• Iphone 6s growth what does it mean. Buying an iPhone PCT Rostest - does it make sense?

    Until 2013, “white” smartphones and other equipment that underwent certification were labeled “Rostest” (PCT). Certification meant that all customs duties were paid for the product and it was covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. Since August 2013, the PCT has been replaced by the new designation EAC (Eurasian Conformity), but the essence is still the same. EAC marking means that the equipment was imported into Russia “legally”.

    When buying a smartphone, one of the main questions is how to find out whether the device has passed certification? The question is really important, because non-certified products are cheaper and may have a number of significant restrictions. Among them: lack of software updates, limitation of 4G/LTE frequencies, crooked firmware, lack of manufacturer’s warranty.


    If the seller avoids answering a direct question whether the device has a “Rostest”, then it is worth formulating it differently. Is there an official guarantee? If not, the device is 100% not certified and you are taking a risk when purchasing.

    The answer options can also be the following: a device for the Asian market, but fully adapted for work in Russia, this is a “Eurotest”, a smartphone for the CIS countries, for the American or Indian market with Russian or international firmware.

    The fact is that not every seller can answer directly, because if an online store checks the aggregator where it is located, for example Yandex.Market, then this is fraught with an error for the store. And if the store catches several errors, it will be disconnected from the system.

    Packaging, charging and instructions

    The packaging must contain information in Russian. If you purchase new device, it must be completely sealed or have security seals. Charging should be for Russian sockets without adapters. The instructions and warranty card must also be in Russian. Instructions, by the way, may not be available. Manufacturers apparently consider us quite savvy and believe that we can cope without it.

    Russian-language firmware

    The software must also be entirely in Russian, without English or Chinese. It is worth noting that most “gray” devices are sold with good Russian-language firmware. They are either completely Russified, or you can still see foreign words and letters, but somewhere deep in the submenu.

    Important note, the device must be without root access. Shouldn't be on the menu SuperSu applications, Universal Root, 360 Root - in general, any applications with the root prefix. The device must also be reset to factory settings and you must be the first to turn it on, that is, selecting the Russian language, setting the time, etc.

    Check by IMEI

    Most reliable way This, of course, is checking the device by IMEI. IMEI is a unique phone identifier. All “white” smartphones have this identifier recorded in the manufacturer’s database. This helps the regional representative, when contacting a client, to distinguish “his” Russian equipment from “foreign” equipment, for example, Asian.

    Finding out IMEI is very simple, to do this you need to dial the command *#06# on your smartphone, you can also find IMEI number inside the Settings menu. To do this, go to settings, then “All settings”, scroll to the end, select “About phone”, then “Status”, and then click “ IMEI information" - IN different models menu may vary .

    When the number is received you need to call hotline manufacturer and say that you want to check the device for authenticity using IMEI. Some manufacturers also offer checking through an online service on the website, but the information is not updated often or the service is unstable. At the time of writing Samsung service doesn't work at all.

    An important nuance - the IMEI in the device itself on the box and in the warranty card must match.

    That's all. Now you are not afraid of a “gray” smartphone.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Surely many of us have heard of such a term as Rostest. However, there are many users who are interested in What is RST on iPhone?. Let's try to explain what this abbreviation means. We'll talk about that next time.

    PCT on iPhone: what is it?

    The presence of such a designation indicates that we have a device that has passed Rostest quality certification. It is marked accordingly.

    In fact, this means that the device was imported through legal channels - that is, official suppliers, or the manufacturer itself. It has been tested and meets all quality standards.

    In practice, this does not mean that the “gray” phone will be worse than the one that was officially imported. Another thing is that iPhones with the PCT quality mark are covered by official support and warranty Apple. In addition, the buyer has virtually no fear of encountering a locked phone. Instead, he will become the owner of a fully Russified device, which will be covered by warranty service.

    So, we found out what RST is in an iPhone. Many users are also interested in what Eurotest is and why this standard different from Rostest.

    Which iPhone is better: Eurotest or PCT?

    Long before the fourth mobile technology first appeared on the mobile technology market iPhone model, many users were confused by the difference in cost of devices labeled Rostest and Eurotest. But the most main question concerned whether such devices differ from each other - and if so, then in what way?

    Let us clarify that both devices are absolutely identical both in terms of characteristics and in terms of assembly. Those Apple smartphones, which are assembled at the company’s official factories, are certified for sale in a wide variety of countries. That is, the device can be intended for sale both in European countries and in the Russian Federation. They will not differ in quality. But it’s worth imagining everything this way, and how it differs from normal.

    Naturally, if we are in Russia, we need Rostest. Why? A mobile device that has passed this certification is covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Also, its menu and interface are completely Russified, and the device itself is not locked. The same devices that are designated as Eurotest are actually “gray” phones in Russia. The difference can also be found in the types chargers. They are related to the differences between Russian and European sockets.

    Greetings! Today there will be a short note on iPhone certification for various markets. Why short? Because the topic itself has already been chewed and chewed on the Internet, and I’m unlikely to tell you anything completely new here (but I’ll try :)).

    Why then write the same thing over and over again? Questions just keep coming in in the comments to the articles:

    1. Should I take Eurotest or Rostest?
    2. What happens if you take a European's iPhone?
    3. How are they different?

    Well, everything like that... Repeating the same thing over and over is hard, but not answering at all is wrong. That’s why this article was born, telling us what iPhone certification you might encounter when buying it in Russia and what exactly is the difference between them? Let's go!

    So, the most common iPhones on our market are:

    • Rostest.
    • European.
    • American.
    • Don't understand which ones.

    We will not consider American ones and “I don’t understand which ones” in detail. Everything is clear about American ones - they were produced for sale in America, they can be blocked on specific operator, contract, until recently were not covered by a guarantee in the Russian Federation (some models are not covered even now free repair in Russia), etc.

    And by incomprehensible iPhones, I mean approximately the following devices - .

    Rostest or “white” iPhones

    With Rostest (PST), everything is basically clear - these are officially imported into Russia iPhone, with all the ensuing consequences: guarantee, certification, provided Russian legislation taxes and fees, recommended market price :)

    Sometimes they are also called “whites”. Of course, not because of the color of the case - it is assumed that they have gone through all the necessary paper procedures, were imported in compliance with the law and are completely “white” before the law.

    Important! Recently, instead of the letters PCT on the iPhone box, you can find other symbols - EAC. This is a mark of Eurasian conformity and certification of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan). If you look at it from the consumer's point of view, Rostest and EAC are absolutely similar certifications, so there is no need to worry about this. If it is marked EAC, it means iPhone official and "white".

    Such gadgets are sold from official dealers. When buying them, you can be sure that they will definitely support all the necessary frequencies, work with all Russian SIM cards, and so on.

    European or “gray” iPhones

    For sellers in our stores, in most cases it is customary to call an iPhone with Eurotest certification any smartphone from Apple that is not Rostest. All that was brought in bypassing official supplies is the iPhone with Eurotest (“gray” devices). Sometimes American gadgets are also brought in here, but this is probably wrong.

    They are transported for resale from European countries, which allows you to save on paying taxes, duties, certification, etc. As a result, all this has a positive effect on the final price of the device.

    iPhone Eurotest or Rostest - what to choose?

    It is clear that Rostest seems to be a priori better; if you buy a “white” and certified device, you feel calm and confident. So why do some people prefer the Eurotest iPhone, is it better or worse?

    To begin with, the most important thing to decide is this: these are absolutely the same iPhones as those sold in Russia. There is practically no difference! But in some cases there are still differences and they lie in the firmware - for some countries in the iPhone:

    1. There is a limit on maximum volume music in headphones.
    2. FaceTime won't work.
    3. You cannot turn off the camera shutter sound.

    All these restrictions depend on the legislation of the country in which it is intended for sale. In essence, there is nothing wrong, but if you buy an iPhone with European certification, you may encounter this.

    It is also necessary to remember that in some iPhone countries may be sold blocked for a specific telecom operator - the gadget will only work with its SIM card. When buying in a store, you are unlikely to encounter this, but if you take it from an ad, then anything can happen... By the way, the Rostest iPhone does not have any of the above.

    In addition, there are four more important differences Rostest iPhone from Eurotest:

    As they say, the choice is yours. Save and lose something (in my opinion, the biggest omission is the deadline warranty service). Or buy Rostest, but more expensive.

    P.S. What do you think? Which is better? Write in the comments!

    P.S.S. It's good that we have a choice, right? “Like” for this! :)

    Updated! Dear readers, please do not ask me to recommend any store to buy Eurotest iPhone. It's not that I'm so bad and I'm sorry. No. I just can’t be completely confident in any store - even in those where I have already bought before. Don't get me wrong - I don't want the purchase on my advice to be unsuccessful and instead of joy to bring disappointment. Thank you.

    Updated 2! The question is often asked in the comments: “Where to buy Eurotest and save money”? I answer. In fact, there are a huge number of shops. As I already wrote, it is not in my power to recommend any one of them. But I can suggest something else:

    1. To save money and get some money back from your purchase (for safety glass or a cover should be enough).
    2. After registration, we look at stores and compare prices. We take it where it’s cheaper and get back part of what we spend cash back.

    As a result: we bought an iPhone (there are really a lot of stores - you can find Rostest and Eurotest phones) and saved money. Beauty!

    When it comes to buying a new smartphone, the user can check the cost of the device in various stores, for example, using the Internet. And you will probably be very surprised by the price range. One of the reasons why a smartphone in one store costs much more than in another is the presence of a sign (the so-called Rostest). At the same time, less expensive devices are called Eurotest. What exactly is it and what is the difference between the devices?

    What are Rostest and Eurotest?

    • The presence of the PCT (Rostest) mark on a phone or other device indicates that it has passed Rostest quality certification, which is what the designation symbolizes. This means that the device was officially imported into the country directly by the manufacturer or supplier.
    • Eurotest is the unspoken name for devices that comply European standards quality and safety. Sellers usually import such devices themselves.

    What is the difference between Rostest and Eurotest?

    No matter how strange it may sound, in most cases the user will not find any differences at all when purchasing a device. Why? For the simple reason that there are no obvious differences.

    Okay, you say, but then why are PCT devices more expensive? The fact is that the device must undergo certification, and this, as you understand, costs money. Accordingly, part of the costs for this falls on the shoulders of buyers. In addition, in this case, the manufacturer provides its guarantee directly. In the case of Eurotest, the guarantee is given by the seller, and it is impossible to say which is better in this case.

    It is noteworthy that PCT smartphones are not always more expensive than Eurotest, it is often the exact opposite - they are sold cheaper, since the manufacturer can afford to reduce the cost of its products, and sellers, whose main goal is to make a profit, cannot do this.

    A Rostest device cannot be a fake, while smartphones purchased from an unknown store may be. There are indeed a lot of fakes on the market and the user cannot in all cases understand that it is a fake, especially since the latter have become very high quality.

    In rare cases, there will be a difference between Rostest and Eurotest devices. For example, a fairly well-known manufacturer mobile devices I left the Russian language in my devices only for those that are officially sold in our country. Other devices use only English and Chinese languages. Accordingly, if you buy such a smartphone in some online store, it will not have the Russian language. However, this case is a rare exception, not the rule. But be careful.

    As for everyone's favorite iPhone, the only difference will be in the warranty. In addition, a “gray” iPhone may be locked to a specific operator and it is unlikely to be unlocked just like that.

    Which is better - Rostest or Eurotest?

    In most cases there is no difference, other than the type of warranty. So if this doesn’t bother you, and the difference in cost is noticeable for your budget, you can safely take the Eurotest device.

    In some cases, for example, when only official version The smartphone supports the Russian language, you should give preference to the PCT sign. But this is an exception to the rule.

    Choosing new phone, you probably noticed a significant difference in price for the same models. Many people are surprised: “Why is it so much cheaper here?” “Maybe it’s a fake?” etc.

    When you start to delve into and understand, you come across a bunch of “smart” words, such as “ROSTEST”, “EUROTEST”.
    What is ROSTEST? And is it really needed? And most importantly, is it worth overpaying?

    Read the short text below and make the right decision!

    Firstly, let’s immediately leave the word “EUROTEST” alone. There is no "EUROTEST". This beautiful word (specially similar to “ROSTEST”) was invented in order to more beautifully sell goods without the “ROSTEST” mark. There are products with the PCT (ROSTEST) mark, and there are those without it. That's all!

    What's the difference between them?

    Imagine that you are flying to Germany or America on a business trip (and you were just thinking about buying new smartphone)... Will the lack of a PCT icon on the phone that you like stop you?

    Ha ha! Of course not!

    So, these are exactly the phones that are sold in Russia without the ROSTEST mark. They simply end up in Russia, bypassing official supply channels. How? This is already a problem for suppliers. The main thing is that they bypass a huge number of fees, one of which is ROSTEST certification.

    It can be assumed that during certification, each phone undergoes many tests for performance, security, and so on. Unfortunately this is not the case. The certificate is issued for a batch of products. The presence of a PCT certificate does not mean that every phone from the entire batch has been subjected to thorough checks and testing. Paid and received.

    Here are the five main differences between ROSTEST and non-ROSTEST:

    1. Price Perhaps, for many, this is the most important point. And this is exactly why you started reading this text: the surcharge for ROSTEST is about 30% of the cost of the product;

    2. Modern technology- very reliable and almost does not fail when used correctly. But we have all long been accustomed to the fact that the manufacturer gives a guarantee.

    The important point is that the official guarantee is valid in the country where the product is sold (in the country where the device was brought from), and the guarantee in Russia is given by the store that sold the device. Therefore, if you buy a phone without the ROSTEST mark, then it is very important to choose the right store where to buy a new gadget.

    ROSTEST devices have official guarantee manufacturer. The manufacturer accepts equipment for repair if it fails within warranty period(usually 1 year). But at the same time, it is worth considering that the manufacturer is not obliged to make repairs quickly. Therefore, usually the manufacturer carries out warranty repair long: according to the law, 45 days are allotted for this.

    3. Channels of import into the Russian Federation- this is what affects the final price of the product in the first place. The ROSTESTA certificate is issued only for goods for which all taxes and customs duties have been paid. You also need to pay for the ROSTEST certificate. In fact, this is where almost the entire price difference comes from. The rest of the equipment was imported into Russia, bypassing official supply channels.

    That is, this is equipment produced on the same assembly line, by the same workers, but arrived in Russia slightly differently.

    4. Russification was really very important while phones had buttons. Now that the vast majority of phones have touch display, this is not relevant. In any smartphone, the Russian language can be selected in the menu at the very beginning of working with it, quite simply.

    5. Instructions in Russian ROSTEST devices are always included in the kit. In other cases, everything is at the discretion of the seller. In any case, the instructions in Russian can always be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website. Everyone always has instructions in English.

    The choice is yours. The main thing to remember: the product is the same!