• How to delete one message from Skype. Removal using Skype Chat Helper. Deleting all correspondence through settings

    We will tell you and show you how to delete correspondence on Skype without harming the operation of the operating system in our article using examples of different gadgets. Indeed, it pays to be prepared for any eventuality, so it is important to know how to cover your tracks if circumstances require it.

    What are the reasons to delete a conversation on Skype?

    Users are interested in whether it is possible to delete correspondence on Skype if there is a real need for it? Of course yes. Thanks to this operation you will be able to:

    Hide conversations I had in working hours to avoid sanctions from management;

    Just free up space in your device's memory.

    Just keep in mind that in this case the entire history is completely erased, and it is impossible to restore it without third-party programs and problems. Therefore, before deleting all correspondence on Skype, save your vital important messages so as not to worry later. Although nothing will happen to your opponent’s history of communication – everything will remain intact and safe for him. Unfortunately, this is not a two-way process.

    How to completely delete a conversation in Skype?

    Thanks to the developers - it’s possible to completely get rid of annoying dialogues and chatter even without third party applications and complex manipulations. So, how to delete messages on Skype?

    If you are tired of everything, then read about it and start from scratch.

    How to delete a Skype conversation with one person?

    Let's do this using the built-in functions of the application itself.

    Sometimes it is enough to remove only one phrase, delete a Skype message from a conversation or several, to do this:

    1. Enter the desired dialogue.
    2. Right-click on the phrase you want to delete.
    3. A drop-down menu will appear where you just need to click “Delete”.

    If you need to destroy the dialogue completely. So, let’s say you wrote to one person and you don’t want anyone who has access to your PC to see it. You will have to remove messages directly from the database, where the entire chat history is located.

    How to do this?

    For Mac OS users, everything is much simpler and more pleasant:

    1. Select a contact and hold Ctrl.
    2. You will see a menu where you need to click “Delete Conversation”.
    3. Confirm the action.

    In addition, there is another way: in the sidebar, go to “Conversations” - “Clear recent”. The conversation will disappear from the list of conversations, but the phrases will remain on your computer, so you can restore them if you wish. This is also true for Mac and Windows users (the latter should right-click on the chat, and then “Hide”). And then, read in another article.

    How to delete Skype chat history on your phone and tablet?

    The procedure is quite simple:

    1. Launch the application and select the desired contact.
    2. Press and hold it briefly to display the menu.
    3. Select the line “Remove from recent”.

    If you want to erase your entire history, then clear your messenger data. This is done like this:

    1. Go to the gadget settings.
    2. Section "Applications".
    3. Click on Skype – “Erase data”. Messages, login and password will be lost.

    There is another super-radical method - uninstallation. Then you simply download the messenger again and install it on your device. For authorization, your previous login and password will be used, but you will no longer see any communication data. Read more about that in another article.

    We hope our material was useful! Stay tuned!

    Skype has become one of the popular means of communication; it supports video or regular communication between loved ones, relatives and partners. The functionality of the system has won over a large segment of users as personal computers, so mobile devices. Sometimes people have a question about how to delete old messages on Skype in order to hide them forever.

    How to delete messages in Skype on a computer

    The reasons why there may be a need to hide old dialogues are different. This includes maintaining the privacy of communication, hiding conversations during non-working hours, and others. There are several options for how to delete a conversation on Skype. The first is clearing the entire history from the program. After this, there will be no old messages with all contacts. The second way to delete correspondence on Skype is to use third-party applications that have a more flexible configuration system. This way you can only clear the dialogue with one individual person.

    During the deletion procedure, the correspondence is completely erased, and it will not be possible to restore it using the tools of the program itself. Take this into account if important data is suddenly stored in history: create backup copy. Can be used if desired third party programs return if necessary deleted conversations. Below are options for how to delete correspondence on Skype.

    Ways to delete Skype conversations with one person

    Do you want to erase some phrases from a dialogue with a specific person? You can do this using the built-in function of Skype itself. The procedure is convenient only if you need to clear a small piece of correspondence. Instructions on how to erase communication with one interlocutor:

    1. Go to the right conversation.
    2. Right-click on the phrase to be deleted.
    3. In the drop-down menu, click on “Delete”.
    4. To hide the phrases of your interlocutor, ask him to do the same procedure with his notes.

    For all computer owners Mac system OS (products Apple), there is a slightly simpler method. How to delete an entire conversation at once on a Mac:

    1. Select a contact, hold down the “Ctrl” button.
    2. A menu will appear in which you need to click “Delete messages” / “Delete Conversation”.
    3. Confirm the action.

    For MacBook owners, you can use another method. In the sidebar, select the “Conversations” section and click on the “Clear recent” item. Confirm the action, and the dialogue will disappear from the list of conversations, but the remarks themselves will remain on the computer. If necessary, they can be restored. This method is also available for Windows owners. You need to right-click on the conversation and select “Hide”.

    Another way to delete Skype conversations with one person is to use third party utilities. The most common and proven ones are Skype chat helper and SkHistory. It is recommended that you save a backup copy of all history from your account before each use. Below is an option to erase using Skype chat helper:

    1. Download and install the application.
    2. Close Skype, run the executable file.
    3. Two fields will appear in the window. On the “Username” line, enter your login, and in “Contact” - the interlocutor.
    4. Click on “Remove chat history”, all history with this person will be deleted. A message should appear confirming this action.

    How to delete all messages on Skype at once

    Many people use their personal Skype at work to communicate. When you change your work machine (PC), move to another position, or get fired, you should know how to delete all Skype correspondence from your computer. This must be done on the same PC on which you communicated, because all dialogues are stored on it, and not in cloud service. The program itself provides for complete clearing of the history of dialogues with all contacts. The procedure for deleting a conversation on Skype is as follows:

    1. Log in to the application using your username.
    2. Click on a section top menu"Tools".
    3. Click on the “Settings” item.
    4. Select the "Chats and SMS" tab.
    5. In the list that opens after clicking, select the “Chat Settings” section.
    6. Go to the right panel, click "Open" additional settings».
    7. In the submenu that opens, find the line “Save history...”.
    8. To the right of this inscription there will be an option “Clear history”.
    9. By clicking on it, you can completely erase all communication data from Skype.

    Keep in mind that deletion occurs only on your computer; all communication records will remain saved by your interlocutor. There is no option to delete history for all parties. In the same menu, you can configure the storage features of your conversations, for example, they will be automatically cleared after two weeks or a month. You can also prevent Skype from storing your communications with other people at all by selecting “Do not save.”

    How to delete history on Skype on your phone or tablet

    Modern operating systems on smartphones, tablets support installation and using Skype, so the issue of removing dialogues from communication is also relevant for these mobile devices. The procedure is relatively simple:

    1. Launch the application, select the required contact.
    2. Press and hold it with your finger until the menu appears.
    3. Select the line “Remove from recent”.

    If you need to completely erase the history from the program, you need to clear the application data. To achieve this, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to the settings of your device (phone, tablet).
    2. Go to the "Applications" section.
    3. Find among installed ones Skype program.
    4. Click on it and select “Erase data”. Further, after this procedure, all messages, login, and password will be deleted.

    There is another option for a more radical erasing of all communications from Skype - uninstallation. You need to click “Delete” in the same section with applications and the device will completely erase all data. Remember that you can re-download the program absolutely free from the official store Google Play. You will be able to access your account using the same login/password pair, but there will no longer be information about communication in it.

    Video tutorial: how to delete messages on Skype

    It’s quite easy to delete all correspondence on Skype with one person using the messenger functionality. Correspondence is stored on Skype servers, on your computer and on the computer of your interlocutor. Only the first of the described methods allows you to delete correspondence everywhere. Other methods are more convenient, but they only delete messages on your local computer.

    How to delete all Skype conversations with one person

    If there are only a few messages, you can delete them manually. Right click on specific message and click “Delete”. In this case, the messages will be deleted from the other person as well as from the server. If there are a lot of messages, use these tips:

      Install Skype Cleaner. It can be downloaded from this.

      Launch the program and enter your nickname and the nickname of the person with whom you want to clear correspondence.

      Confirm the action.

    Attention! The data is only deleted from your computer; it remains with the other person with whom you corresponded and on the server.

  • How to delete messages on Skype, instructions with pictures
  • How to delete your browsing history - instructions with pictures
  • How to delete correspondence with those who are in your contacts?

      Select the chat you need.

      Right click on it.

      Click "Delete Chat".

      In the pop-up window, confirm that you want to delete your chat history.

    Important! Please note that it is impossible to delete correspondence for everyone at once. All video calls, messages, files from one person are deleted specific person. Files are deleted only on your computer; the data remains on the server.


    If you need to remove large number Skype correspondence, then it’s better to combine various ways. Delete important and confidential messages manually using the first method and everything else using special program or entire chats.

    Skype remains the most popular instant messenger in the world today. More than 9 million Ukrainians already use this program! If you are not yet one of them, we invite you to visit our website right now and start communicating.

    You will quickly figure out how to find and add a contact, how to call and write - the interface is simple and intuitive. But with the question of how to delete messages on Skype, small misunderstandings may arise.

    The fact is that the chat history in Skype is located on the server, and not on the local computer, as in many other messaging applications. In addition, if on VKontakte, for example, everything is obvious and simple - just check the box and click the “Delete” button, then in this case the answer to the question of how to delete correspondence on Skype does not lie on the surface. But that's not a problem, let's learn.

    It's easy to delete a sent message on Skype!

    This is a great option that not all messengers have. Thanks to it, you can cut out your own message from the correspondence even before the recipient reads it. To do this:

    1. Right-click on the message.
    2. Select " Delete».

    The message text will disappear and the message “ Post deleted", which your recipient will also see.

    Similarly, you can delete read messages in Skype. Two clicks and it's done.

    How to delete message history on Skype

    If you are interested in how to delete correspondence with a person in Skype, let us immediately note that this is possible with one important nuance. Remember, as a result of cleaning, ALL message and call history will disappear. Contacts, of course, will remain, but you will no longer be able to read any messages or find the date of the conversation. Therefore, unfortunately, it is impossible to delete a single conversation of a contact in Skype without affecting the overall history.

    If you have read the warning and still intend to completely delete your Skype chat history, follow these instructions:

    Once again we draw your attention. By following these simple steps, you can completely delete Skype conversations on your computer, without the possibility of recovery.

    How to delete a conversation on Skype (video)

    The list of manipulations is not so complicated that you panic, so just follow the tips and tricks.

    Deleting correspondence on PC

    If you don’t know how to delete Skype conversations on a tablet, then you can relax, the cleaning algorithm is identical.

    Skype is also available for Apple devices. Clearing history here is no less simple. First, download the application and wait until all contacts are loaded.

    Open the “recent” tab, where all recent chats are visible. Hold your finger on the contact whose history you want to delete.

    3 items will be displayed:

    • mark as...;
    • delete chat;
    • cancel.

    Since we are interested in deletion, we tap on the second point.

    If the desired contact is not found in the “favorites”, open the “contacts” item and look for the required subscriber.

    Among the list of commands, we are looking for the treasured “delete chat” item.

    The system will kindly ask if you confirm your actions. There is nothing left to do but agree with your own decision by clicking on “delete”.

    This way you will clear the history of one contact.

    As you can see, the cleaning procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first. Why is this being done? There can be a lot of options.

    Let's say you decide to resell your device, but don't want to do a factory reset.

    This manipulation usually leads to the removal of all applications, without exception, and also “rolls back” the system to its “out of the box” state.

    You have to re-update the OS, download software, etc. In the case of Android, you can also additionally obtain Root rights, if necessary.

    The second option is the corporate sector. Employees often use work Skype for personal purposes, and to prevent anyone from catching them in this, it is easier to clear the correspondence history.

    In particular, in companies that handle confidential data, the cleaning procedure will not be superfluous.

    It will also be useful to know a few facts.

    First, before you confirm your intentions in a deletion relationship, remember that it will be impossible to restore your history.

    Even persistent calls and emails to Skype support will not yield any results.

    How to delete correspondence in Skype (Skype) on a computer, phone and tablet?