• How to use purchased icloud memory on iphone. What to do if you don't have enough iCloud storage space

    iPhone and iPad users may have encountered a problem at least once in their lives - iCloud space has run out and accordingly, the photos do not go into the photo stream, a backup copy is not created and a strange inscription constantly appears... There is a way out - buy revenge on iCloud! Although you can first try to figure out who eats up the most space and stay on basic tariff in 5 GB. So, let's deal with the backlog of backups on your iPhone!

    First, we need to go to Settings (on the device), then go to the General tab -> Statistics ( Storage and iCloud in iOS 9), which has 2 important points - Storage location ( iOS 9 STORAGE) and ICLOUD. To view what is on your iPhone/iPad, you need to go to Storage in “Storage Location” - here we will see what data on the device takes up the most space. But by clicking on Storage under the inscription ICLOUD we will see the contents of iCloud and all backups:

    In this window, we immediately see how many devices create a backup copy to your account. This could be all your iPhones/iPads or, suddenly, the devices of your loved ones. If you have several devices on the list, then think about whether you need to make a backup copy of them, and what needs to be backed up in it. If suddenly the list shows not your devices, but, for example, a friend’s/husband’s/wife’s, then it’s better to create their own account in iCloud, and use yours only for yourself - turn on the egoist, so to speak :) By the way, about my thoughts about accounts, you can read in the corresponding!

    So, by clicking on your device in the list, in my case it is the iPhone Rifat (this iPhone), we get to a detailed list of everything that is in the backup. It may take some time for iGadget to show us the data. It took me a few seconds for the complete structured list to be displayed. But the largest objects appear almost immediately:

    As you can see, in this window you can exclude something from the backup copy of your device. For example, you can remove them from the copy. When you turn off the toggle switch, this data is on the iPhone/iPad don't disappear, but are only deleted from the current copy and will not be created until you activate this function again.

    Carefully review all the items, turn off the items that are of little importance to you, and add free space to your iCloud. I am sure that many will be able to increase the space, at least a little, without buying more!

    If, after all your manipulations, you are still not satisfied with the remainder free space, you can buy it again:

    50 GB for 59 rubles per month;

    200 GB for 149 rubles per month;

    2 TB for 599 rubles per month;

    After all the procedures performed, you should have more free space in iCloud and you can continue to back up your devices and not worry about data loss. Do you often encounter the problem of running out of space in iCloud or just on your device? Write in the comments if you want to get advice on solving this problem! 🙂

    Filmed on iPhone and iPad photos and videos take up a huge amount of free space on devices. If you need more memory, then it is not at all necessary to resort to deleting content or moving it to other media. Using the iCloud Photo Library service, you can store photos and videos in the cloud by configuring automatic optimization data on the iOS device itself.

    How to enable Content Storage Optimization for iCloud Photo Library

    iCloud Photo Library automatically uploads your photos to cloud storage, allowing you to access it anytime, from any device. Storage optimization - useful option, which replaces photos and videos in the original resolution with optimized versions if the memory on the device runs out. The full resolution file is quickly loaded if you need to view it, edit it, or send it to social networks. To enable this option follow these steps:

    1. Open the Settings app.

    2. Select the Photo and Camera section.

    3. Check the “Optimize device storage” option.

    After activating this option, the system will automatically move the original versions of the files to iCloud, leaving only recently captured photos and videos full-size. The process may take long time, depending on the number of files and connection speed.

    How to free up space on iCloud

    The total size of files you can store in iCloud is not unlimited, and you have several options to free up space.

    Option A: Clear Photo Library

    Browse through albums that might contain selfies, panoramas, screenshots, or time-lapse videos. Perhaps among them there are those that can be deleted. Important note: You can't delete files from just iCloud or just from your device; if you delete them on your iPhone, they'll disappear from everywhere.

    After deleting unnecessary pictures and videos, do not forget to visit the Recently deleted section and clear it. Otherwise, the files will still be stored on the device, taking up free memory within 30 days.

    Option B: Buy additional iCloud storage

    If you don't want to think about storing your photos and videos and you're willing to pay for space cloud storage, you can increase the amount of available space in your iCloud Photo Library. Currently, prices for additional iCloud storage are as follows:

    • 5 GB - free
    • 50 GB - 59 rubles/month
    • 200 GB - 149 rubles/month
    • 1 TB - 599 rubles/month

    Change tariff plan or you can cancel it at any time.

    Each user when registering an account Apple records ID gets 5 gigabytes of space. In principle, this should be enough to store application data, content and backup copies. But not always. When the photo stream is active and you take a lot of photos or videos, if you watch movies in applications like AVPlayer, and if you simply fill the device with various software, the memory fills up and iOS persistently reports notifications. You need to either clean it or purchase additional space. Until autumn comes and delicious monthly tariffs for , I recommend the first option.

    The articles in the series are written for beginners and tell in simple language about useful techniques and features of iOS/OS X.
    published on Tuesdays and Thursdays (with rare exceptions like today).

    iCloud storage is cleared directly from iOS. Open system settings, then section iCloud. At the very bottom of the feed we see a menu Storage and copies, let's go.

    First of all, we are interested in statistics - how much space is available from the free 5 GB, what exactly is taking up space. I have been storing backups on my computer for a long time, and yet I found several old copies of the system in my iCloud. The rest of the space is filled with applications and photos/videos in .

    We remove everything that is not needed. Alternatively, you can disable backup and erase all copies at once.

    If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

    iCloud storage is very reliable way save your content in a safe place. Responsible for storing all this user data Apple company. But if you don't monitor how full your iCloud storage is, you may end up with a shortage free space in iCloud.

    About iCloud storage capacity

    Judge for yourself: you, say, bought an iPhone 6s, created an iCloud account with iPhone activation- the company gives you 5 GB of free space on one of the iCloud servers.

    By default, the gadget is configured to automatic synchronization with icloud.com server - when iPhone screen or the iPad is locked and the device itself is connected to any famous network Wi-Fi, in which there is Internet access, and the device is recharging, it, using idle throughput of this Internet channel, if differences are detected, it copies files back and forth until these differences are eliminated. The result is a fresh, updated copy of all data iPhone owner. If the owner is lost or “moved” to another iPhone or iPad while maintaining the current iCloud account, all data can be restored from this “cloud” copy. Agree, the thing is very convenient!

    What to do and how to clear space from any Apple device

    Various backups can be managed from any gadget. All of them taken together take up 5 GB. Often, iCloud space fills up quickly. Anything over 5 GB can be purchased additionally. And if the owner is insolvent, Apple “freezes” the remaining files that do not fit into these 5 GB, and access to them is impossible until the paid space on iCloud is paid for. To do this, you need to optimize your backup without uploading unnecessary things to iCloud. Also store your files and settings on your PC, while external media or on other “clouds”, where there will be more free gigabytes.

    Modern iPhone gadgets and iPad have built-in memory from 64 GB - on iCloud, the user is invariably allocated 5 GB. It will not be possible to create a second account from one iPhone or iPad - Apple has protected the iCloud service from fraudulent schemes on the part of users. If you want more, pay!

    How to manage storage

    It can be “cleaned up” online, freeing up space in iCloud that is “filthy” with no longer needed content. Follow these steps.

    Manage iCloud from iPhone

    1. Open your iPhone's Settings menu.


    2. Enter iCloud storage settings.

      Enter iCloud Settings

    3. Information about the total capacity of iCloud storage will be shown.

      Click to view more details

    4. Go to view detailed information and iCloud management.

      Click for settings at the bottom of this submenu

    5. On whichever previously used device the backups were created, select the one you need and open its contents. In any of them, everything is divided into categories - saved pages, encrypted files, etc.

    6. You will see a list of saved backup files. To manage them, press the "Edit" button.

      Press the content key

    7. A minus button (“Delete” command) will appear next to each file name from the backup copy.
    8. Deletion requires confirmation - this is a line of protection against accidental erasure of saved files.

      Are you sure you want to delete?

    During the entire cleaning process, you are accompanied by a scale of iCloud storage usage.

    Timely revision of content in iCloud will help you in case of lack of free space.

    Auditing iCloud backups from iPad and iPod

    The methods for navigating iCloud on iPad and iPod are no fundamentally different: they, like the iPhone, use the same software shell - iOS. Due to this, the functionality is the same on all these devices (and even the menus are almost the same), including when managing iCloud storage - it all depends only on the size internal memory and device screen resolution.

    But about managing iCloud storage on Mac computers Book and on regular PCs on Windows based It’s worth mentioning in particular.

    How to free up space on a full iCloud using a Windows PC

    On the website icloud.com, when you exit directly from the PC browser, the desktop of your devices is displayed in the style of Apple iDevices (as on real iPhone or iPad).

    iCloud desktop, like on iPhone and iPad

    Your actions with Windows are as follows.

    Two-way synchronization - if a difference is detected in the file structure, all your records are copied back and forth on all devices, including PCs. Thus, your collection will be available anytime, anywhere with an unlimited Internet connection.

    Setting up iCloud for Windows XP

    Although Apple recommends using Windows version not lower than Vista, you can run the iCloud installation in Windows XP. For this purpose they use WinRAR programs and Orca MSI Editor, with the help of which the iCloud “source” is configured - the iCloud installation block for Windows XP is removed. There is also a ready-made, “repackaged” one configured for the XP version on the Internet. installation file iCloudSetup.exe.

    Setting up iCloud on MacOS

    Both on Apple PCs with MacOS pre-installed - and on regular computers based on the x86/x64 platform, where you can also install MAC version(especially for such PCs) - the operation of the iCloud application is similar, because... graphical shell MacOS is almost the same everywhere. The operation of the iCloud application differs little from the Windows version: the same functions. As an example, a person who installed the French version of iCloud on a PC with an operating system MacOS system and bought 55 GB of space in iCloud storage.

    iCloud main window on macOS PC

    As you can see, it’s not difficult to navigate even in versions of iCloud translated into Chinese or Arabic - each menu item is accompanied by an icon, which makes it immediately clear what we’re working with. Apple is also excellent at this.

    So, let's get down to business.

    What can you clean up on iCloud?

    You can delete outdated data from the following categories from iCloud:

    • notes;
    • calendar reminders;
    • letters sent by e-mail;
    • data installed applications downloaded from the AppStore (for example, history of calls and messages in Skype, Zello, WhatsApp);
    • bookmarks and surfing history in Safari;
    • voice recordings;
    • Health application data (virtual medical record on the device);
    • loaded into iTunes music(soundtracks, podcasts);
    • SMS/MMS messages;
    • drawings, photographs and videos (clips).

    An example is an iPhone that is given instructions on what to save to iCloud. There can be at least a hundred applications - each of them can be managed.

    Turn off everything unnecessary!

    Copying to iCloud can be controlled either completely or partially. It's accessible, easy and simple.

    Both iPad and MacBook are configured in the same way.

    How to expand iCloud space via PC, iPhone, etc.

    If you do not intend to create separate accounts for each of yours Apple devices- can be purchased extra gigabytes in iCloud.

    Buying gigabytes from iPhone or iPad

    All steps are the same for iPhone and iPad. Follow these steps.

    How to buy additional storage on iCloud with a MacBook

    The action plan is as follows. Similar.

    1. Give the command: Apple - System Settings- iCloud - Manage
    2. Select a tariff and go to the icloud.com service to make a payment from your account.

    Buy iCloud gigabytes on a Windows computer

    Do the following.

    1. Run iCloud app for Windows, select "Storage".
    2. Select “Buy more space” (“Change storage plan”).
    3. Select a storage plan and go to iCloud to pay for it.

    As you can see, the functionality is extremely simple. The consumer should not have any difficulties paying for iCloud.

    Other methods beyond the scope of the iCloud service

    It happens that there is not enough space on iCloud - but you don’t want to buy more. Alternative methods will help here:

    • backup to PC from using iTunes(locally);
    • third-party services: Cloud Mail.ru, GoogleDrive, Yandex Disk, Dropbox, etc.
    • hard drives or CardReader devices with Wi-Fi (iPhone or iPad requires special application, you also need a working Wi-Fi router);
    • family sharing - joining Apple technology iDevices of all family members (each user of such a group stores something specific to avoid duplicating exactly the same content on other gadgets in the family).

    About “clearing” free space on iCloud. What to do if your iCloud drive is full?

    The above measures will help you optimize your iCloud experience. By following these instructions, you can be sure that you will always have enough free space. We wish you never to lose information that is important to you - even if you change a dozen gadgets and computers!

    Any copies of backup data have their own volume. When working with computers, problems do not arise - PCs are equipped with a large amount of memory, and a huge amount of information can be stored there. This is not the case with smartphones. Especially when it comes to iPhone.

    This gadget allows you to backup data using the iCloud service. It has its limitations on the allocated space for user information. If you do not format the cloud from time to time, the storage will sooner or later be 100% full.

    In this article we will talk about how to clean iCloud. What should every user know about this process?

    Formatting Methods

    Please note that by default, all owners of Apple products are allocated 5 GB of free space on the cloud iCloud service. If necessary, this limit can be increased for a fee.

    Despite this, from time to time you still have to think about how to clean out your iCloud storage. There are several ways to do this. For example, format the cloud completely or partially. Depending on preferences, the algorithm of actions will change.

    Today, cleaning iCloud can be done both through a mobile device and using a computer. Accordingly, the procedure can be either complete or partial. Next, we will talk about all the options for the development of events.

    Partial removal

    How to clean iCloud on iPhone? The first tip is to delete only certain data. The fact is that the data cloud stores a variety of user files. These include programs, pictures, videos, and backup copies. You can free up some space by partially deleting information.

    In order not to think for a long time, we suggest doing this:

    1. Turn on the Apple gadget. Be sure to wait until he is completely ready for further work.
    2. Go to "Settings" - iCloud.
    3. Select "Storage".
    4. Click on "Management".
    5. Select the data you want to delete. Next, click on “Change” in the right top corner screen.
    6. Click on the "Delete" button.

    This procedure is considered the longest, but most suitable for clearing the cloud of unnecessary information.

    From backup data

    But this is only the first way. You can free up space by eliminating unnecessary backup data. So, how to clean iCloud from copies of user information?

    The process as a whole is not much different from the previously proposed algorithm. But some differences still exist. More precisely, deleting backups is done like this:

    1. The smartphone or tablet must be turned on.
    2. Go to "Settings" - iCloud - "Storage".
    3. Select the "Manage" function.
    4. Click on the device whose data you want to clear.
    5. Click on "Delete copy".
    6. Confirm the operation by clicking on the "Turn off and delete" button.

    The described algorithm of actions will only help you get rid of backup copies of information. You can do similar steps from your computer.

    Deleting backups from a PC

    Let's look at how to clean iCloud from a PC. If we are talking about deleting backups, then you can use iTunes to bring your idea to life. Every user can do this. To remove copies of data through iTunes, you need to:

    1. Connect iPhone to PC via a special cable.
    2. Install latest version"iTunes" for the operating system.
    3. Launch the program and wait for synchronization with the device.
    4. Go to "Settings" and open the "Devices" section.
    5. Choose the required copy data and click on “Delete”.

    Fast, simple, convenient. Although in practice this option is not used too often.

    Via iCloud for Windows

    How to clean iCloud through the official cloud page? The process is only possible from a computer and with an Internet connection.

    It is suggested to act like this:

    1. Visit icloud.com.
    2. Log in to the system when Apple help ID.
    3. Open the "Storage" service.
    4. Select the required components and click on “Delete”.

    Usage official page in practice it does not occur very often. Usually people wonder how to clean iCloud from mobile devices. From now on the answer to this question you know!