the same fl.ru and work-zilla.com.

    So you will gradually move from the category of an amateur designer with a small salary to the category of highly paid freelancers with a constant high income. And then you can think about opening your own design studio or creative agency.

    Profession 4. Web developer

    Income level: $500-5000 per month

    A web developer develops websites. Most often they mean a programmer or layout designer. Sometimes web developers include almost all specialists in the field of creating and promoting projects on the Internet: designers, Internet marketers, SEO specialists and even copywriters.

    If you want to become a professional web developer, start by learning the basics of website development: HTML and CSS Cascading Style Sheets.

    It's also good to know the basics graphic editor Adobe Photoshop and understand what a domain and hosting are.

    Below I have posted these free lessons from the popular author Evgeny Popov, which will help you master the basic skills of a web developer:

    Lessons on HTML and CSS

    Lessons on Adobe Photoshop, domain and hosting

    Profession 5. Site administrator (project manager)

    Income level: $300-3000 per month

    A site administrator is a specialist who provides technical support, improves the functionality of the project and corrects any technical errors that arise. Such a “techie” does not receive too much, usually up to 300-500$ per month. Can often work via the Internet remotely.

    Another thing is the project manager. This is already a specialist with developed management skills. The project manager determines the site development strategy, manages the team, sets tasks, and monitors the progress of their implementation.

    You can say that I am the manager of my brainchild HeatherBober.ru, since I take part in the formation and management of the team, and the development of the further strategy of the project.

    Therefore, if necessary, I can safely go to work as a manager of a certain direction of a large Internet project or as its leader with the skills acquired at “Beaver”.

    Profession 6. Video editor

    Income level: $100-2000 per month

    You can make money online by editing videos. This includes creating video intros for various projects and products, editing wedding videos, and creating promotional videos.

    Start with simple programs, for example with Windows Movie Maker, which is included in the list standard programs For operating system Windows.

    Your customers will be people providing wedding videography services, creative and advertising agencies, as well as video production studios.

    On average, for one high-quality edited video lasting 1-10 minutes, a video editor receives 2000 to 5000 rubles or 30-80 dollars .

    Profession 7. Translator

    Are you good at English? Use your knowledge to translate texts. On online platforms for remote workers, you can easily find your first customers. It is necessary to translate instructions for household appliances, texts from English-language resources, literary works and more.

    If you specialize in one topic, your skills will grow and your circle of clients will expand.

    My friend's example:

    One of my friends, his name is Dmitry, works every other day at his main job, and in his free time he translates technical texts, earning several thousand extra on top of his basic salary.

    Profession 8. Call center specialist

    Income level: $150-1000 per month

    This specialist receives incoming calls and makes outgoing calls, working for a specific company in contact center. Many organizations that sell something or work with clients have such centers: online stores, mobile operators, banks, airlines, travel agencies.

    In order to reduce the cost of maintaining a workplace, many companies are now transferring the work of their employees to “home office” mode. A telephone support specialist also has a specific work schedule, client base and calling plan. Only he works not from the company’s office, but from home. Which is very convenient for everyone.

    I have 2 girls I know, Angela and Marina, who have quite a lot of positive experience working on the Internet from home as a remote call center specialist.

    The first call center appeared 500 years ago :)

    Profession 9. Directologist (contextual advertising specialist)

    Income level: $150-2000 per month

    Tens of thousands of entrepreneurs today promote their products and services online. How to attract customers to your website, preferably as quickly as possible?

    The answer is simple - find a good director. The name of this profession comes from popular service contextual advertising Yandex.Direct.

    The director works not only with Yandex.Direct, but also with Google Adwords advertising, being a highly specialized Internet marketer.

    For training in this profession, there are paid and free materials on the Internet and in particular on YouTube.

    Profession 10. SMM specialist

    Income level: $100-900 per month

    An SMM specialist promotes companies, products and services on social networks, creating groups, pages and events on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and attracts audiences to them using various techniques.

    His responsibilities include creating and publishing content: text, photos, videos and analyzing the effectiveness of the results obtained. The result is assessed according to social and economic criteria: the number of likes, reposts, posted materials, attracted visitors, the number of purchases and their average price.

    That is, an SMM specialist is a marketer in the field social promotion. He can work both privately, finding direct clients and providing them with services through the same remote work sites, and remotely in SMM agencies.

    8. Earning money on social networks

    1. Earning money on VKontakte

    VKontakte allows you to make money, for example, by creating public pages and monetizing them. That is, you create public page, add users, regularly post interesting content there. After some time, the “snowball” effect works, that is, now it’s no longer you trying to attract people to the public, but they themselves connect to your page.

    This is achieved through interesting and useful material, which users share, like and “repost” posts on their pages. Then, when the public gains from 10,000 subscribers, you begin to accept applications for advertising in it.

    The cost of posts in popular public pages reaches 30,000 rubles for one placement. Imagine if you have advertisers posting at least once a day for that price! This is where earnings are real million rubles a month!

    Of course, such publics have hundreds of thousands and millions of subscribers, but everything once started small - perhaps a couple of years ago these publics took 200-300 rubles for placing an advertising post.


    Since 2017, VKontakte allows users open an online store here. Sell ​​your products and services on this social network, or enter into partnership agreements with suppliers or your friends, selling their offers for a commission percentage.

    Example of products from the VKontakte online store

    2. Earn money on Twitter

    There are 5 main ways to generate income on Twitter:

    • on advertising;
    • on affiliate links;
    • launch of a commercial microblog;
    • profile picture monetization;
    • creating backgrounds for your account and plugins.

    3. Earning money on Instagram

    On Instagram, like any other popular social network with a large audience, you can make money.

    I have identified 7 main ways:

    • advertising;
    • selling your own photographs;
    • sale of goods;
    • promoting your own services;
    • printing user photos;
    • affiliate programs.

    Let me tell you how Andrey, my friend, makes a profit on Instagram:

    He agreed on cooperation with furniture makers who produce custom-made wardrobes and kitchens. The cooperation is that my friend sends contacts of potential clients to his furniture partners and receives 10-15% from cost actually completed order.

    Before this, Andrey collected many photographs of his contractors’ furniture and posted them on Instagram. I began to promote my account and gain subscribers.

    People began to write to him directly in the comments to the photographs that they wanted to order such furniture for themselves. He found out the phone number and name of the interested person, and then simply passed on his contact information to the manager of the furniture company.

    Now comes the fun part! The average cost of a furniture order was 35,000 rubles. That is 3500 rubles our intermediary received for his services after a certain time, which is required for the production and installation of this piece of furniture.

    Considering that almost every day someone wrote to him that they wanted to buy such and such a wardrobe or a kitchen, my friend received daily 3500 rubles. Now he makes more per month 100,000 rubles. And this is just for attracting clients from Instagram.

    Using the same principle, you can become an intermediary in absolutely any market niche. All that remains is to choose a contractor and agree with him on a percentage of the clients you refer.

    4. Earning money on Odnoklassniki

    Odnoklassniki is famous for its target audience. These are people over 30, with children, mostly women.

    Why do you think some users create accounts here with names like Marina Platyeva or Anton Mebelny? - Right! These enterprising guys make money by promoting certain offers using “their last name.”

    Here there is a lot of scope for those who sell services and goods for such “mothers.” In Odnoklassniki, people who draw portraits to order, make various kinds of crafts with their own hands, the so-called “hand made”, and all those who deal household business.

    Kitchens and wardrobes, cornices, curtains, apartment renovations. Surely you have seen a lot of similar proposals from classmates. But daring auto tuning or expensive watches sell much worse here.

    Odnoklassniki also makes money from the groups they visit through advertising and affiliate programs, which allow them to receive part of the income from the sale of products from various brands and companies. Masters of design and writing often earn income by designing groups and creating attractive product descriptions on this social network.

    The “shops” function is now also available in Odnoklassniki.

    Anyone can sell their goods and services here in a convenient way. To do this, you need to create a group on ok.ru and find the “Create a store” button there.

    Dear friend, you can find even more information on making money on the Internet on the pages of our author’s e-book “Internet Entrepreneur. How to earn from 50,000 rubles without leaving home.”

    From it you will learn about general principles and opportunities for making a profit from the Internet, interesting facts and business prospects on the Internet.

    Also in this book we talked about the history of the creation of our site and its results.

    Book absolutely free and it will be interesting to everyone who still doesn’t know how to make money on the Internet and leave their boring job “for their uncle.”

    • Alexander Berezhnov- founder of “HeatherBober.ru”, entrepreneur, consultant;
    • - founder of “HeatherBober.ru”, entrepreneur, internet marketer;
    • - expert in the field of public procurement, founder of the zakupkihelp.ru project.

    12. FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions

    I analyzed the most popular questions in reader comments to this article and answered them in detail here.

    Question 1. Can I make money online if I'm still in school?

    Maria, Voronezh, 16 years old

    Dear Maria, yes, you can. I personally have friends who study at school and earn from 5000 to 15,000 rubles per month. Their earnings consist of the number of services provided and the prices for these services. For example, Vika, a friend of mine who is in the 9th grade, is engaged in copywriting - she writes texts to order in her free time from school.

    To earn her 10,000 rubles, you need to write 10 texts on 1000 rubles for each.

    Some guys form groups, edit videos, and so on. Their earnings also depend on the level of skill, quantity and cost of work performed.

    Question 2. What is the most profitable way to make money online?

    Vladimir, St. Petersburg, 32 years old

    Dear Vladimir, I understand your desire to earn the maximum, but the question itself, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. It's like asking what business is the most profitable? Most likely, in response you will hear that it is oil, gas or metallurgical, but this is unlikely to help you.

    By analogy, we can say that the most profitable way to make money on the Internet is to create a company like Google or Facebook and then you will definitely receive millions or even billions.

    The best option you need to look for yourself.

    Some people create excellent websites and earn money as a highly paid freelancer, while others teach people over Skype how to create collages in Photoshop and make good money from this. Others (like us, for example) create information websites, become professionals in this and make money from advertising on the Internet.

    Therefore, the answer to your question will be as follows: find your strength, then analyze how to use it to make money. Then methodically increase the level of your competencies in this direction and constantly and methodically implement the acquired knowledge in practice. That’s what I did at one time and didn’t regret it.

    Question 3. I am offered a job on the Internet, but I am afraid that they will cheat me and not pay me. What should you do to insure yourself against unscrupulous customers?

    Tamila, Elektrostal, 38 years old

    Tamila, thanks for the question. Yes, there are a lot of scams and deceit on the Internet, it's true. If you are offered a permanent job as a remote worker with the prospect of long-term cooperation, then the first thing to start with is to study your employer (company).

    Ideally, find those who have already worked or are working there and get an opinion about this company from “colleagues”. If this is a new project and there is practically no information about it, ask to conclude an official contract with you, if not an employment contract, then at least for the provision of certain services. It will describe your functions, working conditions and level of compensation.

    If we are talking about the provision of one-time services by you as a freelancer, ask for an advance payment or go to the fl.ru website and work there through the function safe transaction . This way you will insure yourself as much as possible against loss of time and money.

    When you have already earned a reputation and experience, a circle of regular customers will form around you and then the likelihood of deception on the part of the client will be almost zero. After all, none of the decent employers would want to risk their reputation for a few thousand rubles.

    Question 4. I often see tempting offers on the Internet for investments in various highly profitable projects with high interest rates (more than 100% per annum). Is it worth the risk and investing money in them?

    Dmitry, Moscow, 27 years old

    Dmitry, I recommend that you do not invest money in dubious Internet projects, even if they have a beautiful website, have reviews and the project is currently paying its investors. If the project offers more than 10% per annum, then you should seriously think about it.

    Such projects are usually called HYIPs - highly profitable investment projects with high risks. More than 95% of them are disguised, which sooner or later fall apart. Such projects are created by scammers and created with the aim of deceiving gullible people out of money. Some make money on these projects, but the vast majority simply lose their last savings.

    But if you still decide to take a risk and make a deposit, then be prepared to lose all the invested funds, do not risk your last money, and especially do not take out a loan for this, no matter how tempting the offer may be. Treat such “investments” as a lottery: if you make money, great! Lost - this time luck did not smile on you and you need to move on.

    Try to invest the available amount not in one, but in several projects, dividing the available amount into 3-5 parts. This risk management principle is called diversification, which means “don't put all your eggs in one basket.” Even if one project fails, the profits from others will cover this loss. Be careful!

    Question 5. I'm a student, I have no experience at all. In this regard, the question is, what should you do to earn your first money on the Internet?

    Andrey, Pyatigorsk, 20 years old

    Andrey, you need to decide how exactly you want to earn money. If the task is simply to actually get at least the first 100 rubles, bring them out and prove to yourself that it works, then you should start writing paid reviews on Otzovik or completing tasks without much experience on Workzilla.

    If your goal is to have a good income, for example from 500 dollars per month or more, you should take a different route, namely, determine the direction you want to pursue, learn it and begin to put the acquired knowledge into practice. This direction for you could be, for example, receiving a stable income as a freelancer, creating and promoting your website, YouTube channel or Internet service for the purpose of their further monetization.

    Question 6. My friends and acquaintances laugh at me when they hear that I am not going to go to work, but want to earn income from the Internet. How to react to this?

    Marina, Samara, 31 years old

    Dear Marina, I had exactly the same situation. When my friend and I just started working on making money via the Internet and naturally received scanty results at first, we also heard ridicule and skepticism not only from friends, but also from parents. Everyone told us that they say, don’t do nonsense, find normal work and so on.

    For them, the main argument was their personal level of income. For example, a few years ago I made money online 10,000 rubles per month and “any janitor” received more than me. Of course, this situation caused a lot of criticism and ridicule - all of this was at least unpleasant.

    But after 3-4 years, I began to earn on average 10 times more than your friends, and oddly enough, on the Internet :). After which the ridicule not only stopped, but these same people began asking me to teach them what I can do now.

    Therefore, your personal result will be the best proof that you are right. Be patient and persistent. You will succeed!

    Question 7. You inspired me with your example, now I’m thinking about creating my own website and making money on it. Where should I start?

    Eldar, 23 years old, Vladivostok.

    Dear Eldar, you need to start with self-education. Study all possible materials in the form of articles and videos on this topic. The direction itself is called “earning money on information sites.” Copy this phrase and find the information in the search results.

    On average to have from your site 20,000-30,000 rubles per month from the start, passes from 6 months to 1 year. If such statistics don’t scare you, then go ahead!

    At Beaver, we began to receive our first income only after one and a half years since its start.

    12. Let's summarize

    Making money on the Internet - no wand and not the “Loot” button. If you have no experience at all, you are unlikely to earn more than from movies and ice cream.

    However, the fact is that income from the World Wide Web is real, and you can make it large and stable, turn it into the main one and more do nothing except for working on the Internet.

    The “Loot” button does not exist!

    By my own example, I proved this to myself, my surroundings and hundreds of thousands of people who have already read articles on the website HeatherBober.ru

    If you have a strong desire to figure out how to make money on the Internet, then I hasten to please you - it’s real and approximately after 1 year of hard work, I am sure that you will be able to receive a stable income here, comparable to what you now receive off the Internet (unless, of course, you have a large offline business).

    My friends and acquaintances receive on average here 30,000-40,000 rub. per month, without leaving home, and as they themselves say, this is just the beginning.

    Question for readers

    In your opinion, is it possible to make money online, and if so, is it suitable for everyone?