• What does it mean to confirm receipt of goods on Aliexpress? What to do if you accidentally clicked confirm receipt of goods on Aliexpress

    How to confirm receipt of goods and leave feedback on Aliexpress?

    4.6 (91.67%) 24 ratings.

    Confirmation of order receipt

    In order to confirm receipt of the goods, you must log in to the website and enter “My Orders”.

    The page for the corresponding order will open in front of you. We tick the items that we ordered and click “Confirm receipt of goods” again.

    Please check again: Are you sure you want to confirm receipt of the item? After clicking “Submit”, order protection will end and the order will be considered completed. If you have no complaints about the received product, feel free to confirm the action.

    After confirmation of receipt of the goods, the money is transferred to the seller and the transaction is completed. The opportunity to open a dispute will no longer be available.

    The buyer is given 7 days to confirm receipt of the goods from the date in the tracking system postal items The status “Issued to recipient” will appear. If you do not confirm receipt within the specified time, the transaction will close automatically and the money will be paid to the seller.

    How to leave a review on Aliexpress?

    1. Reviews about the product and its seller can only be left within 30 days from the date of completion of the transaction;
    2. If you opened a dispute regarding an order and turned it into a claim, you will not have the opportunity to leave feedback;
    3. If you opened a dispute demanding a full refund, and the seller satisfied your request, you will also not have the opportunity to leave feedback;
    4. If one of the participants in the transaction left a review with a rating of 4 or 5, and the second participant did not leave any review, then the party that did not receive the review will automatically receive it with a rating of 4;
    5. If one of the participants in the transaction left a review with ratings of 1, 2 or 3, and the second participant did not leave any feedback, then the party that did not receive feedback will remain without feedback by default;
    6. Within 30 days, the buyer can change the previously left review;
    7. The buyer can respond to feedback left by the seller.

    The buyer will have the opportunity to leave a review and evaluate the product and the seller in more detail immediately after he confirms receipt of the goods.

    If you decide to do this later, go to the “My Orders” section, go to the “Operations” tab and select “Manage Reviews” in the left menu. In the “Waiting for my reviews” tab, you can find the order for which you want to leave a review. Next to this order, click “Leave review”. After this, you will be taken to the page shown in the picture.

    In this window, you can rate the deal and also give a star rating for the following items:

    • How accurate was the product description;
    • Are you satisfied with the communication with the seller;
    • How quickly the seller sent the goods.

    In the text comment field you can express your opinion about the product and its seller within 1000 characters in Russian or English languages. If you wish, you can download real photos received goods. After clicking the “Publish” button, the review will be left.

    How can I change a review I previously left?

    Both the buyer and the seller can change a review previously left. To do this, you need to enter the “My Orders” section, go to the “Operations” tab and in the left top corner Click “Manage reviews”. Select the “Active Reviews” tab, find the order for which we want to change the review and click the “Review Review” button.

    You can change a previously left review within 30 days from the date of leaving the original review and only if its rating is less than 3 stars. If you entered a rating higher than 3, the “Review Review” button will not be available.

    After all, the Chinese also give us feedback. How to correctly confirm an order?

    Hello guys.

    I'm with you - " Honest review", the domestic RuNet and the author of a blog / and all sorts of other useful things.

    When talking about how to confirm an order, I always imagine in my head a poor Chinese who has nothing to feed his Chinese children, well, most likely his first child. And he is so thin and hungry, waiting for me to confirm the order and for him to receive money from Aliexpress, he will be happy to buy some fried cockroaches for the family as a holiday. I'm kidding of course. But let's get started.

    Most importantly, you only need to confirm receipt when you receive the goods. Thanks Cap. But still. You don’t just need to poke anything. You can read this article about the timing of receiving parcels:

    Why do you need to confirm your order on Aliexpress:

    1. On moral principles. The goods - we got something to pull. Either you want to say thank you to the seller, or scold him.
    2. Leave feedback. After all, Aliexpress, and the people who buy on it, are one party, for example, I leave reviews to help other people buy something good and not throw money away. For example, I never
    3. The Chinese guy gives us a review. Did you know that on Aliexpress the seller also leaves a review for the buyer. There is buyer protection, as well as seller protection, so that everyone who places an order does not demand their money back.

    How to confirm an order on Aliexpress:

    STEP 1. Go to your personal account.

    At the top right we find a button.

    In the next window, enter the email address specified when

    We got to our personal account. Now we find the operation section.

    And we find the order number for Aliexpress, which we go to confirm. (The picture below shows everything).

    Click directly on your order number.

    We are taken to a page where our order is described.

    We put a tick where the goods arrived and everything is fine.

    To begin with, he thinks whether everything really suits us, there are no complaints about the order and we go to confirm it. If yes, check the boxes and click “Confirm receipt of goods”. A warning window will pop up


    If you are satisfied with the product, click on the yellow button. Send..

    For more convenience, I took a screenshot of what will happen next when confirming an order on Aliexpress:

    If you have several products, then you will be asked to fill out the same for other types of products.

    I won’t describe it here, especially since you already understand how to confirm goods on Aliexpress.

    All you have to do is scroll to the end of the page, you will see a yellow button in the middle, click it and your review will be published. (By the way, you can leave your review of the order anonymously by checking the appropriate box at the end).

    Once done, you will see this message:

    For complete convenience, I made a video called: How to confirm an order on Aliexpress.

    After a certain time, when the seller confirms the review, you will receive the same from the Chinese seller, and you will also have your own ratings for buyers. I touched on it a little this topic in the article how

    You can also take a look at my YouTube channel, the link to it is here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UChOdUBuSfIvxwQpilerHXcQ

    There is also a very useful shopping section, take a look at it now for yourself.

    Thank you for your time, I will be very glad to see you on my blog again and again.

    About the seller and the product and confirm the order.

    After you have picked up your next parcel from the post office and made sure that everything is fine with it, you we just have to confirm the order and leave a review of the purchased product. Firstly, it will help other buyers. Secondly, and more important:

    Until you confirm the order, the seller will not receive money!

    More precisely, he will receive them, but much later.

    Example from life

    Let's look at an example. I ordered the next ones, they are still on the way. We can find out how long it will take for the seller to have the money if we forget to confirm the order. To do this, opposite the order, click the link “ view details»:

    Here we can see the time after which the site will give the money to the seller. As you can see, there is a limit of almost two months, some sellers set it to three, insuring themselves against troubles when.

    Now imagine that the parcel arrived to you in three weeks, (and this is such a thing), and the seller has set a limit of three months. If you do not confirm the order, then the money will wait for a very long time! But if you are satisfied with the package and the time of its delivery, isn’t it logical to make sure that the seller is also satisfied with working with you? So the first thing you should do after dealing with the parcel is to confirm the order and leave your feedback on Aliexpress.

    Important addition

    In fact, different products should be handled differently. For example, if this is some cheap thing for a hundred rubles, and upon receipt you see that everything is ok with it, then you can safely leave it good review and confirm the order so that the seller receives the money as quickly as possible

    Aliexpress confirmation. A few days after the seller sent the purchased product to Aliexpress, a button appears on the order page in the buyer’s account - Confirm receipt of goods.

    And although the meaning of the name of this button makes it quite clear that you need to click on it only after receiving the parcel and checking the ordered goods, many buyers are still worried about whether or not they need to confirm receipt on Aliexpress right now.

    Some buyers, unknowingly and without fully understanding the entire purchase process on Aliexpress, click on the button and make a confirmation on Aliexpress before receiving the goods. What happens if Aliexpress confirms before the goods are received? The transaction is closed, the money is transferred to the seller, and the buyer deprives himself of the opportunity to make any claims against the seller in case of problems.

    The most interesting thing is that before accepting the confirmation, Aliexpress displays a warning window that after clicking on the “confirm receipt” button, the buyer’s protection will end and the order will be closed.

    In a hurry, some buyers do not pay attention to the Aliexpress warning and take an irreparable step - they approve the confirmation for Aliexpress without having yet received the ordered product. After this, the deal is closed, and the buyer is left alone with his problems.

    After a while, having not found information about the parcel, people realize that they have made a mistake and begin to write questions with something like this: I made a confirmation on Aliexpress, but I never received the parcel, the track number is not tracked, there is no information about the parcel. What can be done in this case? How to get my money back? Will I receive the ordered product?

    By making a confirmation on Aliexpress, the buyer actually makes it clear to the store administration that he received the goods, has no complaints, the transaction can be closed, and the money can be transferred to the seller. After confirming the order, Aliexpress considers that the seller has fulfilled its obligations under the transaction in full and no longer accepts any claims from the buyer. Therefore, after confirming the purchase on Aliexpress, writing to the store’s support that the goods were never received does not make any sense.

    We can only hope that the ordered goods will arrive, and it is very good if the purchase was made from an honest seller and he sent a quality product in full. In this case, the buyer, despite the early confirmation on Aliexpress, will still receive the goods.

    But if the seller is not honest, and it is precisely from such sellers that inexperienced buyers often order goods on Aliexpress, then the parcel will not arrive (the seller could have given a false tracking number) or will arrive with a defective product or one that does not correspond to the description and it will no longer be possible to make a claim to the seller.

    It may even be that an dishonest seller sent a quality product in full, but seeing that the buyer has already confirmed receipt on Aliexpress, he will try to return the already sent parcel.

    Confirmation of Aliexpress ahead of time is not in favor of the buyer, so take your time. Until the time on the order page has expired, the buyer has every right do not make a confirmation on Aliexpress and with the same full right can make a claim to the seller if problems arise.

    And once again: confirmation for Aliexpress should be done only AFTER the product has been received and checked for quality, quantity and compliance with the description.

    After receiving the ordered AliExpress product First of all, you need to make sure that it meets all the specified characteristics and was not damaged during delivery. Only after this can you complete the order. All that remains is to understand how to confirm receipt of the goods on Aliexpress.

    An important point: some beginners, when ordering on AliExpress, for some reason think that confirmation is required immediately and without this the goods will not arrive. No, this is not a proof of purchase. So the person who has received his order informs the system about it. And only after this the seller is transferred money for his goods. That is why if the order arrived on time and everything is fine with it, then out of gratitude you should not delay the confirmation too much. But you don’t need to do anything before receiving it either. The main thing is to know how to confirm an order on AliExpress.

    How to issue a confirmation

    Until you have confirmed receipt of the goods, you have the right to open a dispute and get your money back. This is true if the product does not correspond to the stated description, did not arrive, or arrived but with defects.

    However, if everything is in order with the product, then you can proceed with confirmation. To do this you need:

    1. Open your browser and log in to the Russian version of Aliexpress.
    2. Next on home page site you need to find the “Login” section. A new window should open, where we click “Login” again.
    3. On new page Input fields will appear, using which you can log into your account. Enter the login specified during registration. Usually this is the name mailbox, to which your account was registered. In the next line, write the password you created during registration and click “Login” for the third time.
    1. Select the section with the username with your mouse.
    2. In the new window that opens, find the “My orders” link and follow it.
    3. Next, a page will open with all orders for Aliexpress. This is where you can confirm your parcel. To do this, you need to find the required order (which we want to confirm) and click on the “Details” button.
    4. After clicking on this link, a page will open in your browser where you can confirm your order. To do this, you need to tick the item and click on the “Confirm receipt of item” link.

    The system protects against accidental pressing and confirmation of the parcel. Therefore, a small warning window will appear next. It says that after confirmation of the order, the protection will be removed from it, which means that it will not be possible to open a dispute. In this regard, if the goods have not been received, under no circumstances should you confirm the order.

    If everything is in order and you are satisfied with the product, then click on the “Send” link.

    After clicking this button, it will appear new page, where it will be said that we have successfully confirmed our order. Now you can leave your comment about the purchase and rate the received product.

    If some points remain unclear, we recommend watching a video about confirmation of receipt of goods purchased on Aliexpress:

    How to leave feedback on a received product

    It is not necessary to write a review. But many people don’t know that not only buyers, but also sellers can leave comments. And if you do leave your review, your rating in the system will also rise.

    There are a few things to keep in mind before leaving your review:

    • Feedback can only be left within a month after order confirmation.
    • If a dispute was opened regarding an order, and then it was turned into a claim, then you will not be able to leave your feedback.
    • If a dispute was opened and the seller agreed with the demands made and returned the money, then leaving a review will also not be possible.
    • If one of the parties to the transaction wrote a review, rating it 4 or 5 points, and the other did not, then the rating party automatically receives a rating of four.
    • If one of the parties gave a rating of 1-3, and the other did not leave a review, then an automatic response will not follow.
    • You can edit your review within one month.

    After confirming the product, you can rate the seller based on a five-point scale in the form of stars. After you have given your rating, a new window will appear where you can write your opinion.

    After this, the system will prompt you to evaluate the seller according to several criteria:

    • How well does the product correspond to the stated description?
    • Did the seller make contact or respond to letters?
    • How quickly the order was sent.

    So, only after confirmation can you leave feedback to the seller. This is necessary so that other buyers can see whether it is worth contacting this seller and ordering such a product from him. After all, when looking at the reviews for an order, you want to see not only “everything is OK,” but real and reliable information. The more detailed the review, the more useful it is, so there’s no need to skimp on words here.