• Program for automatic optimization of RAM. Free programs for computer on Windows download

    Many people do not think about how exactly a computer works, what is in its system unit, and what the parameters of all these components are. But almost everyone has encountered a situation where, after launching several programs, the computer began to work slower and freeze. This is exactly what RAM is responsible for, which will be discussed in this article.

    RAM is needed to process all current processes. It also stores all the data processed by the processor and data various applications, who simply reserve a certain place for themselves. When the free volume becomes insufficient, the system slows down, some programs may even stop responding to mouse clicks and at the top they will say: “Not responding.” If this happens to you often, you should think about adding RAM to your computer. Well, of course, you need to use one of the cleaning programs RAM.

    Let's take a quick look at a few popular free programs that will do the job perfectly.

    Mem Reduct

    The Mem Reduct utility has a simple Russian-language interface. Takes up little disk space and is suitable for Windows Vista, XP, 7, 8 and 10. You can set up automatic cleaning or do everything yourself. Minimizes to tray and works in background. By clicking on the button in the tray, it will open context menu with all the necessary buttons and settings.

    Installation and use are described in detail in the article: Mem Reduct program. There, at the end of the text, there will be a download link.

    Mz RAM Booster

    Free utility to release OP in just one click. Suitable for the following Windows operating systems: Vista, XP, 7, 8 and 10. If the computer is not your strong suit, then you can install and use it without changing anything in the settings. If you understand a little about PC, then here you will find parameters that can be adjusted. Mz RAM Booster can work in the background, using very few resources. You can also configure the memory to be cleared automatically, add the program to the startup list, and change its display appearance in the tray. The program is in English, but it is easy to Russify.

    This, as well as installation and use, is described in detail in the article: Mz RAM Booster program. By following the link, at the very bottom of the article you will find a download button.

    Wise Memory Optimizer

    The program is completely free, takes up little space (3.4MB) and has a clear Russian-language interface. Suitable for Windows: Vista, XP, 7, 8, 10. Can run in the background. The tray displays information about the RAM load as a percentage. Also, clicking on the tray icon will display a context menu with the main items: opening the main window, cleaning, exiting. You can configure the OP to be cleared automatically upon reaching the specified value for occupied space, or do everything manually by clicking on the “Optimization” button.

    Read more detailed information How to install and use the utility can be found in the article: Wise Memory Optimizer program (there will also be a download link there).

    FAST Defrag Freeware

    FAST Defrag Freeware is another cleaning program that is suitable for Windows XP, 2000 and 2003. It is not supported by the developers and has not been updated since 2004. It takes up little space and supports the Russian interface language.

    The “Memory” tab shows the used and free amount of memory, its load as a percentage. A little lower is displayed average load OP, maximum and minimum value. To clean, press the button "Trim Processes` Working Set". To clear the cache, click on the “Clean System Cache” button.

    In the settings – “Options” you can set it so that cleaning occurs automatically when the OP and cache are loaded more than 80%. A little lower you can set them to automatically clean every 5 minutes. The last two points are launching with the system and disabling the program in the background.

    Choose one of the free programs for cleaning RAM and then working on your computer will become easier; at least, there will be no problems with programs freezing.

    Windows (XP and Vista) manages memory very well, and for the most part third party product not required. We tried several free managers memory, but none made enough of an impression to warrant a strong recommendation.

    Most people believe that memory optimizers are nothing more than “snake oil” (the expression “snake oil” has become synonymous with deception. According to legend, scammers sold “snake oil” as a cure for all diseases. - Ed. ). And, mostly this is true. Most memory optimizers simply fill up the memory in Windows and put everything in the page file. However, there are a couple of programs that seem to actually work.

    Note: However, sometimes you cannot do without these programs. For example, some programs may free memory incorrectly or not free it at all.

    Review of free memory optimization programs

    CleanMem memory optimization program is a powerful and convenient solution

    One of those programs that just works and you completely forget about it. After installation, you don’t even realize that it’s already working. The program will be configured to run every 30 minutes using the scheduler Windows tasks. You can change the task parameters as you wish - when and how many times to run the program.

    The program does not run in the background. Having done its work, the program closes and will not open again until the scheduler starts it again. CleanMem is very easy to use and does not require user intervention.

    It doesn't work like other memory cleaners, which essentially do nothing except force Windows to free up memory and use whatever is left. This trick slows down your system for a long period of time, to say the least!


    CleanMem has been updated to version 1.6.4. It comes with some great features added to it. Most dramatic is the new CleanMem mini-monitor. It works separately from CleanMem. The mini monitor allows the user to monitor current memory usage and clear it at the touch of a button. The monitor just runs CleanMem to do its job. This is a new addition to CleanMem, not a replacement. CleanMem still installs and runs in the background, and is launched using the task scheduler in the same way as it always has been. You don't have to use a mini monitor if you don't want to. You can also hide its tray icon.

    Another feature is changing the automatic execution time of CleanMem through the context menu that appears when you right-click. When you select the desired item, the task scheduler will open. It's certainly not rocket science, but it is a handy new feature.

    Special Note: When installing, you have 2 options - you can either install the 32-bit or 64-bit version.

    The FreeRAM XP memory optimization program just needs to be configured

    A memory manager that not only works, but also seems to cause no problems, which is generally rare for such programs. It runs in the background, consumes , and does free up some memory when you ask. It can also be configured to run automatically.

    Does freeing memory improve performance? On both test systems a little memory is freed, but this does not have of great importance for productivity. It may be that on older computers with less memory, or when using applications like PhotoShop that eat up a lot of memory, such programs will make a big difference, but we cannot guarantee this. What we can say is that FreeRAM XP does not cause problems other than freezing the system for 10-30 seconds while FreeRAM frees memory.

    It seems that this product is no longer being developed. The last release was in 2006.

    Special note (no longer relevant):

    We believe that Windows 7 users don't need memory optimizers at all. It seems that the system itself copes with this task. Many may disagree, however, this is our opinion, and we do not impose it on anyone. Our recommendation for Windows 7 owners is to leave memory management to the system.

    Note: Unfortunately, as practice has shown, Windows 7 does not always cope with memory optimization. Therefore, if you have problems with RAM consumption on your computer, we advise you to use CleanMem, which copes with the task quite well.

    Related products and links

    Mz Ram Booster Please note that MZ RAM Booster is required. NET Framework 2.0 or higher. Recently updated to version 3.5.2 and currently under development. Works on all versions of Windows.

    RAMBooster 2. There are actually 2 videos on CNET TV that speak highly of RAMBooster 2. If you're interested, just follow the link and search for RAMBooster. Version 2.0. note that latest version was released in 2005. The development process seems to have stopped.

    CachemanXP(Unfortunately, it has become a trial) Although this is not only a memory optimizer, we also consider it necessary to mention it. CachemanXP is somewhat unique. CachemanXP is a Windows optimization utility designed to improve the speed and stability of your computer by optimizing the cache, recovering RAM and tuning many system settings. One-click optimization makes it suitable for beginners and experienced users. A backup copy of changed settings can be restored with one click. CachemanXP runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7 x86 | x64 and uses minimal resources.

    Quick Selection Guide (links to download free memory optimization programs)


    Set it and forget it! Schedule for clearing memory at user-specified time intervals. It really seems to work. Also available in portable version.
    It's hard to compare with all memory optimizers. You will forget that the program is installed.

    If you are planning to upgrade your computer to improve its performance and speed, then you will face the difficult question of choosing RAM modules. Let's figure out how to increase your computer's RAM so that there are no compatibility problems, and extra gigabytes really worked.

    Increasing physical memory

    If there is an urgent need to increase physical memory, then the first thing you need to do is understand which RAM stick is compatible with yours motherboard. This is done like this:

    The specification will look something like this:

    From this information we can conclude that motherboard Supports DDR3 memory standard, dual-channel mode. Available maximum volume is 16 GB, frequency is from 800 to 1800 MHz. The next step is to open system unit and see how many free slots there are.

    Remember that DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 are three different formats that are incompatible with each other. Therefore, if your motherboard supports the DDR2 standard, you do not need to buy DDR3 - the module will not fit into the slot.

    The release of the DDR4 standard is announced at the end of 2015 - it’s also better not to rush into purchasing it, since the technology has not yet been tested. As for DDR5, messages about which can be found on forums, such a standard does not exist at all. There is GDDR5 video memory, but it has little to do with RAM.

    If the motherboard has a dual-channel mode, install two smaller sticks, rather than one larger one. Two 4 GB sticks will be about 15% more productive than one 8 GB module. When purchasing modules, try to choose strips that are as close in characteristics as possible. If you plan to buy a pair at once, it is better to choose a KIT set consisting of two completely identical modules.

    If you increase the amount of RAM to 8 GB, then do not forget to install a 64-bit system, because Windows x32 cannot work with memory larger than 4 GB.

    Important parameters (besides volume and standard) are frequency and timing. The higher the frequency, the faster the RAM will transfer data to the processor for processing and calculations. The lower the timing, the faster the RAM controller will respond to system commands. From this we conclude:

    • We select the maximum frequency that the motherboard and processor support (its frequency can also be found using the HWMonitor utility).
    • Timing (delay before executing a request) is minimal.

    If the price difference is significant, then it is better to take the level with high frequency and great timing. Latency doesn't impact performance that much, so you can sacrifice this parameter.

    Virtual memory

    On Windows XP and later versions, virtual memory is enabled by default: on the selected hard section The disk is allocated a specific space that the system accesses if there is not enough available RAM. Simply put, virtual memory (page file) allows you to increase performance at the expense of your hard drive.

    To configure virtual memory:

    This path is relevant for the “seven”, Windows 8 and Windows 10. On XP the order is the same, only in the system properties you need to immediately open the “Advanced” tab. In the virtual memory settings window that appears, you can set automatic selection of the paging file size, specify the size manually, or disable the function. Let's look in detail self-installation virtual memory volume:

    • The initial size is 1-1.5 times the amount of physical RAM (if you have 2 GB of RAM, then set it to 2-3 GB of virtual memory).
    • The maximum size is 2 volumes of RAM.

    These are the recommended parameters, but there is one subtlety: if you have not an SSD drive, but regular HDD, then the allocated volume will be fragmented. This has a bad effect on performance, so in this case it is better to leave the original one and maximum size identical – equal to the volume of physical RAM modules.

    If the page file has already been fragmented (its size has been dynamic for a long time), then you cannot simply change its size. You need:

    1. Set to "No paging file".
    2. Reboot the system.
    3. Open the virtual memory settings again and specify the size of the paging file.

    You will get a swap file that will not fragment and will help slightly increase your computer's performance.

    Using a flash drive

    You can increase the available amount of RAM using a flash drive. Essentially, this is the same paging file, only it is located on a removable drive, which reduces the load on the hard drive. The technology that allows you to increase the amount of virtual memory using a flash drive is called Ready Boost. To use it, several conditions must be met:

    • Windows 7 or later is installed.
    • Used external drive (SSD drive, USB flash drive, SD card), the volume of which exceeds 1 GB.
    • The operating speed of the flash drive is at least 3 MB/s (all modern flash drives easily reach this figure).

    If you are using a flash drive larger than 4 GB, be sure to format it to NTFS. The optimal size of the removable disk used should be 2-3 times the physical size of the RAM. Let's say, with 4 GB of RAM, it is advisable to use a flash drive of 8-16 GB.

    1. Connect removable disk to the computer.
    2. If the autorun window appears, select “Speed ​​up the system.”
    3. If autorun is disabled, go to “Computer” and open the properties of the connected flash drive.
    4. Go to the "Ready Boost" tab.
    5. Check the “Provide this device” checkbox and specify the amount that you want to allocate for creating a cache file that expands the virtual memory.

    If you want to allocate the entire available capacity of the flash drive, then check the “Use this device” checkbox.

    Important: do not disconnect the flash drive after activating Ready Boost technology. Go to properties and check the “Do not use this device” checkbox, after which you can remove the drive.

    Can you seriously improve your computer's performance using Ready Boost? The question is debatable. According to some data, system performance increases by a third, but this is the maximum effect that is achieved when performing simple operations. You shouldn't expect a significant increase, since performance is affected by a number of other factors, including processor power.

    Computer technology is an essential assistant in solving many problems, so it is not at all surprising that users place increased demands on it. However, it should be understood that over time, installed devices become obsolete and computer equipment needs modernization. Quite often, PC owners feel an urgent need to increase RAM, so for many it is important to know how to increase RAM on a computer.

    Many new programs require more computer power

    Increasing RAM can significantly improve computer performance, so users interested in performance are eager to find ways to make such actions easy. One of these ways is to purchase additional modules RAM and installing them on the computer. In order to properly increase RAM, it is useful to first familiarize yourself with information on how to add RAM to a computer, as well as perform a number of preparatory actions.

    Determining the type of RAM

    Computers were purchased from different times, so their equipment may differ significantly. Purchasing RAM at random is strictly prohibited, because the currently existing types of RAM, which include DDR 1, DDR 2, DDR 3, are incompatible with each other, and their sharing on one computer can lead to a sad result.

    In addition, the motherboard can also only support a certain type of RAM, so by trying to add the wrong type of RAM, the user can damage the entire motherboard.

    Also, performance is ensured by the fact that the system does not need a lengthy search for files required for execution throughout the entire space hard drive because everything necessary files focus on external media.

    Having chosen this particular method, which allows increasing the performance of the PC, the user must purchase a flash drive with the necessary parameters, otherwise all attempts will simply be unsuccessful. The flash drive must have at least 256 MB free space, the write speed should be 1.75 Mbit/s, and the reading speed should be 2.5 Mbit/s.

    Once all the important tools are available to the user, you can proceed to the process to increase the cache size and speed up PC performance.

    After inserting the flash drive into the USB connector, you should wait for it full load, then right-click to bring up the context menu. Next, go to “Properties”, and then to “ReadyBoost”. On this tab, you should check the box, confirming your desire to use the ReadyBoost technology, you should also manual mode set the desired cache size. All you have to do is click “Ok” and wait for the process to complete.

    A PC user must remember that a flash drive to which ReadyBoost technology has been applied cannot simply be removed from the computer. To remove the USB drive, you must first disable the previously running ReadyBoost technology.

    Another way to increase RAM on a computer is overclocking. Using this method, the user manages to overclock the RAM. To achieve this, the user must make changes to BIOS settings, increasing frequency and voltage.

    With the right changes, computer performance can be increased by almost 10%. However, it is important to understand that if mistakes are made, the user risks damaging not only the RAM, but also other components. In this regard, most experienced users recommend that in order to carry out high-quality and competent overclocking and increase productivity, give the computer to a real professional who is familiar with overclocking techniques down to the smallest detail.

    If, however, the user still wants to improve the computer himself by overclocking, he should first go into the BIOS. To do this, when loading the OS, press one of the buttons: “Delete”, “F2” or “F8”.

    After successfully entering the BIOS, the user must go to Video Ram or Shared Memory. There, on the DRAM Read Timing line, you should reduce the number of cycles (timings). Experts say that the lower the timings, the better the PC performance. However, excessive reduction can lead to negative consequences.

    Finally, for the settings to be successfully saved, you must press “F10”, after which the computer will restart and the changes will take effect.

    So, wanting to add RAM to a computer, the user must have not only good reasons for this, but also the necessary components, as well as study the available recommendations and master the necessary skills. Improve your technical capabilities This is commendable, but experimental “amateur activity” in the complete absence of the necessary knowledge is strictly prohibited.

    Lack or excessive load of RAM is a problem for many computer systems. This applies not only to outdated PCs or laptops, but also modern models when there are too many resource-intensive programs installed on the system. Reducing resource consumption almost always requires cleaning up the RAM. In Windows 7, unloading unnecessary items from RAM is not always done automatically, and manual intervention to terminate processes may be ineffective, if only because the user simply does not know which process is associated with a particular service or program. However, in in this case we can suggest several simple solutions, which will help, if not completely clean, then quite significantly reduce the load on the RAM.

    Cleaning RAM in Windows 7: system tools

    Since operating system cannot always unload unused components of services and processes from RAM; users will have to do this manually. And you should start with those components that load along with the system, reserve a certain amount of RAM and sometimes, as they say, hang there as a dead weight.

    In our case, cleaning RAM in Windows 7 begins precisely with disabling elements that the user does not need, but which themselves persistently “eat up” memory. Use the msconfig command in the Run console, go to the startup tab in the system configuration and see how many processes there are that start with the system (and even after the first Windows installations, not to mention when they were installed custom applications or some additional components).

    Basically, startup contains various kinds of updaters that monitor the release of program updates (for example, for a Flash player), agents, loaders, etc. Even everyone Skype program, and it constantly “hangs” in memory, although you may not use it (the application is not running, but its agent is active).

    Thus, cleaning RAM in Windows 7 is done by disabling everything that you consider unnecessary. As a last resort, you can leave only the ctfmon process (if one is displayed), which is responsible for changing the keyboard layout and displaying language bar in the system tray, and antivirus updates. This is ideal.

    Let's move on. Open the Programs and Features section from the Control Panel and go to system components. And there is a lot of interesting things here. For example, why keep the Hyper-V module active if you are not supposed to use virtual machine? Why do you need an active print service if you don't have a printer? Turn it all off without any doubt. The result will not be long in coming (of course, only after a reboot)

    Cleaning RAM in Windows 7: the most popular utilities

    But even with this approach, after the launch and subsequent termination of user programs, some elements may remain in memory that the system cannot (or does not want to?) unload on its own. In this case, you will need to use additional measures, consisting of using utilities to clean RAM. As a rule, all such applications have automatic cleaning RAM (at least according to a schedule), and during installation they take up a minimum of space (several megabytes).

    Among the most popular and interesting utilities the following can be distinguished:

    • Mz RAM Booster;
    • CleanMem;
    • Mem Reduct;
    • RAM Booster;
    • RamSmash and many others.

    Mz RAM Booster program as an example of a RAM cleaner

    In general, all utilities work on similar principles and use the same algorithms. As an example, we will consider a small program for cleaning RAM, Mz RAM Booster.

    This application optimizes memory and unloads unnecessary or unused heavyweight dynamic DLLs and even reduces usage central processor by processing process priorities through system registry. As for the size... You won't believe it - 1.3 MB!

    True, all utilities of this type are themselves constantly located in RAM, and the icon is displayed in the system tray. But what is 1.3 MB compared to, say, a full 2 ​​GB of RAM when only 1 GB of memory is available?

    Instead of an afterword

    That's all for clearing RAM. As you can see, everything is simple. Which program should I choose? This is up to you. However, you shouldn’t forget about disabling unnecessary components of the system itself, because no matter how good they are third party applications, they still cannot complete some system processes.