• Partitioning a disk into windows 10. The best programs for partitioning a hard drive

    In this beginner's guide, we'll look at how to split (split) and merge partitions hard drive in Windows 10 using the built-in .

    Sometimes you just need to create, delete or change disk partitions in Windows 10. If you have one disk and you would not like to keep files on one disk operating system and your files, creating logical drives will help you. Each of the logical disk partitions can have its own file system and will allow you to load several operating systems from one hard drive. In this tutorial, I will show you how to manage disk partitions in Windows 10, simply using the .

    For the convenience of readers, this guide is divided into two parts. The first part will show you how to split your hard drive into two partitions and assign a drive letter to the newly created volume.

    In the second part, we will delete new volume and consolidate the freed space, returning it back to the original volume of the C: drive. So let's get started...

    How to split and merge disk partitions in Windows 10

    Part 1 - splitting and creating a new disk partition

    In the first half of this tutorial, we will see how to split existing disk space into two partitions. Let's say you bought new Windows 10 pcs and disk size C: is 500 GB. Obviously, Windows will already be installed on the disk C:. But there comes a time when you need to move some of your data to some other drive. Or in another case, you want to create new section, to boot another operating system. You need to create a new partition by partitioning the disk WITH into two parts. Here's what you need to do:

    To open the snap-in - Click Win+R and in the Run window line and enter . Click OK or Enter .

    In the window, right-click on the disk partition you want to partition and select Shrink Volume. In my case it's a disk WITH:

    Then in the window that appears, in the line Compressible space size (MB) enter the desired size the disk being created. I specified 26000(MB) (this is about a sixth of the capacity of my hard drive) Its size will be approximately 25 GB. In other words, you will get this size from an already existing partition if there is free space on it, and then click Compress.

    In a few seconds, you will see the area you have freed up for the future disk partition marked , the same space will be taken from the existing disk partition WITH:.

    So the disk WITH: is divided into two volumes. Right-click on the unallocated space and in the context menu click Create a simple volume, will start automatically

    In the window Volume Size Guidelines you can change the size of the created size, click Next.

    In the next window, set the letter of the new disk partition and click Next

    Now you need to format the disk, there is no need to change the default settings.

    If you plan to install a new OS on this drive, make sure that Apply file and folder compression not enabled otherwise you will face error while installing OS - Windows cannot be installed because this computer is using compressed...

    The wizard finishes by showing you a summary of the information. Click the button.

    Created logical drive will appear in the snap-in window and Windows 10 Explorer ready for use.

    Part 2 - Merge disk volumes

    You may need to merge the disk volumes by returning the disk WITH: previously selected space for disk Z:

    Here's how to do it:

    1. Open Select the disk partition that you want to merge and right-click on it, selecting from the context menu Delete volume. This will remove the drive letter and partition.

    Note:This will also delete all data on the disk partition (In my case, from the Z: drive, all necessary information I previously transferred it to another disk).

    Click Yes to confirm volume deletion.

    2. After the disk partition Z: will be deleted, you will see the disk partition marked . Now right-click on the disk volume with which you want to merge unallocated capacity ( V in this case this is a disk WITH: ) and select Extend Volume.

    3. In the wizard window that opens, click the button Next:

    4. Then on the next screen. Simply confirm the size by clicking Next.

    5. Click the button.

    6. Now you will see that the volume of the disk selected for expansion has increased due to Unallocated volume.

    That's all about Merge Disk Volumes in Windows 10!

    As in previous Windows versions, in the “ten” there is an opportunity dividing a physical hard drive into virtual partitions, for example, C and D. This article will talk about how you can create additional volumes on HDD in the Windows 10 operating system.

    First, let's talk about why this might be needed. Smash hard drive into partitions - a familiar way to separate system information from personal files. Let’s say that on drive C we still have the Windows 10 operating system itself and that’s it installed programs, but on volume D they will be located own documents, images, audio and video recordings. It is also recommended to split the HDD into partitions if you need to reinstall Ten completely and at the same time save personal files.

    Before you start dividing a hard drive in Windows 10 into partitions, we recommend removing unnecessary information from the existing one at the moment volume that is planned to be used as a space donor for the new partition. After this, you need to defragment it.

    It is worth considering that the number of partitions in Windows 10 cannot be more than four. If, together with the system volumes, there are already 4 parts on the hard drive, then, most likely, it will no longer be possible to separate another one using the built-in “tens” tools. You will need to use third-party software. We will also talk about it, but below.

    Do you need additional partitions on your hard drive?

    The question is Should I partition my hard drive in Windows 10? to additional sections, still does not have a clear answer. However, over time everything larger number specialists tend to use a minimum number of volumes. If in Windows times XP and 7 it was traditionally believed that for system and personal files it is better to use two different disk partitions (for example, C and D), then in lately In the professional environment, one can increasingly hear the voices of those who do not see the point in such a division. Since the physical HDD remains the same singular number, dividing it into volumes does not provide any speedup in operation (even the opposite) and only creates psychological convenience for the user, allowing the storage to be divided into two volumes. Today instead of creating additional sections hard drive can be recommended for the system and programs to buy additional HDD, or even better solid state SSD drive, providing information exchange speed several times greater than that of traditional disc. Using two physical hard drives will certainly give you a performance boost, while two volumes on one HDD will slow down your computer rather than speed it up. Perhaps all these thoughts will convince someone to give up dividing their hard drive into additional partitions unless absolutely necessary. For those who are adamant in their desire to create additional volumes, below is step by step instructions with pictures.

    We share a hard drive using built-in Windows 10 tools

    To split a hard drive into two or more volumes in Windows 10 no need to look for third-party programs. Already in the operating system itself there is a special tool for these purposes. To run it, you need to:

    1. RIGHT click on menu Start.
    2. And select the item " Disk management».

    In this utility, unlike Windows Explorer, not only all storage media connected to the computer (SSD, HDD, CD/DVD, USB), but also all partitions (or volumes) of each of them are always visible.

    To split an existing large partition into several volumes, you need to:

    1. Select the item " Compress volume...».
    2. After a few seconds, a new window will appear in which, under “ Compressible space size (MB)"You can specify in megabytes the size of the space we need to create a new volume or volumes. This amount of MB will be taken from the existing hard drive partition that we are currently working with. 1024 MB = 1 GB, that is, to create a new partition of 100 GB we need to specify a size of 102400 MB.
    3. After this you need to click “ Compress" This means reducing the space of an existing partition. Shrink the volume more than what the system offers maximum value, it won't work. If you need to move to a new partition more space, than the Disk Management utility allows, you should use third-party programs. We'll talk about one of them below.

    After compressing an existing volume, changes occurred in the disk structure - a unallocated space, highlighted black stripe. In our case it is 100.00 GB. Now you can create one or more additional hard disk partitions in this space. To do this you need:

    1. Click on it with the RIGHT mouse button.
    2. Select the item " Create a simple volume...»
    3. In the “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” window that opens, simply move on.

    1. Now we need to specify the size of the hard disk partition to be created in megabytes. For example, we will take half of the unallocated space - 51200 MB.
    2. Click “Next”.
    3. If necessary, change the drive letter.
    4. “Next” again.
    5. And again we move forward.

    1. At the final stage in the Creation Wizard window simple volumes click “Finish”.
    2. In the Disk Management utility we see that we have a new hard disk volume under the letter D with a size of 50 GB.

    From the remaining unallocated space we can create another partition or add it to an existing one. To do this, on volume D you need to RIGHT-click and select “ Expand volume...». Please note, that with the built-in tools of Winodws 10 you can expand only the partition that is directly adjacent to the space labeled “Not allocated”. That is, in a situation like in the image above, expanding drive C with free 50 gigabytes will not work. From them, you can only create a new volume or increase the size of D. To solve such atypical issues below, we consider using third party program to partition the hard drive and work with these partitions.

    Working with hard drive partitions in Windows 10 using the AOMEI program

    In some cases, the functionality built into Windows 10 may not be enough to partition a hard drive and manage volumes. Use third party software It is better only when there are no other options left. This program, unlike many analogues recommended on the Internet, is completely trustworthy. There is a separate article about it on Wikipedia. This is where you can find a link to official website AOMEI Partition Assistant tool. One thing that speaks in favor of this program is that it was developed primarily for sale. However, for our needs it is quite suitable free version a tool called AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Freeware. Download installation file You can visit the Download page of the website we mentioned above. By the way, we recommend checking all downloaded programs for security on the website VirusTotal.com. It allows you to scan any file in several dozen antivirus programs.

    Free program AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard can help when the built-in Windows program 10 doesn't work. Let's say in the case as in the image below, standard utility"Disk Management" does not allow you to add unallocated space to drive C, since this partition is located from free space through another volume (D).

    But with the help of the AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard program, it is possible to solve this problem. As an example, let us describe in more detail the algorithm of its operation on this specific example. So we need to add free space 50 GB to volume C. To do this in the AOMEI program:

    1. Click the RIGHT mouse button on volume C.
    2. Select the “Merge Partitions” item.
    3. We check the boxes on those parts of the hard drive that we need to combine into one.
    4. Click OK.
    5. And most importantly, click on green tick « Apply» (in English Apply) so that the changes made will be applied.

    After this, you will need to confirm the action with the “ Go”(in fact, it should be called “Continue” - but there are apparently shortcomings of the Russian translation).

    Similar to merging a C partition with unallocated space, the AOMEI program performs splitting one volume into several, merging them, and all sorts of other operations. Please note that in order to perform some actions, the tool will need to restart your computer and perform them in PreOS mode (before loading the operating system). Windows systems 10). It is this mode that allows you to perform those tasks that the standard Disk Management tool is not designed to perform.

    If you have questions about AOMEI or using the standard Disk Management tool, feel free to ask in the comments below.

    Partitioning the hard drive into several partitions– a necessary procedure that will allow you to be sure that in case of problems with the system and the need, your personal and important information will remain safe.
    There must be at least two logical partitions. Of course, more can be done. For example, create three partitions, leave one for Windows and programs, second use for personal information, and make the third a spare one and store the most important information there.

    In this case, if there are any problems with the system, you can easily install it without touching the partition with the necessary files.

    Partitioning hard drives using standard Windows tools

    This is the easiest way for those who do not want to search for, download and install special software.

    The built-in separation utility is available in all versions from XP to Windows 10. You can find it in two ways:

    1. Press the Win+R combination on your keyboard and enter the command discmgmt.msc in the window that opens, then click Enter.
    2. Go to menu "Start", then "Control Panel""Administration" — .
    3. In the dialog box that opens, select the menu on the left side "Disk Management". From the displayed drives, select the one you want to split. Next open context menu and find .

    4. In the new window you should indicate the number of megabytes for the partition to be created (in megabytes) and click "Compress".

    Now new area will be reflected green. This means that she is still completely free and independent. In order to turn it into hard section disk, you need to call the context menu and select "Create Simple Volume".

    After all this, the system will guide you through several simple steps, where you need to specify maximum size section, assign it new letter, select a file system, etc.

    Programs for partitioning local disk on Windows 10

    One of the most powerful and popular utilities that does its job perfectly. Its only downside there are countless functions that can be called to a simple user they are simply not needed, you can simply get confused in them.
    But if you look at it, then The disk partitioning process may seem even easier than in Windows. To do this, you need to find the hard drive in the program window, select it and click “Resize volume” in the left menu.

    Now, move the slider to specify the size of the new partition. Next you can see a new unallocated area “Not occupied”. By clicking on it and selecting “ Create Volume", you will be taken to a setup wizard that will walk you through all the steps step by step.

    Since the size is already set, you will only need to specify the filename NTFS system , assign a letter to the new partition and confirm the changes.

    Now the main window will show “Apply pending operations”. If you click this button, partitioning will begin.

    The functionality of this program is very similar to Acronis. Here at the very beginning you also need to select “ Creating a section", then select the hard drive to work with and use the slider to indicate right size new section. In the same window, you should check that the file system is NTFS and the drive letter does not match the existing ones. After that, we check the changes, confirm them and wait until the utility completes the physical changes on the hard drive.
    When she finishes, the newly created partition can be seen next to the usual drives and D.

    For normal and stable operation any operating system personal computer or laptop, you need to properly divide the space on the hard drive (partition the HDD). Often when buying a computer in a store, you may encounter the fact that the entire hard drive space is allocated for only one system disk(usually this is the system drive “C”). This setting for HDD memory allocation is not entirely correct. In addition, this may negatively affect the operation of the computer, because important documents and system files(it is recommended to use a separate partition on your hard drive for such data).

    Therefore, to avoid any troubles due to misuse of memory Computer HDD, it is customary to split it into several additional partitions (disks), one of which is usually allocated for the needs of the operating system. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the process of partitioning a hard drive itself is a very responsible and scrupulous procedure. Before starting, it is recommended to backup all important documents onto a USB flash drive or other storage medium, and then proceed directly to resizing disk space.

    So, in order to partition a hard drive, you have to go through several step by step procedures. First of all, you should select the disk partition that needs to be divided into subpartitions. After this, you must specify the size of the new partition that you want to create, indicating the type file system. Having gone through all these points, you can start the HDD partitioning procedure itself. As a result of successful completion of this operation, the program will display a list of changes made. It is also worth noting that most modern programs on working with hard drives will help you not only partition HDDs, but also merge them, perform deep formatting and other complex procedures.