• How to call from Russia to Estonia. How to call Estonia: Estonia dialing code

    Mobile communications in Tallinn, Estonia— how to call to Estonia, from Estonia to Russia and other countries, how much does mobile Internet cost in Tallinn, roaming in Estonia, numbers emergency services in Estonia...

    Mobile communications - how to call Tallinn, Estonia

    You can call Tallinn from abroad by dialing sequentially international code Estonia + 372 or 00372 and Tallinn code - 6 and the desired phone number.

    That is +372 6 (subscriber phone) or 00372 6 (subscriber phone)

    How to call from Russia to Tallinn, Estonia

    From Russia we dial 8 beeps 10 372 6 (subscriber's phone number) - with landline phone

    Or +372 6 (subscriber's phone number) - from mobile phone

    How to call from Tallinn, Estonia to Russia

    To call Russia you need to dial +7, then the city/operator code and phone number.
    Coverage area mobile communications covers almost the entire territory of the country, including the islands. After arriving in Estonia, your phone screen will most likely prompt you to choose one of three mobile operators.

    Mobile communications in Tallinn, Estonia - where to buy a local SIM card

    When purchasing SIM cards in Estonia, a service agreement is not required, and payment is made per minute of conversation or megabyte of data received.

    It is more profitable for tourists to use prepaid tariffs cellular communications. In Estonia, the cost of a starter package of services starts from 10 euros. Buy starter pack Available at cell phone stores. Payment cards for a certain amount of euros can be purchased at newsstands, gas stations and supermarkets. Cards are also sold at R-kiosks and information points in large shopping centers. You have to ask in Estonian "kõnekaart"(“kynekaart” - telephone card).

    Mobile communications and Internet in Estonia from Tele 2

    Tele 2 produces SIM cards for tourists under the “Smart” brand. The cost of a minute of conversation when calling numbers of other cellular operators in Estonia is from 0.03 euros. To save money, you can connect additional packages services: the cost of a minute of conversation with Russia will be 0.09 euros.

    Tele2 686 6866

    Mobile communications and Internet in Estonia from Elisa

    The cost of a call from Estonia to Russia starts from 0.51 euros per minute. However, you can connect to one of the special packages and save money.

    Elisa 660 0600

    Mobile communications and mobile Internet in Estonia from EMT Simpel

    The largest cellular operator in Estonia. Release special SIM cards for tourists there are tariffs that are most favorable when calling abroad from Estonia. The cost of a minute of conversation with Russia is from 0.52 euros.

    “Simpel” services will be especially interesting for those who often use the Internet when traveling - there are very good price offers for promotions.

    EMT 123 or 639 7130

    Important numbers that may be useful for tourists in Tallinn, Estonia

    Police: 110

    Ambulance, fire service, rescuers ( Single service For emergency calls): 112

    Background information: 626 1111

    Tourist information: 645 7777

    Consular Section of the Russian Embassy:+372 646 4131
    By the way! In Estonia you are required to wear reflectors, so be sure to attach at least one to your clothing, bag, backpack or bicycle pedals.

    Internet in Tallinn, Estonia

    Where can I access the Internet?

    Wireless access free internet in Tallinn it is established almost everywhere. Not a single hotel provides Internet access for money anymore. Other Estonian cities are quickly catching up with Tallinn in this regard. Often on highways wireless access Even gas stations offer Internet service.

    Even though the number of Internet cafes is decreasing, in cities such as Tallinn and Tartu, you can always find several of them open almost 24 hours a day. Expect to pay about 2-3 euros per hour for services.

    There are also public Internet access points at local libraries and post offices.

    Post office in Estonia

    Where to send a postcard?

    Tallinn Post Office is located in the city center:

    Address: Narva maantee 1

    Opening hours:9:00-18:00 on weekdays; 9:00-15:00 on Saturdays

    If a person has relatives in Estonia, then you definitely need to know how to reach them. After all, you need to make international calls correctly. Depending on the device (landline or mobile phone), you need to dial a certain combination of numbers before the subscriber number.

    When there is a need to make a call to this Northern European country from a landline, not everyone knows how to dial the number correctly. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to dial not only the subscriber's number in Estonia, but also the city code and country code. IN in this case country code – 372.

    However, this is not all that is needed to call a subscriber. To call from home phone to Estonia, you still need to dial 8 - 10 and wait for the dial tone, so the subscriber goes to the international line and only then dials 372. Then again you need to wait for the long dial tone, dial the area code or code mobile operator and, accordingly, the number of the end subscriber.

    It is also worth noting that IP telephony is now quite often used, that is, a person makes a call using various applications. Thanks to such innovations, there is no need to spend a lot of money on negotiations. These apps may be completely free, or they may charge a fraction of the cost of a home phone.

    However, if a person does not have the opportunity to use modern devices, and there is a need to call Estonia not to a landline number, but to a mobile number, then in this case he will have to dial not the city code, but the code of the mobile operator that the person uses in this country. Simply put, this is what the call pattern to Estonia looks like: 8-10-372-(mobile operator code)-(subscriber number).

    In this case, calling Estonia from Russia is much simpler; there is no need to wait for any dial tone or connect to an international line. You just need to enter + and then enter 372, then you should immediately press the city code of the mobile operator, then directly the subscriber number in Estonia and press the call key.

    Visually it looks like this: +372-(mobile operator code or city code)-(subscriber number in Estonia).

    How to call Tallinn from Russia: Tallinn area code

    If you are going to call the capital of Estonia, then in addition to the country code, you need to know the Tallinn code: 6. You will only need the Tallinn code for dialing if the call is made to a home (landline) phone. If you are going to call a mobile phone, then you will not need the Tallinn code. The dialing procedure for each case is described in detail below.

    So, to make a call to the capital of Estonia from a regular home phone on the same landline phone in Tallinn you need to do little: dial 8-10, wait for one long beep, then enter 372 (Estonian code) 6 (Tallinn code) and the subscriber number. It is worth noting separately that the numbers must be pressed quickly enough; it is not recommended that the interval be more than 5 seconds, otherwise the call may be interrupted. To call a mobile phone instead of 6 you need to dial the mobile operator code

    The general scheme of the set looks like this:

    • 8-10-372-6[or mobile operator code]-XXXХXX[subscriber number]

    Pay attention! Tallinn has a 6-digit city number!

    To make a call to the capital of Estonia from mobile phone a person can use the same scheme as from home (only in this case there is no need to wait for dial tone), but the dialing process can be simplified. To do this, simply dial +372-(6 or mobile operator code)-subscriber number.

    • +372-6[or mobile operator code]-XXXXX[subscriber number]

    How to call Narva: Narva dialing code from Russia

    Narva is a city where 80% of Russians live, accordingly, there are enough large number people associated with the Russian Federation. Therefore, very often a large number of Russian residents are interested in how to make calls to this city, which is located only 150 km from St. Petersburg. To call Narva from a landline phone you need to:

    1. 8-10 wait for the beep.
    2. Dial country code – 372.
    3. Narva city code is 35.
    4. Directly the subscriber's number.

    If the call is made from a Russian mobile phone, then the dialing procedure will be as follows: +372-35 (area code) - phone number, and there is no point in waiting for any beeps.

    • 8-10-372-35[or mobile operator code]-XXXXX[subscriber number] - from landline
    • +372-35[or mobile operator code]-XXXXX[subscriber number] - from mobile

    How to call Tartu: Tartu code

    To make calls to a given city, a person from Russian Federation you should carry out exactly the same operation as in any other city in Estonia. From a landline phone, enter the following combination of numbers: 8-10 (wait for a dial tone) – country code (372) – Tartu city code (7) – end subscriber number.

    By and large, calls between different cities are made almost identically to each other. Only the city code changes; they can be seen at the end of the article.

    When a call is made from a Russian mobile phone to a home phone in Tartu, you must enter the following combination of numbers: +3727 and the subscriber number. It is worth noting separately if the call is not made to home number Tartu, but to a mobile phone number, then in this case the number “7” is not placed at the end; instead, you need to enter the mobile operator code.

    • 8-10-372-7[or mobile operator code]-XXXXX[subscriber number] - from landline
    • +372-7[or mobile operator code]-XXXXX[subscriber number] - from mobile

    How to call from Estonia to Russia

    From Estonia to Russia you need to call differently if the call is made from a landline phone. The thing is that in most European countries, access to international communications is carried out not (8-10), but (00). Therefore, if a call from a home phone is sent to a subscriber who is located in the Russian Federation, you need to enter the following combination of numbers: 00 (wait for a dial tone) – 7 (Russian code) – (city code or mobile operator) – subscriber number.


    By and large, once a person knows the country code and city year, making calls to this Northern European country is quite simple. Therefore, if you have relatives or friends in Estonia, then do not forget about them and please them with an unexpected call.

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    Articles and Lifehacks

    Beautiful picturesque Estonia – optimal choice lovers of family holidays; In addition, many Russians have relatives living there. , if the need arises? It will also be useful to learn about how to save on communications by deciding on the most profitable options.

    How to call correctly from Russia to Estonia

    To make a correct call, you should start not only with the correct sequence of actions, but also by entering the code of the country you are going to call. For example, for calls from a mobile phone, dial:
    +372-number, where the three-digit combination after the plus sign is the code of Estonia.

    If you need to call from a cell phone to a landline, enter:
    +372-city code-number.

    For example, to call the Estonian capital, dial the following:
    +3726 is the number, where six is ​​the Tallinn code.

    Of course, it is more convenient if you have a stationary device at hand. In this case, the following entry order is used:
    810372-city code-number.

    Example with the Estonian capital:

    Having dialed eight, you need to listen to the dial tone, and only after that dial 10 - the code for accessing an international line.

    Of course, prices for international calls can be called extremely unprofitable. How to call from Russia to Estonia cheaper? Let's try to figure this out.

    We save on calls to Estonia from Russia

    The Estonian operator EMT offers quite favorable rates for calls and text messages to Russia. For example, a call to a local Russian number will cost €0.132 per minute of conversation. Fairly inexpensive prices are also available for mobile internet. The operator's tariffs apply to all numbers Russian operators, with whom EMT has contracts.

    Another great alternative to the usual ones international calls from the telephone – IP telephony. Thanks to it, a minute of conversation with a subscriber from Estonia will cost from $0.02. When a call arrives, it is redistributed between various operators. Well-known Estonian service providers: TELE2, the EMT operator mentioned above, VAS, ELISA and so on. In this case, it will be possible to connect various packages - for example, “Standard” or “Economy” (the names may be different, but the essence is the same). Instead, you can purchase a direct Estonian telephone number, which will cost from $3 monthly.

    An excellent option is to use Skype programs. If another subscriber is added to your contact list, you can send him a voice or video call, paying only the cost of traffic. If there is no person in your contact list, you can call via Skype on regular number by opening the window with the dialer. However, in the latter case, you should take into account that you will still have to pay for such calls.