• Where to sell a Steam account - the main features for a fast and safe transaction

    I am selling a Steam account of 60 games, including: PUBG. Garrys Mod, Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™, Saints Row IV, For Honor, Depth, a lot of indie games. I'll give it for 1500r. Here is the link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/privetulki/. I won’t give you the password and login “for verification” because... Everything is visible without logging into your account from your profile. For all questions: VK, Steam or Discord.

    VK: https://vk.com/dimon_dimonow Skype: Discord: Dudka #0832

    10 days ago

    Name: Danila

    Selling WoW Circle x10 account! Dru-6204gs, 2355 achievement points (Rdru, Owl). (Radiance of Dawn (many titles, 4t10 (1 ger), Crimson horse of death, mammoth, cook-450, Inscription-450) + many mounts. There are a lot of regs in the bank for both professions. Dk-5481gs.1255 achievement points (adk, bdk). (Corporal, no t10, mammoth, turbo-vehicle, engineer-450, Miner-450) + a lot of mounts also in the bank - purified lunar dust. ;altor's abacus;Arcus;full glasses, sockets. Killed Halion 25ger, Lich 25ger. New moon DK card: death; bone grinders; legplates of painful death, Vodin's necklace; shoulders from rot; Kel "Delar. Price - 650 rubles (QIWI) . The gift includes a key for the steam game)

    VK: https://vk.com/xxrise

    10 days ago

    Name: Maxim

    There are 11 accounts: 1. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, http://steamcommunity.com/id/s1mpleof134369/ - 349 rubles 2. CS:GO PRIME personal, hidden rank, PAYDAY 2, GTA 4, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/saltsmurf1337/ - 449 rubles 3. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/lilyachtyyeahsure/ - 349 rubles 4. CS: GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/ugqiefgasgfakj3g/ - 349 rubles 5. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/antafefefe/ - 349 rubles 6. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/yeah_yeaahhahaaah/ - 349 rubles 7. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com /id/maxmaxmaxuu/ - 349 rubles 8. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/ibragimboghaha/ - 349 rubles 9. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, native mail, https ://steamcommunity.com/id/randomniyvitaliy/ - 349 rubles 10. CS:GO PRIME personal, clean, dear mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/screamsosethuy2224/ - 349 rubles 11. CS:GO PRIME personal, hidden rank, home mail, https://steamcommunity.com/id/soezkills4me/ - 349 rubles

    Alas, official way there are no account sales, but they exist various services for the sale and purchase of accounts.

    You can buy one of those offered on our website:

    Selling an account through Buytoplay.ru

    The easiest and most popular way to sell an account is the Buytoplay.ru service. To sell an account you must:

      • Go to Buytoplay.ru;
      • Register or log into the site through your VKontakte profile;
      • Click on the “Sell account” button;
      • Fill out all fields in detail, then click save;

    • A few minutes after the administration verifies your ad, it will appear on the site.

    Other sales services:

      • Section "Buy/Sell" in the group I.G.M. ;
      • Website Steam-accounts.net in the “Sell goods” section. Just write a message with detailed information about your account and indicate the terms of the transaction.

    • Forum pvp.ru - just create a topic or add a message to the appropriate section: http://pvpru.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=439&cdattempt=1
    • On the website http://steamby.ru/. To sell, you will need to send an application to the official representative of the VK store: https://vk.com/steambyrusales. In the application, provide a link to the account and details where the payment will be made: WebMoney, PayPal, Sberbank card. They will set the price for the Steamby account themselves and send it to you in a reply message.
    • Do your research before selling your account. Take a look at all your games and inventory, and then think about how much it all costs. As a rule, 40-60% should be subtracted from the real cost of the game, depending on the specific product (you can find out how to determine the price of an account);
    • When selling an account, consider not only its contents (games, inventory, etc.), but also what heights you have achieved in a particular game. For example, with a high win rate and an elite rank in CS:GO (supreme, global elite) or another online game, the cost of the account will be much higher than usual. Gamers often want to buy an account in order to immediately receive high rating. Be sure to include your achievements in the ad description;
    • When you create an ad, write as much detail about your account as possible. Indicate the exact number of games and hours played in them, how many inventory items you have, what badges and profile level on Steam you have, what is the age of your account, the reason for the sale, whether you received any bans, etc. Detailed information will make your ad more noticeable among others and increase the chances of success.
    • If there are VAC bans, the price drops significantly. Play without cheats!

    How to avoid falling for scammers

    The services described above do not give you any guarantees, so sell at your own peril and risk. But there are several rules, following which you will reduce the likelihood of being abandoned:

    • Do not submit your account for verification. As a rule, this request comes from scammers who want to gain access to your account;
    • Sell ​​only with advance payment, at least partially;
    • It’s better to record a video and create screenshots of the process of selling your account so that you have at least some evidence if you suddenly get scammed;
    • Before selling your account, protect it using Steam Guard (read how to do this here);
    • If suddenly you have been deceived, contact Steam support by providing your account details.


    Did you like everything? Tell your friends!

    If you have a social network account with a large number subscribers, but you are tired of following her, then it would be much more profitable to sell the page. This is especially true for Instagram, where subscribers are valued. Selling game accounts is also popular: they accumulate rating points, achievements, and most importantly, games. It is by the number and price of games that you can determine the price of your account. In this article you will learn how and where it is better to sell various game accounts, pages in social networks and how much money you can earn from it. Do not forget to think about your safety at every stage of the sale.

    How to sell a social network account

    In this case, you have two options:

    • Sell ​​your account on forums dedicated to selling and buying accounts.
    • Sell ​​a page to the site.

    Of course, the second option is much more reliable, but will bring less money. On the forums you can set your own price. The following criteria should be taken into account:

    • How many subscribers do you have?
    • Are these live accounts or just bots?
    • Which target audience: all of Russia or the World, what gender, age.
    • How old is the account?

    Average account price: about two thousand rubles for 50,000 subscribers.

    All you have to do is go to the forum, register and post your ad. Once a buyer is found, you agree on a payment method and complete the transaction. Please note that everything is done at your own risk.

    There is another way - to sell your account directly to the store.

    • The most popular is https://trade-groups.ru/instagram.

    You need to register and click on the “Sell” button. The system will analyze your subscribers and offer the optimal price.

    How to sell a game account

    Game accounts are worth much more, as they contain games, achievements, and ratings. First, calculate the total cost of all the games in your library - this will be the minimum price for an account. After that, see if there was a donation inside each individual game: perhaps you bought weapons and skins, modifications. This cost also needs to be added.

    How to sell an account on Digiseller

    One of the most popular platforms is digiseller.ru. Here you can create a lot with your account, and other users will buy it.

    • Go to the website and click on the “Register” button.

    • Enter separate email address, which has not been used anywhere before. It’s better to create a new one altogether.

    • Come up with a login and nickname for yourself, and for the administration, indicate your first and last name.

    • Now check your email, there will be a confirmation email there account.

    • You can log into your account and start setting up.

    • In the “Products” tab, configure your lot by clicking on the “Create a new product” button.

    • To sell accounts, you will need the “Unique product with a fixed price” item and the “Unique text” sub-item.

    • All you have to do is enter a description of the product and set its price. After that, wait for buyers to respond to the item.

    How to sell an account on forums

    Selling on forums is much more dangerous, as there is a high risk of falling into the hands of a fraudster. Choose online stores that cooperate with the Digiseller platform or simply act as intermediaries.

    Before selling a product on the forum, change your email and all user data in your account, unlink your bank card, erase personal information. During the transaction, the buyer sends you funds, and you send him the email from the account, password and password email. It's all his now.

    Selling accounts is one of the modern ways to make money in the gaming business. Gambling is one of the qualities inherent in any player. And one more very important point: Most people want to have a lot and preferably at once. Therefore, no one wants to wait, gradually increasing their level in this or that game. Many people believe that it is better to simply pay a certain amount of money and immediately get what many achieve for a long time and hard work. Let's see how you can make money by selling accounts. One sentence might look something like this:

    But before you find out how to sell Steam accounts, let's figure out why you need an account in this system.


    To answer this question, it is worth paying attention to the history of distribution technology. computer games. At the end of the last century, the first gaming computer programs. How did they spread? At the very beginning, they were sold on licensed cassettes or floppy disks with varying degrees of protection against counterfeiting. Then they are replaced by licensed CDs or DVDs. The degree of protection was much more complicated: various tricks, such as holograms, began to be used. But even such a step could not help development companies defend copyright, and theft game programs flourished.

    In 2002, Valve announced and began distributing a service called Steam. The essence of the service was as follows: the installation package of gaming programs was freely distributed. But to activate it, Steam keys were needed for each of the computer games distributed by the company. However, in order to use this service, you must be a registered user. That is, have an account Steam. After registration, many people have a question: how to buy or sell Steam accounts.

    Purchasing a Steam account

    Typically, a user of the Steam service has several accounts in each of the games released by Valve. Most often this is a CS game or, as players most often call it, “Contra”. But why does the question arise, how to sell Steam accounts? The fact is that the official initial account of the same “Contra” costs a lot of money, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, all the privileges in this game can be obtained by completing a certain number of tasks with a positive rating.

    Thus, in order to promote your account, you need time and money, since additional weapons and equipment are not distributed free of charge. That’s why players (especially beginners) try to buy a promoted account right away. At the same time, some players, having promoted their account, are ready to sell it and start promoting a new one. They are the ones who have a question: how to sell Steam accounts - since the system itself does not provide for the resale of accounts.

    Where can I sell my Steam account?

    As you know, one of the principles of the market is the postulate that demand causes supply. Therefore, when people want to buy an account, people want to sell it. But since most sales are carried out via the Internet, there are quite a lot of specialized sites, but it is important to be quite careful. Why? Among decent players who are ready to trade not only accounts, but also equipment and weapons for playing computer games, there will always be people who are ready to take possession of other people’s in cash fraudulently. Therefore, solving the question, how to sell Steam accounts, it is important to think about the safety of the sale.

    How to protect yourself from fraud when selling and buying an account?

    The question of where to sell a Steam account safely is relevant, since there are quite a lot of people who want to get money for nothing. When choosing a site on which to sell an account, it is important to find out how secure the sale and purchase of accounts is organized. The biggest challenge comes when a player tries to sell a Steam account quickly. It is important to remember that only unlinked accounts are sold. The account is linked using the player's phone number. But by unlinking the phone, the player risks losing his account. Therefore, it is important to choose a site that can protect the seller from scammers.

    In addition to the desire to quickly start driving top-end equipment, there are other motives for buying an account. For example, the desire to have tanks removed from the game - KV-5, Type 59 or 105 leFH18B2. These are quite good premium tanks, which were once withdrawn from sale and in present moment being promotional. That is, they can either be purchased at a promotion or won in a competition. The third motive that makes people buy an account is the desire to join a good clan. When joining it, the player is required to have good statistics, and not everyone has them. It’s easier for a well-earning person to buy someone else’s account than to invest time and effort into correcting statistics.

    Black market accounts

    The official rules prohibit the purchase and sale of accounts. But at the same time, Wargaming did not take any measures to counteract this. This served as a signal for the start of illegal trading of accounts and the development of a black market for accounts. The ban on sales itself became an official reason for Wargaming not to bear any responsibility for the consequences of deception when trading accounts.

    Any purchase or sale of an account by a player is carried out solely at his own risk. In case of deception, Wargaming will not only not bear responsibility for this, it will not even get involved in this matter.

    Some rules of sale

    First, the account must be prepared for sale. If there are open but not purchased tanks, it is better to purchase them. This will make it possible to sell it at a higher price or faster. Separately list the tanks in the hangar; if there are open ones, list them separately. Separately indicate premium cars and the number of days remaining on your premium account. Rewrite the statistics - the number of fights and the percentage of wins. Enter your nickname and take screenshots to confirm the presence of the declared tanks. Link to number mobile phone delete.

    Accounts are sold together with a mailbox and a secret question for it. If mail is necessary, contact Wargaming support with a request to change the account link to another mailbox.

    Look for advertisements on the Internet about selling accounts. This will help you estimate how much money you can get from the sale. Think about the best way to get money - through Webmoney, PayPal, Yandex.Money or transfer from card to card. The latter option is preferable - you can receive cash immediately after the sale. Please also indicate the method of communication – Skype, ICQ or mobile number.

    Then all that remains is to place advertisements for sale. There are a number of sites on the Internet offering services for buying and selling accounts and posting ads on this topic. Some sites offer the services of a guarantor for the safe sale of an account. Believing them or not is everyone's business.

    You should first talk to the potential buyer. This will not give a 100% guarantee that he will not deceive, but you can get an idea of ​​the person. It is quite possible that the buyer will ask for some guarantee of the seller’s honesty. It is difficult to say what guarantees can be provided. After all, the buyer cannot give guarantees.

    Information about your account login and password and mailbox, O secret question and reply to it when you are sure that the money has arrived in your account. Try to act without deception on your part - after all, the buyer can always withdraw the payment. By the way, this, as a method of deception, is also worth thinking about in advance.