• How to cancel a purchase in the iTunes store. Instructions for returning money for applications from the App Store

    How can I cancel purchases on App Store, iTunes and in-app purchases? It turns out there is a possibility!

    Although moderators at Apple review all media content in the App Store and iTunes for quality and appropriateness, there are times when pretty screenshots and descriptions mislead us. The applications turn out to be dummies, not worth anything, and the developers are scammers. It happened that you spent several hundred rubles, but either didn’t like the program, or was simply crooked. It would be nice to cancel the purchase and get the money back.

    How to cancel a purchase using iTunes on Mac or Windows?

    To get back wasted money on Not the right application, you need to follow the following steps. I have Mac OS, but I think on Windows, iTunes is not much different.

    AppStore moderators will review your request and respond, usually taking from one day to a week.

    How to cancel a purchase through the Apple website

    If you don't have access to your own computer or simply prefer not to use iTunes. You can still request to cancel your purchase using any web browser.

    Within a few days to one week, Apple will send a response indicating whether your request has been granted.

    Note on Refunds

    Refunds usually take one or two days, and Apple may contact you to clarify the reason for the refusal. If you have any questions, write them in the comments

    Articles and Lifehacks

    What to do if a person accidentally purchased an application from an online store? ? And what to do if it has already been paid? Let's try to figure this out.

    How to cancel a purchase in the App Store

    If a person decides to cancel the process of downloading a particular application, he should go to the “Purchases” section and select the desired program from the list. The next step is to press and hold the Option button for a few seconds and then press the cancel key.
    Please note that if the download is interrupted by itself - for example, after an Internet outage, it will be resumed immediately after online access appears and the person logs into the store.

    Is it possible to cancel an application purchase in the App Store if it has already been paid for?

    The desire to return money for an application that has already been paid for can be caused by various reasons. However, you should be aware that the official “Apple” policy is inexorable in any case: all completed transactions are final. In other words, after purchasing and paying for an application, it can under no circumstances be exchanged for anything else, or the purchase cannot be canceled and the money returned.

    However, there is one not very well-known “loophole”, by taking advantage of which a person can try to return the funds. To do this, you will need to send a request to the service technical support. There is only one attempt, there is no guarantee of return, but it’s still worth a try.
    For what reasons might a user be interested in how to cancel a purchase in the App Store? It is quite possible that the purchased application does not open on the device, or it does not work correctly. Unfortunately, despite the fact that this reason the most common, the support service practically does not respond to it, advising you to contact the developers and so on. The chances are greater if the description of the purchased program does not correspond to reality. As for subjective reasons (you don’t like the application, and so on), they certainly are not grounds for a return.

    You should write a request directly to the support service itself. Opening iTunes app on the computer and go to the store menu. We find in top panel on the right is yours email address and click on it. Next, enter the data and confirm your actions. A table will open in which we select “Purchase History”, that is, “Purchase History”. On the right there will be a “See All” button. Click on it and see all the purchases made. Find the application you need, mark it and click on the “Report a Problem” button at the bottom right. We confirm our actions by clicking on the appropriate option again.

    Now let's move on to describing the problem. Click “Choose One” next to “Problem”. The drop-down list will present five options from which we select the one we need. We would like to add that if the first problem is indicated, the money will not be returned. The text field below describes the problem in more detail. English. Now press the confirmation button, that is, “Submit”. In a couple of hours you should receive an email notification that your application has been accepted for consideration. The second letter is a message about the beginning of consideration, indicating the time of the final response. If any are needed additional information, there is no point in delaying your answer.

    What should you do if you mistakenly purchased an app from the App Store?

    I want to warn you right away - if you bought the application by mistake, then you need to perform the steps below as quickly as possible. It is advisable not to delay this. The sooner you contact Apple, the better your chances of getting your money back. It would be logical to assume that after, for example, a month from the date of purchase, no one will return your money.

    So, this is the situation I found myself in.

    Launch iTunes on your computer.
    1. In the “Store” item, select “iTunes Store”
    2. Click on your login and select “Account”
    3. Log in

    4. Then in “Purchase History” select See All (see all)

    If you want to return the money before the payment has been processed, the application will be in the “Latest Purchase” list, but if the payment has been processed, then the application will be in the “Previous Purchase” list.
    In the first case, there will be a “Report a Problem” button next to the program, click it...
    If you have the second case, then select the line in the application list that contains the application for which you want to return the money.

    5. Click on the arrow

    After which a page will open on which applications that were made in one payment will be listed. We make sure that the list contains the application for which we want to return the money.

    6. Click “Report a Problem”

    Then we are again shown a page on which the applications are listed, but now on each line, next to the application, there is a “Report a Problem” button to report a problem with a specific application.

    7. Click “Report a Problem” next to the application for which we want to return the money

    And now a page opens that asks you to specify the problem. In our case, we want to return money for an accidentally purchased application.
    Attention! This page can only be accessed in English, Japanese, German, Spanish and French.

    Select the item “I inadvertently purchased this application” (I accidentally purchased this application) - a must!
    In the “Comments” block we write the reason random purchase. I wrote that I read the description of the application, then went to the shower, and my nephew, while playing with the phone, bought the program. 🙂

    Your request will be processed in about 3 days. If the payment has not yet gone through (with bank card did not withdraw money), then they will write to you about it. They will say that you need to wait until the money is withdrawn from the card and the purchase goes into the “Previous Purchase” mode. If all is well, you will receive the following letter:

    I have reversed the charge for the item that you did not intend to purchase. In three to five business days, a credit of $3.99 should be posted to the payment method that appears on the receipt for that purchase.

    If the order was paid for with store credit and you do not see the refund, sign out and back in from the Store menu.

    The story of how I was charged money for a free app

    My story began with the fact that Sergey Volgin on our forum shared a link to temporarily free application. I remembered the name, but for some reason I got distracted and didn’t download the program. Once again, when I went to the App Store, I saw that this application was at the very top of the top free applications. “I should download it,” I thought. I clicked on the description and read it. I clicked the download button, which at that moment said “Free.” The App Store asked for my Apple ID password - I entered it. Everything is as usual.

    But the next day I receive a notification that 99 rubles have been deducted from me. For what? A couple of minutes later I found out that they had charged me for this supposedly free application. It's a matter of principle to return the money. Even if 33 rubles were written off, I would do as I advise in these instructions.

    Instructions for returning money for the application

    Go to iTunes on your computer. Go to the iTunes Store section. If you have a button Login in the left top corner, then log in by clicking it and then entering your Apple ID and password.

    After you log in, click on the button with your Apple ID. And in the drop-down menu select the item Account.

    If you are asked to enter your Apple ID password, enter it.

    You find yourself in a window in which there will be all sorts of useful information about your account. Scroll down and find the item Purchase history.

    Your purchase history will appear. Scroll down and you will see your orders broken down by day. Click on the small arrow next to the order that you consider problematic

    The order details will appear. This is where you need to click on the button.

    A new column will appear in the table. In it, we finally click on the link opposite the problematic purchase.

    You will be redirected to the browser, where you need to find the problematic purchase again and click the button Report. In the screenshot, my button is not active (“waiting”), because a positive decision has already been made and I am waiting for the money to be returned to my account.

    A form will appear in which you need to select the reason for the return from the drop-down list. In my case, I selected: “I did not consent to this purchase.” There is an assumption that there is a chance to return the money only in cases 1, 4. Reasons 2 and 3 are not a serious reason for a return. Well, the point No problem in the list depends entirely on the essence of the problem.

    I wrote the following text:

    I did not buy this app. It was the top-free in the Russian App Store (the first place).
    I ask for a refund.

    It is not necessary to write in detail if the problem does not require it. It is enough to briefly and to the point explain the reason for your dissatisfaction. If you don't know English, write with using Google Translate. Even if there are mistakes, it's okay. Foreigners are tolerant of not knowing the language and will be able to understand your letter in broken English!

    I immediately received a letter from the robot saying that my problem would be considered in the near future. With a high degree of probability, within a few hours you will receive a letter to your email, which is also your Apple ID, stating that “You will be refunded and the money will be credited to your account (or returned to your card). Within 48 hours." The letter is long and polite, I won’t quote it.

    In my case, the decision to return cash arrived in 52 minutes! They worked very quickly.

    1. Do not write about problems to Apple moderators if you are not sure that you are right. Before you write anything angry, read the article I was charged N dollars for the application. If you are still confident, then go ahead and sing.

    2. Write honestly. Cheating is unlikely to make sense, since moderators can check most of your information.

    3. You can write about problems only with those purchases that were made within the last 90 days.

    4. I am more than sure that the decision to return is made based, among other things, on the previous experience of your interactions with the iTunes Store. If you have a good “credit” history, then there is a 99.99 probability that your money will be returned to you. If you write about returns every week, they may sooner or later refuse because, according to the store’s rules, all purchases in the App Store are final. They even emphasize in their letters that they issue refunds as an exception and put themselves in the clients’ position.

    In my case, I was sure that the money would be returned. Since, firstly, I am contacting them for only the third time in more than three and a half years, and, secondly, my purchase history inspires respect. :) I can’t predict how it will be in your case, but I hope everything will be fine!

    From personal experience, when they returned my money for the application

    The last case is described above.

    I once bought an app for iPhone by mistake when I wanted it for iPad. I bought an application for the iPad and wrote a letter according to the algorithm described above stating that I do not need the application for the iPhone. The money was returned.

    One time I bought an app and it crashed when I launched it. Nothing helped. I wrote about this and the money was returned again. Although this case the most controversial. In principle, moderators can send you to the developers.

    Good day to all readers! The sun is shining outside the window, the birds are singing - summer! But I had a small problem: I rented a film and then realized that I didn’t really need it... So what should I do now? It’s simple: you need to cancel your iTunes purchase! And now I will tell you how to do this, but before that, a little background.

    The sun is shining and I’m so happy, I pick up my iPhone and see the inscription - not enough space... What would you do first? Most likely, you would go into the settings and see what all the memory is occupied with and delete something unnecessary. I did the same and saw that most of my space was occupied by music and photos, about 5 GB of each. But my entire iPhone holds 27 GB, and everything else is quite small, 100-200 MB each. And then I decided to use a little trick - try to rent any movie so that the iPhone itself deletes temporary files. By the way, this method has repeatedly helped out my clients and friends who have the “smallest” models with 16 GB of memory.

    Ok, I'll go rent a movie. I go to the iTunes Store, look for a long time for films that generally have a “Rent” button (the newest films do not have such a button), I find a film, click on the “Rent” button and wait... I wait a long time, about 15 minutes, but nothing happens: No password prompt, no notification about lack of space! While I was waiting, I poured myself some coffee, connected my iPhone to iTunes and decided to look in more detail at the occupied space. And it turns out that I also have Deadpool for 5 gigs, purchased from the same iTunes Store! I, of course, really like the film, but it has already been purchased and this means that I can watch it at any time on my Mac, for example. I calmly delete it and continue enjoying my coffee. And suddenly a message appears on the phone - enter the password for the iTunes Store. Somehow, without a second thought, I enter the password, and a couple of seconds later I receive an SMS with congratulations that I rented a movie and paid an astronomical 69 rubles for it!

    Damn, it turned out that after deleting “Dead Pool” I had 5 GB freed up, and the rental film that had disappeared somewhere, suddenly felt free and decided to buy it. In 20 minutes! And why do I need it now, when the place has been safely found and nothing else needs to be removed? Then I decided to cancel the purchase on iTunes and get my 69 rubles back.

    To start, I went to iTunes and top menu Clicked on Account -> View, and then entered your Apple ID and AppStore password.

    Since I entered everything correctly, iTunes kindly showed me the following screen with my settings account, where I was most interested in the Purchase History item:

    Then I was once again reminded of what I bought or downloaded for lately, and also gave the opportunity to cancel this or that purchase. However, I didn't find anything on this screen that would allow me to cancel the purchase until I clicked on the "Report a Problem" button...

    ...after clicking on which, next to the film, the item “Report about a problem...” appeared

    I click on this strange inscription and I am redirected to the Apple browser page where I can report a problem. As you can see, I had already complained about myself and the status of this rental film changed from “Report” to “Waiting”... Well, never mind, I’ll show you using Deadpool as an example:

    Specifically in my case, I selected the “Purchase made by mistake” option and wrote a comment (please note that during a real cancellation, the comment must be written in English!), after which all that remains is to click on the blue “Submit” button, which I of course I’m not going to do it with Deadpool :)

    However, even during the cancellation of the film “The Hitcher”, for some reason I took a screenshot and this is what was written there after canceling the purchase:

    As you can see, even failures happen to me and I don’t hide it at all :) Since I bought it by mistake, I canceled the purchase in iTunes...

    It remains only to clarify some points:

    • Don't delay getting a refund.
    • It is also important to know that if you buy a game on an iPhone/iPad, you can return it only if you have played it very little...
    • Moreover, you can return a purchase only once: you bought it once, played with it, returned it, then bought it again and decided to return the money again - it won’t work :)