• How to remove a plugin from firefox. Remove remnants of deleted wordpress plugins

    To work with Mozilla Firefox plugins are used - without them, the operation of some sites will simply be impossible. Individual plugins are completely unnecessary, so it is not surprising that many users ask how they can be removed. To do this, oddly enough, is not so easy.

    Let's start with the fact that in the browser you can actually find plugins that do not in any way affect the performance of Mozilla, so you can safely discard them. The manufacturer recommends simply disabling these plugins. But this is not always the way out of the situation.

    So, first of all we need to get to the “Add-ons” section. To do this, click “Tools” - “Add-ons” in the menu or simply press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+A. Here select the “Plugins” subsection.

    I have a browser on English, so don’t be surprised - in your case it will be in Russian. We find required plugin, click on its name, to the right of it select “Never enable”. That's it, the plugin is disabled. If this is not enough for you, let's try to remove it.

    Removing plugins from Firefox

    • The developers themselves state that most plugins are removed along with the removal of the main program. For example, when using proprietary utility The plugin will be removed directly from the browser. This applies to most plugins.
    • In old Mozilla versions Supports the ability to remove plugins directly from the C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins folder. Of course, if you remember to update your browser, you won’t have this option.
    • Finally, you can remove plugins using the special settings page. To do this, type about:config in the browser line and press Enter. Next, find plugin.expose_full_path and change its value to true (double-click on it). Then in the same window, find the required plugin (by name) and delete it. Restart the browser and check if it has really been deleted.

    Be that as it may, I recommend using the first method, since in the case of using the about:config settings page, one wrong move can cause the browser to crash. The creators also recommend deleting plugins in the same way.

    Plugins are independent software modules within the main program that allow you to expand its capabilities. They are widely used in browsers and now none of the modern programs for surfing the Internet can be imagined without extensions. Their choice is huge and every user finds something they need, whether it’s viewing the weather, news, exchange rates, or listening to the radio and playing checkers. In this article we will help you figure out how to enable or disable the plugin in browsers. Let's go!

    By using software modules users configure the application for comfortable use

    Let's look at working with add-ons in each of the most popular browsers.

    The whole process is quite straightforward. First of all, open the Chrome menu. To do this, click on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines. Next, select “Additional tools”, and in the list that appears, find the “Extensions” item. You will see a list of all add-ons installed in Google Chrome. Next to each of them there is an “Enabled” option and a trash can icon. To activate or deactivate the addon, check or uncheck the “Enabled” box; if you want to completely remove it, click on the trash can icon. To download new add-ons, use the Chrome Web Store. On home page store on the left you will see the “Extensions” item. By going there, you can search by name, categories, or see the ratings of the most popular ones.

    Mozilla Firefox

    Here everything happens in a similar way. Open “Tools”, then go to “General” and select “Plugins” from the list. After this, you will see a list of all modules installed in Mozilla Firefox. Under each of them there is an “Enable/Disable” button, depending on which of these modes the addon is in.


    To manage extensions in this program, open the “Tools” item located in the Opera control panel, then select “Advanced” and there click on “Plugins”. In the window that opens you will see a list of all addons. You can activate or deactivate the desired one in, which can be accessed through the “Service” menu. Next to each program there will be a button with which you can control it.


    For those who use Yandex.Browser, the algorithm of actions is as follows. First you need to open the panel quick access, in the list that opens, select “Extensions”. After this, you will be taken to a page where there is a complete list of all installed add-ons. By moving the special slider located next to

    Mozilla Firefox is distinguished by flexible configuration, speed and adaptability to specific user needs, which allows you to get maximum comfort when working with the correct settings.

    However, there are nuances that seriously affect the bottom line, since over the years, developers have released thousands of add-ons that can even load this fast browser, and required urgently turn off unnecessary. How to remove from Mozilla Firefox, read below

    First of all, they are different, so it’s worth deciding what exactly you don’t like and needs to be eliminated. There are three types of add-ons:

    • Extensions. Here special add-ons are installed that increase the capabilities of the browser itself and simplify its use. An example is an ad blocker Adblock Plus or various variations VK-saver, allowing you to download music from a popular social network to your hard drive.
    • Plugins. These are, as a rule, programs that are downloaded to a computer and then integrated into the interface and operation of Mozilla. One of the most popular - Adobe Flash Player, which provided support for games in all environments.
    • Topics. Just a visual design that helps reflect your inner world.

    How to remove unnecessary stuff from Firefox

    The deletion system depends on what you are deleting. and topics are deleted like this:

    Many people know how to remove add-ons from Firefox. Since plugins are usually installed separately from the browser, but are only integrated into the environment, the uninstallation procedure occurs independently, by Windows or Linux, depending on what you use. As a rule, an uninstallation utility is included in the kit; we also clean the registry to remove all traces

    Before demolishing completely, you need to disable the extension. For this purpose, select “ Plugins" in the menu and click the option " Never turn on" This way you can check whether the normal functionality of the site will not be disrupted without it.

    Problematic add-ons

    Very often the need removing add-ons occurs due to the fact that compatibility is broken, outdated software and technical solutions, FF work is loaded beyond measure.

    Therefore Mozilla Firefox makes a decision disconnect them from the system

    Problems also begin when the extension itself violates someone’s rights, which happens quite often. All developers applying to be added to the catalog of approved programs and add-ons are presented with a strict requirement - to make their services based on technology WebExtensions API.

    You can also download new extensions customized for specific tasks using modern technologies.

    Part of creating a WordPress site is installing plugins that allow you to extend the functionality of the platform. Many novice users, due to their inexperience and ignorance, install large number various plugins. But over time, they begin to understand that this or that module becomes redundant or simply unnecessary. As a result, you have to disable them or remove them, but it is important to do this correctly so that no remains are left behind.

    In this article we will look at useful tips and ways correct removal plugin on the WordPress website. You don’t have to do anything supernatural; moreover, this standard method, which is used in almost all deletions. So to speak, a complete cleanup and search for the remaining tails.

    Why you should remove plugins on WordPress

    The plugin is similar to a desktop application. During its installation, some additional folders, embedding your files into the system, changing existing files, etc. And this naturally affects the operation of the platform itself. Even if you simply disable it rather than delete it, you will still be left with remnants of the plugin.

    In addition, this creates additional weight, including backup site.

    Difference between deactivating and uninstalling a plugin

    Deactivation is acceptable in cases where you only want to disable the plugin temporarily, and not completely get rid of it. In this mode, it is still active, since its created folders and other details remain, as if on hold. AND main reason Removing a plugin if it is not needed should serve the security of your resource. If the plugin has a vulnerability, then deactivating it will not help. Because it can still be used to run malicious codes.

    Uninstallation is not just removal, but a complete cleanup after using the module. This will help keep your database clean and eliminate unnecessary doubts and worries. You should not be rash about this; in any work, various little things and details are important.

    Removing a plugin from WordPress

    Removing a plugin on WordPress is quite easy and hassle-free, with exceptions. In the site control panel, you need to go to the “Plugins” section. Here are all the extensions you use. Under each plugin there are links “Deactivate, change” - in the case of an activated module. First, click “Deactivate”, after which a link will appear, highlighted in red. “Delete” - click on it. Will open new page where we are notified that we are going to delete this or that plugin, we confirm by clicking on the “Yes, delete these files and data” button.

    This action will successfully remove the plugin.

    Removing remains of a plugin

    For some plugins standard deletion does not work properly. Usually these are from the categories: galleries, backup, sliders; after uninstalling them, you can find the remains in the form of folders. You will have to manually get rid of them by connecting to the site via an FTP client. Then go to the wp-content/ directory and delete those folders that were created by the plugin, for example, gallery, codeguard_backups.

    Removing unused shortcodes

    Many plugins use shortcodes to make embedding some content easier. When you remove a plugin, the shortcodes used from it become plain text. If there are a large number of such shortcodes, then manual removal will turn into routine work. It would be easier to add one line of code to the functions.php file:

    Add_shortcode("pluginshortcode", "__return_false");

    Instead of pluginshortcode, enter the name of the short code to be removed.

    WordPress Database Cleanup

    The last action in the search for tails was sent to the base WordPress data. There are plugins that create not only folders in directories, but also their own tables in the database. You will also have to manually get rid of them; you need to do this very carefully so as not to remove anything unnecessary. It's best to have a backup of your site in case you make a mistake.

    Go to your cPanel hosting control panel, in the “Database” section, click on the phpMyAdmin web application. Select your database from the list on the left, all available tables will open. It is necessary to tick the tables to delete, select “Delete” from the drop-down list below, and then confirm the deletion.

    Unlike the latter, it has more functionality, more extensions and, which is quite important, can check spelling. It also has some protection, although, of course, this should be done by an antivirus with a firewall.

    It should be noted that the browser is cross-platform and can work not only on Windows. Many necessary ones have long been ported to others operating systems, which the browser can work with. Thus, the already mentioned spell check can be performed not only on Windows, but also on Linux.

    Having learned about the possibility of extensions for the browser, inexperienced users can sometimes install so many plugins that it really starts to slow down or freeze. This raises the question of how to remove a plugin from Firefox. You don’t have to delete it, you can simply disable it—an inactive plugin won’t create any problems, but later the question will still pop up. And what to disable, what to delete - all this is done from one window. Below we will look at the removal options, but first you should understand where and how you can find plugins.

    Installing the plugin

    "Ognelis", as some users call it, has its own huge database of plugins, where you can choose an extension to suit every taste, color and opportunity. For example, to check spelling you need a dictionary plugin. There are several versions of these dictionaries in the database, from basic to advanced. The fact that the browser has a Russian interface is also achieved by the plugin (originally “Ognelis” was English-language).

    For example, this is what the Russification process looks like portable version or an erroneously downloaded English one.

    Against the required version Click on the “Russification” button (highlighted with a square) and on the “Install” offer - we agree. Then we restart the browser. The rest of the extensions from the base are installed in the same way.

    Sometimes “Install in Firefox” buttons appear on third-party sites. Most often this is some kind of extension for working with this site. It is up to the user to decide whether to install it or not. Installing this option is no different from installing from the database.

    Download music, video

    At a separate level there are plugins that allow you to download music or video from popular media hosting sites and social networks. Some allow you to download only from VKontakte, some from other resources. For example, the VKontakte plugin for Firefox allows you to download photos, music or videos from groups and pages of the VK network. At the same time, there are plugins that allow you to send a link to a site to your wall, VK, My World and several other networks.

    If the question is only about downloading, you can look towards the plugin from popular service- "SaveFrom.net". In principle, the service allows you to work without a plugin - the search bar is right on the site, but using the SaveFrom.net plugin greatly simplifies downloading various media content. For pages of audio and video recordings on VKontakte, it offers a “Download” button directly on the recording, but it understands not only “VK” - the current list of supported sites can be viewed on the main page of the service, and here we will mention that among its functions there is the ability to download videos from YouTube.

    A green “Download” button appears on the video page. Clicking on the button offers several formats from which you can choose the desired one. Note that the plugin for Firefox browser, as for others, is not in the above-mentioned database - it is installed from the network or from the service website.

    Setting up plugins

    Basic actions with plugins, including removal, are performed from a special window. The window moves from version to version, but regardless of the installed “firefox” it is located in the “Tools” - “Add-ons” menu. There are several menu sections on the left, but we are interested in the most top line on the right side of the window. A magnifying glass, a search field to the left of it, and even further to the left an icon in the form of a gear - a drop-down list. There is a check hidden in this list Firefox plugins for new versions.

    There are few settings, but these are common to everyone. Let's translate into Russian. Top down. “Check for updates” gives you the opportunity to quickly find updates and, if there are any, install them. The second item can show what was last updated and when. Most often useless. The next item is separated by a line; if you have reset your browser, you may have saved updates somewhere on your disk; you can install them using this button. The two items below control the update. The second one from the bottom is usually turned on, and Firefox, having learned about the updates, will immediately install them, and the last thing you turn on is automation - the browser updates all plugins without asking you. If for some reason you do not want automatic update- for this there is a second point from the bottom. By clicking on it, we will reset the checkbox, further updating will be at the user’s command.


    In the same add-ons window, the question of how to remove a plugin from Firefox is also resolved. Let's go to desired menu, select the extension or plugin, then click the “Delete” button, which will appear in the highlighted line. In case of some difficulties, you can act in several stages. First stop, then delete. Sometimes the program will need to be restarted between these steps.


    The main aspects have been discussed, but one of the features for which users love the Firefox is the ability to quickly unfold it into its usual form. Let's imagine a situation - reinstalling the OS. After new installation The installation of programs begins, then each program must be configured in a form familiar to the user. Developers from Mozilla have created an application that will allow you to return installed browser familiar look. Moreover, even if you downloaded the assembly, you don’t have to think about how to remove the plugin from Firefox, this extension will do everything. All you need is to install it before reshuffling, save your settings for applications, bookmarks, browsing history and even

    After installing Firefox on new system you need to install this application again, your usual applications and restore their settings. The app is called FEBE. At first you need to understand the settings a little, but after several experiments, working with the plugin will not be difficult even for a first-grader.

    Let's look at a situation where, after installing a crooked plugin or a software glitch, the browser stops starting. IN in this case It doesn’t matter anymore how to remove a plugin from Firefox. It is more important to restore the functionality of the entire program. For such cases there are third party services, for example Mozbackup. According to the developers, this program Works not only with Firefox, the entire line of Mozilla programs is supported.

    The program can “pull” everything you need from a non-working browser - bookmarks, cache, history and, among other things, “customized” extensions. The program works simply, at first you will be asked what you want to do - “Save” or “Restore”. Then in a new window there will be a selection of components that the program can process.

    The selection is impressive - from basic settings to the download list. Select what you need and, depending on what you selected earlier, restore or save. A version with a Russian interface is also available online.


    Some users are wondering about Firefox. After all, the program hid this feature from the main settings. The update works by default in automatic mode, but rebuild this function, manually check, add or remove plugins - all this now happens from one window.